Sloka & Translation


[Hanuman chances upon Mandodari, wife of Ravana -- mistakes her for Sita on account of her beauty and charm.]

तत्र दिव्योपमं मुख्यं स्फाटिकं रत्नभूषितम्।

अवेक्षमाणो हनुमान् ददर्श शयनासनम्।।5.10.1।।

दान्तकाञ्चनचित्राङ्गैर्वैडूर्यैश्च वरासनैः।

महार्हास्तरणोपेतैरुपपन्नं महाधनैः।।5.10.2।।

तत्र there, आवेक्षमाणः while looking around, हनुमान् Hanuman, दिव्योपमम् fine, heavenly मुख्यम् foremost, स्फाटिकम् made with crystals, रत्नभूषितम् encrusted with gems, दान्तकाञ्चनचित्राङ्गैः inlaid with colourful ivory and gold, वैडूर्यैः with Vaidurya, महार्हास्तरणोपेतैः with exquisite coverings, महाधनैः rich, वरासनैः fine dais, उपेतम् endowed with, शयनासनम् couch, ददर्श observed.

Looking around, Hanuman noticed a bed chamber, with a heavenly dais on which he saw a couch encrusted with crystals, vaidurya, and inlaid with colourful ivory and gold. It had an exquisite rich covering.
तस्य चैकतमे देशे सोऽग्य्रमालाविभूषितम्।

ददर्श पाण्डुरं छत्रं ताराधिपतिसन्निभम्।।5.10.3।।

सः that Hanuman, तस्य its, एकतमे in one, देशे spot, अग्य्रमालाविभूषितम् decorated with best of garlands, ताराधिपतिसन्निभम् like the Moon, पाण्डुरम् white, छत्रम् umbrella, ददर्श saw.

Hanuman saw an umbrella in one spot decorated with the best of garlands. The white umbrella looked like the Moon, lord of stars.
जातरूपपरिक्षिप्तं चित्रभानुसमप्रभम्।

अशोकमालाविततं ददर्श परमासनम्।।5.10.4।।

वालव्यजनहस्ताभिर्वीज्यमानं समन्ततः।

गन्धैश्च विविधैर्जुष्टं वरधूपेन धूपितम्।।5.10.5।।


दामभिर्वरमाल्यानां समन्तादुपशोभितम्।।5.10.6।।

जातरूपपरिक्षिप्तम् made of gold, चित्रभानुसमप्रभम् shining like the Sun, अशोकमालाविततम् decorated with Ashoka flowers, वालव्यजनहस्ताभिः women holding fans made of the hair of chamari deer, समन्ततः all over, वीज्यमानम् he was being, विविधैः several, गन्धैः with fragrants, जुष्टम् full of, वरधूपेन with excellent fragrants, धूपितम् smoky, परमास्तरणास्तीर्णम् spread with the best of bedspreads, आविकाजिनसंवृतम् covered with soft sheep skin, समन्तात् all over, वरमाल्यानाम् of beautiful garlands, दामभिः by strings, उपशोभितम् delightfullooking, परमासनम् exquisite couch, ददर्श saw.

He saw an exquisite couch made of gold shining wonderfully like the Sun. It was decorated with ashoka flowers. Women were holding fans of chamari deer. It was upholstered with the best of bedspreads made of soft sheep skin and adorned with beautiful strings of flower garlands. Scented with aromatic smoke, it was refreshed with fragrance which had spread all over the place.
तस्मिन् जीमूतसंकाशं प्रदीप्तोत्तमकुण्डलम्।

लोहिताक्षं महाबाहुं महारजतवाससम्।।5.10.7।।

लोहितेनानुलिप्ताङ्गं चन्दनेन सुगन्धिना।

सन्ध्यारक्तमिवाकाशे तोयदं सतटिद्गणम्।।5.10.8।।

वृतमाभरणैर्दिव्यैः सुरूपं कामरूपिणम्।

सवृक्षवनगुल्माढ्यं प्रसुप्तमिव मन्दरम्।।5.10.9।।

क्रीडित्वोपरतं रात्रौ वराभरणभूषितम्।

प्रियं राक्षसकन्यानां राक्षसानां सुखावहम्।।5.10.10।।

पीत्वाऽप्युपरतं चापि ददर्श स महाकपिः।

भास्वरे शयने वीरं प्रसुप्तं राक्षसाधिपम्।।5.10.11।।

सः that, महाकपिः great monkey, जीमूतसंकाशम् like a cloud, प्रदीप्तोत्तमकुण्डलम् with flashing earrings, लोहिताक्षम् with red eyes, महाबाहुम् of huge arms, महारजतवाससम् adorned in robes of silver texture, लोहितेन redcoloured, सुगन्धिना fragrants, चन्दनेन of sandal, अनुलिप्ताङ्गम् limbs smeared with, दिव्यैः wonderful, आभरणैः with ornaments, वृतम् decked, सन्ध्यारक्तम् at twilight, सतटिद्गणम् streaked with lightning, आकाशे in the sky, तोयदमिव like a cloud, सुरूपम् form, कामरूपिणम् one who could change form at free will, वराभरणभूषितम् adorned with choicest ornaments, रात्रौ in the night, क्रीडित्वा after enjoyment, उपरतम् resting, सवृक्षवनगुल्माढ्यम् rich with trees and wild bushes, प्रसुप्तम् sleeping, मन्दरम् इव like a Mandara mountain, राक्षसकन्यानाम् for ogresses, प्रियम् beloved, राक्षसानाम् for demons, सुखावहम् bringer of joy, पीत्वा after drinking, उपरतम् resting on, तस्मिन् on that, भास्वरे glittering, शयने on bed, प्रसुप्तम् sleeping, वीरम् heroic, राक्षसाधिकम् lord of demons, ददर्श saw.

Hanuman saw the mightyarmed, heroic lord of demons, sleeping with huge bloodshot eyes looking like a cloud, he was adorned with flashing earrings, and clad in robes of silver texture. His body was smeared with red sandal paste of sweet fragrance. Therefore, he looked like a cloud reddened by twilight and flashing with the lightning of his ornaments. He was handsome and could assume any form at will. He looked like Mandara mountain surrounded thickly with trees and wild bushes. Decked with exquisite ornaments, he was sleeping after dalliance at night on that glittering couch. He was the beloved of the ogresses and bringer of joy to them
निःश्वसन्तं यथा नागं रावणं वानरर्षभः।

आसाद्य परमोद्विग्नस्सोपासर्पत्सुभीतवत्।।5.10.12।।

सः वानरर्षभः the bull among the vanaras, नागं यथा like a snake, निःश्वसन्तम् breathing
heavily, रावणम् Ravana, आसाद्य having reached, परमोद्विग्नः very frightened, सुभीतवत् like a person in terrible fear, अपासर्पत् drew away

Having reached Ravana, who was breathing (hissing) like a snake, Hanuman was for a moment frightened and drew away from him as if he was put to terrible fear.
अथाऽऽरोहणमासाद्य वेदिकाऽन्तरमाश्रितः।

सुप्तं राक्षसशार्दूलं प्रेक्षते स्म महाकपिः।।5.10.13।।

महाकपिः great vanara, अथ then, आरोहणम् stairway, आसाद्य on reaching, वेदिकान्तरम् another altar, आश्रितः approached, सुप्तम् sleeping, राक्षसशार्दूलम् tiger among ogres, प्रेक्षते स्म glanced once again.

The great vanara ascended the stairway and reached another altar and once again looked at the sleeping Ravana, the tiger among demons.
शुशुभे राक्षसेन्द्रस्य स्वपतः शयनोत्तमम्।

गन्धहस्तिनि संविष्टे यथा प्रस्रवणं महत्।।5.10.14।।

स्वपतः sleeping, राक्षसेन्द्रस्य lord of rakshasa's, शयनोत्तमम् magnificent couch, गन्धहस्तिनि elephant in rut, संविष्टे is sleeping, महत् great, प्रस्रवणं यथा like Prasravana hill, शुशुभे looked lovely.

While the lord of demons lay asleep on the magnificent couch, he looked like the Prasravana hill with its elephant in rut.
काञ्चनाङ्गदसन्नध्दै च ददर्श स महात्मनः।

विक्षिप्तौ राक्षसेन्द्रस्य भुजाविन्द्रध्वजोपमौ।।5.10.15।।


वज्रोल्लिखितपीनांसौ विष्णुचक्रपरिक्षतौ।।5.10.16।।

पीनौ समसुजातांसौ संगतौ बलसंयुतौ।

सुलक्षणनखाङ्गुष्ठा स्वङ्गुलीतललक्षितौ।।5.10.17।।

संहतौ परिघाकारौ वृत्तौ करिकरोपमौ।

विक्षिप्तौ शयने शुभ्रे पञ्चशीर्षाविवोरगौ।।5.10.18।।

शशक्षतजकल्पेन सुशीतेन सुगन्धिना।

चन्दनेन परार्ध्येन स्वनुलिप्तौ स्वलङ्कृतौ।।5.10.19।।

उत्तमस्त्रीविमृदितौ गन्धोत्तमनिषेवितौ।


सः that, महात्मनः the great self, राक्षसेन्द्रस्य demon king's, काञ्चनाङ्गदनसद्धौ two arms adorned with golden straps, विक्षिप्तौ ल्यिन्ग lying, इन्द्रध्वजोपमौ like the pair of flag staff of Indra, ऐरावतविषाणाग्रैः torn by Iravata, the vehicle of Indra, आपीडनकृतव्रणौ having scars caused by injury, वज्रोल्लिखितपीनांसौ arms with scars caused by the thunderbolt of Indra, विष्णुचक्रपरिक्षतौ wounded by Visnu's discus, पीनौ fleshy, समसुजातांसौ wellbuilt, fleshy arms, सङ्गतौ tough, बलसंयुतौ strong, सुलक्षणनखाङ्गुष्ठौ on shapely thumb nails, स्वङ्गुलीतल लक्षितौ on shapely palms and fingers, संहतौ wellfixed, परिघाकारौ like iron crowbars, वृत्तौ rounded, करिकरोपमौ resembling elephant tusk, शुभ्रे on a clean, शयने couch, विक्षिप्तौ lying, पञ्चशीर्षौ like fivehooded, उरगौ इव like two serpents, शशक्षतजकल्पेन like the colour of the hare's blood, सुशीतेन by cool, सुगन्धिना with fragrant, परार्थ्येन fine, चन्दनेन by sandal paste, स्वनुलिप्तौ be smeared, स्वलङ्कृतौ welldecorated, उत्तमस्त्रीविमृदितौ massaged by the best of women, गन्धोत्तमनिषेवितौ anointed by best of fragrants, यक्षपन्नगगन्धर्वदेवदानवराविणौ which can make yakshas, pannagas, gandharvas, gods and demons cry in terror, भुजौ arms, ददर्श saw.

Hanuman saw the great Ravana's arms, which were like a pair of Indra's flag staff adorned with golden straps. The arms bore the marks of wounds caused by Airavata, (Indra's elephant), torn by the thunderbolt of Indra in war, and wounded by the discus of Lord Visnu. His strong, fleshy, wellbuilt arms, having auspicious thumbnails, shapely fingers and palms, pressed together, resembled the iron crowbars or beam used for main doors. The arms resembled elephant's trunks, tossed on a clean bed,
resembling two fivehooded snakes (fingers like hoods), besmeared with cool, fragrant, red sandalpaste of excellent quality which looked red like the hare's blood. They were well massaged by the best of women with fine, fragrant sandal paste. They were the arms which could make yakshas, pannagas, gods and demons roar in fear at their sight.
ददर्श स कपिस्तत्र बाहू शयनसंस्थितौ।

मन्दरस्यांतरे सुप्तौ महाही रुषिताविव।।5.10.21।।

सः कपिः that vanara, तत्र there, मन्दरस्य mount Mandara's, अन्तरे in the cave, सुप्तौ asleep, रुषितौ angry, महाही इव like two serpents, शयनसंस्थितौ placed on the bed, बाहू two arms, ददर्श saw.

The vanara, gazed at the arms of Ravana placed on the couch that appeared like two angry snakes asleep in a cave on (the lap) of mount Mandara.
ताभ्यां स परिपूर्णाभ्यां भुजाभ्यां राक्षसेश्वरः।

शुशुभेऽचलसङ्काशः शृङ्गाभ्यामिव मन्दरः।।5.10.22।।

अचलसङ्काशः (he) appeared like a mountain, सः he, राक्षसेश्वरः lord of demon, परिपूर्णाभ्याम् fully developed, ताभ्याम् with both of them, भुजाभ्याम् with arms, शृङ्गाभ्याम् with two peaks, मन्दरः इव resembled mount Mandara, शुशुभे shone.

The lord of demons looked splendid like a mountain with his long, fully developed arms. He appeared like Mandara mountain with two lofty peaks.

मृष्टान्नरससंयुक्तः पानगन्धपुरस्कृतः।।5.10.23।।

तस्य राक्षससिंहस्य निश्चक्राम महामुखात्।

शयानस्य विनिःश्वासः पूरयन्निव तद् गृहम्।।5.10.24।।

शयानस्य while he was sleeping, तस्य राक्षससिंहस्य of that of lion of demons, महामुखात् from his huge mouth, चूतपुन्नागसुरभिः fragrance of Punnaga and Mango blossoms, वकुलोत्तमसंयुतः and mixed with the fragrance of the best of Bakula flowers, मृष्टान्नरससंयुक्तः mixed with aroma of rich food, पानगन्धपुरस्सरः and also of the aroma of drinks, विनिःश्वासः breath, तत् that, गृहम् home, पूरयन्निव pervading as though, निश्चक्राम spread out.

The breath released from the huge mouth of that lion of demons carried the fragrance of mango and punnaga as well as excellent Bakula flowers. It exuded the aroma of rich and delicious food and different drink. It was as though pervading the whole chamber.
मुक्तामणिविचित्रेण काञ्चनेन विराजितम्।

मकुटेनापवृत्तेन कुण्डलोज्वलिताननम्।।5.10.25।।

रक्तचन्दनदिग्धेन तथा हारेण शोभिना।

पीनायतविशालेन वक्षसाऽभिविराजितम्।।5.10.26।।

पाण्डरेणापविद्धेन क्षौमेण क्षतजेक्षणम्।

महार्हेण सुसंवीतं पीतेनोत्तमवाससा।।5.10.27।।

माषराशिप्रतीकाशं निश्श्वसन्तं भुजङ्गवत्।

गाङ्गे महति तोयान्ते प्रसुप्तमिव कुञ्जरम्।।5.10.28।।

चतुर्भिः काञ्चनैर्दीपैद्धीप्यमानचतुर्दिशम्।

प्रकाशीकृतसर्वाङ्गं मेघं विद्युद्गणैरिव।।5.10.29।।

पादमूलगताश्चापि ददर्श सुमहात्मनः।

पत्नी: स प्रियभार्यस्य तस्य रक्षःपतेर्गृहे।।5.10.30।।

सः that, तस्य रक्षःपतेः of Ravana, the lord of demons, गृहे in the palace, मुक्तामणिविचित्रेण
studded with pearls and gems, काञ्चनेन by gold, अपवृत्तेन kept aside, मकुटेन by a crown, विराजितम् glittering, कुण्डलोज्वलिताननम् face shining with earrings, रक्तचन्दनदिग्धेन smeared with bright red sandal paste, हारेण by a string of pearls, शोभिना shining, पीनायतविशालेन fleshy and broad, वक्षसा on the chest, अभिविराजितम् very splendid, पाण्डरेण white, अपविद्धेन in disarray, क्षौमेण by silken cloth, क्षतजेक्षणम् having bloodred eyes, महार्हेण with an excellent, पीतेन with yellow, उत्तमवाससा with very expensive cloth, सुसंवीतम् covered well,माषराशिप्रतीकाशम् resembling a heap of blackbeans, भुजङ्गवत् like a snake, निःश्वसन्तम् sighing heavily, महति in a large, गाङ्गे on Ganga, तोयान्ते on the edge of water, प्रसुप्तम् sleeping, कुञ्जरम् इव like the elephant, काञ्चनैः golden,चतुर्भिः with four, दीपैः with lamps, दीप्यमानचतुर्दिशम् illumined on all four sides, विद्युद्गणैः by the flashes of lightning, प्रकाशीकृतसर्वाङ्गम् all his limbs lit up, प्रियभार्यस्य and his dear wives, सुमहात्मनः that great Ravana, पादमूलगताः seated at the feet, पत्नीश्च wives, ददर्श saw.

Hanuman saw Ravana, whose face was lit up by his earrings. His shining headgear studded with gold and pearls was set aside. His fleshy, broad chest on which the pearl necklace had slightly receded from its position(as he was asleep) was shining along with the red sandal paste. He had put on a splendid white silken cloth which had also slipped a little and was covered with exquisitely rich yellow upper garment. His eyes were bloodred. His body was comparable to a heap of blackbeans. He was sighing heavily like a hissing snake. He appeared like an elephant sleeping on the banks of the great river Ganges. With four golden lamps glowing on four sides of the bed,the four directions were illuminated. All his limbs lit up bright (with the glow of lamps), he looked like a cloud with streaks of lightning. His dear wives were seen resting at his feet in the palace of the lord of demons.

अम्लानमाल्याभरणा ददर्श हरियूथपः।।5.10.31।।

हरियूथपः leader of vanaras, शशिप्रकाशवदनाः women with faces splendid like the Moon, चारुकुण्डलभूषिताः adorned with beautiful earrings, अम्लानमाल्याभरणाः wearing ever fresh garlands of flowers, ददर्श saw.

Hanuman, the leader of vanaras found the wives of Ravana, whose faces were bright as the Moon, adorned with beautiful earrings and fresh floral garlands.
नृत्तवादित्रकुशला राक्षसेन्द्रभुजाङ्कगाः।

वराभरणधारिण्यो निषण्णा ददृशे हरिः।।5.10.32।।

हरिः Hanuman, नृत्तवादित्रकुशलाः women proficient in dancing and playing musical instruments, राक्षसेन्द्रभुजाङ्कगाः resting on his arms and lap, वराभरणधारिण्यः wearing fine jewellery,निषण्णाः leaning,ददृशेsaw.

Hanuman saw the women there wearing fine jewellery, performing dances, playing musical instruments, and resting on the lap or leaning on the arms of the demon king.
वज्रवैडूर्यगर्भाणि श्रवणान्तेषु योषिताम्।

ददर्श तापनीयानि कुण्डलान्यङ्गदानि च।।5.10.33।।

योषिताम् of those women there, श्रवणान्तेषु fixed to their ears, वज्रवैडूर्यगर्भाणि encrusted with diamonds and Vaidurya, तापनीयानि shining armlets of gold, कुण्डलानि earrings, अङ्गदानि च and Angadas (bracelets worn on upper arms), ददर्श saw.

He noticed on the earlobes of the the women gold earrings decked with diamonds and vaidurya. They were wearing shining armlets of gold.
तासां चन्द्रोपमैर्वक्त्रैश्शुभैर्ललितकुण्डलैः।

विरराज विमानं तन्नभस्तारागणैरिव।।5.10.34।।

ललितकुण्डलैः by lovely earrings, चन्द्रोपमैः Moon like, शुभैः by beautiful, तासाम् their, वक्त्रै: with countenance, तत् विमानम् that exceptional cot, तारागणैः with hosts of stars, नभः इव like the sky, विरराज resplendent.

There the beautiful moonlike faces of women Illumined by the lovely earrings lay on the cot which looked resplendent like the sky lit up with hosts of stars.
मदव्यायामखिन्नास्ता राक्षसेन्द्रस्य योषितः।

तेषु तेष्ववकाशेषु प्रसुप्तास्तनुमध्यमाः।।5.10.35।।

मदव्यायामखिन्नाः exhausted by drinking, तनुमध्यमाः women of slender waist, ताः those, राक्षसेन्द्रस्य demon king's, योषितः wives, तेषु तेषु here and there, अवकाशेषु after having dalliance, प्रसुप्ताः slept.

Exhausted by drinking and indulging in amorous sport, the consorts of Ravana slept here and there with their visible slender waists.
अङ्गहारैस्तथैवान्या कोमलैर्नृत्तशालिनी।

विन्यस्तशुभसर्वाङ्गी प्रसुप्ता वरवर्णिनी।।5.10.36।।

अन्या a certain woman, नृत्तशालिनी a danseuse, वरवर्णिनी of exceedingly beautiful complexion, कोमलैः with delicate, अङ्गहारैः rythmicmovements of dance, तथैव due to her dance habit, विन्यस्तशुभसर्वाङ्गी held her limbs in a dance posture, प्रसुप्ता slept.

Another woman exceedingly beautiful and a delicate danseuse of beautiful complexion and rhythmic movements held her limbs in a dancing posture (though asleep) due to her habit .
काचिद्वीणां परिष्वज्य प्रसुप्ता सम्प्रकाशते।

महानदीप्रकीर्णेव नलिनी पोतमाश्रिता।।5.10.37।।

वीणाम् veena, परिष्वज्य hugging, प्रसुप्ता slept, काचित् one (woman), महानदीप्रकीर्णा floating in a large river, पोतम् a boat, आश्रिता holding, नलिनीव like a lotusplant, सम्प्रकाशते shines.

Another woman slept hugging her veena. She shone like a lotus plant flung in a large river, clinging on to a boat. (Veena is compared to a boat and the woman to a lotusplant in the ambience of flowing waters of the river. The entire hall had put up such a dynamic view showing hectic life of the inmates).
अन्या कक्षगतेनैव मड्डुकेनासितेक्षणा।

प्रसुप्ता भामिनी भाति बालपुत्रेव वत्सला।।5.10.38।।

कक्षगतेनैव held on her armpit, मड्डुकेन with Madduka drum, इव like प्रसुप्ता sleeping, अन्याः other, असितेक्षणा darkeyed, वत्सला lovingly, बालपुत्रा held a baby, भामिनीव a beautiful lady, भाति splendid.

A woman with dark eyes asleep with a drum placed in her armpit looked like a beautiful mother holding her loving baby (the drum was hung to her arm with a rope).
पटहं चारुसर्वाङ्गी पीड्य शेते शुभस्तनी।

चिरस्य रमणं लब्ध्वा परिष्वज्येव भामिनी।।5.10.39।।

चारुसर्वाङ्गी charming lady, शुभस्तनी of beautiful breasts, भामिनी beauty, चिरस्य a long time, रमणम् pleasure, लब्ध्वा having got, परिष्वज्येव as if hugged, पटहम् a tambourine, पीड्य held tight, शेते slept.

Another charming beauty endowed with beautiful breasts lay hugging a tambourine as though a passionate woman lay embracing her lover whom she secured after a long time.
काचिद्वंशं परिष्वज्य सुप्ता कमललोचना।

रहः प्रियतमं गृह्य सकामेव च कामिनी।।5.10.40।।

कमललोचना lotuseyed, काचित् yet another lady, वंशम् lute, परिष्वज्य embracing, रहः in privacy, प्रियतमम् lover, गृह्य holding, सकामा in love, कामिनीव like a lover, सुप्ता slept.

Yet another lotuseyed lady slept embracing a lute as if a lovelorn woman lay clasping her lover.
विपञ्चीं परिगृह्यान्या नियता नृत्तशालिनी।

निद्रावशमनुप्राप्ता सह कान्तेव भामिनी।।5.10.41।।

नृत्तशालिनी a lady graceful in dance, अन्या other, विपञ्चीम् sevenstringed lute, परिगृह्य
holding, नियता selfpossessed one, सहकान्ता along with her lover, इव like, भामिनीव loved one, निद्रावशम् while sleeping, अनुप्राप्ता overtaken.

Another selfpossessed lady, graceful in dance, holding a sevenstringed lute was as though lying asleep with her beloved.
अन्या कनकसङ्काशैर्मृदुपीनैर्मनोरमैः।

मृदङ्गं परिपीड्याङ्गैः प्रसुप्ता मत्तलोचना।।5.10.42।।

मत्तलोचना a lady of drunken eyes, अन्या another, कनकसङ्काशै: of golden complexion, मृदुपीनैः soft bosom, मनोहरैः delightful, अङ्गैः limbs, मृदङ्गम् drum, परिपीड्य holding, प्रसुप्ता slept.

Another lady with drunken eyes lay fast asleep holding a drum close to her beautiful bosom with her soft limbs. (These images show that these women were singing and dancing till late night and slept exhausted).
भुजपार्श्वान्तरस्थेन कक्षगेन कृशोदरी।

पणवेव सहानिन्द्या सुप्ता मदकृतश्रमा।।5.10.43।।

अनिन्द्या flawless, कृशोदरी of slender stomach, मदकृतश्रमा exhausted by drunkenness, भुजपर्श्वान्तरस्थेन pressed to her bosom, कक्षगेन into her armpit, पणवेन सह with tabor, सुप्ता slept

Another lady of slender belly, who had been exhausted by drunkeness was lying with a tabor pressed to her bosom and inserted in her armpit.
डिण्डिमं परिगृह्यान्या तथैवासक्तडिण्डिमा।

प्रसुप्ता तरुणं वत्समुपगूह्येव भामिनी।।5.10.44।।

आसक्तडिण्डिमा holding a drum, अन्या another one, डिण्डिमम् drum, परिगृह्य having held, तथैव in the same position, तरुणम् young, वत्सम् child, उपगुह्य by holding, इव like प्रसुप्ता slept,
भामिनी lovely lady

One lovely woman and another held a drum and slept as if they were hugging their young child.
काचिदाडम्बरं नारी भुजसंयोगपीडितम्।

कृत्वा कमलपत्राक्षी प्रसुप्ता मदमोहिता।।5.10.45।।

कमलपत्राक्षी eyes like lotus petals, काचित् yet another, नारी woman, आडम्बरम् Adambaram, a musical instrument, भुजसंयोगपीडितम् held tightly in her arms, कृत्वा having made, मदमोहिता deluded with passion, प्रसुप्ता slept.

Yet another with her eyes like lotus petals deluded with passion tightly held in her arms a musical instrument known as Adambaram and slept.
कलशीमपविध्यान्या प्रसुप्ता भाति भामिनी।

वसन्ते पुष्पशबला मालेव परिमार्जिता।।5.10.46।।

कलशीम् goblet filled with water, अपविध्य by turning aside, प्रसुप्ता slept, अन्या भामिनी another lovely one, वसन्ते in Spring, परिमार्जिता swept away, पुष्पशबला of variegated flowers, मालेव garland like, भाति appeared.

Another lovely lady was fast asleep, having turned a goblet of water aside, yet another lay like a garland of variegated flowers in spring season.
पाणिभ्यां च कुचौ काचित्सुवर्णकलशोपमौ।

उपगूह्याबला सुप्ता निद्राबलपराजिता।।5.10.47।।

काचित् yet another, अबला woman, पाणिभ्याम् with both her hands, सुवर्णकलशोपमौ like golden goblets, कुचौ breasts, उपगूह्य pressing, निद्राबलपराजिता overpowered with sleep, सुप्ता slept.

Overcome with sleep another woman lay pressing with her own hands her golden gobletlike breasts.
अन्या कमलपत्राक्षी पूर्णेन्दुसदृशानना।

अन्यामालिङ्ग्य सुश्रोणीं प्रसुप्ता मदविह्वला।।5.10.48।।

कमलपत्राक्षी eyes like lotus petals, पूर्णेन्दुसदृशानना face like the fullmoon, अन्या another one, मदविह्वला drowsy with drunkeness, सुश्रोणीम् with beautiful hips, अन्याम् other, आलिङ्ग्य having embraced, प्रसुप्ता slept.

One woman with eyes like lotus petals and face like the fullmoon embraced another young woman of beautiful hips and slept tipsy with drink.
आतोद्यानि विचित्राणि परिष्वज्य वरस्त्रियः।

निपीड्य च कुचैस्सुप्ता कामिन्यः कामुकानिव।।5.10.49।।

वरस्त्रियः exquisite women, विचित्राणि of many wonderful kinds, आतोद्यानि musical instruments, परिष्वज्य embraced, कामिन्यः passionate women, कामुकानिव as if their loved ones, कुचैः with their bosom, निपीड्य by holding, सुप्ता slept.

Some charming maidens held wonderful musical instruments pressing against their bosom and slept like passionate women embracing their loved ones.
तासामेकान्तविन्यस्ते शयानां शयने शुभे।

ददर्श रूपसम्पन्नामपरां स कपिः स्त्रियम्।।5.10.50।।

सः कपिः that vanara, तासाम् among them, एकान्तविन्यस्ते lying separately, शुभे excellent, शयने bed, शयानाम् sleeping, रूपसम्पन्नाम् richly endowed with beauty, स्त्रियम् women, ददर्श saw.

Hanuman saw some maidens lying on separate excellent beds, women richly endowed with beautysleeping.
मुक्तामणिसमायुक्तैर्भूषणैः सुविभूषिताम्।

विभूषयन्तीमिव तत्स्वश्रिया भवनोत्तमम्।।5.10.51।।

गौरीं कनकवर्णाभामिष्टामन्तः पुरेश्वरीम्।

कपिर्मन्दोदरीं तत्र शयानां चारुरूपिणीम्।।5.10.52।।

कपिः vanara, मुक्तामणिसमायुक्तै: with pearls and gems, भूषणैः with ornaments, सुविभूषिताम् well decorated, स्वश्रिया by her radiance, तत् that, भवनोत्तमम् that excellent mansion, विभूषयन्तीमिव as if decorating, गौरीम् woman of golden complexion, कनकवर्णाभाम् of golden complexion, इष्टाम् favourite, अन्तःपुरेश्वरीम् queen of the harem, तत्र there, शयानाम् sleeping, चारुरूपिणीम् very beautiful, मन्दोदरीम् Mandodari.

Then the vanara saw a very beautiful woman of golden complexion decked with pearls and gems and with ornaments as if illuminating the excellent mansion with her splendour She was the king's favourite and the chief queen, Mandodari.
स तां दृष्ट्वा महाबाहुर्भूषितां मारुतात्मजः।

तर्कयामास सीतेति रूपयौवनसम्पदा।।5.10.53।

हर्षेण महता युक्तो ननन्द हरियूथपः।

महाबाहुः with long arms, सः मारुतात्मजः that son of the Windgod, भूषिताम् decorated, ताम् her, दृष्ट्वा on seeing, रूपयौवनसम्पदा by the wealth of her beauty and charm, सीतेति 'this is Sita', तर्कयामास deliberated, हरियूथपः chief of vanara, महता with great, हर्षेण joy, युक्तः endowed, ननन्द rejoiced.

On seeing her embellished with ornaments, beauty and charm, the long armed son of the Windgod, the chief of the vanaras thought her to be Sita and rejoiced.
आस्फोटयामास चुचुम्ब पुच्छं ननन्द चिक्रीड जगौ जगाम।

स्तम्भानरोहन्निपपात भूमौ निदर्शयन् स्वां प्रकृतिं कपीनाम्।।5.10.54।।

आस्फोटयामास clapped his palms, पुच्छम् tail, चुचुम्ब kissed, ननन्द rejoiced, चिक्रीड played, जगौ sang songs, जगाम went about, स्वाम् himself, कपीनाम् of being monkeys, प्रकृतिम् nature, निदर्शयन् while exhibiting, स्तम्भान् pillars, अरोहन् while climbing up, भूमौ on the land, निपपात jumped down.

He rejoiced clapping his palms, kissing his tail and jumping up, climbing up the pillars and jumping down on the ground in joy. Thus he exhibited his monkey nature.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये सुन्दरकाण्डे दशमस्सर्गः।
Thus ends the tenth sarga of Sundarakanda of the holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.