Sloka & Translation

[Rama and Lakshmana meet Sugriva --- Rama makes friendship with him --- Sugriva reveals the injustice done to him by Vali --- Rama assures him help --- Sugriva promises to send his troops to find Sita.]

ṛśyamūkāttu hanumāngatvā tu malayaṅ girim.

ācacakṣē tadā vīrau kapirājāya rāghavau4.5.1৷৷

hanumān Hanuman, ṛṣyamūkāt from Rishyamuka, malayaṅ Malaya, girim mountain, gatvā on going, kapirājāya to the lord of the monkeys, tadā then, vīrau the two heroes, rāghavau Raghavas, ācacakṣē seeing announced (the arrival)

Leaving Rishyamuka, Hanuman reached the Malaya mountain. Seeing the chief of monkeys there, he announced the arrival of the heroic Raghavas.
ayaṅ rāmō mahāprājña ssamprāptō dṛḍhavikramaḥ.

lakṣmaṇēna saha bhrātrā rāmō.yaṅ satyavikramaḥ4.5.2৷৷

mahāprājñaḥ very wise, dṛḍhavikrama: unfailing in valour, ayaṅ rāmaḥ this Rama, bhrātrā with brother, lakṣmaṇēna saha along with Lakshmana, samprāptaḥ has arrived, ayaṅ rāmaḥ this Rama, satyavikramaḥ endowed with the power of truth

'This Rama of great-wisdom and valour, endowed with the power of truth has arrived here along with his brother Lakshmana.
ikṣvākūṇāṅ kulē jātō rāmō daśarathātmajaḥ.

dharmē nigaditaścaiva piturnirdēśapāragaḥ4.5.3৷৷

ikṣvākūṇām of Ikshvakus, kulē in the race, jātaḥ he is born, daśarathātmajaḥ Dasaratha's son, rāmaḥ Rama, dharmē in righteousness, nigaditaścaiva is noteworthy, pituḥ father's, nirdēśapāragaḥ

'Born in the Ikshvaku race Rama Dasaratha's son, distinguished for his righteousness is here to carry out the orders of his father.
tasyāsya vasatō.raṇyē niyatasya mahātmanaḥ.

rāvaṇēna hṛtā bhāryā sa tvāṅ śaraṇamāgataḥ4.5.4৷৷

araṇyē in the forest, vasataḥ living , niyatasya self controlled , tasya his, asya this man, mahātmanaḥ great man's, bhāryā wife, rāvaṇēna by Ravana, hṛtā is abducted, saḥ he, tvām to you, śaraṇam āgataḥ has come to you to seek refuge

'While the great Rama armed with self-restraint was living in the forest, his wife was abducted by Ravana. So he has come to you seeing refuge.
rājasūyāśvamēdhaiśca vahniryēnābhitarpitaḥ.

dakṣiṇāśca tathōtsṛṣṭā gāvaśśatasahasraśaḥ4.5.5৷৷

tapasā satyavākyēna vasudhā yēna pālitā.

strī hētōstasya putrō.yaṅ rāmastvāṅ śaraṇaṅ gataḥ4.5.6৷৷

yēna by whom, rājasūyāśvamēdhaiśca by Rajasuya and Aswamedha yajnas, vahniḥ god of fire, abhitarpitaḥ is gratified, tathā so also, śatasahasraśaḥ in hundreds and thousands, gāvaḥ cows, dakṣiṇāḥ sacrificial gifts, utsṛṣṭāḥ yēna by whom given, tapasā by practising religious austerity, satyavākyēna justly, vasudhā earth, pālitā is ruled, tasya his, putraḥ son, ayaṅ rāmaḥ this is Rama, strī hētōḥ on account of a woman, śaraṇam refuge, samāgataḥ came here

'This Rama, son of a king who had gratified the fire-god through many yajnas like Rajasuya and Aswamedha, gifted hundreds of thousands of cows and ruled this earth with truth and austerity, has come seeking help for a woman.'
bhavatā sakhyakāmau tau bhrātarau rāmalakṣmaṇau.

pratigṛhyārcayasvaitau pūjanīyatamāvubhau4.5.7৷৷

bhrātarau brothers, tau both, rāmalakṣmaṇau Rama and Lakshmana, bhavatā by you, sakhyakāmau for friendship, pūjanīyatamau are worthiest of worship, ētau both of them, ubhau both, pratigṛhya may receive, arcayasva welcome with all reverence

'Both the brothers, Rama and Lakshmana seek friendship with you. As both of them are worthiest of worship, welcome them with due reverence.'
śrutvā hanumatō vākyaṅ sugrīvō hṛṣṭamānasaḥ.

bhayaṅ carāghavādghōraṅ prajahau vigatajvaraḥ৷৷4.5.8৷৷

sakṛtvā mānuṣaṅ rūpaṅ sugrīvaḥ plavagarṣabhaḥ.

darśanīyatamō bhūtvā prītyā prōvāca rāghavam4.5.9৷৷

hṛṣṭamānasaḥ delighted at heart, sugrīvaḥ Sugriva, hanumataḥ Hanuman's, vākyam word, śrutvā having heard, bhayaṅ ca and fear, rāghavā Raghava, ghōraṅ terrible, prajahau abandoned, vigatajvaraḥ devoid of fear, prītyā lovingly, darśanīyatamaḥ most attractive, sakṛtvā having taken, mānuṣaṅ rūpaṅ human form, sugrīvaḥ Sugriva, plavagarṣabhaḥ best among monkeys, bhūtvā having given up, rāghavam of Raghava, (pra)uvāca said,

Hanuman's words took away Sugriva's great fear for Rama and filled him with cheer. This bull among monkeys gave up his natural appearance and and assuming an attractive human form spoke to Rama lovingly:
bhavāndharmavinītaśca vikrāntassarvavatsalaḥ.

ākhyātā vāyuputrēṇa tattvatō mē bhavadguṇāḥ4.5.10৷৷

bhavān you, dharmavinītaśca educated in all dharmas, vikrāntaḥ a great hero, sarvavatsalaḥ kind to all beings, bhavadguṇāḥ your virtues, vāyuputrēṇa by the son of the wind-god, tattvataḥ truly, mē to me, ākhyātāḥ apprised

'You are a great hero, affectionate to all and well-versed in all dharmas. The son of the
Wind-god has, in fact, apprised me of your virtues;
tanmamaivaiṣa satkārō lābhaścaivōttamaḥ prabhō.

yattvamicchasi sauhārdaṅ vānarēṇa mayā saha4.5.11৷৷

prabhō O Lord, tat that, tvam you, vānarēṇa by a monkey, mayā saha with me, sauhārdam friendship, icchasi (iti) yat that you are wishing, ēṣaḥ that way, mamaiva for myself, satkāraḥ an honour, uttamaḥ best, lābhaśca benefit

'O Lord! that you are eager to have friendship with me, who is a monkey is a great honour and is extremely beneficial to me.
rōcatē yadi vā sakhyaṅ bāhurēṣa prasāritaḥ.

gṛhyatāṅ pāṇinā pāṇirmaryādā badhyatāṅ dhruvā4.5.12৷৷

vā if , sakhyam friendship, rōcatē yadi is desired, ēṣaḥ this is, bāhuḥ my arm, prasāritaḥ stretched, pāṇinā on my hand, pāṇiḥ your hand, gṛhyatām may be received, dhruvā firm, maryādā with due2 2regard, badhyatām may be bound

'If you are desirous of my friendship, here is my arm (palm) stretched out to you. With due regard, establish our bond firmly, holding my palm in yours.'
ētattu vacanaṅ śrutvā sugrīvēṇa subhāṣitam.

samprahṛṣṭamanā hastaṅ pīḍayāmāsa pāṇinā4.5.13৷৷

hṛdyaṅ sauhṛdamālambyaparyaṣvajata pīḍitam.

sugrīvēṇa(sugrīvasya) Sugriva's, subhāṣitam well-said,ētat this,vacanam word,śrutvā having heard, samprahṛṣṭamanāḥ became very happy, pāṇinā with the hand, hastam hand, pīḍayāmāsa pressed, sauhṛdam affectionately, ālambya maintaining, hṛdyaṅ delighted , pīḍitam getting close, paryaṣvajata firmly hugged

Rama became very happy to hear Sugriva's warm words and pressed his hand with his. Delighted, he went close to Sugriva and hugged him tightly and affectionately.
tatō hanūmānsantyajya bhikṣurūpamarindamaḥ৷৷4.5.14৷৷

kāṣṭhayōssvēna rūpēṇa janayāmāsa pāvakam.

dīpyamānaṅ tatō vahniṅ hniṅ puṣpairabhyarcya satkṛtam4.5.15৷৷

tayōrmadhyē.tha suprītō nidadhē susamāhitaḥ.

tataḥ thereafter, arindamaḥ vanquisher of enemies, hanumān Hanuman, bhikṣurūpam mendicant form, santyajya giving up, svēna by his real, rūpēṇa form, kāṣṭhayōḥ two pieces of wood, pāvakam fire, janayāmāsa generated, tataḥ then, dīpyamānam glowing, satkṛtam a spot of worship, vahnim into fire, puṣpaiḥ of flowers, abhyarcya made an offering, susamāhitaḥ vigilant, suprītaḥ a pleased one, tayōḥ of them, madhyē in between, nidadhē placed

Then, Hanuman vanquisher of enemies, gave up his guise of a mendicant, assumed his natural form and generated fire by rubbing two pieces of wood. Well-pleased at heart, he made an offering of flowers to the flaming fire and placed it between them.
tatō.gniṅ dīpyamānaṅ tau cakratuśca pradakṣiṇam৷৷4.5.16৷৷

sugrīvō rāghavaścaiva vayasyatvamupāgatau.

tataḥ then, tau both of them, dīpyamānam blazing, agnim fire, pradakṣiṇaṅ cakratuḥ went round, sugrīvaḥ Sugriva, rāghavaścaiva and Raghava also, vayasyatvam friendship, upāgatau both established

They both circumambulated the blazing fire and solemnized their friendship.
tatassuprītamanasau tāvubhau harirāghavau4.5.17৷৷

anyōnyamabhivīkṣantau na tṛptimupajagmatuḥ.

tataḥ then, suprītamanasau both delighted at heart, tau both, harirāghavau Sugriva and Rama, ubhau
both, anyōnyam each other, abhivīkṣantau looking at each other, tṛptim contented, na abhijagmatuḥ yet not fully content

Rama and the monkey contented at heart, yet not fully content, continued looking at each other.
tvaṅ vayasyō.si mē hṛdyō hyēkaṅ duḥkhaṅ sukhaṅ ca nau4.5.18৷৷

sugrīvō rāghavaṅ vākyamityuvāca prahṛṣṭavat.

tvam you, mē to me, hṛdyaḥ dear, vayasyaḥ friend, asi you are, nau for both of us, sukham pleasure, duḥkhaṅ ca and sorrow, hyēkam are one and the same, iti thus, sugrīvaḥ Sugriva, prahṛṣṭavat happy, vākyam words, uvāca said.

'You are a dear friend to me. Your sorrow is my sorrow, your pleasure is my pleasure. We are one and the same' said Sugriva to Rama, his heart overflowing with happiness.
tatassuparṇabahulāṅ chitvā śākhāṅ supuṣpitām4.5.19৷৷

sālasyāstīrya sugrīvō niṣasāda sarāghavaḥ.

tataḥ then, sugrīvaḥ Sugriva, sālasya of a Sala tree, suparṇabahulām with luxuriant leaves, supuṣpitām well-blossomed, śākhām branch, chitvā cut, āstīrya spread, sarāghavaḥ along with Rama, niṣasāda sat down.

Then Sugriva cut the branch of a sala tree with luxuriant leaves and flowers, spread it on the ground and sat down along with Raghava.
lakṣmaṇāyātha saṅhṛṣṭō hanūmān plavagarṣabhaḥ4.5.20৷৷

śākhāṅ candanavṛkṣasya dadau paramapuṣpitām.

atha then, saṅhṛṣṭaḥ very happy, plavagarṣabhaḥ bull among monkeys, hanumān Hanuman, candanavṛkṣasya sandal tree, paramapuṣpitām full of flowers, śākhām branch, lakṣmaṇāya to Lakshmana, dadau gave.

Then Hanuman, the bull among monkeys, felt very happy, cut the branch of a sandalwood tree full of flowers and gave it to Lakshmana.
tataḥ prahṛṣṭassugrīvaḥ ślakṣṇaṅ madhurayā girā4.5.21৷৷

pratyuvāca tadā rāmaṅ harṣavyākulalōcanaḥ.

tataḥ then, prahṛṣṭaḥ overwhelmed with joy, sugrīvaḥ Sugriva, harṣavyākulalōcanaḥ eyes sparkling with joy, tadā then, rāmam Rama, madhurayā in sweet, girā with words, ślakṣṇam gently, pratyuvāca replied.

Then Sugriva, eyes sparkling with joy, replied to Rama in a sweet, gentle voice.
ahaṅ vinikṛtō rāma! carāmīha bhayārditaḥ4.5.22৷৷

hṛtabhāryō vanē trastō durgamētadupāśritaḥ.

rāma Rama, aham I, vinikṛtaḥ badly insulted, hṛtabhāryaḥ wife hijacked, bhayārditaḥ stricken with fear, iha here, vanē in the forest, carāmi I am moving, trastaḥ frightened, durgam in accessible, ētat this, upāśritaḥ taken refuge.

'O Rama, I have been insulted deeply and my wife hijacked. Stricken with fear I have taken refuge in this inaccessible forest.
sō.haṅ trastō vanē bhītō vasāmyudbhrāntacētanaḥ4.5.23৷৷

vālinā nikṛtō bhrātrā kṛtavairaśca rāghava!.

rāghava O Rama, bhrātrā by my brother, vālinā Vali, nikṛtaḥ humiliated, kṛtavairaśca developed enmity, saḥ aham such a person, trastaḥ frightened, udbhrāntacētanaḥ with unsteady mind, vanē in the forest, bhītaḥ fearing, vasāmi I am living.

'O Rama! humiliated by my brother Vali, I have developed enmity with him. Terribly distraught and disturbed I live in this forest in great fear.
vālinō mē mahābhāga! bhayārtasyābhayaṅ kuru4.5.24৷৷

kartumarhasi kākutstha! bhayaṅ mē na bhavēdyathā.

mahābhāga! reverend, vālinaḥ from Vali, bhayārtasya feeling helpless with fear, mē to me, abhayam security, kuru give me, kākutstha Kakusta, mē yathā as I, bhayam fear, na bhavēt may not be, kartum to do, arhasi you ought to.

'O reverend Kakutstha, I feel helpless with fear from Vali. Save me. You should release me free from fear.'
ēvamuktastu tējasvī dharmajñō dharmavatsalaḥ4.5.25৷৷

pratyabhāṣata kākutstha: sugrīvaṅ prahasanniva.

ēvam that way, uktaḥ having addressed, tējasvī glorious, dharmajñaḥ righteous man, dharmavatsalaḥ lover of dharma, kākutsthaḥ Kakutstha, prahasanniva with gentle smile on the face, sugrīvam to Sugriva, pratyabhāṣata replied.

The righteous and glorious Rama to whom dharma is very dear said to Sugriva with a gentle smile on his face, when he was entreated thus:
upakāraphalaṅ mitraṅ viditaṅ mē mahākapē!4.5.26৷৷

vālinaṅ taṅ vadhiṣyāmi tava bhāryāpahāriṇam.

mahākapē O great monkey, mitram a friend, upakāraphalam result of doing a good deed, mē to me, viditam is known, tava your, bhāryāpahāriṇam one who has stolen your wife, taṅ vālinam that Valin, vadhiṣyāmi I will kill.

'O great monkey! I know friendship is the fruit of a beneficial deed. I will kill that Vali who has usurped your wife.
amōghāssūryasaṅkāśā mamaitē niśitāśśarāḥ4.5.27৷৷

tasminvālini durvṛttē nipatiṣyanti vēgitāḥ.

kaṅkapatrapraticchannā mahēndrāśanisannibhāḥ4.5.28৷৷

tīkṣṇāgrā ṛjuparvāṇassarōṣā bhujagā iva.

amōghāḥ unfailing, sūryasaṅkaśāḥ comparable to Sun, niśitāḥ sharp, kaṅkapatrapraticchannāḥ covered with the feathers of a kanka bird, mahēndrāśanisannibhāḥ equal to great India's thunderbolt, tīkṣṇāgrāḥ with a sharp tip, ṛjuparvāṇaḥ straight, sarōṣāḥ angry, bhujagāḥ iva like serpents, imē these, mama śarāḥ my arrows, vēgitāḥ soon, durvṛttē at the miscreant, tasmin at him, vālini at Vali, nipatiṣyanti they will strike.

'These arrows covered with kanka feathers, sharp and straight at the tip, comparable to great Indra's thunderbolt are (burning bright) like the sun. Looking like angry serpents, they will unfailingly strike at the miscreant Vali soon.
tamadya vālinaṅ paśya tīkṣṇairāśīviṣōpamaiḥ4.5.29৷৷

śarairvinihataṅ bhūmau vikīrṇamiva parvatam.

adya now, āśīviṣōpamaiḥ comparable to serpents, tīkṣṇaiḥ sharp, śaraiḥ arrows, vinihatam killed, bhūmau on the ground, prakīrṇam will fall shattered, parvatamiva like a mountain, vālinam Vali, paśya see.

'With these sharp, serpent-like arrows Vali will be killed. He will fall down on the ground like a mountain shattered.You will see it now'.
sa tu tadvacanaṅ śrutvā rāghavasyātmanō hitam4.5.30৷৷

sugrīvaḥ paramaprītassumahadvākyamabravīt.

saḥ sugrīvaḥ that Sugriva, ātmanaḥ for himself, hitam welfare, rāghavasya Rama's, tat vacanam those words, śrutvā after hearing, paramaprītaḥ very much pleased, sumahān very great, vākyam words, abravīt said.

Sugriva, very much pleased with the words of Rama, spoke highly (of him).
tava prasādēna nṛsiṅha! rāghava!

priyāṅ ca rājyaṅ ca samāpnuyāmaham.

tathā kuru tvaṅ naradēva! vairiṇaṅ

yathā nihaṅsyadya ripuṅmamāgrajam4.5.31৷৷

nṛsiṅha lion among men, tava your, prasādēna by your grace, aham I am, priyāṅ ca wife and, rājyaṅ ca kingdom, samāpnuyām will attain, naradēva king, saḥ he, punaḥ again, yathā as, nihaṅsyadya will destroy, tathā thus, tvam you, vairiṇam enemy, mama agrajam my elder brother, kuru do.

'O Rama, by your grace I will get my wife and kingdom back. O king! accomplish this so that I can destroy my, elder brother, my enemy, O lion among men !
sītā kapīndrakṣaṇadācarāṇāṅ



vāmāni nētrāṇi samaṅ sphuranti4.5.32৷৷

sugrīvarāmapraṇayaprasaṅgē while Sugriva and Rama were making a friendly alliance, sītākapīndrakṣaṇadācarāṇām Sita's, Vali's and also Ravana's, rājīvahēmajvalanōpamāni lotus-like and blazing like gold, vāmāninētrāṇi left eyes, samam equally, sphuranti throbbed.

While Sugriva was making a friendly alliance with Rama, Sita's left eye, like lotus, Vali's left eye glittering like gold and Ravana's left eye blazing (like fire) twitched at the same time for a moment (Twitching of left eye is considered auspicious to a woman and ominous to a man).
ityārṣē śrīmadrāmāyaṇē vālmīkīya ādikāvyē kiṣkindhākāṇḍē pañcamassargaḥ৷৷
Thus ends the fifth sarga of Kishkindakanda of the Holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.