Sloka & Translation

[Rama and Lakshmana see the wounded Jatayu with wings clipped.]

पूर्वजोऽप्युक्तमात्रस्तु लक्ष्मणेन सुभाषितम्।

सारग्राही महासारं प्रतिजग्राह राघवः।।3.67.1।।

सारग्राही who can grasp the essence, राघवः Rama, पूर्वज अपि being elder, लक्ष्मणेन by Lakshmana, उक्तमात्रः तु only when told by, महासारम् the great essence, सुभाषितम् wise counsel, प्रतिजग्राह accepted.

Even though Rama was elder, he could grasp the quintessence of the wise counsel only after Lakshmana had said it.
सन्निगृह्य महाबाहुः प्रवृत्तं कोपमात्मनः।

अवष्टभ्य धनुश्चित्रं रामो लक्ष्मणमब्रवीत्।।3.67.2।।

महाबाहुः longarmed, रामः Rama, प्रवृत्तम् risen, आत्मनः his own, कोपम् anger, सन्निगृह्य after restraining, चित्रम् wonderful, धनुः bow, अवष्टभ्य leaning over, लक्ष्मणम् to Lakshmana, अब्रवीत् said.

Restraining his anger, the longarmed Rama leaned over his wonderful bow and spoke to Lakshmana:
किं करिष्यावहे वत्स क्व वा गच्छाव लक्ष्मण।

केनोपायेन गच्छेयं सीतामिति विचिन्तय।।3.67.3।।

वत्स O child, लक्ष्मण Lakshmana, किम् what, करिष्यावहे shall we do, क्व वा where do we, गच्छाव will go, सीताम् Sita, केन उपायेन by what means, गच्छेयम् may I reach, इति this, विचिन्तय think.

O dear Lakshmana, what shall we do? Where do we go ? Think of some means by which we can reach Sita.
तं तथा परितापार्तं लक्ष्मणो राममब्रवीत्।

इदमेव जनस्थानं त्वमन्वेषितुमर्हसि।।3.67.4।।

राक्षसैर्बहुभिः कीर्णं नानाद्रुमलतायुतम्।

तथा so, परितापार्तम् afflicted with grief, तं रामम् that Rama, लक्ष्मणः Lakshman, अब्रवीत् said, त्वम् you, बहुभिः many, राक्षसैः by demons, कीर्णम् full of, नानाद्रुमलतायुतम् covered with different trees and creepers, इमम् this, जनस्थानमेव Janasthna alone, अन्वेषितुम् to search, अर्हसि you should.

Lakshmana said to Rama, afflicted with grief, It is proper for you to (first) search in this Janasthana, covered with different kinds of trees and creepers, and teeming with demons.
सन्तीह गिरिदुर्गाणि निर्दराः कन्दराणि च।।3.67.5।।

गुहाश्च विविधा घोरा नानामृगगणाकुलाः।

आवासाः किन्नराणां च गन्धर्वभवनानि च।।3.67.6।।

इह here, गिरिदुर्गाणि difficult mountains, निर्दराः valleys, कन्दराणि च and caves, विविधाः many, घोराः terrific, नानामृगगणाकुलाः inhabited by different animals, गुहाश्च caverns, किन्नराणाम् of kinneras, आवासाः dwellingplaces, गन्धर्वभवनानि च mansions of gandharvas, सन्ति are.

Here are difficult mountains, caves, valleys, dreadful caves full of different animals, dwellingplaces of kinneras and mansions of gandharvas.
तानि युक्तो मया सार्धं त्वमन्वेषितुमर्हसि।

त्वद्विधा बुद्धिसम्पन्ना महात्मानो नरर्षभ।।3.67.7।।

आपत्सु न प्रकम्पन्ते वायुवेगैरिवाचलाः।

त्वम् you, युक्तः accompanied, मया सार्धम् along with me, तानि those, अन्वेषितुम् to search, अर्हसि it is proper for you, नरर्षभ: great men, बुद्धिसम्पन्नाः endowed with wisdom, त्वद्धिधाः of your type, महात्मानः great people, वायुवेगैः speed of wind, अचलाः इव like mountains, न प्रकम्पन्ते are not shaken.

Accompanied by me you should search for her in those spots. Great people endowed with wisdom do not destabilise in difficulties just as mountains are not shaken by the speed of the wind.
इत्युक्तस्तद्वनं सर्वं विचचार सलक्ष्मणः।।3.67.8।।

क्रुद्धो रामश्शरं घोरं सन्धाय धनुषि क्षुरम्।

क्रुद्धः becoming angry, रामः Rama, इति thus, उक्तः having been told, सलक्ष्मणः along with Lakskhmana , धनुषि in bow, घोरम् terrific, क्षुरं शरम् sharp arrows, सन्धाय fixing, सर्वम् all, तत् वनम् that forest, विचचार roamed.

Thus advised, the angry Rama fixed a sharp arrow to his bow and roamed in the forest accompanied by Lakshmana.
ततः पर्वतकूटाभं महाभागं द्विजोत्तमम्।।3.67.9।।

ददर्श पतितं भूमौ क्षतजार्द्रं जटायुषम्।

ततः then, पर्वतकूटाभम् like a mountain top, महाभागम् great, द्विजोत्तमम् a wonderful bird, भूमौ on the ground, पतितम् fallen down, क्षतजार्द्रम् drenched with blood, जटायुषम् Jatayu, ददर्श saw.

Then he saw the great Jatayu, a wonderful bird, looking like a mountain top, drenched in blood and fallen on the ground.
तं दृष्ट्वा गिरिशृङ्गाभं रामो लक्ष्मणमब्रवीत्।।3.67.10।।

अनेन सीता वैदेही भक्षिता नात्र संशयः।

गिरिशृङ्गाभम् like a peak of the mountain, तम् him, दृष्ट्वा after seeing, रामः Rama, लक्ष्मणम् to Lakshmana, अब्रवीत् said, अनेन by him, वैदेही Vaidehi, सीता Sita, भक्षिता is eaten, अत्र in this case, संशयः doubt, न no.

On seeing Jatayu looking like the peak of a mountain, Rama said to Lakshmana, There is no doubt that this bird has devoured Vaidehi.
गृध्ररूपमिदं रक्षो व्यक्तं भवति कानने।।3.67.11।।

भक्षयित्वा विशालाक्षीमास्ते सीतां यथासुखम्।

एनं वधिष्ये दीप्तास्यैर्घोरैर्बाणैरजिह्मगैः।।3.67.12।।

इदम् this, रक्षः demon, गृध्ररूपम् in the guise of a vulture, कानने in the forest, भवति is, व्यक्तम् it is clear, विशालाक्षीम् largeeyed lady, सीताम् Sita, भक्षयित्वा after eating away, यथासुखम् happily, आस्ते relaxing, दीप्तास्यैः glowing tipped, घोरैः terrific, अजिह्मगैः by those which can go straight, बाणैः by darts, एनम् him, वधिष्ये l will kill.

This demon in the guise of a vulture has evidently eaten away the largeeyed Sita and is happily relaxing in the forest. With my terrific arrows with burning tips that can go straight I will kill him.
इत्युक्त्वाभ्यपतद्गृध्रं सन्धाय धनुषि क्षुरम्।

क्रुद्धो रामस्समुद्रान्तां कम्पयन्निव मेदिनीम्।।3.67.13।।

रामः Rama, इति thus, उक्त्वा saying so, क्रुद्धः in anger, धनुषि on the bow, क्षुरम् sharp arrow, सन्धाय after fixing, समुद्रान्ताम् extending up to the sea, मेदिनीम् the earth, कम्पयन्निव as though shaking, गृध्रम् vulture, अभ्यपतत् fell upon.

Having siad so, Rama took his bow, fixed the sharp arrow, and aimed at the vulture. The seabound earth trembled.
तं दीनं दीनया वाचा सफेनं रुधिरं वमन्।

अभ्यभाषत पक्षी तु रामं दशरथात्मजम्।।3.67.14।।

पक्षी तु but the bird, सफेनम् foamy, रुधिरम् blood, वमन् vomitting, दीनम् in a piteous way, तं him, दशरथात्मजम् Dasaratha's son, रामम् Rama, दीनया pathetic, वाचा with word, अभ्यभाषत spoke these words.

But the vulture who was in a piteous state, vomitting foamy blood, spoke these words pathetically to Rama, son of Dasaratha:
यामोषधिमिवायुष्मन्नन्वेषसि महावने।

सा देवी मम च प्राणा रावणेनोभयं हृतम्।।3.67.15।।

आयुष्मन् longlived one, याम् whom, महावने in this great forest, ओषधिमिव like herbal medicine, अन्वेषसि you are searching , सा देवी that queen, मम my, प्राणाः च life also, उभयम् both, रावणेन by Ravana, हृतम् is taken away.

O Longlived one she who you are searching in the forest like herbal medicine has been carried away by Ravana along with my life.
त्वया विरहिता देवी लक्ष्मणेन च राघव।

ह्रियमाणा मया दृष्टा रावणेन बलीयसा।।3.67.16।।

राघव Rama, त्वया by you, लक्ष्मणेन च and by Lakshmana, विरहिता separated, देवी qeeen, बलीयसा by the powerful, रावणेन by Ravana, ह्रियमाणा taken away, मया I have, दृष्टा seen.

I have seen her snatched from you and from Lakshmana and carried off by powerful Ravana.
सीतामभ्यवपन्नोऽहं रावणश्च रणे मया।

विध्वंसितरथश्चात्र पातितो धरणीतले।।3.67.17।।

अहम् I, सीताम् Sita, अभ्यवपन्नः descended down, मया by me, रावणश्च Ravana, विध्वंसितरथः with his chariot destroyed, अत्र in this place, धरणीतले on this ground, पातितः I fell down.

I descended down to protect Sita, and in the battle with Ravana his chariot destroyed fell down here on the ground.
एतदस्य धनुर्भग्नमेतदस्य शरावरम्।

अयमस्य रथो राम भग्नसाङ्ग्रामिको मया।।3.67.18।।

राम Rama, एतत् this, अस्य his, भग्नम् broken, धनुः bow, एतत् this, अस्य his, शरावरम् quiver, अयम् this, मया by me, भग्नः shattered, अस्य his, साङ्ग्रामिकः battle, रथः chariot.

O Rama this is his broken bow, this is his quiver and this is his warchariot all devastated by me.
अयं तु सारथिस्तस्य मत्पक्षनिहतो युधि।

परिश्रान्तस्य मे पक्षौ छित्त्वा खड्गेन रावणः।।3.67.19।।

सीतामादाय वैदेहीमुत्पपात विहायसम्।

रक्षसा निहतं पूर्वं न मां हन्तुं त्वमर्हसि।।3.67.20।।

अयं तु he is, युधि in the battle, मत्पक्षनिहतः killed by my wings, तस्य सारथिः his charioteer, रावणः Ravana, परिश्रान्तस्य an exhausted one, मे my, पक्षौ both wings, खड्गेन with a sword, छित्त्वा having cut, वैदेहीम् Vaidehi, सीताम् Sita, आदाय after taking, विहायसम् into the sky, उत्पपात flew up, रक्षसा by Ravana, पूर्वम् earlier, निहतम् slain, माम् me, त्वम् you, हन्तुम् to kill, नार्हसि not proper.

He is Ravana's charioteer slain by my wings in the battle. As I was exhausted in the encounter Ravana clipped my wings, took Sita, and flew into the sky. You need not kill me. I am already slain by the demon.
रामस्तस्य तु विज्ञाय बाष्पपूर्णमुखस्तदा।

द्विगुणीकृततापार्तस्सीतासक्तां प्रियां कथाम्।।3.67.21।।

तदा then, रामः Rama, तस्य his, सीतासक्ताम् about Sita, प्रियाम् dear, कथाम् facts, विज्ञाय having, बाष्पपूर्णमुखः face full of tears, द्विगुणीकृततापार्तः helpless and pitiable due to redoubled sorrow.

Having known from Jatayu the story of his beloved Sita, Rama was full of tears, his grief redoubled.
गृध्रराजं परिष्वज्य परित्यज्य महद्धनुः।

निपपातावशो भूमौ रुरोद सहलक्ष्मणः।।3.67.22।।

महत् great, धनुः bow, परित्यज्य giving up, गृध्रराजम् king of birds, परिष्वज्य embracing, अवशः despondent, भूमौ on the ground, निपपात fell down, सहलक्ष्मणः along with Lakshmana, रुरोद cried.

Rama dropped the bow and embraced the king of birds. He fell down despondent on the ground and began crying along with Lakshmana.
एकमेकायने दुर्गे निश्श्वसन्तं कथञ्चन।

समीक्ष्य दुःखिततरो रामस्सौमित्रिमब्रवीत्।।3.67.23।।

दुर्गे in a place difficult to reach, एकायने in a solitary place, एकम् lonely, कथञ्चन with great difficulty, निश्श्वसन्तम् sighing, समीक्ष्य on observing, रामः Rama, दुःखिततरः overcome by greater grief, सौमित्रिम् Saumitri, अब्रवीत् said.

Rama saw Jatayu breathing with difficulty in that solitary, inaccessible place.Overcome by greater grief he said to Lakshmana:
राज्यं भ्रष्टं वने वासस्सीता नष्टा हतो द्विजः।

ईदृशीयं ममालक्ष्मीर्निर्दहेदपि पावकम्।।3.67.24।।

राज्यम् kingdom, भ्रष्टम् expelled, वने forest, वासः dwelling, सीता Sita, नष्टा lost, द्विजः Jatayu, हतः is slain, मम me, ईदृशी this kind of, अलक्ष्मीः bad luck, पावकमपि even fire, निर्दहेत् it will burn.

I have been expelled from the kingdom. I am made to stay in the forest. I have lost Sita (my beloved wife). This bird (who was my wellwisher) has been slain. Such misfortune will burn even fire.
सम्पूर्णमपि चेदद्य प्रविशेयं महोदधिम्।

सोऽपि नूनं ममालक्ष्म्या विशुष्येत्सरितांपतिः।।3.67.25।।

अद्य now, सम्पूर्णम् full, महोदधिम् अपि even the great sea also, प्रविशेयं चेत् if I enter, सः that, सरितां पतिः अपि even the lord of rivers, sea, मम me, अलक्ष्मा misfortune, विशुष्येत् will dry up.

Now if I enter even the great sea, the lord of the rivers filled with water, it will also dry up due to my misfortune.
नास्त्यभाग्यतरो लोके मत्तोऽस्मिन्सचराचरे।

येनेयं महती प्राप्ता मया व्यसनवागुरा।।3.67.26।।

येन मया by me this way, इयम् this kind, महती great, व्यसनवागुरा snare of misfortunes, प्राप्ता attained, मत्तः more than me, अभाग्यतरः more unlucky, सचराचरे among animate and inanimate, अस्मिन् in this, लोके world, नास्ति not there.

In this world of the animate and the inanimate there is no one more unfortunate than me fallen into the trap of adversities.
अयं पितृवयस्यो मे गृध्रराजो जरान्वितः।

शेते विनिहतो भूमौ मम भाग्यविपर्ययात्।।3.67.27।।

मे my, पितृवयस्यः father's friend, जरान्वितः in old age, अयम् he is, गृध्रराजः king of birds, मम of me, भाग्यविपर्ययात् by my misfortune, विनिहतः was slain, भूमौ ground, शेते lying.

This aged king of birds is my father's friend. To my illluck, he is struck down and is lying on the ground.
इत्येवमुक्त्वा बहुशो राघवस्सहलक्ष्मणः।

जटायुषं च पस्पर्श पितृस्नेहं विदर्शयन्।।3.67.28।।

राघवः Rama, इत्येवम् in this manner, बहुशः many times, उक्त्वा after telling, सहलक्ष्मणः along with Lakshmana, पितृस्नेहम् filiat affection, विदर्शयन् showing, जटायुषम् Jatayu, पस्पर्श caressed.

Saying such words and showing filial affection, he caressed Jatayu repeatedly with Lakshmana.
निकृत्तपक्षं रुधिरावसिक्तं स गृध्रराजं परिरभ्य रामः।

क्व मैथिली प्राणसमा ममेति विमुच्य वाचं निपपात भूमौ।।3.67.29।।

सः रामः that Rama, निकृत्तपक्षम् severed wings, रुधिरावसिक्तम् drenched in blood, गृध्रराजम् king of vultures, परिरभ्य hugging, मम my, प्राणसमा equal to my life, मैथिली Maithili, क्व where, इति this, वाचम् speaking, विमुच्य भूमौ leaving the ground, निपपात fell down.

Rama hugged the king of vultures with servered wings, drenched in blood and asking him where Sita who was as dear to him as his life was, he dropped him and fell down on the ground.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये अरण्यकाण्डे सप्तषष्टितमस्सर्गः।।
Thus ends the sixtyseventh sarga of Aranyakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.