Sloka & Translation

[Hanuman displays his immeasurable might and proceeds to mount Mahendra]

तं दृष्ट्वा जृम्भमाणं ते क्रमितुं शतयोजनम्।

वीर्येणापूर्यमाणं च सहसा वानरोत्तमम्।।4.67.1।।

सहसा शोकमुत्सृज्य प्रहर्षेण समन्विताः।

विनेदुस्तुष्टुवुश्चापि हनूमन्तं महाबलम्।।4.67.2।।

शतयोजनम् hundred yojanas, क्रमितुम् to cross, जृम्भमाणम् enlarging, सहसा at once, वीर्येण in strength, आपूर्यमाणं च and being filled, वानरोत्तमम् best of monkeys, महाबलम् a warrior of great strength, तं हनूमन्तम् he, Hanuman, दृष्ट्वा seeing, ते those monkeys, सहसा all at once, शोकम् grief, उत्सृज्य gave up, प्रहर्षेण with joy, समन्विताः endowed, विनेदुः screamed aloud, तुष्टुवुश्चापि also propitiated him.

'In order to cross a hundred yojanas, Hanuman, the best of monkeys expanded his might and strength. Seeing him, a warrior of great strength, all the monkeys, filled with enthusiasm at once gave up grief and collected together.They rejoiced and propitiated him screaming aloud.
प्रहृष्टा विस्मिताश्चैव वीक्षन्ते स्म समन्ततः।

त्रिविक्रमकृतोत्साहं नारायणमिव प्रजाः।।4.67.3।।

समन्ततः collected together, प्रहृष्टाः happily, विस्मिताश्चैव wonderstruck, प्रजाः people, त्रिविक्रमकृतोत्साहम् Lord Visnu's enthusiasm in taking three strides, नारायणमिव like Lord Narayana, वीक्षन्ते स्म they observed.

The monkeys collected together happily, gazing at Hanuman.They were wonderstruck to see Hanuman in that huge form, just as all beings were when they saw Lord Narayana in his incarnation of Vamana.
संस्तूयमानो हनुमान्व्यवर्धत महाबलः।

समाविध्य च लाङ्गूलं हर्षाद्बलमुपेयिवान्।।4.67.4।।

महाबलः mighty, हनुमान् Hanuman, संस्तूयमानः being praised, हर्षात् joyfully, बलम् strength, उपेयिवान् assumed, लाङ्गूलम् tail, समाविध्य whirling, व्यवर्धत grew.

The monkeys praised the mighty Hanuman as he grew in size whirling his tail around joyfully.
तस्य संस्तूयमानस्य सर्वैर्वानरपुङ्गवैः।

तेजसापूर्यमाणस्य रूपमासीदनुत्तमम्।।4.67.5।।

सर्वैः by all, वानरपुङ्गवैः by monkey leaders, संस्तूयमानस्य of him being praised, तेजसा with lustre, पूर्यमाणस्य who was filled, तस्य his, रूपम् body, अनुत्तमम् excellent, आसीत् became.

As Hanuman was being praised by the monkey leaders, his body filled with lustre. It looked excellent.
यथा विजृम्भते सिंहो विवृद्धो गिरिगह्वरे।

मारुतस्यौरसः पुत्रस्तथा सम्प्रति जृम्भते।।4.67.6।।

विवृद्धः grown, गिरिगह्वरे in a mountain cave, सिंहः lion, यथा as, विजृम्भते he stretches himself, मारुतस्य Windgod's, औरसः पुत्रः lawful son, सम्प्रति at that time, तथा like that, जृम्भते grew.

Just as a lion grown in a mountain cave stretches its body, the Windgod's son stretched (his limbs) at that time.
अशोभत मुखं तस्य जृम्भमाणस्य धीमतः।

अम्बरीषमिवाऽदीप्तं विधूम इव पावकः।।4.67.7।।

जृम्भमाणस्य on expansion, धीमतः of the wise person, तस्य his, मुखम् face, आदीप्तम् glowing, अम्बरीषमिव like a burning oven, विधूमः smokeless, पावकः इव firelike, अशोभत was shining.

On expansion, wise Hanuman's face was bright, glowing like a burning oven and shining like smokeless fire.
हरीणामुत्थितो मध्यात्सम्प्रहृष्टतनूरुहः।

अभिवाद्य हरीन्वृद्धान्हनुमानिदमब्रवीत्।।4.67.8।।

हरीणाम् from the monkeys, मध्यात् from the midst, उत्थितः he rose, सम्प्रहृष्टतनूरुहः with the hair bristling on the body, हनुमान् Hanuman, वृद्धान् elderly, हरीन् monkeys (Jambavan), अभिवाद्य saluted reverentially, इदम् this word, अब्रवीत् said.

Hanuman risen from the midst of the monkeys with his hair bristling on the body (due to expansion of body), saluted reverentially to the elderly monkey Jambavan and said :
अरुजत्सर्वताग्राणि हुताशनसखोऽनिलः।

बलवानप्रमेयश्च वायुराकाशगोचरः।।4.67.9।।

हुताशनसखः friend of fire, हुताशन the consumer of oblations, बलवान् powerful one, अप्रमेयः च and immesurable, आकाशगोचरः one who wanders in the sky, अनिलः fire, वायुः wind, सर्वताग्राणि mountain tops, अरुजत् shattered.

'The Windgod is a friend of fire who is a powerful consumer of oblations. His strength is immeasurable. He wanders in the sky and shatters the mountain tops.
तस्याहं शीघ्रवेगस्य शीघ्रगस्य महात्मनः।

मारुतस्यौरसः पुत्रः प्लवनेनास्मि तत्समः।।4.67.10।।

शीघ्रवेगस्य swiftmoving god's, शीघ्रगस्य of a swift one, महात्मनः of a great one, तस्य his,
मारुतस्य Windgod's, औरसः पुत्रः lawfulson, अहम् I am, प्लवनेन in leaping, तत्समः equal to him, अस्मि I am.

'I am the lawfulson of the swiftmoving Windgod, Maruta, comparable to him in leaping.
उत्सहेयं हि विस्तीर्णमालिखन्तमिवाम्बरम्।

मेरुं गिरिमसङ्गेन परिगन्तुं सहस्रशः।।4.67.11।।

विस्तीर्णम् vast, expansive, अम्बरम् sky, अलिखन्तमिव as if rubbing , मेरुं गिरिम् Meru mount, असंगेन without touching, सहस्रशः thousand times, परिगन्तुम् can go round, उत्सहेयं हि I wish with all enthusiasm.

'I can with all enthusiasm go round the vast mount Meru a thousand times without resting on it which is as though scratching the sky.
बाहुवेगप्रणुन्नेन सागरेणाहमुत्सहे।

समाप्लावयितुं लोकं सपर्वतनदीह्रदम्।।4.67.12।।

अहम् I, बाहुवेगप्रणुन्नेन can drive away with my arms with high speed, सागरेण the ocean, सपर्वतनदीह्रदम् with mountains, rivers and lakes, लोकम् world, प्लावयितुम् to submerge, उत्सहे eager.

'I can submerge this world including its mountains rivers and lakes. I can push back the sea waters quickly with my arms.
ममोरुजङ्घावेगेन भविष्यति समुत्थितः।

सम्मूर्च्छितमहाग्राहस्समुद्रो वरुणालयः।।4.67.13।।

वरुणालयः abode of Varuna,ocean समुद्रः ocean, मम my, ऊरुजङ्घावेगेन with the thrust of my thighs and calf muscles, समुत्थितः will rise up, सम्मूर्च्छितमहाग्राहः the mighty sea crocodiles stunned by the force, भविष्यति it will be.

'Thrust by my thighs,the ocean will rise up, carrying with it the shanks and mighty crocodiles stunned by the force.
पन्नगाशनमाकाशे पतन्तं पक्षिसेविते।

वैनतेयमहं शक्तः परिगन्तुं सहस्रशः।।4.67.14।।

पन्नगाशनम् a consumer of snakes, the Garuda, पक्षिसेविते occupied by birds, आकाशे in the sky, पतन्तम् flying, वैनतेयम् to son of Vinata (Garuda), सहस्रशः a thousand times, परिगन्तुम् to go round, अहम् I, शक्तः able.

'I am capable of circumambulating a thousand times the great Garuda who consumes snakes and flies in the sky, the abode of birds.
उदयात्प्रस्थितं वापि ज्वलन्तं रश्मिमालिनम्।

अनस्तमितमादित्यमभिगन्तुं समुत्सहे।।4.67.15।।

ततो भूमिमसंस्पृश्य पुनरागन्तुमुत्सहे।

प्रवेगेनैव महता भीमेन प्लवगर्षभाः।।4.67.16।।

प्लवगर्षभाः O bull among monkeys, उदयात् from the mountain behind which the sun rises, प्रस्थितम् starts, ज्वलन्तम् blazing, रश्मिमालिनम् with rays, आदित्यम् the Sun, अनस्तमितम् before he sets, अभिगन्तुम् to approach, अहम् I, उत्सहे rise, ततः then, भूमिम् earth, अस्पृष्ट्वा without touching, भीमेन with a terrific, महता with great, प्रवेगेनैव with the same high speed, पुनः again, आगन्तुम् to return, उत्सहे I desire.

'O bull among monkeys when the Sun rises from behind the eastern mountain it is possible for me to start with him and go to the western horizon and return before the blazing Sun with its beams of light sets. It is also possible for me to descend to the earth with the same speed and return to the Sun without touching the earth.
उत्सहेयमतिक्रान्तुं सर्वानाकाशगोचरान्।

सागरं क्षोभयिष्यामि दारयिष्यामि मेदिनीम्।।4.67.17।।

आकाशगोचरान् those that fly in the sky, सर्वान् all, अतिक्रान्तुम् to overtake, उत्सहेयम् easily, सागरं ocean, क्षोभयिष्यामि I will stir up, मेदिनीम् earth, दारयिष्यामि I will tear up.

'If I rise up, I can overtake all those creatures flying in the sky and from there I can stir up the ocean and tear up the earth easily.
पर्वतांश्चूर्णयिष्यामि प्लवमानः प्लवङ्गमाः।

हरिष्याम्यूरुवेगेन प्लवमानो महार्णवम्।।4.67.18।।

प्लवङ्गमाः O monkeys, प्लवमानः while I leap, पर्वतान् mountains, चूर्णयिष्यामि can crush them to powder, प्लवमानः when I leap, ऊरुवेगेन with the force of my thighs, महार्णवम् vast ocean, हरिष्यामि can pull with me.

'O monkeys when I leap, I can crush the mountains into powder and pull the vast ocean with me with the force of my thighs.
लतानां विविधं पुष्पं पादपानां च सर्वशः।

अनुयास्यन्ति मामद्य प्लवमानं विहायसा।।4.67.19।।

अद्य now, विहायसा through the sky, प्लवमानम् as I leap, माम् me, लतानाम् of creepers, पादपानां च and of trees, विविधम् many, पुष्पम् flower, सर्वशः all over, अनुयास्यन्ति will follow me.

And then as I leap through the sky flowers of many kinds of creepers and trees will follow me.
भविष्यति हि मे पन्थास्स्वातेः पन्था इवाम्बरे।

चरन्तं घोरमाकाशमुत्पतिष्यन्तमेव वा।।4.67.20।।

द्रक्ष्यन्ति निपतिष्यन्तं च सर्वभूतानि वानराः।

वानराः monkeys अम्बरे in the sky, मे I, पन्थाः path, स्वातेः of the constellation of Swati, पन्थाः इव like the path, भविष्यति will be, घोरम् terrific, आकाशम् sky, उत्पतिष्यन्तमेव च as I am flying upward, चरन्तम् while I am moving, निपतिष्यन्तम् while I am descending, सर्वभूतानि all creatures, द्रक्ष्यन्ति will see me.

'O monkey when I fly upward in the dreadful sky or descend down, all creatures will see me, for my path will be the path of the constellation of Swati (a group of stars).
महामेरुप्रतीकाशं मां द्रक्ष्यथ वानराः।।4.67.21।।

दिवमावृत्य गच्छन्तं ग्रसमानमिवाम्बरम्।

वानरा: O monkeys, महामेरुप्रतीकाशम् like the great mount Meru, दिवम् sky, आवृत्य after enveloping, गच्छन्तम् while I go, अम्बरम् the sky, ग्रसमानम् इव like the one swallowing the sky, माम् me, द्रक्ष्यथ you will see.

'O monkeys when I fly in the sky like the great mount Meru, you will see me as if I am swallowing the sky because I will be enveloping it with my strides.
विधमिष्यामि जीमूतान्कम्पयिष्यामि पर्वतान्।।4.67.22।।

सागरं शोषयिष्यामि प्लवमानस्समाहितः।

समाहितः a composed self, प्लवमानः while I am leaping, जीमतान् clouds, विधमिष्यामि I scatter them up,पर्वतान् all mountains, कम्पयिष्यामि I will shake up, सागरम् ocean, शोषयिष्यामि I will agitate

वैनतेयस्य या शक्तिर्मम सा मारुतस्य वा।।4.67.23।।

ऋते सुपर्णराजानं मारुतं वा महाजवम्।

न तद्भूतं प्रपश्यामि यन्मां प्लुतमनुव्रजेत्।।4.67.24।।

वैनतेयस्य Garuda's, मारुतस्य वा Maruta's, या such, शक्तिः capacity, सा that, मम my, प्लुतम् flying, माम् me, यत् such, भूतम् a creature, अनुव्रजेत् that can follow, तत् that, सुपर्णराजानम् king of vultures, महाजवम् speedy, मारुतं वा ऋते or excepting the wind, न प्रपश्यामि I do not see.

'Only Garuda and Maruta have the capacity to fly like me. No one other than the king of vultures and the Windgod have the speed to fly like me.
निमेषान्तरमात्रेण निरालम्बनमम्बरम्।

सहसा निपतिष्यामि घनाद्विद्युदिवोत्थिता।।4.67.25।।

घनात् from the, उत्थिता generated, विद्युदिव like the lightning, निमेषान्तरमात्रेण in less than a moment, सहसा at once, निरालम्बनम् that which has no support, अम्बरम् sky, निपतिष्यामि I will land.

'Just as the lightning generated by the clouds lands at once flying in the sky without any support I can also land in less than a moment.
भविष्यति हि मे रूपं प्लवमानस्य सागरे।

विष्णोर्विक्रममाणस्य पुरा त्रीन्विक्रमानिव।।4.67.26।।

सागरे in the ocean, प्लवमानस्य while I am leaping over, मे my, रूपम् form, पुरा earlier, त्रीन् three, विक्रमान् strides, प्रक्रममाणस्य who advanced, विष्णोः इव like Visnu, भविष्यति will be

बुद्ध्या चाहं प्रपश्यामि मनश्चेष्टा च मे तथा।

अहं द्रक्ष्यामि वैदेहीं प्रमोदध्वं प्लवङ्गमाः।।4.67.27।।

प्लवङ्गमाः O monkeys, अहम् I, बुद्ध्या with my intellect, प्रपश्यामि I can visualise, मे my, मनश्चेष्टा च my feeling in mind, तथा so also, अहम् I am, वैदेहीम् Vaidehi, द्रक्ष्यामि I will see, प्रमोदध्वम् be happy.

'O monkeys I have a feeling in my mind that I will see Vaidehi. Be happy.
मारुतस्य समो वेगे गरुडस्य समो जवे।

अयुतं योजनानां तु गमिष्यामीति मे मतिः।।4.67.28।।

वेगे in speed, मारुतस्य Maruta's, समः equal, जवे in rapidity, गरुडस्य Garuda's, समः equal, योजनानाम् of yojanas, अयुतम् ten thousand, गमिष्यामीति I will go, मे my, मतिः feeling.

'I am equal to Maruta and Garuda in speed. I feel I can cover ten thousand yojanas (at a stretch).
वासवस्य सवज्रस्य ब्रह्मणो वा स्वयम्भुवः।

विक्रम्य सहसा हस्तादमृतं तदिहानये।।4.67.29।।

लङ्कां वापि समुत्क्षिप्य गच्छेयमिति मे मतिः।

विक्रम्य after advancing, सवज्रस्य of that Indra the wielder of thunderbolt, वासवस्य Vasava's, स्वयम्भुवः of the self born, ब्रह्मणो वा of the ceator Brahma even, हस्तात् from his hand, सहसा at once, अमृतम् nectar, इह here, आनये I will get, लङ्काम् Lanka, समुत्क्षिप्य वापि uprooting, गच्छेयम् I can go, इति this way, मे my, मतिः feel in mind.

'I think I can encounter Indra, wielder of the thunderbolt and obtain nectar from his hands. I can even confront Brahma, the selfborn creator courageously. I can even uproot Lanka and carry it.'
तमेवं वानरश्रेष्ठं गर्जन्तममितौजसम्।।4.67.30।।

प्रहृष्टा हरयस्तत्र समुदैक्षन्त विस्मिताः।

तत्र there, एवम् in that way, गर्जन्तम् roaring aloud, अमितौजसम् shining brilliantly, तम् him, वानरश्रेष्ठम् best of monkeys, हरयः monkeys, प्रहृष्टाः joyful, विस्मिताः amazed, समुदैक्षन्त all looked at him.

The monkeys looked at him and were amazed, happy to see him roaring and shining in brilliance.
तस्य तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा ज्ञातीनां शोकनाशनम्।।4.67.31।।

उवाच परिसंहृष्टो जाम्बवान्हरिसत्तमः।

तस्य his, तत् that, ज्ञातीनाम् of the kith and kin, शोकनाशनम् remover of grief, वचनम् words, श्रुत्वा on hearing, हरिसत्तम: finest of monkeys, जाम्बवान् Jambavan, परिसम्हृष्टः very glad, उवाच said.

Jambavan, the finest of the monkeys, felt very glad on hearing his words which put an end to the sorrow of the kith and kin and said:
वीर केसरिणः पुत्र हनुमान्मारुतात्मज।।4.67.32।।

ज्ञातीनां विपुलश्शोकस्त्वया तात प्रणाशितः।

वीर O hero, केसरिणः Kesari's, पुत्र son, मारुतात्मज O son of Marutha, तात O dear, त्वया by you, ज्ञातीनाम् of the kith and kin, विपुलः profound, शोकः grief, प्रणाशितः has been removed.

'O son of Kesari O son of Maruta O hero you have removed the great grief of your race, dear
तव कल्याणरुचयः कपिमुख्यास्समागताः।।4.67.33।।

मङ्गलं कार्यसिद्ध्यर्थं करिष्यन्ति समाहिताः।

तव your, कल्याणरुचयः well wishers, समागताः collected, कपिमुख्याः chiefs of monkeys, समाहिताः collected together, कार्य(अर्थ)सिद्ध्यर्थम् to achieve your objective, मङ्गलां
auspicious prayers, करिष्यन्ति they will offer.

ऋषीणां च प्रसादेन कपिवृद्धमतेन च।।4.67.34।।

गुरूणां च प्रसादेन प्लवस्व त्वं महार्णवम्।

ऋषीणाम् of sages, प्रसादेन by the grace, कपिवृद्धमतेन च elderly monkeys', गुरूणाम् of elderlies, प्रसादेन by grace, च and, त्वम् you, महार्णवम् vast ocean, प्लवस्य cross.

'By the blessings of the sages and by the grace of the elderly monkeys may you cross over the vast ocean.
स्थास्यामश्चैकपादेन यावदागमनं तव।।4.67.35।।

त्वद्गतानि च सर्वेषां जीवनानि वनौकसाम्।

तव your, आगमनं यावत् awaiting your arrival, एकपादेन on one foot, स्थास्यामः we will stand, सर्वेषाम् of all of us, वनौकसाम् of forestdwellers, जीवनानि lives, त्वद्गतानि will depend upon you.

ततस्तु हरिशार्दूलस्तानुवाच वनौकसः।।4.67.36।।

नेयं मम मही वेगं लङ्घने धारयिष्यति।

ततः then, हरिशार्दूलः tiger among monkeys, तान् to those, वनौकसः monkeys, उवाच said, इयं this, मही earth, मम my, वेगम् speed, लङ्घने while crossing, न धारयिष्यति it cannot sustain.

Then the tiger among monkeys, Hanuman said to those forestdwellers (monkeys), 'The earth cannot bear the thrust of my leaping.
एतानीह नगस्यास्य शिलासङ्कटशालिनः।।4.67.37।।

शिखराणि महेन्द्रस्य स्थिराणि सुमहान्ति च।

शिलासङ्कटशालिनः the rocks of the mountain ranges, अस्य of this, महेन्द्रस्य नगरस्य Mahendra mountain's, एतानि these, शिखराणि peaks, स्थिराणि stable, सुमहान्ति च are very huge.

'The rocks on the peaks of the ranges of mount Mahendra cannot with stand it, although they are huge and firm.
एषु वेगं करिष्यामि महेन्द्रशिखरेष्वहम्।।4.67.38।।

नानाद्रुमविकीर्णेषु धातुनिष्यन्दशोभिषु।

नानाद्रुमविकीर्णेषु scattered with different kinds of trees, धातुनिष्यन्दशोभिषु shining with different kinds of minerals, एष: here I am, महेन्द्रशिखरेषु peaks of mountain Mahendra, अहम् I, वेगम् speed, करिष्यामि I will do.

'I will pick up speed on the peaks of mount Mahendra filled with different kinds of trees and minerals.
एतानि मम निष्पेषं पादयोः प्लवतां वराः।।4.67.39।।

प्लवतो धारयिष्यन्ति योजनानामितश्शतम्।

इतः from here, योजनानाम् of yojanas, शतम् one hundred, प्लवतः for me as I leap, मम to me, निष्पेषं crushing force of, पादयोः of both feet, प्लवतां वरा: best among those who leap, धारयिष्यन्ति will withstand.

'O great monkeys these mountain peaks can withstand the crushing force of my feet as I leap over a hundred yojanas.
ततस्तं मारुतप्रख्यस्सहरिर्मारुतात्मजः।।4.67.40।।

आरुरोह नगश्रेष्ठं महेन्द्रमरिमर्दनः।

वृतं नानाविधैः वृक्षैर्मृगसेवितशाद्वलम्।।4.67.41।।

लताकुसुमसम्बाधं नित्यपुष्पफलद्रुमम्।

सिंहशार्दूलचरितं मत्तमातङ्गसेवितम्।।4.67.42।।

मत्तद्विजगणोद्घुष्टं सलिलोत्पीडसङ्कुलम्।

ततः then, मारुतप्रख्यः as eminent as the Windgod, मारुतात्मजः son of the Windgod, अरिमर्दनः crusher of enemies, सः हरिः that monkey, नानाविधैः with several, वृक्षैः trees, वृतम् covered, मृगसेवितशाद्वलम् grassy land inhabited by deer, लताकुसुमसम्बाधम् filled with creepers and fragrant flowers, नित्यपुष्पफलद्रुमम् ever with trees full of flowers and fruits, सिंहशार्दूलचरितं where lions and tigers move, मत्तमातङ्गसेवितम् inhabited by proud elephants, मत्तद्विजगणोद्घुष्टम् filled with flocks of intoxicated birds, सलिलोत्पीडसङ्कुलम् full of water falls, नगश्रेष्ठम् great mountain, महेन्द्रम् Mahendra, आरुरोह ascended.

The son of Maruta, who was as eminent as the Windgod, the crusher of enemies ascended the great mountain Mahendra, full of grassland inhabited by deer, thickly grown with various trees and creepers full of fragrant flowers and fruits, where roam lions and tigers and proud elephants, a place that echoes with sounds of intoxicated birds and waterfalls.
महद्भिरुच्छ्रितं शृङ्गैर्महेन्द्रं स महाबलः।।4.67.43।।

विचचार हरिश्रेष्ठो महेन्द्रसमविक्रमः।

महेन्द्रसमविक्रमः equal to Indra in valour, महाबलः mighty, हरिश्रेष्ठः best of the monkeys, महद्भि: great, शृङ्गैः with peaks, उच्छ्रितम् high, तम् him, महेन्द्रम् Mahendra, विचचार strode.

The mighty, preeminent monkey who was equal to Indra in valour took a leap from the high peaks of the tall mountain, Mahendra৷৷
पादाभ्यां पीडितस्तेन महाशैलो महात्मना।।4.67.44।।

रराज सिंहाभिहतो महान्मत्त इव द्विपः।

महात्मना by great self, तेन by him, बाहुभ्याम् with both his shoulders, पीडितः crushed, महाशैलः mighty mountain, सिंहाभिहतः struck by a lion, मत्तः proud, महान् great, द्विपः इव like an elephant, रराज looked.

Crushed by the feet of the great self, Hanuman, the huge mountain looked like a proud elephant struck by a lion.
मुमोच सलिलोत्पीडान्विप्रकीर्णशिलोच्चयः।।4.67.45।।

वित्रस्तमृगमातङ्गः प्रकम्पितमहाद्रुमः।

विप्रकीर्णशिलोच्चयः scattered rocks, वित्रस्तमृगमातङ्गः terrified deer and elephants, प्रकम्पितमहाद्रुमः violently shaken up trees, सलिलोत्पीडान् poured out gushing streams of water, मुमोच released.

The rocks of the mountain got scattered by the force. The deer and elephants were terrified. The trees were shaken up violently and streams of water gushed forth.
नानागन्धर्वमिथुनैः पानसंसर्गकर्कशैः।।4.67.46।।

उत्पतद्भिश्च विहगैर्विद्याधरगणैरपि।


चलशृङ्गशिलोद्घातस्तदाऽभूत्स महागिरिः।

तदा then, सः महागिरिः that great mountain, पानसंसर्गकर्कशैः by those whose behaviour was rough in a drunken state, नानागन्धर्वमिथुनैः by different groups of copulating gandharvas, उत्पतद्भि: by those flying, विहगैश्च by birds in the sky, विद्याधरगणैरपि hosts of vidyadharas, त्यज्यमानमहासानुः abandoned by the vast mountain slopes, सन्निलीनमहोरगः with serpents resting, चलशृङ्गशिलोद्घातः the rocks shaken up on mountain tops, अभूत् appeared.

Shaken by the rude shock, couples of intoxicated gandharvas left in a huff the vast slopes of the great mountain. Flocks of birds and groups of vidyadharas flew away. The serpents went into hiding. Rocks fell off the shaken mountain.
निश्श्वसद्भिस्तदाऽर्तैस्तु भुजङ्गैरर्धनि:सृतैः।।4.67.48।।

सपताक इवाभाति स तदा धरणीधरः।

तदा then, सः that, धरणीधरः holder of the earth, mountain, निश्वसद्भि: hissing out of the rocks, अर्धनि:सृतैः protruding half of their body, भुजगैः serpents, सपताकः इव like the flags, आभाति appeared.

The serpents with their bodies half protruded out of the rocks and hissing looked like flags planted on the mountain.
ऋषिभिस्त्राससम्भ्रान्तैस्त्यज्यमानः शिलोच्चयः।।4.67.49।।

सीदन्महति कान्तारे सार्थहीन इवाध्वगः।

त्राससम्भ्रान्तै: by those alarmed and agitated, ऋषिभिः by sages, त्यज्यमानः being abandoned, शिलोच्चयः the mountain, सार्थहीनः berefit of a caravan, महति in a great, कान्तारे in the forest, सीदन् while worrying, अध्वगः इव like the traveller.

The alarmed and agitated sages abandonned the mountain peaks.The mountain appeared like a lone traveller separated from the caravan in the great forest.
सवेगवान् वेगसमाहितात्मा

हरिप्रवीरः परवीरहन्ता।

मनस्समाधाय महानुभावो

जगाम लङ्कां मनसा मनस्वी।।4.67.50।।

वेगवान् speeds, वेगसमाहितात्मा fixing his attention on speed, परवीरहन्ता destroyer of enemy
warriors, मनस्वी sensitive , महानुभावः noble, सः that, हरिप्रवीरः heroic monkey मनः in mind, समाधाय composed, मनसा mentally, लङ्काम् Lanka, जगाम reached.

Magnanimous, wise and heroic Hanuman, destroyer of enemy warriors, fixed his attention on speed, betook himself mentally to Lanka (ere he reached it physically).
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामाणये वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे सप्तषष्टितमस्सर्गः।।
Thus ends the sixtyseventh sarga in Kishkindakanda of the first epic, the Holy Ramayana composed by sage Valmiki.