Sloka & Translation

[Sugriva roars at Vali --- Rama encourages him to challenge Vali, himself hiding behind the tree.]

sarvē tē tvaritaṅ gatvā kiṣkindhāṅ vāli pālitām.

vṛkṣairātmānamāvṛtya vyatiṣṭhan gahanē vanē4.14.1৷৷

sarvē tē all of them, tvaritaṅ at once, gatvā went vāli pālitām ruled by Vali, kiṣkindhāṅ Kishkinda, vṛkṣairātmānamāvṛtya hiding behind the trees, gahanē vanē in the dense forest, vyatiṣṭhan waited

They all at once went to Kishkinda ruled by Vali and there waited hiding behind the trees in the dense forest.
vicārya sarvatō dṛṣṭiṅ kānanē kānanapriyaḥ.

sugrīvō vipulagrīvaḥ krōdhamāhārayadbhṛśam4.14.2৷৷

kānanapriyaḥ a lover of forest, vipulagrīvaḥ broad-necked, sugrīvaḥ Sugriva, kānanē in the forest, sarvataḥ all over, dṛṣṭim sight, vicārya extending, bhṛśam very, krōdham anger, āhārayat became.

Broad-necked Sugriva, a lover of the forest, looked around and flew into a rage.
tatassa ninadaṅ ghōraṅ kṛtvā yuddhāya cāhvayat.

parivāraiḥ parivṛtō nādairbhindannivāmbaram4.14.3৷৷

garjanniva mahāmēghō vāyuvēgapurassaraḥ.

parivāraiḥ with companions, parivṛtaḥ surrounded, tataḥ then, nādaiḥ with sounds, ambaram sky, bhindanniva as if piercing through, vāyuvēgapuraḥsaraḥ moving with the speed of wind, garjan while roaring, mahāmēgha iva like a huge cloud, ghōram terrific, ninadam sound, kṛtvā having produced,
yuddhāya for the combat, ahvayat challenged.

Sugriva, surrounded by his companions, raised his voice as if piercing the sky, roaring like a huge thundering cloud, challenging Vali to a duel.
atha bālārkasadṛśō dṛptasiṅhagatistadā4.14.4৷৷

dṛṣṭvā rāmaṅ kriyādakṣaṅ sugrīvō vākyamabravīt.

atha then, bālārkasadṛśa looking like the rising Sun, dṛptasiṅhagatiḥ moving like a proud lion, sugrīvaḥ Sugriva, kriyādakṣam proficient in any task, rāmam Rama, dṛṣṭvā after seeing, tadā then, vākyam these words, abravīt said.

Sugriva, proficient in the performance of any task, one who appeared like the rising Sun and moved like a proud lion, said to Rama:
harivāgurayā vyāptāṅ taptakāñcanatōraṇām.

prāptāḥ sma dhvajayantrāḍhyāṅ kiṣkindhāṅ vālinaḥ purīm৷৷4.14.5৷৷

harivāgurayā like a net to catch animals, vyāptām filled, taptakāñcanatōraṇām having a glittering golden archway, dhvajayantrāḍhyām decorated with the flag-staff operated mechanically, vālinaḥ Vali's, purīm capital city, kiṣkindhām of Kishkinda, prāptāḥ sma reached

'We have arrived at Kishkinda, the capital of Vali, decorated with flags and having a glittering golden archway that can be opened mechanically. Teeming with monkeys, it looks like a snare to catch the enemy.
pratijñā yā tvayā vīra! kṛtā vālivadhē purā.

saphalāṅ kuru tāṅ kṣipraṅ latāṅ kāla ivāgataḥ4.14.6৷৷

vīra hero, tvayā by you, vālivadhē to kill Vali, purā earlier, yā such, pratijñā vow, kṛtā has been taken, tām that one, āgataḥ came, kālaḥ time, latām iva like creeper, kṣipram at once, saphalām successful, kuru make it.

'O heroic Rama! fulfil quickly the vow taken by you earlier to kill Vali in the same way a creeper bears fruit when the time comes.'
ēvamuktastu dharmātmā sugrīvēṇa sa rāghavaḥ.

tamēvōvāca vacanaṅ sugrīvaṅ śatrusūdanaḥ4.14.7৷৷

sugrīvēṇa by Sugriva, ēvam that way, uktaḥ spoken, dharmātmā righteous one, śatrusūdanaḥ destroyer of enemies, saḥ rāghavaḥ that Rama, tam to him, sugrīvam Sugriva, vacanam these words, uvāca spoke.

Requested thus by Sugriva, righteous Rama, the destroyer of enemies, replied:.
kṛtābhijñānacihnastva manayā gajasāhvayā.

lakṣmaṇēna samutpāṭya yaiṣā kaṇṭhē kṛtā tava4.14.8৷৷

yā that, ēṣā this, lakṣmaṇēna by Lakshmana, samutpāṭya having uprooted, tava your, kaṇṭhē in the neck, kṛtā done, anayā by that, gajasāhvayā with the help of Gaja creeper, tvam you, kṛtābhijñānacihnaḥ can be easily recognised.

'Lakshmana has uprooted a creeper of gaja, and fastened it on your neck by which you can be easily identified.
śōbhasē.hyadhikaṅ vīra! latayā kaṇṭhasaktayā.

viparīta ivākāśē sūryō nakṣatramālayā4.14.9৷৷

vīra hero!, kaṇṭhasaktayā fastened to your neck, latayā by the creeper, ākāśē in the sky, nakṣatramālayā by the cluster of stars, viparītaḥ opposite, sūryaḥ iva like the Sun, adhikam excessive, śōbhasē shining.

'O hero, you are shining with the creeper fastened to your neck , just as the full-moon adorned with a cluster of stars shines in the sky.
adya vālisamutthaṅ tē bhayaṅ vairaṅ ca vānara!.

ēkēnāhaṅ pramōkṣyāmi bāṇamōkṣēṇa saṅyugē4.14.10৷৷

vānara! O monkey, adya now, aham I, saṅyugē in combat, ēkēna by a single, bāṇamōkṣēṇa by the release of an arrow, tē to you, vālisamuttham caused by Vali, bhayam fear, vairaṅ ca and enmity, pramōkṣyāmi I will dispel

'O monkey, with the release of a single arrow in the combat, I shall dispel your fear and enmity (hatred) for Vali.
mama darśaya sugrīva! vairiṇaṅ bhrātṛrūpiṇam.

vālī vinihatō yāvadvanē pāṅsuṣu vēṣṭatē4.14.11৷৷

sugrīva ! O Sugriva, bhrātṛrūpiṇam in the form of brother, vairiṇam an enemy, mama to me, darśaya vālī show Vali, vivihataḥ killed, vanē in the forest, pāṅsuṣu in the dust, yāvat cēṣṭatē before he rolls down.

'O Sugriva! show me your enemy,who is in the guise of your brother.He will be killed. He will roll down in the dust of the forest.
yadi dṛṣṭipathaṅ prāptō jīvansa vinivartatē.

tatō dōṣēṇa mā gacchētsadyō garhēcca mā bhavān4.14.12৷৷

dṛṣṭipatham sight, prāptaḥ comes, saḥ he, jīvan with life, vinivartatē yadi if he will return, tataḥ then, bhavān you, sadyaḥ now, mā my, dōṣēṇa blame, gacchēt may go, mām me, garhēcca will blame.

'If Vali appears before me I will not let him go with life.Then you will not blame me and find fault with me.
pratyakṣaṅ sapta tē sālā mayā bāṇēna dāritāḥ.

tēnāvēhi balēnādya vālinaṅ nihataṅ mayā4.14.13৷৷

tē to you, pratyakṣam in your presence, mayā by me, bāṇēna by an arrow, sapta seven, sālāḥ sala trees, dāritāḥ are torn, tataḥ then, adya now, mayā by me, vālinam Vali, balēna by strength, nihatam killed, vēhi you may know.

'You have seen how I have pierced through seven sala trees with a single arrow. You will know how with the same strength I will kill Vali.'
anṛtaṅ nōktapūrvaṅ mē vīra! kṛcchrē.pi tiṣṭatā.

dharmalōbhaparītēna na ca vakṣyē kathañcana4.14.14৷৷

vīra hero, kṛcchrē in distress, tiṣṭhatāpi although subjected, dharmalōbhaparītēna with the fear of deviating from righteousness, mē from me, anṛtam a lie, uktapūrvam earlier, kathañcana in any way, na vakṣyē I will not speak.

'O Sugriva, I have uttered no falsehood before for fear of deviation from righteousness although I was in distress, nor shall I utter any falsehood in any circumstances hereafter.
saphalāṅ ca kariṣyāmi pratijñāṅ jahi sambhramam.

prasūtaṅ kalamaṅ kṣētrē varṣēṇēva śatakratuḥ4.14.15৷৷

śatakratuḥ Indra who performed a hundred sacrifices, varṣēṇa by rain, prasūtam production, kalamaṅ kṣētram iva like the cornfield, pratijñām my promise, saphalām will make it fruitful, kariṣyāmi I will fulfil, sabhramam apprehension, jahi give up.

'I shall fulfil my promise just as Indra (who performed a hundred sacrifices) helps production in the cornfield through timely rain. Give up your apprehension.
tadāhvānanimittaṅ tvaṅ vālinō hēmamālinaḥ.

sugrīva! kuru taṅ śabdaṅ niṣpatēdyēna vānaraḥ4.14.16৷৷

sugrīvaḥ Sugriva!, tat that, hēmamālinaḥ adorned with a golden garland, vālinaḥ Vali, āhvānanimittaṅ ca to invite him, tam such, śabdam sound, kuru make, yēna by which, vānaraḥ monkey, niṣpatēt will come out.

'O Sugriva! give a war-cry so that Vali adorned with a golden garland will come out.
jitakāśī balaślāghī tvayā cādharṣitaḥ purā.

niṣpatiṣyatyasaṅgēna vālī sa priyasaṅyugaḥ4.14.17৷৷

jitakāśī proud of valour, balaślāghī one who praises strength, tvayā by you, adharṣitaḥ challenged, priyasaṅyugaḥ fond of battle, saḥ vālī that Vali, asaṅgēna without any fear, purāt from the city, niṣpatiṣyati will rush forward.

'Vali, who is proud of his valour, is strong, fearless and fond of combat, will rush out of the city in response to your challenge.
ripūṇāṅ dharṣiṇa śūrā marṣayanti na saṅyugē.

jānantastu svakaṅ vīryaṅ strīsamakṣaṅ viśēṣataḥ4.14.18৷৷

svakam their own, vīryam prowess, jānantaḥ proud, saṅyugē in battle, ripūṇām foe's, dharṣitam roar of challenge, śrutvā on hearing, na marṣayanti not brook, strī samakṣam in front of women, viśēṣataḥ specially.

'Proud of their own prowess, heroes will not brook the challenge of foes in battle, specially in the presence of women.'
sa tu rāmavacaśśrutvā sugrīvō hēmapiṅgalaḥ.

nanarda krūranādēna vinirbhindannivāmbaram4.14.19৷৷

hēmapiṅgalaḥ golden-hued, saḥ sugrīvaḥ that Sugriva, rāmavacaḥ Rama's words, śrutvā on hearing,
ambaram sky, vinirbhindanniva as if splitting, krūranādēna in fierceful voice, nanarda roared.

On hearing Rama's words, the golden-hued Sugriva roared in a fierce voice as if it would piece the sky.
tasya śabdēna vitrastā gāvō yānti hataprabhāḥ.

rājadōṣaparāmṛṣṭāḥ kulastriya ivākulāḥ4.14.20৷৷

tatra thereafter, gāvaḥ cows, śabdēna by the yelling, vitrastāḥ were alarmed, hataprabhāḥ lost their brightness, rājadōṣaparāmṛṣṭāḥ by the failure of the king, kulastriyaḥ yathā like the chaste women, ākulāḥ much perplexed, yānti become.

Alarmed at the yelling of Sugriva, the cows began to run in all directions, like the women of noble pedigree who, with their brightness lost, run perplexed for failure of the king to protect their chastity.
dravanti ca mṛgāśśīghraṅ bhagnā iva raṇē hayāḥ.

patanti ca khagā bhūmau kṣīṇapuṇyā iva grahāḥ4.14.21৷৷

raṇē in battle, bhagnāḥ wounded hayāḥ iva like the horses, mṛgāḥ deer, śīghram speedily, dravanti ca unable to run, khagāḥ birds, kṣīṇapuṇyāḥ their merit exhausted, grahāḥ iva like planets, bhūmau on the ground, patanti ca fall.

The deer were unable to run like wounded horses in a battle. Birds fell down on the ground like planets fall when their merit is exhausted.

nādaṅ hyamuñcattvarayā pratītaḥ.



tataḥ then, jīmūtagaṇapraṇādaḥ thundering of a cluster of clouds, pratītaḥ quickly, sūryātmajaḥ son of Sun-god, śauryavivṛddhatējāḥ lustre enhanced by valour, anilacañcalōrmi: waves lashed by the wind become restless, saritpatirvā (like the lord of rivers) ocean, tvarayā quick, nādam sound, amuñcat let loose.

Then Sugriva, son of the Sun-god, with his lustre enhanced by his valour moved swiftly. His roar resembled the rumbling of a cluster of thundering clouds. He gave a war-cry the tone of which resembled the sounds of waves lashed by high velocity winds in the sea.
ityārṣē śrīmadrāmāyaṇē vālmīkīya ādikāvyē kiṣkindhākāṇḍē caturdaśassargaḥ৷৷
Thus ends the fourteenth sarga of Kishkindakanda of the holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.