Sloka & Translation

[ Vibheeshana once again goes to Ravana and appeals to him stating about the evil portents. ]

ततःप्रत्युषसिप्राप्तेप्राप्तधर्मार्थनिश्चयः ।

राक्षसाधिपतेर्वेश्मभीमकर्माविभीषणः ।।6.10.1।।

ततः thereafter, प्राप्तधर्मार्थनिश्चयः determined to relate about righteous and material gains, भीमकर्मा: of fierce task, विभीषणः Vibheeshana, प्रत्युषसि: when morning Sun, प्राप्ते: rose, राक्षसाधिपतेः Lord of Rakshasas, वेश्म: residence.

Thereafter, determined to relate about righteous and material gains, Vibheeshana of fierce tasks got up early in the morning when the Sun rose and set himself to go to the residence of Lord of Rakshasas.
शैलाग्रचयसङ्काशंशैलशृङ्गमिवोन्नतम् ।

सुविभक्तमहाकक्षंमहाजनपरिग्रहम् ।।6.10.2।।

शैलाग्रचयसङ्काशं: like a lofty mountain top with many peaks, शैलशृङ्गमिव: like a summit of a mountain, उन्नतम् supreme, सुविभक्तमहाकक्षम् divided into many spacious sections, महाजनपरिग्रहम् surrounded by many people.

Like a lofty mountain top, and like a summit of a mountain, Ravana's palace was a supreme one, divided into many spacious sections and surrounded by many people.
मतिमद्भिर्महामात्रैरनुरक्तैरधिष्ठितम् ।

राक्षसैराप्तपर्याप्तैस्सर्वतःपरिरक्षितम् ।।6.10.3।।

मतिमद्भि: wise ones, अनुरक्तै: devoted to their Lord, महामात्रैः great ministers, अधिष्ठितम् commanded by, आप्तपर्याप्तै: competent and trustworthy, राक्षसैः Rakshasas, सर्वतः everywhere, परिरक्षितम् well protected.

The palace was inhabited by wise ones, and devoted to their Lord and ministers,commanded by trustworthy and competent Rakshasas spread everywhere and well protected.
मत्तमातङ्गनिश्श्वासैर्व्याकुलीकृतमारुतम् ।

शङ्खघोषमहाघोषंतूर्यनादानुनादितम् ।।6.10.4।।

मत्तमातङ्गनिश्श्वासैः elephants in rut breathing heavily, व्याकुलीकृतमरुतम् filled by tempestuous wind, शङ्खघोषमहाघोषम् echoed by the sound of blowing conchs of the early morning, तूर्यनादानुनादितम् filled with the sounds of drums and trumpets.

It was filled with elephants in rut breathing heavily, which was like a tempestuous wind around, that echoed by the blowing of conchs of the early morning and filled with the sounds of drums and trumpets.
प्रमदाजनसम्बाधंप्रजल्पितमहापथम् ।

तप्तकाञ्चननिर्यूहंभूषणोत्तमभूषितम् ।।6.10.5।।

प्रमदाजनसम्बाधम् filled with women, प्रजल्पितमहापथम् royal path filled with the prattling sounds of gossiping, तप्तकाञ्चननिर्यूहम् shining golden passages, भूषणोत्तमभूषितम् decorated with the best of ornaments.

(It was) The royal path was filled with women, with prattling sounds of gossiping. It had shining golden passages and decorated with the best of ornaments.
गन्धर्वाणामिवाऽवासमालयंमरुतामिव ।

रत्नसञ्चयसम्बाधंभवनंभोगिनामिव ।।6.10.6।।

गन्धर्वाणाम् of Gandharvas, आवासम् इव: like the abode, मरुतामिव: of the wind god, आलयम् abode, रत्नसञ्चयसम्बाधम् abounding in the collection of precious gems, भोगिनाम् indulging in enjoyment like Nagas, भवनम् इव: like mansion.

(It was) like the abode of Gandharvas (the celestial musicians), like an abode of wind god, abounding in collection of precious gems, like the mansion of Nagas indulging in enjoyment.
तंमहाभ्रमिवाऽदित्यस्तेजोविस्तृतरश्मिमान् ।

अग्रजस्यालयंवीरःप्रविवेशमहाद्युतिः ।।6.10.7।।

महाद्युतिः one of exceptional splendour, वीरः heroic, तेजो: brilliant विस्तृतरश्मिमान् one whose radiance was spread widely, आदित्यः Sun, महाभ्रमिव: highly lustrous, अग्रजस्य: brother's, तम् आलयम् that abode, प्रविवेश: entered.

Heroic (Vibheeshana) of exceptional splendour, whose brilliance spread widely like the radiance of the highly lustrous Sun entered his brother's abode.
पुण्यान्पुण्याहघोषांश्चवेदविद्भिरुदाहृतान् ।

शुश्रावसुमहातेजाभ्रातुर्विजयसंश्रितान् ।।6.10.8।।

सुमहातेजाः highly effulgent, भ्रातुः for brother, विजयसंश्रितान् desiring propitious day, वेदविद्भि: who are learned in the Vedas, उदाहृतान् uttering, पुण्यान् sacred, पुण्याहघोषान् sounds of sacred mantras, शुश्रावच: heard.

Highly effulgent (Vibheeshana) heard sounds of recitation of sacred mantras from Vedas uttered by learned ones desiring a propitious day for his brother.
पूजितान् दधिपात्रैश्चसर्पिर्भिस्सुमनोक्षतैः ।

मन्त्रवेदविदोविप्रान्ददर्शसमहाबलः ।।6.10.9।।

महाबलः mighty, सः he, दधिपात्रैश्च: pots of curd, सर्पिर्भिः clarified butter, सुमनोक्षतैः with yellow rice, पूजितान् worshipped by, मन्त्रवेदविदः learned in vedas and mantras, विप्रान् by brahmins, ददर्श: saw.

Mighty Vibheeshana saw there, brahmins learned in vedas and mantras, who worshipped with yellow rice, curd, clarified butter and flowers.
सपूज्यमानोरक्षोभिद्दीप्यमानस्स्वतेजसा ।

आसनस्थंमहाबाहुर्ववन्देधनदानुजम् ।।6.10.10।।

रक्षोभिः by Rakshasas, पूज्यमानः one who is revered, महाबाहुः one with broad shoulders, सः that Ravana, स्वतेजसा: self brilliance, दीप्यमानम् shining, आसनस्थम् seated on his chair, धनदानुजम् brother of Kubera, ववन्दे: greeted with folded palms.

Vibheeshana, of broad shoulders, who is revered by Rakshasas was shining in his own splendour. He greeted with folded palms, the brother of Kubera (Ravana) seated on his chair.
सराजदृष्टिसम्पन्नमासनंहेमभूषितम् ।

जगामसमुदाचारंप्रयुज्याचारकोविदः ।।6.10.11।।

आचारकोविदः learned in traditions, सः that Vibheeshana, समुदाचारम् wellversed in the code of conduct, प्रयुज्यराजदृष्टिसम्पन्नम् blessed by the glance of the king, हेमभूषितम् decorated with gold, आसनम् seat, जगाम: reached.

Vibheeshana who was learned in traditions and wellversed with code of conduct reached a seat decorated with gold blessed by the glance of the king Ravana.
सरावणंमहात्मानंविजनेमन्त्रिसन्निधौ ।

उवाचहितमत्यर्थंवचनंहेतुनिश्चितम् ।।6.10.12।।

सः he, Vibheeshana, विजने: when none were there, मन्त्रिसन्निधौ: in the presence of ministers, महात्मानम् distinguished one, रावणम् at Ravana, हेतुनिश्चितम् wishing the welfare decidedly, अत्यर्थम् meaningful, हितम् advice, वचनम् words, उवाच: spoke.

When none other than ministers were present, Vibheeshana spoke these meaningful words to the distinguished Ravana, decidedly wishing for welfare.
प्रसाद्यभ्रातरंजेष्ठंसान्त्वेनोपस्थितक्रमः ।

देशकालार्थसंवादिदृष्टलोकपरावरः ।।6.10.13।।

दृष्टलोकपरावरः one who knew good and bad of the world, सान्त्वेन: in appeasing way, ज्येष्ठंभ्रातरं: to elder brother, प्रसाद्य: propitiated, उपस्थितक्रमः observing the customary traditions, देशकालार्थसंवादि: one who knows the time and place of advice.

Vibheeshana who knew the good and bad of the world and knew to advice in consonance with place and time said to his elder brother in an appeasing manner, propitiating him observing the customary tradition.
यदाप्रभृतिवैदेहीसम्प्रास्तेमांपुरींतव ।

तदाप्रभृतिदृश्यन्तेनिमित्तान्यशुभानिनः ।।6.10.14।।

इमांपुरीं: this city, वैदेही: Vaidehi, यदाप्रभृतिइह: since she has come here, सम्प्राप्ता: observed, तदाप्रभृति: such signs are observed, नः by us, अशुभानि: inauspicious, निमित्तानि: happenings, दृश्यन्ते: are seen.

"Since Vaidehi has come to this city, inauspicious happenings are seen by us."
सस्फुलिङ्गस्सधूमार्चिस्सधूमकलुषोदयः ।

मन्त्रसङ्घहुतोऽप्यग्निर्नसम्यगभिवर्थते ।।6.10.15।।

मन्त्रसङ्घहुतःअपि: even the fire sacrifices, अग्निः fire, सस्फुलिङ्गः with fire particles, सधूमार्चिः with smoke, सधूमकलुषोदयः mixed with smoke, सम्यक् well, नाभिवर्धते: not burning with brilliance.

"Even from the fire of fire sacrifices, fire particles polluted with smoke are rising and the fire is not burning with brilliance."
अग्निष्ठेष्वग्निशलासुतथाब्रह्मस्थालीषुच ।

सरीसृपाणिदृश्यन्तेहन्येषुचपिपीलिकाः ।।6.10.16।।

अग्निष्ठेषु: in cooking fire, अग्निशालासु: in places of fire sacrifice, तथा: so also, ब्रह्मस्थलीषुच: at places where offerings are made into fire, सरीसृपाणि: serpents, दृश्यन्ते: are seen, हव्येषु: in the Havis, पिपीलिकाः ants are seen.

"In the cooking fire, in places of fire sacrifice, so also at places where offerings are made into fire, serpents are seen. Ants are seen in the Havis."
गवांसयांसिस्कन्नानिविमदावीरकुञ्जराः ।

दीनमश्वाःप्रहेषन्तेनचग्रासाभिनन्दिनः ।।6.10.17।।

गवाम् of cows, पयांसि: udder, स्कन्नानि: dried up, वीरकुञ्जराः proud elephants, विमदामः lost their ichor, अश्वाः horses, दीनम् pa the tic, प्रहेषन्ते: neighing, ग्रासाभिनन्दिनः interested in fodder, नच: even not.

"The udder of cows is dried up, the proud elephants have lost their ichor, the horses are pathetic and neighing. They are not even interested in fodder."
खरोष्ट्राश्वतराराजभनभिन्नरोमास्स्रवन्तिच ।

नस्वभावेऽवतिष्ठन्तिविधानैरपिचिन्तिताः ।।6.10.18।।

राजन् O king, खरोष्ट्रातराः donkeys and camels, भिन्नरोमाः shed their body hair, स्रवन्तिच: crying, विधानैः different kinds, चिन्तिताःअपि: even though treated for, स्वभावे: natural form, नअवतिष्ठन्ति: not getting to be normal.

"O King the donkeys and camels have shed their body hair and are crying. Even though they are treated for it in different ways they are not getting to be in normal natural form."
वायसाःसङ्घशःक्रूराव्याहरन्तिसमन्ततः ।

समवेताश्चदृश्यन्तेविमानाग्रेषुसङ्घशः ।।6.10.19।।

क्रूराः wild, वायसाः crows, सङ्घश: in flocks, समन्ततः all over, व्याहरन्ति: sounding harsh, विमानाग्रेषु: on the top of aerial chariot, सङ्घशः gathered, समवेताः in groups, दृश्यन्ते: are seen.

Wild crows are seen in flocks all over the top of aerial chariot sounding harsh gathered in groups.
गृध्राश्चपरिलीयन्तेपुरीमुपरिपिण्डिताः ।

उपपन्नाश्चस्नध्येद्वेव्याहऱ्नत्यशिवंशिवाः ।।6.10.20।।

गृध्राश्च: even eagles, पुरीमुपरि: over the houses of the capital, पिण्डिताः collected, परिलीयन्ते: repeatedly standing, शिवाः auspicious, द्वेसन्ध्ये: in both morning and evening twilight time, उपपन्नाः coming together, अशिवम् inauspicious, व्याहरन्ति: sounding.

"Even the eagles are collecting together and standing over the houses of the capital repeatedly in both the auspicious times of morning and evening and making inauspicious sounds."
क्रव्यादानांमृगाणांचपुरीद्वारेषुसङ्घशः ।

श्रूयन्तेविपुलाघोषास्सविस्फूर्जितनिस्स्वनाः ।।6.10.21।।

पुरिद्वारेषु: at the entrance of capital, सङ्घशः collected, क्रव्यादानाम् carnivorous, मृगाणाम् animals, सविस्फूर्जिन्तिस्स्वनाः like thunderous sounds, विपुलाः loud, घोषाः noise, श्रूयन्ते: heard.

At the entrance of the capital are heard thunderous sounds of carnivorous animals collected together sounding like thunder.
तदेवंप्रस्तुतेकार्येप्रायश्चित्तमिदंक्षमम् ।

रोचतेयदिवैदेहीराघवायप्रदीयताम् ।।6.10.22।।

यदि: such being, तत् that, एवम् in that way, प्रस्तुते: commenced, कार्ये: task (of burning Lanka), इदम् this is, क्षमम् appropriate, प्रायश्चित्तम् atonement, रोचते: I have thought, वैदेही: Vaidehi, राघवाय: to Rama, प्रदीयताम् restore.

"Therefore, the task (of burning Lanka) has commenced. I have thought of this appropriate atonement. Restore Vaidehi to Rama."
इदंचयदिवामोहाल्लोभाद्वाव्याहृतंमया ।

तत्रापिचमहाराज नदोषंकर्तुमर्हसि ।।6.10.23।।

महाराज: O great king, इदम् this is, मयामोहाद्वा: by my delusion, लोभाद्वा: or greed, व्याहृतंयदि: telling like that, तत्रापि: you ought, दोषम् fault, कर्तुम् finding, नार्हसि: you may know.

"O great king You may know that I am not telling like this out of my delusion or greed. You ought not to find fault with me."
अयंहिदोषस्सर्वस्यजनस्यास्योपलक्ष्यते ।

रक्षसांराक्षसीनांचपुरस्यान्तःपुरस्यच ।।6.10.24।।

आयम् This, दोषः offence, रक्षसाम् for all Rakshasas, राक्षसीनांच: for Rakshasa women also, पुरस्य: of the capital, अन्तःपुरस्यच: even those in the harem, अस्य: there, सर्वस्य: to all, जनस्य: common people, उपलक्ष्यतेहि: are aware of.

All of us, the Rakshasas and Rakshasa women of the capital, even those in the harem, and all the common people are aware of this offence.
श्रावणेचास्यमन्त्रस्यनिवृत्तास्सर्वमन्त्रिणः ।

अवश्यंचमयावाच्यंयद्दृष्टमपिवाश्रुतम् ।।6.10.25।।

सम्विधाययथान्यायंतद्भवान् कर्तुमर्हति ।

अस्य: your, मन्त्रस्य: ministers', श्रावणे: in order to make you hear, सर्वमन्त्रिणः all ministers, निवृत्ताः abstained from, यत् that which, दृष्टम् is seen, अपिवा: and also, श्रुतम् that which is heard, मया: my, अवश्यम् necessarily, वाच्यम् these words, तत् that, भवान् to you, यथान्यायम् that which is justifiable, सम्विधाय: determining the propriety, कर्तुम् I submit, अर्हति: is proper for me.

All your ministers have abstained from telling you out of fear of you. I must necessarily tell you (as brother) this which is seen and heard. You may determine that which is justifiable by determining the propriety. It is proper for me to submit to you.
इतिस्ममन्त्रिणांमध्येभ्राताभ्रातरमूचिवान् ।

रावणंराक्षसांश्रेष्ठंपथ्यमेतद्विभीषणः ।।6.11.26।।

भ्राता: brother, विभीषण: Vibheeshana, स्ममन्त्रिणाम् in the presence of his ministers, भ्रातरम् brother, राक्षसां: among Rakshasas, श्रेष्ठम् eminent, रावणम् to Ravana, इति: thus, पथ्यम् beneficial, एतत् all this, ऊचिवान् tendered advice.

Brother Vibheeshana thus tendered advice to Ravana, the eminent king of Rakshasas in the presence of his ministers.
हितंमहार्थंमृदुहेतुसंहितंव्यतीतकालायतिसम्प्रतिक्षमम् ।

निशम्यतद्वाक्यमुपस्थितज्वरःप्रसङ्गवानुत्तरमेतदब्रवीत् ।।6.10.27।।

प्रसङ्गवान् words of counsel, हितम् welfare, महार्थम् very meaningful, मृदु: gentle, हेतुसंहितम् that which was full of benefit, व्यतीतकालायतिसम्प्रतिक्षमम् that which is beneficial for the past, present and future also, तत् such, वाक्यम् statement, निशम्य: foregoing, उपस्थितज्वरः seized with anger, एतत् this manner, उत्तरम् replied, अब्रवीत् spoke.

Foregoing the beneficial, meaningful, and gentle words of counsel of significance in the past, present and future also (given by Vibheeshana), Ravana seized with anger replied in this manner.
भयंनपश्यामिकुतश्चिदप्यहंनराघवःप्राप्स्यतिजातुमैथिलीम् ।

सुरैस्सहेन्द्रैरपिसङ्गरेकथंममाग्रतस्स्थास्यतिलक्ष्मणाग्रजः ।।6.10.28।।

अहम् I am, कुतश्चिदपि: of anyone, भयम् fear, नपश्यामि: do not perceive, राघवः Rama, जातु: at any time, मैथिलीम् Mythili, नप्राप्स्यति: will not get, सहेन्द्रेः with Indra, सुरैरपि: with Suras, लक्ष्मणाग्रजः Lakshmana's elder brother, सङ्गरे: in battle, मम: with me, अग्रज: elder brother, कथम् how can, स्थास्यति: withstand.

"I do not perceive fear from anyone. Rama will not be able to get Mythili at any time. How can the elder brother of Lakshmana withstand me even if Indra and Devatas come (to his help) in battle"
इत्येवमुक्त्वासुरसैन्यनाशनोमहाबलस्संयतिचण्डविक्रमः ।

दशाननोभ्रातरमाप्तवादिनंविसर्जयामासतदाविभीषणम् ।।6.10.29।।

सुरसैन्यनाशनः one who is a destroyer of Devatas army, महाबलः mighty, संयति in war, चण्डविक्रमः of formidable valour, दशाननः tenheaded, इत्येवम् in this way, उक्त्वा: having spoken, आप्तवादिनम् one who gave good advice, विभीषणम् Vibheeshana, तदा: then, विसर्जयामास: sent him away.

Then mighty tenheaded Ravana of formidable valour, a destroyer of Devatas' army in war, sent away Vibheeshana who had spoken words of good advice in that manner.
This is the end of the tenth sarga of Yuddha Kanda of the first epic the holy Ramayana composed by sage Valmiki.