Sloka & Translation

[Sampati gets back his wings -- the monkeys rejoice and proceed southward.]

एतैरन्यैश्च बहुभिर्वाक्यैर्वाक्यविशारदः।

मां प्रशस्याभ्यनुज्ञाप्य प्रविष्टस्स स्वमालयम्।।4.63.1।।

वाक्यविशारदः skilful in speech, सः he (sage), एतैः by these, अन्यैश्च and others, बहुभिः by many, वाक्यैः with words, माम् me, प्रशस्य having praised, अभ्यनुज्ञाप्य permitted me to leave, स्वम् his own, आलयम् dwelling, प्रविष्टः entered.

'The sage who was skilful in speech, having praised me thus and in many other ways, permitted me to leave and entered his dwelling.
कन्दरात्तु विसर्पित्वा पर्वतस्य शनैश्शनैः।

अहं विन्ध्यं समारुह्य भवतः प्रतिपालये।।4.63.2।।

अहम् I, पर्वतस्य of the mountain, कन्दरात् from the cave, शनैः शनैः slowly and slowly, विसर्पित्वा having crawled, विन्ध्यम् Vindhya, समारुह्य after climbing, भवतः you, प्रतिपालये I am waiting for your arrival.

'Having crawled slowly and slowly from the cave and climbed the Vindhya, I have been awaiting your arrival.
अद्य त्वेतस्य कालस्य साग्रं वर्षशतं गतम्।

देशकालप्रतीक्षोऽस्मि हृदि कृत्वा मुनेर्वचः।।4.63.3।।

अद्य now, एतस्य कालस्य of this time, साग्रम् more than, वर्षशतम् one hundred years, गतम् have passed, मुनेः sage's, वचः words, हृदि in heart, कृत्वा by bearing, देशकालप्रतीक्षः waiting for the right time and place, अस्मि I am.

'More than a hundred years have passed and all this time I have borne the sage's words in my heart and have waited for the right time and place.
महाप्रस्थानमासाद्य स्वर्गते तु निशाकरे।

मां निर्दहति सन्तापो वितर्कैर्बहुभिर्वृतम्।।4.63.4।।

निशाकरे when Nishakara, महाप्रस्थानम् the last journey, आसाद्य having launched, स्वर्गते when he reached heaven, बहुभिः by many, वितर्कैः with alternatives, वृतम् filled with, माम् me, सन्तापः sorrow, निर्दहति it is burning.

'Nishakara went on his last journey and attained heaven. Since then many sad thoughts have crisscrossed my mind and I am consumed with those thoughts.
उत्थितां मरणे बुद्धिं मुनिवाक्यैर्निवर्तये।

बुद्धिर्या तेन मे दत्ता प्राणानां रक्षणाय तु।।4.63.5।।

सा मेऽपनयते दुःखं दीप्तेवाग्निशिखा तमः।

मरणे for death, उत्थिम् intending, बुद्धिम् my mind, मुनिवाक्यैः sage's words, निवर्तये I avert, मे my, प्राणानाम् of life, रक्षणे in protecting, तेन by him, मे my, या such, बुद्धिः thought, दत्ता is given, सा that, दीप्ता glowing, अग्निशिखा like the flames of fire, तमः इव like darkness, मे my, दु:खम् agony, अपनयते take away.

'Whenever I intended to die, the words of the sage rang in my mind. The inspiration he gave me to preserve my life removed my agony like the glowing flames of fire that take away darkness.
बुद्ध्यता च मया वीर्यं रावणस्य दुरात्मनः।।4.63.6।।

पुत्रस्सन्तर्जितो वाग्भिर्न त्राता मैथिली कथम्।

दुरात्मनः of the evilminded, रावणस्य Ravana's, वीर्यं बुद्ध्यता knowing his valour, मया by me, मैथिली princess from Mithila, कथम् how, न त्राता not protected, वाग्भिः with (harsh) words,
पुत्रः son, संतर्जितः goaded.

'I goaded my son with harsh words saying, 'Knowing the valour of the evilminded Ravana, why did you not protect her (Sita)'
तस्या विलपितं श्रुत्वा तौ च सीताविनाकृतौ।।4.63.7।।

न मे दशरथस्नेहात्पुत्रेणोत्पादितं प्रियम्।

तस्याः her, विलपितम् wailing, श्रुत्वा on hearing also, तौ both (Rama and Lakshmna), सीताविनाकृतौ separated from Sita, मे for me, दशरथस्नेहात् in view of my friendship with Dasaratha, पुत्रेण by my son, प्रियम् pleased, न उत्पादितम् not created.

'Even after hearing the wailing of Sita, knowing that both (Rama and Lakshmana) are separated from her and considering my friendship with Dasaratha, I felt displeased with my son (as he did not make an attempt to rescue her)'.
तस्य त्वेवं ब्रुवाणस्य सम्पातेर्वानरैस्सह।।4.63.8।।

उत्पेततुस्तदा पक्षौ समक्षं वनचारिणाम्।

तदा then, संहतैः together with, वानरैस्सह with the monkeys, तस्य when he, एवम् in that way, ब्रुवाणस्य while he was speaking, वनचारिणाम् of forestdwellers, समक्षम् in the presence, पक्षौ both wings, उत्पेततुः started appearing.

Even as he was telling this to the monkeys his wings started appearing in their presence.
स दृष्ट्वा स्वां तनुं पक्षैरुद्गतैररुणच्छदैः।।4.63.9।।

प्रहर्षमतुलं लेभे वानरांश्चेदमब्रवीत्।

सः he, अरुणच्छदैः with red feathers, उद्गतैः grown, पक्षैः with wings, स्वाम् his, तनुम् body, दृष्ट्वा seeing, अतुलम् unparalleled, प्रहर्षम् delight, लेभे experienced, वानरान् monkeys, इदम् thus, अब्रवीत् च and said.

He experienced an unparalleled delight seeing wings with red feathers growing on his body, and said to the monkeys:
ऋषेर्निशाकरस्यैव प्रभावादमितात्मन:।।4.63.10।।

आदित्यरश्मिनिर्दग्धौ पक्षौ मे पुनरुपस्थितौ।

अमितात्मनः of the most revered soul, ऋषेः sage, निशाकरस्य Nishakara's, प्रभावात् due to his grace, आदित्यरश्मिनिर्दग्धौ those that are burnt by Sun's radiant heat, मे my, पक्षौ both wings, पुनः again, उपस्थितौ have grown.

'By the grace of the most revered soul,sage Nishakara, both my wings that were burnt by the Sun's radiance have grown again.
यौवने वर्तमानस्य ममासीद्यः पराक्रमः।।4.63.11।।

तमेवाद्यावगच्छामि बलं पौरुषमेव च।

यौवने in youth, वर्तमानस्य while I was, मम my, यः that, पराक्रमः valour, आसीत् had been, तमेव the same one, अद्य now, अवगच्छामि I find, बलम् strength, पौरुषमेव even courage, च also.

'The valour, strength and even courage that I had in my youth,I am experiencing now.
सर्वथा क्रियतां यत्न स्सीतामधिगमिष्यथ।।4.63.12।।

पक्षलाभो ममायं वस्सिद्धिप्रत्ययकारकः।

सर्वथा by all means, यत्नः effort, क्रियताम् may be made, सीताम् Sita, अधिगमिष्यथ you will trace, मम me, अयम् this, पक्षलाभः growing of wings, वः to you, सिद्धिप्रत्ययकारकः is a proof of your success in future.

इत्युक्त्वा स तान्हरीन् सर्वान्सम्पातिः पतगोत्तमः।।4.63.13।।

उत्पपात गिरेश्शृङ्गाज्जिज्ञासुः खगमो गतिम्।

पतगोत्तमः foremost of birds, सम्पातिः Sampathi, सर्वान् all, सः those, हरीन् monkeys, इति in this way, उक्त्वा having said, खगमः the bird, गतिम् direction, जिज्ञासुः eager to find, गिरेः mountain's, शृङ्गात् from the peak, उत्पपात flew up.

Sampati, the foremost of the birds thus spoke to the monkeys and flew up from the mountain's peak keen on finding the aerial path.
तस्य तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा प्रतिसंहृष्टमानसाः।।4.63.14।।

बभूवुर्हरिशार्दूला विक्रमाभ्युदयोन्मुखाः।

हरिशार्दूलाः tigers among monkeys, तस्य his, तत् वचनम् those words, श्रुत्वा after hearing, प्रतिसंहृष्टमानसाः in turn felt very happy, विक्रमाभ्युदयोन्मुखाः hoping success with their valour, बभूवुः became.

The tigers among monkeys felt very happy on hearing the words of Sampati and became sure of their success with their valour.
अथ पवनसमानविक्रमाः

प्लवगवराः प्रतिलब्धपौरुषाः।

अभिजिदभिमुखा दिशं ययु


अथ now, पवनसमानविक्रमाः as strong as the wind, प्रतिलब्धपौरुषाः regained courage, प्लवगवराः best of the monkeys, अभिजिदभिमुखाः facing Abhijit, जनकसुतापरिमार्गणोन्मुखाः eager to find the daughter of Janaka, दिशम् direction, ययुः went.

The monkeys as strong as the wind regained courage and went in search of the daughter of Janaka in the direction of Abhijit (constellation known as Abhijit is associated with success).
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे त्रिषष्टितमस्सर्गः।।
Thus ends the sixtythird sarga in Kishkindakanda of the first epic, the Holy Ramayana composed by sage Valmiki.