Sloka & Translation


[Death of Prince Aksha in the combat with Hanuman]

सेनापतीन्पञ्च स तु प्रमापितान् हनूमता सानुचरान्सवाहनान्।

समीक्ष्य राजा समरोद्धतोन्मुखं कुमारमक्षं प्रसमैक्षताग्रतः।।5.47.1।।

राजा the king, सानुचरान् with the followers,सवाहनान् and their vehicles, पञ्च five, सेनापतीन् generals of the army, हनुमता by Hanuman, प्रमापितान् killed, समीक्ष्य seeing, समरोद्धतोन्मुखम् inclined to fight the war, अग्रतः in front of him, कुमारम् the prince, अक्षम् Aksha, प्रसमैक्षत turned his attention to.

Hearing the sad news of death of the five army generals including their followers and destruction of their vehicles, King (Ravana) gave a suggestive look at prince Aksha who was inclined to fight the war.
स तस्य दृष्ट्यर्पणसम्प्रचोदितः प्रतापवान्काञ्चनचित्रकार्मुकः।

समुत्पपाताथ सदस्युदीरितो द्विजातिमुख्यैर्हविषेव पावकः।।5.47.2।।

अथ and then, तस्य his, दृष्ट्यर्पणसम्प्रचोदितः spurred by the glance of the king, प्रतापवान् glorious, सः that, काञ्चनचित्रकार्मुकः holding a marvellous bow inlaid with gold, सदसि the royal assembly, द्विजातिमुख्यैः by the reputed brahmins, हविषा with oblations, उदीरितः kindled, पावकः इव like the firesanctuary, समुत्पपात sprang up.

Spurred by the mere glance of Ravana, the glorious Aksha with his wonderful bow inlaid with gold sprang up from the royal assembly just as flame rises from firesanctuary when oblations are poured in by reputed brahmins.
ततो महद्बालदिवाकरप्रभं प्रतप्तजाम्बूनदजालसन्ततम्।

रथं समास्थाय ययौ स वीर्यवान्महाहरिं तं प्रति नैरृतर्षभः।।5.47.3।।

ततः then, वीर्यवान् courageous, सः नैरृतर्षभः that bull among giants, बालदिवाकरप्रभम् splendid like the rising Sun, प्रतप्तजाम्बूनदजालसन्ततम् glittering like the stretch of pure gold, महत् great, रथम् chariot, समास्थाय having ascended, तम् him, महाहरिं प्रति towards the great vanara, ययौ marched.

Ascending a glittering chariot inlaid with pure gold Aksha, the courageous bull among giants looking splendid like the rising Sun, marched forth towards the great vanara.
ततस्तपस्सङ्ग्रहसञ्चयार्जितं प्रतप्तजाम्बूनदजालशोभितम्।

पताकिनं रत्नविभूषितध्वजं मनोजवाष्टाश्ववरैः सुयोजितम्।।5.47.4।।

ततः then, तपः सङ्ग्रहसञ्चयार्जितम् gained by the austerities of high order, प्रतप्तजाम्बूनदजालशोभितम् overlaid with the pure gold armour, पताकिनम् having a flag, रत्नविभूषितध्वजम् with flag staff studded with precious gems, मनोजवाष्टाश्ववरैः with eight choice horses endowed with the speed of mind, सुयोजितम् yoked.

The chariot was (strong as it was) gained by his austerities of high order. It was overlaid with pure gold armour, fixed with flags, and staff, studded with precious gems, yoked to the best of eight horses and endowed with the speed of mind.
सुरासुराधृष्यमसङ्गचारिणं रविप्रभं व्योमचरं समाहितम्।

सतूणमष्टासिनिबद्धबन्धुरं यथाक्रमावेशितशक्तितोमरम्।।5.47.5।।

सुरासुराधृष्यम् unassailable to suras and asuras, असङ्गचारिणम् moved without touching the ground, रविप्रभम् with the spledour of Sun,व्योमचरम् that which can fly in air, समाहितम् equipped readily, सतूणम् with quivers, अष्टासि निबद्धबन्धुरम् with eight swords (readily placed)fastened, यथाक्रमावेशितशक्तितोमरम् javelins and clubs placed in right place in order.

(The chariot) was unassailable to suras or asuras.It moved without touching the ground, it could fly in air and had the splendour of the Sun. It was equipped readily with quivers, eight swords, javelins and clubs placed in right order.
विराजमानं प्रतिपूर्णवस्तुना सहेमदाम्ना शशिसूर्यवर्चसा।

दिवाकराभं रथमास्थितस्ततस्स निर्जगामामरतुल्यविक्रमः।।5.47.6।।

ततः then, अमरतुल्यविक्रमः equal to gods in courage, सः he, सहेमदाम्ना with a golden garland, शशिसूर्यवर्चसा bright as Moon and Sun, प्रतिपूर्णवस्तुना equipped with all weapons, bows and shields etc, विराजमानम् glowing, दिवाकराभम् shining like the Sun, रथम् chariot, आस्थितः ascended, निर्जगाम went out.

Prince Aksha, whose courage was equal to that of gods, shone like the Sun. He ascended the splendid chariot decked with golden garlands shining like Sun and Moon, equipped with all weapons, bows and shields etc, he went out.
स पूरयन्खं च महीं च साचलां तुरङ्गमातङ्गमहारथस्वनैः।

बलैस्समेतैस्सहि तोरणस्थितं समर्थमासीनमुपागमत्कपिम्।।5.47.7।।

सः he, तुरङ्गमातङ्गमहारथस्वनैः with the sounds of horses, elephants and chariot, खं च and sky, साचलाम् including mountains, महीं च and earth, पूरयन् while filling, समेतैः together, बलैः सह with army, तोरणस्थितम् stood at the gate, समर्थम् efficient one, आसीनम् seated, महाकपिम् great vanara, उपागमत् reached.

Seated on the chariot he (Aksha) sallied forth along with the army filling the entire earth and mountains with the sounds of horses, elephants and rumblings of big chariots and reached the portal where the great vanara stood.
स तं समासाद्य हरिं हरीक्षणो युगान्तकालाग्निमिव प्रजाक्षये।

अवस्थितं विस्मितजातसम्भ्रम स्समैक्षताक्षो बहुमानचक्षुषा।।5.47.8।।

हरीक्षणः who had eyes like that of a lion, सः अक्षः that Aksha, प्रजाक्षये at the time of destruction of the universe, अवस्थितम् appeared, कालाग्निम् इव like the cosmic fire at the time of dissolution, तम् him, हरिम् vanara,, समासाद्य reached, विस्मितजातसम्भ्रमः astonished with awe, बहुमानचक्षुषा with great respect, समैक्षत saw.

The lioneyed Aksha saw the vanara who appeared like the cosmic fire at the time of dissolution of the universe. The prince was astonished and struck with awe (at the
majestic form of the Vanara) and looked at him with great respect.
स तस्य वेगं च कपेर्महात्मनः पराक्रमं चारिषु पार्थिवात्मजः।

विचारयन्स्वं च बलं महाबलो हिमक्षये सूर्य इवाभिवर्धते।।5.47.9।।

महाबलः mighty, पार्थिवात्मजः prince, सः he, महात्मनः great self, तस्य कपेः of the monkey, वेगं च and speed, अरिषु at the enemies, पराक्रमं च prowess, स्वम् his, बलं च even strength, विचारयन् judging, हिमक्षये at the end of winter, सूर्य इव like the Sun, अभिवर्धते began to swell up in spirit

Aksha, the mighty prince judging the speed and prowess of the monkey with his own in confronting enemies and the strength of the monkey, began to swell up in spirit like the glow of the Sun at the end of winter.
स जातमन्युः प्रसमीक्ष्य विक्रमं स्थिरं स्थिरस्सम्यति दुर्निवारणम्।

समाहितात्मा हनुमन्तमाहवे प्रचोदयामास शरैस्त्रिभि श्शितैः।।5.47.10।।

संयति in war, दुर्निवारणम् irresistible, स्थिरम् steady, विक्रमम् valour, प्रसमीक्ष्य recognising, सः that Aksha, जातमन्युः became angry, स्थिरः stable, समाहितात्मा with full attention, हनुमन्तम् Hanuman, शितैः with sharp, त्रिभिः with three शरैः arrows, आहवे in the battle, प्रचोदयामास provoked

Knowing that it is difficult to win Hanuman who was steady and of irresistible valour Aksha was angry. Remaining steady, with full attention, he provoked the vanara to fight and released three sharp arrows.
ततः कपिं तं प्रसमीक्ष्य गर्वितं जितश्रमं शत्रुपराजयोर्जितम्।

अवैक्षताक्षस्समुदीर्णमानसस्सबाणपाणिः प्रगृहीतकार्मुकः।।5.47.11।।

तः then, सः अक्षः that Aksha, गर्वितम् with pride, शत्रुपराजयोर्जितम् who was intent to conquer the enemy, तं कपिम् him, that Hanuman, जितश्रमम् who conquered, प्रसमीक्ष्य considered, बाणपाणिः with bow and arrows in hand, प्रगृहीतकार्मुकः holding a bow,
समुदीर्णमानसः reflected in his mind, अवैक्षत looked

Then Aksha contempuously looked at Hanuman who had conquered his fatigue and was determined to defeat the enemy. Holding in his hands his bow and arrows proudly, he reflected.
स हेमनिष्काङ्गदचारुकुण्डल स्समाससादाऽशुपराक्रमः कपिम्।

तयोर्बभूवाप्रतिमस्समागम स्सुरासुराणामपि सम्भ्रमप्रदः।।5.47.12।।

आशुपराक्रमः an energetic hero, हेमनिष्काङ्गदचारुकुण्डलः wearing golden armlets studded with gold coins and lovely earrings, सः that, कपिम् monkey, समाससाद reached, तयोः both of them, अप्रतिमः matchless, समागमः combat, सुरासुराणामपि even for suras and asuras, सम्भ्रमप्रद: creating enthusiasm, अभूत् became

Adorned with armlets studded with golden coins and lovely earrings Aksha advanced instantaneously to meet the monkey. Their matchless combat excuitement and enthusiasm even among gods and demons.
ररास भूमिर्न तताप भानुमा न्वनौ न वायुः प्रचाचल चाचलः।

कपेः कुमारस्य च वीक्ष्य संयुगं ननाद च द्यौरुदधिश्च चुक्षुभे।।5.47.13।।

कपेः of Hanuman, कुमारस्य च and of the prince, संयुगम् in battle, वीक्ष्य after seeing, भूमिः earth, ररास shrieked in agony, भानुमान् even Sun, न तताप became dim, वायुः wind, न वनौ blew not, अचलः च mountains, प्रचचाल shaken, द्यौः sky, ननाद च thundered, उदधिश्च even the ocean, चुक्षुभे was agitated

Witnessing the fight between Hanuman and Prince Aksha, even the earth shrieked in agony, the Sun became dim, the wind stopped blowing, mountains were shaken, the sky thundered and even the ocean was agitated.
ततस्स वीरस्सुमुखान् पतत्रिणस्सुवर्णपुङ्खान्सविषानिवोरगान्।

समाधिसम्योगविमोक्षतत्त्वविच्छरानथ त्रीन्कपिमूर्ध्न्यपातयत्।।5.47.14।।

ततः then, अथ there, वीरः hero, समाधिसम्योगविमोक्षतत्त्ववित् good at targeting and releasing with due concentration, सः he, सुमुखान् of good looking, सुवर्णपुङ्खान् goldenshafted (touching the bowstring), पतत्रिणः winged arrows with feathers, सविषान् smeared with poison, उरगानिव like serpents, त्रीन् three, शरान् arrows, कपिमूर्ध्नि on the head of the vanara, अपातयत् struck

Heroic Aksha, who was good at targeting correctly, with due concentration struck the vanara on his head with three goldenshafted, winged arrows with feathers smeared with poison which resembled serpents.
स तै श्शरैर्मूर्ध्नि समं निपातितैः क्षरन्नसृग्दिग्धविवृत्तलोचनः।

नवोदितादित्यनिभ श्शरांशुमान् व्यराजतादित्य इवांशुमालिकः।।5.47.15।।

समम् simultaneously, मूर्ध्नि on the head, निपातितैः shot at, तैः by those शरैः by arrows, क्षरन् flowing, असृग्दिग्धविवृत्तलोचनः eyes wetted with red blood flowing down, नवोदितादित्यनिभः glittering like the rising Sun, शरांशुमान् arrows appeared like rays, सः he, अंशुमालिकः garlanded by rays, आदित्य इव like the Sun, व्यराजत glowed

With the three arrows shot on his forehead simultaneously his eyes were drenched with flowing blood and with arrows shining like rays he appeared like the rising Sun, garlanded by glowing rays.
ततस्स पिङ्गाधिपमन्त्रिसत्तमः समीक्ष्य तं राजवरात्मजं रणे।

उदग्रचित्रायुधचित्रकार्मुकं जहर्ष चापूर्यत चाहवोन्मुखः।।5.47.16।।

ततः then, सः he, Hanuman, पिङ्गाधिपमन्त्रिसत्तमः esteemed minister of the copperyeyed Sugriva, उदग्रचित्रायुधचित्रकार्मुकम् holding manifold splendid weapons raised, तम् him, राजवरात्मजम् that prince, समीक्ष्य observed, जहर्ष rejoiced, आहवोन्मुखः became ready for the battle, अपूर्यत च made the necessary preparations

Hanuman, the esteemed minister of the copperyeyed Sugriva observed the prince holding manifold splendid weapons. He rejoiced, grew in size ready to fight, making the necessary prepararions (taking the required position).
स मन्दराग्रस्थ इवांशुमालिको विवृद्धकोपो बलवीर्यसंयुतः।

कुमारमक्षं सबलं सवाहनं ददाह नेत्राग्निमरीचिभिस्तदा।।5.47.17।।

मन्दराग्रस्थः Sun shining on the peak of mount Mandara, इव just as, बलवीर्यसंयुतः endowed with strength and valour, सः he, Hanuman, विवृद्धकोपः his anger grew, सबलम् with his army, सवाहनम् including all vehicles, कुमारम् king's son, अक्षम् Aksha, तदा then, नेत्राग्निमरीचिभिः with the fiery rays emerging from the fiery eyes, ददाह consumed

Huge Hanuman, endowed with strength and valour looked like the rising Sun on the peak of mount Mandara. He looked at prince Aksha and his army as well as his vehicles as though he was burning them with the rays emerging from his fiery eyes.
ततस्स बाणासनचित्रकार्मुक श्शरप्रवर्षो युधि राक्षसाम्बुदः।

शरान्मुमोचाशु हरीश्वराचले वलाहको वृष्टिमिवाचलोत्तमे।।5.47.18।।

ततः then, बाणासनचित्रकार्मुकः endowed with a quiver and a wonderful bow, शरप्रवर्षः rain of arrows, सः राक्षसाम्बुदः that cloud of a demon, युधि in battle, आशु quickly, हरीश्वराचले on the mountain of Hanuman, वलाहकः cloud, अचलोत्तमे on a great mountain, वृष्टिमिव like showers of rain, शरान् arrows, मुमोच released

Aksha, with his wonderful quiver and bow, began to rain rapidly a shower of arrows in the battle, on the mountainlike monkeylord just as a cloud rains on a mountain.
ततः कपिस्तं रणचण्डविक्रमं विवृद्धतेजोबलवीर्यसंयुतम्।

कुमारमक्षं प्रसमीक्ष्य संयुगे ननाद हर्षाद् घनतुल्यविक्रमम्।।5.47.19।।

ततः then, कपिः Hanuman, रणचण्डविक्रमम् showing fierce valour, विवृद्धतेजोबलवीर्यसंयुतम् endowed with excessive splendour, power and energy, घनतुल्यविक्रमम् who had valour equal to a cloud, तम् him, कुमारम् अक्षम् prince Aksha, संयुगे in battle, प्रसमीक्ष्य after observing, हर्षात् happily, ननाद roared

Then Hanuman saw prince Aksha, endowed with excessive splendour, power and
energy advancing in a fierce manner like a cloud in the battle. Then Hanuman happy (to see the heroic prince) roared like a clap of thunder.
स बालभावाद्युधि वीर्यदर्पितः प्रवृद्धमन्युः क्षतजोपमेक्षणः।

समाससादाप्रतिमं कपिं रणे गजो महाकूपमिवावृतं तृणैः।।5.47.20।।

बालभावात् being young, युधि in battle, वीर्यदर्पितः puffed with the pride of his valour, प्रवृद्धमन्युः enraged, क्षतजोपमेक्षणः with bloodred eyes, सः he, रणे in fight, अप्रतिमम् matchless, कपिम् monkey, गजः elephant, तृणैः with grass, आवृतम् covered, महाकूपमिव like a huge pitfall, समाससाद rushed towards

Young Aksha, proud of his valour with eyes bloodshot in anger rushed towards the matchless Hanuman, just as an elephant would approach a huge pitfall covered with grass.
स तेन बाणैः प्रसभं निपातितैश्चकार नादं घननादनिस्स्वनः।

समुत्पपाताशु नभस्स मारुतिर्भुजोरुविक्षेपणघोरदर्शनः।।5.47.21।।

सः he, तेन by him, प्रसभम् violently, निपातितैः with the released ones, बाणैः with arrows, घननादनिःस्वनः thundering cloud, नादम् sound, चकार made, सः मारुतिः that Maruti, भुजोरुविक्षेपणघोरदर्शनः looking dreadful stretching his arms and thighs, आशु suddenly, नभः sky, समुत्पपात leaped

Struck by the arrows released by prince Aksha, Hanuman roared violently like a thundering cloud and leaped into the sky putting up a fierce appearance, stretching his arms and thighs.
समुत्पतन्तं समभिद्रवद्बली स राक्षसानां प्रवरः प्रतापवान्।

रथी रथिश्रेष्ठतमः किरन्शरैः पयोधरश्शैलमिवाश्मवृष्टिभिः।।5.47.22।।

बली mighty, राक्षसानाम् of the ogres, प्रवरः leader, प्रतापवान् brave, रथी charioteer, रथिश्रेष्ठतमः formost among the best warriors fighting on a chariot, सः that, पयोधरः cloud,
अश्मवृष्टिभिः showering of hailstorm, शैलमिव like a mountain, शरैः with arrows, किरन् hitting into the sky, उत्पतन्तम् while leaping, समभिद्रवत् chased

स तान्शरांस्तस्य हरिर्विमोक्षयंश्चचार वीरः पथि वायुसेविते।

शरान्तरे मारुतवद्विनिष्पतन्मनोजवस्संयति चण्डविक्रमः।।5.47.23।।

मनोजवः one who had speed of mind, संयति in battle, चण्डविक्रमः who had terrific valour, वीरः hero, सः हरिः that Hanuman, शरान्तरे in between arrows, मारुतवत् like the wind, विनिष्पतन् while emerging, तस्य his, शरान् arrows, विमोक्षयन् while allowing them to be released, वायुसेविते served by wind, sky, पथि in the path, चचार moved about

Dodging like the wind between the arrows and also escaping the arrows Hanuman, who was swift in movement like the mind, was seen exhibiting his terrific valour in the battle while he moved in the sky.
तमात्तबाणासनमाहवोन्मुखं खमास्तृणन्तं विशिखैश्शरोत्तमैः।

अवैक्षताक्षं बहुमानचक्षुषा जगाम चिन्तां च स मारुतात्मजः।।5.47.24।।

सः मारुतात्मजः that son of the Windgod, आत्तबाणासनम् holding a quiver, अहवोन्मुखम् facing the battle, विशिखैः with arrows, शरोत्तमैः with the best of missiles, खम् sky, आस्तृणन्तम् spreading in the sky, तम् him, अक्षम् that Aksha, बहुमानचक्षुषा admiring looks, अवैक्षत saw, चिन्तां च and thought,जगाम arose.

Admiring the young Aksha's appearance, his skill in holding the quiver and spreading the excellent arrows with missiles and facing the war, Hanuman became thoughtful (as to how to kill him).
ततश्शरैर्भिन्नभुजान्तरः कपिः कुमारवीरेण महात्मना नदन्।

महाभुजः कर्मविशेषतत्त्ववि द्विचिन्तयामास रणे पराक्रमम्।।5.47.25।।

ततः then, महाभुजः strongarmed one, कर्मविशेषतत्त्ववित् one who knew the propriety of special actions, कपिः monkey, महात्मना by the great self, कुमारवीरेण by the warrior prince, भिन्नभुजान्तरः with his arms wounded, नदन् roaring, रणे in battle, पराक्रमम् regarding his heroic advances, विचिन्तयामास started rethinking

The strongarmed Hanuman, who was aware of the propriety of actions, wounded in his arms by the warrior prince started roaring and thinking about the next strategy in the combat.
अबालवद्बालदिवाकरप्रभः करोत्ययं कर्म महन्महाबलः।

न चास्य सर्वाहवकर्मशोभिनः प्रमापणे मे मतिरत्र जायते।।5.47.26।।

बालदिवाकरप्रभः radiant as the rising Sun, महाबलः powerful, अयम् this hero, अबालवत् unlike an amateur, महत् magnificent, कर्म feat, करोति is doing, अत्र here, सर्वाहवकर्मशोभिनः of the hero who knows all means of fighting, अस्य his, प्रमापणे in cutting him to size, मे I, मतिः thinking, न च जायते do not want to win

'He (Aksha) is like the radiant, rising Sun with extraordinary might. He is accomplishing great deeds unlike young warriors of his age and is exhibiting a magnificent feat. He knows all means of fighting. I do not feel like cutting him to size. My mind does not allow me to kill this boy.
अयं महात्मा च महांश्च वीर्यत स्समाहितश्चातिसहश्च संयुगे।

असंशयं कर्मगुणोदयादयं सनागयक्षैर्मुनिभिश्च पूजितः।।5.47.27।।

अयम् this, महात्मा च great self and, वीर्यतः च even his valour, महान् admirable, समाहितः focused, संयुगे in fight, अतिसहः highly tolerant, अयम् this hero, असंशयम् no doubt, कर्मगुणोदयात् on account of his excellent actions, सनागयक्षैः by the nagas, yakshas, मुनिभिश्च even by sages, पूजितः saluted

'He is a great self. His valour is also admirable. He is focused in battle and highly tolerant. There is no doubt that on account of his excellence even nagas, yakshas and
sages offer salutations to him.
पराक्रमोत्साहविवृद्धमानस स्समीक्षते मां प्रमुखाग्रतःस्थितः।

पराक्रमो ह्यस्य मनांसि कम्पयेत्सुरासुराणामपि शीघ्रगामिनः।।5.47.28।।

पराक्रमोत्साहविवृद्धमानसः mental horizon is expanding with his valour and power, प्रमुखाग्रतः facing me, स्थितः stood, माम् me, समीक्षते he is looking, शीघ्रगामिनः of a swift warrior, अस्य his, पराक्रमः valour, सुरासुराणाम् for suras and asuras, मनांसि अपि minds also, प्रकम्पयेत् will shake

'His mental horizon is enhanced by his valour and power. He is standing before me and dares to look into my eyes. Surely his swift movement and valour will shake even the minds of suras and asuras.
न खल्वयं नाभिभवेदुपेक्षितः पराक्रमो ह्यस्य रणे विवर्धते।

प्रमापणं त्वेव ममाद्य रोचते न वर्धमानोऽग्निरुपेक्षितुं क्षमः।।5.47.29।।

अयम् he, न उपेक्षितः not disregard, नाभिभवेत् he will not overtake me, न खलु indeed, रणे in battle, अस्य his, पराक्रमः valour, वर्धते हि is increasing, अद्य now, प्रमापणं त्वेव killing him only, मम for me, रोचते is proper, वर्धमानः growing, अग्निः fire, उपेक्षितुम् to neglect, न क्षमः not proper

If I ignore him now, he would get the better of me (I have to consider his challenge seriously). His valour in the battle is growing. It is proper to subdue him now. A spreading fire cannot be neglected.
इति प्रवेगं तु परस्य चिन्तयन्स्वकर्मयोगं च विधाय वीर्यवान्।

चकार वेगं तु महाबलस्तदा मतिं च चक्रेऽस्य वधे महाकपिः।।5.47.30।।

वीर्यवान् valiant one, महाबलः very powerful, महाकपिः mighty vanara, इति thus, परस्य enemy's, प्रवेगम् speed, चिन्तयन् while reflecting upon, स्वकर्मयोगं च and his own course of action, विधाय after realising, तदा then, वेगम् speed, चकार increased, अस्य his, वधे in
killing, मतिं च चक्रे made up his mind.

Reflecting on the power of the enemy, the mighty and valiant vanara thought of his own course of action. Hanuman made up his mind to kill the enemy and increased his speed.
स तस्य तानष्टहयान्महाजवान् समाहितान्भारसहान्विवर्तने।

जघान वीरः पथि वायुसेविते तलप्रहारैः पवनात्मजः कपिः।।5.47.31।।

वीरः brave, पवनात्मजः son of the Windgod, सः कपिः that Hanuman, वायुसेविते attended by the wind, पथि on the path, महाजवान् endowed with high speed, समाहितान् stable ones, विवर्तने in turning round, भारसहान् which could bear heavy loads, तान् those, अष्ट eight, हयान् horses, तलप्रहारैः by hitting with his palm, जघान killed

Hanuman the brave son of the Windgod hit with his palm and killed the eight horses (yoked to Aksha's chariot) which had great speed were stable and had the capacity to bear heavy loads while turning round in the sky. (The battle was fought in the air since Hanuman leaped into the air and the demon hero had to resist him there).
ततस्तलेनाभिहतो महारथ स्स तस्य पिङ्गाधिपमन्त्रिनिर्जितः।

प्रभग्ननीडः परिमुक्तकूबरः पपात भूमौ हतवाजिरम्बरात्।।5.47.32।।

ततः then, तलेन with the palm, अभिहतः hit, पिङ्गाधिपमन्त्रिनिर्जितः minister of the copperyeyed monkeylord destroyed, तस्य his, महारथः huge chariot, प्रभग्ननीडः interior seat being broken, परिमुक्तकूबरः wooden frame (to which the yoke is fixed) disjointed, हतवाजिः horses slain, अम्बरात् from the sky, भूमौ on the earth, पपात fell

Then hit by Hanuman with his palm, the minister of the copperyeyed Sugriva, the huge chariot seat of Aksha was broken, the wooden frame of the yoke was disjointed, horses were slain and the great chariot fell down from the sky.
स तं परित्यज्य महारथो रथं सकार्मुकः खङ्गधरः खमुत्पतन्।

तपोऽभियोगादृषिरुग्रवीर्यवान्विहाय देहं मरुतामिवालयम्।।5.47.33।।

महारथः great charioteer, सः that, रथम् chariot, परित्यज्य abandoned, सकार्मुकः held his bow, खङ्गधरः held a sword, खम् sky, उत्पतन् flew up,उग्रवीर्यवान् who had fierce power, देहम् body, विहाय after leaving, तपोभियोगात् with ascetic power, मरुताम् of Maruta, आलयम् abode, ऋषिः इव like ascetic

(Aksha) the great charioteer abandoned the chariot, held a sword and a bow, and flew up to the region of the sky with his fierce power just as a sage with his fearsome ascetic power ascends to heaven, leaving his body. 
ततः कपिस्तं विचरन्तमम्बरे पतत्रिराजानिलसिद्धसेविते।

समेत्य तं मारुततुल्यविक्रमः क्रमेण जग्राह स पादयोर्दृढम्।।5.47.34।।

ततः then, मारुततुल्यविक्रमः equal to wind in prowess, कपिः Hanuman, पतत्रिराजानिलसिद्धसेविते in the flying abode of Garuda, Wind and the Siddhas, अम्बरे in the sky, विचरन्तम् while flying, तम् him, समेत्य reached, क्रमेण gradually, तम् him, पादयोः by both his legs, दृढम् firmly, जग्राह caught

Thereupon Hanuman with the prowess that was equal to wind, approaching the sky firmly caught hold of the legs of Aksha flying into the abode of Garuda, the Windgod and the Siddhas.
स तं समाविध्य सहस्रशः कपिर्महोरगं गृह्य इवाण्डजेश्वरः।

मुमोच वेगात्पितृतुल्यविक्रमो महीतले संयति वानरोत्तमः।।5.47.35।।

पितृतुल्यविक्रमः one who had the valour of his father, वानरोत्तमः foremost of the vanaras, सः कपिःthat Hanuman,अण्डजेश्वरः lord of birds, महोरगम् great serpent, गृह्य इव as he seizes, तम् him, संयति in the battle, सहस्रशः thousand times, समाविध्य hitting, वेगात् speedily, महीतले on the earth, मुमोच dropped

Hanuman, the foremost of the vanaras who was equal to his father in valour, seized him just as Garuda, the lord of birds, would seize a great serpent. And spinning him round speedily a thousand times and hitting him, dropped him on the earth.
स भग्नबाहूरुकटीशिरोधरः क्षरन्नसृङिनर्मथितास्थिलोचनः।

सम्भग्नसन्धि: प्रविकीर्णबन्धनो हतः क्षितौ वायुसुतेन राक्षसः।।5.47.36।।

सः राक्षसः that ogre, भग्नबाहूरुकटीशिरोधरः with arms, thighs, hips and neck mangled, असृक् क्षरन् dripping blood, निर्मथितास्थिलोचनः with his bones and eyes protruded, सम्भग्नसन्धि: with joints dislocated, प्रविकीर्णबन्धनः tendons strewn, वायुसुतेन by the son of the Windgod, क्षितौ on earth, हतः was hit and thrown

Hit by Hanuman, the ogre's arms, thighs, hips and neck broken, bones rendered to fragments, eyes protruded, joints disjointed, tendons strewn he was thrown down on the earth dripping blood.
महाकपिर्भूमितले निपीड्य तं चकार रक्षोधिपतेर्महद्भयम्।

महर्षिभिश्चक्रचरैर्महाव्रतै स्समेत्य भूतैश्च सयक्षपन्नगैः।।5.47.37।।

सुरैश्च सेन्द्रैर्भृशजातविस्मयै र्हते कुमारे स कपिर्निरीक्षितः।

महाकपिः great vanara, तम् him, भूमितले on the earth, निपीड्य after smashing down, रक्षोधिपतेः of the king of demons, महत् great, भयम् fear, चकार developed, कुमारे when the prince was हते slain, सः कपिः that vanara, भृशजातविस्मयैः who were wonderstruck, चक्रचरैः those who take rounds, महाव्रतैः by those observants of great vows, महर्षिभिः great seers, सयक्षपन्नगैः including yakshas and pannagas, भूतैश्च all beings, सेन्द्रैः including Indra, सुरैश्च and by suras, समेत्य collecting together, निरीक्षितः seen with awe

When the great vanara dashed Aksha down on to the earth, the king of demons was struck with terror. The great sages who go round the planets, great seers who were observants of vows, yakshas, panagas, suras including Indra all beings collected together and looked at the vanara with awe.
निहत्य तं वज्रिसुतोपमप्रभं कुमारमक्षं क्षतजोपमेक्षणम्।

तमेव वीरोऽभिजगाम तोरणं कृतक्षणः काल इव प्रजाक्षये।।5.47.38।।

वीरः hero, वज्रिसुतोपमप्रभम् radiant like the son of Indra, क्षतजोपमेक्षणम् who had bloodshot eyes, तम् him अक्षम् Aksha, निहत्य having slain, प्रजाक्षये in destruction of human beings, कृतक्षणः determined, कालः इव like god of death, तम् that, तोरणमेव at the portal, अभिजगाम reached

Hanuman, the hero with bloodshot eyes having slain Aksha, shone resplendent like the son of Indra (Jayanta), and reached the portal, and waited looking like the god of death determined to destroy all beings.
इत्यार्षे वाल्मीकीये श्रीमद्रामायणे आदिकाव्ये सुन्दरकाण्डे सप्तचत्वारिंशस्सर्गः।।
Thus ends the fortyseventh sarga of Sundarakanda of the holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.