Sloka & Translation

[Sugriva speaks about the abduction of Sita by Ravana --- shows to Rama the veil and ornament dropped down by Sita --- Rama eager to killl Ravana, seeks further details of the enemy from Sugriva]

punarēvābravītprītō rāghavaṅ raghunandanam.

ayamākhyāti mē rāma! sacivō mantrisattamaḥ4.6.1৷৷

hanumānyannimittaṅ tvaṅ nirjanaṅ vanamāgataḥ.

lakṣmaṇēna saha bhrātrā vasataśca vanē tava4.6.2৷৷

rakṣasā.pahṛtā bhāryā maithilī janakātmajā.

tvayā viyuktā rudatī lakṣmaṇēna ca dhīmatā4.6.3৷৷

antaraprēpsunā tēna hatvā gṛdhraṅ jaṭāyuṣam4.6.4৷৷

prītaḥ pleased, raghunandanam delight of the Raghu dynasty, rāghavam to Rama, punarēva again, abravīt said, rāma! Rama, tvam you, bhrātrā your brother, lakṣmaṇēna saha along with Lakshmana yannimittaṅ the reason, nirjanam desolate, vanam forest, āgataḥ has come, mē my, saciva: counsellor, mantrisattamaḥ jewel among ministers, ayam this, hanumān Hanuman, ākhyāti has told, vanē in the forest, vasataḥ residing, tava your, bhāryā wife, tvayā by you, dhīmatā a wise person, lakṣmaṇēna ca and by Lakshmana, viyuktā alone, rudatī crying, janakātmajā daughter of Janaka, maithilī Maithili, rakṣasā by the demon, apahṛtā was carried off, antaraprēpsunā seeking a chance, tēna by him, jaṭāyuṣam Jatayu, gṛdhram vulture, hatvā having killed

Sugriva was pleased to say to Rama, delight of the Raghu race once again, 'O Rama, Hanuman, jewel among Ministers, has told me the cause of your coming to this desolate forest. While you were residing in the forest, a demon who was looking for an opportunity carried off your wife, the princess from Mithila, daughter of Janaka, finding her alone. While she was crying (piteously) he killed Jatayu. (the vulture who pretested).
bhāryāviyōgajaṅ duḥkhaṅ na cirāttvaṅ vimōkṣyasē.

ahaṅ tāmānayiṣyāmi naṣṭāṅ vēdaśrutīmiva৷৷4.6.5৷৷

tvam you, na cirāt very soon, bhāryāviyōgajam due to separation from wife, duḥkham grief, vimōkṣyasē will be relieved, naṣṭām lost, vēdaśrutīmiva like the Vedas, tām her, ānayiṣyāmi I will get her

'Very soon you will be relieved of the grief caused by the separation from your wife. Just as Visnu retrieved the Vedas (carried away by the demons, Madhu and Kaitabha) I will deliver her to you.
rasātalē vā vartantīṅ vartantī vā nabhasthalē

ahamānīya dāsyāmi tava bhāryāmarindama!৷৷.4.6.6৷৷

arindama! subduer of enemies, rasātalē in the underworld, vartantīm staying, vā or, nabhastalē in the sky, vartantīm staying, vā or, tava bhāryām your wife, ānīyā after restoring, (ahaṅ) dāsyāmi (I) will give you

'O subduer of enemies! I will restore her to you even if she is kept in the bowels of the earth or in the vaults of heaven.
idaṅ tathyaṅ mama vacastvamavēhi ca rāghava!.

na śakyā sā jarayituṅ sēndrairapi ssurāsuraiḥ4.6.7৷৷

tava bhāryā mahābāhō! bhakṣyaṅ viṣakṛtaṅ yathā.

tyaja śōkaṅ mahābāhō tāṅ kāntāmānayāmi tē4.6.8৷৷

rāghava Rama, mama my, idam these, vaca: tathyam words will come true, tvam you, avēhi may know, mahābāhō! O long-armed one, tava your, bhāryā consort, sā she, viṣakṛtam mixed with poison, bhakṣyaṅ yathā like the food, sēndraiḥ inclusive of Indra, surāsurairapi by gods or demons, jarayitum to absorb, na śakyā not possible, mahābāhō O long-armed, śōkam grief, tyaja give up,
tē to you, kāntām lady, tām her, ānayāmi I will get

'O long-armed Rama, take these words of mine as true. Your consort cannot be absorbed with impunity even by the denizens of heaven including Indra or the ogres on earth any more than food cooked with poison.Give up grief.
anumānāttu jānāmi maithilī sā na saṅśayaḥ.

hriyamāṇā mayā dṛṣṭā rakṣasā krūrakarmaṇā4.6.9৷৷

krōśantī rāma rāmēti lakṣmaṇēti ca visvaram.

sphurantī rāvaṇasyāṅkē pannagēndravadhūryathā4.6.10৷৷

krūrakarmaṇā of terrible deeds, rakṣasā by the demon, hriyamāṇā being carried away, rāma rāmēti saying Rama, Rama, lakṣmaṇēti also Lakshmana, visvaram husky voice, krōśantī (vilapantī) crying, pannagēndravadhūryathā like the queen of serpents, rāvaṇasya Ravana's, aṅkē on the lap, sphurantī while she was wriggling, mayā by myself, dṛṣṭā was seen, sā she, maithilī Maithili, anumānāt no doubt, jānāmi I know, saṅśayaḥ doubt, na not

'Yes, I remember. I had observed a lady being carried away by a wicked demon. She was crying loudly 'Oh, Rama! Oh Rama! Oh Lakshmana!' in a husky voice. It was Maithili. She was wriggling on the lap of Ravana like a female serpent.
ātmanā pañcamaṅ māṅ hi dṛṣṭvā śailataṭē sthitam.

uttarīyaṅ tayā tyaktaṅ śubhānyābharaṇāni ca4.6.11৷৷

śailataṭē on the mountain, sthitam seated, ātmanā by myself, pañcamam a fifth one, mām me, dṛṣṭavā after seeing, tayā by her, uttarīyam veil, tyaktam is dropped, śubhāni auspicious, ābharaṇāni ca ornaments also

'Seeing me as the fifth member seated on a mountain she dropped down the auspicious ornaments (bundled) in her veil;
tānyasmābhigṛhītāni nihitāni ca rāghava!.

ānayiṣyāmyahaṅ tāni pratyabhijñātumarhasi4.6.12৷৷

rāghava Rama, tāni those, asmābhiḥ by us, gṛhītāni collected, nihitāni ca and kept safely, aham I, tāni them, ānayiṣyāmi will get, pratyabhijñātum recognise them, arhasi you ought to

'Rama, we have kept them safely. I will fetch them so that you should be able to identify them.'
tamabravīttatō rāmassugrīvaṅ priyavādinam.

ānayasva sakhē! śīghraṅ kimarthaṅ pravilambasē4.6.13৷৷

tataḥ then, rāmaḥ Rama, priyavādinam a man of pleasant word, taṅ sugrīvam that Sugriva, abravīt said, sakhē! O friend, śīghram quickly, ānayasva you may get, kimartham why do you, pravilambasē delay

Rama then said to Sugriva, one who used pleasing words, 'O my friend! why delay? Get them here immediately'.
ēvamuktastu sugrīvaśśailasya gahanāṅ guhām.

pravivēśa tataśaśīghraṅ rāghavapriyakāmyayā4.6.14৷৷

ēvam in that way, uktaḥ having asked, sugrīvaḥ Sugriva, tataḥ then, rāghavapriyakāmyayā to make Rama happy, śailasya mountain's, gahanām deep, guhām cave, śīghram at once, pravivēśa entered

On hearing this, Sugriva at once entered into the deep cave of the mountain (to get the ornaments and veil) in order to please Rama.
uttarīyaṅ gṛhītvā tu śubhānyābharaṇāni ca.

idaṅ paśyēti rāmāya darśayāmāsa vānaraḥ4.6.15৷৷

(saḥ) vānaraḥ that monkey, uttarīyam veil, tāni those, ābharaṇāni ca and ornaments, gṛhītvā after taking, idam this, paśya see, iti thus, rāmāya to Rama, darśayāmāsa showed

That monkey brought out the veil and auspicios ornaments, showed them to Rama and said, 'Please, see.'
tatō gṛhītvā vāsastu śśubhānyābharaṇāni ca.

abhavadbāṣpasaṅruddhō nīhārēṇēva candramāḥ4.6.16৷৷

tataḥ thereafter, vāsaḥ raiment, śubhāni auspicious, ābharaṇāni ca ornaments, gṛhītvā holding, nīhārēṇa with dew, candramāḥ iva like the Moon, bāṣpasaṅruddhaḥ filled with tears, abravīt spoke.

Holding the raiment as well as the ornaments, Rama's eyes were filled with tears.He appeared like the Moon covered with dews.
sītāsnēhapravṛttēna sa tu bāṣpēṇa dūṣitaḥ.

hā priyēti rudandhairyamutsṛjya nyapatatkṣitau4.6.17৷৷

saḥ he, tu too, sītāsnēhapravṛttēna on account of his deep love for Sita, bāṣpēṇa with tears, dūṣitaḥ affllicted, dhairyam patience, utsṛjya failed to maintain, hā priyēti Oh darling, rudan crying, kṣitau on the ground, nyapatat fell

On account of his deep attachment for Sita, he shed profuse tears. Unable to maintain his natural composure, he sank down to the ground, saying 'O my darling Sita' and cried inconsolably!
hṛdi kṛtvā tu bahuśastamalaṅkāramuttamam.

niśaśvāsa bhṛśaṅ sarpō bilastha iva rōṣitaḥ৷৷4.6.18৷৷

saḥ he, uttamam excellent, tam alaṅkāram her ornaments, bahuśaḥ again and again, hṛdi on his chest, kṛtvā held, rōṣitaḥ in anger (sorrow), bilasthaḥ in the hole, sarpaḥ iva like a snake, bhṛśam intensely, niśaśvāsa sighed

Pressing the excellent ornaments to his bosom again and again Rama hissed like a cobra provoked in its anthill.
avicchinnāśruvēgastu saumitriṅ vīkṣya pārśvataḥ.

paridēvayituṅ dīnaṅ rāmassamupacakramē4.6.19৷৷

rāmaḥ Rama, avicchinnāśruvēgaḥ tears streamed incessantly, pārśvataḥ by his side, saumitrim at Saumitri, vikṣya looking, dīnam piteously, paridēvayitum to wail, samupacakramē started

Rama began to wail piteously while tears streamed down his eyes incessantly. He looked at Saumitri standing by his side and said:
paśya lakṣmaṇa! vaidēhyā santyaktaṅ hriyamāṇayā.

uttarīyamidaṅ bhūmau śarīrādbhūṣaṇāni ca4.6.20৷৷

lakṣmaṇa O Lakshmana!, hriyamāṇayā while being abducted, vaidēhyā by Vaidehi, śarīrāt from her body, bhūmau on the ground, santyaktam thrown down, idam these, uttarīyam veil, bhūṣaṇāni ca and ornaments, paśya see

'O Lakshmana, behold the veil and the ornaments dropped on the ground by Vaidehi while she was being abducted.
śādvalinyāṅ dhruvaṅ bhūmau sītayā hriyamāṇayā.

utsṛṣṭaṅ bhūṣaṇamidaṅ tathārūpaṅ hi dṛśyatē4.6.21৷৷

hriyamāṇayā while being carried away, sītayā by Sita, idam these, bhūṣaṇam ornaments, śādvalinyām on the grassy land, bhūmau on the ground, utsṛṣṭam dropped down, dhruvam surely, tathārūpam as before, dṛśyatē hi It appears like that

'Sita, for sure, dropped these ornaments on the grassy ground. They are in good shape (without any damage).
ēvamuktastu rāmēṇa lakṣmaṇō vākyamabravīt.

nāhaṅ jānāmi kēyūrē nāhaṅ jānāmi kuṇḍalē4.6.22৷৷

nūpurē tvabhijānāmi nityaṅ pādābhivandanāt.

rāmēṇa by Rama, ēvam in that way, uktaḥ having addressed, lakṣmaṇaḥ Lakshmana, vākyam words, abravīt said, aham I am, kēyūrē armlets, na jānāmi I do not know, kuṇḍalē ear-rings, na not, nityam daily, pādābhivandanāt by bowing at her feet, nūpurē tu only the anklets, abhijānāmi I recognise

Thus addressed by Rama, Lakshmana replied, 'I recognise neither the armlets nor the earrings. I only recognise the anklets as I used to bow at her feet daily.'
tatastu rāghavō vākyaṅ sugrīvamidamabravīt4.6.23৷৷

brūhi sugrīva! kaṅ dēśaṅ hriyantī lakṣitā tvayā.

rakṣasā raudrarūpēṇa mama prāṇaiḥ priyā priyā4.6.24৷৷

tataḥ then, rāghavaḥ Rama, sugrīvam to Sugriva, idam these, vākyam words, abravīt said, sugrīva O Sugriva!, mama my, prāṇaiḥ life, priyā priyā dear one, raudrarūpēṇa by the fierce-looking one, rakṣasā by the demon, kam which,dēśam place, hriyantī taken, tvayā by you, lakṣitā is seen, brūhi tell me

Then Rama said to Sugriva,.'Tell me, O Sugriva, to which region that fierce-looking demon has carried away my Sita, who is dearer than my life.
kva vā vasati tadrakṣō mahadvyasanadaṅ mama.

yannimittamahaṅ sarvānnāśayiṣyāmi rākṣasān4.6.25৷৷

aham I am, yannimittam on whose account, sarvān all, rākṣasān demons, nāśayiṣyāmi I will exterminate, tat that, mama my, vyasanadam brought agony to me, mahat rakṣaḥ huge demon, kva vā where does, vasati he lives?

'Let me know where dwells that huge ogre who has caused this agony to me. I will exterminate all the demons;
haratā maithilīṅ yēna māṅ ca rōṣayatā bhṛśam.

ātmanō jīvitāntāya mṛtyudvāramapāvṛtam4.6.26৷৷

maithilīm Maithili, haratā being kidnapped, mām me, rōṣayatā ca by causing anger, yēna by whom, bhṛśam profusly, ātmanaḥ to his self, jīvitāntāya for his death, mṛtyudvāram door of death, apāvṛtam opened

'By abducting Maithili he has stirred my fierce anger and has opened the door of his death.
mama dayitatarā hṛtā vanāntā-

drajanicarēṇa vimathya yēna sā.

kathaya mama ripuṅ tamadya vai

plavagapatē! yamasādanaṅ nayāmi4.6.27৷৷

plavagapatē! O lord of monkeys, yēna by whom, rajanicarēṇa by the might-rangers, mama my, dayitatarā most beloved, sā she, vimathya troubled her, vanāntāt from the forest, hṛtā stolen, mama my, ripum enemy, tam him, kathaya adya tell me now, yamasadanam abode of lord of death, nayāmi carry him

'O lord of monkeys tell me the whereabouts of that night-ranger who has carried off my darling from the heart of the forest and has harassed her. I will send him now to the abode of Death.
ityārṣē śrīmadrāmāyaṇē vālmīkīya ādikāvyē kiṣkindhākāṇḍē ṣaṣṭhassargaḥ
Thus ends the sixth sarga of Kishkindakanda of the Holy Ramayana, the first epic, composed by sage Valmiki.