Sloka & Translation

[Sugriva narrates to Rama the reasons for his hostility with Vali and banishment from the kingdom.]

ततः क्रोधसमाविष्टं सम्रब्धं तमुपागतम्।

अहं प्रसादयाञ्चक्रे भ्रातरं प्रियकाम्यया4.10.1

ततः then, अहम् I, क्रोधसमाविष्टम् overpowered with anger, सम्रब्धम् agitated, उपागतम् arrived, तं भ्रातरम् brother, प्रियकाम्यया to pacify, प्रसादयाञ्चक्रे I appeased.

'I sought to appease my brother who arrived in an agitated state overpowered with anger.
दिष्ट्यासि कुशली प्राप्तो निहतश्च त्वया रिपुः।

अनाथस्य हि मे नाथस्त्वमेकोऽनाथनन्दनः4.10.2।।

अनाथनन्दन compassionate to orphans, दिष्ट्या providence, त्वया by you, रिपुः enemy, निहतः is killed, कुशली safely, प्राप्तः असि have returned, अनाथस्य to the orphan, मे me, त्वम् you, एकः alone, नाथः are the saviour.

'By providence you have come back safe and the enemy has been killed. You are the only protector to an orphan which I am.
इदं बहुशलाकं ते पूर्णचन्द्रमिवोदितम्।

छत्रं सवालव्यजनं प्रतीच्छस्व मया धृतम्4.10.3।।

ते to you, मया by me, धृतम् held, बहुशलाकम् having many ribs, उदितम् risen above, पूर्णचन्द्रमिव like the full Moon, सवालव्यजनम् Yak tailfans, इदम् this, छत्रम् parasol, प्रतीच्छस्व pray accept.

'Here is the manyribbed parasol shining like the full Moon above the horizon and the yak's tailfan held by me.Pray accept it.
आर्तश्चाथ बिलद्वारि स्थितस्संवत्सरं नृप।

दृष्ट्वाऽहं शोणितं द्वारि बिलाच्चापि समुत्थितम्4.10.4।।

शोकसंविग्नहृदयो भृशं व्याकुलितेन्द्रियः।

अपिधाय बिलद्वारं शैलशृङ्गेण तत्तथा4.10.5।।

तस्माद्देशादपाक्रम्य किष्किन्धां प्राविशं पुनः।

नृप O king, आर्तः distressed, संवत्सरम् one year, बिलद्वारि at the entrance of the cave, स्थितः waited, अथ and then, बिलात् from the cave, समुत्थितम् flowing out, शोणितम् blood, द्वारि at the entrance, दृष्ट्वा च and seeing, शोकसंविग्नह्रुदयः with a sunken heart, भृशम् greatly, व्याकुलितेन्द्रियः senses fused, तदा then, तत् that, बिलद्वारम् entrance of the cave, शैलशृङ्गेण with a rock, अपिधाय closed, तस्मात् from that place, देशात् kingdom, अपक्रम्य retreated, पुनः again, किष्किन्धाम् to Kishkinda, प्राविशम् entered.

'O king I waited at the entrance of the cave for a year. As you did not come out, I felt distressed and my heart sank in great sorrow seeing blood flowing out of the cave. With my senses fused I returned to Kishkinda, closing the entrance with a rock(lest the demon should come out).
विषादात्विह मां दृष्ट्वा पौरैर्मन्त्रिभिरेव च4.10.6।।

अभिषिक्तो न कामेन तन्मेत्वं क्षन्तुमर्हसि।

विषादात् due to grief, इह here, माम् me, दृष्ट्वा seeing, पौरैः by the people, मन्त्रिभिरेव च and by the ministers also, अभिषिक्तः consecrated, कामेन by desire, न not, त्वम् you, मे my, तत् that, क्षन्तुम् to excuse, अर्हसि ought to.

'Here I was consecrated by the people and ministers who saw me immersed in grief. It was not my desire to be coronated. Therefore, I may be forgiven.
त्वमेव राजा मानार्हस्सदा चाहं यथा पुरम्4.10.7।।

राजभावनियोगोऽयं मम त्वद्विरहात्कृतः।

सामात्यपौरनगरं स्थितं निहतकण्टकम्4.10.8।।

मानार्हः worthy of reverence, राजा the king, त्वमेव you alone are, अहं च I also, पुरा यथा like in earlier times, मम to me, अयम् this, राजभावे held the state, नियोगः an assignment, त्वद्विरहात् due to your absence, कृतः held, सामात्यपौरनगरम् with ministers, citizens and towns, निहतकण्टकम् with the enemies destroyed, स्थितम् is stable.

'You alone are the king and worthy of reverence.I will be the same old brother carrying out my work as earlier. I held the responsibility of the state in your absence forced by the citizens and ministers. The kingdom has been kept stable with the enemies destroyed.
न्यासभूतमिदं राज्यं तव निर्यातयाम्यहम्।

मा च रोषं कृथास्सौम्य मयि शत्रुनिबर्हण4.10.9।।

न्यासभूतम् was in trust, इदं राज्यम् this kingdom, अहम् I am, तव to you, निर्यातयामि I am returning, शत्रुनिबर्हण a slayer of enemies, सौम्य goodnatured, मम at me, रोषम् anger, मा कृथाः to give up

'I am handing over this kingdom which was in trust. O slayer of enemies, O good natured one, give up your anger against me.
याचे त्वां शिरसा राजन्मया बद्धोऽयमञ्जलिः।

बलादस्मिन् समागम्य मन्त्रिभिः पुरवासिभिः4.10.10।।

राजभावे नियुक्तोऽहं शून्यदेशजिगीषया।

राजन् O king, शिरसा head bent, त्वाम् you, याचे I beg you, मया by myself, अयम् this, अञ्जलिः folded palms, बद्धः bound, मन्त्रिभिः by ministers, पुरवासिभिः by citizens, समागम्य having
assembled, अहम् I, शून्यदेशजिगीषया kingdom without a king can be conquered, अस्मिन् in this, राजभावे as king, बलात् with pressure, नियुक्तः assigned.

'O king I bow my head and beg you with folded hands. The ministers and citizens assembled and forced me to take charge, as the kingdom without a ruler was vulnerable to attack.'
स्निग्धमेवं ब्रुवाणं मां स तु निर्भर्त्स्य वानरः4.10.11।।

धिक्त्वामिति च मा मुक्त्वा बहु तत्तदुवाच ह।

सः वानरः that monkey, एवम् thus, स्निग्धम् affectionately, ब्रुवाणम् speaking, माम् me, निर्भर्त्स्य having abused, त्वाम् you are, धिक् reproached, इति च this way, उक्त्वा after saying, तत्तत् in various ways, बहु many (words), उवाच ह spoke

'Even tnough I spoke to him with affection, Vali abused me in many words, saying, 'Fie on you'.
प्रकृतीश्च समानीय मुन्त्रिणश्चैव सम्मतान्4.10.12।।

मामाह सुहृदां मध्ये वाक्यं परमगर्हितम्।

प्रकृतीश्चैव ordinary people, सम्मतान् whom he liked, मन्त्रिण श्चैव and ministers, समानीय having invited, सुहृदाम् of friends, मध्ये in the midst, माम् me, परमगर्हितम् contemptuous, वाक्यम् words, आह he spoke

'Having invited ordinary people and favourite ministers he condemned me in the presence of friends.
विदितं वो यथा रात्रौ मायावी स महासुरः4.10.13।।

मां समाह्वयत क्रूरो युद्धाकाङ्क्षी सुदुर्मतिः।

सुदुर्मतिः wickedminded one, महासुरः great demon, मायावी Mayavi, क्रुद्धः angry one, युद्धाकाङ्क्षी wishing to tight, यथा as, रात्रौ In that night, माम् me, समाह्वयत challenged, वः to
you, विदितं is known.

'You know very well how that wicked demon, Mayabi, that night challenged me angrily to a duel.
तस्य तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा निस्सृतोऽहं नृपालयात्4.10.14।।

अनुयातश्च मां तूर्णमयं भ्राता सुदारुणः।

तस्य his, तत् that, वचनम् words , श्रुत्वा after hearing, अहम् I, नृपालयात् from the royal abode, निःसृतः I came out, सुदारुणः terrific, अयम् this, भ्राता brother, तूर्णम् quickly, माम् me, अनुयातः followed.

'On hearing his words I came out of the royal abode quickly, followed by this wicked brother.
स तु दृष्ट्वैव मां रात्रौ सद्वितीयं महाबलः4.10.15।।

प्राद्रवद्भयसन्त्रस्तो वीक्ष्यावां समुपागतौ।

अनुद्रुतश्च वेगेन प्रविवेश महाबिलम्4.10.16।।

महाबलः powerful, सः he, रात्रौ that night, सद्वितीयम् followed by a second person, माम् me, दृष्ट्वा एव soon after seeing that, प्राद्रवत् he ran, समुपागतौ both advancing towards him, आवाम् both of us, वीक्ष्य after seeing, भयसन्त्रस्तः shaken with fear, वेगेन speedily, प्रविवेश entered, सः he, महाबिलम् huge cave, अनुद्रुत was chased.

'The powerful demon that night saw me followed by another advancing towards him and fled out of fear. When we chased him, he entered this huge cave in great speed.
तं प्रविष्टं विदित्वा सुघोरं सुमहद्बिलम्।

अयमुक्तोऽथ मे भ्राता मया तु क्रूरदर्शनः4.10.17।।

सुघोरम् dreadful, तम् him, सुमहत् great, बिलम् hole, प्रविष्टम् entering, विदित्वा knowing, अथ
thereafter, क्रूरदर्शनः with cruel looks, अयम् this, मम भ्राता my brother, मया by me, उक्तः has been told.

'When I saw the dreadful demon entering the great cave, I instructed this cruel brother of mine:
अहत्वा नास्ति मे शक्तिः प्रतिगन्तुमितः पुरीम्।

बिलद्वारि प्रतीक्ष त्वं यावदेनं निहन्म्यहम्4.10.18।।

अहत्वा without killing him, इतः from this place, पुरीम् town, प्रतिगन्तुम् to return, मे to me, शक्तिः energy, नास्ति is not, अहम् I, एनम् him, यावत् till that time, हन्मि I kill and return, त्वम् you, बिलद्वारि at the entrance, प्रतीक्ष you may wait.

'I cannot return from here without killing him. Wait at the entrance of the cave until I kill him. Look forward to my return.
स्थितोऽयमिति मत्वा तु प्रविष्टोऽहं दुरासदम्।

तं च मे मार्गमाणस्य गतस्संवत्सरस्तदा4.10.19।।

अयम् this, स्थितः इति waiting there, मत्वा तु thinking like that, अहम् I, दुरासदम् formidable, प्रविष्टः entered, तदा then, तत्र there, तम् him, मार्गमाणस्य in the process of searching, मे for me, संवत्सरः गतः one year was over.

'Presuming that Sugriva was waiting there, I entered the formidable cave. While I was searching for the demon there, one year passed.
स तु दृष्टो मया शत्रुरनिर्वेदाद्भयावहः।

निहतश्च मया तत्र सोऽसुरो बन्धुभिस्सह।।4.10.20।।

भयावहः fearful one, सः he, शत्रुः enemy, मया by me, अनिर्वेदात् without any difficulty, दृष्टः was seen, बन्धुभिः सह along with his relatives, तत्र there, मया by me, निहतः killed, च असुरः that demon.

'I could find that fearful enemy there and killed him along with his relatives without any difficulty.
तस्यास्यात्तु प्रवृत्तेन रुधिरौघेण तद्बिलम्।

पूर्णमासीद्दुराक्रामं स्तनतस्तस्य भूतले4.10.21।।

भूतले on the ground, स्तनतः was roaring, तस्य his, आस्यात् from his mouth, प्रवृत्तेन due to emergence, रुधिरौघेण by the flow of blood, तत् बिलम् that cavern, पूर्णम् full, दुराक्रामम् आसीत् difficult to stay.

सूदयित्वा तु तं शत्रुं विक्रान्तं दुन्दुभेस्सुतम्।

निष्क्रामन्नेव पश्यामि बिलस्य पिहितं मुखम्4.10.22।।

दुन्दुभेः Dundubhi's, सुतम् son, विक्रान्तम् valiant, तं शत्रुम् that enemy, सूदयित्वा after vanquishing, इह here, निष्क्रामम् as I returned, पश्यामि I could find, बिलस्य cavern, मुखम् entrance, पिहितम् was closed.

विक्रोशमानस्य तु मे सुग्रीवेति पुनः पुनः।

यदा प्रतिवचो नास्ति ततोऽहं भृशदुःखितः4.10.23।।

सुग्रीवेति saying O Sugriva , पुनः पुनः again and again, विक्रोशमानस्य shouting in distress, मे for me, यदा when, प्रतिवचः response, नास्ति was not heard, ततः then, अहम् I, भृशदुःखितः very sad.

'When there was no response from Sugriva to my repeated call in distress I was very
पादप्रहारैस्तु मया बहुभिस्तद्विदारितम्।

ततोऽहं तेन निष्क्रम्य यथा पुरमुपागतः4.10.24।।

मया by me, बहुभिः by many, पादप्रहारैः kicks, विदारितम् broken, ततः then, अहम् I, तेन by that, यथा as, निष्क्रम्य after coming out, पुरः to city, उपागतः arrived.

'I kicked the boulder again and again till it yielded. I came out that way and arrived at the city.
अत्रानेनास्मि संरुद्धो राज्यं प्रार्थयताऽत्मनः।

सुग्रीवेण नृशंसेन विस्मृत्य भ्रातृसौहृदम्।।4.10.25।।

आत्मनः my own, राज्यम् kingdom, प्रार्थयता by desiring, सुग्रीवेण by Sugriva, नृशंसेन by the wicked one, अनेन by him, भ्रातृसौहृदम् brotherly love, विस्मृत्य forgetting, अहम् I, तत्र there, अस्मि I am, संरुध्दः I was obstructed

'I was obstructed by wicked Sugriva who forgot his brotherly love and was desiring the kingdom, which belongs to me.'
एवमुक्त्वा तु मां तत्र वस्त्रेणैकेन वानरः।

निर्वासयामास तदा वाली विगतसाध्वसः4.10.26।।

वानरः monkey, वाली Vali, तत्र there, माम् me, एवम् in that way, उक्त्वा having spoken, विगतसाध्वसः unperturbed, तदा then, एकेन with a single, वस्त्रेण cloth, निर्वासयामास banished me.

'When Vali, the monkey, spoke that way I remained unperturbed. He banished me with the only cloth I was wearing.
तेनाहमपविद्धश्च हृतदारश्च राघव।

तद्भयाच्छ महीकृत्स्ना क्रान्तेयं सवनार्णवा4.10.27।।

राघव O Rama, तेन on account of that, अपविद्धः attacked, हृतदारश्च stolen of my wife, अहम् I am, तद्भयात् by that fear, सवनार्णवा the entire forest and oceans, कृत्स्ना completely, इयं मही this earth, क्रान्ता is covered.

'O Rama my wife has been usurped. There is the fear of his attack. So I am roaming this entire earth, covered with forests and oceans.
ऋष्यमूकं गिरिवरं भार्याहरणदुःखितः।

प्रविष्टोऽस्मि दुराधर्षं वालिनः कारणान्तरे4.10.28।।

भार्याहरणदुःखितः tormented by the abduction of my wife, कारणान्तरे for some other reason, वालिनः for Vali, दुराधर्षम् inaccessible, गिरिवरम् great mountain, ऋष्यमूकम् Rishyamuka, प्रविष्टः अस्मि I have come.

'Tormented by the abduction of my wife by Vali, I came to the great Rishyamuka mountain inaccessible to Vali for some other reason.
एतत्ते सर्वमाख्यातं वैरानुकथनं महत्।

अनागसा मया प्राप्तं व्यसनं पश्य राघव4.10.29।।

राघव O Rama, एतत् this, महत् long, वैरानुकथनम् an account of the cause of our enmity, सर्वम् entirely, ते to you, आख्यातम् said, अनागसा for no fault, मया by me, प्रप्तम् befallen, व्यसनम् sorrow, पश्य see.

'O Rama I have given you this long, full account of the cause of our enmity. For no fault of mine I am suffering.
वालिनस्तु भयार्तस्य सर्वलोकभयङ्कर।

कर्तुमर्हसि मे वीर प्रसादं तस्य निग्रहात्4.10.30।।

सर्वलोकभयङ्कर वीर warrior, who can frighten the entire world, वीर hero, वालिनः Vali, भयार्तस्य of the frightened, मे for me, प्रसादम् grace, तस्य his, निग्रहात् by resisting, कर्तुम् to do, अर्हसि you may.

'O great warrior you are one who can frighten the entire world Due to the fear of Vali I seek your grace.You may resist Vali and provide me security.'
एवमुक्तस्स तेजस्वी धर्मज्ञो धर्मसंहितम्।

वचनं वक्तुमारेभे सुग्रीवं प्रहसन्निव4.10.31।।

एवम् that way, उक्तः spoken, धर्मज्ञः one who knows dharms, तेजस्वी glorious one, सः he, प्रहसन्निव as if joking with him, सुग्रीवम् Sugriva, धर्मसंहितम् consistent with righteousness, वचनम् words, वक्तुम् to speak, आरेभे he started.

Having thus addressed by Sugriva the righteous and glorious Rama with a gentle smile consistent with righteousness, started speaking:
अमोघास्सूर्यसङ्काशा ममैते निशिता श्शराः।

तस्मिन्वालिनि दुर्वृत्ते निपतिष्यन्ति वेगिताः4.10.32।।

अमोघाः unfailing, सूर्यसङ्काशाः (bright) as the Sun, (रुषा अन्विता accompanied by anger), ममैते released by me, निशिताः sharp, मे शराः my arrows, दुर्वृत्ते on the evil doer, तस्मिन् वालिनि on that Vali, पतिष्यन्ति will descend.

'These my sharp, unfailing arrows, bright as the Sun, released by me out of anger will descend on the evildoer, Vali.
यावत्तं नाभिपश्यामि तव भार्यापहारिणम्।

तावत्स जीवेत्पापात्मा वाली चारित्रदूषकः4.10.33।।

तव your, भार्यापहारिणम् abducter of your wife, तम् him, यावत् until, न not, अभिपश्यामि I do not see, तावत् till that time, पापात्मा sinner, चारित्रदूषकः violater of the moral code, सः वाली that Vali, जीवेत् live.

'That sinful Vali who has abducted your wife and violated the moral code will live only as long I do not see him.
आत्मानुमानात्पश्यामि मग्नं त्वां शोकसागरे।

त्वामहं तारयिष्यामि कामं प्राप्स्यसि पुष्कलम्4.10.34।।

त्वाम् you, शोकसागरे in an ocean of sorrow, मग्नः immersed, आत्मानुमानात् due to my own sorrow, पश्यामि I see, त्वाम् you, अहम् I, तारयिष्यामि I will help you cross over, पुष्कलम् completely, कामम् desire, प्राप्स्यसि you will fulfil.

'Inferring from my own experience, I see that you are immersed in an ocean of sorrow.I will help you cross over and fulfil your desire.'
तस्य तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा हर्षपौरुषवर्धनम्।

सुग्रीवः परमप्रीतस्सुमहद्वाक्यमब्रवीत्4.10.35।।

तस्य his, हर्षपौरुषवर्धनम् boosting his joy and vigour, तत् वचनम् those words, श्रुत्वा after hearing, सुग्रीवः Sugriva, परमप्रीतः very pleased, सुमहत् great, वाक्यम् words, अब्रवीत् spoke.

On hearing his words that boosted his joy and vigour, Sugriva was immensely pleased and said these warm words.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे दशमस्सर्गः
Thus ends the tenth sarga of Kishkindhakanda of the Holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.