Sloka & Translation

[Sugriva speaks very highly of Hanuman to Rama --- Rama hands in his ring to Hanuman as a mark of identification.]

viśēṣēṇa tu sugrīvō hanūmatyarthamuktavān.

sa hi tasminhariśrēṣṭhē niścitārthō.rthasādhanē৷৷4.44.1৷৷

sugrīvaḥ Sugriva, viśēṣēṇa particularly, hanūmati in Hanuman, artham purpose (of the mission), uktavān mentioned, saḥ he, arthasādhanē in accomplishing the goal, tasmin hariśrēṣṭhē great among the monkeys, niścitārthaḥ hi one who was sure of success.

Sugriva mentioned about the capacity of Hanuman, the best of monkeys as he knew he would surely succeed in accomplishing the task.
abravīcca hanūmantaṅ vikrāntamanilātmajam.

sugrīvaḥ paramaprītaḥ prabhu ssarvavanaukasām৷৷4.44.2৷৷

sarvavanaukasām for all the monkeys, prabhuḥ king, sugrīvaḥ Sugriva, paramaprītaḥ very pleased, vikrāntam advancing, anilātmajam son of the Wind-god, hanūmantam to Hanumanta, abravīcca spoke.

Sugriva, king of the monkeys, spoke, highly pleased, to Hanuman, the warrior son of the Wind-god advancing towards him:
na bhūmau nāntarikṣē vā nāmbarē nāmarālayē.

nāpsu vā gatisaṅgaṅ tē paśyāmi haripuṅgava!৷৷4.44.3৷৷

haripuṅgava! O best of monkeys, bhūmau on earth, tē to you, gatisaṅgam who can equal your movement, na paśyāmi I do not see, antarikṣē vā or in space, na nor, ambarē in sky, na nor, amarālayē in heaven, na nor, apsu vā or in water.

'O best of monkeys! I scarcely see a hero comparable to your speed on earth or in space or sky or heaven or water.

viditā ssarvalōkāstē sasāgaradharādharāḥ৷৷4.44.4৷৷

sāsurāḥ including demons, sahagandharvāḥ along with gandharvas, sanāganaradēvatāḥ along with the nagas, men and gods, sasāgaradharādharāḥ including on the seas, mountains, sarvalōkāḥ all worlds, tē to you, viditāḥ are known.

gatirvēgaśca tējaśca lāghavaṅ ca mahākapē.

pitustē sadṛśaṅ vīra! mārutasya mahaujasaḥ৷৷4.44.5৷৷

vīra O hero, mahākapē O great monkey, tē your, gatiḥ in movement, vēgaśca in speed, tējaśca in brilliance, lāghavaṅ ca in movement and speed, pituḥ father's, mahaujasaḥ mighty, mārutasya of the Wind-god, sadṛśam similar.

'O hero, O great monkey! in movement, speed, brilliance and quickness you are similar to your mighty father, the Wind-god.
tējasā vāpi tē bhūtaṅ na samaṅ bhuvi na vidyatē.

tadyathā labhyatē sītā tattvamēvōpapādaya৷৷4.44.6৷৷

tējasā vāpi in brilliance, tē to you, samam equal, bhūtam a being, bhuvi in the world, na vidyatē does not exist, tat therefore, sītā Sita, yathā as such, labhyatē is secured, tat that way, tvamēva you alone, apapādaya should go ahead.

'I do not know any living being equal to you in brilliance on this earth. Therefore, you alone know how to secure Sita.Go ahead
tvayyēva hanuma! nnasti balaṅ buddhiḥ parākramaḥ.

dēśakālānuvṛttiśca nayaśca nayapaṇḍita৷৷4.44.7৷৷

nayapaṇḍita! O learned one, hanuman Hanuman, balam strength, buddhiḥ wisdom, parākramaḥ prowess, dēśakālānuvṛttiśca acting in accordance with time and place, nayaśca knowledge of statecraft, tvayyēva in you only, asti I exist.

'O learned Hanuman! I am of opinion that in you alone rest strength, wisdom, prowess, ability to act in accordance with time and place and knowledge of statecraft'.
tataḥ kāryasamāsaṅgamavagamya hanūmati.

viditvā hanumantaṅ ca cintayāmāsa rāghavaḥ৷৷4.44.8৷৷

tataḥ then, rāghavaḥ Rama, hanūmati in Hanuman, kāryasamāsaṅgam responsibility of achieving the goal, avagamya having understood, hanumantaṅ ca Hanuman also, viditvā knowing, cintayāmāsa reflected.

Having understood that Hanuman was capable of accomplishing the goal, Rama started reflecting as follows:
sarvathā niścitārthō.yaṅ hanūmati harīśvaraḥ.

niścitārthakaraścāpi hanūmānkāryasādhanē৷৷4.44.9৷৷

ayam this, harīśvaraḥ monkey king, sarvathā all means, hanūmati Hanumanta, niścitārthaḥ sure, kāryasādhanē in accomplishing the task, hanumān Hanuman, niścitārthakaraścāpi sure of accomplishing the task.

'This monkey king, Sugriva has confidence in Hanuman that he will by all means accomplish the task.'
tadēvaṅ prasthitasyāsya parijñātasya karmabhiḥ.

bhartrā parigṛhītasya dhruvaḥ kāryaphalōdayaḥ৷৷4.44.10৷৷

tat since, ēvam in that way, prasthitasya of a person who goes forth, karmabhiḥ with his tasks, parijñātasya who is known, bhartrā king Sugriva, parigṛhītasya favoured, asya his, kāryaphalōdayaḥ success in his task, dhruvaḥ sure.

'The king Sugriva knows for sure that if Hanuman goes forth, success is assured. So he favours him.'
taṅ samīkṣya mahātējā vyavasāyōttaraṅ harim.

kṛtārtha iva saṅvṛttaḥ prahṛṣṭēndriyamānasaḥ৷৷4.44.11৷৷

mahātējāḥ mighty Rama, vyavasāyōttaram with a resolute answer, tam him, Hanuman, harim monkey, samīkṣya on looking at, prahṛṣṭēndriyamānasaḥ very glad at heart, kṛtārtha iva as if he has accomplished, saṅvṛttaḥ he became.

The mighty Rama was happy in his heart to see Hanuman. He felt as if the task is achieved.
dadau tasya tataḥ prītassvanāmāṅkōpaśōbhitam.

aṅgulīyamabhijñānaṅ rājaputryāḥ parantapaḥ৷৷4.44.12৷৷

tataḥ then, parantapaḥ scorcher of enemies, prītaḥ delighted, svanāmāṅkōpaśōbhitam one on which his name is inscribed, aṅgulīyam ring, rājaputryā: to the princess, abhijñānam as a token of recognition, tasya to him, dadau gave.

Rama, scorcher of enemies, gladly gave Hanuman a ring inscribed with his name as a mark of identification by princess (Sita). And said:
anēna tvāṅ hariśrēṣṭha! cihnēna janakātmajā.


hariśrēṣṭha O distinguished monkey!, anēna by this, cihnēna by this signet, janakātmajā Janaka's daughter, tvām you, matsakāśāt from me, anuprāptam have come to her, anudvignā without any hesitation, anupaśyati will greet you.

'O distinguished monkey! Janaka's daughter will greet you without any hesitation when you present this signet to her. She will know that you have come from me.
vyavasāyaśca tē vīra! sattvayuktaśca vikramaḥ.

sugrīvasya ca sandēśassiddhiṅ kathayatīva mē৷৷4.44.14৷৷

vīra! O hero, tē your, vyavasāyaḥ efforts, sattvayuktaḥ endowed with prowess, vikramaśca courage, sugrīvasya Sugriva's, sandēśaśca message to you, mē to me, siddhim achievement, kathayatīva as if telling me.

'O great hero! your enterprise, prowess coupled with courage and Sugriva's message to you seem to indicate to me about the success of your mission'.
sa tadgṛhya hariśrēṣṭhaḥ sthāpya mūrdhni kṛtāñjaliḥ.

vanditvā caraṇau caiva prasthitaḥ plavagōttamaḥ৷৷4.44.15৷৷

plavagōttamaḥ foremost of the monkeys, saḥ he, hariśrēṣṭhaḥ greatest of monkeys, gṛhya after taking, mūrdhni on his forehead, sthāpya after placing, kṛtāñjaliḥ saluted with folded palms, caraṇau caiva and the feet also, vanditvā having offered salutation, prasthitaḥ departed.

The foremost among the monkeys took the ring given to him, placed it on his forehead and saluated it with folded palms. He then prostrated at the feet of Rama and departed.
sa tatprakarṣan harīṇāṅ mahadbalaṅ

babhūva vīraḥ pavanātmajaḥ kapiḥ.

gatāmbudē vyōmni viśuddhamaṇḍalaḥ

śaśīva nakṣatragaṇōpaśōbhitaḥ৷৷4.44.16৷৷

harīṇām of monkeys, mahat great, tat balam that army, prakarṣan being foremost among them, vīraḥ hero, pavanātmajaḥ son of the Wind-god, saḥ kapiḥ that monkey, gatāmbudē cloudless, vyōmni in the sky, nakṣatragaṇōpaśōbhitaḥ adorned by hosts of stars, śaśīva like the Moon, babhūva appeared.

Like the moon adorned by hosts of stars in the cloudless sky, the mighty heroic Hanuman, the great son of the Wind-god, shone in the midst of the army of monkeys.
atibala! balamāśritastavāhaṅ

harivaravikrama vikramairanalpaiḥ.

pavanasuta! yathā.bhigamyatē sā

janakasutā hanumaṅ! stathā kuruṣva৷৷4.44.17৷৷

atibala! O mighty one, harivaravikrama O valiant among the vanaras, pavanasuta O son of the Wind-god!, hanuman O Hanuman, aham I, tava your, balam strength, āśritaḥ depending, analpaiḥ with mighty, vikramaiḥ valour, sā that, janakasutā daughter of Janaka, yathā in such a way, abhigamyatē can be found, tathā in such a way that, kuruṣva do.

O Hanuman! son of the Wind-god, O valiant among the Vanaras, I bank on your strength. Do whatever you can with your mighty valour so that the daughter of Janaka can be found.
ityārṣē śrīmadrāmāyaṇē vālmīkīya ādikāvyē kiṣkindhākāṇḍē catuścatvāriṅśassargaḥ৷৷
Thus ends the fortyfourth sarga in Kishkindakanda of the first epic, the Holy Ramayana composed by sage Valmiki.