Sloka & Translation

[Episode of Vali's fight with Mayavi --- installation of Sugriva as king of Kishkinda --- return of Vali to Kishkinda.]

vālī nāma mama bhrātā jyēṣṭhaśśatruniṣūdanaḥ.

piturbahumatō nityaṅ mamāpi ca tathā purā4.9.1৷৷

śatruniṣūdanaḥ an exterminater of enemies, vālī nāma called Vali , mama my, jyēṣṭhaḥ bhrātā elder brother, nityam always, pituḥ father, bahumataḥ very highly regarded, purā earlier, mama cāpi even me also, tathā that way.

'My elder brother called Vali, capable of exterminating enemies was always highly regarded by my father and me.
pitaryuparatē.smākaṅ jyēṣṭhō.yamiti mantribhiḥ.

kapīnāmīśvarō rājyē kṛtaḥ paramasammataḥ4.9.2৷৷

tasmin he, pitari my father, uparatē demise, ayam this, jyēṣṭhaḥ iti being elder, rājyē in the kingdom, paramasammataḥ with the acceptance of all, kapīnām īśvaraḥ king of monkeys, mantribhiḥ including ministers, kṛtaḥ made.

rājyaṅ praśāsatastasya pitṛpaitāmahaṅ mahat.

ahaṅ sarvēṣu kālēṣu praṇataḥ prēṣyavat sthitaḥ4.9.3৷৷

aham I, mahat great, pitṛpaitāmaham inherited from ancestors, rājyam kingdom, praśāsataḥ while he was ruling, tasya his, sarvēṣu kālēṣu at all times, prēṣyavat like a servant, praṇataḥ an obedient one, sthitaḥ remained.

'I served him obediently like a servant while he ruled over the great ancestral kingdom inherited by him.
māyāvī nāma tējasvī pūrvajō dundubhēḥ sutaḥ.

tēna tasya mahadvairaṅ strīkṛtaṅ viśśrutaṅ purā4.9.4৷৷

dundabhēḥ Dundubhi's, pūrvajaḥ elder, sutaḥ son, māyāvī Mayavi, tējasvī a mighty one, purā in the past, tasya viśśrutaṅ well-known about him, tēna by him, strīkṛtam for the sake of a woman, mahat bitter, vairam enmity.

'Dundubhi's eldest son Mayabi was a mighty demon. He developed bitter enmity with Vali for the sake of a woman.
sa tu suptajanē rātrau kiṣkindhādvāramāgataḥ.

nardati sma susaṅrabdhō vālinaṅ cāhvayadraṇē4.9.5৷৷

rātrau at night, janē people, suptē were asleep, saḥ he, kiṣkindhādvāram entrance of Kishkindha, āgataḥ came, susaṅrabdhaḥ an agitated one, nardati sma bellowing, vālinam Vali, raṇē for war, āhvayat challenging.

'One midnight when all were asleep, he (Mayabi) came to the entrance of Kishkinda screaming angrily and bellowing at Vali, challenging him to a duel.
prasuptastu mama bhrātā narditaṅ bhairavasvanam.

śrutvā na mamṛṣē vālī niṣpapāta javāttadā4.9.6৷৷

tadā then, prasupta was sleeping, mama bhrātā my brother, vālī Vali, nardataḥ shouting, bhairavasvanam frightful sound, śrutvā after hearing, na mamṛṣē did not tolerate, javāt hastily, niṣpapāta jumped out.

' My brother Vali, who was asleep could not tolerate the frightful sound and jumped
out of bed hastily.
sa tu vai nissṛtaḥ krōdhāttaṅ hantumasurōttamam.

vāryamāṇastata strībhirmayā ca praṇatātmanā4.9.7৷৷

tataḥ then, saḥ he, strībhiḥ by women, praṇatātmanā by an obedient one, mayā ca and by me too, nivāryamāṇaḥ was prevented, tam him, asurōttamam powerful demon, hantum to kill, krōdhāt angrily, niḥsṛtaḥ came out.

'Enraged, he came out to kill the powerful demon even though I with the women-folk (of the harem) tried to prevent him.
sa tu nirdhūya tāḥ sarvā nirjagāma mahābalaḥ.

tatō.hamapi sauhārdānnissṛtō vālinā saha4.9.8৷৷

mahābalaḥ powerful, sa tu he too, tāḥ sarvāḥ all the women, nirdhūya pushing aside, nirjagāma went, tataḥ then, ahamapi I too, sauhārdāt out of love, vālinā saha accompanied Vali, niḥsṛtaḥ came out (to support him).

'That mighty warrior(Vali) came out, pushing aside all the women-folk. I too followed him due to my affection towards him.
sa tu mē bhrātaraṅ dṛṣṭvā māṅ ca dūrādavasthitam.

asurō jātasantrāsaḥ pradudrāva tatō bhṛśam4.9.9৷৷

saḥ he, asuraḥ tu demon also, mē bhrātaram my brother, dūrāt from a distance, avasthitam took my stand, māṅ ca and us, dṛṣṭvā after seeing, tadā then, bhṛśam very much, jātasantrāsaḥ felt scared, pradudrāva ran

'On seeing my brother and me from a distance, the demon took to his heels -scared.
tasmin dravati santrastē hyāvāṅ drutataraṅ gatau.

prakāśaśca kṛtō mārgaścandrēṇōdgacchatā tadā4.9.10৷৷

santrastē when frightened, tasmin him, dravati while running, āvām we also, drutataram faster, gatau both went, tadā then, udgacchatā while rising, candrēṇa by the Moon, mārgaḥ the path, prakāśaśca was well-lit, kṛtaḥ made.

'Frightened, he ran. We too chased him running faster. As the Moon was rising the path was well-lit.
sa tṛṇairāvṛtaṅ durgaṅ dharaṇyā vivaraṅ mahat.

pravivēśāsurō vēgādāvāmāsādya viṣṭhitau4.9.11৷৷

saḥ asuraḥ that demon, dharaṇyāḥ on earth, durgam difficult passage, tṛṇaiḥ by heaps of grass, āvṛtam covered, mahat great, vivaram a hole, pravivēśa entered, āvām both of us, āsādya reaching, viṣṭhitau we took position

'The demon entered into a hole (cave) covered with a heap of grass, difficult, therefore, of access. Both of us reached there and took position.
taṅ praviṣṭaṅ ripuṅ dṛṣṭvā bilaṅ rōṣavaśaṅ gataḥ.

māmuvāca tadā vālī vacanaṅ kṣubhitēndriyaḥ4.9.12৷৷

tadā then, bilam hole, praviṣṭam entered, taṅ ripum that enemy, dṛṣṭvā seeing, vālī Vali, rōṣavaśam angry, gataḥ went, kṣubhitēndriyaḥ senses stirred, mām to me, uvāca said.

'Seeing the enemy entering the cave, Vali became wrathful and his senses were terribly disturbed.He said to me:
iha tvaṅ tiṣṭha sugrīva biladvāri samāhitaḥ.

yāvattatra praviśyāhaṅ nihanmi sahasā ripum4.9.13৷৷

sugrīva O Sugriva!, aham I, tatra there, praviśya after entering, sahasā at once, ripum the enemy, yāvat nihanmi till I kill, samāhitaḥ being alert, adya now, iha here, biladvāri at the hole, tiṣṭha you wait, tvam yourself.

'O Sugriva! wait here at the entrance of the cave and be on your alert until I enter this hole and kill the enemy'.
mayā tvētadvacaśśrutvā yācitassa parantapaḥ.

śāpayitvā tu māṅ padbhyāṅ pravivēśa bilaṅ mahat4.9.14৷৷

ētat this, vacaḥ words, śrutvā after hearing, mayā me, yācitaḥ begged, parantapaḥ scorcher of enemies, saḥ he, mām me, padbhyām on his feet, śāpayitvā made me swear, mahat great, bilam cave, pravivēśa entered.

'On hearing him, I begged the scorcher of enemies (Vali) that I would follow him, but he made me swear on his feet and entered the cave.
tasya praviṣṭasya bilaṅ sāgrassaṅvatsarō gataḥ.

sthitasya mama biladvāri sa kālō vyatyavartata4.9.15৷৷

bilam cave, praviṣṭasya him who entered, tasya for him, sāgraḥ well over, saṅvatsarajña a year, gataḥ had passed, biladvāri at the entrance of the cave, sthitasya was waiting, saḥ kālaḥ all that year, vyatyavartata passed by.

ahaṅ tu naṣṭaṅ jñātvā taṅ snēhādāgatasambhramaḥ.

bhrātaraṅ na ca paśyāmi pāpāśaṅki ca mē manaḥ4.9.16৷৷

ahaṅ tu I also, tam him, naṣṭam dead, jñātvā after knowing, snēhāt due to love, āgata saṅbhramaḥ
became agitated, bhrātaram brother, na paśyāmi I have not seen, mē my, manaḥ mind, pāpāśaṅki ca suspected.

'Thinking him dead, I became agitated because of my love for him. My mind began to apprehend his death since I had not seen my brother for long.
atha dīrghasya kālasya bilāttasmādvinissṛtam.

saphēnaṅ rudhiraṅ raktamahaṅ dṛṣṭvā suduḥkhitaḥ৷৷4.9.17৷৷

atha then, dīrghasya kālasya after a long time, tasmāt from that, bilāt from the cave, viniḥsṛtam flowing down, saphēnam along with foam, rudhiram blood, dṛṣṭvā after seeing, tataḥ then, aham I, bhṛśaduḥkhitaḥ became very sad.

nardatāmasurāṇāṅ ca dhvanirmē śrōtramāgataḥ.

nirastasya ca saṅgrāmē krōśatōnissvanō gurōḥ4.9.18৷৷

nardatām roaring voices, asurāṇām of the demon, dhvaniḥ sound, mē to me, śrōtram to the ear, āgataḥ came to, saṅgrāmē in war, ratasta engaged, krōśatō vāpi or not of a shouting, gurōḥ of my brother, nissvanaḥ voice.

'I heard the roaring voices of the demons and not the yelling of my brother engaged in the duel.
ahaṅ tvavagatō buddhyā cihnaistairbhrātaraṅ hatam.

pidhāya ca biladvāraṅ śilayā girimātrayā4.9.19৷৷

śōkārtaścōdakaṅ kṛtvā kiṣkindhāmāgatassakhē.

gūhamānasya mē tattvaṅ yatnatō mantribhiśśrutam4.9.20৷৷

sakhē O friend!, ahaṅ tu I also, taiḥ by those, cihnaiḥ by the signs, bhrātaram my brother, hatam killed, buddhyā with my understanding, avagataḥ came to know, girimātrayā of the size of a mountain, śilayā with a rock, biladvāram the entrance of the mountain, pidhāya blocking, ca and, śōkārtaḥ immersed in sorrow, udakaṅ kṛtvā offering oblations, kiṣkindhām to Kishkindha, āgataḥ came, mē me, gūhamānasya intending to hide the fact, mantribhiḥ by the ministers, tattvam truth, yatnataḥ efforts, śrutam heard.

'O friend! by those signs I understood that my brother was killed and concluding that way I blocked the entrance of the cave with a rock of the size of a mountain and offered oblations to my brother and came to Kishkinda. I intended to hide the fact of Vali's death. But the ministers came to know the truth with their efforts.
tatō.haṅ taissamāgamya sammatairabhiṣēcitaḥ.

rājyaṅ praśāsatastasya nyāyatō mama rāghava!4.9.21৷৷

ājagāma ripuṅ hatvā vālī tamasurōttamam৷৷

tataḥ then, samētaiḥ by those coming together, taiḥ by them, samāgamya having assembled, aham I, abhiṣēcitaḥ I was consecrated, rāghava O Rama!, tasya mama to me (in such a condition), rājyam kingdom, nyāyataḥ lawfully, praśāsataḥ while I was ruling, saḥ vānaraḥ that monkey, ripum enemy, dānavam demon, hatvā after killing, ājagāma came back.

'Then all the ministers assembled together and consecrated me. While I was ruling the kingdom lawfully, Vali, the monkey came back after killing the enemy demon.
abhiṣiktaṅ tu māṅ dṛṣṭvā vālī saṅraktalōcanaḥ.

madīyānmantriṇō baddhvā paruṣaṅ vākyamabravīt4.9.22৷৷

abhiṣiktam consecrated, mām me, dṛṣṭvā on seeing, kōpāt angrily, saṅraktalōcanaḥ with his eyes turned red, madīyān those belonging to me, mantriṇaḥ at the ministers, baddhvā after imprisoning, paruṣam harsh, vākyam words, abravīt spoke.

'Seeing me on the throne, Vali became angry and his eyes turned red. He imprisoned
my ministers and spoke to me harshly.
nigrahē.pi samarthasya taṅ pāpaṅ prati rāghava.

na prāvartata mē buddhirbhrāturgauravayantritā4.9.23৷৷

rāghava Rama, nigrahē in resistance, api also, samarthasya of a capable one, mē my, buddhi: intellect, bhrātṛgauravayantritā controlled by my respect for my brother, taṅ pāpaṅ prati towards that sinner, na prāvartata did not advance.

'O Rama! even though I was capable of restraining the sinner, my intellect did not let me do so out of respect for my brother.
hatvā śatruṅ sa mē bhrātā pravivēśa puraṅ tadā4.9.24৷৷

mānayaṅstaṅ mahātmānaṅ yathāvaccābhyavādayam.

uktāśca nāśiṣastēna santuṣṭēnāntarātmanā4.9.25৷৷

mē bhrātā my brother, saḥ he, śatrum enemy, hatvā after killing, tadā then, puram town, pravivēśa he entered, mahātmānam great man, tam him, mānayan while I respected, yathāvat as usual, abhyavādayam I offered salutations, tēna by him, santuṣṭēna gladly, antarātmanā wholeheartedly, āśiṣaḥ blessings, nōktāḥ were not pronounced.

'When my brother came back to the town after killing the enemy, I offered as usual my salutations to him. But he did not bless me wholeheartedly.
natvā pādāvahaṅ tasya makuṭēnāspṛśaṅ prabhō

api vālī mama krōdhānna prasādaṅ cakāra saḥ4.9.26৷৷

prabhō O Lord, aham I, natvā bowing, tasya pādau at his feet, makuṭēna with my crown, aspṛśam I touched, api even then, saḥ vālī that Vali, krōdhāt angrily, mama my, prasādam pleasure, na cakāra not accepted.

'O lord! I bowed at his feet with my crown in total submission. Even then Vali was not pleased a bit.
ityārṣē śrīmadrāmāyaṇē vālmīkīya ādikāvyē kiṣkindhākāṇḍē navamassargaḥ৷৷
Thus ends the ninth sarga of Kishkindakanda of the Holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.