Sloka & Translation

[Rama demonstrates his prowess in shooting -- Sugriva fails in the first combat with Vali -- Rama explains the difficulty in identifying Vali -- advises Sugriva to wear Gajapushpi creeper to help him identify -- once again Sugriva proceeds to encounter Vali ]

एतच्च वचनं श्रुत्वा सुग्रीवेण सुभाषितम्।

प्रत्ययार्थं महातेजा रामो जग्राह कार्मुकम्4.12.1।।

महातेजाः effulgent, रामः Rama, सुग्रीवस्य Sugriva's, सुभाषितम् good words, एतत् this, श्रुत्वा on hearing, प्रत्ययार्थम् to create faith, कार्मुकम् bow, जग्राह took up.

Having heard Sugriva's pleasing words, the brilliant Rama took up the bow in order to inspire confidence in Sugriva.
स गृहीत्वा धनुर्घोरं शरमेकं च मानदः।

सालमुद्दिश्य चिक्षेप ज्यास्वनैः पूरयन्दिशः। 4.12.2।।

मानदः subduer of enemy's pride, सः he, घोरम् terrific, धनुः bow, पूरयन् filled, दिशः directions, ज्यास्वनैः by the twang, सालम् sala tree, उद्दिश्य aiming, एकम् single, शरम् arrow, चिक्षेप discharged

Rama, subduer of the enemy's pride, strung his terrific bow, produced the twang that filled all directions, and discharged a single arrow aimed at the sala tree.
स विसृष्टो बलवता बाणस्स्वर्णपरिष्कृतः।

भित्त्वा सालान् गिरिप्रस्थं सप्त भूमिं विवेश ह4.12.3।।

बलवता forcefully, विसृष्टः released, स्वर्णपरिष्कृतः decorated with gold, सः बाणः that arrow, सप्त seven, सालान् sala trees, गिरिप्रस्थम् pierced through the mountain terrain, भित्त्वा on
splitting, भूमिम् into the earth, विवेश ह entered.

Released with great force, Rama's arrow embellished with gold pierced through the seven sala trees and splitting the mountain terrain entered the earth.
प्रविष्टश्च मुहूर्तेन धरां भित्त्वा महाजवः।

निष्पत्य च पुनस्तूर्णं स्वतूणीं प्रविवेश ह4.12.4।।

महाजवः of great speed, सायकस्तु the arrow, मुहूर्तेन in a moment, सालान् sala trees, भित्त्वा split, निष्पत्य emerging forth, तम् its, स्वतूणीमेव from his quiver, पुनः again, प्रविवेश ह returned

In a moment the arrow emerged from the earth which it pierced and reentered the quiver with great speed.
तान्दृष्ट्वा सप्त निर्भिन्नान्सालान्वानरपुङ्गवः।

रामस्य शरवेगेन विस्मयं परमं गतः4.12.5।।

वानरपुङ्गवः chief of monkeys, निर्भिन्नान् split through, तान् those, सप्त seven, सालान् sala trees, दृष्ट्वा on seeing, रामस्य Rama's, शरवेगेन by the speed of his arrow, परमम् highly, विस्मयम् wonderstruck, गतः became.

The chief of the monkeys was struck with wonder seeing Rama's arrow piercing through the seven sala trees so swiftly.
स मूर्ध्ना न्यपतदभ्मौ प्रलम्बीकृतभूषणः।

सुग्रीवः परमप्रीतो राघवाय कृताञ्जलिः4.12.6।।

परमप्रीतः highly pleased, सः सुग्रीवः that Sugriva, राघवाय to Rama, कृताञ्जलिः offered obeisance with folded hands, प्रलम्बीकृतभूषणः ornaments hanging down, मूर्ध्ना forehead, भूमौ on the ground, न्यपतत् prostrated.

Sugriva was immensely happy and offered obeisance to Rama with folded hands and bowed down and prostrated while his ornaments touched the ground.
इदं चोवाच धर्मज्ञं कर्मणा तेन हर्षितः।

रामं सर्वास्त्रविदुषां श्रेष्ठं शूरमवस्थितम्4.12.7।।

तेन by that, कर्मणा by the deed, हर्षितः he felt glad, धर्मज्ञम् the knower of dharma, सर्वास्त्रविदुषाम् among the proficient in the use of arms, श्रेष्ठं the best one, शूरम् valiant, अवस्थितम् who stood there, रामम् at Rama, इदम् this, उवाच च and spoke.

Sugriva who stood by, elated to watch the deed of Rama, best among the valiant, proficient in the use of arms of all kinds and knower of dharma, said:
सेन्द्रानपि सुरान्सर्वांस्त्वं बाणैः पुरुषर्षभ।

समर्थस्समरे हन्तुं किं पुन र्वालिनं प्रभो 4.12.8।।

पुरुषर्षभ O best among men, प्रभो O lord, त्वम् you, समरे in war, सेन्द्रान् including Indra, सर्वान् all, सुरान् अपि even gods, हन्तुम् to kill, समर्थः are capable, वालिनम् Vali, किं पुनः what to speak of again.

'O bull among men, O lord, you are capable of killing with your arrows even the gods including Indra in the battle, what to speak of Vali.
येन सप्तमहासाला गिरिर्भूमिश्च दारिताः।

बाणेनैकेन काकुत्स्थ स्थाता ते को रणाग्रतः4.12.9।।

काकुत्स्थ O Rama, येन by such a person, एकेन बाणेन with a single arrow, सप्त seven, महासालाः great sala trees, गिरिः mountain, भूमिश्च even earth, दारिताः pierced, ते to you, रणाग्रतः in the forefront of the battle, कः who, स्थाता can stand.

'O Rama who can in a battle confront you, capable of splitting seven huge sala trees, the mountain and the earth with a single arrow?
अद्य मे विगतश्शोकः प्रीतिरद्य परा मम।

सुहृदं त्वां समासाद्य महेन्द्रवरुणोपमम्4.12.10।।

अद्य now, महेन्द्रवरुणोपमम् comparable to Indra and Varuna, त्वाम् you, सुहृदम् friend, समासाद्य after getting, मे to me, शोकः sorrow, विगतः is gone, अद्य now, मम my, परा supreme, प्रीतिः pleasure.

'Having found a friend in you comparable to Indra and Varuna, my grief is gone and I am so happy now.
तमद्यैव प्रियार्थं मे वैरिणं भ्रातृरूपिणम्।

वालिनं जहि काकुत्स्थ मया बद्धोऽयमञ्जलिः4.12.11।।

काकुत्स्थ O Rama, मे my, भ्रातृरूपिणम् in the form of a brother, वैरिणम् enemy, तं वालिनम् that Vali, अद्यैव now itself, प्रियार्थम् for my pleasure, जहि you may kill, मया by me, अयम् this, अञ्जलि: reverential obeisance, बद्धः offered.

'O Rama, for my pleasure kill Vali who is, to me, an enemy in the guise of a brother. I fold my hands to you.
ततो रामः परिष्वज्य सुग्रीवं प्रियदर्शनम्।

प्रत्युवाच महाप्राज्ञो लक्ष्मणानुगतं वचः4.12.12।।

ततः then, महाप्राज्ञः very wise, रामः Rama, प्रियदर्शनम् handsome, लक्ष्मणानुगतम् following Lakshmana, सुग्रीवम् Sugriva, परिष्वज्य having embraced, वचः these words, प्रत्युवाच said in reply.

Then wise Rama embraced handsome Sugriva and replied in these words which were agreeable to Lakshmana:
अस्माद्गच्छेम किष्किन्धां क्षिप्रं गच्छ त्वमग्रतः।

गत्वा चाह्वय सुग्रीव वालिनं भ्रातृगन्धिनम्4.12.13।।

सुग्रीव Sugriva, क्षिप्रम् at once, अस्मात् from here, किष्किन्थाम् to Kishkinda, गच्छेम will go, त्वम् you, क्षिप्रम् at once, अग्रतः forward, गच्छ go, गत्वा on going, भ्रातृगन्धिनम् a brother for name's sake, वालिनम् Vali, आह्वय invite.

'O Sugriva, get ready at once. We will promptly proceed to Kishkinda from here. Go ahead and challenge Vali, your brother only in name, to a combat.'
सर्वे ते त्वरितं गत्वा किष्किन्धां वालिनः पुरीम्।

वृक्षैरात्मानमावृत्य व्यतिष्ठन्गहने वने4.12.14।।

ते सर्वे they all, वालिनः Vali's, पुरीम् capital, किष्किन्धाम् Kishkinda, त्वरितम् quickly, गत्वा went, गहने dense, वने forest, वृक्षैः with trees, आत्मानम् themselves, अवृ़त्य after covering, अतिष्ठन् stayed.

Thay all rushed to Kishkinda, the capital of Vali and waited in the thick forest behind the trees.
सुग्रीवो व्यनदद्घोरं वालिनोऽऽह्वानकारणात्।

गाढं परिहितो वेगान्नादैर्भिन्दन्निवाम्बरम्4.12.15।।

सुग्रीवः Sugriva, गाढं tightly, परिहितः tightened the cloth around waist, वेगात् with speed, नादैः by roaring, अम्बरम् sky, भिन्दन्निव as if piercing the sky, वालिनः Vali's, ह्वानकारणात् to call out, घोरम् terrific, व्यनदत् screamed.

Sugriva tightened up his waist cloth hurriedly and roared terrifically as though piercing the sky. And screamed for Vali.
तं श्रुत्वा निनदं भ्रातुः क्रुद्धो वाली महाबलः।

निश्चक्राम सुसंरब्धो भास्करोऽस्ततटादिव4.12.16।।

महाबलः powerful, वाली Vali, भ्रातुः brother's, तं निनदम् roaring, श्रुत्वा hearing, क्रुद्धः enraged, सुसंरब्धः overwhelmed, अस्ततटात् from behind the western bank of the ocean, भास्करः Sun, यथा like, निष्पपात came out.

On hearing his brother roaring, powerful Vali was enraged and rushed like the Sun from behind the western shore of the ocean (this simile suggests the downfall of Vali).
ततस्सुतुमुलं युद्धं वालिसुग्रीवयोरभूत्।

गगने ग्रहयोर्घोरं बुधाङ्गारकयोरिव4.12.17।।

ततः then, वालिसुग्रीवयोः for Vali and Sugriva, बुधाङ्गारकयोः between Budha (Mercury) and Angaraka (Mars), ग्रहयोरिव like the planets, सुतुमुलम् tumultous, युद्धम् war, अभूत् took place.

Then a tumultuous combat took place between Vali and Sugriva who looked like the planets Mercury and Mars.
तलैरशनिकल्पैश्च वज्रकल्पैश्च मुष्टिभिः।

जघ्नतुस्समरेऽन्योन्यं भ्रातरौ क्रोधमूर्छितौ4.12.18।।

क्रोधमूर्छितौ senseless with fury, भ्रातरौ brothers, अशनिकल्पैः like thunder, तलैः with palms soles, वज्रकल्पैः like thunderbolts, मुष्टिभिः with fists, समरे in the combat, अन्योन्यम् each other, जघ्नतुः struck.

The brothers, insensate with fury, struck each other like thunder with their palms, soles and fists in the combat.
ततो रामो धनुष्पाणिस्तावुभौ समुदीक्ष्यतु।

अन्योन्यसदृशौ वीरावुभौ देवाविवाश्विनौ4.12.19।।

ततः then, धनुष्पाणिः wielder of bow, रामः Rama, देवौ two deities, अश्विनौ इव like the twin Aswini Kumaras, अन्योन्यसदृशौ both of them similar in looks, तौ they, उभौ both, वीरौ the two heroes, समुदीक्ष्यतु watched

Bow in hand, Rama watched both the heroes who resembled the twin Aswini Kumaras.
यन्नावगच्छत्सुग्रीवं वालिनं वापि राघवः।

ततो न कृतवान्बुद्धिं मोक्तुमन्तकरं शरम्4.12.20।।

राघवः Rama, सुग्रीवम् Sugriva, वालिनं वापि or Vali, यत् such and such, नावगच्छत् not able to distinguish, ततः then, अन्तकरम् deadly, शरम् arrow, मोक्तुम् to discharge, बुद्धिम् intellect, न कृतवान् not made.

Since Rama was not able to distinguish between Vali and Sugriva, he could not decide whether he should discharge his deadly arrow .
एतस्मिन्नन्तरे भग्नस्सुग्रीवस्तेन वालिना।

अपश्यन्राघवं नाथमृश्यमूकं प्रदुद्रुवे4.12.21।।

एतस्मिन् अन्तरे in the mean while, तेन वालिना by Vali, भग्नः discomfited, सुग्रीवः Sugriva, नाथम् lord, राघवम् Rama, अपश्यन् not finding, ऋश्यमूकम् to Rishyamuka, प्रदुद्रुवे ran.

Discomfited by Vali, and not seeing Rama around, Sugriva ran towards Rishyamuka mountain.
क्लान्तो रुधिरसिक्ताङ्गः प्रहारैर्जर्झरीकृतः।

वालिनाऽभिद्रुतः क्रोधात्प्रविवेश महावनम्4.12.22।।

वालिना by Vali, क्रोधात् angry, अभिद्रुतः chased, क्लान्तः exhausted, रुधिरसिक्ताङ्गः body drenched in blood, प्रहारैः with strokes, जर्झरीकृतः mauled, महावनम् great grove (of Matanga), प्रविवेश entered.

Exhausted, disfigured and body mauled and drenched in blood all over, Sugriva, chased by the infuriated Vali, entered the region of great sage Matanga.
तं प्रविष्टं वनं दृष्ट्वा वाली शापभयार्दितः।

मुक्तो ह्यसि त्वमित्युक्त्वा स निवृत्तो महाद्युतिः4.12.23।।

वनम् grove, प्रविष्टम् entered, तम् him, दृष्ट्वा after seeing, महाद्युतिः effulgent, वाली Vali, त्वम् you, मुक्तः असि हि you have escaped, इति thus, उक्त्वा having said, शापभयात् by the fear of the curse, ततः then, निवृत्तः returned.

Effulgent Vali saw Sugriva entering the (prohibited) grove and turned back due to the fear of the curse (of sage Matanga) saying, 'You have escaped'.
राघवोऽसि सह भ्रात्रा सह चैव हनूमता।

तदेव वनमागच्छत्सुग्रीवो यत्र वानरः4.12.24।।

राघवोऽपि Rama too, भ्रात्रा सह along with brother, हनूमता च सह also with Hanuman, वानरः Vanara, सुग्रीवः Sugriva, यत्र where, तत् that, वनमेव to the grove, आगच्छत् arrived.

Rama together with Lakshmana and Hanuman also arrived at the same gave where Sugriva was.
तं समीक्ष्यागतं रामं सुग्रीवस्सहलक्ष्मणम्।

ह्रीमान्दीनमुवाचेदं वसुधामवलोकयन्4.12.25।।

सुग्रीवः Sugriva, आगतम् coming in, सहलक्ष्मणम् along with Lakshmana, तं रामम् that Rama, दृष्ट्वा seeing, ह्रीमान् ashamed, वसुधाम् ground, अवलोकयन् looking down , दीनम् piteously, इदम् this, उवाच spoke.

At the sight of Rama accompanied by Lakshmana, Sugriva felt ashmed and aggrieved, and looking down on the ground, said:
आह्वयस्वेति मामुक्त्वा दर्शयित्वा च विक्रमम्।

वैरिणा घातयित्वा च किमिदानीं त्वया कृतम्4.12.26।।

आह्वयस्व asked me to declare, इति thus, माम् me, उक्त्वा after telling, विक्रमम् prowess, दर्शयित्वा having demonstrated, वैरिणा by the enemy, घातयित्वा had hit me, त्वया by you, इदानीम् this way, किं कृतम् why did you do?

'You demonstrated your prowess and directed me to challenge Vali and then why did you make the enemy hit me thus?
तामेन वेलां वक्तव्यं त्वया राघव तत्त्वतः।

वालिनं न निहन्मीति ततो नाहमितो व्रजे4.12.27।।

राघव Rama, तां वेलामेव at that time, त्वया by you, वालिनम् Vali, न निहन्मि I will not kill, इति thus, तत्त्वतः truly, वक्तव्यम् should have been said, ततः then, अहम् I, इतः from this place, न व्रजे would not have gone.

'Had you, in fact, told me that you were not going to kill Vali, I would not have budged from this place.'
तस्य चैवं ब्रुवाणस्य सुग्रीवस्य महात्मनः।

करुणं दीनया वाचा राघवः पुनरब्रवीत्4.12.28।।

महात्मनः great soul, तस्य सुग्रीवस्य Sugriva's, दीनया a piteous, वाचा by word, करुणम् compasionately, एवम् in that manner, ब्रुवाणस्य while he spoke, राघवः Rama, पुनः again, अब्रवीत् said.

On hearing the great Sugriva's miserable and moving words, Rama again said:
सुग्रीव श्रूयातां तात क्रोधश्च व्यपनीयताम्।

कारणं येन बाणोऽयं न मया स विसर्जितः4.12.29।।

तात O dear, सुग्रीव Sugriva, येन why, सः अयम् this, बाणः arrow, मया by me, न विसर्जितः not released, कारणम् reason, श्रूयताम् listen to me, क्रोधः anger, व्यपनीयतां च dispel.

'O dear Sugriva dispel your anger and listen to me why I had not released the arrow.
अलङ्कारेण वेषेण प्रमाणेन गतेन च।

त्वं च सुग्रीव वाली च सदृशौ स्थः परस्परम्4.12.30।।

सुग्रीव Sugriva, अलङ्कारेण in personal embelishment, वेषेण in form, प्रमाणेन in appearance, गतेन च in your movements, त्वं च your, वाली च and Vali, परस्परम् to each other, सदृशौ both similar, स्थः are.

'O Sugriva in form, ornaments and movements there is perfect resemblance between you and Vali.
स्वरेण वर्चसा चैव प्रेक्षितेन च वानर।

विक्रमेण च वाक्यैश्च व्यक्तिं वां नोपलक्षये4.12.31।।

वानर monkey, स्वरेण in voice, वर्चसा चैव or in splendour, प्रेक्षितेन in looks, विक्रमेण च in valour, वाक्यैश्च in talk, वाम् between the two, व्यक्तिम् difference, नोपलक्षये I have not seen.

'O monkey in your voice, in brightness, in looks, in valour or in words I have marked no difference between you.
ततोऽहं रूपसादृश्यान्मोहितो वानरोत्तम।

नोत्सृजामि महावेगं शरं शत्रुनिबर्हणम्4.12.32।।

वानरोत्तम distinguished monkey, ततः then, रूपसादृश्यात् similar appearance, मोहितः bewildered, अहम् I was, महावेगम् swift, शत्रुनिबर्हणम् that which can destroy enemy, शरम्
arrow, नोत्सृजामि I have not let loose.

'O distinguished monkey you both are so similar in form that I was puzzled and did not release my swift arrow that could have destroyed the enemy.
जीवितान्तकरं घोरं सादृश्यात्तु विशङ्कितः।

मूलघातो न नौ स्याद्धि द्वयोरपि कृतो मया4.12.33।।

सादृश्यात् due to similar appearance, विशङ्कितः I doubted, जीवितान्तकरम् deadly arrow, घोरम् terrific, नौ of us, द्वयोः of both, मूलघातः strike at the root, स्याद्धि may be indeed, मया by myself, न कृतः was not done.

'I was doubtful because of your similar appearance. I thought that I should not strike at the very root of the interests of both of us. Therefore, I did not release the terrific and deadly arrow.
त्वयि वीरे विपन्ने हि अज्ञानाल्लाघवान्मया।

मौढ्यं च मम बाल्यं च ख्यापितं स्यात्कपीश्वर4.12.34।।

वीरे warrior, कपीश्वर O lord of monkeys, अज्ञानात् by ignorance, लाघवात् due to thoughtlessness, त्वयि विपन्ने in your danger, मया by me, मम my, मौढ्यं च folly, बाल्यं च childishness, ख्यापितम् revealed, स्यात् will be.

'O lord of monkeys I would have betrayed my foolishness and childishness had I exposed you to danger by my ignorance and thoughtlessness.
दत्ताभयवधो नाम पातकं महदुच्यते।

अहं च लक्ष्मणश्चैव सीता च वरवर्णिनी4.12.35।।

त्वदधीना वयं सर्वे वनेऽस्मिन् शरणं भवान्।

दत्ताभयवधो नाम killing a person after promising protection, महत् great, पातकम् sin, उच्यते it
is said to be, अहं च I also, लक्ष्मणश्चैव even Lakshmana, वरवर्णिनी darling, सीता च Sita also, वयं सर्वे all of us, त्वदधीनाः under your care, अस्मिन् in this regard, भवान् you, शरणम् refuge.

'It is said that killing a person to whom protection is promised is highly sinful. Lakshmana, darling Sita and me, are under your care and you are our refuge.
तस्माद्युध्यस्व भूयस्त्वं मा मा शङ्केश्च वानर4.12.36।।

एतन्मुहूर्ते सुग्रीव पश्य वालिनमाहवे।

निरस्तमिषुणैकेन वेष्टमानं महीतले4.12.37।।

वानर monkey, तस्मात् therefore, त्वम् you, भूयः again go, युध्यस्व fight, मा मा do not do not, शङ्केश्च you may doubt me, एतन्मुहूर्ते in one moment, मया by me, आहवे in war, एकेन by a single, बाणेन by arrow, निरस्तम् thrown down, महीतले on the ground, वेष्टमानम् rolling, वालिनम् Vali, पश्य see.

'Therefore, O monkey, go and engage yourself in fight again. Do not suspect me. With this single arrow of mine, in one moment you will see Vali thrown down and rolling on the ground in this combat.
अभिज्ञानं कुरुष्व त्वमात्मनो वानरेश्वर।

येन त्वामभिजानीयां द्वन्द्वयुद्धमुपागतम्4.12.38।।

वानरेश्वर lord of monkeys, द्वन्द्वयुद्धम् duel, उपागतम् has come, त्वाम् you, येन by which, अभिजानीयाम् I may recognise you, अभिज्ञानम् an identification, आत्मनः you, कुरुष्व may put on.

'O lord of monkeys while you both are engaged in a duel wear some identification mark by which I can recognise you.
गजपुष्पीमिमां फुल्लामुत्पाट्य शुभलक्षणाम्।

कुरु लक्ष्मण कण्ठेऽस्य सुग्रीवस्य महात्मनः।।4.12.39।।

लक्ष्मण Lakshmana, इमाम् these, फुल्लाम् flowers blossomed, शुभलक्षणाम् auspicious, गजपुष्पीम् Gajapushpi, उत्पाट्य plucking, महात्मनः of the great, अस्य सुग्रीवस्य Sugriva's, कण्ठे in the neck, कुरु put on.

'O Lakshmana this Gajapushpi in bloom is auspicious. Pluck and fasten it on great Sugriva's neck.'
ततो गिरितटे जातामुत्पाट्य कुसुमाकुलाम्।

लक्ष्मणो गजपुष्पीं तां तस्य कण्ठे व्यसर्जयत्4.12.40।।

ततः then, लक्ष्मणः Lakshmana, गिरितटे on the slope of the mountain, जाताम् growing, कुसुमायुताम् flowering, तां गजपुष्पीम् those gajapushpi blossoms, उत्पाट्य plucked, तस्य his, कण्ठे on the neck, व्यसर्जयत् fastened on.

Then Lakshmana went to the mountain slope, plucked the (creeper with) gajapuspi blossoms and fastened it on the neck of Sugriva.
स तया शुशुभे श्रीमान् लतया कण्ठसक्तया।

मालयेव बलाकानां ससन्ध्य इव तोयदः4.12.41।।

श्रीमान् lucky, सः Sugriva, कण्ठसक्तया by that on the neck, तया लतय by that creeper, ससन्ध्यः at twilight, तोयदः rain cloud, बलाकानाम् of cranes, मालयेव like a garland, शुशुभे glowed.

With the creeper round the neck, Sugriva looked like the raincloud at twilight, adorned by a row of cranes like a garland.
विभ्राजमानो वपुषा रामवाक्यसमाहितः।

जगाम सह रामेण किष्किन्थां वालिपालिताम्4.12.42।।

वपुषा with his body, विभ्राजमानः radiant, सः he, रामवाक्यसमाहितः intent on carrying out Rama's instruction, रामेण सह with Rama, जगाम went, पुनः again, किष्किन्धाम् to Kishkinda,
वालि पालिताम् ruled by Vali.

Radiant Sugriva intent on carrying out Rama's words again went to Kishkinda ruled by Vali.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे द्वादशस्सर्गः।।
Thus ends the twelfth sarga of Kishkindakanda of the holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.