Sloka & Translation


[Hanuman makes a thorough search of Ravana's palace for Sita.]

स तस्य मध्ये भवनस्य मारुति


जगाम सीतां प्रति दर्शनोत्सुको

न चैव तां पश्यति चारुदर्शनाम्।।5.12.1।।

सः मारुतिः Maruti, तस्य of that, भवनस्य mansion's, मध्ये midst, सीतां प्रति towards Sita, दर्शनोत्सुकः with eagerness to find, लतागृहान् homes of creepers, चित्रगृहान् picture galleries, निशागृहान् dormitories for rest at night, जगाम went, चारुदर्शनाम् beautiful lady, ताम् that Sita, न चैव पश्यति did not find her.

Anxious to find Sita, Hanuman revisited the bowers of creepers, picture galleries and domitories located in the midst of the mansion, but did not find that beautiful Sita.
स चिन्तयामास ततो महाकपिः

प्रियामपश्यन्रघुनन्दनस्य ताम्।

ध्रुवं हि सीता म्रियते यथा न मे

विचिन्वतो दर्शनमेति मैथिली।।5.12.2।।

ततः then, सः महाकपिः that great monkey, रघुनन्दनस्य Rama's, प्रियाम् beloved, ताम् her, अपश्यन् while being unable to find, चिन्तयामास started thinking, मैथिली Mythili, विचिन्वतः while searching, मे to me, यथा as, दर्शनम् her sight, न उपैति not appears, सीता Sita, ध्रुवम् surely, म्रियते dead.

The great monkey, unable to find the beloved of Rama thought Sita might not be surviving. So he started thinking, ' I could not see her even though I have searched all
सा राक्षसानां प्रवरेण जानकी

स्वशीलसंरक्ष्णतत्परा सती।

अनेन नूनं प्रति दुष्टकर्मणा

हता भवेदार्यपथे परे स्थिता।।5.12.3।।

परे best, आर्यपथे on a noble path, स्थिता follower, सा जानकी Janaki, स्वशीलसंरक्षणतत्परा सती who wishes to protect her chastity, प्रति दुष्टकर्मणा by this evil mind, अनेन by him, राक्षसानां प्रवरेण by the demon king, हता slayed, भवेत् is, नूनम् surely.

'Janaki, follower of noble path, anxious to protect her chastity must have been killed by the wicked demon king.
विरूपरूपा विकृता विवर्चसो

महानना दीर्घविरूपदर्शनाः।

समीक्ष्य सा राक्षसराजयोषितो

भयाद्विनष्टा जनकेश्वरात्मजा।।5.12.4।।

सा that, जनकेश्वरात्मजा daughter of king Janaka, विरूपरूपाः distorted forms, विकृताः ugly, विवर्चसः dull, महाननाः women with huge faces, दीर्घविरूपदर्शनाः tall and deformed, राक्षसराजयोषितः wives of the demon king, समीक्ष्य on looking, भयात् out of fear, विनष्टा died.

'The daughter of Janaka might have collapsed out of fear, looking at the distorted faces of ugly, tall and monstrous demon maids of Ravana.
सीतामदृष्ट्वा ह्यनवाप्य पौरुषं

विहृत्य कालं सह वानरैश्चिरम्।

न मेऽस्ति सुग्रीवसमीपगा गतिः

सुतीक्ष्णदण्डो बलवांश्च वानरः।।5.12.5।।

सीताम् Sita, अदृष्ट्वा without seeing, पौरुषम् pride of achievement, अनवाप्य without achieving, वानरैः सह accompanied by vanaras, चिरं कालम् for a long time, विहृत्य having passed time, मे to myself, सुग्रीवसमीपगा to approach Sugriva, गतिः way, नास्ति not possible, वानरः vanara, सुतीक्ष्णदण्डः will punish severely, बलवांश्च powerful.

'I have spent a long time with vanaras. I have not succeded in my efforts to find Sita. I dare not see Sugriva now without finding Sita and without fulfilling my task. Sugriva will punish me severely. There is no way out.'
दृष्टमन्तःपुरं सर्वं दृष्टा रावणयोषितः।

न सीता दृश्यते साध्वीवृथा जातो मम श्रमः।।5.12.6।।

सर्वम् everywhere, अन्तःपुरम् the harem, दृष्टम् seen, रावणयोषितः Ravana's women, दृष्टाः are seen, साध्वी noble lady, सीता Sita, न दृश्यते is not seen, मम my, श्रमः efforts, वृथा wasted, जातः gone.

'I have searched all over the harem. Ravana's women have been seen. (Yet) I have not been able to see noble Sita. My efforts have been wasted'.
किं नु मां वानराः सर्वे गतं वक्ष्यन्ति सङ्गताः।

गत्वा तत्र त्वया वीर किं कृतं तद्वदस्व नः।।5.12.7।।

गतम् when I reach, माम् me, सङ्गताः together, सर्वे all, वानराः vanaras, किं नु what indeed, वक्ष्यन्ति they will speak, वीर O hero, तत्र there, गत्वा after going, त्वया by you, किम् what, कृतम् is done, तत् that, नः for us, वदस्व you will say.

'What will the vanaras say when I return? What should I speak when they ask me: O hero, what did you accomplish there?'
अदृष्ट्वा किं प्रवक्ष्यामि तामहं जनकात्मजाम्।

ध्रुवं प्रायमुपैष्यन्ति कालस्य व्यतिवर्तने।।5.12.8।।

ताम् her, जनकात्मजाम् Janaki, अदृष्टवा without seeing, किम् what, प्रवक्ष्यामि l am going to say, कालस्य for a long time, व्यतिवर्तने exceeded time limit, ध्रुवम् surely, प्रायम् उपैष्यन्ति they will sit down and wait until death.

'Since the time limit has exceeded and Janaki is not spotted, surely the vanaras would sit and wait unto death. What am I going to say'?
किं वा वक्ष्यति वृद्धश्च जाम्बवानाङ्गदश्च सः।

गतं पारं समुद्रस्य वानराश्च समागताः।।5.12.9।।

समुद्रस्य ocean's, पारम् other shore, गतम् on going, वृद्धः elderly, जाम्बवान् Jambavan, किं वा why or else, वक्ष्यति will say, सः he, अङ्गद: च Angada also, समागताः collecting together, वानराश्च and vanaras.

'What will the elderly Jambavan say? What will young prince Angada and other vanaras collected there say when I reach the seashore to meet them'.
अनिर्वेदः श्रियो मूलमनिर्वेदः परं सुखम्।

अनिर्वेदो हि सततं सर्वार्थेषु प्रवर्तकः।।5.12.10।।

अनिर्वेदः being free from despair, श्रियः prosperity, मूलम् cause, अनिर्वेदः being free from despondency, परम् supreme, सुखम् happiness, अनिर्वेदः being free from despair, सततम् always, सर्वार्थेषु in all objectives, प्रवर्तकः हि will lead the way.

Wise Hanuman once again declared, 'being free from despair is the root cause of prosperity. Freedom from despondency gives supreme happiness and leads to success'.
करोति सफलं जन्तोः कर्म यत्तत्करोति सः।

तस्मादनिर्वेदकृतं यत्नं चेष्टेऽहमुत्तमम्।।5.12.11।।

भूयस्तावद्विचेष्यामि देशान्रावणपालितान्।

यत् that, कर्म action, करोति that he will do, जन्तोः of a living being, तत् that, सफलम् fruitful, सः he, करोति will do, तस्मात् therefore, अहम् I, अनिर्वेदकृतम् without experiencing despair, उत्तमम् best, प्रयत्नम् effort, चेष्टे I act, अदृष्टान् not seen, रावणपालितान् ruled by Ravana, देशान् country, विचेष्यामि तावत् search everywhere.

'The action of a living being certainly bears fruit. Therefore, I shall put forth my best effort without feeling despondent. I will once again search everywhere in Lanka ruled by Ravana'.
आपानशाला विचितास्तथा पुष्पगृहाणि च।।5.12.12।।

चित्रशालाश्च विचिता भूयः क्रीडागृहाणि च।

निष्कुटान्तररथ्याश्च विमानानि च सर्वशः।।5.12.13।।

पानशालाः banquet halls, विचिताः searched, तथा so also, पुष्पगृहाणि च bowers of creepers, चित्रशालाश्च picture galleries, विचिताः searched, भूयः further, क्रीडागृहाणि च and sports galleries, निष्कुटान्तररथ्याश्च paths through the gardens and mansions, female apartments, विमानानि च of the chariot, सर्वशः everywhere.

'I have searched the banquet halls, bowers of creepers, picture galleries and gymnasiums. I have searched everywhere through the paths of gardens and mansions, harems and the Pushpaka chariot also.
इति सञ्चिन्त्य भूयोऽपि विचेतुमुपचक्रमे।

भूमीगृहांश्चैत्यगृहान् गृहातिगृहकानपि।।5.12.14।।

इति thus, सञ्चिन्त्य thinking over well, भूमीगृहान् underground cells, चैत्यगृहान् temples, गृहातिगृहकानपि homes with many doorways also, भूयोऽपि once again, विचेतुम् to search,
उपचक्रमे he started.

Thinking thus, he started searching once again the basement cells, temples, homes within homes.
उत्पतन्निष्पतंश्चापि तिष्ठन्गच्छन् पुनः पुनः।

अपावृण्वंश्च द्वाराणि कवाटान्यवघाटयन्।।5.12.15।।

प्रविशन्निष्पतंश्चापि प्रपतन्नुत्पतन्नपि।

सर्वमप्यवकाशं स विचचार महाकपिः।।5.12.16।।

सः महाकपिः that great vanara, पुनः पुनः again and again, उत्पतन् jumping, निष्पतंश्चापि climbing down, तिष्ठन् standing, गच्छन् going, द्वाराणि entrance, अपावृण्वन् opening, कवाटानि doors, अवघाटयन् crossing, प्रविशन् entering, निष्पतंश्चापि and coming out, प्रपतन् jumping down, उत्पतन्नपि climbing up, सर्वम् अपि and all over, अवकाशम् scope, विचचार searched.

The great vanara searched all over again and again jumping up and down, stopping for a while and moving, opening and closing doors, by crossing, entering and exiting, jumping up and down. Thus he moved about and searched whereever there was scope to search
चतुरङ्गुलमात्रोऽपि नावकाशः स विद्यते।

रावणान्तःपुरे तस्मिन् यं कपिर्न जगाम सः।।5.12.17।।

तस्मिन् in that, रावणान्तःपुरे in Ravana's inner chambers, सः कपिः monkey, यम् where, न जगाम did not go, सः he, अवकाशः scope, चतुरङ्गुलमात्रोऽपि even four fingers of space, न not विद्यते leaving.

Even a space of four fingers in the inner chambers of Ravana was not left out in his search for Sita.
प्राकारान्तररथ्याश्च वेदिकाश्चैत्यसंश्रयाः।

दीर्घिकाः पुष्करिण्यश्च सर्वं तेनावलोकितम्।।5.12.18।।

प्राकारान्तररथ्याश्च lanes inside the boundaries, चैत्यसंश्रयाः around shrines, वेदिकाः altars, दीर्घिकाः wells, पुष्करिण्यश्च tanks, सर्वम् everywhere, तेन by him, अवलोकितम् was seen.

He moved in the lanes inside the boundary walls, around the shrines, altars, wells and tanks whereever it was possible to look for.
राक्षस्यो विविधाकारा विरूपा विकृतास्तथा।

दृष्टा हनुमता तत्र न तु सा जनकात्मजा।।5.12.19।।

विविधाकाराः of different types, विरूपाः ugly, तथा so also, विकृताः deformed, राक्षस्यः ogresses, तत्र there, हनुमता by Hanuman, दृष्टाः were seen, सा she, जनकात्मजा तु daughter of Janaka, न not found.

Hanuman could see only ogresses of different typesugly, deformed but could not find the daughter of Janaka.
रूपेणाप्रतिमा लोके वरा विद्याधरस्त्रियः।

दृष्टा हनुमता तत्र न तु राघवनन्दिनी।।5.12.20।।

रूपेण in beauty, लोके in the world, अप्रतिमाः incomparable, वराः best, विद्याधरस्त्रियः Vidyadhara women, तत्र there, हनुमता by Hanuman, दृष्टाः were seen, राघवनन्दिनी तु beloved of Raghava, न not find.

Hanuman could see even the women of vidyadharas who were matchless in beauty among women in the world but not Janaki the beloved of Raghava.
नागकन्या वरारोहाः पूर्णचन्र्दनिभाननाः।

दृष्टा हनुमता तत्र न तु सीता सुमध्यमा।।5.12.21।।

वरारोहाः lovely women with symmetrical limbs, पूर्णचन्र्दनिभाननाः moonfaced women, नागकन्याः daughters of nagas, तत्र there, हनुमता by Hanuman, दृष्टाः were seen, सुमध्यमा a woman of lovely waist, सीता तु Sita, न not found.

Hanuman could see there moonfaced daughters of nagas with charming limbs but not the slimwaisted Sita.
प्रमथ्य राक्षसेन्द्रेण नागकन्या बलाद्धृताः।

दृष्टा हनुमता तत्र न सा जनकनन्दिनी।।5.12.22।।

राक्षसेन्द्रेण by the demon king, प्रमथ्य defeating, बलात् forcefully, हृताः abducted, नागकन्याः daughters of nagas, तत्र there, हनुमता by Hanuman, दृष्टाः seen, सा that, जनकनन्दिनी न not the delight of Janaka.

Hanuman saw the daghters of nagas kidnapped by Ravana forcibly after victory in war but not Sita, the delight of Janaka.
सोऽपश्यंस्तां महाबाहुः पश्यंश्चान्या वरस्त्रियः।

विषसाद मुहुर्धीमान् हनुमान् मारुतात्मजः।।5.12.23।।

महाबाहुः longarmed, धीमान् wise one, मारुतात्मजः son of the Wind god, सः हनुमान् Hanuman, ताम् her, अपश्यन् while being unable to see, अन्याः other, वरस्त्रियः great women, पश्यन् while seeing, मुहुः again, विषसाद was sorrowful.

The longarmed Hanuman, son of the Windgod was able to see other great women but not Sita. So he became despondent.
उद्योगं वानरेन्द्राणां प्लवनं सागरस्य च।

व्यर्थं वीक्ष्यानिलसुतश्चिन्तां पुनरुपागमत्।।5.12.24।।

वानरेन्द्राणाम् of the great vanara, उद्योगम् effort, सागरस्य ocean's, प्लवनं च in crossing, व्यर्थम् wasted, वीक्ष्य after seeing that, अनिलसुतः son of the Windgod, पुनः again, चिन्ताम् worry,
उपागमत् experienced.

The son of the Wind god, the great monkey realised the futility of his efforts in crossing the sea. He brooded again.
अवतीर्य विमानाच्च हनुमान् मारुतात्मजः।

चिन्तामुपजगामाथ शोकोपहतचेतनः।।5.12.25।।

अथ now, मारुतात्मजः son of the Windgod, हनुमान् Hanuman, विमानात् from the aerialchariot, अवतीर्य after descending, शोकोपहतचेतनः mind stricken with grief, चिन्ताम् worry, उपजगाम he experienced.

Hanuman, son of the Windgod, came out of the aerial chariot, mind stricken with grief and started thinking again.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये सुन्दरकाण्डे द्वादशस्सर्गः।
Thus ends the twelfth sarga of Sundarakanda of the holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.