Sloka & Translation

[Sugriva speaks about the abduction of Sita by Ravana -- shows to Rama the veil and ornament dropped down by Sita -- Rama eager to killl Ravana, seeks further details of the enemy from Sugriva]

पुनरेवाब्रवीत्प्रीतो राघवं रघुनन्दनम्।

अयमाख्याति मे राम सचिवो मन्त्रिसत्तमः4.6.1।।

हनुमान्यन्निमित्तं त्वं निर्जनं वनमागतः।

लक्ष्मणेन सह भ्रात्रा वसतश्च वने तव4.6.2।।

रक्षसाऽपहृता भार्या मैथिली जनकात्मजा।

त्वया वियुक्ता रुदती लक्ष्मणेन च धीमता4.6.3।।

अन्तरप्रेप्सुना तेन हत्वा गृध्रं जटायुषम्4.6.4।।

प्रीतः pleased, रघुनन्दनम् delight of the Raghu dynasty, राघवम् to Rama, पुनरेव again, अब्रवीत् said, राम Rama, त्वम् you, भ्रात्रा your brother, लक्ष्मणेन सह along with Lakshmana यन्निमित्तं the reason, निर्जनम् desolate, वनम् forest, आगतः has come, मे my, सचिव: counsellor, मन्त्रिसत्तमः jewel among ministers, अयम् this, हनुमान् Hanuman, आख्याति has told, वने in the forest, वसतः residing, तव your, भार्या wife, त्वया by you, धीमता a wise person, लक्ष्मणेन च and by Lakshmana, वियुक्ता alone, रुदती crying, जनकात्मजा daughter of Janaka, मैथिली Maithili, रक्षसा by the demon, अपहृता was carried off, अन्तरप्रेप्सुना seeking a chance, तेन by him, जटायुषम् Jatayu, गृध्रम् vulture, हत्वा having killed

Sugriva was pleased to say to Rama, delight of the Raghu race once again, 'O Rama, Hanuman, jewel among Ministers, has told me the cause of your coming to this desolate forest. While you were residing in the forest, a demon who was looking for an opportunity carried off your wife, the princess from Mithila, daughter of Janaka, finding her alone. While she was crying (piteously) he killed Jatayu. (the vulture who pretested).
भार्यावियोगजं दुःखं न चिरात्त्वं विमोक्ष्यसे।

अहं तामानयिष्यामि नष्टां वेदश्रुतीमिव।।4.6.5।।

त्वम् you, न चिरात् very soon, भार्यावियोगजम् due to separation from wife, दुःखम् grief, विमोक्ष्यसे will be relieved, नष्टाम् lost, वेदश्रुतीमिव like the Vedas, ताम् her, आनयिष्यामि I will get her

'Very soon you will be relieved of the grief caused by the separation from your wife. Just as Visnu retrieved the Vedas (carried away by the demons, Madhu and Kaitabha) I will deliver her to you.
रसातले वा वर्तन्तीं वर्तन्ती वा नभस्थले

अहमानीय दास्यामि तव भार्यामरिन्दम।।।4.6.6।।

अरिन्दम subduer of enemies, रसातले in the underworld, वर्तन्तीम् staying, वा or, नभस्तले in the sky, वर्तन्तीम् staying, वा or, तव भार्याम् your wife, आनीया after restoring, (अहं) दास्यामि (I) will give you

'O subduer of enemies I will restore her to you even if she is kept in the bowels of the earth or in the vaults of heaven.
इदं तथ्यं मम वचस्त्वमवेहि च राघव।

न शक्या सा जरयितुं सेन्द्रैरपि स्सुरासुरैः4.6.7।।

तव भार्या महाबाहो भक्ष्यं विषकृतं यथा।

त्यज शोकं महाबाहो तां कान्तामानयामि ते4.6.8।।

राघव Rama, मम my, इदम् these, वच: तथ्यम् words will come true, त्वम् you, अवेहि may know, महाबाहो O longarmed one, तव your, भार्या consort, सा she, विषकृतम् mixed with poison, भक्ष्यं यथा like the food, सेन्द्रैः inclusive of Indra, सुरासुरैरपि by gods or demons, जरयितुम् to absorb, न शक्या not possible, महाबाहो O longarmed, शोकम् grief, त्यज give up,
ते to you, कान्ताम् lady, ताम् her, आनयामि I will get

'O longarmed Rama, take these words of mine as true. Your consort cannot be absorbed with impunity even by the denizens of heaven including Indra or the ogres on earth any more than food cooked with poison.Give up grief.
अनुमानात्तु जानामि मैथिली सा न संशयः।

ह्रियमाणा मया दृष्टा रक्षसा क्रूरकर्मणा4.6.9।।

क्रोशन्ती राम रामेति लक्ष्मणेति च विस्वरम्।

स्फुरन्ती रावणस्याङ्के पन्नगेन्द्रवधूर्यथा4.6.10।।

क्रूरकर्मणा of terrible deeds, रक्षसा by the demon, ह्रियमाणा being carried away, राम रामेति saying Rama, Rama, लक्ष्मणेति also Lakshmana, विस्वरम् husky voice, क्रोशन्ती (विलपन्ती) crying, पन्नगेन्द्रवधूर्यथा like the queen of serpents, रावणस्य Ravana's, अङ्के on the lap, स्फुरन्ती while she was wriggling, मया by myself, दृष्टा was seen, सा she, मैथिली Maithili, अनुमानात् no doubt, जानामि I know, संशयः doubt, न not

'Yes, I remember. I had observed a lady being carried away by a wicked demon. She was crying loudly 'Oh, Rama Oh Rama Oh Lakshmana' in a husky voice. It was Maithili. She was wriggling on the lap of Ravana like a female serpent.
आत्मना पञ्चमं मां हि दृष्ट्वा शैलतटे स्थितम्।

उत्तरीयं तया त्यक्तं शुभान्याभरणानि च4.6.11।।

शैलतटे on the mountain, स्थितम् seated, आत्मना by myself, पञ्चमम् a fifth one, माम् me, दृष्टवा after seeing, तया by her, उत्तरीयम् veil, त्यक्तम् is dropped, शुभानि auspicious, आभरणानि च ornaments also

'Seeing me as the fifth member seated on a mountain she dropped down the auspicious ornaments (bundled) in her veil
तान्यस्माभिगृहीतानि निहितानि च राघव।

आनयिष्याम्यहं तानि प्रत्यभिज्ञातुमर्हसि4.6.12।।

राघव Rama, तानि those, अस्माभिः by us, गृहीतानि collected, निहितानि च and kept safely, अहम् I, तानि them, आनयिष्यामि will get, प्रत्यभिज्ञातुम् recognise them, अर्हसि you ought to

'Rama, we have kept them safely. I will fetch them so that you should be able to identify them.'
तमब्रवीत्ततो रामस्सुग्रीवं प्रियवादिनम्।

आनयस्व सखे शीघ्रं किमर्थं प्रविलम्बसे4.6.13।।

ततः then, रामः Rama, प्रियवादिनम् a man of pleasant word, तं सुग्रीवम् that Sugriva, अब्रवीत् said, सखे O friend, शीघ्रम् quickly, आनयस्व you may get, किमर्थम् why do you, प्रविलम्बसे delay

Rama then said to Sugriva, one who used pleasing words, 'O my friend why delay? Get them here immediately'.
एवमुक्तस्तु सुग्रीवश्शैलस्य गहनां गुहाम्।

प्रविवेश ततशशीघ्रं राघवप्रियकाम्यया4.6.14।।

एवम् in that way, उक्तः having asked, सुग्रीवः Sugriva, ततः then, राघवप्रियकाम्यया to make Rama happy, शैलस्य mountain's, गहनाम् deep, गुहाम् cave, शीघ्रम् at once, प्रविवेश entered

On hearing this, Sugriva at once entered into the deep cave of the mountain (to get the ornaments and veil) in order to please Rama.
उत्तरीयं गृहीत्वा तु शुभान्याभरणानि च।

इदं पश्येति रामाय दर्शयामास वानरः4.6.15।।

(सः) वानरः that monkey, उत्तरीयम् veil, तानि those, आभरणानि च and ornaments, गृहीत्वा after taking, इदम् this, पश्य see, इति thus, रामाय to Rama, दर्शयामास showed

That monkey brought out the veil and auspicios ornaments, showed them to Rama and said, 'Please, see.'
ततो गृहीत्वा वासस्तु श्शुभान्याभरणानि च।

अभवद्बाष्पसंरुद्धो नीहारेणेव चन्द्रमाः4.6.16।।

ततः thereafter, वासः raiment, शुभानि auspicious, आभरणानि च ornaments, गृहीत्वा holding, नीहारेण with dew, चन्द्रमाः इव like the Moon, बाष्पसंरुद्धः filled with tears, अब्रवीत् spoke.

Holding the raiment as well as the ornaments, Rama's eyes were filled with tears.He appeared like the Moon covered with dews.
सीतास्नेहप्रवृत्तेन स तु बाष्पेण दूषितः।

हा प्रियेति रुदन्धैर्यमुत्सृज्य न्यपतत्क्षितौ4.6.17।।

सः he, तु too, सीतास्नेहप्रवृत्तेन on account of his deep love for Sita, बाष्पेण with tears, दूषितः affllicted, धैर्यम् patience, उत्सृज्य failed to maintain, हा प्रियेति Oh darling, रुदन् crying, क्षितौ on the ground, न्यपतत् fell

On account of his deep attachment for Sita, he shed profuse tears. Unable to maintain his natural composure, he sank down to the ground, saying 'O my darling Sita' and cried inconsolably
हृदि कृत्वा तु बहुशस्तमलङ्कारमुत्तमम्।

निशश्वास भृशं सर्पो बिलस्थ इव रोषितः।।4.6.18।।

सः he, उत्तमम् excellent, तम् अलङ्कारम् her ornaments, बहुशः again and again, हृदि on his chest, कृत्वा held, रोषितः in anger (sorrow), बिलस्थः in the hole, सर्पः इव like a snake, भृशम् intensely, निशश्वास sighed

Pressing the excellent ornaments to his bosom again and again Rama hissed like a cobra provoked in its anthill.
अविच्छिन्नाश्रुवेगस्तु सौमित्रिं वीक्ष्य पार्श्वतः।

परिदेवयितुं दीनं रामस्समुपचक्रमे4.6.19।।

रामः Rama, अविच्छिन्नाश्रुवेगः tears streamed incessantly, पार्श्वतः by his side, सौमित्रिम् at Saumitri, विक्ष्य looking, दीनम् piteously, परिदेवयितुम् to wail, समुपचक्रमे started

Rama began to wail piteously while tears streamed down his eyes incessantly. He looked at Saumitri standing by his side and said:
पश्य लक्ष्मण वैदेह्या सन्त्यक्तं ह्रियमाणया।

उत्तरीयमिदं भूमौ शरीराद्भूषणानि च4.6.20।।

लक्ष्मण O Lakshmana, ह्रियमाणया while being abducted, वैदेह्या by Vaidehi, शरीरात् from her body, भूमौ on the ground, सन्त्यक्तम् thrown down, इदम् these, उत्तरीयम् veil, भूषणानि च and ornaments, पश्य see

'O Lakshmana, behold the veil and the ornaments dropped on the ground by Vaidehi while she was being abducted.
शाद्वलिन्यां ध्रुवं भूमौ सीतया ह्रियमाणया।

उत्सृष्टं भूषणमिदं तथारूपं हि दृश्यते4.6.21।।

ह्रियमाणया while being carried away, सीतया by Sita, इदम् these, भूषणम् ornaments, शाद्वलिन्याम् on the grassy land, भूमौ on the ground, उत्सृष्टम् dropped down, ध्रुवम् surely, तथारूपम् as before, दृश्यते हि It appears like that

'Sita, for sure, dropped these ornaments on the grassy ground. They are in good shape (without any damage).
एवमुक्तस्तु रामेण लक्ष्मणो वाक्यमब्रवीत्।

नाहं जानामि केयूरे नाहं जानामि कुण्डले4.6.22।।

नूपुरे त्वभिजानामि नित्यं पादाभिवन्दनात्।

रामेण by Rama, एवम् in that way, उक्तः having addressed, लक्ष्मणः Lakshmana, वाक्यम् words, अब्रवीत् said, अहम् I am, केयूरे armlets, न जानामि I do not know, कुण्डले earrings, न not, नित्यम् daily, पादाभिवन्दनात् by bowing at her feet, नूपुरे तु only the anklets, अभिजानामि I recognise

Thus addressed by Rama, Lakshmana replied, 'I recognise neither the armlets nor the earrings. I only recognise the anklets as I used to bow at her feet daily.'
ततस्तु राघवो वाक्यं सुग्रीवमिदमब्रवीत्4.6.23।।

ब्रूहि सुग्रीव कं देशं ह्रियन्ती लक्षिता त्वया।

रक्षसा रौद्ररूपेण मम प्राणैः प्रिया प्रिया4.6.24।।

ततः then, राघवः Rama, सुग्रीवम् to Sugriva, इदम् these, वाक्यम् words, अब्रवीत् said, सुग्रीव O Sugriva, मम my, प्राणैः life, प्रिया प्रिया dear one, रौद्ररूपेण by the fiercelooking one, रक्षसा by the demon, कम् which,देशम् place, ह्रियन्ती taken, त्वया by you, लक्षिता is seen, ब्रूहि tell me

Then Rama said to Sugriva,.'Tell me, O Sugriva, to which region that fiercelooking demon has carried away my Sita, who is dearer than my life.
क्व वा वसति तद्रक्षो महद्व्यसनदं मम।

यन्निमित्तमहं सर्वान्नाशयिष्यामि राक्षसान्4.6.25।।

अहम् I am, यन्निमित्तम् on whose account, सर्वान् all, राक्षसान् demons, नाशयिष्यामि I will exterminate, तत् that, मम my, व्यसनदम् brought agony to me, महत् रक्षः huge demon, क्व वा where does, वसति he lives?

'Let me know where dwells that huge ogre who has caused this agony to me. I will exterminate all the demons
हरता मैथिलीं येन मां च रोषयता भृशम्।

आत्मनो जीवितान्ताय मृत्युद्वारमपावृतम्4.6.26।।

मैथिलीम् Maithili, हरता being kidnapped, माम् me, रोषयता च by causing anger, येन by whom, भृशम् profusly, आत्मनः to his self, जीवितान्ताय for his death, मृत्युद्वारम् door of death, अपावृतम् opened

'By abducting Maithili he has stirred my fierce anger and has opened the door of his death.
मम दयिततरा हृता वनान्ता

द्रजनिचरेण विमथ्य येन सा।

कथय मम रिपुं तमद्य वै

प्लवगपते यमसादनं नयामि4.6.27।।

प्लवगपते O lord of monkeys, येन by whom, रजनिचरेण by the mightrangers, मम my, दयिततरा most beloved, सा she, विमथ्य troubled her, वनान्तात् from the forest, हृता stolen, मम my, रिपुम् enemy, तम् him, कथय अद्य tell me now, यमसदनम् abode of lord of death, नयामि carry him

'O lord of monkeys tell me the whereabouts of that nightranger who has carried off my darling from the heart of the forest and has harassed her. I will send him now to the abode of Death.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे षष्ठस्सर्गः
Thus ends the sixth sarga of Kishkindakanda of the Holy Ramayana, the first epic, composed by sage Valmiki.