Sloka & Translation

[Sugriva once again addresses all troops --- the vanaras depart-Rama and Lakshmana return to Prasravana mountain]

sarvāṅścāhūya sugrīvaḥ plavagān plavagarṣabhaḥ.

samastānabravīdbhūyō rāmakāryarthasiddhayē৷৷4.45.1৷৷

ēvamētadvicētavyaṅ yanmayā parikīrtitam.

plavagarṣabhaḥ bull of among monkeys, bhūyaḥ further, sugrīvaḥ Sugriva, sarvān all, plavagān vanaras, āhūya called, rāmakāryarthasiddhayē for fulfilling the objective of Rama, samastān all of them, abravīt addressed, mayā by me, yat whatever, parikīrtitam described, ēvam in the same way, ētat thus, vicētavyam you should search.

Summoning the entire body of vanaras, Sugriva, the bull among monkeys, said, 'Go to the places I have described and look for Sita in order to fulfil Rama's objective'.
tadugraśāsanaṅ bharturvijñāya haripuṅgavāḥ৷৷4.45.2৷৷

śalabhā iva sañchādya mēdinīṅ sampratasthirē.

haripuṅgavāḥ best of monkeys, bhartuḥ king's, tat that, ugraśāsanam strict order, vijñāya having understood, mēdinīm the whole earth, śalabhā iva like locusts, sañchādya covered, sampratasthirē started moving.

Having understood Sugriva's strict orders, the forces of monkeys started moving. They spread like locusts all over the earth.
rāmaḥ prasravaṇē tasminyavasatsahalakṣmaṇaḥ৷৷4.45.3৷৷

pratīkṣamāṇastaṅ māsaṅ yassītādhigamē kṛtaḥ.

rāmaḥ Rama, sahalakṣmaṇaḥ along with Lakshmana, yaḥ such, sītādhigamē sin tracing the whereabouts of Sita, kṛtaḥ was fixed, taṅ māsam that month, pratīkṣamāṇaḥ waiting, tasmin prasravaṇē on that Prasravana mountain, nyavasat stayed.

Rama accompanied by Lakshmana stayed back at Prasravana mountain looking forward for the expiry of the month fixed for the monkeys to trace Sita's whereabouts.
uttarāṅ tu diśaṅ ramyāṅ girirājasamāvṛtām৷৷4.45.4৷৷

pratasthē sahasā vīrō hariśśatavalistadā.

tadā then, śatavāliḥ Satavali, vīraḥ warrior, hariḥ monkey, girirājasamāvṛtām surrounded by kings of mountains, ramyām lovely, uttarāṅ diśam northern direction, sahasā at once, pratasthē started their journey.

Then the monkey warrior Satavali departed for the north, surrounded by kings of mountains.
pūrvāṅ diśaṅ pratiyayau vinatō hariyūthapaḥ৷৷4.45.5৷৷

tārāṅgadādisahitaḥ plavaṅgō mārutātmajaḥ.

agatyācaritāmāśāṅ dakṣiṇāṅ hariyūthapaḥ৷৷4.45.6৷৷

hariyūthapaḥ leader of monkeys, vinataḥ Vinata, pūrvāṅ diśaṅ prati towards the east, yayau started, hariyūthapaḥ leader of the monkeys, mārutātmajaḥ son of the Wind-god, plavagaḥ monkey, tārāṅgadādisahitaḥ along with Tara and Angada, agastyācaritām inhabited by Agastya, dakṣiṇām āśām to the southern quarter.

Vinata, leader of the monkeys, set out for the eastern direction.The troop leader, son of the Wind-god along with Angada and Tara left for the south inhabited by Agastya.
paścimāṅ tu bhṛśaṅ ghōrāṅ suṣēṇaḥ plavagēśvaraḥ.

pratasthē hariśārdūlō diśaṅ varuṇapālitām৷৷4.45.7৷৷

plavagēśvaraḥ chieftain of monkeys, hariśārdūlaḥ tiger among monkeys, suṣēṇaḥ Sushena, varuṇapālitām ruled by Varuna, diśam side, bhṛśam quickly, ghōrām fearsome, paścimāṅ diśam western side, pratasthē started.

'The chieftain Sushena, tiger among the monkeys, started quickly for the fearsome western direction ruled by Varuna.
tatassarvā diśō rājā cōdayitvā yathātatham.

kapisēnāpatīnmukhyānmumōda sukhitassukham৷৷4.45.8৷৷

tataḥ then, mukhyān of chieftans, rājā king, kapisēnāpatīn chief of the army of monkeys, yathātatham properly, sarvāḥdiśaḥ all quarters, cōdayitvā having sent, sukhitaḥ relieved, sukham mumōda rejoiced.

Sugriva, chief of the army of monkeys, having sent the leaders to all quarters felt relieved and rejoiced.
ēvaṅ sambōdhitāssarvē rājñā vānarayūthapāḥ.

svāṅ svāṅ diśamabhiprattya tvaritā sampratasthirē৷৷4.45.9৷৷

rājñā by the king, ēvam in that way, sambōdhitāḥ having been addressed, sarvē all, vānarayūthapāḥ leaders of the monkeys, svāṅ svām in their respective, diśam direction, abhiprētya bound, tvaritāḥ quickly, sampratasthirē departed from there.

Addressed thus by the king, all the monkeys departed quickly from there for their respective directions with all enthusiasm.
nadantaścōnnadantaśca garjantaśca plavaṅgamāḥ.

kṣvēlantō dhāvamānāśca vinadantō mahābalāḥ৷৷4.45.10৷৷

mahābalāḥ mighty, plavaṅgamāḥ monkeys, nadantaḥ making noise, unnadantaśca loudly, garjantaśca
chattering, kṣvēlantaḥ leaping, vinadantaḥ screaming, dhāvamānāśca gallopping.

The powerful monkeys went gallopping and chattering, leaping and screaming.
ēvaṅ sambōditāssarvē rājñā vānarayūthapāḥ.

ānayiṣyāmahē sītāṅ haniṣyāmaśca rāvaṇam৷৷4.45.11৷৷

rājñā by the king, ēvam in that way, sambōditā:having addressed, sarvē all, vānarayūthapāḥ the leaders of monkeys, sītām Sita, ānayiṣyāmahē we will get, rāvaṇam Ravana, haniṣyāmaśca we will kill.

Thus addressed by the king, the leaders of the monkeys shouted, 'We will kill Ravana and get back Sita'.
ahamēkō haniṣyāmi rāvaṇaṅ prāptamāhavē.

tataścōnmathya sahasā hariṣyē janakātmajām৷৷4.45.12৷৷

aham I am, ēkaḥ alone, āhavē in a war, prāptam faced, rāvaṇam Ravana, haniṣyāmi I will kill, tataśca there after, unmathya after churning, sahasā at once, janakātmajām Janaka's daughter, āhariṣyē I will get.

'I shall kill Ravana singlehanded in war and quickly get back Janaka's daughter churning (the enemy army).' (said one)
vēpamānāṅ śramēṇādya bhavadbhiḥ sthīyatāmiti.

ēka ēvāhariṣyāmi pātālādapi jānakīm৷৷4.45.13৷৷

śramēṇa with exhaustion, vēpamānām trembling, jānakīm Sita, pātālādapi even from the nether most world, ēka ēva I alone, āhariṣyāmi I will get, adya now, bhavadbhiḥ you, sthīyatām wait, iti thus.

'I will alone restore Sita, exhausted and trembling (in fear), even from the nether world.
Wait here' (said another leader).
vadhiṣyāmyahaṅ vṛkṣān dārayiṣyāmyahaṅ girīn.

dharaṇīṅ dārayiṣyāmi kṣōbhayiṣyāmi sāgarān৷৷4.45.14৷৷

aham I, vṛkṣān trees, vadhiṣyāmi will smash, girīn mountains, dārayiṣyāmi I will cleave, dharaṇīm earth, dārayiṣyāmi break open, sāgarān seas, kṣōbhayiṣyāmi I will churn.

'I will smash trees, shatter mountains, cleave the earth and churn up the seas'. (said a another).
ahaṅ yōjanasaṅkhyāyāḥ plavitā nātra saṅśayaḥ.

śataṅ yōjanasaṅkhyāyāśśataṅ samadhikaṅ hyaham৷৷4.45.15৷৷

aham I, yōjanasaṅkhyāyāḥ śatam cross a hundred yojanas, plavitā leap, aham I, śatayōjanasaṅkhyāyāḥ cross a distance of hundred yojanas, samadhikam more, atra here, saṅśayaḥ doubt, na no.

'I can doubtless cross a distance of a hundred yojanas' said one. Another said,' I can leap a hundred yojanas more'.
bhūtalē sāgarē vā.pi śailēṣu ca vanēṣu ca.

pātālasyāpi vā madhyē na mamācchidyatē gatiḥ৷৷4.45.16৷৷

bhūtalē on the earth, sāgarē vā.pi or even in the sea, śailēṣu ca and in mountains also, vanēṣu ca in forest also, pātālasya of the underworld, madhyēvāpi in the midst also, mama my, gatiḥ movement, na ācchidyatē is not obstructed.

'I can go unobstruted on the earth, or even in the sea, on the mountains, in the forests or even to the centre of the underworld'. (said another)
ityēkaikaṅ tadā tatra vānarā baladarpitāḥ.

ūcuśca vacanaṅ tatra harirājasya sannidhau৷৷4.45.17৷৷

tadā then, baladarpitāḥ proud of prowess, vānarāḥ monkeys, tatra his, tasya their, harirājasya of the king of monkeys', sannidhau in the presence of, ēkaikaḥ each one of them, iti thus, vacanam words, ūcuḥ spoke.

The monkeys uttered such words in the presence of their king, being proud of their prowess.
ityārṣē śrīmadrāmāyaṇē vālmīkīya ādikāvyē kiṣkindhākāṇḍē pañcacatvāriṅśassargaḥ৷৷
Thus ends the fortyfifth sarga in Kishkindakanda of the first epic, the Holy Ramayana composed by sage Valmiki.