Sloka & Translation


[Five Generals of Ravana done to death by Hanuman in war]

हतान्मन्त्रिसुतान् बुद्ध्वा वानरेण महात्मना।

रावणस्संवृताकारश्चकार मतिमुत्तमाम्।।5.46.1।।

रावणः Ravana, महात्मना the great, वानरेण by the vanara, मन्त्रिसुतान् sons of the ministers, हतान् killed, बुद्द्वा knowing, संवृताकारः who had concealed his agony, उत्तमाम् good, मतिम् thought, चकार formulated.

Coming to know that the seven sons of the ministers were slain by the great vanara, Ravana, who had concealed his feelings of agony thought of a good plan.
स विरूपाक्षयूपाक्षौ दुर्धरं चैव राक्षसम्।

प्रघसं भासकर्णं च पञ्चसेनाग्रनायकान्।।5.46.2।।

सन्दिदेश दशग्रीवो वीरान्नयविशारदान्।


सः दशग्रीवः the tenheaded Ravana, वीरान् warriors, नयविशारदान् skilled in statecraft, हनुमद्ग्रहणव्यग्रान् eager to capture Hanuman, युथि in battle, वायुवेगसमान् equal to wind in speed, विरूपाक्षयूपाक्षौ Virupaksha and Yupaksha, दुर्धरम् Durdhara, राक्षसं चैव also a giant, प्रघसम् Praghasa, भासकर्णं च Bhaskarna and, सेनाग्रनायकान् army Generals पञ्च five,सन्दिदेश commanded.

The tenheaded Ravana, eager to capture Hanuman, commanded his five army Generals called Virupaksha, Yupaksha, Durdhara, Praghasa and Bhaskarna, who were great warriorstatesmen valiant and, equal to wind in speed.
यात सेनाग्रगास्सर्वे महाबलपरिग्रहाः।

सवाजिरथमातङ्गास्स कपिश्शास्यतामिति।।5.46.4।।

सेनाग्रगाः O Army generals, सर्वे all, महाबलपरिग्रहाः accompanied by large, strong army, सवाजिरथमातङ्गाः along with horses, chariots and elphants, यात march, सः कपिः that vanara, शास्यताम् punish, इति thus.

"O Army generals march with a large, strong army with horses, chariots and elephants and punish the vanara.
यत्नैश्च खलु भाव्यं स्यात्तमासाद्य वनालयम्।

कर्म चापि समाधेयं देशकालाविरोधिनम्।।5.46.5।।

तम् him, वनालयम् a forestdweller, आसाद्य after reaching, यत्नैः च with all efforts, भाव्यम् should be engaged, देशकालाविरोधिनम् that which is not against time and space, कर्म चापि even action, समाधेयम् should be done.

"Go to that forestdweller and make all efforts to impose on him punishment appropriate to time and place (keeping in view the harm he has done).
न ह्यहं तं कपिं मन्ये कर्मणा प्रतितर्कयन्।

सर्वथा तन्महद्भूतं महाबलपरिग्रहम्।।5.46.6।।

अहम् I, कर्मणा by his actions, प्रतितर्कयन् judging again and again,तम् him, कपिम् monkey, न मन्ये I do not think, सर्वथा by all its actions, तत् that, महाबलपरिग्रहम् endowed with great strength, महत् great, भूतम् a being.

"Judging again and again from all actions, I do not think he is an ordinary monkey. He is a being endowed with great strength.
भवेदिन्द्रेण वा सृष्टमस्मदर्थं तपोबलात्।

सनागयक्षगन्धर्वा देवासुरमहर्षयः।।5.46.7।।

युष्माभिस्सहितैस्सर्वैर्मया सह विनिर्जिताः।

तैरवश्यं विधातव्यं व्यलीकं किञ्चिदेव नः।।5.46.8।।

तदेव नात्र सन्देहः प्रसह्य परिगृह्यताम्।

नावमान्यो भवद्भिश्च हरिर्धीरपराक्रमः।।5.46.9।।

अस्मदर्धम् it seems to me, तपोबलात् by ascetic power, इन्द्रेण by Indra, सृष्टं वा may be created, भवेत् may be, सहितैः along with, सर्वैः by all, युष्माभिः of you, मया by me, सनागयक्षगन्धर्वाः nagas, yakshas, gandharvas,देवासुरमहर्षयः gods, demons and ascetics, विनिर्जिताः subdued, तैः by them, नः us, किञ्चिदेव even a little, व्यलीकम् harm, अवश्यम् certainly, विधातव्यम् should be done, तदेव this is same reaction, अत्र in this case, सन्देहः doubt, न no, प्रसह्य with force, परिगृह्यताम् he may be captured, धीरपराक्रमः a warrior of heroic strength, हरिः monkey, भवद्भि by you also, नावमान्यः should not be insulted.

"To me it appears he is created by Indra with his ascetic power (for punishing us). I have subdued nagas, yakshas, gandharvas and even gods, asuras and ascetics with your help. So you should certainly bring him here without doing any harm. Capture the monkey forcibly. Do not insult that mighty monkey.
दृष्टा हि हरयः पूर्वं मया विपुलविक्रमाः।

वाली च सहसुग्रीवो जाम्बवांश्च महाबलः।।5.46.10।।

नीलस्सेनापतिश्चैव ये चान्ये द्विविदादयः।

नैवं तेषां गतिर्भीमा न तेजो न पराक्रमः।।5.46.11।।

न मतिर्न बलोत्साहौ न रूपपरिकल्पनम्।

पूर्वम् earlier, मया by me, विपुलविक्रमाः of immense prowess, हरयः monkeys, सहसुग्रीवः with Sugriva, वाली च and Vali, महाबलः mighty, जाम्बवांश्च and Jambavan, सेनापतिः army chief, नीलः Nila, द्विविदादयः Dvivida and others, अन्ये च and others, ये those, दृष्टाः हि have seen, तेषाम् for them, गतिः movement, एवम् that way, भीमा tremendous, न not, तेजः splendour,
पराक्रमः valour, न not, मतिः intellect, न not, बलोत्साहौ strength and energy, रूपपरिकल्पनम् ability to change form at will.

"Earlier I have seen monkeys of immense prowess, like Vali and Sugriva as well as Jambavan, the bear. Also I have seen the army general, Nila, Dvivida and others. They do not have such tremendous splendour or movement valour, intellect and strength and energy. They did not have such ability to change form at their will.
महत्सत्त्वमिदं ज्ञेयं कपिरूपं व्यवस्थितम्।।5.46.12।।

प्रयत्नं महदास्थाय क्रियतामस्य निग्रहः।

इदम् this, कपिरूपम् a monkey form, व्यवस्थितम् concluded, महत् great, सत्त्वम् being, ज्ञेयम् It should be understood, महत् extraordinary, प्रयत्नम् effort, आस्थाय by putting up, अस्य his, निग्रहः capture, क्रियताम् do.

"It should be understood that he has taken the form of a monkey. You have to put in extraordinary effort to capture him by acting in a suitable manner.
कामं लोकास्त्रयस्सेन्द्रास्ससुरासुरमानवाः।।5.46.13।।

भवतामग्रतः स्थातुं न पर्याप्ता रणाजिरे।

सेन्द्राः including Indra, ससुरासुरमानवाः suras, asuras and humans together, त्रयः all the three, लोकाः worlds, रणाजिरे in the battlefield, भवताम् your, अग्रतः in front, स्थातुम् to stand, न पर्याप्ताः not competent, कामम् indeed.

"Even Indra, suras, asuras and humans and the three worlds together are incompetent to stand before you in a battlefield.
तथापि तु नयज्ञेन जयमाकाङ्क्षता रणे।।5.46.14।।

आत्मा रक्ष्यः प्रयत्नेन युद्धसिद्धिर्हि चञ्चला।

तथापि तु even then, रणे in a war, जयम् victory, आकाङ्क्षता while desiring, नयज्ञेन by
carefully adopting war strategies in an intelligent manner, प्रयत्नेन making effort, आत्मा your own self, रक्ष्यः should be protected, युद्धसिद्धिः victory in war, चञ्चला हि is uncertain.

"Even then, you should safeguard yourself with great effort adopting warstrategies in an intelligent manner to be victorious, for success in war is uncertain.
ते स्वामिवचनं सर्वे प्रतिगृह्य महौजसः।।5.46.15।।

समुत्पेतुर्महावेगा हुताशसमतेजसः।

रथैर्मत्तैश्च मातङ्गैर्वाजिभिश्च महाजवैः।।5.46.16।।

शस्त्रैश्च विविधैस्तीक्ष्णैस्सर्वैश्चोपचिता बलैः।

महौजसः very strong, हुताशसमतेजसः resplendant as sacrificial fire, ते सर्वे all of them, स्वामिवचनम् king's words, प्रतिगृह्य accepting, महावेगाः who were swift, रथैः with chariots, मत्तै intoxicated, मातङ्गै: with elephants, महाजवैः of great speed, वाजिभिश्च with horses, तीक्ष्णैः sharp, विविधैः many kinds, शस्त्रै: with weapons, सर्वे all, बलैः strong army, उपचिताः collecting,समुत्पेतुः sallied forth together

Taking King's order, the strong and swift warriors, resplendent as the flame of sacrificial fire sallied forth with their army on chariots, on the back of rutting elephants, some on swift horses equipped with sharp weapons of many kinds.
ततस्तं ददृशुर्वीरा दीप्यमानं महाकपिम्।।5.46.17।।

रश्मिमन्तमिवोद्यन्तं स्वतेजोरश्मिमालिनम्।

तोरणस्थं महोत्साहं महासत्त्वं महाबलम्।।5.46.18।।

ततः then, वीराः heroes, स्वतेजोरश्मिमालिनम् shining like the Sungod with his own effulgence, उद्यन्तम् a rising one, रश्मिमन्तमिव like the Sun, दीप्यमानम् shining, तोरणस्थम् standing at the archway, महोत्साहम् extraordinary agility, महासत्त्वम् intelligent,महाबलम् endowed with tremendous strength, तं महाकपिम् him the vanara, ददृशुः saw.

The heroic giants caught sight of the vanara, who was blazing encircled as though he
was by the rays of his own glory, looking like the rising Sun. He was endowed with extraordinary agility, intelligence, and tremendous strength standing, waiting at the archway.
महामतिं महावेगं महाकायं महाबलम्।

तं समीक्ष्यैव ते सर्वे दिक्षु सर्वास्ववस्थिताः।।5.46.19।।

तै स्तै: प्रहरणैर्भीमैरभिपेतुस्ततस्ततः।

सर्वे all, महामतिम् highly intelligent, महावेगम् very swift, महाकायम् having a huge body, महाबलम् tremendous strength, तम् him, समीक्ष्यैव having observed, सर्वासु in all, दिक्षु directions, अवस्थिताः positioned, ततस्ततः here and there, भीमैः with dreadful, स्तैस्तै: with different, प्रहरणैः with weapons, अभिपेतुः attacked.

Having observed the tremendous strength, intelligence and swiftness in action of Hanuman, the generals of the army positioned at all directions and assailed him with dreadful weapons.
तस्य पञ्चायसास्तीक्ष्णाश्शिताः पीतमुखाश्शराः।।5.46.20।।

शिरस्युत्पलपत्राभा दुर्धरेण निपातिताः।

तीक्ष्णाः sharp, शिताः sharp, पीतमुखाः steel shafts with polished yellow tips (of gold), उत्पलपत्राभाः shining like petals of lilies, आयसाः steel shafts made of iron, पञ्च five, शराः arrows, दुर्धरेण by Durdhara, तस्य his, शिरसि on his head, निपातिताः pierced.

Durdhara pierced into the head of Hanuman with five sharp arrows and polished steel shafts with yellow tips (gold) shining like red lotus petals. They were like petals of lilies thrown on the head of Hanuman (causing no pain).
स तैः पञ्चभिराविद्धश्शरैश्शिरसि वानरः।।5.46.21।।

उत्पपात नदन् व्योम्नि दिशो दश विनादयन्।

वानरः vanara, तैः them, पञ्चभिः by those five, शरैः with arrows, शिरसि on the head, अविद्धः pierced in, नदन् roared, दशदिशः the ten directions, विनादयन् making a loud noise, व्योम्नि in the sky, उत्पपात leaped.

With five arrows pierced in the head of the vanara, Hanuman leaped into the sky with terrible roar, which resounded in all the ten directions.
ततस्तु दुर्धरो वीरस्सरथस्सज्यकार्मुकः।।5.46.22।।

किरन् शरशतैस्तीक्ष्णैरभिपेदे महाबलः।

ततः thereafter, महाबलः powerful, वीरः hero, दुर्धरः Durdhara, सरथः with his the chariot, सज्यकार्मुकः with his string fastened, तीक्ष्णैः sharp, शरशतैः hundreds of arrows, किरन् while hitting, अभिपेदे attacked.

Then the powerful, hero, Durdhara, mounted on his chariot, fastened his bowstring and hit Hanuman with hundreds of sharp arrows.
स कपिर्वारयामास तं व्योम्नि शरवर्षिणम्।।5.46.23।।

वृष्टिमन्तं पयोदान्ते पयोदमिव मारुतः।

सः कपिः that vanara, व्योम्नि in the sky, शरवर्षिणम् showering of arrows, तम् on him, पयोदान्ते at the end of the rainy season, वृष्टिमन्तम् showering rain drops, पयोदम् a cloud, मारुतः इव like the wind, वारयामास prevented.

The great monkey kept away the showering arrows like the wind prevents raincloud from showering rain drops at the end of monsoon.
अर्ध्यमानस्ततस्तेन दुर्धरेणानिलात्मजः।।5.46.24।।

चकार कदनं भूयो व्यवर्धत च वेगवान्।

तेन by him, दुर्धरेण by Durdhara, अर्ध्यमानः attacked, अनिलात्मजः son of the Windgod, ततः then, कदनम् battle, चकार fought, वेगवान् swift hero, भूयः again, व्यवर्धत grew in size.

When the son of the Windgod was attacked by Durdhara, he again grew in size
स दूरं सहसोत्पत्य दुर्धरस्य रथे हरिः।।5.46.25।।

निपपात महावेगो विद्युद्राशिर्गिराविव।

सः हरिः that vanara, दूरं far off, सहसा at once, उत्पत्य leaped, महावेगः in high speed, गिरौ on the mountain, विद्युद्राशिरिव like flashes of lightning, दुर्धरस्य Durdhara's, रथे on the chariot, निपपात fell on.

Hanuman suddenly leaped far off into the air at high speed and fell on Durdhara's chariot just like a thunderous lightning falls on a mountain.
ततस्स मथिताष्टाश्वं रथं भग्नाक्षकूबरम्।।5.46.26।।

विहाय न्यपतद्भूमौ दुर्धरस्त्यक्तजीवितः।

ततः then, सः he, मथिताष्टाश्वम् eight horses killed, भग्नाक्षकूबरम् with its axle and wooden frame (to which the yoke is fixed) broken, रथम् chariot, विहाय left, त्यक्तजीवितः devoid of life, भूमौ on the ground, न्यपतत् fell.

Having lost his chariot, the horses yoked to it killed, its axle and pole broken to pieces, Durdhara fell down dead from the chariot.
तं विरूपाक्षयूपाक्षौ दृष्ट्वा निपतितं भुवि।।5.46.27।।

सञ्जातरोषौ दुर्धर्षावुत्पेतुररिन्दमौ।

दुर्धर्षौ unassailable warriors, अरिन्दमौ crushers of enemies, विरूपाक्षयूपाक्षौ Virupaksha and Yupaksha, भुवि on the ground, निपतितम् fallen, तम् him, दृष्ट्वा seeing, सञ्जातरोषौ enraged, उत्पेतुः leaped at him.

Seeing the body of Durdhara fallen on the ground, enraged Virupaksha and Yupaksha, the unassailable crushers of enemies leaped towards him.
स ताभ्यां सहसोत्पत्य विष्ठितो विमलेऽम्बरे।।5.46.28।।

मुद्गराभ्यां महाबाहुर्वक्षस्यभिहतः कपिः।

विमले in a clear white, अम्बरे in the sky, विष्ठितः stood, महाबाहुः greatarmed one, सः कपिः that vanara, ताभ्याम् by both of them, सहसा all of a sudden, उत्पत्य having leapt, मुद्गराभ्याम् with two iron hammers, वक्षसि on the chest, अभिहतः hit.

As the strongarmed vanara stood stationed in the clear white sky both the generals leaped into the sky and hit him all of a sudden with two iron hammers.
तयोर्वेगवतोर्वेगं विनिहत्य महाबलः।।5.46.29।।

निपपात पुनर्भूमौ सुपर्णसमविक्रमः।

महाबलः powerful, सुपर्णसमविक्रमः equal to Suparna (Garuda) in valour, वेगवतोः of those two who were swift in action, तयोः of both of them, वेगम् speed, विनिहत्य resisting, पुनः again, भूमौ on the ground, निपपात fell.

Powerful Hanuman, an equal to Garuda in valour fell down while resisting the swift generals.
स सालवृक्षमासाद्य तमुत्पाट्य च वानरः।।5.46.30।।

तावुभौ राक्षसौ वीरौ जघान पवनात्मजः।

वानरः vanara, सः पवनात्मजः that son of the Windgod, सालवृक्षम् sala tree, आसाद्य seized, तम् that, उत्पाट्य च and uprooted, तौ उभौ both of them, वीरौ generals, राक्षसौ two giants,जघान slew.

Then the son of the Windgod seized a sala tree uprooted it, lifted it and smashed the two giant generals with it.
ततस्तांस्त्रीन्हतान्ज्ञात्वा वानरेण तरस्विना।।5.46.31।।

अभिपेदे महावेगः प्रसह्य प्रघसो हरिम्।

भासकर्णश्च सङ्कृद्धश्शूलमादाय वीर्यवान्।।5.46.32।।

ततः then, तरस्विना by the swift, वानरेण by the vanara, तान् त्रीन् those three, हतान् killed, ज्ञात्वा after knowing, प्रघसः Praghasa, महावेगः endowed with swift action, प्रसह्य violently, अभिपेदे attacked, वीर्यवान् courageous, भासकर्णश्च with Bhasakarna, सङ्कृद्धः angry one, शूलम् trident, आदाय by lifting.

Finding all the three generals dead, swift Praghasa advanced towards the Vanara and attacked him. Valiant Bhasakarna also lifted a trident and attacked him. Both were famous for swift and violent action in war
एकतः कपिशार्दूलं यशस्विनमवस्थितम्।

पट्टिसेन शिताग्रेण प्रघसः प्रत्ययोधयत्।।5.46.33।।

भासकर्णश्च शूलेन राक्षसः कपिसत्तमम्।

यशस्विनम् renowned, कपिशार्दूलम् tiger among monkeys, एकतः on one side, अवस्थितम् तम् stationed, प्रघसः Praghasa, शिताग्रेण with sharp weapon, पट्टिसेन iron crowbar, कपिसत्तमम् foremost of the monkeys, प्रत्ययोधयत् fought back, भासकर्णः Bhaskarna, राक्षसः giant, शूलेन with spear.

Praghasa fought back the glorious tiger among vanaras with a sharp crowbar on one side and Bhaskarana attacked with a spear from the other.
स ताभ्यां विक्षतैर्गात्रैरसृग्दिग्धतनूरुहः।।5.46.34।।

अभवद्वानरः क्रुद्धो बालसूर्यसमप्रभः।

ताभ्याम् by both of them, विक्षतैः with wounded ones, गात्रैः with his limbs, असृग्दिग्धतनूरुहः his fur smeared with blood, सः वानरः that vanara, बालसूर्यसमप्रभः was shining like the rising Sun, क्रुद्धः angry, अभवत् became.

Attacked by both the generals, the fur on the vanara's body was smeared with blood from his wounded limbs, shining like the rising Sun smeared with blood became furious.
समुत्पाट्य गिरेश्शृङ्गं समृगव्यालपादपम्।।5.46.35।।

जघान हनुमान् वीरो राक्षसौ कपिकुञ्जरः।

कपिकुञ्जरः a mighty elephant among the monkeys, वीरः courageous, हनुमान् Hanuman, समृगव्यालपादपम् along with animals serpents and trees, गिरेः शृङ्गम् mountain peak, समुत्पाट्य having uprooted, राक्षसौ both the giants,जघान killed.

Hanuman, a courageous and mighty elephant among the monkeys uprooted a mountain peak along with its animals, serpents and trees and killed both the demon generals.
ततस्तेष्ववसन्नेषु सेनापतिषु पञ्चसु।।5.46.36।।

बलं तदवशेषं च नाशयामास वानरः।

ततः then, तेषु those, पञ्चसु all the five, सेनापतिषु army chiefs, अवसन्नेषु when they died, वानरः vanara, तत् that, अवशेषम् remaining, बलम् army, नाशयामास destroyed.

When the five army chiefs were killed, Hanuman began to destoy the remaining army force.
अश्वैरश्वान् गजैर्नागान् योधैर्योधान् रथैरथान्।।5.46.37।।

स कपिर्नाशयामास सहस्राक्ष इवासुरान्।

सः कपिः that vanara,सहस्राक्षः thousandeyed Indra, असुरानिव as he did (destroyed) demons, अश्वैः with horses, अश्वान् horses, गजैः with elephants, नागान् elephants, योधैः with warriors, योधान् warriors, रथैः with chariots, रथान् chariots, नाशयामास destroyed.

The vanara pitted horses against horses, elephants against elephants, warriors against warriors and chariots against chariots as Indra destroyed demons.
हतैर्नागैश्च तुरगैर्भग्नाक्षैश्च महारथैः।।5.46.38।।

हतैश्च राक्षसैर्भूमी रुद्धमार्गा समन्ततः।

हतैः with killed ones, नागैः with elephants, तुरगैः with horses, भग्नाक्षैः with broken axles, महारथैश्च by great chariots, हतैः with smashed ones, राक्षसैः with giants, भूमिः the ground, समन्ततः all over, रुद्धमार्गा the path was obstructed

There was no path (one could not move forward) with elephants, and horses killed and with broken axles of great chariots and smashed chariots spread all over the way.
ततः कपिस्तान्ध्वजिनीपतीन् रणे निहत्य वीरान्सबलान्सवाहनान्।

समीक्ष्य वीरः परिगृह्य तोरणं कृतक्षणः काल इव प्रजाक्षये।।5.46.39।।

ततः then, वीरः the hero, कपिः monkey, वीरान् the generals, सबलान् along with that army, सवाहनान् their vehicles, तान् those, ध्वजिनीपतीन् army chiefs, रणे in war, निहत्य having killed, समीक्ष्य after reviewing, तोरणम् archway, परिगृह्य after holding, प्रजाक्षये bent upon destruction of humanity, कालः इव like timespirit, कृतक्षणः celebrated.

Then the heroic monkey having killed the army generals and their army and destroyed their vehicles in war came back to the archway after reviewing and stood like the timespirit bent upon the destruction of humanity.
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये सुन्दरकाण्डे षट्चत्वारिंशस्सर्गः।।
Thus ends the fortysixth sarga of Sundarakanda of the holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.