Sloka & Translation


[Hanuman ruins Ashoka garden -- kills eighty thousand kinkaras]

ततः पक्षिनिनादेन वृक्षभङ्गस्वनेन च।

बभूवुस्त्राससम्भ्रान्तास्सर्वे लङ्कानिवासिनः।।5.42.1।।

ततः thereafter, पक्षिनिनादेन by the sounds of birds, वृक्षभङ्गस्वनेन by the cracking sound of trees, सर्वे all, लङ्कानिवासिनः the residents of Lanka, त्राससम्भ्रान्ताः were panicked, बभूवुः became.

The residents of Lanka panicked at the shrieking sounds of birds and cracking sounds of trees.
विद्रुताश्च भयत्रस्ता विनेदुर्मृगपक्षिणः।

रक्षसां च निमित्तानि क्रूराणि प्रतिपेदिरे।।5.42.2।।

मृगपक्षिणः beasts and birds, विद्रुता: ran and flown away, भयत्रस्ताः became scared, विनेदुः screeching in all directions, रक्षसां च for the ogres, क्रूराणि fierce, निमित्तानि portents, प्रतिपेदिरे appeared.

The frightened beasts and birds ran and flew, screeching in all directions. Fierce portents appeared to the demons.
ततो गतायां निद्रायां राक्षस्यो विकृताननाः।

तद्वनं ददृशुर्भग्नं तं च वीरं महाकपिम्।।5.42.3।।

ततः then, विकृताननाः women of hideous faces, राक्षस्यः ogressses, निद्रायाम् in sleep, गतायाम् was awakened, भग्नम् devastated, तत् that, वनम् garden, वीरम् hero, तं महाकपिं च that great vanara, ददृशुः saw.

Hideouslooking ogresses, awakened from sleep, saw the garden devastated by the heroic Vanara.
स ता दृष्ट्वा महाबाहुर्महासत्त्वो महाबलः।

चकार सुमहद्रूपं राक्षसीनां भयावहम्।।5.42.4।।

महाबाहुः strong armed one, महासत्त्वः a great hero, महाबलः mighty, सः he, Hanuman, ताः the women, दृष्ट्वा seeing, राक्षसीनाम् for the ogresses, भयावहम् to create fear, सुमहत् very huge, रूपम् form, चकार assumed.

When the powerful, mighty and strongarmed Hanuman saw the ogresses he assumed a very huge form in order to strike terror in them.
ततस्तं गिरिसङ्काशमतिकायं महाबलम्।

राक्षस्यो वानरं दृष्ट्वा पप्रच्छुर्जनकात्मजाम्।।5.42.5।।

ततः then, गिरिसङ्काशम् looking like a mountain, अतिकायम् of huge body, महाबलम् mighty, तं वानरम् that vanara, दृष्ट्वा after seeing, राक्षस्यः ogresses, जनकात्मजाम् Janaki, पप्रच्छुः questioned.

Then, seeing the huge body of the mighty vanara resembling a mountain the ogresses questioned Janaki about him.
कोऽयं कस्य कुतो वायं किं निमित्तमिहागतः।

कथं त्वया सहानेन संवादः कृत इत्युत।।5.42.6।।

अयम् this person, कः who, कस्य whose, अयम् he, कुतः from where, किं निमित्तम् for what purpose, इह here, आगतः he has come, उत or, अनेन by him, त्वया सह with you, संवादः talk, कृतः made.

"Who is he? By whom has he been sent? From where and why did he come here? What dialogue did you have with him?
आचक्ष्व नो विशालाक्षि मा भूत्ते सुभगे भयम्।

संवादमसितापाङ्गे त्वया किं कृतवानयम्।।5.42.7।।

विशालाक्षि largeeyed lady, नः to us, आचक्ष्व O you may tell, सुभगे O auspicious one, ते to you, भयम् fear, मा भूत् let there be none, असितापाङ्गे O lady with dark sideglances, अयम् this, त्वया with you, किम् what, संवादम् dialogue, कृतवान् he had.

"O lovely, largeeyed lady O auspicious one have no fear. What conversation did he have with you? Tell us".
अथाब्रवीन्महासाध्वी सीता सर्वाङ्गसुन्दरी।

रक्षसां भीमरूपाणां विज्ञाने मम का गतिः।।5.42.8।।

अथ then, महासाध्वी a chaste lady, सर्वाङ्गसुन्दरी a lady of beautiful limbs, सीता Sita, तदा then, अब्रवीत् said, भीमरूपाणाम् of fierce form, रक्षसाम् of ogresses, विज्ञाने in knowing, गतिः direction, मम to me, का what?

Chaste and beautiful Sita said, "How do I know about the ogresses who assume many fierce forms?"
यूयमेवाभिजानीत योऽयं यद्वा करिष्यति।

अहिरेव ह्यहेः पादान्विजानाति न संशयः।।5.42.9।।

अयम् this, यः whoever, यद्वा what, करिष्यति he is about, यूयमेव you alone, अभिजानीत you may find out, अहेः of a serpent, पादान् feet, अहिरेव a serpent alone, विजानाति knows, संशयः doubt, न no.

"You alone can know about who he is and what he is about. A serpent alone knows the movement (footprints) of another serpent. There is no doubt about it.
अहमप्यस्य भीतास्मि नैनं जानामि को न्वयं।

वेद्मि राक्षसमेवैनं कामरूपिणमागतम्।।5.42.10।।

अहमपि I am also, अस्य at him, भीता अस्मि I am scared of, एनम् him, को नु who he is, अयम् this person, न जानामि I do not know, एनम् him, आगतम् came, कामरूपिणम् who has assumed his desired form in various ways, राक्षसमेव demon only, वेद्मि I think.

"I am also scared of him. I do not know who he is. I think he is a demon, who came here assuming a form of his choice.
वैदेह्या वचनं श्रुत्वा राक्षस्यो विद्रुता दिशः।

स्थिताः काश्चिद्गताः काश्चिद्रावणाय निवेदितुम्।।5.42.11।।

वैदेह्याः Vaidehi's, वचनम् words, श्रुत्वा after listening to, राक्षस्यः ogresses, दिशः in all directions, विद्रुताः ran, काश्चित् some, स्थिताः stood there, काश्चित् some, रावणाय to Ravana, निवेदितुम् to report, गताः fled.

LIstening to Vaidehi's words the ogresses divided themselves and fled in all directions. While some stood there, others went to report to Ravana.
रावणस्य समीपे तु राक्षस्यो विकृताननाः।

विरूपं वानरं भीममाख्यातुमुपचक्रमुः।।5.42.12।।

विकृताननाः uglyfaced, राक्षस्यः shedemons, रावणस्य to Ravana, समीपे presence, विरूपम् disfigured, भीमम् frightening, वानरम् vanara, आख्यातुम् to report, उपचक्रमुः started.

The uglyfaced ogresses went to the presence of Ravana and reported about the frightening form of the vanara.
अशोकवनिकामध्ये राजन्भीमवपुः कपिः।

सीतया कृतसंवादस्तिष्ठत्यमितविक्रमः।।5.42.13।।

राजन् O king, सीतया with Sita, कृतसंवादः had a dialogue, भीमवपुः fearsome figure, अमितविक्रमः very powerful, कपिः vanara, अशोकवनिकामध्ये in the midst of Ashoka garden, तिष्ठति is stationed.

"Your majesty an extremely powerful and frightening Vanara had a dialogue with Sita. He is stationed in the midst of Ashoka garden.
न च तं जानकी सीता हरिं हरिणलोचना।

अस्माभिर्बहुधा पृष्टा निवेदयितुमिच्छति।।5.42.14।।

हरिणलोचना deereyed, जानकी Janaki, सीता Sita, अस्माभिः by us, पृष्टा questioned, तम् about him, निवेदयितुम् to disclose, न इच्छति not willing.

"The deereyed Sita is not willing to disclose to us his identity even when we questioned her.
वासवस्य भवेद्दूतो दूतो वैश्रवणस्य वा।

प्रेषितो वापि रामेण सीतान्वेषणकाङ्क्षया।।5.42.15।।

वासवस्य Vasava's, दूतः envoy, वैश्रवणस्य Vaisravana's, दूतो वा is he an envoy, सीतान्वेषणकाङ्क्षया or one who has come to trace Sita, रामेण by Rama, प्रेषितो वापि or sent, भवेत् may be.

"He may be an envoy of Indra or Kubera or of Rama sent with an intent to trace Sita.
तेन त्वद्भुतरूपेण यत्तत्तव मनोहरम्।

नानामृगगणाकीर्णं प्रमृष्टं प्रमदावनम्।।5.42.16।।

अद्भुतरूपेण by a person of wonderful form, तेन by him, मनोहरम् delightful, नानामृगगणाकीर्णम् filled with various kinds of animals, यत् such, तव your, प्रमदावनम् beautiful pleasure garden, प्रमृष्टम् ruined.

"Your beautiful pleasure garden filled with a variety of beasts has been ruined by this wonderful figure.
न तत्र कश्चिदुद्देशो यस्तेन न विनाशितः।

यत्र सा जानकी सीता स तेन न विनाशितः।।5.42.17।।

तेन by him, यः whichever, न विनाशितः not ruined, उद्देशः place, तत्र there, कश्चित् even one, न not, सा that, जानकी Janaki, सीता Sita, यत्र wherever, सः that place, तेन by him, न विनाशितः not ruined.

There is not a single place that has not been ruined by him there. Only the place where Janaka's daughter, Sita is resting has not been touched.
जानकीरक्षणार्थं वा श्रमाद्वा नोपलभ्यते।

अथवा कश्श्रमस्तस्य सैव तेनाभिरक्षिता।।5.42.18।।

जानकीरक्षणार्थं वा is it to protect Janaki, श्रमाद्वा or is it because he was tired, नोपलभ्यते we are not able to understand, अथवा or else, तस्य his, श्रमः tiresomeness, कः what, तेन by him, सैव she alone, अभिरक्षिता is spared.

"It is not clear whether he spared that place for protecting Janakai or he stopped due to exhaustion. What is fatigue for him? It must be to save her that she is spared by him.
चारुपल्लवपुष्पाढ्यं यं सीता स्वयमास्थिता।

प्रवृद्धश्शिंशुपावृक्ष स्स च तेनाभिरक्षितः।।5.42.19।।

सीता Sita, चारुपल्लवपुष्पाढ्यम् a tree with lovely tender leaves and flowers, यम् whom, स्वयम् personally, आस्थिता she resorted, सः that, प्रवृद्धः large, शिंशुपावृक्षः simsupa tree, तेन by him, अभिरक्षितः is saved from destruction.

"He has spared the simsupa tree with lovely, tender leaves and flowers which is a chosen resort by Sita.
तस्योग्ररूपस्योग्र त्वं दण्डमाज्ञातुमर्हसि।

सीता सम्भाषिता येन तद्वनं च विनाशितम्।।5.42.20।।

येन whomsoever, सीता Sita, सम्भाषिता had dialogue, तत् वनं च that garden also, विनाशितम् has been ruined, तस्य his, उग्ररूपस्य of a fierce form, त्वम् you, उग्रम् severe, दण्डम् punishment, आज्ञातुम् to order, अर्हसि is proper

"Your highness should take severe action on that person of fierce appearance with whom Sita dared to speak, and by whom the garden is ruined.
मनः परिगृहीतां तां तव रक्षोगणेश्वर।

कस्सीतामभिभाषेत यो न स्यात्त्यक्तजीवितः।।5.42.21।।

रक्षोगणेश्वर O lord of the demon clan, मनः परिगृहीताम् one who is desired by you, तां सीताम् that Sita, यः whoever, त्यक्तजीवितः given up hope of life, न स्यात् if not, कः who, अभिभाषेत he will dare to talk.

"O lord of the demon clan Who dares to talk to Sita if he has not given up all hope of life, since she is desired by you".
राक्षसीनां वचश्त्रुत्वा रावणो राक्षसेश्वरः।

हुताग्निरिव जज्वाल कोपसंवर्तितेक्षणः।।5.42.22।।

राक्षसेश्वरः lord of ogres, रावणः Ravana, राक्षसीनाम् shedemons, वचः words, श्रुत्वा after hearing, कोपसंवर्तितेक्षणः his eyeballs rolling in anger, हुताग्निरिव like sacrificial fire into which offering is made,जज्वाल flared.

On listening to the report of the ogresses, Ravana, the lord of demons flared up like blazing flame of a sacrificial fire, his eyeballs rolling in rage.
तस्य क्रुद्धस्य नेत्राभ्यां प्रापतन्नास्रबिन्दवः।

दीप्ताभ्यामिव दीपाभ्यां सार्चिष स्स्नेहबिन्दवः।।5.42.23।।

क्रुद्धस्य of the angry, तस्य his, नेत्राभ्याम् from both the eyes, दीप्ताभ्याम् burning ones, दीपाभ्याम् from two lamps, सार्चिषः with flames, स्नेहबिन्दवः इव like drops of oil, अस्रबिन्दवः drops of tears, प्रापतन् fell down.

From his angry eyes fell down drops of tears just as burning drops of oil drip from two burning lamps.
आत्मनस्सदृशान्शूरान्किङ्करान्नाम राक्षसान्।

व्यादिदेश महातेजा निग्रहार्थं हनूमतः।।5.42.24।।

महातेजाः powerful, हनूमतः Hanuman's, निग्रहार्थम् to catch, आत्मनः his, सदृशान् equals, शूरान् heroes, किङ्करान्नाम called kinkaras, राक्षसान् demons, व्यादिदेश commanded.

Then powerful Ravana commanded heroic demons called kinkaras who vied in strength to catch Hanuman.
तेषामशीतिसाहस्रं किङ्कराणां तरस्विनाम्।


महोदरा महादंष्ट्रा घोररूपा महाबलाः।

युद्धाभिमनसस्सर्वे हनुमद्ग्रहणोद्यताः।।5.42.26।।

तरस्विनाम् of swiftmoving ones, तेषां किङ्कराणाम् of the kinkaras, अशीतिसाहस्रम् eighty thousand, महोदराः largebellied, महादंष्ट्राः largetoothed, घोररूपाः dreadfullooking, महाबलाः powerful, युद्धाभिमनसः ready to fight in war, सर्वे all, कूटमुद्गरपाणयः hammers and clubs, हनुमद्ग्रहणोद्यताः resolved to capture Hanuman, तस्मात् from that, भवनात् building, निर्ययुः came out.

Eighty thousand powerful kinkaras (a clan of demons), largebellied, with large teeth and of dreadful appearance, swift in action, armed with hammers and clubs marched from there, resolved to capture Hanuman.
ते कपीन्द्रं समासाद्य तोरणस्थमवस्थितम्।

अभिपेतुर्महावेगाः पतङ्गा इव पावकम्।।5.42.27।।

ते they, तोरणस्थम् near the archway, अवस्थितम् stood ready, कपीन्द्रम् leader of vanaras, समासाद्य having approached, महावेगाः swift ones, पतङ्गाः moths, पावकम् इव like rushing into the flame, अभिपेतुः rushed.

The kinkaras rushed towards the leader of vanaras who stood near the archway like the moths rushing towards the flame.
ते गदाभिर्विचित्राभिः परिघैः काञ्चनाङ्गदैः।

आजघ्नुर्वानरश्रेष्ठं शरैश्चादित्यसन्निभैः।।5.42.28।।

ते they, विचित्राभिः with wonderful ones, गदाभिः with iron maces, काञ्चनाङ्गदैः edged with gold, परिघैः with crowbars, आदित्यसन्निभैः resembling the Sun, शरैश्च with arrows, वानरश्रेष्ठम् best of vanaras, आजघ्नुः assailed.

They assailed Hanuman with iron maces, crowbars edged with gold and shining arrows resembling the Sun.
मुद्गरैः पट्टिशैश्शूलैः प्रासतोमरशक्तिभिः।

परिवार्य हनूमन्तं सहसा तस्थुरग्रतः।।5.42.29।।

मुद्गरैः with hammers, पट्टि with sharpedged spears, शूलैः with tridents, प्रासतोमरशक्तिभिः with barbed missiles and powerful javelins, सहसा at once, हनूमन्तम् Hanuman, परिवार्य surrounded, अग्रतः in front of him, तस्थुः stood.

They quickly surrounded Hanuman and stood with hammers, sharpedged spears, tridents, barbed missiles and powerful javelins.
हनुमानपि तेजस्वी श्रीमान्पर्वतसन्निभः।

क्षितावाविध्य लाङ्गूलं ननाद च महास्वनम्।।5.42.30।।

तेजस्वी brilliant, श्रीमान् illustrious one, पर्वतसन्निभः resembling a mountain, हनुमानपि Hanuman also, लाङ्गूलम् tail, क्षितौ on the ground, आविध्य waved, महास्वनम् causing loud sound, ननाद च roared.

Gigantic Hanuman, illustrious and brilliant, roared and waved his tail striking it with force on the ground causing loud sound.
स भूत्वा सुमहाकायो हनुमान्मारुतात्मजः।

धृष्टमास्फोटयामास लङ्कां शब्देन पूरयन्।।5.42.31।।

मारुतात्मजः Maruti's son, सः हनुमान् that Hanuman, सुमहाकायः with a huge body, भूत्वा assuming, शब्देन by the sound, लङ्काम् entire Lanka, पूरयन् echoed, धृष्टम् wildly, अस्फोटयामास patted.

Hanuman, son of Maruti, enlarged his body to a huge size and patted himself wildly making loud noise that echoed the entire Lanka.
तस्यास्फोटितशब्देन महता सानुनादिना।

पेतुर्विहङ्गा गगनादुच्चैश्चेदमघोषयत्।।5.42.32।।

सानुनादिना by the frightening echoing sound, महता with great, तस्य his, अस्फोटितशब्देन by the sound of the patting, विहङ्गाः birds, गगनात् from the sky, पेतुः fell down, उच्चैः with a loud noise, इदम् thus, अघोषयत् च proclaimed.

By the highly frightening sound caused by Hanuman patting, the birds from the sky fell down making a loud noise and Hanuman proclaimed in a loud voice as follows:
जयत्यतिबलो रामो लक्ष्मणश्च महाबलः।

राजा जयति सुग्रीवो राघवेणाभिपालितः।।5.42.33।।

अतिबलः mighty, रामः Rama, जयति is victorious, महाबलः powerful, लक्ष्मणश्च Lakshmana also, राघवेण by Rama, अभिपालितः ruled, राजा king, सुग्रीवः Sugriva, जयति is victorious.

"Victory to Rama, the mighty and powerful, Victory to Lakshmana. Victory to king Sugriva who is ruled by Rama."
दासोऽहं कोसलेन्द्रस्य रामस्याक्लिष्टकर्मणः।

हनुमान्शत्रुसैन्यानां निहन्ता मारुतात्मजः।।5.42.34।।

शत्रुसैन्यानाम् of the enemy army, निहन्ता killer, मारुतात्मजः son of the Windgod, हनुमान् Hanuman, अहम् I am, कोसलेन्द्रस्य of the lord of Kosala kingdom, अक्लिष्टकर्मणः a man of unwearied action, रामस्य Rama's, दासः servant.

"I, son of the Windgod, destroyer of hostile armies, am a servant of Rama, the lord of Kosala kingdom, a man of unwearied action.
न रावणसहस्रं मे युद्धे प्रतिबलं भवेत्।

शिलाभिस्तु प्रहरतः पादपैश्च सहस्रशः।।5.42.35।।

सहस्रशः a thousand ways, शिलाभिः with stones, पादपैश्च with even trees, प्रहरतः while I pound, मे to me, युद्धे in war, रावणसहस्रम् a thousand Ravanas, प्रतिबलम् match in strength, न भवेत् will not.

Even a thousand Ravanas will not match me in strength when I pound stones and trees in a thousand ways.
अर्दयित्वा पुरीं लङ्कामभिवाद्य च मैथिलीम्।

समृद्धार्थो गमिष्यामि मिषतां सर्वरक्षसाम्।।5.42.36।।

सर्वरक्षसाम् all ogres, मिषताम् as they gaze, लङ्कां पुरीम् city of Lanka, अर्दयित्वा shall destroy, मैथिलीम् to Mythili, अभिवाद्य च and pay respects, समृद्धार्थः having accomplished my purpose, गमिष्यामि I will return.

"I shall destroy the city of Lanka and pay my respects to Mythili right under the nose of all demons. I will return with my purpose accomplished.
तस्य सन्नादशब्देन तेऽभवन्भयशङ्किताः।

ददृशुश्च हनूमन्तं सन्ध्यामेघमिवोन्नतम्।।5.42.37।।

ते they, तस्य his, सन्नादशब्देन with the sound of hearing, भयशङ्किता: errified, अभवन् seemed, सन्ध्यामेघमिव like a cloud in twilight, उन्नतम् towering, हनूमन्तम् Hanuman, ददृशुश्च saw.

Terrified on hearing the roar, the kinkaras looked at the towering Hanuman who seemed like a cloud in twilight (red in colour).
स्वामिसन्देशनिश्शङ्कास्ततस्ते राक्षसाः कपिम्।

चित्रैः प्रहरणैर्भीमैरभिपेतुस्ततस्ततः।।5.42.38।।

ततः then, ते they, राक्षसाः demons, स्वामिसन्देशनिःशङ्का: on account the king's command putting aside their fear, चित्रैः with dreadful, प्रहरणैः with weapons, कपिम् the vanara, अभिपेतुः attacked him.

Obeying their king's commnad, putting aside their fear, the kinkaras freely attacked the vanara from all directions with dreadful weapons.
स तैः परिवृतश्शूरैस्सर्वतस्सुमहाबलः।

आससादाऽयसं भीमं परिघं तोरणाश्रितम्।।5.42.39।।

सुमहाबलः exceesively powerful one, सः he, Hanuman, शूरैः with heroes, तैः with those, सर्वतः all over, परिवृतः surrounded, तोरणाश्रितम् near the archway, भीमम् terrific, आयसम् a weapon made of iron, परिघम् iron beam, आससाद picked up.

Extremely powerful Hanuman surrounded by heroes all over, on his part went to the archway and picked up a terrific iron beam.
स तं परिघमादाय जघान रजनीचरान्।

स पन्नगमिवादाय स्फुरन्तं विनतासुतः।।5.42.40।।

विचचाराम्बरे वीरः परिगृह्य च मारुतिः।

सः he, तं परिघम् that iron beam, आदाय took hold, रजनीचरान् nightrangers, जघान struck them, वीरः hero, सः मारुतिः that Maruti, विनतासुतः just as Vinatha's son, स्फुरन्तम् shoots, पन्नगम् serpent, आदाय seized, परिगृह्य took hold, अम्बरे in the sky, विचचार started moving.

Hanuman, the mighty hero, seized the iron beam and struck the kinkaras, just as Garuda, the son of Vinata shoots up a struggling serpent and starts taking strides in the sky with the weapon in his hand (like Indra with his thunderbolt did with demons).
स हत्वा राक्षसान्वीरान्किङ्करान्मारुतात्मजः।।5.42.41।।

युद्धाकाङ्क्षी पुनर्वीरस्तोरणं समुपाश्रितः।

वीरः hero, सः मारुतात्मजः that Windgod's son, वीरान् heroes, किङ्करान् kinkaras, राक्षसान् ogres, हत्वा having killed, पुनः again, युद्धाकाङ्क्षी desiring further combat, तोरणम् archway, समुपाश्रितः reached.

The great Windgod's son killed the kinkaras, and returned to the archway desiring further combat.
ततस्तस्माद्भयान्मुक्ताः कतिचित्तत्र राक्षसाः।।5.42.42।।


ततः then, तत्र that, तस्मात् from fear, भयात् out of fear, मुक्ताः relieved, कतिचित् some, राक्षसाः ogres, सर्वान् all, किङ्करान् kinkaras, निहतान् killed, रावणाय to Ravana, न्यवेदयन् reported.

Then a few surviving ogres took to their heels after getting over that shock and reported to Ravana of the destruction of the kinkaras in the combat
स राक्षसानां निहतं महद्बलं निशम्य राजा परिवृत्तलोचनः।

समादिदेशाप्रतिमं पराक्रमे प्रहस्तपुत्रं समरे सुदुर्जयम्।।5.42.43।।

स he, राजा king, राक्षसानाम् of ogres, महत् mighty, बलम् army, निहतम् killed, निशम्य after hearing, परिवृत्तलोचनः with his eyes rolling, पराक्रमे in valour, अप्रतिमम् matchless, समरे in war, सुदुर्जयम् difficult to conquer, प्रहस्तपुत्रम् son of Prahasta, समादिदेश commanded.

The mighty demon king having heard about the killing of the formidable army of ogres, his eyes rolling in rage, commanded the son of Prahasta, who is difficult to conquer and matchless in war.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये सुन्दरकाण्डे द्विचत्वारिंशस्सर्गः।।
Thus ends the fortysecond sarga of Sundarakanda of the holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.