Sloka & Translation

[Rama takes leave of Sutikshna]

रामस्तु सहसौमित्रिस्सुतीक्ष्णेनाभिपूजितः।

परिणाम्य निशां तत्र प्रभाते प्रत्यबुध्यत।।3.8.1।।

सहसौमित्रिः accompanied by Lakshmana, रामस्तु Rama too, सुतीक्ष्णेन by Sutikshna, अभिपूजितः worshipped by, तत्र there, निशाम् night, परिणाम्य having spent, प्रभाते early in the morning, प्रत्यबुध्यत again got up.

Rama, worshipped by Sutikshna and accompanied by Lakshmana, spent the night at the hermitage, and got up early in the morning.
उत्थाय तु यथाकालं राघवस्सहसीतया।

उपस्पृश्यसुशितेन जलेनोत्पलगन्धिना।।3.8.2।।

राघवः Rama, सहसीतया along with Sita, यथाकालम् at proper time, उत्थाय च getting up, सुशीतेन with cold water, उत्पलगन्धिना fragrant like lilies or fragrant with lilies, जलेन with water, उपास्पृशत् took bath

In the morning Rama and Sita got up in time and took bath in cool, lilyfragrant water.
अथ तेऽग्निं सुरांश्चैव वैदेही रामलक्ष्मणौ।

काल्यं विधिवदभ्यर्च्य तपस्विशरणे वने।।3.8.3।।

उदयन्तं दिनकरं दृष्ट्वा विगतकल्मषाः।

सुतीक्ष्णभिगम्येदं श्लक्ष्णं वचनमब्रुवन्।।3.8.4।।

अथ then, वैदेही Sita, रामलक्ष्मणौ Rama and Lakshmana, ते they, काल्यम् work fit for that
time, अग्निम् fire, सुरांश्चैव the gods, तपस्विशरणे refuge of ascetics, वने forest, विधिवत् as per tradition, अभ्यर्च्य worshipped, उदयन्तम् rising, दिनकरम् Sun, दृष्ट्वा seeing, विगतकल्मषाः devoid of all sins, सुतीक्ष्णम् Sutikshna, अभिगम्य went towards, श्लक्ष्णम् good, इदम् these, वचनम् words, अब्रुवन् spoke.

And as per routine, sinless Sita, Rama and Lakshmana offered prayers to the fire and other gods of the forest which was the refuge of the ascetics. Seeing the rising Sun, they worshipped him, and approaching Sutikshna, said these soothing words:
सुखोषितास्स्मभगवंस्त्वया पूज्येन पूजिताः।

आपृच्छामः प्रयास्यामो मुनयस्त्वरयन्ति नः।।3.8.5।।

भगवन् O revered Sutikshna, पूज्येन worshipworthy by you, त्वया by you, पूजिताः received, सुखोषिताः stayed comfortably, स्मः were, आपृच्छामः we bid you farewell, प्रयास्यामः we will go, मुनयः sages, नः us, त्वरयन्ति are hastening.

O revered Sutikshna received by one so worshipworthy like you, we spent the night well. We (now)take leave of you. The sages are hastening us.
त्वरामहे वयं द्रष्टुं कृत्स्नमाश्रममण्डलम्।

ऋषीणां पुण्यशीलानां दण्डकारण्यवासिनाम्।।3.8.6।।

वयम् we, पुण्यशीलानाम् of holy men, दण्डकारण्यवासिनाम् of those residing in Dandakaranya, ऋषीणाम् of sages, कृत्स्नम् the entire, आश्रममण्डलम् circle of hermitages, द्रष्टुम् to see, त्वरामहे we are making haste.

We wish to see the entire circle of hermitages of the sages, residing in Dandaka forest. So we are in a hurry.

धर्मनित्यैस्तपोदान्तैर्विशिखैरिव पावकैः।।3.8.7।।

धर्मनित्यैः ever engaged in nighteousness तपोदान्तैः selfcontrolled by penance, विशिखैः without flames, पावकैरिव like fire, एभिः by these, मुनिपुङ्गवैः great sages, अभ्यनुज्ञातुम् to be granted इच्छामः desire.

We seek your permission to go with the great sages, who are ever engaged in righteousness, selfcontrolled by virtue of their penance, and are like flameless fire.
अविषह्यातपो यावत्सूर्यो नातिविराजते।

अमार्गेणागतां लक्ष्मीं प्राप्येवान्वयवर्जितः।।3.8.8।।

तावदिच्छामहे गन्तुमित्युक्त्वा चरणौ मुनेः।

ववन्दे सहसौमित्रिस्सीतया सह राघवः।। 3.8.9।।

अन्वयवर्जितः without good lineage अमार्गेण by unlawful ways, आगताम् earned, लक्ष्मीम् prosperity, प्राप्येव after getting, सूर्यः Sun, यावत् before, अविषह्यातप: with unbearable heat (of the Sun), नातिविराजते before he comes out with blazing heat, तावत् before that, गन्तुम् to go, इच्छामहे we desire, इति thus, उक्त्वा having said, सीतया सह along with Sita, सहसौमित्रिः with Lakshmana, रामः Rama, मुनेः sage's, चरणौ feet, ववन्दे worshipped.

We wish to depart before the Sun grows unbearably hot like the man devoid of good lineage who acquires wealth through unlawful means (becomes arrogant). Thereafter Rama along with Sita and Lakshmana offered worship at the feet of the venerable sage.
तौ संस्पृशन्तौ चरणावुत्थाप्य मुनिपुङ्गवः।

गाढमालिङ्ग्य सस्नेहमिदं वचनमब्रवीत्।।3.8.10।।

मुनिपुङ्गव: best of the sages, चरणौ feet, संस्पृशन्तौ while touching, तौ both of them, उत्थाप्य after lifting them up, गाढम् tightly, आलिङ्य hugged, सस्नेहम् lovingly, इदम् these, वचनम् words, अब्रवीत् said.

When both Rama and Lakshmana touched the feet of Sutikshna, the best of the sages, he lifted them up, hugged them tightly, and said affectionately:
अरिष्टं गच्छ पन्थानं राम सौमित्रिणा सह।

सीतया चानया सार्धं छाययेवानुवृत्तया।।3.8.11।।

राम Rama, सौमित्रिणा सह with Lakshmana, छाययेव like a shadow, अनुवृत्तया following, अनया सार्धं च with her, अरिष्टम् safe, पन्थानम् on the path, गच्छ you may go.

You may safely tread, O Rama, this path along with Lakshmana and Sita who is following you like a shadow.
पश्याश्रमपदं रम्यं दण्डकारण्यवासिनाम्।

एषां तपस्विनां वीर तपसा भावितात्मनाम्।।3.8.12।।

वीर O warrior, दण्डकारण्यवासिनाम् of these residing in Dandaka forest, तपसा with penance, भावितात्मनाम् of those selfrealised souls, एषाम् of these, तपस्विनाम् sages, रम्यम् delightful, आश्रमपदम् location of hermitage, पश्य see.

O valient Rama the sages, living in the Dandaka forest, are self realised souls. See how delightful is the location of their hermitages.
सप्राज्यफलमूलानि पुष्पितानि वनानि च।

प्रशस्तमृगयूथानि शान्तपक्षिगणानि च।। 3.8.13।।

फुल्लपङ्कजषण्डानि प्रसन्नसलिलानि च।

कारण्डवविकीर्णानि तटाकानि सरांसि च।।3.8.14।।

द्रक्ष्यसे दृष्टिरम्याणि गिरिप्रस्रवणानि च।

रमणीयान्यरण्यानि मयूराभिरुतानि च।।3.8.15।।

सुप्राज्यफलमूलानि places with abundant fruits and roots, पुष्पितानि with flowers in full bloom, प्रशस्तमृगयूथानि full of herds of animals, शान्तपक्षिगणानि च with flocks of quiet birds, वनानि च forest areas, फुल्लपङ्कजषण्डानि with fully blossomed lotuses, प्रसन्नसलिलानि च having clear waters, कारण्डवविकीर्णानि filled with waterducks, तटाकानि tanks, सरांसि च and lakes, दृष्टिरम्याणि delightful to look at, गिरिप्रस्रवणानि च waterfalls coming down the hills, मयूराभिरुतानि filled with sounds of peacocks, रमणीयानि beautiful, अरण्यानि forests , द्रक्ष्यसे you will see.

You will see the beautiful forestareas with abundant fruits and roots, flowers in full bloom, herds of animals, flocks of quiet birds tanks and lakes filled with clean waters and shining with fully blossomed lotuses, resounding with waterducks and peacocks and waterfalls coming down the hills. Thus you will enjoy a delightful sylvan sight.
गम्यतां वत्स सौमित्रे भवानपि च गच्छतु।

आगन्तव्यं च ते दृष्ट्वा पुनरेवाश्रमं मम।।3.8.16।।

वत्स O dear child, गम्यताम् you may go, सौमित्रे O Lakshmana, भवानपि च you also, गच्छतु may go, दृष्ट्वा after seeing, पुनरेव again, आश्रमं to hermitage, मम my, ते for you, आगन्तव्यम् you have to come here.

O dear Rama, O Lakshmana you may leave (now), you may have to come back to this hermitage after seeing those places.
एवमुक्तस्तथेत्युक्त्वा काकुत्स्थस्सहलक्ष्मणः।

प्रदक्षिणं मुनिं कृत्वा प्रस्थातुमुपचक्रमे।।3.8.17।।

एवम् that way, उक्तः having been told, काकुत्स्थ: Rama, सहलक्ष्मणः along with Lakshmana, तथेति let it be, उक्त्वा having said this, मुनिम् to the sage, प्रदक्षिणं कृत्वा circumambulated( the sage as a mark of reverence), प्रस्थातुम् to set out, उपचक्रमे started.

Thus addressed, Rama, scion of the Kakutsthas along with Lakshmana circumambulated the sage (in reverence) and set forth.
ततश्शुभतरे तूणी धनुषी चायतेक्षणा।

ददौ सीता तयोर्भ्रात्रोः खङ्गौ च विमलौ ततः।।3.8.18।।

ततः thereafter, आयतेक्षणा largeeyed lady, सीता Sita, तयोः to them, भ्रात्रोः two brothers, शुभतरे auspicious, तूणी quivers, धनुषी च bows and, ततः then, विमलौ two excellent, खङ्गौ च swords, ददौ gave.

Thereafter largeeyed Sita handed the brothers two quivers, two bows as well as two excellent swords.
आबध्य च शुभे तूणी चापे चादाय सुस्वनौ।

निष्क्रान्तावाश्रमाद्गन्तुमुभौ तौ रामलक्ष्मणौ।।3.8.19।।

तौ रामलक्ष्मणौ Rama and Lakshmana, उभौ both, शुभे auspicious ones, तूणी two quivers, आबध्य च tying up, सुस्वनौ twanging चापे च bows, आदाय after taking, गन्तुम् to go, आश्रमात् from the hermitage, निष्क्रान्तौ departed.

Both Rama and Lakshmana tied their auspicious quivers, took the two twanging bows and departed from the hermitage.
श्रीमन्तौ रूपसम्पन्नौ दीप्यमानौ स्वतेजसा।

प्रस्थितौ धृतचापौ तौ सीतया सह राघवौ।।3.8.20।।

रूपसम्पन्नौ both very handsome, श्रीमन्तौ तौ राघवौ powerful Rama and Lakshmana, स्वतेजसा by their radiance, दीप्यमानौ both glowing, धृतचापौ both holding bows, सीतया सह along with Sita, शीघ्रम् quickly, प्रस्थितौ exited.

Handsome Rama and Lakshmana, glowing in their radiance held the bows and exited with Sita.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये अरण्यकाण्डे अष्टमस्सर्गः।।
Thus ends the eighth sarga of Aranyakanda of the holy Ramayana the first epic
composed by sage Valmiki.