Sloka & Translation

[Sugriva promises to kill Ravana and bring Sita back -- he consoles Rama -- Rama promises to kill Vali.]

एवमुक्तस्तु सुग्रीवो रामेणार्तेन वानरः।

अब्रवीत्प्राञ्जलिर्वाक्यं सबाष्पं बाष्पगद्गदः।।4.7.1।।

आर्तेन by the distressed, रामेण by Rama, एवम् that way, उक्तः spoke, वानरः monkey, सुग्रीवः Sugriva, प्राञ्जलिः with folded palms, बाष्पगद्गदः voice choked, सबाष्पम् with sears, वाक्यम् words, अब्रवीत् said

On hearing the words of Rama in deep distress, the monkey replied to him with folded hands, his throat choked with tears:
न जाने निलयं तस्य सर्वथा पापरक्षसः।

सामर्थ्यं विक्रमं वापि दौष्कुलेयस्य वा कुलम्4.7.2।।

दौष्कुलेयस्य born in despicable clan, तस्य his, पापरक्षसः of the sinful demon, निलयम् residence, सामर्थ्यम् capacity, विक्रमं वापि or his valour, कुलं वा or even the clan, सर्वथा all that, न जाने not known to me

'I do not have any knowledge of this sinful demon's dwelling , his capability, his valour or his clan or his despicable lineage.
सत्यं ते प्रतिजानामि त्यज शोकमरिन्दम।

करिष्यामि तथा यत्नं यथा प्राप्स्यसि मैथिलीम्4.7.3।।

अरिन्दम O subduer of enemies, सत्यम् truth, प्रतिजानामि I promise you, शोकम् sorrow, त्यज give up, मैथिलीम् Maithili, यथा as, प्राप्स्यसि will obtain, तथा that way, यत्नम् effort, करिष्यामि I will make

'O subduer of enemies, give up sorrow. I promise I will make necessary effort so that you will obtain the princess from Mithila.
रावणं सगणं हत्वा परितोष्यात्मपौरुषम्।

तथाऽस्मि कर्ता न चिराद्यथा प्रीतो भविष्यसि4.7.4।।

सगणम् including clan, रावणम् Ravana, हत्वा after killing, आत्मपौरुषम् my prowess, परितोष्य satisfy, यथा as, प्रीतः pleased, भविष्यसि you will be, तथा that way, न चिरात् very soon, कर्तास्मि I will do

'With all my capability I will kill Ravana and his clan. Thus I will be able to satisfy you soon with my efforts.
अलं वैक्लब्यमालम्ब्य धैर्यमात्मगतं स्मर।

त्वद्विधानां न सदृशमीदृशं बुद्धिलाघवम्।।4.7.5।।

वैक्लब्यम् despair, आलम्ब्य resorting to, अलम् it is enough, आत्मगतम् your natural disposition, धैर्यम् patience, स्मर pick up, त्वद्विधानाम् for men like you, ईदृशम् such, बुद्धिलाघवम् frivolous thought, न सदृशम् is not worthy

'Give up despair. It is enough. Be patient. Maintain your natural disposition.It is unworthy of men like you to entertain such frivolus thoughts?
मयाऽपि व्यसनं प्राप्तं भार्याविरहजं महत्।

नाहमेवं हि शोचामि न च धैर्यं परित्यजे4.7.6।।

मयापि I am also, भार्याविरहजम् due to separation from my wife, महत् great, व्यसनम् sorrow, प्राप्तम् shared, अहम् I am, एवम् in that way, न not शोचामि I am not brooding, धैर्यं च patience also, न परित्यजे not given up

'Separated from my wife, I, too, am afflicted with deep grief. But I do not brood, I do
not lose patience.
नाहं तामनुशोचामि प्राकृतो वानरोऽपि सन्।

महात्मा च विनीतश्च किं पुनर्धृतिमान्भवान्4.7.7।।

अहम् I am, प्राकृतः ordinary, वानरोऽपि सन् although a monkey, ताम् her (wife), न अनुशोचामि I do not brood, महात्मा च you are highsouled, विनीतश्च humble, धृतिमान् endowed with patience, भवान् you, किं पुनः why (grieve) again.

'I am an ordinary monkey born. Even then, I do not brood over my wife. You are highsouled, humble and patient. Why do you grieve?
बाष्पमापतितं धैर्यान्निग्रहीतुं त्वमर्हसि।

मर्यादां सत्त्वयुक्तानां धृतिं नोत्स्रष्टुमर्हसि4.7.8।।

त्वम् you, आपतितम् streaming down, बाष्पम् tears, धैर्यात् with patience, निग्रहीतुम् to restrain, अर्हसि you ought to, सत्त्वयुक्तानाम् men endowed with equilibrium, मर्यादाम् mark, धृतिम् steadfastness, उत्स्रष्टुम् to deviate from, नार्हसि ought not

'Restrain the flow of your tears. Be patient. Men (like you) endowed with equilibrium and dignity and patience ought not to leave their composure.
व्यसने वाऽर्थकृच्छ्रे वा भये वा जीवितान्तके।

विमृशन्वै स्वया बुद्ध्या धृतिमान्नावसीदति4.7.9।।

व्यसने वा in grief or, अर्थकृच्छ्रे वा or even over loss of wealth, जीवितान्तके at the hour of death, भये वा or in fear?, धृतिमान् one who is patient, स्वया बुद्ध्या by his own wisdom, विमृशन् leaving, नावसीदति will not despair

'In times of grief or loss of wealth or at the hour of death, one who is patient does not abandon his wisdom, he does not despair.
बालिशस्तु नरो नित्यं वैक्लब्यं योऽनुवर्तते।

स मज्जत्यवशश्शोके भाराक्रान्तेव नौर्जले4.7.10।।

यः नरः which man, बालिशः foolish, नित्यम् always, वैक्लब्यम् despair, अनुवर्तते gives in for, सः he, अवशं he loses selfcontrol, भाराक्रान्ता burdened, नौः boat, जले इव as in the water, शोके in grief, मज्जति gets sunk

A man who is unwise and distraught only gets sunk in grief like a heavily loaded boat (sinks) in water.

एषोऽञ्जलिर्मया बद्धः प्रणयात्त्वां प्रसादये।

पौरुषं श्रय शोकस्य नान्तरं दातुमर्हसि4.7.11।।

मया by me, एषः this, अञ्जलिः folded palms, बद्धः is held, प्रणयात् out of friendship, त्वाम् you, प्रसादये be pleased, पौरुषम् manliness, श्रय you may take resort to, शोकस्य sorrow's, अन्तरम् a chance, दातुम् to give in, नार्हसि you ought not.

'I implore you with folded palms on account of our friendship to show manliness. You should not give in to grief.
ये शोकमनुवर्तन्ते न तेषां विद्यते सुखम्।

तेजश्च क्षीयते तेषां न त्वं शोचितुमर्हसि4.7.12।।

ये those, शोकम् grief, अनुवर्तन्ते whoever give way, तेषाम् for them, सुखम् pleasure, न विद्यते is not there, तेषाम् for them, तेजश्च brilliance, क्षीयते is reduced, त्वम् you, शोचितुम् to grieve, नार्हसि ought not

'There is no happiness for those who give way to sorrow. Their brilliance is dimmed. Therefore, you ought not grieve.
शोकेनाभिप्रपन्नस्य जीविते चापि संशयः।

स शोकं त्यज राजेन्द्र धैर्यमाश्रय केवलम्4.7.13।।

शोकेन by grief, अभिप्रपन्नस्य who is overpowered, जीविते चापि even in life, संशयः doubt, राजेन्द्र O king, सः he, शोकम् sorrow, त्यज give up, केवलम् only, धैर्यम् patience, आश्रय seek shelter

'Even the chances of survival are doubtful for a man who is overpowered by sorrow. Give up sorrow and have patience, O king
हितं वयस्यभावेन ब्रूमि नोपदिशामि ते।

वयस्यतां पूजयन्मे न त्वं शोचितुमर्हसि4.7.14।।

वयस्यतां friendly concern, पूजयन्मे offering you, हितम् ब्रूमि I am speaking, ते to you, नोपदिशामि I do not advise, मे my, वयस्यताम् friendship, पूजयन् honouring, त्वम् you, शोचितुम् to grieve, न अर्हसि you ought not to

'Out of friendly concern I offer my opinion in your interest. I am not competent to advise you. Respecting my friendship, you should never yield to grief.'
मधुरं सान्त्वित स्तेन सुग्रीवेण स राघवः।

मुखमश्रुपरिक्लिन्नं वस्त्रान्तेन प्रमार्जयत्4.7.15।।

तेन सुग्रीवेण by Sugriva, मधुरम् sweet, सान्त्वितः comforted, सः राघवः that Rama, अश्रुपरिक्लिन्नम् wet with tears, मुखम् face, वस्त्रान्तेन with the hem of his upper cloth, प्रमार्जयत् wiped

Consoled by the sweet words of Sugriva, Rama wiped his face filled with tears by the hem of his upper cloth.
प्रकृतिस्थस्तु काकुत्स्थस्सुग्रीववचनात्प्रभुः।

सम्परिष्वज्य सुग्रीवमिदं वचनमब्रवीत्4.7.16।।

प्रभुः Lord , काकुत्स्थः Kakutstha, सुग्रीववचनात् by the words of Sugriva, प्रकृतिस्थः he became
composed, सुग्रीवम् Sugriva, सम्परिष्वज्य after embracing, इदं वचनम् these words, अब्रवीत् he spoke

When lord Rama, the scion of the Kakutstha race was comforted by these words of Sugriva, he came to his senses, and clasping him said:
कर्तव्यं यद्वयस्येन स्निग्धेन च हितेन च।

अनुरूपं च युक्तं च कृतं सुग्रीव तत्त्वया4.7.17।।

सुग्रीव O Sugriva, स्निग्धेन by a loving, हितेन च and by a wellwisher, वयस्येन by a friend, यत् whatever, कर्तव्यं duty, अनुरूपं suitable, युक्तम् proper, तत् that, त्वया by you, कृतम् done

'O Sugriva you have done what a friend should have done in a befitting manner with your sweet words and good wishes.
एष च प्रकृतिस्थोऽहमनुनीतस्त्वया सखे।

दुर्लभो हीदृशो बन्धुरस्मिन्काले विशेषतः4.7.18।।

सखे O friend, त्वया by you, अनुनीतः counselled by you, एषः अहम् that way I am, प्रकृतिस्थः come back to the senses, ईदृशः such, बन्धुः friend, दुर्लभः हि is difficult to find, अस्मिन् काले this time, विशेषतः specially

'O friend you have guided me back to my senses thus. It is difficult to find a friend like you specially at this time.
किं तु यत्नस्त्वया कार्यो मैथिल्याः परिमार्गणे।

राक्षसस्य च रौद्रस्य रावणस्य दुरात्मनः4.7.19।।

किं तु but, त्वया by you, मैथिल्याः Maithili's, दुरात्मनः of the evilminded, राक्षसस्य demon's, रौद्रस्य of the fierce, रावणस्य Ravana's, परिमार्गणे in tracing, यत्नः effort, कार्यः do

'Indeed, you must make effort to trace the princess from Mithila and the evilminded,
fierce demon Ravana.
मया च यदनुष्ठेयं विस्रब्धेन तदुच्यताम्।

वर्षास्विव च सुक्षेत्रे सर्वं सम्पद्यते तव4.7.20।।

मया by me, यत् that, अनुष्ठेयम् to be done, तत् that, विस्रब्धेन without any hesitation, उच्यताम् it may be, तव your, सर्वम् everything, वर्षासु in the rainy season, सुक्षेत्रे इव in a fertile land, सम्पद्यते it will produce good results.

'Now tell me about my duty without any hesitation. I assure you that your desire will be fulfilled, just as seeds sown in a fertile land with timely rains bear fruit.
मया च यदिदं वाक्यमभिमानात्समीरितम्।

तत्त्वया हरिशार्दूल तत्त्वमित्युपधार्यताम्4.7.21।।

हरिशार्दूल O tiger among monkeys, मया by me too, अभिमानात् out of injured honour, यत् those words, इदम् these, वाक्यम् words, समीरितुम् have been uttered, तत् that, त्वया by you, तत्त्वम् इति appropriately, उपधार्यताम् it may be treated so

'O tiger amongst monkeys accept my words uttered out of injured honour in their true sense.
अनृतं नोक्तपूर्वं मे न च वक्ष्ये कदाचन।

एतत्ते प्रतिजानामि सत्येनैव च ते शपाम्यहमं।।4.7.22।।

मे by me, अनृतम् lies, न उक्तपूर्वम् never said earlier, कदाचन at any time, न वक्ष्ये च I will not tell also, एतत् this, ते to you, प्रतिजानामि I promise, अहम् I am, सत्येनैव by truth alone, च and, ते शपामि I swear

'I have never uttered a false word earlier nor will I do it in future. This is my promise. I swear by truth alone.'
ततः प्रहृष्टस्सुग्रीवो वानरैस्सचिवैस्सह।

राघवस्य वचश्श्रुत्वा प्रतिज्ञातं विशेषतः4.7.23।।

ततः then, सचिवैः with his counsellers, वानरैः सह with monkeys, सुग्रीवः Sugriva, राघवस्य Raghava's, वचः words, श्रुत्वा hearing, विशेषतः specially, प्रतिज्ञातम् his own promise, प्रहृष्टः felt glad

Sugriva and his counsellors felt glad on hearing Rama's words, particularly the assurance given by him.
एवमेकान्तसम्पृक्तौ ततस्तौ नरवानरौ।

उभावन्योन्यसदृशं सुखं दुःखमभाषताम्4.7.24।।

ततः then, एवम् that way, एकान्तसम्पृक्तौ meeting in private, तौ both, नरवानरौ a man and a monkey (Rama and Sugriva), उभौ both, अन्योन्यसदृशम् in a mutually befitting manner, सुखदुःखम् joy and sorrow, अभाषताम् spoke to each other

Man and monkey then met privately and shared the weal and woe of one another.
महानुभावस्य वचो निशम्य

हरिर्नृपाणामृषभस्य तस्य।

कृतं स मेने हरिवीरमुख्य

स्तदा स्वकार्यं हृदयेन विद्वान्4.7.25।।

विद्वान् wise man, सः he, हरिवीरमुख्यः chief of monkeys, हरिः monkey, महानुभावस्य of the magnanimous, तस्य his, नृपाणाम् of kings, रुषभस्य of the bull among men, वचः words, निशम्य after listening, तदा then, कार्यम् task, कृतम् achieved, हृदयेन at heart, मेने he thought

Wise Sugriva, chief of monkeys, heard the words of the magnanimous Rama, a bull
among men. He felt glad at heart thinking that his task has been achieved.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे सप्तमस्सर्गः।।
Thus ends the seventh sarga of Kishkindakanda of the Holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by the sage Valmiki.