Sloka & Translation

[Ravana reproaches the charioteer. After satisfying his master the charioteer drives Ravana to the battlefield.]

सतुमोहात्सुसङ्क्रुद्धःकृतान्तबलचोदितः ।

क्रोधसंरक्तनयनोरावणंसूतमब्रवीत् ।।6.106.1।।

मोहात् deluded, सुसङ्क्रुद्धः enraged, कृतान्तबलचोदितः by force of destiny, सःरावणः that Ravana, क्रोधसंरक्तनयनः eyes turned red in anger, सूतम् charioteer, अब्रवीत् spoke

Enraged out of delusion, by force of destiny, Ravana's eyes turned red in anger and spoke to his charioteer.
हीनवीर्यमिवाशक्तंपौरुषेणविवर्जितम् ।

भीरुंलघुमिवासत्त्वंविहीनमिवतेजसा ।।6.106.2।।

विमुक्तमिवमायाभिरस्त्रैरिवबहिष्कृतम् ।

मामवज्ञायदुर्बुद्धेस्वयाबुद्ध्याविचेष्टसे ।।6.106.3।।

दुर्बुद्धे dull fellow, अशक्तम् not capable, पौरुषेय in manliness, विवर्जितम् powerless, हीनवीर्यमिव deficient in valour, भीरुम् timid, असत्त्वम् incapable, लघुमिव petty, तेजसा energy, विहीनमिव devoid of, मायाभिः not know conjuring tricks, विमुमिव abandoned like, अस्त्रै: weapons, बहिष्कृतम् इव like driven out, माम् me, अवज्ञाय not knowing, स्वया your own way, बुद्ध्या discretion, विचेष्टसे foolishly

"You dullard! Disdaining me as not capable, lacking manliness, powerless, deficient in valour, timid, incapable, petty, devoid of energy, not knowing conjuring tricks, abandoned weapons, driven out, you act not knowing me in your own way foolishly using your discretion."
किमर्थंमामवज्ञायमच्छन्दमनवेक्ष्य च ।

त्वयाशत्रुसमक्षंमेरथोऽयमपवाहितः ।।6.106.4।।

शत्रुसमक्षं enemy presence, मे my अवज्ञाय, not knowing, मच्छन्दम् my opinion, अनवेक्ष्य च belittling, अयम् I, मेरथः my chariot, किमर्थम् for What reason, अपवाहितः removed by you

Not knowing my opinion, for what reason have you removed my chariot in the presence of my enemy, belittling me?
त्वयाद्यहिममानार्य चिरकालसमार्जितम् ।

यशोवीर्यं च तेजश्चप्रत्ययश्चविनाशितः ।।6.106.5।।

अनार्य evil minded, अद्य today, त्वया by you, मम me, चिरकालसमार्जितम् earned over a long period, यशः fame, वीर्यम् valiance, तेजश्च glory, प्रत्ययश्च bravery, विनशत्रोः has been wiped out

"O evil minded one! My fame, glory, valiance and bravery earned over a long period has been wiped out by you."
प्रख्यातवीर्यस्यरञ्जनीयस्यविक्रमैः ।

पश्यतोयुद्धलुब्धोऽहंकृतंकापुरुषस्त्वया ।।6.106.6।।

प्रख्यातवीर्यस्य valour is known widely, विक्रमैः bravery, रञ्जनीयस्य one who is to be praised, शत्रोः adversary, पश्यतः as I was looking, त्वया by you, युद्धलुब्दः lover of war, अहम् I, कापुरुषः timid, कृतः did

"While my adversary's valour is widely known, you brought me back like a timid one, while I love war, while I am to be praised in the presence of my enemy."
यस्त्वंरथमिदंमोहान्नचेद्वहसिदुर्मते ।

सत्योऽप्रतितर्कोमेपरेणत्वमुपस्कृतः ।।6.106.7।।

दुर्मते evil minded, यःत्वम् you are, इदंरथम् this chariot, मोहात् out of delusion, न वहसिचेत् not willing to drive, अयम् I, प्रतितर्कः perversion, सत्यःtruly, त्वम् you, परेण by the enemy, उपस्कृतःare influenced

"O Evil minded one! If out of delusion you are not willing to drive, truly you are influenced by the enemy."
न हितद्विद्यतेकर्मसुहृदोहितकाङ्क्षिणः ।

रिपूणांसदृशंत्वेतद्यतत्त्वयैतदनुष्ठितम् ।।6.106.8।।

त्वया by you, यत् that which, एतत् all this, अनुष्ठितम् followed, एतत् this, रिपूणाम् enemy's, सदृशम् not befitting, तत् that, हितकाङ्क्षिणः desiring benefit, सुहृदः with good heart, कर्म action, न विद्यतेहि do not know

What has been done by you is not befitting, this is What an enemy should have done. Being good at heart you have done What is good for enemy.
निवर्तयरथंशीघ्रंयावन्नापैतिमेरिपुः ।

यदिवाध्युषितोऽसित्वंस्मर्यतेयदिमेगुणः ।।6.106.9।।

त्वम् your, अध्युषितः lived with me for long, असियदि if you, मे my, गुणः virtues, यदिस्मर्यते if you remember, मेरिपुः my enemy, यावत् all that, नापैति by the way, शीघ्रम् quickly, रथम् chariot, निवर्तय take back

"If you remember that you lived long with me and know my virtues, quickly turn back the chariot before my adversary with draws.
एवंपुरुषमुक्तस्तुहितबुद्धिबुद्धिना ।

अब्रवीद्रावणंसूतोहितंसानुनयंवचः ।।6.106.10।।

अबुद्धिना insensitive, एवम् in that way, परुषम् harsh, उक्तः spoken, हितबुद्धि: beneficial advice, सूतः charioteer, रावणम् to Ravana, सानुनयम् friendly, वचः words, अब्रवीत् spoke

When the insensitive Ravana spoke harshly in that manner, to the charioteer who was wishing his benefit, he spoke in friendly language to Ravana.
न भीतोऽस्मि न मूढोऽस्मिनोपजप्तोऽस्मिशत्रुभिः ।

न प्रमत्तो न निःस्नेहोविस्मृता न च सत्क्रिया ।।6.106.11।।

भीतः fearing, नास्मि me not, मूढः foolish, न अस्मि am not, शत्रुभिः enemy also, उपजप्तः won by them, न अस्मि not me, प्रमत्तः negligent, न not, निःस्नेहः friendliness, न not, सत्क्रिया च good deeds also, न not

"I was not fearing, nor foolish, not won by the enemy, not negligent also, not lacking friendliness and not forgetting good deeds done by you."
मयातुहितकामेवयशश्चपरिरक्षता ।

स्नेहप्रसन्नमनसाहितमित्यप्रियंकृतम् ।।6.106.12।।

हितकामेन wishing your welfare, यशश्च fame, परिरक्षता to protect, स्नेहप्रसन्नमनसा with friendly and pleasant feeling, मया by me, हितम् इति that which is good for you, अप्रियम् unpleasant, कृतम् action

Wishing your welfare, for your fame and to protect you with a friendly and pleasant feeling I did that which is good for you. You are unpleasant about this action.
नास्मिन्नर्थेमहाराज त्वंमांप्रियहितेरतम् ।

कश्चिल्लघुरिवानार्योदोषतोगन्तुमर्हसि ।।6.106.13।।

महाराज O king, प्रियहिते with good intention, रतम् remain, माम् me, अस्मिन् I, अर्थे solicit, त्वम् you, कश्चित् indeed, लघुः petty, अनार्यःइव like an unworthy, दोषतः by mistake, गन्तुम् I wish you, न अर्हसि ought not

"O King! I who wish your welfare ought not to be blamed like an unworthy and pettyminded person by mistake."
श्रूयतांप्रतिदास्यामियन्निमित्तंमयारथः ।

नदीवेगइवामंभोभिेसंयुगेविनिवर्तितः ।।6.106.14।।

इवामंभोभिे into ocean like, नदीवेगःइव like speeding river, संयुगे in war, रथः chariot, यन्निमित्तम् for that reason, विनिवर्तितः taken back, प्रतिदास्यामि will answer you, श्रूयताम् please listen

"O yes! I will answer you. Please listen. like the river entering the ocean speedily is diverted, I have taken back the chariot from the battle.
श्रमंतवावगच्छामिमहतारणकर्मणा ।

न हितेवीर्यसौमुख्यंप्रकर्षंवोपधारये ।।6.106.15।।

महता great, रणकर्मणा in the task of battle, तव your, श्रमम् strenuous work, अवगच्छामि took cognizance of, ते your, वीर्यसौमुख्यम् valiance, प्रकर्षंवा or superiority, नोपधारये no exhibition

"Great Ravana! After the strenuous task in the battle, there was no exhibition of your valour, and I did not cognize any superiority in your action."
रथोद्वहनखिन्नाश्चभग्नामेरथवाजिनः ।

दीनाघर्मपरिश्रान्तागावोवर्षहताइव ।।6.106.16।।

मे my, रथवाजिनः chariot horses, रथोद्वहनखिन्नाः exhausted by dragging, भग्नाः broken, वर्षहताः lashed by rain, गावःइव like cows, घर्मपरिश्रान्ताः worn out with the heat of the sun, दीनाः desperate

"The horses of my chariot were exhausted by dragging, broken down, worn out by the hot sun, and desperate like cows lashed by rain."
निमित्तानि च भूयिष्ठंयानिप्रादुर्भवन्तिनः ।

तेषुतेष्वभिपन्नेषुलक्ष्याम्यप्रदक्षिणम् ।।6.106.17।।

नः not, यानि those, निमित्तानि portents, भूयिष्ठम् many, प्रादुर्भवन्ति manifesting, अभिपन्नेषु seeing, तेषुतेषु again and again, अप्रदक्षिणम् in the reverse direction, लक्ष्यामि observable

"Those portents manifesting again and again, that I am seeing, all of them are in the reverse direction (meaning not proptitious)."
देशकालौ च विज्ञेयौलक्षणानीङ्गितानि च ।

दैन्यंहर्षश्चखेदश्चरथिनश्चबलाबलम् ।।6.106.18।।

बलाबलम् strength and weakness, देशकालौ च in time and place, विज्ञेयौ good and evil, लक्षणानि signs, इङ्गितानि च omens, रथिनः warrior's, दैन्यम् depression, हर्षश्च liveliness, खेदश्च sorrow also

"Propitious and unpropitious, time and place, good and evil signs and omens, depression and liveliness of the warrior as well as strength and weakness of the one in the chariot must be ascertained."
स्थलनिम्नानिभूमेश्चसमानिविषमाणि च ।

युद्धकालश्चविज्ञेयःपरस्यान्तरदर्शनम् ।।6.106.19।।

भूमेः, earth's स्थलनिम्नानि ups and downs, समानि stable, विषमाणि च difficult locations, युद्धकालश्च right time of war, विज्ञेयः should be known, परस्य of the enemy, अन्तरदर्शनम् inner weakness

"The earths' ups and downs, evenness and ruggedness, difficult locations, the right time and place for war should be known in advance and the inner weakness of the enemy also to be known."
उपयानापयाने च स्थानंप्रत्यपसर्पणम् ।

सर्वमेतद्रथस्थेनज्ञेयंरथकुटुम्भिना ।।6.106.20।।

रथस्थेन by the charioteer, रथकुटुम्भिना to hold or advance, उपयानापयाने च coming near or retreating, स्थानम् in seated, प्रत्यपसर्पणम् to return back, एतत् all this, सर्वम् everything, ज्ञेयम् to be known

"To hold the chariot or advance, to go near the (enemy) or retreat, to return back or advance, everything should be known to the charioteer."
तवविश्रामहेतोस्तुतथैषांरथवाजिनाम् ।

रौद्रंवर्जयताखेदंक्षमंकृतमिदंमया ।।6.106.21।।

तव your, विश्रामहेतोः reason is to give rest, तथा in that way, एषाम् all these, रथवाजिनाम् horses of the chariot, रौद्रम् terrific feat, खेदम् fatigue, वर्जयता to relieve, मया by me, इदम् in this way, क्षमम् deserve to be excused, कृतम् for the action

"The reason for retreating in this way is to give you rest and relieve the horses from the terrible feat and fatigue. I deserve to be excused for this action."
स्वेच्छयान मयावीररथोऽयमपवाहितः ।

भर्तृस्नेहपरीतेनमयेदंयत्कृतंप्रभो ।।6.106.22।।

वीर heroic, प्रभो Lord, अयम् I, रथः chariot, मया by me, स्वेच्छया independently, न अपवाहितः not brought back, मया by me, यत् that, कृतम् action, इदम् thus, भर्तृस्नेहपरीतेन with affection to the master

"Heroic Lord! I have not brought back this chariot independently (without thinking). I have acted in friendliness to the master (to give rest) not otherwise."
आज्ञापययथातत्त्वंवक्ष्यस्यरिनिषूदन ।

तत्करिष्याम्यहंवीरगतानृण्येनचेतसा ।।6.106.23।।

अरिषूदन, tamer of enemies वीर warrior, आज्ञापय orders, त्वम् your, तत् like that, यथा so also, वक्ष्यसि order, तत् that, अहम् I, गतानृण्येन in accordance with, चेतसा wholeheartedly, करिष्यामि will carry out

"O Tamer of enemies! Order now and in that way, I shall carry out your order in accordance with you wholeheartedly."
सन्तुष्टस्तेनवाक्येनरावणस्तस्यसारथेः ।

प्रशस्यैनंबहुविधंयुद्धलुब्धोऽब्रवीदिदम् ।।6.106.24।।

तस्यसारथेः by that charioteer, तेनवाक्येन by those words, सन्तुष्टः fully satisfied, रावणः Ravana, एनम् in that way, बहुविधम् many ways, प्रशस्य praised, युद्धलुब्दः desiring to wage war, इदम् thus, अब्रवीत् spoke

Ravana was fully satisfied with the words of the charioteer. He praised the charioteer in many ways and spoke like this desiring to wage war.
रथंशीघ्रमिदंसूतराघवाभिमुखंनय ।

नाहत्वासमरेशत्रून्निवर्तिष्यतिरावणः ।।6.106.25।।

सूत charioteer इमम् this, रथम् chariot, शीघ्रम् quickly, राघवाभिमुखम् towards Raghava, नय as a policy, रावणः Ravana, समरे in battle, शत्रून् enemy, अहत्वा without putting an end, न निवर्तिष्यति never returns back

"Quickly drive the chariot towards Raghava. As a policy, Ravana would never turn back on the battlefield without putting an end to the enemy."
एवमुक्त्वाततस्तुष्टोरावणोराक्षसेश्वरः ।

ददौतस्यशुभंह्येकंहस्ताभरणमुत्तमम् ।।6.106.26।।

श्रुत्वारावणवाक्यानिसारथिस्सन्यवर्तत ।

तुष्टःराक्षसेश्वरः fully satisfied, रावणः Ravana, एवम् in that way, उक्त्वा having spoken, ततः then, तस्य his, शुभम् auspicious, एकम् one, उत्तमम् excellent, हस्ताभरणम् ornament of the hand ददौ presented, सःसारथिः to the charioteer, रावणवाक्यानि Ravana's words, श्रुत्वा hearing, न्यवर्तत turned

Fully satisfied with Charioteer's words, Ravana bestowed him with an excellent auspicious ornament of the hand. On hearing Ravana's words, the charioteer advanced the chariot.
ततोद्रुतंरावणवाक्यचोदितःप्रचोदयामासहयान्ससारथिः ।

स राक्षसेन्द्रस्य ततो महारथःक्षणेनरामस्यरथाग्रतोऽभवत् ।।6.106.27।।

ततः then, रावणवाक्यचोदितः instructed by Ravana, सःसारथिः that Charioteer, हयान् horses, प्रचोदयामास started to drive, राक्षसेन्द्रस्य Rakshasa Lord's, सः he, महारथः great chariot, क्षणेन in seconds, रामस्य Rama's, रथाग्रतः before chariot, अभवत् stood

Then,instructed by Ravana,his charioteer started to drive Rakshasa lord's chariot.In a moment,the great chariot stood before Rama's chariot.
।। इत्यार्षेवाल्मीकीयेश्रीमद्रामायणेआदिकाव्येयुद्धकाण्डेषडुत्तरशततमस्सर्गः ।।
This is the end of one hundred and sixth sarga of Yuddha Kanda of the first epic, the holy Ramayana composed by sage Valmiki.