Sloka & Translation

[Sugriva sends the next army in the western direction --- describes rivers, mountains and places in the west.]

atha prasthāpya sugrīvastānharīndakṣiṇāṅ diśam.

abravīnmēghasaṅkāśaṅ suṣēṇaṅ nāma yūthapam৷৷4.42.1৷৷

sugrīvaḥ Sugriva, tān them, harīn monkeys, dakṣiṇāṅ diśam in the southern-quarter, prasthāpya having sent, atha now, mēghasaṅkāśam resembling a cloud, suṣēṇaṅ nāma known as Sushena, yūthapam troop leader, abravīt said.

After sending the monkeys in the southern direction, Sugriva said to the cloud-like troop leader called Sushena.
tārāyāḥ pitaraṅ rājā śvaśuraṅ bhīmavikramam.

abravītprāñjalirvākyamabhigamya praṇamya ca৷৷4.42.2৷৷

rājā king, tārāyāḥ Tara's, pitaram father, śvaśuram his father-in-law, bhīmavikramam a hero of terrifying valour, abhigamya having gone, prāñjaliḥ with folded palms, praṇamya ca having offered salutation, vākyam these words, abravīt said.

King (Sugriva) went with folded hands to Tara's father, his father-in-law, of terrifying valour, offered salutation and said:
marīciputraṅ mārīcamarciṣmantaṅ mahākapim.

vṛtaṅ kapivarai śśūrairmahēndrasadṛśadyutim৷৷4.42.3৷৷

buddhivikramasampannaṅ vainatēyasamadyutim.



marīciputram son of Marichi, mārīcam Maricha, mahākapim great monkey, śūraiḥ with brave ones, kapivaraiḥ with best monkeys, vṛtam surounded, mahēndrasadṛśadyutim glowing like Mahendra, buddhivikramasampannam with wisdom and bravery, vainatēyasamadyutim equal to Garuda in lustre, arciṣmantam a person filled with lustre, marīciputrān sons of Maricha, arcirmālān Archirmala's, mahābalān valiant ones, ṛṣiputrāṅśca sons of sages, sarvān all, mārīcān Maricha's, pratīcīṅ diśam to western quarter, ādiśat instructed.

Sugriva spoke to the great lustrous monkey Archisman, son of the eminent sage Marichi who possessed the wisdom and prowess of Indra and was comparable to Vaineteya (Garuda) in lustre. He also spoke to the other sons of Maricha, called Marichas, who were very strong and known as Archismalas (garlands of continuous glow) and asked all of them to proceed in the western direction.
dvābhyāṅ śatasahasrābhyāṅ kapīnāṅ kapisattamāḥ৷৷4.42.5৷৷

suṣēṇapramukhā yūyaṅ vaidēhīṅ parimārgataḥ.

kapisattamāḥ foremost of monkeys, yūyam you, suṣēṇa pramukhāḥ having Sushena as leader, kapīnām among monkeys, dvābhyām with two, śatasahasrābhyām hundred thousands, vaidēhīm Vaidehi, parimārgata: search.

'O foremost of monkeys! with Sushena as your group leader accompanied by two hundred thousand vanaras, go and search for Vaidehi.
surāṣṭrānsahabāhlīkān ścandracitrāṅstathaiva ca৷৷4.42.6৷৷

sphītāñjanapadānramyānvipulāni purāṇi ca.

punnāgagahanaṅ kukṣiṅ vakulōddālakākulam৷৷4.42.7৷৷

tathā kētakaṣaṇḍāṅśca mārgadhvaṅ hariyūthapāḥ.

hariyūthapāḥ leaders of monkeys, saurāṣṭrān in the country of Saurashtra, tathaiva ca and similarly,
sahabāhlīkān even in Bahlika, ścandracitrāṅ in chandrachitra, sphītān prosperous, ramyān delightful, janapadān villages, vipulāni vast, purāṇi ca towns, punnāgagahanam punnaga grove, vakulōddālakākulam haphazard distribution of punnaga, bakula and uddalaka trees, kukṣim in kukshi, tathā similarly, kētakakhaṇḍāṅśca in Kethaka shrubs, mārgadhvam search.

'O leaders of monkeys! search for Sita in the countries of Saurashtra, and also Bahlika, Chandrachitra, in delightful villages and vast towns, also in Kukshi covered haphazardly with punnaga, bakula and uddalaka trees as well as ketaka shrubs.
pratyaksrōtōgamāścaiva nadyaśśītajalāśśivāḥ৷৷4.42.8৷৷

tāpasānāmaraṇyāni kāntārā girayaśca yē.

tatrasthalīṅ maruprāyāmatyuccaśirasaśśilāḥ৷৷4.42.9৷৷

girijālāvṛtāṅ durgāṅ mārgitvā paścimāṅ diśam.

tataḥ paścimamāsādya samudraṅ draṣṭumarhatha৷৷4.42.10৷৷

timinakrāyutajalamakṣōbhyamatha vānarāḥ.

vānarāḥ O monkeys, pratyaksrōtōgamāḥ those flowing to the west, śītajalāḥ cool waters, śivāḥ sacred, nadyaścaiva rivers too, tāpasānāṅ in hermits, araṇyāni woods, yē those, kāntārā: girayaśca forests and mountains, tatra there, maruprāyāḥ dry, sthalīṅ lands, atyuccaśirasāḥ high peaks, śilāḥmountains, girijālāvṛtām surrounded by mountain ranges, durgām inaccessible, diśam direction, mārgitvā after searching, paścimāṅ western side, tataḥ then, samudram the sea, paścimam the western, āsādya after reaching, draṣṭum to see, arhatha it is proper for you, timinakrāyutajalam water infested with whales and alligators, akṣōbhyam which cannot be agitated, atha then, vānarāḥ monkeys.

'O monkeys! the auspicious rivers with cool waters flow towards the western region. Search in the groves inhabited by ascetics, other forests, mountains, cliffs, in the desert-land. Search in the inaccessible western region surrounded by mountains. Then proceed to the western ocean infested with whales and alligators, which cannot be easily disturbed.
tataḥ kētakaṣaṇḍēṣu tamālagahanēṣu ca৷৷4.42.11৷৷

kapayō vihariṣyanti nārikēlavanēṣu ca.

tataḥ then, kapayaḥ monkeys, kētakaṣaṇḍēṣu in the ketaka shrubs, tamālagahanēṣu ca in the thickets of tamala trees, nārikēlavanēṣu ca and in coconut groves, vihariṣyanti roam.

'There the monkeys may roam about the Ketaka shrubs, tamala thickets and coconut groves.
tatra sītāṅ ca mārgadhvaṅ nilayaṅ rāvaṇasya ca৷৷4.42.12৷৷

vēlātalaniviṣṭēṣu parvatēṣu vanēṣu ca.

muracīpattanaṅ caiva ramyaṅ caiva jaṭīpuram৷৷4.42.13৷৷

avantīmaṅgalōpāṅ ca tathā cālakṣitaṅ vanam.

rāṣṭrāṇi ca viśālāni pattanāni tatastataḥ৷৷4.42.14৷৷

tatra there,vēlātalaniviṣṭēṣu among those on the sea shore tract, parvatēṣu in mountains, vanēṣu in groves, sītāṅ ca Sita's, rāvaṇasya Ravana's, nilayaṅ ca residence, mārgadhvam search, muracīpattanaṅ caiva town of Murachi, ramyam beautiful, jaṭapuraṅ caiva and in the city of Jata, avantīm in Avanti, aṅgalōpāṅ ca in Angalopa city, tathā so also, alakṣitam unnoticed, vanam forest, tatastataḥ here and there, rāṣṭraṇica kingdoms, viśālāni vast, pattanāni towns

'Look for Sita as well as the residence of Ravana.You should find the whereabouts of Sita in the mountains and forests located on the sea shore. Search in the city of Murachi, beautiful city of Jata, Avanti, Angalopa and in the unnoticed forest-land. Look for her in the vast kingdoms and cities all over.
sindhusāgarayōścaiva saṅgamē tatra parvataḥ.

mahānhēmagirirnāma śataśṛṅgō mahādrumaḥ৷৷4.42.15৷৷

sindhusāgarayōḥ of sindhu and the sea, saṅgamē at the confluence, tatra there, hēmagirirnāma known as Hemagiri, śataśṛṅgaḥof hundred peaks, mahādrumaḥgreat trees, parvataḥmountain,

'There is a lofty mountain with a hundred peaks and great trees at the confluence of river Sindhu and the sea. It is known as Hemagiri (golden mountain).
tasya prasthēṣu ramyēṣu siṅhāḥ pakṣagamāḥ sthitāḥ.

timimatsyagajāṅścaiva nīḍānyārōpayanti tē৷৷4.42.16৷৷

tasya its, ramyēṣu beautiful, prasthēṣu slopes, pakṣagamāḥ with wings, siṅhāḥ lions, sthitāḥ are sheltered, tē they, timimatsyagajāṅścaiva whales fishes and elephants from the sea, nīḍāni in their shelters (caves), ārōpayanti place

'On the slopes of that mountain you will find lions called Pakshagamas, that is lions with wings. They carry the whales, fishes and elephants from the sea to their shelters on the beautiful mountain slopes.
tāni nīḍāni siṅhānāṅ giriśṛṅgagatāśca yē.

dṛptāstṛptāśca mātaṅgāstōyadasvananisvanāḥ৷৷4.42.17৷৷

vicaranti viśālē.smiṅstōyapūrṇē samantataḥ.

giriśṛṅgagatāḥ roaming on the slopes, tōyadasvananisvanāḥ sounding like thundering clouds, dṛptāḥ proud, tṛptāśca satisfied, yē those, mātaṅgāḥ elephants, samantataḥ everywhere, tōyapūrṇē filled with water, asmin they, viśālē broad, siṅhānām lions', nīḍāni in the dens, vicaranti roam about

'The proud elephants wandering on the mountain slopes, and on the vast tract filled with water would be happy trumpeting like thundering clouds. They roam in the caves of lions.
tasya śṛṅgaṅ divasparśaṅ kāñcanaṅ citrapādapam৷৷4.42.18৷৷

sarvamāśu vicētavyaṅ kapibhiḥ kāmarūpibhiḥ.

tasya divasparśam touching the sky, citrapādapam colourful trees, kāñcanam golden, śṛṅgam peak, sarvam all, kāmarūpibhiḥ by those who can assume any form, kapibhiḥ by monkeys, āśu at once , vicētavyam look for carefully

'The monkeys capable of assuming any form at their will should search the scraping peaks of the golden mountain (Himagiri) with colourful trees without delay.
kōṭiṅ tatra samudrē tu kāñcanīṅ śatayōjanām৷৷4.42.19৷৷

durdarśāṅ pāriyātrasya gatāṅ drakṣyatha vānarāḥ!.

vānarāḥ monkeys, tatra there, gatāṅ on reaching, samudrē tu in the end of the sea, pāriyātrasya of Pariyatra, śatayōjanām hundred yojanas, kāñcanīm golden, durdarśām difficult to see (because of its brilliance), kōṭim tip, drakṣyatha you will see

'O monkeys! you will see the dazzling golden tip of a mountain called Pariyatra towards the end of the sea. It is extended over a hundred yojanas and dificult to gaze because of its brilliance.
kōṭyastatra caturviṅśadgandharvāṇāṅ tapasvinām৷৷4.42.20৷৷

vasantyagninikāśānāṅ ghōrāṇāṅ kāmarūpiṇām.

tatra there, tapasvinām of seers, agninikāśānām blazing like fire, ghōrāṇām terrific, kāmarūpiṇām who can assume any form, gandharvāṇām of gandharvas, caturviṅśat twentyfour, kōṭyaḥcrores, vasanti reside

'There dwell twentyfour crore of terrific gandharvas blazing like fire who can assume any form.They lead an ascetic life.
pāvakārciḥ pratīkāśāssamavētāssahasraśaḥ৷৷4.42.21৷৷

nātyāsādayitavyāstē vānarairbhīmavikramaiḥ.

sahasraśaḥ in thousands, samavētāḥ assembled together, pratīkāśāḥ appearing like, tē you, bhīmavikramaiḥ with very brave ones, vānaraiḥ by monkeys, nātyāsādayitavyāḥ not to go very close to them, pāvakārciḥwith fire like-glow

'Collected together in thousands, and radiating like fire, they live there. Even the very brave vanaras should not go close to them.
nādēyaṅ ca phalaṅ tasmāddēśātkiñcit plavaṅgamaiḥ৷৷4.42.22৷৷

durāsadā hi tē vīrā ssattvavantō mahābalāḥ.

phalamūlāni tē tatra rakṣantē bhīmavikramāḥ৷৷4.42.23৷৷

tasmāt dēśāt from that country, plavaṅgamaiḥ by monkeys, phalam fruits, kiñcit a little, nādēyam should not be taken, sattvavantaḥ courageous, mahābalāḥ strong, tē vīrāḥ those heroes, durāsadāḥ hi difficult to go there, bhīmavikramāḥ heroes of frightening bravery, tē they, tatra there, phalamūlāni fruits and roots, rakṣantē keep protecting

'You should not pluck any fruits from those woods, for courageous gandharvas protect the fruits of the trees. It is difficult to go there, for those heroes have frightening bravery.
tatra yatnaśca kartavyō mārgitavyā ca jānakī.

na hi tēbhyō bhayaṅ kiñcitkapitvamanuvartatām৷৷4.42.24৷৷

tatra there, yatnaśca effort, kartavyaḥ should put in, jānakī Janaki, mārgitavyā ca and search, kapitvam monkeyish nature, anuvartatām follow, tēbhyaḥ from them, bhayam fear, kiñcit a little, na hi not there

'Exert yourself in your search for Janaki. Indeed there will be no fear from them, if you behave like normal monkeys in a natural way.
tatra vaiḍhūryavarṇābhō vajrasaṅsthānasaṅsthitaḥ.

nānādrumalatākīrṇō vajrō nāma mahāgiriḥ৷৷4.42.25৷৷

śrīmānsamuditastatra yōjanānāṅ śataṅ samam.

guhāstatra vicētavyā prayatnēna plavaṅgamāḥ ৷৷4.42.26৷৷

plavaṅgamāḥ O monkeys, tatra there, vaiḍhūryavarṇābhaḥ of the colour of Vaidurya, vajrasaṅsthānasaṅsthitaḥ strong as a diamond, nānādrumalatākīrṇaḥ with different trees and vines, śrīmān glorious, vajrōnāma named Vajra, mahāgiri: great mountain, tatra there, yōjanānāṅ śatam of hundred yojanas, samam even, samuditaḥ extended, tatra there, guhāḥ cave, prayatnēna with great effort, vicētavyāḥ you may look for

'(Beyond) there is a glorious mountain called Vajra of the colour of Vaidurya, hard as a diamond with different kinds of trees and vines.The mountain extends evenly to a stretch of a hundred yojanas.There are caves in the mountain where you may look for her with due effort.
caturbhāgē samudrasya cakravānnāma parvataḥ.

tatra cakraṅ sahasrāraṅ nirmitaṅ viśvakarmaṇā৷৷4.42.27৷৷

samudrasya of the sea, caturbhāgē in the one fourth part, cakravān nāma Chakravan, parvataḥ mountain, tatra there, viśvakarmaṇā by Visvakarma, sahasrāram thousand spiked, cakram wheel, nirmitam constructed

'Then move to the fourth part (of the western sea) where you will see a mountain called Chakravan occupying a quarter part of the sea.You will find there a thousand-spiked wheel built by Visvakarma.
tatra pañcajanaṅ hatvā hayagrīvaṅ ca dānavam.

ājahāra tataścakraṅ śaṅkhaṅ ca puruṣōttamaḥ৷৷4.42.28৷৷

tatra there, puruṣōttamaḥ supreme Lord Visnu, hayagrīvam Hayagriva , dānavam demon, hatvā having killed, tataḥ then, cakram discus, pañcajanam Panchajanam, śaṅkhaṅ ca conch, ājahāra brought

'It was there that the Supreme Lord Visnu, having slain Hayagriva and Panchajanam, recovered the discus and conch for himself.
tasya sānuṣu citrēṣu viśālāsu guhāsu ca.

rāvaṇa ssaha vaidēhyā mārgitavyastata stataḥ৷৷4.42.29৷৷

tasya its, citrēṣu in colourful ones, sānuṣu on the slopes, viśālāsu in wide places, guhāsu ca in the caves, rāvaṇaḥ Ravana, vaidēhyā sahā with Vaidehi, tatastataḥ here and there, mārgitavyaḥ search for

'Look for Vaidehi and Ravana in the wide caves and colourful slopes of the (Chakravan) mountain.
yōjanānāṅ catuṣṣaṣṭirvarāhō nāma parvataḥ.

suvarṇaśṛṅgassuśrīmā nagādhē varuṇālayē৷৷4.42.30৷৷

agādhē in the deep, varuṇālayē in the sea,catu:ṣṣaṣṭiḥ sixtyfour, yōjanānāṅ of yojanas, suvarṇaśṛṅgaḥ golden peaked, varāhō nāma called Varaha, parvataḥ mountain su śrīmān illustrious

'Plunge deep down into the sea and you will see a golden-peaked mountain called Varaha, the residence of Varuna.It is extended over sixty four yojanas in the sea.
tatra prāgjyōtiṣaṅ nāma jātarūpamayaṅ puram.

yasminvasati duṣṭātmā narakō nāma dānavaḥ৷৷4.42.31৷৷

tatra there, pāgjyōtiṣaṅ nāma named Pragjyotisha, jātarūpamayam full of gold, puram city, yasmin in it, duṣṭātmā evil-minded, narakō nāma named Naraka, dānavaḥ demon, vasati dwells

'On the (Varaha) mountain is the city called Pragjyotisha, which is full of gold.There lives the evil-minded demon Naraka.
tatra sānuṣu citrēṣu viśālāsu guhāsu ca.

rāvaṇassaha vaidēhyā mārgitavyastatastataḥ৷৷4.42.32৷৷

tatra there, citrēṣu wonderful spots, sānuṣu on slopes, viśālāsu wide, guhāsu ca in caves also, rāvaṇaḥ Ravana, vaidēhyā saha with Vaidehi, tatastataḥ everywhere, mārgitavyaḥ may be looked for

'There all over the wonderful slopes and wide caves look for Vaidehi and Ravana.
tamatikramya śailēndraṅ kāñcanāntaranirdaraḥ.

parvata ssarvasauvarṇō dhārāprasravaṇāyutaḥ৷৷4.42.33৷৷

tam that, kāñcanāntaranirdaraḥ caves inside all covered with gold, taṅ śailēndram that lord of mountain, atikramya after crossing, dhārāprasravaṇāyutaḥ with waterfalls, sarvasauvarṇaḥ all gold, parvataḥ mountain

taṅ gajāśca varāhāśca siṅha vyāghrāśca sarvataḥ.

abhigarjanti satataṅ tēna śabdēna darpitāḥ৷৷4.42.34৷৷

sarvataḥ everywhere, gajāśca elephants, varāhāśca boars, siṅhāḥ lions, vyāghrāśca tigers, tēna by their, śabdēna sound, darpitāḥ puffed with pride, tam them, satatam always, abhigarjanti will be roaring

yasminharihayśīmānmahēndraḥ pākaśāsanaḥ.

abhiṣiktaḥ surai rājā mēghavānnāma parvataḥ৷৷4.42.35৷৷

harihayaḥ one who has tawny-coloured horses, śrīmān prosperous, pākaśāsanaḥ Pakasasana, mahēndraḥ Indra, yasmin in that, suraiḥ by gods, rājā king, abhiṣiktaḥ is consecrated, saḥ he, mēghavānnāma Meghavan by name, parvataḥ mountain

'Possessor of tawny horses, king Indra who killed demon Pakasasana was consecrated by gods at this mountain since known as Meghavan.
tamatikramya śailēndraṅ mahēndraparipālitam.

ṣaṣṭi rgirisahasrāṇi kāñcanāni gamiṣyatha৷৷4.42.36৷৷

taruṇādityavarṇāni bhrājamānāni sarvataḥ.

jātarūpamayairvṛkṣai śōbhitāni supuṣpitaiḥ৷৷4.42.37৷৷

mahēndraparipālitam governed by Indra, tam that, śailēndram lord of mountains, atikramya after crossing, taruṇādityavarṇāni with the colour of the rising Sun, kāñcanāni golden, ṣaṣṭi girisahasrāṇi sixty thousand mountains, sarvataḥ everywhere, bhrājamānāni shining, supuṣpitaiḥ with blooming flowers, jātarūpamayaiḥfull of gold, vṛkṣaiḥtrees, śōbhitāni enchanting, gamiṣyatha you will reach

'On crossing the hill ruled by Indra you will reach the rows of sixty thousand mountains of gold shining like the brilliance of the rising Sun. The mountains glow with golden trees filled with bloom.
tēṣāṅ madhyē sthitō rājā mēruruttaraparvataḥ.

ādityēna prasannēna śailō dattavaraḥ purā৷৷4.42.38৷৷

tēṣām among them, madhyē in the midst, rājā king, mēruḥ Meru, uttaraparvataḥ northern mountain, sthitaḥ stands, purā earlier, śailaḥ mountain, prasannēna by the pleased ones, ādityēna by Aditya, dattavaraḥ blessed

'In the midst of the sixty thousand hills stands Meru, King of mountains. It is the northern mountain, blessed by the Sun-god with a boon in the past.
tēnaiva muktaśśailēndrassarva ēva tvadāśrayāḥ.

matprasādādbhaviṣyanti divā rātraṅ ca kāñcanāḥ৷৷4.42.39৷৷

tvayi yē cāpi vatsyanti dēvagandharvadānavāḥ.

tē bhaviṣyanti raktāśca prabhayā kāñcanaprabhāḥ৷৷4.42.40৷৷

śailēndraḥking of mountains, tēna by him, ēvam in that way, uktaḥ has been told, tvadāśrayāḥthose who shelter there, ēva only, divā day, rātraṅ ca and night, matprasādāt by my grace, kāñcanāḥ golden, bhaviṣyanti will be, yē those, vatsyanti reside, tē cāpi they also, prabhayā with radiance, raktāśca like red colour, kāñcanaprabhāḥ have golden radiance, bhaviṣyanti will be, dēvagandharvadānavāḥ gods, gandharvas and demons

'The Sun-god said to mount Meru, 'By my grace all the trees and hillocks of this king of mountains will shine in golden red, the gods, gandharvas and demons who dwell here will have golden radiance '.
viśvē dēvāśca marūtō vasavaśca divaukasaḥ.

āgamya paścimāṅ sandhyāṅ mērumuttamaparvatam৷৷4.42.41৷৷

ādityamupatiṣṭhanti taiśca sūryō.bhipūjitaḥ.

adṛśyassarvabhūtānāmastaṅ gacchatiparvatam৷৷4.42.42৷৷

viśvēdēvāśca Visvadevas, vasavaḥ Vasus, marutaśca Maruts divaukasaḥ gods, paścimāṅ sandhyām in the evening twilight, uttamaparvatam king of mountains,mērum Meru, āgamya after coming over, ādityam Sun, upatiṣṭhanti they serve, sūryaḥ Sun, taiḥ by them, abhipūjitaḥ worshipped, sarvabhūtānām for all beings, adṛśyaḥ unseen, astaṅ parvatam to the western mountain behind which the sun sets, gacchati goes

The Visvadevas, Vasus, Maruts, and the gods reach Meru, this great king of mountains, in the evening twilight. Worshipped by them, the Sun-god sets behind the mountain and becomes invisible to all beings.
yōjanānāṅ sahasrāṇi daśa tāni divākaraḥ.

muhūrtārdhēna taṅ śīghramabhiyāti śilōccayam৷৷4.42.43৷৷

divākaraḥ Sun, muhūrtardhēna in half a moment, yōjanānām of yojanas, tāni those, daśasahasrāṇi ten thousand, śilōccayam to the mountain ranges, śīghram swiftly, abhiyāti reaches,

'Crossing ten thousand yojanas swiftly in half a moment, the Sun touches the mount behind which he sets.
śṛṅgē tasya mahaddivyaṅ bhavanaṅ sūryasannibham.

prāsādagaṇasambādhaṅ vihitaṅ viśvakarmaṇā৷৷4.42.44৷৷

tasya its,śṛṅgē on the peak, prāsādagaṇasambādham cluster of mansions, sūryasannibham shining like Sun, mahatgreat, divyam wonderful, bhavanam building, viśvakarmaṇā by Visvakarma, vihitam is built

'There is a great divine abode glowing like the Sun-god on the peak of the mountain.It is a cluster of mansions built by Visvakarma.
śōbhitaṅ tarubhiścitrairnānāpakṣisamākulaiḥ.

nikētaṅ pāśahastasya varuṇasya mahātmanaḥ৷৷4.42.45৷৷

citraiḥ with colourful, nānāpakṣisamākulaiḥ with flocks of different kinds of birds, tarubhiḥ with trees, śōbhitam enchanting, mahātmanaḥ of great, pāśahastasya one who holds the noose in hand, varuṇasya Varuna's, nikētam residence

'It is the residence of Varuna, who holds the noose in his hand.It is an enchanting place, full of trees attracting flocks of various birds.
antarā mērumastaṅ ca tālō daśaśirā mahān.

jātarūpamayśīmānbhrājatē citravēdikaḥ৷৷4.42.46৷৷

mērum Meru, astaṅ ca from Asta, antarā between, daśaśirāḥ ten peaks, jātarūpamayaḥ golden, śrīmān shining, citravēdikaḥ with wonderful altars, mahān great, tālaḥ palm tree, bhrājatē shines

'Between mount Asta (the mountain behind which the Sun sets) and Meru there is a shining golden palm tree with ten high peaks and wonderful altars around.
tēṣu sarvēṣu durgēṣu sarassu ca saritsu ca.

rāvaṇassaha vaidēhyā mārgitavyastata stataḥ৷৷4.42.47৷৷

sarvēṣu in all, tēṣu durgēṣu in those inaccessible mountains, sarassu ca in lakes, saritsu ca in rivers, tatastataḥ every where, vaidēhyā saha along with Vaidehi, rāvaṇaḥ Ravana, mārgitavyaḥ look for

'Look for Vaidehi and Ravana all over those inaccessible mountains, lakes and rivers.
yatra tiṣṭhati dharmajñastapasā svēna bhāvitaḥ.

mērusāvarṇirityēva khyātō vai brahmaṇā samaḥ৷৷4.42.48৷৷

dharmajñaḥ knower of dharma, svēna on his own, tapasā with penance, bhāvitaḥ he is identified, brahmaṇā with Brahma, samaḥ equal, mērusāvarṇiḥ ityēva known as Meru Savarna, khyātaḥ popular, yatra there, tiṣṭhati lies

'The sage Merusavarna, knower of dharma, famous for his penance and comparable to Brahma lives there with him on Meru.
praṣṭavyō mērusāvarṇirmaharṣiḥ sūryasannibhaḥ.

praṇamya śirasā bhūmau pravṛttiṅ maithilīṅ prati৷৷4.42.49৷৷

sūryasannibhaḥ glowing like the Sun, maharṣiḥ seer, mērusāvarṇiḥ Merusavarna who glows like Meru, śirasā with head, bhūmau touching ground, praṇamya bowing down, maithilīṅ Maithili prati with regard to pravṛttim information, praṣṭavyaḥ enquire

'Bow down, touch the feet of the seer Merusavarna, who glows like the Sun and then enquire from him about Sita.
ētāva jjīvalōkasya bhāskarō rajanīkṣyē.

kṛtvā vitimiraṅ sarvamastaṅ gacchati parvatam৷৷4.42.50৷৷

bhāskaraḥ Sun, jīvalōkasya of the world of living beings, ētāvat to this extent, sarvam all, rajanīkṣyē at the end of the night, vitimiram devoid of darkness, kṛtvā after doing, astaṅ parvatam mountain behind which the sun sets, gacchati reaches

'The world of living beings is extended to this extent. The Sun dispels darkness at the end of the night and thereafter reaches the mountain behind which he sets (at the end of the day).
ētāvadvānaraiśśakyaṅ gantuṅ vānarapuṅgavāḥ.

abhāskaramamaryādaṅ na jānīmastataḥ param৷৷4.42.51৷৷

vānarapuṅgavāḥ O great monkeys, ētāvat to this limit, vānaraiḥ by monkeys, gantum to go, śakyam possible, abhāskaram devoid of the Sun, amaryādaṅ ca without boundaries, tataḥ param beyond that, na jānīmaḥ we do not know

'O great monkeys! you can go only up to that point. The Sun's rays do not extend beyond this and it has no boundaries.We do not know about the area beyond this limit.
adhigamya tu vaidēhīṅ nilayaṅ rāvaṇasya ca.

asta parvatamāsādya pūrṇē māsē nivartata৷৷4.42.52৷৷

vaidēhīm Vaidehi, rāvaṇasya Ravana's, nilayaṅ ca abode, adhigamya after finding out, astaṅ parvatam Astha mountain, āsādya after reaching, māsē a month, pūrṇē in completion of, nivartata you may return

'Go and find out Sita and the abode of Ravana. After this, return to the mountain behind which the Sun sets and come back on completion of a month.
ūrdhvaṅ māsānna vastavyaṅ vasan vadhyō bhavēnmama.

sahaiva śūrō yuṣmābhiśśvaśurō mē gamiṣyati৷৷4.42.53৷৷

māsāt more than a month, ūrdvam beyond that, na vastavyam you should not stay, vasan while staying, mama to me, vadhyaḥ to be killed, bhavēt you may be, yuṣmābhiḥ by you sahaiva along with you, mē my, śūraḥ brave, śvaśuraḥ father-in-law, gamiṣyati will go

'If you tarry beyond a month, you will be slain. My father-in- law, the brave hero will go with your group.
śrōtavyaṅ sarvamētasya bhavadbhirdiṣṭakāribhiḥ.

gururēṣa mahābāhuśśvaśurō mē mahābalaḥ৷৷4.42.54৷৷

diṣṭakāribhiḥ by those who carry out orders, bhavadbhi: by you, ētasya his, sarvam all, śrōtavyam listen, mahābāhuḥ strong-armed one, mahābalaḥvery strong, ēṣaḥ he, mē my, śvaśuraḥ father-in-law, guruḥ teacher

'You should obey him. You are meant to carry out his orders. He is not only my father-in-law but also a valiant, strong and powerful hero and my preceptor.
bhavantaścāpi vikrāntāḥ pramāṇaṅ sarva karmasu.

pramāṇamēnaṅ saṅsthāpya paśyadhvaṅ paścimāṅ diśam৷৷4.42.55৷৷

vikrāntāḥ advancing heroes, sarvaḥ all, bhavantaścāpi you too, pramāṇam leader, karmasu in performing, ēnam him, pramāṇamēna as authority, saṅsthāpya having placed him, paścimāṅ diśam western quarter, paśyadhvam look for

'My father-in-law will be your leader. His authority will be final in all matters. Accept
his authority and look for Vaidehi in the western direction.
dṛṣṭāyāṅ tu narēndrasya patnyāmamitatējasaḥ.

kṛtakṛtyā bhaviṣyāmaḥ kṛtasya pratikarmaṇā৷৷4.42.56৷৷

amitatējasaḥ of the glorious, narēndrasya king's, patnayām when the wife, dṛṣṭāyām when she is seen, kṛtasya of the help, pratikarmaṇā by helping in return, kṛtakṛtyāḥ those who achieve their target, bhaviṣyāmaḥ we will be

'We will be achieving our goal when the consort of the highly glorious king Rama is found. And we will return the help he has rendered.
atō.nyadapi yatkāryaṅ kāryasyāsya hitaṅ bhavēt.

sampradhārya bhavadbhiśca dēśakālārthasaṅhitam৷৷4.42.57৷৷

asya kāryasya of this task, ataḥ thus, anyadapi anything else, yat whichever, hitam good, bhavēt may be, dēśakālārthasaṅhitam in accordance with time and place, bhavadbhi: by you, sampradhārya after carefully thinking over, kāryam task to be carried out

'You may do any work after careful thinking, if it helps to achieve the purpose, and if the work to be performed is in accordance with time and place.'
tataḥ suṣēṇapramukhāḥ plavaṅgāmāḥ

ssugrīva vākyaṅ nipuṇaṅ niśamya.

āmantyra sarvē plavagādhipaṅ tē

jagmurdiśaṅ tāṅ varuṇābhiguptām৷৷4.42.58৷৷

tataḥ then, suṣēṇapramukhāḥ Sushena and other leaders, tē plavaṅgamā: those monkeys, sugrīvavākyam Sugriva's words, nipuṇam expert, niśamya after listening, sarvē all, plavagādhipam monkey leaders, āmantyra took leave, varuṇābhiguptām ruled by Varuna, tāṅ diśam that direction, jagmuḥ went

Sushena and other leaders heard the expert advice of Sugriva, and took leave of him.They went towards the western direction ruled by Varuna.
ityārṣē śrīmadrāmāyaṇē vālmīkīyē ādikāvyē kiṣkindhākāṇḍē dvicatvāriṅśassargaḥ৷৷
Thus ends the fortysecond Sarga in the Kishkinda Kanda of the first epic, the Holy Ramayana composed by sage Valmiki.