Sloka & Translation

[Tara arrives --- her lamentations.]

sa vānaramahārājaśśayānaśśaravikṣataḥ.

pratyuktō hētumadvākyairnōttaraṅ pratyapadyata4.19.1৷৷

śaravikṣataḥ struck down by arrow, śayānaḥ lying on the ground, saḥ he (Vali), vānaramahārājaḥ the king of monkeys, hētumadvākyaiḥ by reasonable words, pratyuktaḥ offered, uttaram reply, na pratyapadyata not found.

The king of monkeys lying on the ground struck by the arrow did not offer to reply after listening to Rama's appropriate answers (to his objections).
aśmabhiḥ pravibhinnāṅgaḥ pādapairāhatō bhṛśam.

rāmabāṇēna cākrāntō jīvitāntē mumōha saḥ4.19.2৷৷

aśmabhiḥ with stones, pravibhinnāṅgaḥ limbs battreed, pādapaiḥ with trees, bhṛśam very much, āhataḥ hit, rāmabāṇēna ca by Rama's arrow, ākrāntaḥ attacked, saḥ he, jīvitāntē end of life, mumōha lost consciousness.

Severely battered by stones, hit by trees and pierced by Rama's arrow, Vali lost consciousness as the end of his life was nearing.
taṅ bhāryā bāṇamōkṣēṇa rāmadattēna saṅyugē.

hataṅ plavagaśārdūlaṅ tārā śuśrāva vālinam4.19.3৷৷

plavagaśārdūlam tiger among monkeys, taṅ vālinam by that Vali, saṅyugē in the battle, rāmadattēna hit by Rama, bāṇamōkṣēṇa by the discharge of the arrow, hatam killed, bhāryā wife, tārā Tara, śuśrāva heard.

Tara, wife of Vali, heard that her husband, tiger among monkeys, was killed in the battle by the arrow discharged by Rama.
sā saputrāpriyaṅ śrutvā vadhaṅ bhartussudāruṇam.

niṣpapāta bhṛśaṅ tasmādvividhā girigahvarāt4.19.4৷৷

saputrā along with her son, sā Tara, bhartuḥ husband's, sudāruṇam terrible, apriyam sad, vadham killing, śrutvā on hearing, bhṛśam much, udvignā anxious, tasmāt from that, giri gahvarāt from the mountain cave, vividhā many, niṣpapāta rushed.

Hearing the terrible, unhappy news of her husband's death, Tara anxiously rushed along with her son out of the mountain cave.
yē tvaṅgadaparīvārā vānarā bhīmavikramāḥ.

tē sakārmukamālōkya rāmaṅ trastāḥ pradudruvuḥ4.19.5৷৷

aṅgadaparīvārāḥ Angada's body-guards, yē those, bhīmavikramā: terribly courageous warriors, vānarāḥ monkeys, tē to, sakārmukam with bow, rāmam Rama, ālōkya seeing, trastāḥ frightened, pradudruvu: ran in different directions.

Alarmed at the sight of Rama holding the bow, the terribly courageous monkeys who followed Angada as his bodyguards ran in different directions.
sā dadarśa tatastrastānharīnāpatatō bhṛśam.

yūthādiva paribhraṣṭānmṛgānnihatayūthapān4.19.6৷৷

tataḥ then, sā she, trastān terror-stricken, bhṛśam very much, āpatataḥ running, nihatayūthapān the leader killed, yūthāt from the troop, paribhraṣṭān strayed, mṛgāniva like the deer, harīn monkeys, dadarśa saw.

Tara saw the terror-stricken monkeys running helter-skelter, like the herd of deer whose leader who had strayed had been killed.
tānuvāca samāsādya duḥkhitāndukhitā satī.


duḥkhitān sorrowing ones, iṣubhiḥ by the arrows, anubaddhāniva as if stricken at the back, rāmavitrāsitān terrified by Rama's arrows, tān them, samāsādya after duly approaching them, duḥkhitā satī she herself being sorrowful, uvāca said.

Sorrowful Tara, the wife of Vali, duly approaching the monkeys stricken with grief and running as if chased by the arrows of Rama at their back, said to them:
vānarāḥ! rājasiṅhasya yasya yūyaṅ purassarāḥ.

taṅ vihāya susantrastāḥ kasmāddravatha durgatāḥ4.19.8৷৷

vānarāḥ O monkeys!, yūyam all of you, yasya whosoever, rājasiṅhasya of a lion among kings, puraḥsarāḥ walked ahead, tam him, vihāya left, susantrastāḥ extremely frightened, durgatāḥ distressed, kasmāt why, dravatha are you running?

'O monkeys! deserting the lion among kings,whose servants you are ? What should you be frightened for ? Why run away in distress?
rājyahētōssa cēdbhrātā bhrātrā raudrēṇa pātitaḥ.

rāmēṇa prahitairaudrairmārgaṇairdūrapātibhiḥ4.19.9৷৷

raudrēṇa terrified, bhrātrā by the brother, saḥ he, Vali, rājyahētōḥ for the sake of kingship, rāmēṇa by Rama, raudrāt in anger, prahitaiḥ discharged, dūrapātibhiḥ far-reaching, mārgaṇaiḥ with arrows, pātitaḥ cēt if he is struck down.

'If the (elder) brother is struck down by his (younger) brother in anger for the sake of kingship using far-reaching arrows discharged by Rama, why are you running?'
kapipatnyā vacaśśrutvā kapayaḥ kāmarūpiṇaḥ.


kāmarūpiṇaḥ who change form at their will, kapayaḥ monkeys, kapipatnyā: of the wife of Vali, vacaḥ words, śrutvā on hearing, prāptakālam timely, avikliṣṭam clear, vacanam words, aṅganām to the lady, ūcuḥ spoke.

On hearing Tara, the wife of Vali, the monkeys who could assume any form at their will replied with clear words appropriate to the occasion:
jīvaputrē! nivartasva putraṅ rakṣasva cāṅgadam.

antakō rāmarūpēṇa hatvā nayati vālinam4.19.11৷৷

jīvaputrē! O mother of a son who is alive, nivartasva go back, putram son, aṅgadam Angada, rakṣasva you may protect, antakaḥ lord of death, rāmarūpēṇa in the form of Rama, vālinam Vali, hatvā having killed, nayati carrying away.

'O mother, your son is still alive. Go back and protect your son Angada. Lord of death in the form of Rama has come and killed Vali and is carrying him away.
kṣiptān vṛkṣānsamāvidhya vipulāśca śilāstathā.

vālī vajrasamairbāṇai rāmēṇa vinipātitaḥ4.19.12৷৷

kṣiptān hurled, vṛkṣān trees, tathā so also, vipulāḥ huge, śilāḥ rocks, vajrasamaiḥ like thunderbolt, bāṇaiḥ by arrows, samāvidhya after striking, vālī Vali, rāmēṇa by Rama, nipātitaḥ killed.

'Rama smashed the trees and stones Vali hurled at him and then struck him down with thunderbolt-like arrows.
abhidrutamidaṅ sarvaṅ vidrutaṅ prasṛtaṅ balam.

asmin plavagaśārdūlē hatē śakrasamaprabhē4.19.13৷৷

śakrasamaprabhē equal to Indra in splendour, asmin his, plavagaśārdūlē tiger among monkeys, hatē is killed, idam this, sarvam all, balam army, abhidrutam terrified, vidrutam scattered , prasṛtam spread all over.

'When Vali who was equal to Indra in strength, a tiger among monkeys, was killed, the army of monkeys got terrified and ran away here and there, scattered in different directions.
rakṣyatāṅ nagaradvāramaṅgadaścābhiṣicyatām.

padasthaṅ vālinaḥ putraṅ bhajiṣyanti plavaṅgamāḥ4.19.14৷৷

nagaradvāram the gateway of the city, rakṣyatām may be protected, aṅgadaśca Angada also, abhiṣicyatām be consecrated, padastham assuming the position of a king, vālinaḥ putram Vali's son, plavaṅgamāḥ monkeys, bhajiṣyanti will serve him.

'Let the gate of the city be shut and Vali's son be consecrated as king. All the monkeys will serve him when he assumes power.
athavā.rucitaṅ sthānamiha tē rucirānanē!.

āviśanti hi durgāṇi kṣipramanyāni vānarāḥ4.19.15৷৷

rucirānanē a woman with a lovely face, athavā or else, iha here, tē your, sthānam place, arucitam not proper, vānarāḥ monkeys, adyaiva this very day, kṣipram at once, anyāni other, durgāṇi citadels, āviśanti hi will occupy.

'O lovely Tara, this very day other monkeys will soon occupy our citadels.
abhāryāśca sabhāryāśca santyatra vanacāriṇaḥ.

lubdhēbhyō viprayuktēbhyastēbhyō nastumulaṅ bhayam4.19.16৷৷

abhāryāḥ those who do not have wives, sabhāryāśca those who have wives too, vanacāriṇaḥ wanderers of the forest, atra there, santi are found, lubdēbhyaḥ those who have made others wives their own, viprayuktēbhyaḥ separated from their wives, tēbhyaḥ from them, naḥ no, stumulam great, bhayam fear.

'There are monkeys wandering in the forest (sent away by Vali). Some of them have made others' wives their own and some have been separated from their wives. They are a great cause of fear.'
alpāntaragatānāṅ tu śrutvā vacanamaṅganā.

ātmanaḥ pratirūpaṅ sā babhāṣē cāruhāsinī4.19.17৷৷

alpāntaragatānām of those low-minded monkeys, vacanam words, śrutvā after hearing, cāruhāsinī a lady with a gentle smile, sā aṅganā that lady, ātmanaḥ of herself, pratirūpam in her own style, babhāṣē spoke.

Hearing the words of the petty-minded monkeys, Tara spoke to them in her own way with a gentle smile:
putrēṇa mama kiṅ kāryaṅ rājyēnaca kimātmanā.

kapisiṅhē mahābhāgē tasminbhartari naśyati4.19.18৷৷

kapisiṅhē lion among monkeys, mahābhāgē glorious, tasmin him, naśyati sati he is dying, mama to me, putrēṇa by my son, kiṅ kāryam what use, rājyēna (api) ca even with the kingdom, ātmanā with my own life, kim what purpose?

'Now that the glorious Vali, a lion among monkeys, my husband is dying, of what purpose is the son, or the kingdom or my own life?
pādamūlaṅ gamiṣyāmi tasyaivāhaṅ mahātmanaḥ.

yō.sau rāmaprayuktēna śarēṇa vinipātitaḥ4.19.19৷৷

yaḥ whosoever, asau this person, rāmaprayuktēna discharged by Rama, śarēṇa by arrow, vinipātitaḥ is killed, mahātmanaḥ of the great soul, tasya his, pādamūlam ēva soles of his feet, gamiṣyāmi I will go.

'I will seek the soles of the feet of the great soul who has been killed by the arrow discharged by Rama.'
ēvamuktvā pradudrāva rudantī śōkakarśitā.

śiraścōraśca bāhubhyāṅ duḥkhēna samabhidhnatī4.19.20৷৷

ēvam in that way, uktvā having spoken, rudantī while crying, śōkakarśitā grief stricken, duḥkhēna sadly, śiraśca head, uraśca chest, bāhubhyām with both hands, samabhidhnatī beating, pradudrāva hastened.

So saying, the grief-stricken, weeping Tara hastened, sadly beating with both hands her head and her chest.
āvrajantī dadarśātha patiṅ nipatitaṅ bhuvi.

hantāraṅ dānavēndrāṇāṅ samarēṣvanivartinam4.19.21৷৷

āvrajantī as she approached, atha then, dānavēndrāṇām of warriors among demons, hantāram killed, samarēṣu in wars, anivartinam who never retreated, bhuvi on the ground, nipatitam fallen, patim husband, dadarśa saw.

As she was nearing (the spot) she saw her husband, a great conqueror of monkeys who never retreated from the battle, mortally hit and fallen on the ground.
kṣēptāraṅ parvatēndrāṇāṅ vajrāṇāmiva vāsavam.

mahāvātasamāviṣṭaṅ mahāmēghaughanissvanam4.19.22৷৷

vajrāṇām the thunderbolts, vāsavam iva like Indra, parvatēndrāṇām of huge mountains, kṣēptāram the one who hurls, mahāvātasamāviṣṭam wind blowing at high velocity, mahāmēghaughanissvanam
thundering like huge clouds.

Vali who used to hurl huge mountains like Indra discharges thunderbolts, who had the speed of wind of high velocity, who would roar like huge thundering clouds,
kratulyaparākrāntaṅ vṛṣṭavēvōparataṅ ghanam.

nardantaṅ nardatāṅ bhīmaṅ śūraṅ śūrēṇa pātitam4.19.23৷৷

śārdūlēnāmiṣasyārthē mṛgarājaṅ yathāhatam.

śakratulyaparākrāntam equal to Indra in prowess, vṛṣṭavā after raining, uparatam who stopped, ghanam iva heavy cloud like, nardantam thundering, nardatām among those who roared, bhīmam terrific, śūram heroic, śūrēṇa by a hero, pātitam struck down, āmiṣasyārthē for the sake of meat, śārdūlēna by tiger, āhatam killed, mṛgarājaṅ yathā like the lion.

(Vali) who was equal to Indra in prowess looked like a huge monsoon cloud that had calmed down after pouring all water, a roaring warrior who could frighten others, struck down by another warrior, appeared like a lion killed by a tiger for the sake of meat;
arcitaṅ sarvalōkasya sapatākaṅ savēdikam4.19.24৷৷

nāgahētōssuparṇēna caityamunmathitaṅ yathā.

sarvalōkasya by all the worlds, arcitam revered, sapatākam along with the flag, savēdikam along with the altar, suparṇēna by Garuda, nāgahētōḥ on account of serpent, unmathitam destroyed, caityaṅ yathā like the sacred chaitya-a place of worship.

Vali looked like a chaitya (a tree of worship) having a banner and altar and reverentially worshipped by the entire world, but destroyed by Garuda on account of a serpent (hidden in it). (Here Rama is Garuda, Sugriva, serpent and Vali a sacred Chaitya)
avaṣṭabhya ca tiṣṭhantaṅ dadarśa dhanuruttam4.19.25৷৷

rāmaṅ rāmānujaṅ caiva bhartuścaivānujaṅ śubhā.

uttamam best, dhanuḥ bow, avaṣṭabhya leaning on, tiṣṭhantam standing firmly, rāmam Rama, rāmānujaṅ caiva and brother of Rama also, bhartuḥ husband's, anujaṅ brother, śubhā caiva auspicious lady, dadarśa beheld.

The auspicious lady Tara beheld Rama standing there firmly with his brother and Sugriva, leaning on the best of bows.
tāvatītya samāsādya bhartāraṅ nihataṅ raṇē4.19.26৷৷

samīkṣya vyathitā bhūmau sambhrāntā nipapāta ha.

tau both of them (Rama and Lakshmana), atītya passing, raṇē in war, nihatam killed, bhartāram her husband, samāsādya having reached, samīkṣya after seeing, vyathitā very much pained, sambhrāntā agitated, bhūmau on the ground, nipapāta ha fell down.

Passing Rama and Lakshmana, she went near her husband killed in the combat. She was full of agony to see him. Deeply agitated in the mind, she fell down on the ground.
suptvēva punarutthāya āryaputrēti śōcatī4.19.27৷৷

rurōda sā patiṅ dṛṣṭvā saṅvītaṅ mṛtyudāmabhiḥ.

sā that, suptvēva as if from sleep, punaḥ again, utthāya rising up, āryaputra iti O Aryaputra! (husband), śōcatī weeping, mṛtyudāmabhiḥ with the garland of death, saṅvītam surrounded, patim husband, dṛṣṭvā after seeing, rurōda lamented.

Tara got up again, as if she woke up from sleep and addressing her husband garlanded with death, lamented.
tāmavēkṣya tu sugrīvaḥ krōśantīṅ kurarīmiva.

viṣādamagamatkaṣṭaṅ dṛṣṭvā cāṅgadamāgatam4.19.28৷৷

sugrīvaḥ Sugriva, kurarīmiva like a female osprey, krōśantīm while she was crying, tām her, avēkṣya seeing, āgatam came, āṅgadaṅ ca and Angada also, dṛṣṭvā seeing, kaṣṭam pain, viṣādam despair, agamat experienced.

Seeing Tara crying like a female osprey and Angada following her in despair, Sugriva felt pain (at heart).
ityārṣē śrīmadrāmāyaṇē vālmīkīya ādikāvyē kiṣkindhākāṇḍē ēkōnaviṅśassargaḥ৷৷
Thus ends the nineteenth sarga of Kishkindakanda of the Holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.