Sloka & Translation


[Sita feels happy seeing auspicious signs.]

तथागतां तां व्यथितामनिन्दितां व्यपेतहर्षां परिदीनमानसाम्।

शुभां निमित्तानि शुभानि भेजिरे नरं श्रिया जुष्टमिवोपजीविनः।।5.29.1।।

तथागताम् as expected, व्यथिताम् agonized lady, अनिन्दिताम् faultless, व्यपेतहर्षाम् bereft of all joy, परिदीनमानसाम् distressed in mind, शुभाम् auspicious, ताम् her, श्रिया with benign favour of fortune, जुष्टम् pleased, नरम् man, उपजीविनः इव like well wishing, शुभानि auspicious, निमित्तानि for the sake, भेजिरे wealthy man.

Like wellwishers flocking round a person on whom fortune is smiling, omens foretelling auspicious happenings in near future appeared to Sita. She was unimpeachable. She was in agony, distressed in mind, bereft of all joy (now) standing under that Simsupa tree.
तस्याः शुभं वाममरालपक्ष्म राजीवृतं कृष्णविशालशुक्लम्।

प्रास्पन्दतैकं नयनं सुकेश्या मीनाहतं पद्ममिवाभिताम्रम्।।5.29.2।।

सुकेश्याः of the lady with beautiful hair, तस्याः her, शुभम् auspicious, अरालपक्ष्मराजीवृतम् surrounded by a row of curved eye lashes, कृष्णविशालशुक्लम् broad black pupils in white, वामनयनम् left eye, मीनाहतम् struck by fish, अभिताम्रम् reddish ring, एकम् one, पद्ममिव like lotus, प्रास्पन्दत throbbed.

Her left eye with a row of curved eyelashes, the black pupils of the eye in white throbbed in an auspicious manner. The lady with her long tresses, and throbbing eye appeared like a red lotus gently struck by a fish.
भुजश्च चार्वञ्चितपीनवृत्तः


अनुत्तमेनाध्युषितः प्रियेण

चिरेण वामः समवेपताऽशु।।5.29.3।।

चार्वञ्चितपीनवृत्तः beautifuly curved round and stout, परार्थ्यकालागरुचन्दनार्हः deserving the application of excellent black agaru and sandal paste, अनुत्तमेन by the best, प्रियेण by the beloved, चिरेण for long, अध्युषितः used to rest the head, वामः भुजश्च by the left arm, आशु suddenly, समवेपत throbbed.

Her stout left arm curved beautifully, fit for excellent agaru and sandal paste once the pillow by her beloved lord for long, throbbed suddenly.
गजेन्द्रहस्तप्रतिमश्च पीन

स्तयोर्द्वयोः सम्हतयोः सुजातः।

प्रस्पन्दमानः पुनरूरुरस्या

रामं पुरस्तात् स्थितमाचचक्षे।।5.29.4।।

संहतयोः close to each other, तयोः द्वयोः of those two, गजेन्द्रहस्तप्रतिमः resembling an elephant's trunk, पीनः stout, सुजातः well shaped, अस्याः ऊरुः her thigh, प्रस्पन्दमानः throbbing, रामम् Rama, पुरस्तात् in front, स्थितम् stood, आचचक्षे indicated.

Again her roundshaped left thigh resembling an elephant's trunk started throbbing, presaging union with Rama.
शुभं पुनर्हेमसमानवर्ण


वास स्स्थिताया श्शिखराग्रदन्त्याः

किञ्चित्परिस्रंसत चारुगात्य्राः।।5.29.5।।

पुनः again, अमलाक्ष्याः lady with pristine eyes, शिखराग्रदन्त्याः with round edged teeth, चारुगात्य्राः of the lady of beautiful limbs, स्थितायाः standing, शुभम् auspicious, हेमसमानवर्णम् of the colour of gold, ईषत् slightly, रजोध्वस्तमिव slightly dull on account of dust, वासः clothes, किञ्चित् a little, परिस्रंसत slipped.

Her eyes were pristine, teeth wellshaped. The goldhued auspicious sari on her charming limbs was now a little soiled on account of dust. It slipped slightly as she stood up. This augured well for her.
एतैर्निमित्तैरपरैश्च सुभ्रूः

सम्बोधिता प्रागपि साधु सिद्धैः।

वातातपक्लान्तमिव प्रणष्टं

वर्षेण बीजं प्रतिसंजहर्ष।।5.29.6।।

प्रागपि in the past also, साधु well, सिद्धैः by seers, एतैः by these, निमित्तै: by the presence of omens, अपरैश्च and by others, सम्बोधिता addressed, सुभ्रूः a lady with lovely eyebrows, वातप्रक्लान्तम् blighted by wind and heat, प्रणष्टम् dried, बीजम् seed, वर्षेण इव with rain, प्रतिसञ्जहर्ष felt happy.

Reassured by such omens which augured well as tested by time, Sita, with beautiful eyebrows, and deep foresight experienced great joy, like a seed blighted by the wind and the Sun comes back to joyful life through a pleasing shower. (A foreteller is addressed as siddha in sanskrit dramas)
तस्याः पुनर्बिम्बफलाधरोष्ठं


वक्त्रं बभासे सितशुक्लदंष्ट्रं

राहोर्मुखाच्चन्द्र इव प्रमुक्तः।।5.29.7।।

पुनः again, तस्याः her, बिम्बफलाधरोष्ठम् with lips like bimba fruit, स्वक्षिभ्रुकेशान्तम् beautiful eye brows, अरालपक्ष्म curved eyelashes extending up to her hair, सितचारुदन्तम् white and lovely teeth, वक्त्रम् mouth, राहोः from planet Rahu, मुखात् from face, प्रमुक्तः set free, चन्द्रः इव like the Moon, बभासे shone.

Her face shining with beautiful red lips like bimba fruit, sparkling teeth, and curved eyelashes with lovely brows extending up to her hair, she appeared like a Moon released from the mouth of Rahu.
सा वीतशोका व्यपनीततन्द्री

शान्तज्वरा हर्षविबुद्धसत्त्वा।

अशोभतार्या वदनेन शुक्ले

शीतांशुना रात्रिरिवोदितेन।।5.29.8।।

आर्या revered lady, सा she, वीतशोका relieved from grief, व्यपनीततन्द्री a lady relieved from exhaustion, शान्तज्वरा fears allyed, हर्षविबुद्धसत्त्वा a lady with her mind illumined by joy, वदनेन with her countenance, शुक्ले in the bright fortnight, उदितेन risen, शीतांशुना with cool Moon, रात्रिरिव like the night, अशोभत shone.

Revered Sita, completely relieved of grief, exhaustion gone, fears allayed, mind illumined with joy, looked charming with her countenance as a night with the Moon fully risen during the bright fortnight.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये सुन्दरकाण्डे एकोनत्रिंशस्सर्गः।।
Thus ends the twentyninth sarga of Sundarakanda of the holy Ramayana, the first epic compsed by sage Valmiki.