Sloka & Translation


[Hanuman gives an account of the plight of Sita in Lanka -- incites the vanaras to be ready for the next course of action]

एतदाख्याय तत्सर्वं हनुमान्मारुतात्मजः।

भूयस्समुपचक्राम वचनं वक्तुमुत्तरम्।।5.59.1।।

मारुतात्मजः son of the Windgod, हनुमान् Hanuman, सर्वम् entire, तत् एतत् all that, आख्याय having narrated, भूयः whatever happened, उत्तरं वचनम् the good words, वक्तुम् told, समुपचक्राम again started telling.

Hanuman, son of the Windgod having narrated in detail all that had happened again started disclosing further details৷৷
सफलो राघवोद्योग स्सुग्रीवस्य च सम्भ्रमः।

शीलमासाद्य सीताया मम च प्रवणं मनः।।5.59.2।।

राघवोद्योगः Rama's exertions, सुग्रीवस्य Sugriva's, सम्भ्रमः enthusiasm, सीतायाः Sita's, शीलम् conduct, आसाद्य attained, सफलः successl, मम I am, मनश्च in my mind, प्रवणम् developed devotion.

"It is due to Rama's exertions, Sugriva's endeavour and Sita's conduct that I have been successful. My devotion to Sita has further deepened.
तपसा निर्दहेल्लोकान्क्रुद्धो वा निर्दहेदपि।

सर्वधातिप्रवृद्धोऽसौ रावणो राक्षसाधिपः ॥ 5.59.3 ॥

सर्वधा ever, अतिप्रवृद्ध: rich in asceticism, असौ he is, राक्षसाधिपः demon king, तपसा his penance, लोकान् in the world, निर्दहेत् can burn, कुद्धो वापि even though angry, निर्दहेदपि not burnt

"The demon king is rich in asceticism. He can burn the whole world with the power of his penance. In spite of Sita's anger he was not burnt(Hanuman gives the reason for Ravana's survival).
तस्य तां स्पृशतो गात्रं तपसा न विनाशितम्।

न तदग्निशिखा कुर्यात्संस्पृष्टा पाणिना सती।।5.59.4।।

जनकस्यात्मजा कुर्याद्यत्क्रोधकलुषीकृता।

ताम् her, स्पृशतः with mere touch, तस्य of her, गात्रम् body, तपसा by penance, न विनाशितम् not destroyed, क्रोधकलुषीकृता if enraged (she) can destroy, जनकस्य Janaka's, आत्मजा daughter, यत् such, कुर्यात् she can do, तत् that, पाणिना by hand, संस्पृष्टासती touched with hand, अग्निशिखा like flame of fire, न कुर्यात् not done so.

"Sita can burn Ravana with the mere touch of her body but because of the power of his penance, he was not burnt even though he touched her hand. If enraged, Janaki can burn the whole world (by virtue of her chastity) in a way that even the flame of fire can not do. (But she desired that her husband should kill him.)
जाम्बवत्प्रमुखान् सर्वाननुज्ञाप्य महाहरीन्।।5.59.5।।

अस्मिन्नेवं गते कार्ये भवतां च निवेदिते।

न्याय्यं स्म सह वैदेह्या द्रष्टुं तौ पार्थिवात्मजौ।।5.59.6।।

भवताम् to you, निवेदिते relating to you, अस्मिन् your, कार्ये task, एवं गते to go there, जाम्बवत्प्रमुखान् with Jambavan and other important people, महाहरीन् great vanara heroes, समनुज्ञाप्य with their permission, वैदेह्या सह along with Vaidehi, तौ both, पार्थिवात्मजौ king's sons, द्रष्टुम् to see, न्याय्यं स्म is proper.

अहमेकोऽपि पर्याप्तस्सराक्षसगणां पुरीम्।

तां लङ्कां तरसा हन्तुं रावणं च महाबलम्।।5.59.7।।

अहम् I, एकोऽपि alone, सराक्षसगणाम् all the demon troops, तां लङ्कां पुरीम् and that city of Lanka, महाबलम् the great army, रावणं च and Ravana, तरसा quickly, हन्तुम् can kill, पर्याप्तः is enough.

किं पुन स्सहितो वीरैर्बलवद्भिः कृतात्मभिः।

कृतास्त्रै: प्लवगैश्शूरैर्भवद्भिविजयैषिभिः।।5.59.8।।

बलवद्भिः strong, कृतात्मभिः wise, कृतास्त्रै: accomplished, शूरैः heroic, विजयैषिभिः those desiring victory, प्लवगैः monkeys, भवद्भिः are with you, सहितः together, किं पुनः why speak again?

"When strong, wise and accomplished persons are there with me desiring victory why speak again?
अहं तु रावणं युद्धे ससैन्यं सपुरस्सरम्।

सहपुत्त्रं वधिष्यामि सहोदरयुतं युधि।।5.59.9।।

अहं तु I also, युद्धे in war, ससैन्यम् all the army, सपुरःसरम् his followers, सपुत्त्रम् his sons, सहोदरयुतम् his brothers, रावणम् of Ravana, युधि in war, वधिRष्यामि can kill.

"I can also kill all the army, his followers, sons and brothers of Ravana in war.
ब्राह्ममैन्द्रं च रौद्रं च वायव्यं वारणं तथा।

यदि शक्रजितोऽस्त्राणि दुर्निरीक्षाणि संयुगे।।5.59.10।।

तान्यहं वधिष्यामि हनिष्यामि च राक्षसान्।

ब्राह्मम् Brahma's, ऐन्द्रं च even Indra's, रौद्रं च Rudra's, वायव्यम् or Windgod's, तथा similarly, वारुणम् Varuna's, शक्रजितः Indrajit, अस्त्राणि missiles, दुर्निरीक्षाणि though difficult to see, यदि such, तानि of them, संयुगे in war, वधिष्यामि will kill, राक्षसान् demon, हनिष्यामि च and destroy them.

"Even if the missiles used by Indrajit are Brahmastra, Indrastra, Rudrastra, Vayavastra, Varunastra which are difficult to see. I will destroy them in war and kill them.
भवतामभ्यनुज्ञातो विक्रमो मे रुणद्धि तम्।।5.59.11।।

मयातुला विसृष्टा हि शैलवृष्टिर्निरन्तरा।

देवानपि रणे हन्यात्किं पुनस्तान्निशाचरान्।।5.59.12।।

भवताम् by you, अभ्यनुज्ञातः now permit me, मे I, विक्रमः with my valour, तम् them, रुणद्धि shattered,मया by me, विसृष्टा sent forth, अतुला matchless, निरन्तरा ceaseless, शैलवृष्टिः shower of rocks, रणे in war, देवानपि even gods, हन्यात् will die, तान् those, निशाचरान् nightrangers, किं पुनः what to say ?

Now if I am permitted, I shall repulse them and destroy them with my valour. A ceaseless shower of rocks sent forth by me in war is enough to destroy even gods what to say about the nightrangers?
सागरोऽप्यतियाद्वेलां मन्दरः प्रचलेदपि।

न जाम्बवन्तं समरे कम्पयेदरिवाहिनी।।5.59.13।।

सागरः ocean, वेलाम् shore, अतियादपि exceeds also, मन्दरः mountain Mandara, प्रचलेदपि may shake up, समरे in war, अरिवाहिनी flow of enemies, जाम्बवन्तम् Jambavan, न कम्पयेत् not move.

"The ocean may exceed its limits, the mountain Mandara may be shaken from its position but no hostile army can move Jambavan in war.
सर्वराक्षससङ्घानां राक्षसा ये च पूर्वकाः।

अलमेको विनाशाय वीरो वालिसुतः कपिः।।5.59.14।।

वीरः hero, वालिसुतः son of Vali, कपिः vanara, एकः alone, सर्वराक्षससङ्घानाम् all the demon hordes, पूर्वकाः led, ये by him, विनाशाय to destroy, अलम् enough.

पनसस्योरुवेगेन नीलस्य च महात्मनः।

मन्दरोऽप्यवशीर्येत किंपुनर्युधि राक्षसाः।।5.59.15।

पनसस्य Panasa's, महात्मनः great soul, नीलस्य च even Nila, उरुवेगेन by the speed of his thighs, मन्दरोऽपि even Mandara mountain, अवशीर्येत would be shattered, युधि in battle, राक्षसाः demons, किं पुनः what to say again.

"Even the mountain Mandara would be shattered by great Panasa or Nila by the speed of their thighs. What to say in a battle against ogres?
सदेवासुरयक्षेषु गन्धर्वोरगपक्षिषु।

मैन्दस्य प्रतियोद्धारं शंसत द्विविदस्य वा।।5.59.16।।

सदेवासुरयक्षेषु gods, and yakshas, गन्दर्वोरगपक्षिषु gandharvas, nagas and birds, मैन्दस्य Mainda's, द्विविदस्य वा or Dvivida, प्रतियोद्दारम् who can oppose in battle, शंसत tell me.

"Who among gods, yakshas, gandharvas, nagas and birds can contend Mainda or Dvivida in battle?Tell me.
अश्विपुत्रौ महाभागावेतौ प्लवगसत्तमौ।

एतयोः प्रतियोद्दारं न पश्यामि रणाजिरे।।5.59.17।।

अश्विपुत्रौ sons of Aswini, एतौ so also, महाभागौ outstanding, प्लवगसत्तमौ foremost fighters, रणाजिरे proud of fighting war, एतयोः these people, प्रतियोद्दारम् to oppose, न पश्यामि I do not see any.

"The (two) sons of Aswini are outstanding and foremost fighters and proud of waging war. Who can oppose them? I do not see any one.
पितामहवरोत्सेकात्परमं दर्पमास्थितौ।

अमृतप्राशिनावेतौ सर्ववानरसत्तमौ।।5.59.18।।

पितामहवरोत्सेकात् by virtue of the boons received from Brahma, परमम् very, दर्पम् proud, आस्थितौ filled with, एतौ both of them that way, वानरसत्तमौ foremost of vanaras, अमृतप्राशिनौ have consumed nectar of immortality.

"By virtue of the boons received from Brahma, they are very proud. They have also consumed nectar of immortality and are foremost among vanaras.
अश्विनोर्माननार्थं हि सर्वलोकपितामहः।


पुरा earlier, सर्वलोकपितामहः Brahma the grandfather of all worlds, अश्विनोः for Aswini sons, माननार्थम् to honour, अनयोः given, अतुलम् immeasureable, सर्वावध्यत्वम् invulnerability, दत्तवान् given.

"Earlier Brahma, the grandsire of all worlds has given the Aswini sons immeasurable invulnerability to honour them.
वरोत्सेकेन मत्तौ च प्रमथ्य महतीं चमूम्।

सुराणाममृतं वीरौ पीतवन्तौ प्लवङ्गमौ।।5.59.20।।

वरोत्सेकेन armed with the pride of boons, मत्तौ च and intoxicated, वीरौ heroic, प्लवङ्गमौ monkeys, सुराणाम् of suras, महतीम् vast, चमूम् प्रमथ्य army slain, अमृतम् nectar of immortality, पीतवन्तौ drank.

"The heroic monkeys, proud of their boons became intoxicated it and slaughtered vast army and drank the nectar of immortality.
एतावेव हि सङ्कृद्धौ सवाजिरथकुञ्जराम्।

लङ्कां नाशयितुं शक्तौ सर्वे तिष्ठन्तु वानराः।।5.59.21।।

सङ्कृद्धौ if they become angry, एतावेव these two, सवाजिरथकुञ्जराम् the cavalry, chariots and elephants, लङ्काम् Lanka also, नाशयितुम् to destroy, शक्तौ have the power, सर्वे all, वानराः vanaras, तिष्ठन्तु even if they stay away.

"If these two become angry they have the power to destroy Lanka, the cavalry, chariots and also the elephants even if the vanaras stay away.
मयैव निहता लङ्का दग्धा भस्मीकृता पुनः।

राजमार्गेषु सर्वत्र नाम विश्रावितं मया।।5.59.22।।

लङ्का Lanka, मयैव myself, निहता burn, राजमार्गेषु in the royal path, सर्वत्र everywhere, मया by me, नाम name, विश्रावितम् become popular.

"I have burnt Lanka and have made my name popular even on the highways.
जयत्यतिबलो रामो लक्ष्मणश्च महाबलः।

राजा जयति सुग्रीवो राघवेणाभिपालितः।।5.59.23।।

अहं कोसलराजस्य दासः पवनसम्भवः।

हनुमानिति सर्वत्र नाम विश्रावितं मया।।5.59.24।।

अतिबलः mighty, रामः Rama, जयति will triumph, महाबलः mighty, लक्ष्मणश्च and Lakshmana, राघवेण by Rama, अभिपालितः protected, राजा king, सुग्रीवः Sugriva, जयति will triumph, पवनसम्भवः son of the Windgod, अहम् I, कोसलराजस्य king of Kosala kingdom, दासः servant, हनुमान् Hanuman, इति this, मया by me, नाम name, विश्रावितम् announced.

"Mighty Rama and Lakshmana and King Sugriva protected by Rama are renowned for their valour. I am Hanuman, son of the Windgod, a servant of Rama. This I announced.
अशोकवनिकामध्ये रावणस्य दुरात्मनः।

अध स्ताच्छिंशुपावृक्षे साध्वी करुणमास्थिता।।5.59.25।।

राक्षसीभिः परिवृता शोकसंतापकर्शिता।

मेघलेखापरिवृता चन्द्रलेखेव निष्प्रभा।।5.59.26।।।

अचिन्तयन्ती वैदेही रावणं बलदर्पितम्।

दुरात्मनः wicked, रावणस्य Ravana's, अशोकवनिकामध्ये in the midst of Ashoka garden, शिंशुपावृक्षे Simsupa tree, अधस्तात् under, साध्वी noble lady, राक्षसीभिः by ogresses, परिवृता surrounded, शोकसन्तापकर्शिता tormented by tears, मेघलेखापरिवृता veiled by clouds, चन्द्रलेखेव like the Moonrays, निष्प्रभा without brightness, बलदर्पितम् glory, रावणम् Ravana, अचिन्तयन्ती not even thinking, वैदेही Vaidehi, करुणम् piteous, आस्थिता remained.

"In the wicked, Ravana's Ashoka garden under the Simsupa tree the noble lady Sita surrounded by ogresses, is sitting, tormented by tears. Her brightness is like the Moon's, veiled by flakes of clouds. She does not care for Ravana's glory. She is brooding over Rama only.
पतिव्रता च सुश्रोणी अवष्टब्धा च जानकी।।5.59.27।।

अनुरक्ता हि वैदेही रामं सर्वात्मना शुभा।

अनन्यचित्ता रामे च पौलोमीव पुरन्दरे।।5.59.28।।

पतिव्रता chaste woman, सुश्रोणी who has beautiful hips, जानकी Janaki, अवष्टब्धा though bound, शुभा auspicious, वैदेही Vaidehi, सर्वात्मना all her self, रामम् Rama only, अनुरक्ता devoted, पुरन्दरे Indra, पौलोमीव like Sachi the wife of Indra, रामे only on Rama, अनन्यचित्ता always thinking.

"Chaste Sita of beautiful hips, an auspicious lady though bound is wholly devoted to Rama alone like Sachi, the wife of Indra who was bound by Nahusha.
तदेकवासस्संवीता रजोध्वस्ता तथैव च।

शोकसन्तापदीनाङ्गी सीता भर्तृहिते रता।।5.59.29।।

तदेकवासस्संवीता wearing only one cloth, तथैव च with that only, रजोध्वस्ता filled with dust, शोकसन्तापदीनाङ्गी very sorrowful and piteous, सीता Sita, भर्तृहिते wishing the welfare of her husband, रता remained.

"Wearing the same single cloth which she had worn before, filled with dust, Sita remained sorrowful and piteous wishing her husband's welfare.
सा मया राक्षसीमध्ये तर्ज्यमाना मुहुर्मुहुः।

राक्षसीभिर्विरूपाभिर्दृष्टा हि प्रमदावने।।5.59.30।।

एकवेणीधरा दीना भर्तृचिन्तापरायणा।

अधश्शय्या विवर्णाङ्गी पद्मिनीव हिमागमे।।5.59.31।।

रावणाद्विनिवृत्तार्था मर्तव्यकृतनिश्चया।

विरूपाभिः uglylooking, राक्षसीभिः ogresses, मुहुर्मुहुः again and again, तर्ज्यमाना threatened, एकवेणीधरा with a single braid, दीना pathetic, भर्तृचिन्तापरायणा thinking of her husband all the time, अधः now, शय्या lying on floor, हिमागमे in winter season, पद्मिनिव like the lotus, विवर्णाङ्गी devoid of lustre, रावणात् by Ravana, विनिवृत्तार्था turned away, मर्तव्यकृतनिश्चया decided to die, सा that she, मया by me, राक्षसीमध्ये in the midst of ogresses, प्रमदावने in the pleasure garden, दृष्टा saw her.

"I saw Sita often threatened by uglylooking ogresses. Wearing a single braid, she looked pathetic, thinking always about her husband, lying on the bare ground. She was like a lustreless lotus in winter. Spurning the advances by Ravana, she is rather determined to commit suicide.
कथञ्चिन्मृगशाबाक्षी विश्वासमुपपादिता।।5.59.32।।

ततः संभाषिता चैव सर्वमर्थं च दर्शिता।

रामसुग्रीवसख्यं च श्रुत्वा प्रीतिमुपागता।।5.59.33।।

मृगशाबाक्षी fawneyed woman, कथञ्चित् little, विश्वासम् confidence, उपपादिता pacified, ततः then, संभाषिता चैव after conversing only, सर्वम् everything, अर्थं च with difficulty, दर्शिता presented, रामसुग्रीवसख्यं च alliance of Rama and Sugriva, श्रुत्वा after hearing, प्रीतिम् happy, उपागता became.

"I created a little confidence in the fawneyed lady by pacifying her and explaining her with great difficulty the alliance of Rama and Sugriva on hearing which she became happy.
नियतस्समुदाचारो भक्तिर्भर्तरि चोत्तमा।

यन्न हन्ति दशग्रीवं सा महात्मा कृतागसम्।।5.59.34।।

महात्मा great soul, सा that, कृतागसम् has done harm, दशग्रीवं to Ravana,न हन्ति not killed, इति यत् this being so, नियत: of good conduct, समुदाचारः chaste, भर्तरि towards husband, उत्तमा high, भक्तिः devotion

"Ravana is a great soul because, even though he has done harm to her, he is not killed. This is because Sita being a chaste woman of good conduct and deep devotion towards her husband (she refrained from killing Ravana as she wanted her husband to do that.)
निमित्तमात्रं रामस्तु वधे तस्य भविष्यति।

सा प्रकृत्यैव तन्वङ्गी तद्वियोगाच्च कर्शिता।।5.59.35।।

प्रतिपत्पाठशीलस्य विद्येव तनुमतां गता।

रामस्तु Rama also, तस्य his, वधे killing, निमित्तमात्रं instrumental, भविष्यति will be, प्रकृत्यैव naturally, तन्वङ्गी thin body, तद्वियोगात् by the separation from her husband, कर्शिता च and also emaciated, सा she, प्रतिपत्पाठशीलस्य just as a student on the new Moon day, विद्येव shrunken, तनुमताम् slender in body, गता has become.

"To Rama, killing Ravana is easy (since Ravana's power of penance has already declined by his abduction of Sita). Separated from her husband she is naturally emaciated. She has become slender just like a student on the new Moon day (on the first day of study).
एवमास्ते महाभागा सीता शोकपरायणा।।5.59.36।।

यदत्र प्रतिकर्तव्यं तत्सर्वमुपपाद्यताम्।

महाभागा noble lady, सीता Sita, अस्ते being, एवम् in this way, शोकपरायणा absorbed in grief, अत्र there, यत् that, प्रतिकर्तव्यम् what is to be done, तत् that, सर्वम् all, उपपाद्यताम् you may do.

"Noble Sita is absorbed in grief. Let us do all that has to be done now."
इत्यार्षे श्रीमद्रामायणे वाल्मीकीय आदिकाव्ये सुन्दरकाण्डे एकोनषष्टितमस्सर्गः।।
Thus ends the fiftyninth sarga of Sundarakanda of the holy Ramayana, the first epic composed by sage Valmiki.