Sloka & Translation

[Sugriva sends another troop including Hanuaman, Nila, Angada and Jambavan in the southern direction]

tataḥ prasthāpya sugrīvastanmahadvānaraṅ balam.

dakṣiṇāṅ prēṣayāmāsa vānarānabhilakṣitān৷৷4.41.1৷৷

sugrīvaḥ Sugriva, mahat great, tat that, vānaraṅ balam monkey army, prasthāpya after despatching, tataḥ then, abhilakṣitān those recognised for excellence, vānarān monkeys, dakṣiṇām southern direction, prēṣayāmāsa sent forth.

Sugriva then sends in the southern direction another vanara army known for their excellence.
nīla magnisutaṅ caiva hanumantaṅ ca vānaram.

pitāmahasutaṅ caiva jāmbavantaṅ mahābalam৷৷4.41.2৷৷

suhōtraṅ ca śarāriṅ ca śaragulmaṅ tathaiva ca.

gajaṅ gavākṣaṅ gavayaṅ suṣēṇamṛṣabhaṅ tathā৷৷4.41.3৷৷

maindaṅ ca dvividaṅ caiva vijayaṅ gandhamādanam.

ulkāmukhamasaṅgaṅ ca hutāśanasutāvubhau৷৷4.41.4৷৷

aṅgadapramukhānvīrānvīra: kapigaṇēśvaraḥ.

vēgavikramasampannānsandidēśa viśēṣavit৷৷4.41.5৷৷

vīraḥ hero, viśēṣavit extraordinary, kapigaṇēśvaraḥ leader of the monkey army, agnisutam son of the fire-god, nīlam Nila, vānaram monkey, hanumantaṅ ca and Hanumantha, pitāmahasutam son of
Brahma, mahābalam of formidable strength, jāmbavantaṅ Jambavanta caiva also, suhōtraṅ ca Suhotra and also, śarāriṅ ca Sarari and, tathaiva ca so also, śaragulmam Saragulma, gajam Gaja, gavākṣam Gavaksha, gavayam Gavaya, suṣēṇam Sushena, tathā so also, vṛṣabham Vrisabha, maindaṅ ca Mainda and, dvividaṅ caiva Dvivida also, vijayam Vijaya, gandhamādanam Gandhamadana, ulkāmukham Ulkamukha, asaṅgaṅ ca Asanga, hutāśanasuta son of fire-god, ubhau both, aṅgadapramukhān Angada, vēgavikramasampannān those endowed with speed and valour, vīrān heroes, sandidēśa delivered the message.

The extra-ordinary Sugriva commanded Nila, son of the fire-god, Hanuman, the formidable, Jambavan, son of Brahma, Suhotra, Sarari, Saragulma, Gaja, Gavaksha, Gavaya, Sushena, Vrishabam, Mainda, Dvivida, Vijaya, Gandhamadana, the two sons of Fire-god, Ulkamuka and Asanga including Angada, leader of the group, to proceed. All of them were endowed with speed and valour.
tēṣāmagrēsaraṅ caiva mahābalamathāṅgadam.

vidhāya harivīrāṇāmādiśaddakṣiṇāṅ diśam৷৷4.41.6৷৷

atha then, tēṣām of them, harivīrāṇām of those monkeys, mahābalam one of formidable strength, aṅgadam Angada, agrēsaram leader, dakṣiṇāṅ diśam southern direction, ādiśat ordered.

Then Sugriva ordered mighty Angada to lead the group of the heroic monkeys in the southern direction.
yē kēcana samuddēśāstasyāṅ diśi sudurgamāḥ.

kapīśaḥ kapimukhyānāṅ sa tēṣāṅ tānudāharat৷৷4.41.7৷৷

tasyāṅ diśi in that quarter, durgamāḥ inaccessible, yē kēcana those, samuddēśāḥ spots, saḥ kapīśaḥ the monkey king, kapimukhyānām to the chieftains of monkeys, tānudāharat he gave an account.

Sugriva, the monkey king, explained to the monkey chiefs about the inaccessible places in the southern direction.
sahasraśirasaṅ vindhyaṅ nānādrumalatāyutam.

narmadāṅ ca nadīṅ ramyāṅ mahōraganiṣēvitām৷৷4.41.8৷৷

tatō gōdāvarīṅ ramyāṅ kṛṣṇavēṇīṅ mahānadīm.

varadāṅ ca mahābhāgāṅ mahōraganiṣēvitām৷৷4.41.9৷৷

mēkhalāmutkalāṅ caiva daśārṇanagarāṇyapi.

āśvavantīmavantīṅ ca sarvāmēvānupaśyata৷৷4.41.10৷৷

sahasraśirasam of thousand peaks, nānādrumalatāyutam filled with several trees and creepers, vindhyam Vindhya, narmadāṅ nadīṅ ca and river Narmada, tataḥ then, ramyām delightful, gōdāvarīm Godavari, mahānadīm Mahanadi, kṛṣṇavēṇīm Krishnaveni, mahābhāgām Mahabhaga, mahōraganiṣēvitām inhabited by terrific serpents, varadāṅ ca and Varada river, mēkhalām river Mekhala, utkalāṅ ca ēva Utkala also, daśārṇanagarāṇyapi towns of Dasarna, āśvavantīm Asvavanti, avantīm Avanti, sarvamēva all over, anupaśyata you may survey.

'Search for Sita all over Vindhya of a thousand peaks filled with several trees and creepers, and along the river Narmada. Then proceed to Godavari, lovely Krishnaveni, Mahanadi, Varada and Mahabhaga inhabited by terrific serpents.You may search Mekhala, Utkala and Dasarna cities, Asvavanti and Avanti countries also.
vidarbhānṛṣikāṅścaiva ramyānmāhiṣakānapi.

tathā vaṅgānkaliṅgāṅśca kauśikāṅśca samantataḥ৷৷4.41.11৷৷

anvīkṣya daṇḍakāraṇyaṅ saparvatanadīguhām.

nadīṅ gōdāvarīṅ caiva sarvamēvānupaśyata৷৷4.41.12৷৷

tathaivāndhrāṅśca puṇḍrāṅśca cōlānpāṇḍyāṅtsa kēralān.

vidarbhān in Vidarbha, ṛṣikāṅścaiva and in Rishika, ramyān picturesque, māhiṣakānapi country of Mahishaka, tathā so also, vaṅgakaliṅgāṅśca Vanga and Kalinga, samantataḥ all over, kauśikāṅśca Kausika, saparvatanadīguhām in the mountains, river banks and caves, daṇḍakāraṇyam in Dandaka
forest, anvīkṣya after searching for, gōdāvarīṅ Godavari, nadīṅ river, caiva also, tathaiva in the same way, āndhrāṅśca Andhra also, puṇḍrāṅśca country Pundra even, cōlān Chola, pāṇḍyāṅtsa Pandya country, kēralān Kerala, sarvamēva all over, anupaśyata search.

'Look for Sita in the countries of Vidarbha and Rishika, in the picturesque country of Mashaka, Vanga and Kalinga and all over Kausika. Look for her in mountains caves and on river banks, in Dandaka forest, in Godavari, in Andhra also; in Pundra, Chola and Pandya countries and all over Kerala.
ayōmukhaśca gantavyaḥ parvatō dhātumaṇḍitaḥ৷৷4.41.13৷৷

vicitraśikhara śśrīmāṅścitrapuṣpitakānanaḥ.

sacandanavanōddēśō mārgitavyō mahāgiriḥ৷৷4.41.14৷৷

dhātumaṇḍitaḥ with ores, vicitraśikhara wonderful peaks, śrīmān rich, citra puṣpitakānanaḥ a forest full of colourful flowers, ayōmukhaḥ parvataḥ mount Ayomukha, gantavyaḥ should visit, sacandanavanōddēśaḥ of sandalwood forest, mahāgiriḥ great mountain, mārgitavyaḥ search.

'Look for Sita all over mount Ayomukha (known as Malaya), rich in ores. It has wonderful peaks. It looks colourful with the forest in bloom. This great mountain is full of sandalwood forest.
tatastāmāpagāṅ divyāṅ prasannasalilāṅ śivām.

tatra drakṣyatha kāvērīṅ vihitāmapsarōgaṇaiḥ৷৷4.41.15৷৷

tataḥ then, divyām wonderful, prasannasalilāṅ śivām river with pure and sacred waters, apsarōgaṇaiḥ celestial nymphs, vihitāma sport, tām that, kāvērīm Cauvery, āpagām river, tatra there, drakṣyatha you will see.

'Then you will see the sacred river Cauvery with pure and auspicious water, where celestial nymphs sport.
tasyāsīnaṅ nagasyāgrē malayasya mahaujasam.


mahaujasam a person shining brightly, tasya its, nagasya mountain's, agrē on the top, āsīnam seated, ādityasaṅkāśam like the Sun, ṛṣisattamam a celebtated sage, agastyam Agastya, drakṣyatha you find.

'Dwelling on the top of that Malaya mountain you will find celebrated sage Agastya, resplendent like the Sun.
tatastēnābhyanujñātāḥ prasannēna mahātmanā.

tāmraparṇīṅ grāhajuṣṭāṅ tariṣyatha mahānadīm৷৷4.41.17৷৷

tataḥ then, prasannēna by the pleasing one, mahātmanā by the great soul, tēna by him, anujñātāḥ permitted, atha then, grāhajuṣṭām inhabited by alligators, tāmraparṇīm Tamraparni, mahānadīm great river, tariṣyatha cross.

'You will then come cross the great river Tamraparni infested with alligators. Cross it with the permission of the sage pleased (with you).
sā candanavanairdivyai pracchannā dvīpaśālinī.

kāntēva yuvati: kāntāṅ samudramavagāhatē৷৷4.41.18৷৷

divyai: lovely, candanavanaiḥ with sandal-wood forests, pracchannā covered, dvīpaśālinī with wonderful islands, sā that, yuvati: young lady, kāntāṅ beloved, iva like, samudram ocean, avagāhatē reaches.

'With its wonderful islands covered with lovely sandal-wood forests, the river mingles with the ocean just as a young beloved meets her lover.
tatō hēmamayaṅ divyaṅ muktāmaṇivibhūṣitam.

yuktaṅ kavāṭaṅ pāṇḍyānāṅ gatā drakṣyatha vānarāḥ৷৷4.41.19৷৷

vānarā: O monkeys, tataḥ then, yuktam fitted, hēmamayam full of gold, divyam endearing, muktāmaṇivibhūṣitam encrusted with pearls, pāṇḍyānām Pandyas', kavāṭam gate, gatāḥ you reach, drakṣyatha you will find.

'O monkeys! leaving that river, you will find encrusted with pearls the wonderful golden gate of the city of Pandyas (modern Madurai).
tatassamudramāsādya sampradhāryārthaniścayam.

agastyēnāntarē tatra sāgarē vinivēśitaḥ৷৷4.41.20৷৷

citranānānagaḥ śrīmānmahēndra: parvatōttamaḥ.

jātarūpamayaḥ śrīmānavagāḍhō mahārṇavam৷৷4.41.21৷৷

tataḥ then, samudram ocean, āsādya after reaching, arthaniścayam decision, sampradhārya after arriving at, agastyēna by Agastya, tatra there, sāgarē in the sea, antarē inside, vinivēśitaḥ set up, citranānānagaḥ filled with colourful trees, śrīmān rich, mahēndraḥ Mahendra, parvatōttamaḥ best of mountains, jātarūpamayaḥ full of gold, śrīmān rich, mahārṇavam great sea, avagāḍhaḥ immersed into.

'Then on reaching the sea shore, decide the course of action. Sage Agastya has set up (between the moat of the city and and the sea) a glorious golden mountain Mahendra. Filled with colourful trees, it stretches into the sea.
nānāvidhairnagai ssarvailatābhiścōpaśōbhitam.

dēvarṣiyakṣapravarairapsarōbhiśca sēvitam৷৷4.41.22৷৷

siddhacāraṇasaṅghaiśca prakīrṇaṅ samanōramam.

tamupaiti sahasrākṣaḥ sadā parvasu parvasu৷৷4.41.23৷৷

nānāvidhaiḥ with different kinds of, sarvaiḥ by all, nagaiḥ with trees, latābhiśca even with vines, upaśōbhitam delightful, dēvarṣiyakṣapravaraiḥ with gods, sages, yakshas, apsarōbhiśca and also with celestial nymphs, sēvitam inhabited by, siddhacāraṇasaṅghaiśca with siddhas, charanas, prakīrṇam
scattered about, sumanōramam very enchanting, tam him, sahasrākṣaḥ thousand-eyed Mahendra, parvasu parvasu on all full and new Moon days, sadā always, upaiti keeps coming.

'That mountain with several kinds of colourful trees and vines is frequented by gods, sages and prominent yakshas like siddhas and charanas. It is exceedingly delightful and even the thousand-eyed Indra keeps visiting this place on full and new Moon days.
dvīpastasyāparē pārē śatayōjanamāyataḥ.

agamyō mānuṣairdīptastaṅ mārgadhvaṅ samantataḥ৷৷4.41.24৷৷

tasya its, aparē pārē on the other side, śatayōjanamāyataḥ stretched over a distance of a hundred yojanas, mānuṣaiḥ for human beings, agamyaḥ inaccessible, dīptaḥ glittering, dvīpaḥ island, tam that place, samantataḥ all over there, mārgadhvam explore.

'Beyond this, on the other side of the sea stretching over an area of a hundred yojanas is an island difficult to reach for humans. Which you may explore.
tatra sarvātmanā sītā mārgitavyā viśēṣataḥ.

sa hi dēśastu vadhyasya rāvaṇasya durātmanaḥ৷৷4.41.25৷৷


tatra sītā there Sita, viśēṣataḥ specially there, sarvātmanā by all, mārgitavyā search for, saḥ that, dēśaḥ region, vadhyasya who deserves to be killed, durātmanaḥ of the evil-minded, rākṣasādhipatēḥ of the lord of demons, sahasrākṣasamadyutēḥ equal to thousand-eyed Indra in radiance, rāvaṇasya Ravana's, vāsaḥ abode.

dakṣiṇasya samudrasya madhyē tasya tu rākṣasī৷৷4.41.26৷৷

aṅgārakēti vikhyātā chāyāmākṛṣya bhōjinī.

tasya of that, samudrasya of the sea, madhyē in the midst, chāyām shadow, ākṛṣya after catching, bhōjinī she swallows, aṅgārakēti Angaraka by name, vikhyātā famous, rākṣasī ogress.

'In the midst of the southern sea is a famous ogress, Angaraka (also Simhika) by name who swallows humans by capturing them even by their shadows.
ēvaṅ nissaṅśayānkṛtvā saṅśayānnaṣṭasaṅśayāḥ৷৷4.41.27৷৷

mṛgayadhvaṅ narēndrasya patnīmamitatējasaḥ.

ēvam in that way, saṅśayān doubts, nissaṅśayān making sure, kṛtvā after making, naṣṭasaṅśayāḥ without any doubt, amitatējasaḥ of the very effulgent, narēndrasya king's, patnīm wife, mṛgayadhvam look for.

'In this way make sure wherever you have a doubt (of Sita's presence) and proceed to look for the consort of Rama, king of limitless lustre.
tamatikramya lakṣmīvānsamudrē śatayōjanē৷৷4.41.28৷৷

giriḥ puṣpitakō nāma siddhacāraṇasēvitaḥ.

tam that island, atikramya after crossing, śatayōjanē a hundred yojanas, samudrē in the sea, lakṣmīvān prosperous island, siddhacaraṇasēvitaḥ inhabited by siddhas and charanas, puṣpitakōnāma named Pushpithaka, giriḥ mountain.


bhrājatē vipulaiśśṛṅgairambaraṅ vilikhanniva.

candrasūryāṅśusaṅkāśaḥ bright like the radiance of Sun and Moon, sāgarāmbusamāśrayaḥ surrounded by sea-water, ambaram sky, vipulaiḥ with extended, śṛṅgaiḥ with the peaks, vilikhanniva as if scratching, bhrājatē shines.

'It looks bright, spreading its radiance like the Sun and Moon. It is surrounded by the sea. Its peaks appear as though scratching the sky.
tasyaikaṅ kāñcanaṅ śṛṅgaṅ sēvatē.yaṅ divākaraḥ৷৷4.41.30৷৷

śvētaṅ rājatamēkaṅ ca sēvatē.yaṅ niśākaraḥ.

na taṅ kṛtaghnāḥ paśyanti na nṛśaṅsā na nāstikāḥ৷৷4.41.31৷৷

tasya its, ēkam one, śṛṅgam peak, kāñcanam is golden, yam which, divākaraḥ Sun, sēvatē resorts to, ēkam one, śvētam white one, rājatam silver, ayaṅ this, niśākaraḥ Moon, sēvatē resorts, tam him, kṛtaghnāḥ ungrateful, na paśyanti cannot see, nṛśaṅsāḥ the mean, na not, nāstikāḥ unbelievers, na not.

'The Sun resorts to its golden peak. The Moon rests over its silver peak. Neither the ungrateful, nor the mean nor the unbelievers can behold this (phenomenon).
praṇamya śirasā śailaṅ taṅ vimārgata vānarāḥ.

tamatikramya durdharṣa ssūryavānnāma parvataḥ৷৷4.41.32৷৷

adhvanā durvigāhēna yōjanāni caturdaśa.

vānarāḥ O monkeys, taṅ śailam that mountain, śirasā bowing down your head, vimārgata search, durdharṣa: unassailable, tam that, atikramya beyond this, durvigāhēna by a difficult one, adhvanā travelling, caturdaśa yōjanāni fourteen yojanas, sūryavānnāma called Suryavanam, parvataḥ mountain.

'O monkeys! bowing down to that mountain, proceed in search of Sita. O unassailable vanaras, beyond this mountain is another called Suryavan. It is at a distance of fourteen yojanas and it is difficult to cover that distance.
tatastamapyatikramya vaidyutō nāma parvataḥ৷৷4.41.33.

sarvakāmaphalairvṛkṣai ssarvakālamanōharaiḥ.

tataḥ then, tamapi even the mountain, atikramya going beyond, sarvakāmaphalaiḥ with those yielding wish-fulfilling fruits, sarvakālamanōharaiḥ delightful in all seasons, vṛkṣaiḥ with trees, vaidyutōnāma named Vaidyuta, parvataḥ mountain.

'Beyond that mountain lies Vaidyuta, a hill with trees yielding lovely fruits in all seasons which can satisfy all desires.
tatra bhuktvā varārhāṇi mūlāni ca phalāni ca৷৷4.41.34৷৷

madhūni pītvā mukhyāni paraṅ gacchata vānarāḥ.

vānarāḥ O monkeys, tatra there, vārārhāṇi choicest, mūlāni ca roots and, phalāni ca fruits, bhūktvā after eating, mukhyāni best of, madhūni honey, pītvā on drinking, param further, gacchata go.

'O monkeys! eat your cherlshed roots and fruits and drink the best of honey there and proceed further.
tatra nētramanaḥkāntaḥ kuñjarō nāma parvataḥ৷৷4.41.35৷৷

agastyabhavanaṅ yatra nirmitaṅ viśvakarmaṇā.

tatra there, nētra manaḥkāntaḥ pleasing to the eye and heart, kuñjarō nāma called Kunjara, parvataḥ mountain,yatra there,viśvakarmaṇā by Visvakarma,agastyabhavanam home of Agastya, nirmitam is built.

'There you will find a mountain called Kunjara pleasing to the eye and pleasing to the heart. That is the hermitage of Agastya built by Visvakarma.
tatra yōjanavistāramucchritaṅ daśayōjanam৷৷4.41.36৷৷

śaraṇaṅ kāñcanaṅ divyaṅ nānāratnavibhūṣitam.

tatra there, yōjanavistāram a yojana in breadth, daśayōjanam ten yojanas, ucchritam tall, divyam wonderful, nānāratnavibhūṣitam adorned with many gems, kāñcanam gold, śaraṇam dwelling.

'The hermitage of Agastya is one yojana in breadth and ten yojanas in height. It is wonderful, built of gold and adorned with many gems.
tatra bhōgavatī nāma sarpāṇāmālayaḥ purī৷৷4.41.37৷৷

viśālakakṣyā durdharṣā sarvataḥ parirakṣitā.

rakṣitā pannagairghōraistīkṣṇadaṣṭrairairmahāviṣaiḥ৷৷4.41.38৷৷

sarparājō mahāprājñō yasyāṅ vasati vāsukiḥ.

tatra there, viśālakakṣyā a place with broad corridors, durdharṣā an unassailable place, sarvataḥ everywhere, parirakṣitā protected, ghōraiḥ by dreadful ones, tīkṣṇaṅ daṣṭrai with sharp fangs, mahāviṣaiḥ with highly poisonous ones, pannagaiḥ with serpent, rakṣitā protected, sarpāṇām of serpents, ālayaḥ abode, bhōgavatī nāma named Bhogavati, purī city, yasyām in it, sarparājaḥ serpent king, mahāprājñō very wise, vāsukiḥ Vasuki, vasati resides.

'There on that mountain (Kunjara) stands a city called Bhogavati, which is the abode of serpents. It has wide corridors. Guarded on all sides, it is unassailable since it is protected by venomous serpents with sharp fangs. The wise serpent king Vasuki resides there. (Bhogavati is the replica of the city of the same name in Patala, the sixth subterranean region)
niryāya mārgitavyā ca sā ca bhōgavatī purī৷৷4.41.39৷৷

tatra cānantarā dēśā yē kēcana susamvṛtāḥ.

sā that, bhōgavatī purī city of Bhogavati, mārgitavyā search, niryāya after coming out, tatra there, susamvṛtāḥ well covered, yē kēcana those as may be, anantarā dēśāḥ hidden locations

'Emerging from this city of Bhogavati, search all possible hidden places.
taṅ ca dēśamatikramya mahānṛṣabhasaṅsthitaḥ৷৷4.41.40৷৷

sarvaratnamayaḥ śrīmān ṛṣabhō nāma parvataḥ.

taṅ dēśam that place, atikramya after crossing, ṛṣabhasaṅsthitaḥ of the size of a bull, sarvaratnamayaḥ filled with all gems, śrīmān rich, ṛṣabhōnāma named Rishaba, mahān huge, parvataḥmountain

'With this place passed, you will see a huge mountain named Rishaba of the size of a bull filled with all gems.
gōśīrṣakaṅ padmakaṅ ca hariśyāmaṅ ca candanam৷৷4.41.41৷৷

divyamutpadyatē yatra taccaivāgnisamaprabham.

yatra in that place, gōśīrṣakam gorochana, padmakaṅ ca padmaka, hariśyāmaṅ ca greenish black, candanam sandal, agnisamaprabham bright red like fire, divyam amazing, taccaiva that itself, utpadyatē grows

'There grow sandal trees of amazing colours like that of gorochana, padmaka (like lotus), greenish black and red as fire.
na tu taccandanaṅ dṛṣṭavā spraṣṭavyaṅ ca kadācana৷৷4.41.42৷৷

rōhitā nāma gandharvā ghōrā rakṣanti tadvanam.

tat then, candanam sandal, dṛṣṭavā seeing, kadācana ever, na spraṣṭavyaṅ tu do not touch, ghōrāṅ dreadful, tat vanam that forest, rōhitā: nāma named Rohita, gandharvāḥ gandharva, rakṣanti protect.

'Never touch when you see the sandal trees, for they are guarded by dreadful gandharvas named Rohitas.
tatra gandharvapatayaḥ pañca sūryasamaprabhāḥ৷৷4.41.43৷৷

śailūṣō grāmaṇī śśigru śśubhrō babhrustathaiva ca.

ravisōmāgnivapuṣāṅ nivāsaḥ puṇyakarmaṇām৷৷4.41.44৷৷

tatra there, śailūṣaḥ Sailusha, grāmaṇīḥ Gramani, śigru Sigru, śubhra: Subhra, tathaiva so also, babhruḥ Babhru, sūryasamaprabhāḥ with the Sun's radiance, pañca five, gandharvapatayaḥ Gandharva kings, ravisōmāgnivapuṣām with radiance like the Sun, Moon and Fire, puṇyakarmaṇām of those who have done meritorious deeds, nivāsaḥ dwelling.

'Five ghandharva kings named Sailusha, Gramani, Sigru, Subhra and Babhru who have the radiance like the Sun reside there. It is the abode of those who have done meritorious deeds.They glow like Sun, Moon and Fire.
antē pṛthivyā durdharṣāstatra svargajitaḥ sthitāḥ.

tataḥ paraṅ na vassēvyaḥ pitṛlōka ssudāruṇaḥ৷৷4.41.45৷৷

tataḥ then, pṛthivyāḥ the earth, antē at the end, durdharṣāḥ unassailable, svargajitaḥ those who had conquered heaven, sthitāḥ stay in, tataḥparam beyond that place, sudāruṇaḥ dreadful, pitṛlōkaḥ world of the deceased ancestors, vaḥ for you, sēvyaḥ possible to enter, naḥ not.

'The divine people who have earned a place in heaven stay there at the end of their life on earth. Beyond, lies the dreadful world of deceased ancestors. It is not possible for you to enter that place.
rājadhānī yamasyaiṣā kaṣṭēna tamasā vṛtā.

ētāvadēva yuṣmābhirvīrā vānarapuṅgavāḥ!৷৷4.41.46৷৷

śakyaṅ vicētuṅ gantuṅ vā nātō gatimatāṅ gatiḥ.

vīrā: vānarapuṅgavāḥ heroic monkeys, ēṣā that is, yamasya rājadhānī capital of Yama, kaṣṭēna with pitch, tamasā darkness, āvṛtā covered, yuṣmābhiḥ by you folks, ētāvadēva till there only, vicētum to search, gantuṅ vā or to go, śakyam possible, ataḥ beyond this place, gatimatām for those who advance, gatiḥ path, na not.

'O heroic monkeys! that is the capital of Yama (god of death) covered with pitch darkness. You can go till that place. Beyond, there is no access for the earthlings.
sarvamētatsamālōkya yaccānyadapi dṛśyatē৷৷4.41.47৷৷

gatiṅ viditvā vaidēhyā ssannivartitumarhatha.

ētat this, sarvam all over, anyat other, yacca whatever, dṛśyatē you can see, samālōkya after ransacking, vaidēhyāḥ Vaidehi's, gatim whereabouts, viditvā after knowing, sannivartitum to return, arhatha you will.

'Ransack this and all other places you can see. You should search for the whereabouts of Vaidehi before you return.
yastu māsānnivṛttō.grē dṛṣṭā sītēti vakṣyati৷৷4.41.48৷৷

mattulyavibhavō bhōgai ssukhaṅ sa vihariṣyati.

yaḥ whoever, māsāt by one month, agrē before, nivṛttaḥ returns, sītā Sita, dṛṣṭā is seen, iti thus, vakṣyati tells me, saḥ he, mattulyavibhavaḥ he will be as rich as I am, bhōgaiḥ in luxury, sukham happily, vihariṣyati will enjoy.

'He who returns in a month to announce Sita has been found will spend his life in luxury with as much prosperity as I do have.
tataḥ priyatarō nāsti mama prāṇādviśēṣataḥ৷৷4.41.49৷৷

kṛtāparādhō bahuśō mama bandhurbhaviṣyati.

tataḥ then, priyataraḥ dear, mama to me, prāṇāt more than life, viśēṣataḥ specially, bahuśaḥ by all means, kṛtāparādhaḥ even if he has made a mistake, mama to me, bandhuḥ dear and close, bhaviṣyati will be.

'None will be dearer to me than he. Even if he has made a mistake, he will be to me dear and near.
amitabalaparākramā bhavantō

vipulaguṇēṣu kulēṣu ca prasūtāḥ.

manujapatisutāṅ yathā labhadhvaṅ

tadadhiguṇaṅ puruṣārthamārabhadhvam৷৷4.41.50৷৷

bhavantaḥ all of you, amitabalaparākramāḥ immeasurably mighty and powerful, vipulaguṇēṣu with many virtues, kulēṣu in families, prasūtāḥ you are born, manujapatisutām daughter of the king, yathā in whatever way, labhadhvam you find, tadadhiguṇam possesing meritorious quality, puruṣārtham righteous pursuit, ārabhadhvam you may begin.

(Note:The Vindhya range and the several rivers mentioned here are not south of Kishkinda.The inconsistency is irreconcilable. Candidly speaking the geographical description is not at all factual. Some interpolator in the north (Kurukshetra as central region) has committed several anachronous inconsistencies betraying his ignorance of geography.)
ityārṣē śrīmadrāmāyaṇē vālmīkīya ādikāvyē kiṣkindākāṇḍē ēkacatvāriṅśassargaḥ৷৷
Thus ends the fortyfirst sarga in Kishkindakanda of the first epic, the Holy Ramayana composed by sage Valmiki.