Sloka & Translation


[Hanuman destroys the demons in the palace]

ततस्स किङ्करान्हत्वा हनुमान्ध्यानमास्थितः।

वनं भग्नं मया चैत्यप्रासादो न विनाशितः।।5.43.1।।

तस्मात्प्रासादमप्येवं भीमं विध्वंसयाम्यहं।

इति सञ्चिन्त्य मनसा हनुमान्दर्शयन्बलम्।।5.43.2।।

चैत्यप्रासादमाप्लुत्य मेरुशृङ्गमिवोन्नतम्।

आरुरोह कपिश्रेष्ठो हनुमान्मारुतात्मजः।।5.43.3।।

ततः then, सः हनुमान् that Hanuman, किङ्करान् kinkaras, हत्त्वा having slain, ध्यानम् reflected, आस्थितः resumed, मया by me, वनम् garden, भग्नम् destroyed, चैत्यप्रासादः the Chaitya palace, न विनाशितः not ruined, तस्मात् therefore, अद्य now, अहम् I, भीमम् fearsome, प्रासादम् building, एवम् in this way, विध्वंसयामि I will destroy, कपिश्रेष्ठः foremost of vanaras, मारुतात्मजः son of the Windgod, हनुमान् Hanuman, मनसा in his mind, इति thus, सञ्चिन्त्य thinking, बलम् strength, दर्शयन् showed, मेरुशृङ्गमिव like the peak of mount Meru, उन्नतम् tall, चैत्यप्रासादम् Chaitya palace, उत्ल्पुत्य jumped, आरुरोह climbed

Having slain the kinkaras, Hanuman stood and reflected, ' I have ruined the garden and not the palatial buildings that are like temples (Chaityas)'. Then Hanuman, son of the Windgod, decided in his mind to show his strength and jumped on to the top of the palatial building that appeared like the peak of mount Meru.
आरुह्य गिरिसङ्काशं प्रासादं हरियूथपः।

बभौ स सुमहातेजाः प्रतिसूर्य इवोदितः।।5.43.4।।

हरियूथपः vanara leader, सुमहातेजाः brilliant, सः he, गिरिसङ्काशम् resembling a mountain, प्रासादम् palace, आरुह्य after climbing, उदितः rising, प्रतिसूर्यः इव like another Sun, बभौ

The powerful vanara leader climbed the tall, palatial building which resembled a mountain. He looked like another Sun, just risen.
संप्रधृष्य च दुर्धर्षं चैत्यप्रासादमुत्तमम्।

हनुमान्प्रज्वलन्लक्ष्म्या पारियात्रोपमोऽभवत्।।5.43.5।।

हनुमान् Hanuman, दुर्धर्षम् indomitable, उत्तमम् fine, चैत्यप्रासादम् palace building, सम्प्रधृष्य च having surrounded लक्ष्म्या with glory, प्रज्वलन् blazing, पारियात्रोपमः like mountain Pariyatra, अभवत् appeared

Having destroyed the fine palace building, the indomitable Hanuman was blazing with glory like the mountain Pariyatra. (one of the seven Kula mountains viz., Mahendra, Malaya, Sahya, Shuktiman, Riksha, Vindhya and Pariyatra)
स भूत्वा सुमहाकायः प्रभावान्मारुतात्मजः।

धृष्टमास्फोटयामास लङ्कां शब्देन पूरयन्।।5.43.6।।

सः मारुतात्मजः that son of the Wind god, प्रभावात् by his prowess, सुमहाकायः of a huge body, भूत्वा being, शब्देन by the sound, लङ्काम् Lanka, पूरयन् while filling, धृष्टम् roughly, अस्फोटयामास started patting (his arms)

Hanuman heaved his body huge with his prowess and patted his arms loudly filling the city of Lanka with that terrible sound.
तस्यास्फोटितशब्देन महता श्रोत्रघातिना।

पेतुर्विहङ्गमास्तत्र चैत्यपालाश्च मोहिताः।।5.43.7।।

तस्य by the, श्रोत्रघातिना by the deafening sound, महता with a loud, अस्फोटितशब्देन with the sound of patting, तत्र there, विहङ्गमाः birds, पेतुः fell down, चैत्यपालाश्च guards of the palace, मोहिताः lost consciousness.

By the deafening sound caused by the patting, the birds fell down and the guards of the palace lost consciousness.
अस्त्रविज्जयतां रामो लक्ष्मणश्च महाबलः।

राजा जयति सुग्रीवो राघवेणाभिपालितः।।5.43.8।।

अस्त्रवित् knowledgeable about all missiles, रामः Rama, जयताम् be victorious, महाबलः matchless warrior, लक्ष्मणश्च Lakshmana also, राघवेण by Rama, अभिपालितः ruled, राजा king, सुग्रीवः Sugriva, जयति be victorious.

'May Sri Rama, unsurpassed in the use of missiles be victorious May his brother, mighty Lakshmana, a matchless warrior be victorious. May King Sugriva ruled by Rama be victorious.'
दासोऽहं कोसलेन्द्रस्य रामस्याक्लिष्टकर्मणः।

हनुमान्शत्रुसैन्यानां निहन्ता मारुतात्मजः।।5.43.9।।

शत्रुसैन्यानाम् of enemy army, निहन्ता killer, मारुतात्मजः son of the Windgod, हनुमान् Hanuman, अहम् I, कोसलेन्द्रस्य king of Kosala's, अक्लिष्टकर्मणः one who can acomplish any task with ease, रामस्य Rama's, दासः servant.

'I am the son of the Windgod, destroyer of enemy army. I am a servant of Rama, the king of Kosala who can accomplish any task with ease.
न रावणसहस्रं मे युद्धे प्रतिबलं भवेत्।

शिलाभिस्तु प्रहरतः पादपैश्च सहस्रशः।।5.43.10।।

सहस्रशः in a thousand ways, शिलाभिः with rocks, पादपैश्च or even with trees, प्रहरतः hurling, मे to me, युद्धे in war, रावणसहस्रम् a thousand Ravanas, प्रतिबलम् match in might, तु also, न भवेत् not be.

'Not even a thousand Ravanas can stand my might in combat as I start assailing them with thousands of rocks or even trees.
अर्दयित्वा पुरीं लङ्कामभिवाद्य च मैथिलीम्।

समृद्धार्थो गमिष्यामि मिषतां सर्वरक्षसाम्।।5.43.11।।

सर्वरक्षसाम् of all ogres, मिषताम् they keep looking, लङ्कां पुरीम् city of Lanka, अर्थयित्वा destroying, मैथिलीम् Mythili, अभिवाद्य च offering obeisance, समृद्धार्थः having accomplished the task, गमिष्यामि return to.

'I shall return only after accomplishing the destruction of the city of Lanka and offering obeisance to Sita, while all demons keep looking at me'.
एवमुक्त्वा विमानस्थश्चैत्यस्थान्हरियूथपः।

ननाद भीमनिर्ह्रादो रक्षसां जनयन्भयम्।।5.43.12।।

हरियूथपः monkey leader, विमानस्थः standing on the vimana, चैत्यस्थान् of the palace, एवम् that way, उक्त्वा having said, भीमनिर्ह्रादः making terrific sound, रक्षसाम् to the ogres, भयम् fear, जनयन् while creating, ननाद roared.

Having made proclamations that way from the top of the Vimana (palace) the monkey leader roared making terrific sound frightening the ogres.
तेन शब्देन महता चैत्यपालाश्शतं ययुः।

गृहीत्वा विविधानस्त्रान्प्रासान्खङ्गान्परश्वथान्।।5.43.13।।

विसृजन्तो महाकाया मारुतिं पर्यवारयन्।

महता with terrific, तेन शब्देन by that sound, शतम् hundred, चैत्यपालाः guards of the palace, विविधान् many, अस्त्रान् weapons, प्रासान् darts, खङ्गान् swords, परश्वथान् axes, गृहीत्वा after picking, ययुः marked, महाकायाः those of huge bodies, विसृजन्तः hurling, मारुतिम् Maruti, पर्यवारयन् surrounded.

Hearing the terrific sound, a hundred gigantic guards of the palace set forth, holding different kinds of weapons like darts, swords and axes and hurled at Maruti surrounding him.
ते गदाभिर्विचित्राभिः परिघैः काञ्चनाङ्गदैः।

आजघ्नुर्वानरश्रेष्ठं बाणैश्चादित्यसन्निभैः।।5.43.14।।

ते they, विचित्राभिः with astonishing, गदाभिः with maces, काञ्चनाङ्गदैः maces decorated with gold, परिघैः with crowbars, आदित्यसन्निभैः sharp like the Sun's rays, बाणैश्च with arrows, वानरश्रेष्ठम् foremost of vanaras, अजघ्नुः hit.

Holding astonishing maces decorated with gold, iron crowbars and sharp arrows resembling the rays of the Sun the ogres hit Hanuman, the foremost of vanaras.
आवर्त इव गङ्गायास्तोयस्य विपुलो महान्।

परिक्षिप्य हरिश्रेष्ठं स बभौ रक्षसां गणः।।5.43.15।।

सः that, रक्षसां गणः horde of ogres, हरिश्रेष्ठम् best of vanaras, परिक्षिप्य having surrounded, गङ्गायाः of the river Ganga, तोयस्य of the water, महान् huge, विपुलः big, आवर्त इव like a whirlpool, बभौ looked.

The demons surrounding the great monkey looked like a big whirlpool of the water of the river Ganga.
ततो वातात्मजः क्रुद्धो भीम रूपं समास्थितः।।5.43.16।।

प्रासादस्य महन्तस्य स्तम्बं हेमपरिष्कृतम्।

उत्पाटयित्वा वेगेन हनुमान्पवनात्मजः।।5.43.17।।

ततस्तं भ्रामयामास शतधारं महाबलः।

ततः then, वातात्मज son of the Windgod, क्रुद्धः infuriated, भीमम् fearsome, रूपम् form, समास्थितः assumed, महान् great, पवनात्मजः son of the Windgod, महाबलः mighty, हनुमान् Hanuman, तस्य प्रासादस्य of that palace, हेमपरिष्कृतम् decked with gold, स्तम्भं pillar, उत्पाटयित्वा uprooted, ततः then, शतधारम् holding a hundred edged, तम् that, वेगेन swiftly, भ्रामयामास whirled round.

Thereupon the infuriated son of the Windgod, assumed a fearsome form, uprooted a pillar of the palace decked with gold and holding that hundred edged pillar whirled it round swiftly.
तत्र चाग्निस्समभवत्प्रासादश्चाप्यदह्यत।।5.43.18।।

दह्यमानं ततो दृष्ट्वा प्रासादं हरियूथपः।

स राक्षसशतं हत्त्वा वज्रेणेन्द्र इवासुरान्।।5.43.19।।

अन्तरिक्षे स्थितश्श्तीमानिदं वचनमब्रवीत्।

तत्र thereafter, अग्नि: च and fire, समभवत् was created, प्रासादश्च the palace, अपि also, अदह्यत was burnt, ततः then, सः हरियूथपः Hanuman, दृष्ट्वा after seeing, इन्द्रः Indra, वज्रेण with a thunderbolt, असुरानिव like the ogres, राक्षसशतम् a hundred ogres, हत्त्वा having killed, श्रीमान् illustrous, अन्तरिक्षे in the aerial region, स्थितः stood, इदम् this, वचनम् word, अब्रवीत् proclaimed.

Thereafter fire was generated (through friction) and with if the palace blazed. Hanuman saw the palace burning. He killed a hundred demons there as Indra killed demons with his thunderbolt. (The whirling pillar that generated fire apeared like a thunderbolt) Later he stood in the air and proclaimed this:
मादृशानां सहस्राणि विसृष्टानि महात्मनाम्।।5.43.20।।

बलिनां वानरेन्द्राणां सुग्रीववशवर्तिनाम्।

अटन्ति वसुधां कृत्स्नां वयमन्ये च वानराः।।5.43.21।।

महात्मनाम् huge, बलिनाम् of mighty, सुग्रीववशवर्तिनाम् of those loyal to Sugriva, मादृशानाम् of
people like me, वानरेन्द्राणाम् of the best of vanara leaders, सहस्राणि in thousands, विसृष्टानि are despatched, वयम् we, अन्ये others, वानराश्च and vanaras, कृत्स्नाम् entire, वसुधाम् the earth, अटन्ति we are wandering.

"Thousands of huge and mighty monkeys, equal to me, loyal to king Sugriva, are coming under the orders and have been recruited from the entire earth. They are the best among monkeys.
दशनागबलाः केचित्केचिद्दशगुणोत्तराः।

केचिन्नागसहस्रस्य बभूवुस्तुल्यविक्रमाः।।5.43.22।।

केचित् some, दशनागबलाः have ten elephants strength, केचित् some, दशगुणोत्तराः ten hundred elephants strength, केचित् some, नागसहस्रस्य thousand elephants strength, तुल्यविक्रमाः equal in power, बभूवुः will be.

"Of them some have the strength equal to ten elephants, others are ten times stronger, and still others have a thousand elephants' strength.
सन्ति चौघबलाः केचित्केचिद्वायुबलोपमाः।

अप्रमेयबलाश्चान्ये तत्रासन्हरियूथपाः।।5.43.23।।

केचित् some, ओघबलाः strong as flood, सन्ति there are, केचित् some, वायुबलोपमाः have the power of wind, तत्र there, अन्ये others, हरियूथपाः leaders of monkeys, अप्रमेयबलाश्च of immeasureable strength, आसन् there are.

"Some have the strength of flood waters, some are powerful as wind and yet others have strength beyond measure.
ईदृग्विधैस्तु हरिभिर्वृतो दन्तनखायुधैः।

शतैश्शतसहस्रैश्च कोटीभिरयुतैरपि।।5.43.24।।

आगमिष्यति सुग्रीवः सर्वेषां वो निषूदनः।

ईद्दृग्विधैः endowed with such warriors, दन्त अपितु नखायुधै: by those using teeth and nails as weapons, शतैः in hundreds, अयुतैः in ayuta (ten thousand), शतसहस्रैः a hundred thousand, कोटीभिः in crores, हरिभिः with vanaras also, वृतः surrounded, सुग्रीवः Sugriva, सर्वेषाम् of all of them, वः you, निषूदनः killer, आगमिष्यति would come here.

"Sugriva will come here with hundreds of thousands of crores of vanaras who would be fighting with their teeth and nails as weapons.
नेयमस्ति पुरी लङ्का न यूयं न च रावणः।5.43.25।।

यस्मादिक्ष्वाकुनाथेन बद्धं वैरं महात्मना।

यस्मात् since, महात्मना with great self, इक्ष्वाकुनाथेन with the lord of Ikshvaku dynasty, वैरम् enmity, बद्धम् is bound, इयम् this, लङ्कापुरी city of Lanka, नास्ति will not be found, यूयम् even you, न not, रावणः च and Ravana, न also.

"You have established great enmity with the noble lord of Ikshvaku dynasty. Neither this Lanka will endure nor you, nor even Ravana will be traced.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये सुन्दरकाण्डे त्रिचत्वारिशस्सर्गः।।
Thus ends the fortythird sarga of Sundarakanda of the holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.