Sloka & Translation


[Hanuman decides to praise Rama within Sita's earshot.]

हनुमानपि विक्रान्तः सर्वं शुश्राव तत्त्वतः।

सीतायास्त्रिजटायाश्च राक्षसीनां च तर्जनम्।।5.30.1।।

विक्रान्तः valiant hero, हनुमानपि Hanuman also, सीतायाश्च Sita's, त्रिजटायाश्च Trijata's, सर्वम् everything, राक्षसीनाम् shedemons, तर्जनम् threatening, तत्त्वतः in principle, शुश्राव heard.

The valiant hero Hanuman heard everything including the lamentation of Sita and the dream of Trijata and the threats of the demonesses.
अवेक्षमाणस्तां देवीं देवतामिव नन्दने।

ततो बहुविधां चिन्तां चिन्तयामास वानरः।।5.30.2।।

ततः then, वानरः vanara, नन्दने in the Nandana garden, देवतामिव like the goddess, तां देवीम् to that deitylike Sita, अवेक्षमाणः looking, बहुविधाम् many ways, चिन्ताम् चिन्तयामास reflected.

The sight of Sita who seemed a deity in the Nandana garden of Indra, set a chain of reflections in his mind :
यां कपीनां सहस्राणि सुबहून्ययुतानि च।

दिक्षु सर्वासु मार्गन्ते सेयमासादिता मया।।5.30.3।।

कपीनाम् of vanaras, सुबहूनि many, सहस्राणि thousands, अयुतानि च 10,000 soldiers सर्वासु all over, दिक्षु in directions, याम् whom, मार्गन्ते are searching, सा इयम् that Sita here, मया by myself, आसादिता she is found.

"This is Sita whom thousands of vanaras are searching in all directions.
चारेण तु सुयुक्तेन शत्रोश्शक्तिमवेक्षता।

गूढेन चरता तावदवेक्षितमिदं मया।।5.30.4।।

सुयुक्तेन very carefully, शत्रोः enemy's, शक्तिमवेक्षता while seeing the strength, गूढेन in disguise, चरता roaming, चारेण a spy, मया by myself, इदम् this place, अवेक्षितं तावत् seen everything.

"Roaming everywhere incognito to ascertain carefully the strength of the enemy, I have seen everything.
राक्षसानां विशेषश्च पुरी चेयमवेक्षिता।

राक्षसाधिपतेरस्य प्रभावो रावणस्य च।।5.30.5।।

राक्षसानाम् of the demons, विशेषश्च ability, इयम् this, पुरी च citadel also, अवेक्षिता had been seen, अस्य its, राक्षसाधिपतेः of the lord of demons, रावणस्य Ravana's, प्रभावश्च power also.

"I have seen the ability of the demons and the citadel of Lanka. I have seen the power of Ravana the demon king.
युक्तं तस्याप्रमेयस्य सर्वसत्त्वदयावतः।

समाश्वासयितुं भार्यां पतिदर्शनकाङ्क्षिणीम्।।5.30.6।।

सर्वसत्त्वदयावतः who is compassionate to all, अप्रमेयस्य man of immeasureable prowess, तस्य his, पतिदर्शनकाङ्क्षिणीम् longing to see her husband, भार्याम् wife, समाश्वासयितुम् to console युक्तम् is the right action.

"It is the opportune time for me to comfort Sita eagerly waiting to see her husband who is of immeasurable prowess and who is compassionate to all beings.
अहमाश्वासयाम्येनां पूर्णचन्द्रनिभाननाम्।

अदृष्टदुःखां दुःखार्तां दुःखस्यान्तमगच्छतीम्।।5.30.7।।

पूर्णचन्द्रनिभाननाम् who has the countenance of a fullmoon, अदृष्टदुःखाम् who has never seen suffering, दुःखार्ताम् experiencing sorrow, दुःखस्य from sorrrow, अन्तम् end, अगच्छतीम् not approaching, एनाम् her, अहम् I, आश्वासयामि will console.

"The moonfaced Sita had never experienced sorrow before. She sees no end to her sorrow and suffering. I will console her.
यद्यप्यहमिमां देवीं शोकोपहतचेतनाम्।

अनाश्वास्य गमिष्यामि दोषवद्गमनं भवेत्।।5.30.8।।

शोकोपहतचेतना whose mind is overwhelmed with grief, इमां देवीम् this Sita, अहम् I, अनाश्वस्य without reassuring, यदि गमिष्यामि if I go, गमनम् destination (Kishkinda), दोषवत् is blameworthy, भवेत् would be.

"If I should return to Kishkindha without reassuring Sita, whose understanding has been clouded in grief I would be blamed.
गते हि मयि तत्रेयं राजपुत्री यशस्विनी।

परित्राणमविन्दन्ती जानकी जीवितं त्यजेत्।।5.30.9।।

मयि when me, तत्र there, गते I go, यशस्विनी renowned, राजपुत्री princess, जानकी Janaki, परित्राणम् deliverance, अविन्दन्ती without getting, जीवितम् life, त्यजेत् she will give up.

"If I so back, this illustrious princess, Janaki will give up her life, finding no means of deliverance (from this tragic situation).
मया च स महाबाहुः पूर्णचन्द्रनिभाननः।

समाश्यासयितुं न्याय्यस्सीतादर्शनलालसः।।5.30.10।।

महाबाहुः strongarmed hero, पूर्णचन्द्रनिभाननः face like the fullmoon, सीतादर्शनलालसः
yearning to see Sita, सः that Rama, मया by me, समाश्वसयितुम् to provide comfort, न्याय्यः it is proper.

"I should provide some comfort to the strongarmed Rama with a face like the fullmoon yearning to see Sita.
निशाचरीणां प्रत्यक्षमनर्हं चाभिभाषितम्।

कथन्नु खलु कर्तव्यमिदं कृच्छ्रगतो ह्यहम्।।5.30.11।।

निशाचरीणाम् of nightrangers, प्रत्यक्षम् in their presence, अभिभाषितम् talking, अनर्हम् is not proper, इदम् this, कथम् how, कर्तव्यं खलु नु should be fulfilled, अहम् I, कृच्छ्रगतो हि I am in a predicament.

"I cannot talk to her in the presence of these nightroamers. How can I discharge my duty in this predicament?
अनेन रात्रिशेषेण यदि नाश्वास्यते मया।

सर्वथा नास्ति सन्देहः परित्यक्ष्यति जीवितम्।।5.30.12।।

अनेन by this, रात्रिशेषेण when a part of the night is still left, मया by me, नाश्वास्यते यदि if I do not comfort her, जीवितम् life, परित्यक्ष्यति she will give up, सर्वथा by all means, सन्देहः doubt, नास्ति not.

"If I do not comfort her before the remaining part of the night ends, she will give up her life. There is no doubt about it.
रामश्च यदि पृच्छेन्मां किं मां सीताब्रवीद्वचः।

किमहं तं प्रति ब्रूयामसंभाष्य सुमध्यमाम्।।5.30.13।।

सीता Sita, माम् to me, किम् what, वचः words, अब्रवीत् spoke, रामश्च Rama also , माम् I am, पृच्छेद्यदि if he enquires, सुमध्यमाम् lady with beautiful waist, असंभाष्य without talking, अहम् I, तं प्रति to him, किम् what, ब्रूयाम् I can say.

"If Rama enquires about the message of Sita, this lady of beautiful waist, what can I speak without meeting and talking to her?
सीतासन्देशरहितं मामितस्त्वरयाऽगतम्।

निर्दहेदपि काकुत्स्य क्रुद्धस्तीव्रेण चक्षुषा।।5.30.14।।

सीतासन्देशरहितम् without any message from Sita, इतः from here, त्वरया at once, गतम् gone, माम् me, काकुत्थ्सः Rama, क्रुद्धः angry, तीव्रेण with a sharp, चक्षुषा with eyes, निर्दहेदपि will burn me.

"If I leave this place without any message from Sita, Rama will burn me with his eyes full of great anger.
यदि चोद्योजयिष्यामि भर्तारं रामकारणात्।

व्यर्थमागमनं तस्य ससैन्यस्य भविष्यति।।5.30.15।।

रामकारणात् for the cause of Rama, भर्तारम् lord of vanaras, यदि च उद्योजयिष्यामि if i motivate him, ससैन्यस्य of him along with his army, तस्य his, आगमनम् coming, व्यर्थम् useless, भविष्यति will become.

"If I get the lord of vanaras and his army for the cause of Rama (without talking to Sita), their arrival will be useless (if Sita would have given up her life by then).
अन्तरं त्वहमासाद्य राक्षसीनामिह स्थितः।

शनैराश्वासयिष्यामि सन्तापबहुळामिमाम्।।5.30.16।।

अहम् I, इह here, स्थितः waiting, राक्षसीनाम् of the demonesses, अन्तरम् some chance, आसाद्य after finding, सन्तापबहुलाम् deeply distressed, इमाम् this lady, शनैः slowly, आश्वासयिष्यामि will comfort her.

"I shall wait and speak to her slowly and console this deeply distressed lady when I get
a chance to speak to her (when these ogresses are asleep).
अहं त्वतितनुश्चैव वानरश्च विशेषतः।

वाचं चोदाहरिष्यामि मानुषीमिह संस्कृताम्।।5.30.17।।

अहं तु I too, अतितनुश्च small body, विशेषतः more so, वानरश्च a vanara, इह here, सम्स्कृताम् sanskrit language, मानुषीम् of human, वाचं च and talk in, उदाहरिष्यामि I will adopt.

I am indeed of small size and that too a monkey. Nevertheless I shall speak in Sanskrit, a language of the common people. (as the she-demons cannot understand that language).
यदि वाचं प्रदास्यामि द्विजातिरिव संस्कृताम्।

रावणं मन्यमाना मां सीता भीता भविष्यति।।5.30.18।।

वानरस्य विशेषेण कथं स्यादभिभाषणम्।

द्विजातिरिव like a brahmin, संस्कृताम् sanskrit, वाचम् language, यदि if I प्रदास्यामि will speak, सीता Sita, माम् me, रावणम् Ravana, मन्यमाना thinking, भीता भविष्यति will become scared, विशेषेण specially, वानरस्य vanara's, अभिभाषणम् talking, कथम् how, स्यात् would be.

"If I speak like a brahmin in sanskrit language she would be frightened thinking that I am Ravana and how would a vanara speak?
अवश्यमेव वक्तव्यं मानुषं वाक्यमर्थवत्।।5.30.19।।

मया सान्त्वयितुं शक्या नान्यथेयमनिन्दिता।

अवश्यमेव certainly, मया by myself, अर्थवत् for that reason, मानुषम् common man's, वाक्यम् language, वक्तव्यम् should speak, अनिन्दिता siness lady, इयम् this, अन्यथा otherwise, सान्त्वयितुम् to pacify her, शक्या possible.

"I will certainly speak to her meaningfully in the language of the people. Otherwise it is
not possible to pacify the sinless Sita.
सेयमालोक्य मे रूपं जानकी भाषितं तथा।।5.30.20।।

रक्षोभिस्त्रासिता पूर्वं भूयस्त्रासं गमिष्यति।

पूर्वम् earlier, रक्षोभिः by the demons, त्रासिता frightened, सा इयम् this, जानकी Janaki, मे my, रूपम् form, तथा this way, भाषितम् speaking, आलोक्य on seeing, भूयः again, त्रासम् fear, गमिष्यति will experience.

"Since Janaki has already been frightened by the demons, she will be even more terrified seeing me in this form and hearing me speaking this way.
ततो जातपरित्रासा शब्दं कुर्यान्मनस्विनी।।5.30.21।।

जानमाना विशालाक्षी रावणं कामरूपिणम्।

ततः then, मनस्विनी sensitive woman, विशालाक्षी largeeyed, माम् me, कामरूपिणम् who can change form at will, रावणम् to Ravana, जानमाना she may think, जातपरित्रासा frightened, शब्दम् sound, कुर्यात् may make.

By seeing me in this form, sensitive largeeyed Sita will scream loudly thinking that I am Ravana who can assume any form at his free will.
सीतया च कृते शब्दे सहसा राक्षसीगणा:।

नानाप्रहरणो घोर: समेयादन्तकोपम:।।5.30.22।।

सीतया by Sita's, शब्दे when sound, कृते is made, सहसा at once, नानाप्रहरण: holding different kinds of weapons, घोर: terrific ones, अन्तकोपम: comparable to the lord of death, राक्षसीगण: horde of ogresses, समेयात् would gather.

"If Sita screams, the horde of terrific ogresses will at once gather, armed with dreadful weapons like Yama, the god of death.
ततो मां सम्परिक्षिप्य सर्वतो विकृताननाः।।5.30.23।।

वधे च ग्रहणे चैव कुर्युर्यत्नं यथाबलम्।

ततः then, विकृताननाः women with hideous faces, माम् at me, सर्वतः from all directions, सम्परिक्षिप्य throwing down, वधे च to kill, ग्रहणे चैव and to capture me, यथाबलम् according to their strength, यत्नम् effort, कुर्युः will make.

"Then all these hideous ogresses will swarm round me and make efforts to capture me with all their strength and kill me.
गृह्य शाखाः प्रशाखाश्च स्कन्धांश्चोत्तमशाखिनाम्।।5.30.24।।

दृष्ट्वा विपरिधावन्तं भवेयुर्भयशङ्किताः।

उत्तमशाखिनाम् of good trees, शाखाः branches, प्रशाखाश्च and side branches, स्कन्धांश्च and trunks, गृह्य by holding, विपरिधावन्तम् running away, दृष्ट्वा seeing, भयशङ्किताः get scared, भवेयुः will be.

"Seeing me holding big and small branches of large trees and leaping from one place to the other, the ogresses will get scared.
मम रूपं च सम्प्रेक्ष्य वने विचरतो महत्।।5.30.25।।

राक्षस्यो भयवित्रस्ता भवेयुर्विकृताननाः।

विकृताननाः with hideous faces, राक्षस्यः ogresses, वने in the grove, विचरतः roaming, मम me, महत् great, रूपम् form, सम्प्रेक्ष्य glancing, भयवित्रस्ताः very scared, भवेयुः will be.

"These ogresses with their hideous faces will be frightened on looking at my huge form moving in this grove.
ततः कुर्युस्समाह्वानं राक्षस्यो रक्षसामपि।।5.30.26।।

राक्षसेन्द्रनियुक्तानां राक्षसेन्द्रनिवेशने।

ततः thereafter, राक्षस्यः ogresses, राक्षसेन्द्रनिवेशने in the residence of the king of demons, राक्षसेन्द्रनियुक्तानाम् engaged by the demon king to guard, रक्षसाम् अपि of the demons also, समाह्वानम् drawing their attention, कुर्युः they will do.

"Thereafter the ogresses will draw the attention of demon guards engaged by the king of demons at his residence towards me.
ते शूलशक्तिनिस्त्रिंशविविधायुधपाणयः।।5.30.27।।


ते those, तस्मिन् in that, विमर्दे in war, शूलशक्तिनिस्त्रिंशविविधायुधपाणयः holding different kinds of weapons such as spears, tridents and swords, उद्वेगकारणात् due to fear, वेगेन speedily, आपतेयुः will collect.

"Those ogresses due to fear will come speedily, armed with spears, tridents, swords and different kinds of weapons for a combat.
समृद्धस्तैस्तु परितो विधमन् रक्षसां बलम्।।5.30.28।।

शक्नुयां न तु संप्राप्तुं परं पारं महोदधेः।

तैः by them, परितः around me, समृद्धः filled, रक्षसाम् of demons, बलम् power, विधमन् while subduing, महोदधेः great sea, परं पारम् to the other side, सम्प्राप्तुम् to reach, न शक्नुयाम् not be possib.le

"With them around me, I may not be able to reach the other end of the ocean (my strength spent in the combat.)
मां वा गृह्णीयुराप्लुत्य बहवश्शीघ्रकारिणः।।5.30.29।।

स्यादियं चागृहीतार्था मम च ग्रहणं भवेत्।

शीघ्रकारिणः prompt, बहवः a large number, आप्लुत्य jumping into the sky, माम् me, गृह्णीयुः वा may catch me, इयं च this lady, अगृहीतार्था may not receive the message, स्यात् may be, मम my, ग्रहणं च arrest, भवेत् will be done.

"The ogres who are in large numbers, here are very prompt to act. They will jump into the sky and bind me. Sita will not receive the message and I will be taken into custody by the demons.
हिंसाभिरुचयो हिंस्युरिमां वा जनकात्मजाम्।।5.30.30।।

विपन्नं स्यात्ततः कार्यं रामसुग्रीवयोरिदम्।

वा or, हिंसाभिरुचयः keen on indulging in violence, इमाम् this lady, जनकात्मजाम् daughter of Janaka, हिंस्युः harm her, ततः then, रामसुग्रीवयोः of Rama and Sugriva, इदम् this, कार्यम् mission, विपन्नं स्यात् will fail.

"These demons who are keen on indulging in violence will harm Janaka's daughter. Then the mission of Rama and Sugriva will also fail.
उद्देशे नष्टमार्गेऽस्मिन् राक्षसैः परिवारिते।।5.30.31।।

सागरेण परिक्षिप्ते गुप्ते वसति जानकी।

जानकी Janaki, नष्टमार्गे in a hidden location, राक्षसैः by the ogres, परिवारिते surrounded, सागरेण by the ocean, परिक्षिप्ते surrounded allover, गुप्ते in a secret place, अस्मिन् in this, उद्धेशे in this, वसति staying.

"Janaki is staying in this untraceable location surrounded by demons. And this location is a secret place surrounded by the ocean .
विशस्ते वा गृहीते वा रक्षोभिर्मयि संयुगे।।5.30.32।।

नान्यं पश्यामि रामस्य सहायं कार्यसाधने।

मयि me, संयुगे in a battle, रक्षोभिः by ogres, विशस्ते वा if I am killed, गृहीते वा or captured,
रामस्य of Rama, कार्यसाधने to accomplish the task, अन्यम् another, सहायम् help, न पश्यामि I do not see.

"If I am killed in the combat or captured by the demons, I do not see another person who can help in accomplishing this task.
विमृशंश्च न पश्यामि यो हते मयि वानरः।।5.30.33।।

शतयोजनविस्तीर्णं लङ्घयेत महोदधिम्।

मयि when I am, हते killed, यः whosoever, वानरः vanara, शतयोजनविस्तीर्णम् extended over a distance of hundred yojanas, महोदधिम् the ocean, लङ्घयेत् can leap over, विमृशन् च even while reflecting carefully, न पश्यामि I cannot see.

"When I am killed here, I cannot see any other vanara who can leap over a hundred yojanas of the ocean (to reach this place).
कामं हन्तुं समर्थोऽस्मि सहस्राण्यपि रक्षसाम्।।5.30.34।।

न तु शक्ष्यामि सम्प्राप्तुं परं पारं महोदधेः।

रक्षसाम् of demons, सहस्राण्यपि even thousands of them, हन्तुम् to kill, समर्थः capable, अस्मि कामम् I am surely, तु also, महोदधेः of the ocean, परं पारम् to cross over, सम्प्राप्तुम् to reach, न शक्ष्यामि it may not be possible.

"I may be capable of killing even thousands of demons but thereafter (thoroughly exhausted) reach the other side of the ocean.
असत्यानि च युद्धानि संशयो मे न रोचते।।5.30.35।।

कश्च निस्संशयं कार्यं कुर्यात्प्राज्ञः ससंशयम्।

युद्धानि battles, असत्यानि च not true, संशयः doubtful, मे I, न रोचते it does not please me, कः who, प्राज्ञः wise man, निःसंशयम् without any doubt, कार्यम् task, ससंशयम् without any doubt, कुर्यात् will take up.

"Battles, no doubt, are unpredictable. Which wise man with a sound intellect will take up a doubtful work unhesitatingly?
प्राणत्यागश्च वैदेह्या भवेदनभिभाषणे।।5.30.36।।

एष दोषो महान्हि स्यान्मम सीताभिभाषणे।

अनभिभाषणे if I do not speak, वैदेह्याः of Vaidehi, प्राणत्यागश्च abandonement of life, भवेत् may be, सीताभिभाषणे on talking to Sita, मम to me, एषः such, महान् great, दोषः drawback, स्यात् will be.

"If I talk to Vaidehi it will be a great mistake on my part.If I do not speak to Vaidehi she may give up her life.
भूताश्चार्था विनश्यन्ति देशकालविरोधिताः।।5.30.37।।

विक्लबं दूतमासाद्य तमः सूर्योदये यथा।

विक्लबम् a confused person, दूतम् messenger, आसाद्य by appointing, भूताः even sure ones, अर्थाः missions, देशकालविरोधिताः if place and time are not propitious, सूर्योदये at Sunrise, तमः यथा like the darkness, विनश्यन्ति will be destroyed.

"Even well planned diplomatic missions fail like darkness dispelled at Sunrise if the messenger is confused and if the place and time are not propitious for them.
अर्थानर्थान्तरे बुद्धिनिश्चितापि न शोभते।।5.30.38।।

घातयन्ति हि कार्याणि दूताः पण्डितमानिनः।

अर्थानर्थान्तरे swinging from a course of action or an action leading to calamity, बुद्धि intelligence, निश्चितापि though decided, न शोभते not proper, पण्डितमानिनः selfstyled scholars, दूताः messengers, कार्याणि their missions, घातयन्ति हि will be destroyed.

"Swinging from a course of action or an action leading to calamity is not proper.
Messengers who assume that they are scholars (blinded by ego) destroy their mission.
न विनश्येत्कथं कार्यं वैक्लब्यं न कथं भवेत्।।5.30.39।।

लङ्घनं च समुद्रस्य कथं नु न वृथा भवेत्।

कार्यम् task, कथम् how, न विनश्येत् may not be spoilt, वैक्लब्यम् failure, कथम् how, न भवेत् not be allowed to take place, समुद्रस्य ocean's, लङ्घनं च crossing, कथं नु how indeed, वृथा wasteful, न भवेत् not to be.

"How can the mission succeed? How can failure of mission be avoided? How can the crossing of the great ocean be not wasted?"
कथं नु खलु वाक्यं मे शृणुयान्नोद्विजेत वा।

इति सञ्चिन्त्य हनुमांश्चकार मतिमान्मतिम्।।5.30.40।।

मे वाक्यम् my words, कथं नु how to, शृणुयायात् she may listen, न उद्विजेत वा and not get agitated, इति thus, सञ्चिन्त्य reflecting, मतिमान् wise, हनुमान् Hanuman, मतिम् in his mind, चकार exercised.

Wise Hanuman came to a decision after reflecting in his mind about how not to create fear in Sita (while communicating with her.)
राममक्लिष्टकर्माणं सुबन्धुमनुकीर्तयन्।।5.30.41।।

नैनामुद्वेजयिष्यामि तद्बन्धुगतमानसाम्।

अक्लिष्टकर्माणम् one who is judicious in action, सुबन्धुम् very dear to her, रामम् Rama, अनुकीर्तयन् by praising him, तद्बन्धुगतमानसाम् since her mind is absorbed in him, एनाम् her, नोद्वेजयिष्यामि I will not create fear.

"By praising Rama who is very dear, who is judicious in action and in whom her mind is absorbed, I will not create fear.
इक्ष्वाकूणां वरिष्ठस्य रामस्य विदितात्मनः।।5.30.42।।

शुभानि धर्मयुक्तानि वचनानि समर्पयन्।

श्रावयिष्यामि सर्वाणि मधुरां प्रब्रुवन् गिरम्।।5.30.43।।

श्रद्धास्यति यथाहीयं तथा सर्वं समादधे।

इक्ष्वाकूणाम् in Ikshvaku race, वरिष्ठस्य of the esteemed person, विदितात्मनः of the knower of the self, रामस्य Rama's, शुभानि auspicious, वचनानि words, समर्पयन् by offering, मधुराम् sweet, गिरम् word, प्रब्रुवन् while uttering, सर्वाणि everything, श्रावयिष्यामि will make her listen, इयम् this, यथा as, श्रद्धास्यति will trust me, सर्वम् everything, समाददे I will present.

"I shall present in auspicious words the esteemed Rama of Ikshvaku family who is a knower of self and make her listen to everything in such a sweet manner that she will trust me.
इति स बहुविधं महानुभावो

जगतिपतेः प्रमदामवेक्षमाणः।

मधुरमवितथं जगाद वाक्यं

द्रुमविटपान्तरमास्थितो हनूमान्।।5.30.44।।

महानुभावः magnanimous, सः हनूमान् that Hanuman, द्रुमविटपान्तरम् behind the branch of the tree, आस्थितः seated, जगतिपतेः of the lord of the universe, प्रमदाम् wife, अवेक्षमाणः seeing, बहुविधम् in many ways, अवितथम् faithful, वाक्यम् words, इति thus, जगाद spoke

Highsouled Hanuman seated on the branch of the tree without being seen began to speak faithfully in praise of the lord of the universe in many ways while looking at her.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये सुन्दरकाण्डे त्रिंशस्सर्गः।।
Thus ends the thirtieth sarga of Sundarakanda of the holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.