Sloka & Translation

[Sugriva narrates the fight between Dundubhi and Vali and explains how he has come to acquire knowledge of geogrphy of all quarters]

gatēṣu vānarēndrēṣu rāmassugrīvamabravīt.

kathaṅ bhavānvijānītē sarvaṅ vai maṇḍalaṅ bhuvaḥ৷৷4.46.1৷৷

vānarēndrēṣu when the monkey chieftains, gatēṣu had gone, rāmaḥ Rama, sugrīvam to Sugriva, abravīt said, bhavān you, bhuvaḥ of the earth, sarvam entire, maṇḍalam region, katham how, vijānītē do you know

When the chieftains of the monkeys left, Rama enquired Sugriva, how he had come to know the regions of the entire earth (which is a mandala. a circular form).
sugrīvastu tatō rāmamuvāca praṇatātmavān.

śrūyatāṅ sarvamākhyāsyē vistarēṇa nararṣabha!৷৷4.46.2৷৷

tataḥ then, sugrīvaḥ Sugriva, praṇatātmavān offered reverential salutation, rāmam to Rama, uvāca spoke, sarvam all, vistarēṇa in detail, ākhyāsyē narrate, nararṣabha! O Rama, śrūyatām listen.

Then offering reverential salutation to Rama, Sugriva said, 'I shall narrate in detail. Listen, O bull among men !
yadā tu dundubhiṅ nāma dānavaṅ mahiṣākṛtim.

parikālayatē vālī malayaṅ prati parvatam৷৷4.46.3৷৷

tadā vivēśa mahiṣō malayasya guhāṅ prati.

vivēśa vālī tatrāpi malayaṅ tajjighāṅsayā৷৷4.46.4৷৷

vālī Vali, mahiṣākṛtim in buffalo form, dundubhiṅ nāma named Dundubhi, dānavam demon, yadā when, malayaṅ parvataṅ prati till the mount Malaya, pratikālayatē wished to kill him, tadā then, mahiṣaḥ buffalo, malayasya Malaya's, guhāṅ prati towards the cave, vivēśa entered, vālī Vali, tajjighāṅsayā with the intention of killing him, tatrāpi into that, malayam Malaya, vivēśa entered.

Vali chased the demon Dundubhi in buffalo form into a cave of mount Malaya in order to kill him.
tatō.haṅ tatra nikṣiptō guhādvāri vinītavat.

na ca niṣkrāmatē vālī tadā saṅvatsarē gatē4.46.5৷৷

tataḥ then, vinītavat with due loyalty, aham I, tatra there, guhādvāri nikṣiptaḥ I was made to wait at the entrance of the cave, tadā then, saṅvatsarē when a year, gatē passed, vālī Vali, na niṣkrāmatē not returned.

'Then I waited at the entrance of the cave with due loyalty. A year passed. Yet Vali did not return.
tataḥ kṣatajavēgēna āpupūrē tadā bilam.

tadahaṅ vismitō dṛṣṭvā bhrātṛśōkaviṣārditaḥ৷৷4.46.6৷৷

tataḥ then, bilam cave, kṣatajavēgēna with the speed of the gushing blood, āpupūrē filled with, tadā then, aham I, tat that, dṛṣṭvā after seeing, vismitaḥ bewildered, bhrātuḥ brother, śōkaviṣārditaḥ suffered intense agony.

'There seeing the cave overflowing with the gushing blood, I was bewildered, thinking that my brother might have been killed. I suffered intense agony.
athā.haṅ kṛtabuddhistu suvyaktaṅ nihatō guruḥ.

śilā parvatasaṅkāśā biladvāri mayā kṛtā৷৷4.46.7৷৷

aśaknuva nniṣkramituṅ mahiṣō vinaśēditi.

atha then, guruḥ brother Vali, suvyaktam it is evident, nihataḥ killed, aham I, kṛtabuddhiḥ I thought, mahiṣaḥ buffalo, niṣkramitum to return, aśaknuvan being unable, vinaśēditi should be destroyed, mayā by myself, parvatasaṅkāśā of the mountain size, śilā rock, biladvāri at the entrance of, kṛtā placed.

'Thereafter, convinced that my brother was killed, I placed a mountain-size rock at the entrance of the cave so that Dundubhi will be destroyed, unable to come out of the cave.
tatō.hamāgāṅ kiṣkindhāṅ nirāśastasya jīvitē৷৷4.46.8৷৷

rājyaṅ ca sumahatprāpya tārayā rumayā saha.

mitraiśca sahitastatra vasāmi vigatajvaraḥ৷৷4.46.9৷৷

tataḥ then, aham I, tasya his, jīvitē about his life, nirāśaḥ lost hope, kiṣkindhām to Kishkinda, āgām I came, sumahat great, rājyaṅ ca kingdom also, rumayā saha with Ruma, tāra yā with Tara, prāpya having got, tatra there, mitraiḥ with friends, sahitaḥ accompanied, vigatajvaraḥ fearlessly, vasāmi I lived.

'I lost hope of his life and came back to Kishkinda. Having got the kingdom, and also Ruma and Tara, I was anointed king and ruled it fearlessly with all friends.
ājagāma tatō vālī hatvā taṅ dānavarṣabham.

tatō.hamadadāṅ rājyaṅ gauravādbhayayantritaḥ৷৷4.46.10৷৷

tataḥ then, dānavarṣabham bull among monsters vālī Vali, tam him, hatvā after killing, ājagāma he came, tataḥ then, aham I, bhayayantritaḥ constrained with fear, gauravāt with respect, rājyam kingdom, adadām returned.

sa māṅ jighāṅsurduṣṭātmā vālī pravyathitēndriyaḥ.

parikālayatē krōdhāddhāvantaṅ sacivaissaha৷৷4.46.11৷৷

duṣṭātmā evil-minded, saḥ vālī that Vali, pravyathitēndriyaḥ having lost control over his senses, sacivaissaha along with ministers, dhāvantam while I was running, mām me, jighāṅsuḥ to kill, krōdhāt enraged, parikālayatē ran after me.

'The evil-minded Vali, having lost his self-control, ran after me in anger, to kill me and my ministers. I kept running.
tatō.haṅ vālinā tēna sā.nubaddhaḥ pradhāvitaḥ.

nadīśca vividhāḥ paśyanvanāni nagarāṇi ca৷৷4.46.12৷৷

tataḥ then, tēna by him, vālinā by Vali, anubaddhaḥ chased, saḥ aham that I was, vividhāḥ many, nadīḥ rivers, vanāni forests, nagarāṇi ca towns, paśyan while seeing, pradhāvitaḥ I ran.

ādarśatalasaṅkāśā tatō vai pṛthivī mayā.

alātacakrapratimā dṛṣṭā gōṣpadavattadā৷৷4.46.13৷৷

tataḥ then, mayā by me, pṛthivī the earth, ādarśatalasaṅkāśā like the surface of a mirror, alātacakrapratimā like a circling of fire-band, dṛṣṭā seen, gōṣpadavat as though it is of the size of cow's hoof, tadā then.

pūrvāṅ diśaṅ tatō gatvā paśyāmi vividhān drumān.

parvatanśca nadī ramyāssarāṅsi vividhāni ca৷৷4.46.14৷৷

tataḥ then, pūrvāṅ diśam eastern quarter, gatvā after going, vividhān several, drumān trees, nadīn rivers, ramyān delighting, parvatān mountains, vividhāni many, sarāṅsi ca lakes also, paśyāmi see (saw).

'Then I ran in the eastern direction and saw many trees, lakes, rivers and beautiful mountains.
udayaṅ tatra paśyāmi parvataṅ dhātumaṇḍitam.

kṣīrōdaṅ sāgaraṅ caiva nityamapsarasālayam৷৷4.46.15৷৷

tatra there, dhātumaṇḍitam embellished with minerals, udayaṅ parvatam mountain behind which the Sun rises, nityam always, apsarasālayam frequented by apsaras, kṣīrōdaṅ sāgaraṅ caiva the milky ocean also, paśyāmi see (saw).

'There I saw, filled with minerals the mountain behind which the Sun rises and the milky ocean frequented by the apsaras.
parikālayamānastu vālinā.bhidruta stadā.

punarāvṛtya sahasā prasthitō.haṅ tadā vibhō!৷৷4.46.16৷৷

vibhō! O king, vālinā by Vali, parikālayamānaḥ chased away, aham I, tadā then, abhidrutaḥ I ran, tadā then, punaḥ again, āvṛtya I turned back, sahasā at once, prasthitaḥ I left.

'O king! chased thus by Vali, I ran and turned back and ran again-fast.
punarāvartamānastu vālinā.bhidrutōdrutam.

diśastasyāstatō bhūyaḥ prasthitō dakṣiṇāṅ diśam.

vindhyapādapasaṅkīrṇāṅ candanadrumaśōbhitām৷৷4.46.17৷৷

punaḥ again, āvartamānaḥ changing, valinā by Vali, drutam fast, abhidrutaḥ chased, tataḥ then, tasyāḥ that, diśaḥ direction, bhūyaḥ turned, vindhyapādapasaṅkīrṇām filled with the mountains of Vindhya and trees, candanadrumaśōbhitām filled with beautiful sandal trees, dakṣiṇāṅ diśam southern quarter, prasthitaḥ ran.

'Then chased by Vali, I changed my present direction from the east towards the southern quarter where Vindhya mountain stood with its, beautiful sandal trees.
drumaśailāṅstataḥ paśyanbhūyō dakṣiṇatō.parām.

paścimāṅ ca diśaṅ prāptā vālinā samabhidrutaḥ৷৷4.46.18৷৷

drumaśailāṅ trees and mountains, dakṣiṇataḥ from the southern quarter, aparām another, paśyan while seeing, bhūyaḥ again, vālinā by Vali, samabhidrutaḥ chased, paścimāṅ diśam western quarter, prāptāḥ I reached.

'I was looking at the trees and mountains in the southern direction, I reached the western quarter pursued by Vali.
sampaśyanvividhāndēśānastaṅ ca girisattamam.

prāpya cāstaṅ giriśrēṣṭhamuttarāṅ sampradhāvitaḥ৷৷4.46.19৷৷

vividhān many, dēśān places, girisattamam best of mountains, astaṅ ca where the Sun sets, paśyan while I was seeing, giriśrēṣṭham foremost of mountains, astam where the Sun sets, prāpya having reached, uttarām northern, sampradhāvitaḥ ran.

'Looking at the places around, I reached the best of mountains where the Sun sets (I found Vali still chasing me) and ran towards the north.
himavantaṅ ca mēruṅ ca samudraṅ ca tathōttaram.

yadā na vindaṅ śaraṇaṅ vālinā samabhidrutaḥ৷৷4.46.20৷৷

tadā māṅ buddhisampannō hanūmānvākyamabravīt.

himavantaṅ ca Himavanta also, mēruṅ ca Meru also, tathā so also, uttaraṅ samudraṅ ca even the northern sea, vālinā by Vali, samabhidrutaḥ chased, yadā when, śaraṇam protection, na vindam I did not get, tadā then, buddhisampannaḥ wise, hanūmān Hanuman, mām to me, vākyam these words, abravīt spoke.

'I saw Himavan and mount Meru on the north and the northern sea. Still pursued by Vali, I could not know where to go when wise Hanuman spoke to me these words:
idānīṅ mē smṛtaṅ rājanyathā vālī harīśvaraḥ৷৷4.46.21৷৷

mataṅgēna tadā śaptō hyasminnāśramamaṇḍalē.

praviśēdyadi vai vālī mūrdhā.sya śatadhā bhavēt৷৷4.46.22৷৷

tatra vāsassukhō.smākaṅ nirudvignō bhaviṣyati.

rājan O king!, harīśvaraḥ king of monkeys, vālī Vali, tadā then, mataṅgēna by Mathanga, yathā as, śaptaḥ cursed, mē to me, idānīm now, smṛtam I remembered, vālī Vali, asmin in this, āśramamaṇḍalē hermitage site, praviśēdyadi if he enters, asya his, mūrdhā head, śatadhā hundred pieces, bhavēt will become, tatra there, asmākam to us, vāsaḥ residence, sukhaḥ happy, nirudvignaḥ peaceful, bhaviṣyati will be.

'I remembed Matanga's curse to Vali, king of monkeys. Vali would not enter the site of Matanga's hermitage as his head would break into a hundred pieces if he did'. Therefore we thought it would be safe for us to reside in that place.
tataḥ parvatamāsādya ṛṣyamūkaṅ nṛpātmaja!৷৷4.46.23৷৷

na vivēśa tadā vālī mataṅgasya bhayāttadā.

nṛpātmaja O prince Rama!, tataḥ from that place, ṛṣyamūkaṅ parvatam mountain Rishyamuka, tadā then, āsādya having reached, vālī Vali, mataṅgasya Matanga's, bhayāt out of fear of, tadā then, na vivēśa did not enter.

'O prince Rama! then I reached mount Rishyamuka which Vali did not enter out of fear
of the curse of Matanga.
ēvaṅ mayā tadā rājanpratyakṣamupalakṣitam৷৷4.46.24৷৷

pṛthivīmaṇḍalaṅ kṛtsnaṅ guhāmasyāgatastataḥ.

rājan king, ēvam in that manner, tadā then, katsnam pṛthivīmaṇḍalam entire earth, pratyakṣam saw directly, mayā by me, upalakṣitam is surveyed, guhām this cave, tataḥ thereafter, āgataḥ reached, asmi I am.

'O king! that way I surveyed the entire earth directly and returned to this cave and lived here.
ityārṣē śrīmadrāmāyaṇē vālmīkīya ādikāvyē kiṣkindhākāṇḍē ṣaṭacatvāriṅśassargaḥ৷৷
Thus ends the fortysixth sarga in Kishkindakanda of the first epic, the Holy Ramayana composed by sage Valmiki.