Sloka & Translation

[Sugriva gives an account of the arrival of his army, in thousands and thousands of crores --- Rama expresses his gratefulness to Sugriva.]

iti bruvāṇaṅ sugrīvaṅ rāmō dharmabhṛtāṅ varaḥ.

bāhubhyāṅ sampariṣvajya pratyuvāca kṛtāñjalim৷৷4.39.1৷৷

dharmabhṛtām among the upholders of righteousness, varaḥ foremost, rāmaḥ Rama, iti thus, bruvāṇam spoke, kṛtāñjalim with folded hands, sugrīvam to Sugriva, bāhubhyām shoulders, sampariṣvajya having hugged, pratyuvāca replied.

On hearing Sugriva who stood with folded hands, Rama, the foremost among the upholders of righteousness, hugged him and said:
yadindrō varṣatē varṣaṅ na taccitraṅ bhavētkvacit.

ādityō vā sahasrāṅśuḥ kuryādvitimiraṅ nabhaḥ৷৷4.39.2৷৷

candramā raśmibhiḥ kuryātpṛthivīṅ saumya! nirmalām.

tvadvidhō vā.pi mitrāṇāṅ pratikuryātparantapa ৷৷4.39.3৷৷

parantapa! O scorcher of enemies, saumya! O gentle one, indraḥ Indra, varṣam yat varṣatē when he rains, sahasrāṅśuḥ god with a thousand rays, vā or else, ādityaḥ Sun, nabhaḥ sky, vitimiram bright, kuryāt make, candramāḥ Moon, pṛthivīṅ on the earth, raśmibhiḥ with his rays, nirmalām cool, kuryāt does, tvadvidhaḥ a person like you, mitrāṇām for friends, pratikuryāt help in turn, tat that, citram strange, na bhaviṣyati will not be.

'O scorcher of enemies, gentle Sugriva! it will not be strange if Indra showers rain, if the Sun in the sky dispels darkness with his thousand rays, and if the Moon cools down the earth with his light, and a person like you helps his friend.
ēvaṅ tvayi na taccitraṅ bhavēdyatsaumya śōbhanam.

jānāmyahaṅ tvāṅ sugrīva! satataṅ priyavādinam৷৷4.39.4৷৷

saumya gentle one, sugrīva! Sugriva, ēvam that way, tvayi you, śōbhanam well done, tat that, citram surprising, na bhavēt will not be, tvām you, satatam always, priyavādinam pleasing in talk, aham I, jānāmi know.

'O gentle Sugriva! this your help to me is not surprising. You always help your friends and speak in a pleasing manner.
tvatsanātha: sakhē saṅkhyē jētā.smi sakalānarīn.

tvamēva mē suhṛtanmitraṅ sāhāyyaṅ kartumarhasi৷৷4.39.5৷৷

sakhē O friend, tvatsanāthaḥ one supported by you, saṅkhyē in war, sakalān all, arīn enemies, jētā.smi I will win over, suhṛt good-hearted, mitram friend, tvamēva you alone, mē to me, sāhāyyam help, kartum to render, arhasi it is proper on your part.

'O friend! I will win over all enemies in war supported by you.You are a good-hearted friend and you alone should help me.
jahārātmavināśāya vaidēhīṅ rākṣasādhamaḥ.

vañcayitvā tu paulōmīmanuhlādō yathā śacīm৷৷4.39.6৷৷

rākṣasādhamaḥ lowly demon, vañcayitvā after deceiving, vaidēhīm Vaidehi, anuhlādaḥ Anuhlada, paulōmīm Poulomi ( Indra's wife), śacīṅ yathā like Sachi, ātmavināśāya for his own destruction, jahāra took away.

Just as Anuhlada (son of Hiranyakasipu and brother of Prahlada) took away, Poulomi (Sachi, daughter of Puloma) deceiving Indra, this lowly demon took away Sita, daughter of the king of Videha.
na cirāttaṅ haniṣyāmi rāvaṇaṅ niśitaiśśaraiḥ.

paulōmyāḥ pitaraṅ dṛptaṅ śatakraturivā.havē৷৷4.39.7৷৷

taṅ rāvaṇam that Ravana, na cirāt very soon, ahavē in a battle, śatakratuḥ one who has done a hundred sacrifices, Indra, paulōmyāḥ Pouloma's, dṛptam proud, pitaram father, niśitaiḥ with sharp ones, śaraiḥ arrows, haniṣyāmi will kill.

'I will kill Ravana with my sharp arrows just as Indra, (who had done a hundred sacrifices) killed the proud father of Poulomi.
ētasminnantarē caiva rajassamabhivartata.

uṣṇāṅ tīvrāṅ sahasrāṅśōśchādayadgaganē prabhām৷৷4.39.8৷৷

ētasminnantarē in the mean while, gaganē in the sky, sahasrāṅśōḥ thousand-rayed Sun's, uṣṇāṅ tīvrām intense heat, prabhām radiance, chādayat covering, rajaḥ dust, samabhivartata was raised.

In the mean while the dust raised (by army of monkeys) all over obscured the intense heat from the sky and the radiance of the thousand-rayed Sun.
diśaḥ paryākulāścāsanrajasā tēna mūrchatā.

cacāla ca mahī sarvā saśailavanakānanā৷৷4.39.9৷৷

tēna by that, rajasā by the dust, mūrchatā by the spread, diśaḥ sides, paryākulāśca became mixed up, saśailavanakānanā including mountains, gardens and forests, sarvā all, mahī ca and earth, cacāla was shaken.

By the spreading of dust, the quarters were not visible.The earth including the mountains gardens and forests was shaken up.
tatō nagēndrasaṅkāśaistīkṣṇadaṅṣṭrairmahābalaiḥ.

kṛtsnā sañchāditā bhūmirasaṅkhyēyaiḥ plavaṅgamaiḥ৷৷4.39.10৷৷

nimēṣāntaramātrēṇa tatastairhariyūthapaiḥ.

kōṭīśataparīvāraiḥ kāmarūpibhirāvṛtā৷৷4.39.11৷৷

nādēyaiḥ pārvatīyaiśca sāmudraiśca mahābalaiḥ.

haribhirmēghanirhrādairanyaiśca vanacāribhiḥ৷৷4.39.12৷৷

taruṇādityavarṇaiśca śaśigauraiśca vānaraiḥ.

padmakēsaravarṇaiśca śvētairmērukṛtālayaiḥ৷৷4.39.13৷৷

tataḥ then, nagēndrasaṅkāśaiḥ resembling mountains, tīkṣṇadaṅṣṭraiḥ having sharp fangs, mahābalaiḥ powerful, asaṅkhyēyaiḥ innumerable, plavaṅgamaiḥ by the monkeys, kṛtsnā the entire, bhūmiḥ land, nimēṣāntaramātrēṇa in a minute's time, sacchāditā was covered, tataḥ then, hariyūthapaiḥ with monkey troops, kōṭīśataparīvāraiḥ by a hundred crore monkeys, kāmarūpibhiḥ who can assume form at will, vānaraiḥ by monkeys, nādēyaiḥ coming from the rivers, pārvatēyaiśca from the mountains, sāmudraiśca from the seas, mahābalaiḥ very strong ones, haribhiḥ monkeys, mēghanirhrādaiḥ thundering like clouds, anyaiḥ others, vanacāribhiḥ wanderers of the forest, taruṇādityavarṇaiḥ of red complexion resembling the rising Sun, śaśigauraiśca tawny coloured ones like the Moon, padmakēsaravarṇaiśca of the colour of filaments of white lotus, śvētaiḥ by white, rmērukṛtālayaiḥ residents of the mountain Meru, vānaraiḥ with monkeys.

In a minute, the entire land was crowded with innumerable powerful monkeys of the size of mountains having sharp fangs.The monkey leaders with a hundred crore monkey followers, who could assume any form at their will; mighty monkeys from the mountains, rivers and seas; vanaras thundering like clouds; and other free vanaras who were wanderers; vanaras red in colour like the rising Sun, tawny coloured ones like the Moon; some who were of the hue of white lotus filaments and some vanaras residing in mount Meru came there.
kōṭīsahasrairdaśabhiḥ śrīmānparivṛtastadā.

vīraśśatavalirnāma vānaraḥ pratyadṛśyata৷৷4.39.14৷৷

tadā then, daśabhiḥ by ten, kōṭīsahasraiḥ thousand crores, parivṛtaḥ accompanied by, śrīmān
glorious, vīraḥ warrior, śatavalirnāma named Satavali, vānaraḥ monkey, pratyadṛśyata appeared on the site.

Then appeared the glorious warrior named Satavali, followed by ten thousand crore of monkeys.
tataḥ kāñcanaśailābhastārāyā vīryavānpitā.

anēkairdaśasāhasraiḥ kōṭibhiḥ pratyadṛśyata৷৷4.39.15৷৷

tataḥ then, kāñcanaśailābhaḥ appearing like the golden mountain (Meru), vīryavān valiant, pitā father, daśasāhasraiḥ by ten thousand, kōṭibhiḥ by crores, anēkaiḥ and many, pratyadṛśyata appeared with, tārāyā Tara's.

(Next came) the valiant father of Tara of golden complexion like mount Meru followed by ten thousand crore of vanaras.
tathā.parēṇa kōṭīnāṅ sahasrēṇa samanvitaḥ.

pitā rumāyā samprāptassugrīvaśvaśurō vibhuḥ৷৷4.39.16৷৷

tathā like-wise, vibhuḥ mighty one, rumāyāḥ pitā father of Ruma, sugrīvaśvaśuraḥ king Sugriva's father-in-law, aparēṇa by another, kōṭīnām by a crore, sahasrēṇa thousand, samanvitaḥ accompanied with, samprāptaḥ reached.

Likewise mighty father of Ruma, father-in-law of Sugriva, reached there accompanied by a thousand crore monkeys.


anēkairbahusāhasrairvānarāṇāṅ samanvitaḥ.

pitā hanumataśraśīmānkēsarī pratyadṛśyata৷৷4.39.18৷৷

padmakēsarasaṅkāśaḥ like lotus filaments in colour, taruṇārkanibhānanaḥ with the countenance red like the early morning Sun, buddhimān wise, vānaraśrēṣṭhaḥ foremost of vanaras, sarvavānarasattamaḥ the best among vanaras, hanumataḥ Hanuman's, pitā father, śrīmān prosperous, kēsarī Kesari, vānarāṇām of vanaras, anēkaiḥ many, bahusāhasraiḥ by many thousands, samanvitaḥ accompanied by, pratyadṛśyata appeared.

Then arrived Kesari, the wise and illustrious monkey, foremost and the best among vanaras, father of Hanuman. He was of the colour of lotus filaments and his countenance was red like the early morning Sun. He was accompanied by many thousands of monkeys.
gōlāṅgūlamahārājō gavākṣō bhīmavikramaḥ.

vṛtaḥ kōṭisahasrēṇa vānarāṇāmadṛśyata৷৷4.39.19৷৷

vānarāṇām of vanaras, kōṭisahasrēṇa by a thousand crores, vṛtaḥ surrounded, gōlāṅgūlamahārājaḥ king of Langur, bhīmavikramaḥ a warrior of fierce valour, gavākṣaḥ Gavaksha, adṛśyata was seen

Next arrived Gavaksha, king of Langurs (whose tail resembled the cow's), of fierceful courage surrounded by a thousand crore of vanaras.
ṛkṣāṇāṅ bhīmavēgānāṅ dhūmraśśatrunibarhaṇaḥ.

vṛtaḥ kōṭisahasrābhyāṅ dvābhyāṅ samabhivartata৷৷4.39.20৷৷

śatrunibarhaṇaḥ destroyer of enemies, dhūmraḥ Dhumra, bhīmavēgānām of those of frightening speed, ṛkṣāṇām of bears, dvābhyām with two, kōṭisahasrābhyām thousand crores, samabhivartata arrived there.

Dhumra, destroyer of enemies, came next followed by two thousand crore of bears of terrible speed.
mahācalanibhairghōrai: panasō nāma yūthapaḥ.

ājagāma mahāvīryastisṛbhiḥ kōṭibhirvṛtaḥ৷৷4.39.21৷৷

panasō nāma Panasa by name, mahāvīryaḥ a great warrior, yūthapaḥ troop leader, tisṛbhiḥ kōṭibhiḥ by three crores, mahācalanibhaiḥ by those resembling huge mountains, ghōraiḥ by a dreadful one, vṛtaḥ surrounded by, ājagāma came.

Similarly, the great warrior named Panasa, leader of the troop, reported with three crore dreadful vanaras of the size of huge mountains.
nīlāñjanacayākārō nīlō nāmā.tha yūthapaḥ.

adṛśyata mahākāyaḥ kōṭibhirdaśabhirvṛtaḥ৷৷4.39.22৷৷

atha then, daśabhiḥ kōṭibhiḥ by ten crore, vṛtaḥ surrounded, nīlāñjanacayākāraḥ dark like a mountain of collyrium, mahākāyaḥ of huge body, nīlō nāma by name Nila, yūthapaḥ leader, adṛśyata appeared.

Then appeared Nila of huge body, dark like a mountain of collyrium accompanied by ten crore vanaras.
tataḥ kāñcanaśailābhō gavayō nāma yūthapaḥ.

ājagāma mahāvīryaḥ pañcabhi: kōṭibhirvṛtaḥ৷৷4.39.23৷৷

tataḥ then, kāñcanaśailābhaḥ appearing like golden mountain, mahāvīryaḥ a great warrior, gavayō nāma Gavaya by name, yūthapaḥ leader of a group, pañcabhiḥ kōṭibhiḥ by five crores, vṛtaḥ surrounded, ājagāma arrived.

Then arrived the leader of five crore vanaras, the great warrior Gavaya who resembled a golden mountain.
darīmukhaśca balavānyūthapō.bhyāyayau tadā.

vṛtaḥ kōṭisahasrēṇa sugrīvaṅ samupasthitaḥ৷৷4.39.24৷৷

tadā then, balavān strong, darīmukhaḥ Darimukha, yūthapaḥ leader, kōṭisahasrēṇa with one thousand crores, vṛtaḥ surrounded, abhyāyayau came near, sugrīvam Sugriva, samupasthitaḥ approached.

Then the strong Darimukha, leader of a thousand crore monkeys approached Sugriva.
maindaśca dvividaścōbhāvaśviputrau mahābalau.

kōṭikōṭisahasrēṇa vānarāṇāmadṛśyatām৷৷4.39.25৷৷

mahābalau two very powerful, aśviputrau two sons of Asvi, maindaśca Mainda, dvividaśca Dvivida, ubhau both, vānarāṇām vanaras, kōṭikōṭisahasrēṇa by a thousand crores, adṛśyatām appeared.

Two very powerful sons of Asvini, Mainda and Dvivida, appeared with a thousand crore vanaras.
gajaśca balavān vīra: kōṭibhistisṛbhirvṛtaḥ.

ājagāma mahātējā sugrīvasya samīpataḥ৷৷4.39.26৷৷

balavān stout, vīraḥ hero, mahātējāḥ mighty, gajaśca Gaja also, tisṛbhiḥ kōṭibhiḥ with three crores of vanaras, vṛtaḥ surrounded by, sugrīvasya of Sugriva, samīpataḥ presence, ājagāma reached.

Strong and powerful Gaja also reached Sugriva with three crore vanaras.
ṛkṣarājō mahātējā jāmbavānnāma nāmataḥ.

kōṭibhirdaśabhiḥ prāptaḥ sugrīvasya vaśē sthitaḥ৷৷4.39.27৷৷

mahātējāḥ glorious, nāmataḥ by name, jāmbavān nāma called Jambavan, ṛkṣarājaḥ king of bears, daśabhiḥ ten, kōṭibhi with crores, prāptaḥ got, sugrīvasya to Sugriva, vaśē under control, sthitaḥ stood.

Glorious Jambavan, king of bears, stood before Sugriva with ten thousand crore vanaras.
rumaṇvānnāma vikrāntō vānarō vānarēśvaram.

āyayau balavāṅstūrṇaṅ kōṭīśatasamāvṛtaḥ৷৷4.39.28৷৷

vikrāntaḥ victorious, vānaraiḥ with vanaras, vṛtaḥ surrounded by, balavān sturdy, rumaṇvannāma called Rumanvan, kōṭīśatasamāvṛtaḥ surrounded by hundred crores of vanaras, tūrṇam swiftly, samāvṛtaḥ came and assembled.

Sturdy and victorious vanara called Rumanvan came swiftly followed by a hundred crore vanaras.
tataḥ kōṭisahasrāṇāṅ sahasrēṇa śatēna ca.

pṛṣṭhatō.nugataḥ prāptō haribhirgandhamādanaḥ৷৷4.39.29৷৷

tataḥ then, kōṭisahasrāṇām of a thousand crore, sahasrēṇa by a thousand, śatēna ca by a hundred also, vānaraiḥ with vanara, pṛṣṭhataḥ behind him, anugataḥ followed, gandhamādana: Gandhamadana, prāptaḥ came.

Then came Gandhamadana with a hundred thousand crore of vanaras following him.
tataḥ padmasahasrēṇa vṛtaśśaṅkuśatēna ca.

yuvarājō.ṅgadaḥ prāptaḥ pitṛtulyaparākramaḥ৷৷4.39.30৷৷

tataḥ then, pituḥ tulyaparākramaḥ comparable in prowess to his father, yuvarājaḥ heir apparent, aṅgadaḥ Angada, padmasahasrēṇa with a thousand Padmas (trillion), śaṅkuśatēna ca one hundred times Sanku (ten trillion), vṛtaḥ surrounded, prāptaḥ arrived.

Then arrived the heir apparent, Angada, whose prowess is comparable to that of his father with him came a thousand padmas and a hundred sankus of followers.
tatastārādyutistārō harirbhīmaparākramaḥ.

pañcabhirharikōṭībhirdūrataḥ pratyadṛśyata৷৷4.39.31৷৷

tataḥ then, tārādyutiḥ shining like a star, bhīmaparākramaḥ a warrior of terrific valour, tāraḥ Tara, hariḥ vanara, pañcabhiḥ with five, harikōṭībhiḥ with crores of vanaras, dūrataḥ at a distance, pratyadṛśyata was seen.

And Tara (brother of Ruma's father) of terrific valour shining like a star showed up at a distance with five crore vanaras.
indrajānuḥ kapirvīrō yūthapaḥ pratyadṛśyata.

ēkādaśānāṅ kōṭīnāmīśvarastaissamāvṛtaḥ৷৷4.39.32৷৷

ēkādaśānāṅ kōṭīnām of eleven crores of vanaras, īśvaraḥ chief, vīraḥhero, yūthapaḥ leader of troop, indrajānuḥ Indrajanu, kapiḥ vanara, taiḥ with them, samāvṛtaḥ surrounded, pratyadṛśyata appeared.

Then Indrajanu the troop leader and chief of vanaras appeared along with eleven crore monkeys.
tatō rambhastvanuprāptastaruṇādityasannibhaḥ.

ayutēnāvṛtaścaiva sahasrēṇa śatēna ca৷৷4.39.33৷৷

tataḥ thereafter, taruṇādityasannibhaḥ of the colour of the rising Sun, rambhaḥ Rambha, ayutēnā by one ayuta (10,000), sahasrēṇa by a thousand, śatēna ca by a hundred, vṛtaḥ surrounded, anuprāptaḥ arrived

Thereafter Rambha of the colour of the rising Sun brought together an army of one thousand and one hundred ayuta troops.
tatō yūthapatirvīrō durmukhō nāma vānaraḥ.

pratyadṛśyata kōṭībhyāṅ dvābhyāṅ parivṛtō balī৷৷4.39.34৷৷

tataḥ thereafter, yūthapatiḥ leader of the troop, vīraḥ hero, balī strong one, durmukhō nāma
Durmukha by name, vānaraḥ vanara, dvābhyām with two, kōṭībhyām with crores, parivṛtaḥ surrounded, pratyadṛśyata appeared.

Thereafter the mighty hero, leader of the troop, by name Durmukha appeared with two crore vanaras.

vṛtaḥ kōṭisahasrēṇa hanumānpratyadṛśyata৷৷4.39.35৷৷

hanumān Hanuman, kailāsaśikharākāraiḥ with those like the peaks of Kailasa mountain, bhīmavikramaiḥ with warriors of frightful valour, kōṭisahasrēṇa by one thousand crores, vānaraiḥ with vanaras, vṛtaḥ surrounded by, pratyadṛśyata showed up.

And Hanuman showed up surrounded by a thousand crore vanaras of frightful valour. They looked like the peaks of Kailasa mountain.
nalaścāpi mahāvīryassaṅvṛtō drumavāsibhiḥ.

kōṭīśatēna samprāptassahasrēṇa śatēna ca৷৷4.39.36৷৷

mahāvīryaḥ valiant, nalaścāpi Nala also, kōṭīśatēna by a hundred crores, sahasrēṇa by a thousand, śatēna ca and by hundreds, drumavāsibhiḥ by the tree dwellers(monkeys), saṅvṛtaḥ surrounded by, samprāptaḥ arrived.

Valiant Nala also arrived surrounded by a hundred crore and a hundred thousand tree-dwellers (monkeys).
tatō dadhimukhaśrīmānkōṭibhirdaśabhirvṛtaḥ.

samprāptō.bhimatastasya sugrīvasya mahātmanaḥ৷৷4.39.37৷৷

tataḥ then, śrīmān prosperous, dadhimukhaḥ Dadhimukha, daśabhiḥ with ten, kōṭibhiḥ with crore, vṛtaḥ surrounded with, abhimataḥ a favourite one, tasya his, mahātmanaḥ sugrīsya of great Sugriva, samprāptaḥ reached.

Then the illustrious Dadhimukha, great Sugriva's favourite leader reached with ten crore vanaras.
śarabhaḥ kumudō vahnirvānarō raṅha ēva ca.

ētē cānyē ca bahavō vānarāḥ kāmarūpiṇaḥ৷৷4.39.38৷৷

āvṛtya pṛthivīṅ sarvāṅ parvatāṅśca vanāni ca.

yūthapā ssamanuprāptā stēṣāṅ saṅkhyā na vidyatē৷৷4.39.39৷৷

āgatāśca viśiṣṭāśca pṛthivyāṅ sarvavānarāḥ.

śarabhaḥ Sarabha, kumudaḥ Kumuda, vānaraḥ vanara, vahniḥ Vahni, raṅhaḥ ēva ca and so also Ramha, ētē all of them, kāmarūpiṇaḥ who can assume any form at will, anyē ca and others, bahavaḥ many, tēṣām of them, saṅkhyā number, vānarāḥ vanaras, yūthapāḥ troops, sarvām entire, pṛthivīm land, parvatāṅśca and mountains, vanāni ca and forests also, āvṛtya having occupied, samanuprāptāḥ advancing towards, āgatāḥ came, sarvavānarāḥ all the vanaras, pṛthivyām of the earth, viśiṣṭāśca outstanding.

Sarabha, Kumuda, Vahni and Ramhi and many other vanara troops who can assume any form at their will and others from all over the land, mountains and forest advanced towards Sugriva. All the outstanding vanaras of the earth came and covered the land.
āplavantaḥ plavantaśca garjantaśca plavaṅgamāḥ.

abhyavartanta sugrīvaṅ sūryamabhragaṇā iva৷৷4.39.40৷৷

plavaṅgamāḥ monkeys, āplavantaḥ leaping in enthusiasm, plavantaśca and jumping, garjantaśca and roaring, sūryam Sun, abhragaṇā iva like the clouds, sugrīvam Sugriva, abhyavartanta approached.

The monkeys came leaping, jumping and roaring in enthusiasm and surrounded Sugriva just as clouds surround the Sun.
kurvāṇā bahuśabdāṅśca prahṛṣṭā bāhuśālinaḥ.

śirōbhirvānarēndrāya sugrīvāya nyavēdayan৷৷4.39.41৷৷

prahṛṣṭāḥ happy ones, bāhuśālinaḥ of sturdy shoulders, bahuśabdān many kinds of noises, kurvāṇāḥ while they made, śirōbhiḥ with their heads, vānarēndrāya to the lord of monkeys, sugrīvāya to Sugriva, nyavēdayan reported.

The leaders of monkeys possesing sturdy shoulders made many kinds of noises and reported to Sugriva, bending their heads in reverence.
aparē vānaraśrēṣṭhāssaṅgamya ca yathōcitam.

sugrīvēṇa samāgamya sthitāḥ prāñjalaya stadā৷৷4.39.42৷৷

aparē others, vānaraśrēṣṭhāḥ foremost of vanaras, yathōcitam in a suitable manner, saṅgamya after coming together, sugrīvēṇa with Sugriva, samāgamya after reaching, tadā then, prāñjalayaḥ with folded hands in salutation, sthitāḥ stood.

Thereafter the vanaras came close to Sugriva freely and on reaching him stood, offering salutations with folded hands.
sugrīvastvaritō rāmē sarvāṅstāṅ vānarararṣabhān.

nivēdayitvā dharmajñaḥ sthitaḥ prāñjalirabravīt৷৷4.39.43৷৷

dharmajñaḥ knower of dharma, sugrīvaḥ Sugriva, tvaritaḥ at once, prāñjaliḥ with folded hands, sthitaḥ stood, vānararṣabhān prominent vanaras, tān them, sarvān all, rāmē to Rama, nivēdayitvā having presented, abravīt said.

Sugriva, knower of dharma, at once presented all the prominent vanaras to Rama, and standing with folded hands said.
yathāsukhaṅ parvatanijharēṣu

vanēṣu sarvēṣu ca vānarēndrāḥ.

nivēśayitvā vidhivadbalāni

balaṅ balajñaḥ pratipattumīṣṭē৷৷4.39.44৷৷

vānarēndrāḥ best of vanaras, parvatanijharēṣu by the side of swift mountain streams, sarvēṣu in all, vanēṣu ca in forests, yathāsukham comfortably settled, vidhivat as per tradition, balāni army, nivēśayitvā after lodging, balajñaḥ know the strength, balam of army, pratipattum to know, īṣṭē decided.

Sugriva told the chiefs to station the forces by the side of swift mountain streams, in forests, and hills and ascertain their exact number.
ityārṣa śrīmadrāmāyaṇē vālmīkīya ādikāvyē kiṣkindhākāṇḍē ēkōnacatvāriṅśassargaḥ৷৷
Thus ends the thirtyninth sarga of Kishkindakanda of the first epic, the Holy Ramayana composed by sage Valmiki.