Sloka & Translation

[Tara's lamentation over her misfortune.]

rāmacāpavisṛṣṭēna śarēṇāntakarēṇa tam.

dṛṣṭvā vinihataṅ bhūmau tārā tārādhipānanā4.20.1৷৷

sā samāsādya bhartāraṅ paryaṣvajata bhāminī.

tārādhipānanā moon-faced, bhāminī lovely woman, sā tārā that Tara, rāmacāpavisṛṣṭēna by the release of an arrow from Rama's bow, antakarēṇa by a death-dealing one, śarēṇa arrow, (vi)nihatam killed, tam him, bhūmau on the ground, dṛṣṭvā beholding, samāsādya went near, paryaṣvajata embraced.

Beholding her husband lying on the ground pierced by a death-dealing arrow released by Rama, the lovely moon-faced Tara went and embraced him.
iṣuṇā.bhihataṅ dṛṣṭvā vālinaṅ kuñjarōpamam4.20.2৷৷

vānarēndra mahēndrābhaṅ śōkasantaptamānasā.

tārā tarumivōnmūlaṅ paryadēvayadāturā4.20.3৷৷

iṣuṇā by the arrows, abhihatam killed, kuñjarōpamam like an elephant, parvatēndrābham splendid as mountain, unmūlam uprooted, tarum iva like a tree, vānarēndram lord of monkeys, vālinam Vali, dṛṣṭvā seeing, tārā Tara, āturā restless, śōkasantaptamānasā immersed in grief, paryadēvayat wailed.

Beholding Vali, the lord of monkeys, who was strong as an elephant, splendid as a mountain, fallen down like an uprooted tree, struck by the arrow, Tara became restless and wailed bitterly:
raṇē dāruṇa vikrānta pravīra plavatāṅ vara.

kiṅ dīnāmapurōbhāgāmadya tvaṅ nābhibhāṣasē৷৷4.20.4৷৷

raṇē in war, dāruṇa dreadful, pravīra valiant, vikrānta a hero who advances, plavatāṅ vara lord of monkeys, dīnām piteous lady, apurōbhāgām ignorant, tvam you, adya now, kim why, nābhibhāṣasē not replying.

'O valiant hero, lord of monkeys! you were terrifying in war. Why don't you speak now to me so forlorn and helpless?
uttiṣṭha hariśārdūla bhajasva śayanōttamam.

naivaṅvidhāśśēratē hi bhūmau nṛpatisattamāḥ4.20.5৷৷

hariśārdūla O tiger among monkeys, uttiṣṭha get up, śayanōttamam best of beds, bhajasva resort to, ēvaṅvidhāḥ such people, nṛpatisattamāḥ best of kings, bhūmau on the ground, na śēratē hi do not lie down.

'O tiger among monkeys! get up. Come and sleep on the best of beds. Best of kings, you should not lie on the ground.
atīva khalu tē kāntā vasudhā vasudhādhipa!.

gatāsurapi yāṅ gātrairmāṅ vihāya niṣēvasē4.20.6৷৷

vasudhādhipa lord of the earth, tē to you, vasudhā earth, atīva very much, kāntā khalu indeed your loved one, gatāsurapi even after death, mām me, vihāya abandon, gātrai: by your limbs, yām her, niṣēvasē you are enjoying.

'O lord of the earth! I know you loved the earth more than you loved me since you have forsaken me and enjoy her company by hugging her with your limbs, even after death.
vyaktamanyā tvayā vīra dharmata: sampravartitā.

kiṣkindhēva purī ramyā svargamārgē vinirmitā4.20.7৷৷

vīra O hero, dharmataḥ righteously, sampravartitā acknowledged, tvayā by you, anyā another, kiṣkindhēva kishkinda-like, ramyā delightful, purī city, svargamārgē on your way to heaven, vinirmitā is built, spaṣṭam it is evident.

'O my heroic husband, you are the legitimate, righteous king of Kiskinda. You have evidently built another beautiful city Kiskinda on your way to heaven.
yānyasmābhistvayā sārdhaṅ vanēṣu madhugandhiṣu.

vihṛtāni tvayā kālē tēṣāmuparamaḥ kṛtaḥ4.20.8৷৷

tvayā with you, asmābhi: by us, sārdham with us, madhugandhiṣu sweet-scented, vanēṣu in the forests, yāni such, vihṛtāni pleasure trips, kālē at this time, tēṣām their, uparamaḥ made to end, tvayā by you, kṛtaḥ is made.

'Our pleasure trips to sweet-scented forests have ended now. You have brought them to a close.
nirānandā nirāśā.haṅ nimagnā śōkasāgarē.

tvayi pañcatvamāpannē mahāyūthapayūthapē4.20.9৷৷

mahāyūthapayūthapē the leader of the leaders, tvayi you only, pañcatvam heaven, āpannē are dead, aham I am, nirānandā without pleasure, nirāśā with no hope, śōkasāgarē in a sea of sorrow, nimagnā immersed.

'You are the leader of leaders. Now that you have attained heaven I am bereft of all joy, plunged in a sea of grief.
hṛdayaṅ susthiraṅ mahyaṅ dṛṣṭvā vinihataṅ patim.

yanna śōkābhisantaptaṅ sphuṭatē.dya sahasradhā4.20.10৷৷

mahyam for me, hṛdayam heart, susthiram is strong, yat since, bhuvi on the ground, (ni)patitam fallen, dṛṣṭvā even seeing, śōkābhisantaptam tormented with sorrow, adya today, sahasradhā thousandfold, na sphuṭatē not broken into pieces.

'I presume my heart is strong, for it has not broken into a thousand pieces, even though I am overwhelmed with grief to see my husband fallen on the ground.
sugrīvasya tvayā bhāryā hṛtā sa ca vivāsitaḥ.

yattu ttasya tvayā vyuṣṭiḥ prāptēyaṅ plavagādhipa!4.20.11৷৷

plavagādhipa! O king of monkeys, tvayā by you, yat that, sugrīvasya Sugriva's, bhāryā wife, hṛtā seized, saḥ ca and he is, vivāsitaḥ banished, tat that, tvayā by you, tasya its, iyam this, vyuṣṭiḥ as a result, prāptā attained.

'O king of monkeys! you have banished Sugriva. You have usurped his wife. This is the fruit of your action.
niśśrēyasaparā mōhāttvayā cāhaṅ vigarhitā.

yaiṣā.bruvaṅ hitaṅ vākyaṅ vānarēndra hitaiṣiṇī4.20.12৷৷

vānarēndra O lord of monkeys!, niḥśrēyasaparā wishing your wellfare, hitaiṣiṇī as a well-wisher, yā such, ēṣā such a lady, hitam vākyam salutary advice, abruvam I tendered, aham I, tvayā mōhāt due to delusion, vigarhitā despised.

'O lord of monkeys! wishing your well-being I tendered salutary advice. But out of delusion you despised them.
rūpayauvanadṛptānāṅ dakṣiṇānāṅ ca mānada!.

nūnamapsarasāmārya! cittāni pramathiṣyasi4.20.13৷৷

mānada O venerable one!, rūpayauvanadṛptānām endowed with youth and beauty, dakṣiṇānām of the kind-hearted, apsarasām of apsarasas, cittāni hearts, pramathiṣyasi you will churn, nūnam surely.

'O venerable one! you will surely churn the minds of the kind-hearted celestial nymphs who are endowed with youth and beauty.
kālō nissaṅśayō nūnaṅ jīvitāntakarastava.

balādyēnāvapannō.si sugrīvasyāvaśō vaśam4.20.14৷৷

nissaṅśayaḥ no doubt, kālaḥ inexorable time, tava to you, jīvitāntakaraḥ ends your life, nūnam surely, yēna since, avaśaḥ an uncontrollable one, balāt forcibly, sugrīvasya Sugriva's, vaśam under control, avapannaḥ come into the fold.

'No doubt time is inexorable. The time of your death had surely arrived.Now you, whom nobody could control, have come under the sway of Sugriva.
vaidhavyaṅ śōkasantāpaṅ kṛpaṇaṅ kṛpaṇā satī.

aduḥkhōpacitā pūrvaṅ vartayiṣyāmyanāthavat৷৷4.20.15৷৷

pūrvam earlier, kṛpaṇā satī reduced to pitiable condition, aduḥkhōpacitā not experienced grief, anāthavat like an orphan, kṛpaṇaṅ in a wretched manner, vaidhavyam widowhood, śōkasantāpam immersed in grief, vartayiṣyāmi I will remain.

'I have not experienced poverty or suffering before. Immersed in grief, like an orphan, now I am reduced to the pitiable condition of a widow.
lālitaścāṅgadō vīrassukumārassukhōcitaḥ.

vartsyatē kāmavasthāṅ mē pitṛvyē krōdhamūrchitē৷৷4.20.16৷৷

pitṛvyē father's brother, krōdhamūrchitē is deluded with anger, lālitaḥ a fondled boy, sukumāraḥ tender, sukhōcitaḥ who deserves comforts, vīraḥ a hero, mē aṅgadaḥ my Angada, kām what kind, avasthām state, vartsyatē is going to experience?

'To what plight will the tender Angada, who has been tended affectionately and
deserves comforts, be reduced when his uncle displays anger?
kuruṣva pitaraṅ putra! sudṛṣṭaṅ dharmavatsalam.

durlabhaṅ darśanaṅ vatsa! tava tasya bhaviṣyati৷৷4.20.17৷৷

putra O son!, dharmavatsalam a lover of dharma, pitaram father, sudṛṣṭam well seen, kuruṣva you may do, vatsa dear, tasya his, darśanam meeting, durlabham difficult, bhaviṣyati will become.

(Turning to Angada Tara said) 'O son, look at your father, a lover of dharma. See him, as it will be difficult to see him later, dear'.
samāśvāsaya putraṅ tvaṅ sandēśaṅ sandiśasva mē.

mūrdhni cainaṅ samāghrāya pravāsaṅ prasthitō hyasi4.20.18৷৷

tvam you, putram son, samāśvāsaya console him, ēnam him, mūrdhni touching his forehead, samāghrāya enjoying the sweet smell of his body, ca ēnaṅ him, sandēśam instructon, sandiśva consoling him, pravāsam on a journey, prasthitaḥ going, asi hi you are.

'O lord! you have set out on a long journey. Kiss your son on the forehead, enjoy its sweet smell, console him and give him your message.
rāmēṇa hi mahatkarma kṛtaṅ tvāmabhinighnatā.

ānṛṇyaṅ ca gataṅ tasya sugrīvasya pratiśravē4.20.19৷৷

tvām you, abhinighnatā by killing you, rāmēṇa by Rama, mahat great, karma deed, kṛtaṅ hi accomplished, sugrīvasya for Sugriva, pratiśravē in fulfilling promise, tasya his, ānṛṇyam debt, gataṅ tu is acquitted.

'Indeed, Rama has achieved a great feat in fulfilling his promise to Sugriva. He is acquitted of the debt by killing you.
sakāmō bhava sugrīva rumāṅ tvaṅ pratipatsyasē.

bhuṅkṣava rājyamanudvignaśśastō bhrātā ripustava4.20.20৷৷

sugrīva Sugriva, sakāmaḥ be happy, bhava be, tvam you, rumām Ruma, pratipatsyasē returned to her, anudvignaḥ without any worry, rājyam kingdom, bhuṅkṣava enjoy, tava your, ripuḥ enemy, bhrātā brother, śastaḥ is killed.

'(Now turning to Sugriva she said) O Sugriva! your enemy brother has been killed and your desire has been fulfilled.You will get back Ruma and enjoy the kingdom without any obstacles.'
kiṅ māmēvaṅ vilapatīṅ prēmṇā tvaṅ nābhibhāṣasē.

imāḥ paśya varā bahvīrbhāryāstē vānarēśvara4.20.21৷৷

vānarēśvara lord of monkeys, ēvam in that way, vilapatīm while I am wailing, prēmṇā lovingly, mām with me, tvam you, kim why, nābhibhāṣasē you are not speaking, tē your, bahvīḥ many, varāḥ lovely, bhāryāḥ wives, imāḥ these, paśya you may see.

'(To Vali she said) O lord of monkeys! Why don't you speak to me loving words when I am wailing this way? Here are your excellent wives!'
tasyā vilapitaṅ śrutvā vānaryassarvataśca tāḥ.

parigṛhyāṅgadaṅ dīnaṅ duḥkhārtā paricukruśuḥ4.20.22৷৷

sarvataḥ all over, tāḥ those, vānaryaḥ female monkeys, tasyāḥ their, vilapitam wailing, śrutvā on hearing, aṅgadam Angada, parigṛhya taking hold, dīnāḥ wretched women, duḥkhārtāḥ filled with sorrow, paricukruśuḥ cried bitterly.

On hearing the wailing of Tara, all the other wives of Vali held the piteous (in their arms) Angada and wailed, overwhelmed with sorrow:
kimaṅgadaṅ sāṅgadavīrabāhō

vihāya yāsyadya cirapravāsam.

na yuktamēvaṅ guṇasannikṛṣṭaṅ

vihāya putraṅ priyaputra! gantum4.20.23৷৷

sāṅgadavīrabāhō O hero adorned with armlets, aṅgadam Angada, vihāya deserting, cirapravāsam on a long journey, kim why, prayātaḥ asi going, guṇasannikṛṣṭam with qualities like yours, priyaputra your dear son, putram son, ēvam this way, na yuktam not proper to go.

'O hero, adorned with armlets, why have you departed on a long journey, deserting your dear son Angada who possesses similar virtues like you? It is not proper.
kimapriyaṅ tē priya! cāruvēṣa!

mayā kṛtaṅ nātha! sutēna vā tē.

sahāṅgadāṅ māṅ pravihāya vīra!

yatprasthitō dīrgha mitaḥ pravāsam4.20.24৷৷

priyacāruvēṣa robed attractively, vīra esteemed one, nātha lord, sahāṅgadām with Angada, mām me, vihāya leaving, itaḥ this place, dīrgham long distance, pravāsam journey, yat prasthitaḥ since you have begun, mayā by me, tē to you, sutēna vā or by your son, kim what, apriyam unpleasant, kṛtam done.

'O darling, attractively dressed, you are leaving me and Angada and going too far. What unpleasant deeds we have done (to deserve this).
yadyapriyaṅ kiñcidasampradhārya

kṛtaṅ mayā syāttava dīrghabāhō.

kṣamasva mē taddharivaṅśanātha

vrajāmi mūrdhnā tava vīra! pādau৷৷4.20.25৷৷

dīrghabāhō O long-armed one, harivaṅśanātha chief of monkey clan, vīra warrior, asampradhārya unknowingly, mayā by me, tava to you, apriyam inconsiderately, kiñcit even a little, kṛtaṅ syādyadi if done, mē mine, tat that, kṣamasva may pardon, mūrdhnā by my head, tava your, pādō feet, vrajāmi I reach.

'O long-armed chief of the monkey clan! O warrior! pardon me any wrong done unknowingly, inconsiderately. I touch your feet with my head.'
tathā tu tārā karuṇaṅ rudantī

bhartussamīpē saha vānarībhiḥ.

vyavasyata prāyamupōpavēṣṭu-

manindyavarṇā bhuvi yatra vālī4.20.26৷৷

anindyavarṇā flawless complexion, tārā Tara, bhartuḥ husband's, samīpē in the presence, vānarībhiḥ saha along with female monkeys, tathā similarly, karuṇam patheticaly, rudantī crying, vālī Vali, yatra there, bhuvi on the ground, prāyam upōpavēṣṭum sitting down by abstaining from food seeking death, vyavasyata determined.

Beautiful Tara crying pathetically sat near her husband along with other female monkeys on the ground, determined to abstain from food and drink, awaiting death.
ityārṣē śrīmadrāmāyaṇē vālmīkīya ādikāvyē kiṣkindhākāṇḍē viṅśassargaḥ৷৷
Thus ends the twentieth sarga of Kishkindakanda of the Holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.