Sloka & Translation

[Sugriva feels happy about his friendship with Rama -- solicits Vali's death -- relates to Rama about Vali's hostile attitude and his enmity with him.]

परितुष्टस्तु सुग्रीवस्तेन वाक्येन वानरः।

लक्ष्मणस्याग्रतो राममिदं वचनमब्रवीत्4.8.1।।

वानरः monkey, सुग्रीवः Sugriva, तेन वाक्येन by the words, परितुष्टः very pleased, लक्ष्मणस्य Lakshmana's, अग्रतः in front, इदं वचनम् these words, अब्रवीत् he spoke.

Sugriva, the monkey was very pleased with Rama's words and said to him in front of Lakshmana:
सर्वथाऽहमनुग्राह्यो देवतानां न संशयः।

उपपन्न गुणोपेतस्सखा यस्य भवान्मम4.8.2।।

उपपन्नः come, गुणोपेतः endowed with all virtues, भवान् yourself, यस्य मम you to me, सखा friend, अहम् I am, सर्वथा in all respects, देवतानाम् of gods, अनुग्राह्यः worthy of favour, संशयः doubt, न no.

'Since one like you endowed with all virtues has become my friend I am (now) worthy of grace of the gods in all respects. There is no doubt.
शक्यं खलु भवेद्राम सहायेन त्वयाऽनघ।

सुरराज्यमपि प्राप्तुं स्वराज्यं किं पनः प्रभो 4.8.3।।

अनघ sinless, प्रभो O Lord, राम Rama, त्वया by you, सहायेन with help, सुरराज्यमपि even the kingdom of the gods, प्राप्तुम् to attain, शक्यम् possible, स्वराज्यम् my own kingdom, किं पुनः what to speak

'O Rama, my sinless Lord, it is possible to attain even the kingdom of the gods with your help, what to speak of my own kingdom?
सोऽहं सभाज्यो बन्धूनां सुहृदां चैव राघव।

यस्याग्निसाक्षिकं मित्रं लब्धं राघववंशजम्4.8.4।।

राघव Rama, यस्य whose, राघववंशजम् born in Raghava dynasty, मित्रम् friend, अग्निसाक्षिकम् fire as witness, लब्धम् got, सः अहम् that I, बन्धूनाम् among relatives, सुहृदां चैव also among friends, सभाज्यः became equally honourable.

'O Rama, since you, born in Raghava dynasty, have become my friend with fire as witness, I have become equally honourable among my relatives and friends.
अहमप्यनुरूपस्ते वयस्यो ज्ञास्यसे शनैः।

न तु वक्तुं समर्थोऽहं स्वयमात्मगतान्गुणान्4.8.5।।

अहमपि I am also, ते to you, अनुरूपः worthy, वयस्यः friend, शनैः slowly, ज्ञास्यसे you will know, अहम् I am, इमान् those, आत्मगुणान् my own qualities, स्वयम् myself, वक्तुम् to speak of, समर्थः proper, न not

'You will come to know slowly that I am also a friend worthy of you.It is not proper for me to speak of my qualities( flatter myself).
महात्मनां तु भूयिष्ठं त्वद्विधानां कृतात्मनाम्।

निश्चला भवति प्रीतिर्धैर्यमात्मवतामिव4.8.6।।

आत्मवताम् wellcomposed, कृतात्मनाम् selfcontrolled, त्वद्विधानाम् of men like you, महात्मनाम् of the exalted souls, प्रीतिः affection, भूयिष्ठम् exceedingly, निश्चला stable, भवति will be, धैर्यम् patience.

'The affection of exalted souls is exceedingly stable like the patience of selfcontrolled and wellcomposed men like you.
रजतं वा सुवर्णं वा वस्त्राण्याभरणानि च।

अविभक्तानि साधूनामवगच्छन्ति साधवः4.8.7।।

साधूनाम् good friends, रजतं वा silver or, सुवर्णं वा gold, वस्त्राणि clothes, आभरणानि च and ornaments, अविभक्तानि not divisible, साधवः men who go in one's way, अवगच्छन्ति will consider.

'Good friends consider(valuables such as) silver or gold, clothes or ornaments of worldly wealth indivisible.
आढ्यो वापि दरिद्रो वा दुःखितस्सुखितोऽपि वा।

निर्दोषो वा सदोषो वा वयस्यः परमा गतिः4.8.8।।

आढ्यो वापि whether a rich man, दरिद्रो वा or poor, दुःखितः or sad one, सुखितोऽपि वा or a happy man, निर्दोषो flawless one, सदोषः guilty, वयस्यः a friend, परमा ultimate, गतिः refuge.

'Whether rich or poor, afflicted or happy, flawless or guilty, a friend is the ultimate refuge to a friend.
धनत्यागस्सुखत्यागो देहत्यागोऽपि वा पुनः।

वयस्यार्थे प्रवर्तन्ते स्नेहं दृष्टवा तथाविधम्4.8.9।।

स्नेहम् friendship, तथाविधम् that kind, दृष्ट्वा after finding, वयस्यार्थे for the sake of a friend, धनत्यागः to sacrifice wealth, सुखत्यागः to sacrifice happiness, देहत्यागोऽपि वा or sacrifice even life, प्रवर्तन्ते undertake

'One will not hesitate to sacrifice wealth or happiness or even life for the sake of a friend like you.'
तत्तथेत्यब्रवीद्रामस्सुग्रीवं प्रियवादिनम्।

लक्ष्मणस्याग्रतो लक्ष्म्या वासवस्येव धीमतः4.8.10।।

रामः Rama, वासवस्य इव like Indra, धीमतः wise, लक्ष्म्या by signs, लक्ष्मणस्य Lakshmana's, अग्रतः in the presence of, प्रियवादिनम् pleasant speaker, सुग्रीवम् Sugriva, तत् that, तथा it is true, इति thus, अब्रवीत् he spoke.

As wise Lakshmana, brilliant like Indra stood witness, Rama said, 'it is true as you say' to Sugriva who spoke pleasing words.
ततो रामं स्थितं दृष्ट्वा लक्ष्मणं च महाबलम्।

सुग्रीवस्सर्वतश्चक्षुर्वने लोलमपातयत्4.8.11।।

ततः then, सुग्रीवः Sugriva, स्थितम् standing, रामम् Rama, महाबलम् strong, लक्ष्मणं च Lakshmana also, दृष्ट्वा after seeing, लोलम् moving unsteadily, चक्षुः his eyes, वने in the forest, सर्वतः all sides, अपातयत् cast.

With mighty Rama and Lakshmana standing by, Sugriva cast his eyes eagerly all round the forest.
स ददर्श ततस्सालमविदूरे हरीश्वरः।

सुपुष्पमीषत्पत्राढ्यं भ्रमरैरुपशोभितम्4.8.12।।

ततः then, सः हरीश्वरः chief of monkeys, अविदूरे not very far, सुपुष्पम् having flowers, ईषत्पत्राढ्यम् with a few leaves, भ्रमरैः by bees, उपशोभितम् looking graceful, सालम् sala tree, ददर्श saw.

Then the chief of monkeys saw a sala tree looking lovely with tender leaves and flowers graced by bees.
तस्यैकां पर्णबहुलां भङ्क्त्वा शाखां सुपुष्पिताम्।

सालस्यास्तीर्य सुग्रीवो निषसाद सराघवः4.8.13।।

सुग्रीवः Sugriva, तस्य its, पर्णबहुलाम् with plenty of leaves, सुशोभिताम् beautifully blossomed, एकां शाखाम् one branch, भङ्क्त्वा broke, रामस्य for Rama, आस्तीर्य spread, स राघवः with Rama, निषसाद sat.

Sugriva cut a branch of the beautifully blossomed sala tree with plenty of leaves, spread it (on the ground) and squatted along with Rama.
तावासीनौ ततो दृष्ट्वा हनूमानपि लक्ष्मणम्।

सालशाखां समुत्पाट्य विनीतमुपवेशयत्4.8.14।।

ततः thereafter, हनूमानपि Hanuman also, आसीनौ seated, तौ both Rama and Sugriva, दृष्ट्वा seeing, सालशाखाम् a branch of sala tree, समुत्पाट्य broke, विनीतम् obedient, लक्ष्मणम् Lakshmana, उपवेशयत् made him sit.

Thereafter Hanuman also broke a branch of the sala tree and seated Lakshmana on it.
सुखोपविष्टं रामं तु प्रसन्नमुदधिं यथा।

फलपुष्पसमाकीर्णे तस्मिन् गिरिवरोत्तमे4.8.15।।

ततः प्रहृष्टस्सुग्रीवश्लक्ष्णं मधुरया गिरा।

उवाच प्रणयाद्रामं हर्षव्याकुलिताक्षरम्4.8.16।।

ततः then, सुग्रीवः Sugriva, फलपुष्पमाकीर्णे in a place filled with flowers and fruits, तस्मिन् in that, गिरिवरोत्तमे on the best of mountains, सुखोपविष्टम् seated comfortably, प्रसन्नम् peaceful, उदधिं यथा like an ocean, रामम् Rama, श्लक्ष्णम् softly, मधुरया sweetly, गिरा words, हर्षव्याकुलिताक्षरम् mixing up words due to extreme joy and excitement, प्रणयात् out of love, उवाच said.

Now Rama, seated comfortably on the best of mountains overgrown with trees full of flowers and fruits, appeared tranguil like an ocean. Extremely delighted and excited, Sugriva spoke to Rama words that got mixed up with softness and sweetness out of love:
अहं विनिकृतो भ्रात्रा चराम्येष भयार्दितः।

ऋष्यमूकं गिरिवरं हृतभार्यस्सुदुःखितः4.8.17।।

भ्रात्रा brother, विनिकृतः offended, एषः here I am, अहम् I, भयार्दितः frightened, हृतभार्यः wife stolen, सुदुःखितः very sad, गिरिवरम् great mountain, ऋश्यमूकम् Rishyamuka, चरामि I am roaming .

'I am sadly roaming here in the great Rishyamuka mountain, my wife stolen, offended by my brother and frightened.
सोऽहं त्रस्तो भये मग्नो वसाम्युद्भ्रान्तचेतनः।

वालिना निकृतो भ्रात्रा कृतवैरश्च राघव4.8.18।।

राघव Rama, भ्रात्रा brother, वालिना by Vali, निकृतः deceived, कृतवैरश्च developed enmity, सः अहम् that I am, त्रस्तः terrified, सम्भ्रान्तचेतनः utterly confused, वने in the forest, भये with fear, मग्नः stricken.

'O Rama my brother is my enemy. Deceived and threatened by him, I live in the forest stricken with fear and utterly confused.
वालिनो मे भयार्तस्य सर्वलोकाभयङ्कर।

ममापि त्वमनाथस्य प्रसादं कर्तुमर्हसि4.8.19।।

सर्वलोकाभयङ्कर O warrior who can threaten people of all worlds, मे to me, वालिनः from Vali, भयार्तस्य of one scared and helpless, अनाथस्य of an orphan, ममापि for me, त्वम् you, प्रसादम् grace, कर्तुम् to do, अर्हसि ought to.

'O great warrior who can frighten all the worlds scared of Vali, I feel helpless like an orphan to whom you ought to extend your grace.'
एवमुक्तस्तु तेजस्वी धर्मज्ञो धर्मवत्सलः।

प्रत्युवाच स काकुत्स्थस्सुग्रीवं प्रहसन्निव4.8.20।।

एवम् in that way, उक्तः having spoken, तेजस्वी glorious, धर्मज्ञः knower of duty , धर्मवत्सलः a lover of dharma, सः काकुत्स्थः that Kakustha, प्रहसन्निव gentle smile on his face, सुग्रीवम् to Sugriva, प्रत्युवाच replied

Thus spoken to, the glorious Rama, lover of righteousness who knew his duty, replied to Sugriva with a smile on his face:
उपकारफलं मित्रमपकारोऽरिलक्षणम्।

अद्यैव तं हनिष्यामि तव भार्यापहारिणम्4.8.21।।

मित्रम्ज्ञ a friend, उपकारफलम् carries the fruit of help, अपकारः harm, अरिलक्षणम् an enemy's characteristic feature, तव your, भार्यापहारिणम् wrested your wife, तम् him, अद्यैव this very day, वधिष्यामि I will kill.

'While a friend is known for his help, an enemy is known for his offensiveness. I will this very day kill the one who wrested your wife.
इमे हि मे महावेगा पत्रिणस्तिग्मतेजसः।

कार्तिकेयवनोद्भूताश्शरा हेमविभूषिताः4.8.22।।

कङ्कपत्रपरिच्छन्ना महेन्द्राशनिसन्निभाः।

सुपर्वाणस्सुतीक्ष्णाग्रास्सरोषा भुजगा इव4.8.23।।

महावेगाः of high speed, मे my, पत्रिणः winged ones, इमे these , शराःarrows, तिग्मतेजसः glowing like fierce fire, कार्तिकेयवनोद्भताः born out of Kartikeya's bed of reeds, हेमविभूषिताः decked with gold, कङ्कपत्रपरिच्छन्नाः covered with kanka feathers, महेन्द्राशनिसन्निभाः comparable to great Indra's thunderbolt, सुपर्वाणः those with smooth joints, सुतीक्ष्णाग्राः with very sharp and pointed tips, सरोषाः angry, भुजगाः serpents, इव like.

'Here are my highspeed, winged arrows glowing like fierce fire, born out of Kartikeya's bed of reeds.They are smooth and welljointed, decked with gold, comparable in strength to great Indra's thunderbolt, very sharp with pointed tips looking like angry serpents.
भ्रातृसंज्ञममित्रं ते वालिनं कृतकिल्बिषम्।

शरैर्विनिहतं पश्य विकीर्णमिव पर्वतम्4.8.24।।

ते your, वालिनम् at Vali, कृतकिल्बिषम् doer of wrong deeds, वालिसंज्ञम् calls Vali's brother, अमित्रम् enemy, शरैः by arrows, विनिहतम् being killed, विकीर्णम् shattered, पर्वतम् इव crushed like a mountain, पश्य you may see.

'Vali who calls himself your brother is your enemy and a doer of wrong deeds. You will see him crushed, like a mountain shattered, by my arrows.'
राघवस्य वचश्श्रुत्वा सुग्रीवो वाहिनीपतिः।

प्रहर्षमतुलं लेभे साधु साध्विति चाब्रवीत्4.8.25।।

वाहिनीपतिः chief of the army (of monkeys), सुग्रीवः Sugriva, राघवस्य Rama's, वचः words, श्रुत्वा on hearing, अतुलम् immeasurable, प्रहर्षम् happiness, लेभे attained, साधु साधु इति good good thus, अब्रवीत् said.

On hearing Rama's words, Sugriva, chief of the army of monkeys experienced immeasurable happiness and exclaimed, 'you're great, you're great.'
राम शोकाभिभूतोऽहं शोकार्तानां भवान्गतिः।

वयस्य इति कृत्वा हि त्वय्यहं परिदेवये4.8.26।।

राम Rama, अहम् I am, शोकाभिभूतः overcome with sorrow, शोकार्तानाम् for those in sorrow, भवान् you are, गतिः refuge, वयस्यः friend, इति कृत्वा treating you like this, अहम् I am, त्वयि to you, परिदेवये express.

'Rama I am overwhelmed with sorrow. You are the refuge of the distressed. As you are a friend I ventilate all my grief to you.
त्वं हि पाणिप्रदानेन वयस्यो मेऽग्निसाक्षिकम्।

कृतः प्राणैर्बहुमतस्सत्येनापि शपामि ते4.8.27।।

त्वम् you, पाणिप्रदानेन by offering your hand in friendship, अग्निसाक्षिकम् with fire as witness, कृतः did, प्राणैः more than life, बहुमतः very great, मे वयस्यः हि being my friend, अहम् I am, सत्येन truly, शपामि vow, ते to you.

'I value your hand of friendship extended to me, with fire as witness more than my very life. I, on my own, offer my pledge of friendship.
वयस्य इति कृत्वा च विस्रब्धः प्रवदाम्यहम्।

दुःखमन्तर्गतं यन्मे मनो हरति नित्यशः4.8.28।।

वयस्यः इति कृत्वा च also considering you as a friend, अहम् I am, विस्रब्धः relaxed , प्रवदामि I am speaking, मे अन्तर्गतम् my feelings, दुःखम् sorrow, नित्यशः always, मनः mind, हरति is tormenting me.

एतावदुक्त्वा वचनं बाष्पदूषितलोचनः।

बाष्पोपहतया वाचा नोच्चैश्शक्नोति भाषितुम्4.8.29।।

एतावत् till that, वचनम् words, उक्त्वा spoken, बाष्पदूषितलोचनः vision blurred by tears, बाष्पदूषितया choked with tears, वाचा with words, उच्चैः loudly, भाषितुम् to speak further, न शक्नोति was not able to do.

His vision blurred, words choked with tears he was unable to speak further.
बाष्पवेगं तु सहसा नदीवेगमिवागतम्।

धारयामास धैर्येण सुग्रीवो रामसन्निधौ4.8.30।।

सुग्रीवः Sugriva, रामसन्निधौ in front of Rama, नदीवेगमिव like a rushing river, सहसा instantaneously, आगतम् flowing, बाष्पवेगम् fast flowing tears, धैर्येण with patience, धारयामास checked

Quickly Sugriva controlled his tears streaming fast like the rushing river, with patience, Rama seated in front.
सन्निगृह्य तु तं बाष्पं प्रमृज्य नयने शुभे।

विनिश्श्वस्य च तेजस्वी राघवं वाक्यमब्रवीत्4.8.31।।

तेजस्वी brilliant, सः he, तं बाष्पम् his tears, निगृह्य controlled, शुभे auspicious, नयने eyes, प्रमृज्य wiped, विनिःश्वस्य took deep breath, राघवम् to Rama, वाक्यम् these words, अब्रवीत् said

Effulgent Sugriva controlled his tears, wiped his bright eyes, took deep breath and said to Rama:
पुराऽहं वालिना राम राज्यात्स्वादवरोपितः।

परुषाणि च संश्राव्य निर्धूतोऽस्मि बलीयसा4.8.32।।

राम O Rama, पुरा in the past, अहम् I, बलीयसा powerful, वालिना by Vali, स्वात् from my own, राज्यात् from the kingdom, अवरोपितः was uprooted, परुषाणि harsh (words), संश्राव्य making me listen, निर्धूतः thrown out, अस्मि I am.

'O Rama I was subjected to the harsh words of powerful Vali in the past when he uprooted me from the kingdom and threw me out.
हृता भार्या च मे तेन प्राणेभ्योऽपि गरीयसी।

सुहृदश्च मदीया ये संयता बन्धनेषु ते4.8.33।।

तेन by him, प्राणेभ्योऽपि than my own life, गरीयसी dearer, मे भार्या my wife, हृता robbed, मदीयाः my, ये whoever, सुहृदः friends, ते they, बन्धनेषु under arrest, संयताः imprisoned.

'I was robbed of my wife who is dearer than my own life. All my friends were rounded up and imprisoned.
यत्नवांश्च सुदुष्टात्मा मद्विनाशाय राघव।

बहुशस्तत्प्रयुक्ताश्च वानरा निहता मया4.8.34।।

राघव O Rama, दुष्टात्मा evilminded, सः he was, मद्विनाशाय to kill me, यत्नवांश्च made effort, बहुशः in many ways, तत्प्रयुक्ताः sent by him, वानराः monkeys, मया by myself, निहताः were killed.

'O Rama this evilminded one made several attempts to kill me. The monkeys he sent to kill me were themselves killed.
शङ्कया त्वेतया चेह दृष्ट्वा त्वामपि राघव।

नोपसर्पाम्यहं भीतो भये सर्वे हि बिभ्यति4.8.35।।

राघव Rama, अहं च I also, एतया by that, शङ्कया with doubt, त्वाम् अपि you also, इह here, दृष्ट्वा seeing, भीतः scared, नोपसर्पामि I did not come near, भये out of fear, सर्वे all, बिभ्यति हि one is scared.

'It is because of suspicion that I did not approach you. Every one is scared when there is ample reason to fear.
केवलं हि सहाया मे हनुमत्प्रमुखास्त्विमे।

अतोऽहं धारयाम्यद्य प्राणान् कृच्छ्रगतोऽपि सन्4.8.36।।

केवलम् only, इमे these, हनुमत्प्रमुखाः Hanuman and other chiefs, मे to me, सहायाः helpful
ones, अतः therefore, अहम् I, कृच्छ्रगतोऽपि सन् in spite of all difficulties, अद्य now, प्राणान् life, धारयामि I am surviving.

'Only Hanuman and other chiefs are helping me. Therefore, I am surviving in spite of all difficulties.
एते हि कपयस्स्निग्धा मां रक्षन्ति समन्ततः।

सह गच्छन्ति गन्तव्ये नित्यं तिष्ठन्ति च स्थिते4.8.37।।

स्निग्धाः affectionate, एते these, कपयः monkeys, माम् me, समन्ततः on all sides, रक्षन्ति protecting, गन्तव्ये have to go, सह with any one, गच्छन्ति they go, स्थितौ stay when I stay, तिष्ठन्ति च stop.

'These monkeys out of love for me keep me protected from all sides. They go out with me when it is necessary and stay back whenever I stop (in order to guard me).
सङ्क्षेपस्त्वेष मे राम किमुक्त्वा विस्तरं हि ते।

स मे ज्येष्ठो रिपुर्भ्राता वाली विश्रुतपौरुषः4.8.38।।

राम O Rama, एषः this, मे my, सङ्क्षेपः in brief, ते to you, विस्तरम् in detail, उक्त्वा telling, किम् why, मे my, भ्राता brother, विश्रुतपौरुषः a man of wellknown prowess, सः वाली that Vali, रिपुः enemy.

'O Rama I tell you (my story) briefly. It is not necessary to go into details. My elder brother Vali, who is known for his prowess, is my enemy.
तद्विनाशाद्धि मे दुःखं प्रणष्टं स्यादनन्तरम्।

सुखं मे जीवितं चैव तद्विनाशनिबन्धनम्4.8.39।।

तद्विनाशाद्धि only after he is killed, अनन्तरम् thereafter, मे my, दुःखम् sorrow, प्रणष्टम् can vanish, स्यात् will be, मे my, सुखम् happiness, जीवितं चैव and life also, तद्विनाशनिबन्धनम् is subject to his destruction.

'My sorrow will go only with his death. My happiness and my life are also subject to his destruction.
एष मे राम शोकान्तश्शोकार्तेन निवेदितः।

दुःखितस्सुखितो वापि सख्युर्नित्यं सखा गतिः4.8.40।।

राम Rama, शोकार्तेन out of sorrow, मे my, एषः this, शोकान्तः end the sorrow, निवेदितः explained to you, सख्युः for a friend, दुःखितः unhappy, सुखितो वापि or happy, सखा a friend, गतिः is the only refuge.

'This what I had to tell you out of sorrow. This is how my sorrow will end. In joy and in sorrow your friend is your refuge.
श्रुत्वैतद्वचनं रामस्सुग्रीवमिदमब्रवीत्।

किं निमित्तमभूद्वैरं श्रोतुमिच्छामि तत्त्वतः4.8.41।।

रामः Rama, एतत् these, वचः words, श्रुत्वा hearing, सुग्रीवम् to Sugriva, इदम् these words, अब्रवीत् he spoke, किं निमित्तम् for what reason, वैरम् enmity, अभूत् was caused, तत्त्वतः truly, श्रोतुम् to hear, इच्छामि I wish

After hearing Sugriva, Rama said 'I wish to know the actual cause of this enmity.
सुखं हि कारणं श्रुत्वा वैरस्य तव वानर।

अनन्तरं विधास्यामि सम्प्रधार्य बलाबलम्4.8.42।।

वानर O monkey, तव your, वैरस्य enmity's, कारणम् cause, श्रुत्वा after hearing, बलाबलम् strength or weakness, सम्प्रधार्य after measuring, आनन्तर्यात् thereafter, सुखम् विधास्यामि I will take action to make you happy.

'On hearing the cause of your enmity and considering your strength and weakness, I will take steps to make you happy.
बलवान् हि ममामर्षश्श्रुत्वा त्वामवमानितम्।

वर्तते हृदयोत्कम्पी प्रावृड्वेग इवाम्भसः4.8.43।।

त्वाम् your, अवमानितम् insulted, श्रुत्वा after hearing, मम my, हृदयोत्कम्पी heart is agitated, बलवान् strong, आमर्षः restless, अम्भसः rain water, प्रापृड्वेग इव enraged , वर्तते feels

'On hearing about your humiliation I feel highly agitated at heart. I feel very much angry and restless like the water in rainy season.
हृष्टः कथय विस्रब्धो यावदारोप्यते धनुः।

सृष्टश्च हि मया बाणो निरस्तश्च रिपुस्तव4.8.44।।

मया by me, धनुः bow, यावत् until, आरोप्यते is strung, बाणः arrow, सृष्टश्च on the release, तव your, रिपुः enemy, निरस्तश्च will be destroyed, हृष्टः happily, विस्रब्धः freely, कथय speak.

'Tell me freely and cheerfully before I string the bow. Your enemy will be destroyed as soon as I release my arrow.'
एवमुक्तस्तु सुग्रीवः काकुत्स्थेन महात्मना।

प्रहर्षमतुलं लेभे चतुर्भिस्सह वानरैः4.8.45।।

महात्मना by the great, काकुत्स्थेन by Rama, एवम् that way, उक्तः having been told, सुग्रीवः Sugriva, चतुर्भिः with all the four, वानरैः सह with monkeys, अतुलम् immeasurable, प्रहर्षम् joy, लेभे felt.

When the great Rama said this, Sugriva with all the four monkeys felt immeasurably glad.
ततः प्रहृष्टवदनस्सुग्रीवो लक्ष्मणाग्रजे।

वैरस्य कारणं तत्त्वमाख्यातुमुपचक्रमे4.8.46।।

ततः then, प्रहृष्टवदनः smiling face, सुग्रीवः Sugriva, वैरस्य on account of enmity, कारणम् cause, तत्त्वम् facts, लक्ष्मणाग्रजे to the elder brother of Lakshmana, आख्यातुम् to tell, उपचक्रमे started.

With a smile on his face, Sugriva started narrating to Lakshmana's elder brother the facts about the cause of his enmity (with Vali).
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये किष्किन्धाकाण्डे अष्टमस्सर्गः
Thus ends the eighth sarga of Kishkindakanda of the Holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.