Sloka & Translation


[Sita's wailings -- finaly finds some auspicious signs.]

सा राक्षसेन्द्रस्य वचो निशम्य


सीता वितत्रास यथा वनान्ते

सिंहाभिपन्ना गजराजकन्या।।5.28.1।।

सा सीता that Sita, राक्षसेन्द्रस्य demon king's, रावणस्य Ravana's, अप्रियम् unpleasant news, तत् that, वचः word, निशम्य after hearing, अप्रियार्ता restless, वनान्ते in the midst of the forest, सिंहाभिपन्ना caught by the lion, गजराजकन्या यथा like young calf of a lordly elephant, वितत्रास frightened.

After hearing the unpleasant words spoken by the king of demons, which caused restlessness and sorrow to Sita, she was terrified like the young calf of a lordly elephant fallen into the clutches of a lion in the midst of the forest.
सा राक्षसीमध्यगता च भीरु

र्वाग्भिर्भृशं रावणतर्जिता च।

कान्तारमध्ये विजने विसृष्टा

बालेव कन्या विललाप सीता।।5.28.2।।

राक्षसीमध्यगता encircled by the shedemons, भीरुः soft natured, भृशम् excessively, वाग्भि: with words, रावणतर्जिता च threatened by Ravana, सा that, सीता Sita, विजने desolate, कान्तारमध्ये in the midst of the forest, विसृष्टा deserted, बाला young, कन्या इव like a girl, विललाप wept.

Encircled by the demonesses, Sita was repeatedly humiliated by Ravana's cruel words.She wept like a young girl deserted in a desolate forest.
सत्यं बतेदं प्रवदन्ति लोके

नाकालमृत्युर्भवतीति सन्तः।

यत्राहमेवं परिभर्त्स्यमाना

जीवामि दीना क्षणमप्यपुण्या।।5.28.3।।

लोके in the world, अकालमृत्युः untimely death, न भवति does not occur, इति like this, इदम् thus, सत्यम् true, सन्तः elders, प्रवदन्ति say, यत्र wherever, एवम् this way, परिभर्त्स्यमाना being threatened, अपुण्या who lacks merits, अहम् I am, दीना pitiable, क्षणमपि even a second also, जीवामि I live, बत alas.

"Even though I am threatened like this, I am living pitiably because of lack of merit. Indeed I regret my survival due to my bad luck. Elders say that death will not ocurr before its time. It seems to be true.
सुखाद्विहीनं बहुदुःखपूर्ण

मिदं तु नूनं हृदयं स्थिरं मे।

विशीर्यते यन्न सहस्रधाऽद्य

वज्राहतं शृङ्गमिवाचलस्य।।5.28.4।।

सुखात् of joy, विहीनम् devoid, बहुदुःखपूर्णम् filled with agony, इदम् this, मे my, हृदयम् heart, नूनम् surely, स्थिरम् hard, यत् such, वज्राहतम् hit by a thunderbolt, अचलस्य of a mountain, शृङ्गमिव like the top, सहस्रधा into a thousand pieces, अद्य now, न विशीर्यते it is not breaking.

"Even though I am devoid of joy, and living in deep agony, my heart bursts not into a thousand pieces like the summit of a mountain hit by thunderbolt (lightning).
नैवास्ति दोषो मम नूनमत्र वध्याहमस्याप्रियदर्शनस्य।

भावं न चास्याहमनुप्रदातु मलं द्विजो मन्त्रमिवाद्विजाय।।5.28.5।।

अत्र मम here my, दोषः fault, नैवास्ति is not there, अहम् I am, अप्रियदर्शनस्य ugly, अस्य his, वध्या to be killed, अस्मि I am, अहम् I, अस्य his, भावम् (surrender) my heart, द्विजः brahmin, अद्विजाय to a nonbrahmin, मन्त्रमिव like the veda mantra, अनुप्रदातुम् to impart, न अलम् not proper.

"I will not be blamed if I commit suicide now.I stand condemned to death in the hands of this ugly Ravana. I cannot bestow my affection on him or surender to his desire like a brahmin would not like to impart Vedic knowledge to a nonbrahmin. (Better die of my own accord than be killed by a sinful ogre).
नूनं ममाङ्गान्यचिरादनार्यः

शस्त्रैश्शितैश्छेत्स्यति राक्षसेन्द्रः।

तस्मिननागच्छति लोकनाथे

गर्भस्थजन्तोरिव शल्यकृन्तः।।5.28.6।।

लोकनाथे the lord of the world, तस्मिन् he, अनागच्छति before he comes here, अनार्यः vile lord, राक्षसेन्द्रः lord of demons, शल्यकृन्तः barber, गर्भस्थजन्तोरिव like the foetus from the womb, मम my, अङ्गानि limbs, नूनम् surely, शितैः with sharp, शत्रै: with weapons, छेत्स्यति will cut into pieces.

"If the lord of the world does not come here before that (time fixed by Ravana) the vile lord of demons will cut me into pieces with weapons just as a barber would cut to pieces the foetus with a sharp knife (in order to save a pregnant woman).
दुःखं बतेदं मम दुःखिताया

मासौ चिरायाधिगमिष्यतो द्वौ।

बद्धस्य वध्यस्य तथा निशान्ते

राजापराधादिव तस्करस्य।।5.28.7।।

राजापराधात् due to offending the king, बद्धस्य captured, निशान्ते by daybreak, वध्यस्य for execution, तस्करस्य इव like that of a thief, दुःखितायाः of a sorrowful, मम to me, द्वौ two, मासौ months, चिराय is a long duration, अधिगमिष्यतः will be spent, इदम् this, दुःखम् grief, बत alas.
"Alas, two months is too long a time to wait in grief. I am like a thief captured for offending a king and waiting overnight for execution at day-break.
हा राम हा लक्ष्मण हा सुमित्रे

हा राममातः सह मे जनन्या।

एषा विपद्याम्यहमल्पभाग्या

महार्णवे नौरिव मूढवाता।।5.28.8।।

हा राम Alas! Rama, हा लक्ष्मण Alas! Lakshmana, हा सुमित्रे Alas! Sumitra!, मे my, जनन्या सह own mother, हा राममातः Alas! Rama's mother, अल्पभाग्या an ill-starred woman, एषा here, अहम् I, महार्णवे in an ocean, मूढवाता by a whirl-wind, नौरिव like a boat, विपद्यामि I am perished.

"Alas! Rama, Alas! Lakshmana, Alas! Sumitra, Alas! my mother, Alas! Rama's mother, I am an ill-starred woman going to perish in this way like a light boat capsized in the midst of an ocean when the whirl-wind blows.
तरस्विनौ धारयता मृगस्य

सत्त्वेन रूपं मनुजेन्द्रपुत्रौ।

नूनं विशस्तौ मम कारणात्तौ

सिंहर्षभौ द्वाविव वैद्युतेन।।5.28.9।।

मृगस्य deer's, रूपम् form, धारयता by taking, सत्त्वेन by a creature, तरस्विनौ these pair of , तौ two, मनुजेन्द्रपुत्रौ princes, वैद्युतेन by bolt of lightning, द्वौ two, सिंहर्षभौ इव two mighty lions, मम कारणात् on my account, नूनम् verily, विशस्तौ are slain.

"Just like two mighty lions are killed by a bolt of lightning, the two princes must have been killed by a creature in the guise of a deer on my account.
नूनं स कालो मृगरूपधारी

मामल्पभाग्यां लुलुभे तदानीम्।

यत्रार्यपुत्रं विससर्ज मूढा

रामानुजं लक्ष्मणपूर्वजं च।।5.28.10।।

नूनम् verily, सः such, कालः the spirit of time, मृगरूपधारी in the guise of a deer, तदानीम् then, अल्पभाग्याम् an unfortunate woman, माम् me, लुलुभे tempted, यत्र wherever, मूढा foolish, रामानुजम् Rama's brother, लक्ष्मणपूर्वजम् Lakshmana's elder brother, आर्यपुत्रं च son of a noble king, विससर्ज sent away.

"Verily, it is the spirit of the time that assumed the form of deer and tempted this unfortunate soul. It was foolish of me to send away, the sons of a noble king, Lakshmana and his elder brother.
हा राम सत्यव्रत दीर्घबाहो

हा पूर्णचन्द्रप्रतिमानवक्त्र।

हा जीवलोकस्य हितः प्रियश्च

वध्यां न मां वेत्सि हि राक्षसानाम्।।5.28.11।।

सत्यव्रत O unfailing in vows, दीर्घबाहो O long-armed one, हा राम Alas! Rama, हा पूर्णचन्द्रप्रतिमानवक्त्र alas! one whose face is like the full moon, हा alas, जीवलोकस्य for all the worlds, हितः benefactor, प्रियश्च dear one, माम् me, राक्षसानाम् for demons, वध्याम् to be killed, न वेत्सि you are not aware.

"Alas, O long-armed one unfailing in vows, whose face shines like the full moon. Alas, beloved of all the worlds! you are dear to every one. How is it that you are not aware that I am going to be killed by the demons?
अनन्य दैवत्वमियं क्षमा च

भूमौ च शय्या नियमश्च धर्मे।

पतिव्रतात्वं विफलं ममेदं

कृतं कृतघ्नेष्विव मानुषाणाम्।।5.28.12।।

अनन्यदैवत्वम् no god other than you, इयम् this, क्षमा च and tolerance, भूमौ on earth, शय्या sleep, धर्मे in righteousness, नियमश्च discipline, पतिव्रतात्वम् my chastity, मम my, इदम् this, कृतघ्नेषु in case of ungrateful man, मानुषाणाम् of human beings, कृतमिव like the help done, विफलम् is futile.

"I am devoted to you and to no other god. My hardship in sleeping on the ground, my righteousness, my discipline and chastity have all proved futile like the devotion of an ungrateful person.
मोघो हि धर्मश्चरितो मयायं

तथैकपत्नीत्वामिदं निरर्थम्।

या त्वां न पश्यामि कृशा विवर्णा

हीना त्वया सङ्गमने निराशा।।5.28.13।।

या I who, त्वाम् you, न पश्यामि I do not see, त्वया by you, हीना deprived, सङ्गमने in reuniting, निराशा no hope, कृशा shrunk, विवर्णा pale, मया by me, चरितः followed, अयम् this, धर्मः righteousness, मोघः हि is in vain, तथा likewise, इदम् this, एकपन्तीत्वम् devotion to you alone, निरर्थम् meaningless.

"This righteousnes practised by me is in vain like my devotion to you, as I am unable to see you. I am a separated, emaciated, pale with no hope of reuniting with you.
पितुर्निदेशं नियमेन कृत्वा वनान्निवृत्तश्चरितव्रतश्च।

स्त्रीभिस्तु मन्ये विपुलेक्षणाभिस्त्वं रंस्यसे वीतभयः कृतार्थः।।5.28.14।।

त्वम् you, पितुः father's, निदेशम् command, नियमेन truly, कृत्वा following, चरितव्रतश्च after the completion of the pledge, वनात् from the forest, निवृत्तः you return, वीतभयः rid of fear, कृतार्थः an accomplished one, विपुलेक्षणाभिः largeeyed, स्त्रीभिः with damsels, रंस्यसे be revelling, मन्ये I think.

"Having truly fulfilled your pledge given to your father, you will return from the forest to Ayodhya, rid of all fear, as an accomplished person, will and revel in the company of largeeyed damsels, I think.
अहं तु राम त्वयि जातकामा

चिरं विनाशाय निबद्धभावा।

मोघं चरित्वाथ तपो व्रतञ्च त्यक्ष्यामि


राम Rama, त्वयि at you, जातकामा I loved, अहं तु I am also, विनाशाय for my doom, चिरम् for long, निबद्धभावा with my feeling of love fixed on you, तपः austerities, व्रतं च and vows, मोघम् in vain, चरित्वाथ after practising, जीवितम् life, त्यक्ष्यामि will be giving up, अल्पभाग्याम् I am unfortunate one, धिक् what a pity

"O RamaI loved you and concentrated all my love on you for a long time only for my doom. I have observed vows and austerities in vain. I cannot continue it for long. Here I am giving up my life. Fie upon this luckless one (me).
सा जीवितं क्षिप्रमहं त्यजेयं

विषेण शस्त्रेण शितेन वापि।

विषस्य दाता न हि मेऽस्ति कश्चि

च्छस्त्रस्य वा वेश्मनि राक्षसस्य।।5.28.16।।

सा अहम् that I, क्षिप्रम् at once, जीवितम् life, विषेण by poisoning, शितेन by a sharp one, शस्त्रेण by a weapon, वापि or else, त्यजेयम् I give up, राक्षसस्य demon's, वेश्मनि at his residence, मे to me, विषस्य of poison, शस्त्रस्य वा or of weapon, दाता donor, कश्चित् any one, नास्ति is not found.

"I will end my life at once by taking poison or else by a sharp weapon. Alas There is none to give get me poison or a weapon at this demon's residence".
इतीव देवी बहुधा विलप्य

सर्वात्मना राममनुस्मरन्ती।

प्रवेपमाना परिशुष्कवक्त्रा

नगोत्तमं पुष्पितमाससाद।।5.28.17।।

देवी queen, इतीव in that way, बहुधा in many ways, विलप्य wailing, सर्वात्मना self of all, रामम् Rama, अनुस्मरन्ती constantly remembering, प्रवेपमाना shivering, परिशुष्कवक्त्रा pale face, पुष्पितम् in bloom, नगोत्तमम् great tree, आससाद approached.

Queen Sita was wailing in many ways, constantly remembering Rama, the soul of all. Shivering, her face pales as she approached the great Simsupa tree in bloom.
सा शोकतप्ता बहुधा विचिन्त्य

सीताऽथ वेण्युद्ग्रथनं गृहीत्वा।

उद्बुध्य वेण्युद्ग्रथनेन शीघ्रमहं

गमिष्यामि यमस्य मूलम्।।5.28.18।।

शोकाभितप्ता burning with grief, सीता Sita, बहुधा in many ways, विचिन्त्य after worrying, अथ then, वेण्युद्ग्रथनम् braid of her hair, गृहीत्वा holding, अहम् I, वेण्युद्ग्रथनेन by the braid, उद्बुध्य tie, शीघ्रम् quickly, यमस्य lord of death's, मूलम् presence, गमिष्यामि I will reach.

"Burning in grief, worrying in many ways, Sita took hold of her braid and said", by tying myself with this braid I shall quickly reach the presence of the lord of death".
उपस्थिता सा मृदुसर्वगात्री

शाखां गृहत्वाऽध नगस्य तस्य।

तस्यास्तु रामं प्रविचिन्तयन्त्या

रामानुजं स्वं च कुलं शुभाङ्ग्या:।।5.28.19।।

शेकानिमित्तानि तथा बहूनि

धैर्यार्जितानि प्रवराणि लोके।

प्रादुर्निमित्तानि तदा बभूवुः

पुरापि सिद्धान्युपलक्षितानि।।5.28.20।।

अथ and then, मृदसर्वगात्री lady of delicate limbs, सा she, तस्य of that, नगस्य tree's, शाखाम् branch, गृहीत्वा holding, उपस्थिता stood, रामम् Rama, रामानुजम् Rama's brother, स्वं कुलं च and their family, प्रविचिन्तयन्त्या: was thinking, शुभाङ्ग्याः of charming body, तस्याः तु her, तदा then, शोकानिमित्तानि dispellers of sorrow, धैर्यार्जितानि harbingers of courage, लोके in the world, प्रवराणि foremost, तथा similarly, पुरापि ancient times also, सिद्धानि results, उपलक्षितानि been proven, बहूनि many, निमित्तानि omens, प्रादुर्भभूवुः manifested.

Sita of delicate limbs approached the Simsupa tree and held on to a branch and stood. While she was thinking of Rama and Lakshmana and their noble family many omens of proven results appeared on her auspicious charming body. These omens were dispellers of grief, and harbingers of courage in the world as declared from
ancient times. (Now) they manifested themselves.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये सुन्दरकाण्डे अष्टाविंशस्सर्गः।।
Thus ends the twentyeigth sarga of Sundarakanda of the holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.