Sloka & Translation

[Rama explains to Vali the righteous duties of kings -- justifies his action in killing him -- Vali pleads with Rama to protect Angada]

इत्युक्तः प्रश्रितं वाक्यं धर्मार्थसहितं हितम्।

परुषं वालिना रामो निहतेन विचेतसा4.18.1।।

रामः Rama, निहतेन struck, विचेतसा confused in mind, वालिना Vali, धर्मार्थसहितम् righteous, हितम् wellmeaning, प्रश्रितम् courteous, परुषम् harsh, वाक्यम् words, इति these, उक्तः said.

To these harsh words though seemingly wellmeaning, courteous and righteous, Vali who had been mortally wounded and confused in mind, Rama replied:
तं निष्प्रभमिवादित्यं मुक्ततोयमिवाम्बुदम्।

उक्तवाक्यं हरिश्रेष्ठमुपशान्तमिवानलम्4.18.2।।

धर्मार्थगुणसम्पन्नं हरीश्वरमनुत्तमम्।

अधिक्षिप्तस्तदा रामः पश्चाद्वालिनमब्रवीत्4.18.3।।

तदा then, अधिक्षिप्तः having been criticised, रामः Rama, निष्प्रभम् lost his glow, आदित्यम् Sun, इव like, मुक्ततोयम् raindrained, अम्बुदमिव like the cloud, उपशान्तम् extinguished, अनलम् इव like the fire, हरिश्रेष्ठम् best of monkeys, हरीश्वरम् king of monkeys, अनुत्तमम् excellent, धर्मार्थगुणसम्पन्नम् righteous, उक्तवाक्यम् spoke out, वालिनम् to Vali, पश्चात् later, अब्रवीत् said.

To righteous Vali,the best of the monkeys, the lord of the monkeys, who looked like the Sun shorn of his brilliance or a raindrained cloud or a fire that had been extinguished. Rama, under the scanner, said in reply:
धर्ममर्थं च कामं च समयं चापि लौकिकम्।

अविज्ञाय कथं बाल्यान्मामिहाद्य विगर्हसे4.18.4।।

धर्मम् righteousness, अर्थं च and wealth, कामं च pleasure also, लौकिकम् worldliness, समयं च at this time, अविज्ञाय not knowing, इह here, अद्य today, बाल्यात् from ignorance, माम् to me, कथम् how , विगर्हसे blame.

'Without correct knowledge of dharma, artha, kama and worldly ways, how do you reproach me bitterly now in total ignorance?
अपृष्ट्वा बुद्धिसम्पन्नान्वृद्धानाचार्यसम्मतान्।

सौम्य वानरचापल्यात्किं मावक्तुमिहेच्छसि4.18.5।।

बुद्धिसम्पन्नान् endowed with intelligence, आचार्यसम्मतान् which carries the approval of teachers, वृद्धान् elderly, अपृष्ट्वा without consulting, त्वम् you,सौम्य gentle one, माम् me, वानरचापल्यात् from frivolousness of a monkey, इह here, वक्तुम् for talking this way, इच्छसि you wish.

'O gentle Vali why do you speak with monkeyish frivolousness, without consulting the elders and teachers endowed with intelligence?
इक्ष्वाकूणामियं भूमिस्सशैलवनकानना।

मृगपक्षिमनुष्याणां निग्रहप्रग्रहावपि4.18.6।।

सशैलवनकानना including mountains, groves and forests, इयम् this, भूमिः earth, मृगपक्षिमनुष्याणाम् of animals, birds and humans, निग्रहप्रग्रहावपि punishing and rewarding also, इक्ष्वाकूणाम् bequeathed to Ikshvaku race.

'This earth including mountains, groves and forests, animals, birds and humans belongs to the Ikshvaku kings.The right of purnishment and reward also vests with them.
तां पालयति धर्मात्मा भरतस्सत्यवागृजुः।

धर्मकामार्थतत्त्वज्ञो निग्रहानुग्रहे रतः4.18.7।।

धर्मात्मा righteous, सत्यवाक् truthful , ऋजुः upright one, धर्मकामार्थत्त्वज्ञः knower of dharma, kama and artha, निग्रहानुग्रहे in punishment and reward, रतः rests, भरतः Bharata, ताम् that earth, पालयति rules

'Bharata, righteous, truthful, upright, knower of dharma, artha and kama and dispenser of punishment and rewards, rules this earth.
नयश्च विनयश्चोभौ यस्मिन्सत्यं च सुस्थितम्।

विक्रमश्च यथा दृष्टस्स राजा देशकालवित्4.18.8।।

यस्मिन् in whom, नयश्च justice, विनयश्च discipline, उभौ both, सत्यं च and truth, सुस्थितम् firmly established, विक्रमश्च and courage, यथा so, दृष्टः seen, सः he, देशकालवित् time and place for action, राजा king.

'Bharata in whom justice and discipline, truth and courage along with the knowledge of time and place for action are firmly rooted is king (of this earth).
तस्य धर्मकृतादेशा वयमन्ये च पार्थिवाः।

चरामो वसुधां कृत्स्नां धर्मसन्तानमिच्छवः4.18.9।।

तस्य his, धर्मकृतादेशाः receiving instructions according to dharma, वयम् we, अन्ये others, पार्थिवाश्च and kings, धर्मसन्तानम् for the progress of dharma, इच्छवः desiring, कृत्स्नाम् this whole, वसुधाम् land, चरामः we are going about.

'Following his command, in confirmity with dharma we and the other kings also move all over the entire world desirous of promoting dharma.
तस्मिन्नृपतिशार्दूले भरते धर्मवत्सले।

पालयत्यखिलां भूमिं कश्चरेद्धर्मनिग्रहम्4.18.10।।

नृपतिशार्दूले when the tiger among kings, धर्मवत्सले lover of dharma, तस्मिन् in him, भरते when Bharata, अखिलाम् entire, भूमिम् earth, पालयति while he is ruling, कः who, धर्मनिग्रहम् can stray from dharma, चरेत् and go?

'Who can stray from the path of dharma when the whole world is ruled by Bharata, a tiger among kings, and a lover of dharma?
ते वयं धर्मविभ्रष्टं स्वधर्मे परमे स्थिताः।

भरताज्ञां पुरस्कृत्य निगृह्णीमो यथाविधि4.18.11।।

परमे supreme, स्वधर्मे in one's own duty, स्थिताः established, ते वयम् all of us by him, भरताज्ञाम् command of Bharata, पुरस्कृत्य regarding, यथाविधि our duty, धर्मविभ्रष्टम् one who strays from the path of dharma, निगृह्णीमो will punish.

'By the command of Bharata ,all of us are devoted to our duty of upholding dharma and virtue and duly punish those who deviate from the path of dharma.
त्वं तु संक्लिष्टधर्मा च कर्मणा च विगर्हितः।

कामतन्त्रप्रधानश्च न स्थितो राजवर्त्मनि4.18.12।।

त्वं तु you too, संक्लिष्टधर्मा च are violating dharma, कर्मणा by your actions, विगर्हितः despised, कामतन्त्रप्रधानश्च seeking pleasures as primary, राजवर्त्मनि on the right path of kings, न स्थितः did not stay.

'You have violated dharma. You stand condemned for your actions. Passion is your priority. You have strayed from the right path of kings.
ज्येष्ठो भ्राता पिता चैव यश्च विद्यां प्रयच्छति।

त्रयस्ते पितरो ज्ञेया धर्म्ये च पथि वर्तिनः4.18.13।।

धर्म्ये in a righteous, पथि path, वर्तिनः those who conduct, ज्येष्ठो भ्राता elder brother, पिता चैव even father, यश्च his, विद्याम् knowledge, प्रयच्छति gives, ते त्रयः all the three, पितरः are
fathers, ज्ञेयाः should be known.

यवीयानात्मनः पुत्रशशिष्यश्चापि गुणोदितः।

पुत्रवत्ते त्रयश्चिन्त्या धर्मश्चेदत्रकारणम्4.18.14।।

यवीयान् younger brother, पुत्रः son, गुणोदितः virtuous, शिष्यश्च a pupil, ते त्रयः these three, आत्मनः one's own, पुत्रवत् like son, चिन्त्याः should be treated, अत्र there, धर्मः dharma (morality), कारणम् judged.

सूक्ष्मः परमदुरजेयस्सतां धर्मः प्लवङ्गम।

हृदिस्थस्सर्वभूतानामात्मा वेद शुभाशुभम्4.18.15।।

प्लवङ्गम O monkey, सताम् for the pious ones, धर्मः dharma, सूक्ष्मः is subtle, परमदुरजेयः extremely difficult to understand, सर्वभूतानाम् for all beings, हृदिस्थः in the heart, आत्मा self, शुभाशुभम् good and bad, वेद knows.

'O monkey dharma is very subtle. It is extremely difficult to understand. Installed in the hearts of all living beings the self knows good and evil (soul is the witness of good and evil).
चपलश्चपलैस्सार्धं वानरैरकृतात्मभिः।

जात्यन्ध इव जात्यन्धैर्मन्त्रयन् प्रेक्षसे नु किम्4.18.16।।

चपलः frivolous one, अकृतात्मभिः by the pettyminded, चपलैः by the fickle ones, वानरैः सार्धम् with the monkeys, जात्यन्धैः इव as if blind by birth, मन्त्रयन् while counselling, प्रेक्षसे नु किम् (why do you look at these issues) for what?

'You are fickle by nature. Your consultants are frivolous, pettyminded monkeys. It is like one born blind suppporting another blind by birth. What do you know (about dharma)?
अहं तु व्यक्ततामस्य वचनस्य ब्रवीमि ते।

न हि मां केवलं रोषात्त्वं विगर्हितुमर्हसि4.18.17।।

अहम् I, अस्य his, वचनस्य of words, व्यक्तताम् clarify, ते to you, ब्रवीमि I will explain, त्वम् you, केवलम् only, रोषात् with anger, माम् me, विगर्हितुम् blame, नार्हसि हि not proper.

'I shall explain to you clearly (the reason for striking you down). It is not proper for you to despise me with mere anger and malice.
तदेतत्कारणं पश्य यदर्थं त्वं मया हतः।

भ्रातुर्वर्तसि भार्यायां त्यक्त्वा धर्मं सनातनम्4.18.18।।

त्वम् you, यदर्थम् reason, मया by me, हतः struck, तत् एतत् all about that, कारणम् reason, पश्य see, सनातनम् having abandoned, धर्मम् law त्यक्त्वा casting, भ्रातुः brother's, भार्यायाम् with wife, वर्तसि live.

'Now know the reason why I struck you down. Having abandoned the eternal law, you are living with your younger brother's wife.
अस्य त्वं धरमाणस्य सुग्रीवस्य महात्मनः।

रुमायां वर्तसे कामात्स्नुषायां पापकर्मकृत्4.18.19।।

महात्मनः great self, अस्य of this, सुग्रीवस्य Sugriva's, धरमाणस्य when he is alive, पापकर्मकृत् a sinner, कामात् due to lust, स्नुषायाम् in your daughterinlaw, रुमायाम् with Ruma, वर्तसे live.

'You are a sinner, since you live with Ruma, who is your virtual daughterinlaw, when the great self Sugriva is alive. (A younger brother is like a son and his wife, a
तद्व्यतीतस्य ते धर्मात्कामवृत्तस्य वानर।

भ्रातृभार्यावमर्शेऽस्मिन्दण्डोऽयं प्रतिपादितः4.18.20।।

वानर monkey, तत् thus, धर्मात् from morality, व्यतीतस्य trespassing, कामवृत्तस्य for sensual pleasure, ते to you, अस्मिन् भ्रातृभार्यावमर्शे sinning against brother's wife, अयम् this, दण्डः punishment, प्रतिपादितः was justified.

'O monkey since you have violated morality by sinning against your brother's wife this punishment is justified.
न हि धर्मविरुद्धस्य लोकवृत्तादपेयुषः।

दण्डादन्यत्र पश्यामि निग्रहं हरियूथप4.18.21।

हरियूथप O lord of monkeys, धर्मविरुद्धस्य for one who acts against dharma, लोकवृत्तात् from the accepted practice of the world, अपेयुषः for one who swerved, दण्डात् from punishing, अन्यत्र other than this, निग्रहम् preventing, न पश्यामि हि I have not seen.

'O lord of monkeys I do not see any other way of controlling a person excepting punishing the one who has acted against dharma and swerved from the accepted code of conduct.
न हि ते मर्षये पापं क्षत्रियोऽहं कुलोद्भवः।

औरसीं भगिनीं वापि भार्यां वाप्यनुजस्य यः4.18.22।।

प्रचरेत नरः कामात्तस्य दण्डो वधः स्मृतः।

कुलोद्भव: born in a good family, क्षत्रियः kshatriya, अहम् I am, ते your, पापम् sin, न मर्षये I will not pardon, यः नरः whoever, औरसीम् his own daughter, भगिनीं वापि even sister also, अनुजस्य brother's, भार्यां वापि wife also, कामात् out of lust, प्रचरेत meets, तस्य his, दण्डः punishment, वधः killing, स्मृतः ordained in scriptures.

'I am a kshatriya born of a good family. I will not pardon you for your sin. Whosoever transgresses dharma against his own daughter, sister or brother's wife out of lust should be killed according to smriti.
भरतस्तु महीपालो वयं त्वादेशवर्तिनः4.18.23।।

त्वं तु धर्मादतिक्रान्तः कथं शक्यं उपेक्षितुम्।

भरतः तु Bharata too, महीपालः king, वयं तु we too, आदेशवर्तिनः follow his order, त्वं तु you too, धर्मात् from dharma, अतिक्रान्तः stayed, उपेक्षितुम् to overlook, कथम् how, शक्यम् possible?

'Bharata is a king and we follow his command. How can you, who have strayed from dharma, go unpunished?
गुरूर्धर्मव्यतिक्रान्तं प्राज्ञो धर्मेण पालयन्4.18.24।।

भरतः कामवृत्तानां निग्रहे पर्यवस्थितः।

प्राज्ञ: wise man, गुरुः a respectable man, धर्मव्यतिक्रान्तम् one who has trespassed dharma, धर्मेण by dharma, पालयन् while ruling, भरतः Bharata, कामवृत्तानाम् addicted to sensual pleasures, निग्रहे to punish, पर्यवस्थितः is determined.

'Wise Bharata being a respectable king rules by dharma. By the command of Bharata, we are bent upon punishing those who have strayed from dharma by being addicted to sensual pleasures.
वयं तु भरतादेश विधिं कृत्वा हरीश्वर।


हरीश्वर lord of monkeys, वयं तु we too, भरतादेशम् by Bharata's command, विधिम् following his command, कृत्वा do, भिन्नमर्यादान् deviated from the bounds of dharma, त्वद्विधान् this way, नियन्तुम् to punish, पर्यवस्थिताः determined.

'O Vali we have to follow Bharata's command and are bent upon punishing those wicked people who deviate from the bounds of dharma.
सुग्रीवेण च मे सख्यं लक्ष्मणेन यथा तथा।

दारराज्यनिमित्तं च निःश्रेयसि रत स्स मे4.18.26।।

प्रतिज्ञा च मया दत्ता तदा वानरसन्निधौ।

प्रतिज्ञा च कथं शक्या मद्विधेनानवेक्षितुम्4.18.27।।

लक्ष्मणेन with Lakshmana, यथा as such, सख्यं friendship, सुग्रीवेण with Sugriva, दारराज्यनिमित्तं for the sake of wife and kingdom, निःश्रेयसि welfare, रत: engaged, च and, तथा so, मे mine, तदा then, मया by me, वानरसन्निधौ in the presence of monkeys, प्रतिज्ञा च a pledge, दत्ता made, मद्विधेन a person like me, प्रतिज्ञा promise, अनवेक्षितुम् to disregard, कथम् how, शक्या possible?

'My friendship with Sugriva is as strong as that with Lakshmana. Its motive is the recovery of his wife and sovereignty. I have promised this to him in the presence of monkeys. How can a pledge remain unhonoured by a person like me? How is it possible?
तदेभिः कारणैस्सर्वैर्महद्भिर्धर्मसंहितैः4.18.28।।

शासनं तप यद्युक्तं तद्भवाननुमन्यताम्।

तत् that, धर्मसंहितैः in consonance with dharma, सर्वैः all, महद्भिः many big, एभिः by these, कारणैः for these reasons, तव your, यत् which, शासनम् is accorded, युक्तम् is proper, तत् that, भवान् you, अनुमन्यताम् to be accepted

'Knowing all these reasons(many violations of dharma), it is proper for you as a king to approve of the punishment accorded to you in consonance with dharma.
सर्वथा धर्म इत्येव द्रष्टव्यस्तव निग्रहः4.18.29।।

वयस्यस्योपकर्तव्यं धर्ममेवानुपश्यतः।

तव your, निग्रहः overthrowing, सर्वथा in all respects, धर्मः इत्येव thus justifiable,द्रष्टव्यः it should be viewed, धर्मम् dharma, अनुपश्यत: who follows, वयस्यस्य a friend's, उपकर्तव्यम् एव should be rendered.

'Punishment given to you should be viewed as a right course of action in all respects. This is the duty of a trustworthy friend who follows dharma.
शक्यं त्वयाऽपि तत्कार्यं धर्ममेवानुपश्यता4.18.30।।

श्रूयते मनुना गीतौ श्लोकौ चारित्रवत्सलौ।

गृहीतौ धर्मकुशलैस्तत्तथा चरितं हरे4.18.31।।

धर्ममेव dharma alone, अनुपश्यता considering, त्ययाऽपि by you also, तत् that, कार्यम् action, शक्यम् possible, मनुना by Manu, चारित्रवत्सलौ those that hold good traditions dear, श्लोकौ two verses, गीतौ have been said, श्रूयते listen, धर्मकुशलैः by those wellversed in dharma, गृहीतौ have been followed, मया me, तत् that, तथा similar, चरितम् followed.

'You should also have acted in that manner considering dharma. Now listen to what Manu said, in two verses that hold good traditions dear which are accepted by men wellversed in dharma. O monkey the action taken by me is in conformity with this.
राजभिर्धृतदण्डास्तु कृत्वा पापानि मानवाः।

निर्मलास्स्वर्गमायान्ति सन्तस्सुकृतिनो यथा4.18.32।।

मानवाः human beings, पापानि sins, कृत्वा having done, राजभिः by kings, धृतदण्डाः those punished, निर्मलाः purified, सुकृतिनः like those men performing good deeds, सन्तः यथा like pious men, स्वर्गम् heaven, आयान्ति will attain.

'Men who have perpetrated sins should be subjected to punishment by kings so that they become stainless and attain heaven like pious men who have performed good deeds.
शासनाद्वाऽपिमोक्षाद्वा स्तेनः स्तेयाद्विमुच्यते।

राजात्वशासन्पापस्य तदवाप्नोति किल्बिषम्4.18.33।।

स्तेनः a thief, शासनाद्वा either with punishment, अपि or, मोक्षाद्वा relieved, पापात् from that sin, विमुच्यते gets absolved, अशासन् without punishing, राजा तु king also, पापस्य of a sinner, तत् that, किल्बिषम् sin, आप्नोति himself gets afflicted.

आर्येण मम मान्धात्रा व्यसनं घोरमीप्सितम्।

श्रमणेन कृते पापे यथा पापं कृतं त्वया4.18.34।।

मम me, आर्येण by noble, मान्धात्रा by Mandhata, त्वया by you, यथा like that, पापम् sin, कृतम् was perpetrated, श्रमणेन by Sramana, पापे sin, कृते done, ईप्सितम् inflicted, घोरम् terrible, व्यसनम् punishment.

'In the past a similar sin was perpetrated by Sramana, a revered soul (mendicant) and Mandhata, a noble king of my race inflicted terrible punishment on him.
अन्यैरपि कृतं पापं प्रमत्तैर्वसुधाधिपैः।

प्रायश्चित्तं च कुर्वन्ति तेन तच्छाम्यते रजः4.18.35।।

अन्यैरपि by others also, कृतम् committed, पापम् vicious deeds, प्रमत्तैः by those not watchful, वसुधाधिपैः by the kings of the earth, प्रायश्चित्तम् atonement, कुर्वन्ति was done, तेन by that, तत् that, रजः taint, शाम्यते is removed.

'Vicious deeds have been committed by others when the kings were not watchful. Kings punish such sinners when they are vigilant. Otherwise they have to atone for their negligence.
तदलं परितापेन धर्मतः परिकल्पितः।

वधो वानरशार्दूल न वयं स्ववशे स्थिता:।।4.18.36।।

वानरशार्दूल O tiger among Monkeys, तत् therefore, परितापेन अलम् do not regret, वधः striking, धर्मतः righteously, परिकल्पितः committed, वयम् we are, स्ववशे under our control, न स्थिताः are not.

'O tiger among monkeys do not regret. Your death has the sanction of dharma. We are under the control of sastras. We are committed to them. We do not have the freedom to act independently.
शृणु चाप्यपरं भूयः कारणं हरिपुङ्गव।

यच्छ्रुत्वा हेतुमद्वीर न मन्युं कर्तुमर्हसि4.18.37।।

वीर O hero, हरिपुङ्गव O best of monkeys, भूयः once again, अपरम् another, कारणम् reason, शृणु listen, यत् that, हेतुम reason, श्रुत्वा on hearing, मन्युम् anger, कर्तुम् to entertain, नार्हसि it is not proper.

'O hero O best of monkeys listen to me. I will give you one more reason. On hearing it, I hope you would not be angry with me.
न मे तत्र मनस्तापो न मन्युर्हरिपुङ्गव।

वागुराभिश्च पाशैश्च कूटैश्च विविधैर्नराः4.18.38।।

प्रतिच्छन्नाश्च दृश्याश्च गृह्णन्ति सुबहून्मृगान्।

हरिपुङ्गव O best of monkeys, तत्र here, मे to me, मनस्तापः mental agony, मन्युः regret, न not, नराः people, वागुराभिश्च with meshnet, पाशैश्च with ropes, विविधैः different, कूटैश्च with tricks, प्रतिच्छन्नाश्च hiding, दृश्याश्च out in the open, सुबहून् many, मृगान् animals, गृह्णन्ति catch.

'O best of monkeys I have no mental agony nor do I regret in this case. Hidden from
view or out in the open, people catch animals by means of snares or ropes or through other tricks.
प्रधावितान्वा वित्रस्तान्विस्रब्धांश्चापि निष्ठितान्4.18.39।।

प्रमत्तानप्रमत्तान्वा नरा मांसार्थिनो भृशम्।

विध्यन्ति विमुखांश्चापि न च दोषोऽत्र विद्यते4.18.40।।

मांसार्थिनः seeking flesh for food, नराः men, प्रधावितान् वा or running ones, वित्रस्तान् alarmed ones, विस्रब्धान् unalarmed, निष्ठितान् stable ones, प्रमत्तान् those that are not alert, अप्रमत्तान्वा even alert ones also, विमुखांश्च those which turn away, विध्यन्ति kill, अत्र here, दोषः blemish, न विद्यते not known.

'People seeking animal flesh for food kill animals alarmed or unalarmed, animals that run away or animals that stand still. They kill animals whether they are alert or not and no blemish is attached.
यान्ति राजर्षयश्चात्र मृगयां धर्मकोविदाः।

तस्मात्त्वं निहतो युद्धे मया बाणेन वानर4.18.41।।

अयुध्यन्प्रतियुध्यन्वा यस्माच्छाखामृगो ह्यसि।

अत्र here, धर्मकोविदाः those wellversed in dharma, राजर्षयः royal saints, मृगयाम् hunting, यान्ति go for, वानर monkey, त्वम् you, अयुध्यन् while not fighting, प्रतियुध्यन् वा or while fighting back, यस्मात् since, शाखामृगः monkey, असि you are, तस्मात् therefore, मया myself, युद्धे in battle, बाणेन by an arrow, निहतः struck down.

'O monkey even royal saints wellversed in dharma go for hunting. I struck you down with an arrow whether you were fighting with Sugriva or not, since you are a monkey. (You can be hit whether you are fighting face to face or not).
दुर्लभस्य च धर्मस्य जीवितस्य शुभस्य च4.18.42।।

राजानो वानरश्रेष्ठ प्रदातारो न संशयः।

वानरश्रेष्ठ O best among monkeys राजानः kings, दुर्लभस्य difficult, धर्मस्य righteousness, शुभस्य auspicious, जीवितस्य life, प्रदातारः donors, संशयः doubt, न not.

'O best of monkeys kings are donors of dharma, life and auspiciousness to people which is difficult to acquire. There is no doubt about it.
तान्न हिंस्यान्न चाक्रोशेन्नाक्षिपेन्नाप्रियं वदेत्4.18.43।।

देवा मानुषरूपेण चरन्त्येते महीतले।

तान् them, न हिंस्यात् insult, न चाक्रोशेत् not to be shouted, न आक्षिपेत् not to be disregarded, अप्रियम् unpleasant, न वदेत् not speak, एते they, देवाः gods, मानुषरूपेण in the form of human beings, महीतले on this earth, चरन्ति move about.

'One should not insult kings, nor shout at them, nor disregard them nor speak unpleasant words to them. They are gods in human form moving on this earth.
त्वं तु धर्ममविज्ञाय केवलं रोषमास्थितः4.18.44।।

प्रदूषयसि मां धर्मे पितृपैतामहे स्थितम्।

त्वं तु you on your part, धर्मम् dharma, अविज्ञाय not knowing, केवलम् only, रोषम् anger, आस्थितः have restored, पितृपैतामहे followed by fathers and grandfathers, धर्मे in dharma, स्थितम् devoted, माम् me, प्रदूषयसि you are reproaching.

'Seized with improper anger, you are reproaching one who is devoted to dharma, without knowing that I follow the code of conduct that has been passed on by my fathers and forefathers.'
एवमुक्तस्तु रामेण वाली प्रव्यथितो भृशम्4.18.45।।

न दोषं राघवे दध्यौ धर्मेऽधिगतनिश्चयः।

रामेण by Rama, एवम् that way, उक्तः addressed, वाली Vali, भृशम् greatly, प्रव्यथितः was pained, धर्मे in dharma, अधिगतनिश्चयः had arrived at a conclusion, राघवे at Rama, दोषम् fault, एवमुक्तस्तु having said this way, न दध्यौ did not find.

Vali was very much pained to hear Rama. He became free from confusion regarding dharma and no longer found fault with Rama.
प्रत्युवाच ततो रामं प्राञ्जलिर्वानरेश्वरः।।4.18.46।।

यत्त्वमात्थ नरश्रेष्ठ तदेवं नात्र संशयः।

ततः then, वानरेश्वरः Vali, प्राञ्जलिः with folded hands, रामम् to Rama, प्रत्युवाच replied, नरश्रेष्ठ O best among men, त्वम् you, यत् what ever, आत्थ spoke, तदेवं There is, संशयः doubt, न no, अत्र in this matter.

Thereafter Vali offered obeisance with folded palms to Rama, saying, 'O best among men whatever you have spoken is undoubtedly true.'
प्रतिवक्तुं प्रकृष्टे हि नापकृष्टस्तु शक्नुयात्4.18.47।।

यदयुक्तं मया पूर्वं प्रमादाद्वाक्यमप्रियम्।

तत्रापि खलु मे दोषं कर्तुं नार्हसि राघव।

राघव Rama, प्रकृष्टे a distinguished person, अपकृष्टः an ordinary person, प्रतिवक्तुम् to argue, न शक्नुयात् is not possible, मया by me, पूर्वम् earlier, प्रमादात् due to ignorance, यत् those, अयुक्तम् in appropriate, अप्रियम् unpleasant, वाक्यम् words, (उक्तम् said), तत्रापि in that, मे my, दोषम् fault, कर्तुम् hold, नार्हसि you need not be.

तदयुक्तं मया पूर्वं प्रमादादुक्तमप्रियम् ।

तत्रापि खलु मे दोषं कर्तुं नार्हसि राघव ।। 4.18.48 ।।

In Progress

In Progress
त्वं हि दृष्टार्थतत्त्वज्ञ: प्रजानां च हिते रतः।

कार्यकारणसिद्धौ च प्रसन्ना बुद्धिरव्यया4.18.49।।

त्वम् you, दृष्टार्थतत्त्वज्ञः wise man given to truth and righteousness, प्रजानाम् people's, हिते wellbeing, रतश्च remain devoted, अव्यया knowing, बुद्धि: sound intellect, कार्यकारणसिद्धौ know for certain about cause and effect, प्रसन्ना is pleasant.

'You are a wise man given to truth and righteousness.You remain devoted to people's wellbeing. As you know for certain about cause and effect your intellect is sound and words pleasant.
मामप्यगतधर्माणं व्यतिक्रान्तपुरस्कृतम्।

धर्मसंहितया वाचा धर्मज्ञ परिपालय4.18.50।।

धर्मज्ञ knower of dharma, अगतधर्माणं did not follow dharma, अवगतम् in the past, व्यतिक्रान्तपुरस्कृतम् violated the bounds of dharma in the past, मामपि and me too, धर्मसंहितया in a righteous manner, वाचा word, परिपालय protect.

'O knower of dharma, I did not follow dharma in the past. I have trangressed the bounds of dharma. Say, you have pardoned me, protect me in a righteous manner.
न त्वात्मानमहं शोचे न तारां न च बान्धवान्।

यथा पुत्रं गुणज्येष्ठमङ्गदं कनकाङ्गदम् 4.18.51।।

गुणज्येष्ठम् all virtues, कनकाङ्गदम् adorned with golden armlets, पुत्रम् son, अङ्गदम् Angada, यथा as, अहम् I, आत्मानम् for me, न शोचे I do not grieve, ताराम् Tara too, न not, बान्धवानपि even kinsmen, न not.

'I neither grieve for myself nor for Tara nor for my kinsmen. But I do for my son Angada adorned with golden armlets. He is embellished with all virtues.
स ममादर्शनाद्दीनो बाल्यात्प्रभृति लालितः।

तटाक इव पीताम्बुरुपशोषं गमिष्यति4.18.52।।

बाल्यात् from childhood, प्रभृति from that time, लालितः loved, सः him, मम to me, आदर्शदानत् by not seeing me, दीनः dejected, पीताम्बुः after the water is dried up, तटाकः इव like a tank, उपशोषम् left dried, गमिष्यति will become.

'I loved him very much from his childhood. He will grow depressed in my absence. He will become like a pond whose waters have been dried up.
बालश्चाकृतबुद्धिश्च एकपुत्रश्च मे प्रियः।

तारेयो राम भवता रक्षणीयो महाबलः4.18.53।।

राम Rama, बालश्च young boy, आकृतबुद्धिश्च innocent, मे my, प्रियः dear, एकपुत्रश्च only son, महाबलःvery strong, तारेयःTara's son, भवता by you, रक्षणीयः deserves to be protected.

'O Rama he is my only son through Tara and dear to me. He is young,innocent but strong.He deserves to be protected by you.
सुग्रीवे चाङ्गदे चैव विधत्स्व मतिमुत्तमाम्।

त्वं हि शास्ता च गोप्ता च कार्याकार्यविधौ स्थितः4.18.54।।

सुग्रीवे at Sugriva, आङ्गदे चैव and at Angada, उत्तमाम् great, मतिम् in mind, विधत्स्व you may show, कार्याकार्यविधौ with regard to what should and should not be done, स्थितः sure, त्वम् you, गोप्ता च protector and, शास्ता च also punisher.

'Shower equal affection from your heart on Sugriva and Angada. You are their protector and punisher also. You know what should and should not be done.
या ते नरपते वृत्तिर्भरते लक्ष्मणे च या।

सुग्रीवे चाङ्गदे राजंस्तां त्वमाधातुमिहासि4.18.55।।

नरपते O Lord of men, राजन् king, भरते Bharata, ते your, या वृत्ति: such affection, लक्ष्मणे च and towards Lakshmana, या whatever, ताम् same, सुग्रीवे च Sugriva and, अङ्गदे at
Angada, आधातुम् to hold, इह here, अर्हसि you may do.

'O lord of men may you have the same kind of affection for Sugriva and Angada as you have for Bharata and Lakshmana.
मद्दोषकृतदोषां तां यथा तारां तपस्विनीम्।

सुग्रीवो नावमन्येत तथाऽवस्थातुमर्हसि4.18.56।।

मद्दोषकृतदोषाम् suffered due to my offence, तपस्विनीम् wretch, तां ताराम् that Tara, सुग्रीवः Sugriva, नावमन्येत not think ill of her, तथा that, अवस्थातुम् to maintain, अर्हसि hope

'I hope Tara will not be made to suffer because of my offence. Make Sugriva not to run wretched Tara down.
त्वया ह्यनुगृहीतेन राज्यं शक्यमुपासितुम्4.18.57।।

त्वद्वशे वर्तमानेन तव चित्तानुवर्तिना।

शक्यं दिवं चार्जयितुं वसुधां चापि शासितुम्4.18.58।।

त्वया by you, अनुगृहीतेन by a person favoured, त्वद्वशे under your control, वर्तमानेन by one who moves, तव चित्तानुवर्तिना acts according to your will, राज्यम् kingdom, उपासितुम् to rule, शक्यम् it is possible, दिवम् heaven, आर्जयितुं च to attain, वसुधाम् earth, चापि also, शक्यम् posssible.

'It is possible for a person favoured by you to rule the kingdom.It is possible for one who is under your control and acts according to your will to rule the entire world and earn heaven.
त्वत्तोऽहं वधमाकाङ्क्षन्वार्यमाणोऽपि तारया।

सुग्रीवेण सह भ्रात्रा द्वन्द्वयुद्धमुपागतः4.18.59।।

इत्युक्त्वा सन्नतो रामं विरराम हरीश्वरः।

अहम् I, तारया by Tara, वार्यमाणोऽपि even though prevented, त्वत्तः from you, वधम् death, आकाङ्क्षन् wishing, भ्रात्रा with brother, सुग्रीवेण सह along with Sugriva, द्वन्द्वयुद्धम् duel, उपागतः came, हरीश्वरः lord of monkeys, वानरः monkey, रामम् to Rama, इति thus, उक्त्वा having spoken, विरराम stopped.

'Even though I was prevented by Tara, I came for a duel with Sugriva since I wished to die in your hands.' Having spoken thus to Rama, Vali fell silent.
स तमाश्वासयद्रामो वालिनं व्यक्तदर्शनम्4.18.60।।

सामसम्पन्नया वाचा धर्मतत्त्वार्थयुक्तया।

सः रामः Rama, व्यक्तदर्शनम् him who saw clearly, तं वालिनम् that Vali, सामसम्पन्नया for peace and tranquillity, धर्मतत्त्वार्थयुक्तया reflecting truth and righteousness, वाचा with words, आश्वासयत् he consoled.

Now Vali was able to see clearly. Rama consoled him with words of peace and tranquillity, truth and righteousness.
न सन्तापस्त्वया कार्य एतदर्थं प्लवङ्गम4.18.61।।

न वयं भवता चिन्त्या नाप्यात्मा हरिसत्तम।

वयं भवद्विशेषेण धर्मतः कृतनिश्चयाः4.18.62।।

प्लवङ्गम O monkey, एतदर्थम् on this account, त्वया by you, सन्तापः worry, न कार्यः not to be entertained, हरिसत्तम best of the monkeys, भवता by you, वयम् we, न चिन्त्याः not worry, आत्मापि you too, न not, वयम् we, भवद्विशेषेण for your sin, धर्मतः principles of righteousness, कृतनिश्चयाः came to firm decision.

'O best of monkeys, abandon all your anxiety on this score. Bother not about us or about yourself. Whatever has happened, has happened in consonance with dharma.
दण्ड्ये यः पातयेद्दण्डं दण्ड्यो यश्चापि दण्ड्यते।

कार्यकारणसिद्धार्था वुभौ तौ नावसीदतः4.18.63।।

यः whoever, दण्ड्ये deserves to be punished, दण्डम् punishment, पातयेत् inflicts, यश्चापि and whosoever, दण्ड्यः sinner, दण्ड्यते punished, कार्यकारणसिद्धार्थौ with regard to cause and effect, तौ they, उभौ both, नावसीदतः do not become despondent.

'The sinner and the punisher, whoever gives punishment and whoever receives it, are both regulated by the law of cause and effect. So do not despair.

गतस्स्वां प्रकृतिं धर्म्यं धर्मदृष्टेन वर्त्मना4.18.64।।

तत् such, भवान् you अस्मात् from this, दण्डसंयोगात् due to punishment, विगतकल्मषः got rid of sin, धर्मदृष्टेन from the point of righteousness, वर्त्मना by the path, धर्म्याम् righteous, स्वाम् your, प्रकृतिम् natura spiritual nature, गतः you regained.

'You have been purged of your sin through punishment from the point of view of righteousness. You have regained your spiritual nature on the path of dharma.
त्यज शोकं च मोहं च भयं च हृदये स्थितम्।

त्वया विधानं हर्यग्र्य न शक्यमतिवर्तितुम्4.18.65।।

हर्यग्र्य O best of vanaras, हृदये at heart, स्थितम् left over, शोकं च sorrow, मोहं च and delusion, भयं च and fear, त्यज abandon, त्वया by your, विधानम् fate, अतिवर्तितुम् trangress, न शक्यम् not possible.

'O best of monkeys remove sorrow from your heart, delusion and fear. It is not possible for you to transgress fate.
यथा त्वय्यङ्गदो नित्यं वर्तते वानरेश्वर।

तथा वर्तेत सुग्रीवे मयि चापि न संशयः4.18.66।।

वानरेश्वर lord of monkeys, अङ्गदः Angada, त्वयि with you, नित्यं always, यथा as, वर्तते conduct, सुग्रीवे in Sugriva, मयि चापि in me too, तथा in the same way, वर्तेत he may conduct, संशयः doubt, न no.

'O lord of monkeys Angada will remain with Sugriva and with me as he used to live with you. Rest assured.'
स तस्य वाक्यं मधुरं महात्मन

स्समाहितं धर्मपथानुवर्तिनः।

निशम्य रामस्य रणावमर्दिनो

वचस्सुयुक्तं निजगाद वानरः4.18.67।।

सः वानरः that monkey, महात्मनः of the great, धर्मपथानुवर्तिनः of a man following a righteous path, रणावमर्दिनः a crusher of enemy in war, तस्य रामस्य that Rama's, मधुरम् sweet, समाहितम् wellcomposed, वाक्यम् words, निशम्य after hearing, सुयुक्तम् very fitting, वचः words, निजगाद replied.

Having listened to the sweet, wellcomposed words of great Rama, a crusher of the enemy in war ,follower of righteous path, Vali replied in appropriate manner:
शराभितप्तेन विचेतसा मया

प्रदूषितस्त्वं यदजानता प्रभो।

इदं महेन्द्रोपम भीमविक्रम

प्रसादितस्त्वं क्षम मे नरेश्वर4.18.68।।

प्रभो O lord, महेन्द्रोपम् like Indra, भीमविक्रम hero of immense valour, नरेश्वर lord of men, शराभितप्तेन excruciating pain caused by the arrow, विचेतसा loss of consciousness, अजानता without knowing, मया by me, त्वम् you, यत् since, प्रदूषितः blamed very much, मे I, इदम् thus, क्षमस्व forgive, त्वम् you, प्रसादितः be pleased.

'Pray, O mighty prince, hero of immense valour, pardon me for the words of blame I unwittingly hurled at you. I said all that in excruciating pain caused by your mighty arrow and in confusion of what is right and what is wrong.'
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे अष्टादशस्सर्गः।।
Thus ends the eighteenth sarga of Kishkindakanda of the Holy Ramayana, the first epic, composed by sage Valmiki.