Sloka & Translation

[Ravana enters the royal assembly followed by Vibheeshana, Prahastha and others and holds consultations with his ministers.]

सबभूवकृशोराजामैथिलीकाममोहितः ।

असन्मानाच्चसुहृदांपापंपापेनकर्मणा ।।6.11.1।।

मैथिलीकाममोहितः infatuated with passion towards Mythili, सः that, पापं: sinner, राजा: king, सुहृदाम् those who were dear to him, असन्मानाच्च: disregarded, पापेन: on account of sinful, कर्मणा: actions, कृशः weak, बभूव: became.

Infatuated with passion towards Mythili, disregarded by his dear ones on account of sinful actions, sinner Ravana became weak.
अतीतसमयेकालेतस्मिन्वैयुधिरावणः ।

अमात्यैश्चसुहृद्भिश्चप्राप्तकालममन्यत ।।6.11.2।।

रावणः Ravana, तस्मिन् on account of, अतीतसमये: elapsed, काले: time, अमात्यैश्च: with ministers, सुहृद्भिश्च: with his friends, युधि: about war, प्राप्तकालम् right time, अमन्यत: considered for consultation.

Because of the lapse of time, Ravana considered it imminent to consult with his ministers and friends about war.
सहेमजालविततंमणिविद्रुमभूषितम् ।

उपगम्यविनीताश्वमारुरोहमहारथम् ।।6.11.3।।

सः he (Ravana), हेमजालविततम् overlaid with golden latticework, मणिविद्रुमभूषितम् decked with gems and corals, विनीताश्वम् trained horses,महारथम् magnificent chariot, उपगम्य: having reached, आरुरोह: ascended.

Ravana, having reached, ascended the magnificent chariot that was overlaid with golden latticework, decked with gems and corals, and yoked to trained horses.
तमास्थायरथश्रेष्ठंमहामेघसमस्वनम् ।

प्रययौरक्षसांश्रेष्ठोदशग्रीवस्सभांप्रति ।।6.11.4।।

रक्षसाम् of Rakshasas, श्रेष्ठः eminent, दशग्रीवः tenheaded Ravana, महामेघसमस्वनम् making sound like the roaring noise of a huge cloud, तम् him, रथश्रेष्ठम् best chariot, आस्थाय: climbed up, सभांप्रति: to assembly, प्रययौ: went.

The tenheaded Ravana, eminent one among Rakshasas climbed up that best of chariots that was making noise like the roaring sound of a huge cloud and went to assembly.
असिचर्मधरायोधास्सर्वायुधधरास्ततः ।

राक्षसाराक्षसेन्द्रस्यपुरस्तात्सम्प्रतस्थिरे ।।6.11.5।।

ततः then, असिचर्मधराः wielding swords and all kinds of weapons, योधाः soldiers, सर्वायुधधराः different kinds of weapons, राक्षसाः Rakshasas, राक्षसेन्द्रस्य: Lord of Rakshasas, पुरस्तात् in front, सम्प्रतस्थिरे: stood at that time.

Then soldiers wielding swords and different kinds of weapons stood in front of the Lord of Rakshasas.
नानाविकृतवेषाश्चनानाभूषणभूषिताः ।

पार्श्वतस्पृष्ठतश्चैनंपरिवार्यययुस्तत:।। 6.11.6।।

नानाविकृतवेषाश्च: adorned in different kinds of uncouth attire, नानाभरणभूषिताः wearing different kinds of ornaments, तत: thereafter, एनम् by his, पार्श्वतः sides, पष्ठतश्चैव: and also back, परिवार्य: surrounding, ययुः went.

Further (Rakshasas) adorned in different kinds of uncouth attire, wearing different kinds of ornaments went by his side and also at the back.
रथैश्चातिरथाश्शीघ्रंमत्तैश्चवरवारणैः ।

अनूत्पेतुर्दशग्रीवमाक्रीडद्भिश्चवाजिभिः ।।6.11.7।।

अतिरथाः great charioteers, रथैः chariots, मत्तै: proud elephants, वरवारणैः excellent, आक्रीडद्भिः sporting, वाजिभिश्च: and horses also, दशग्रीवम् tenheaded Ravana, शीघ्रम् swiftly, अनूत्पेतुः followed.

(Some Rakshasa) Charioteers riding on chariots, some on proud elephants and some on horses sporting away followed the tenheaded Ravana.
गदापरिघहस्ताश्चशक्तितोमरपाणयः ।

परश्वथधराश्चान्येतथाऽन्येशूलपाणयः ।।6.11.8।।

गदापरिघहस्ताश्च: maces and iron bars in their hands, शक्तितोमरपाणयः holding strong iron clubs in hand, परश्वथधराः holding battle axes, अन्ये: others शूलपाणयः with tridents in their hands, अन्येच: and other.

Some holding maces and iron bars, some holding strong iron clubs in hand, and some others holding battle axes, tridents and other weapons went.
ततस्तूर्यसहस्राणांसञ्जज्ञेनिस्स्वनोमहान् ।

तुमुलश्शङ्खशब्दश्चसभांगच्छतिरावणे ।।6.11.9।।

ततः then, रावणे: as Ravana, सभाम् to the assembly, गच्छति: as he entered, तूर्यसहस्राणाम् thousands of band instruments, महान् high, निस्स्वनः sounded, तुमुलः tumultuous noise, शङ्खशब्दश्च: sounds of conchs, सञ्जज्ञे: broke forth.

Then as Ravana entered the assembly thousands of band instruments sounded aloud. Conchs broke forth producing tumultuous noise.
सनेमिघोषेणमहान्सहसाऽभिनिनादयन् ।

राजमार्गंश्रियाजुष्टंप्रतिपेदेमहारथः ।।6.11.10।।

महान् great, सः he, महारथः great chariot, नेमिघोषेण: rattling sound of chariot, अभिनिनादयन् echoed in all directions, श्रिया: bright, जुष्टम् pleasing, राजमार्गम् royal path, सहसा: all at once, प्रतिपेदे: entered.

As the rattling sounds of the great chariot echoed in all directions, he entered the bright pleasing royal path all at once.
विमलंचातपत्राणांप्रगृहीतमशोभत ।

पाण्डुरंराक्षसेन्द्रस्यपूर्णस्ताराधिपोयथा ।।6.11.11।।

राक्षसेन्द्रस्य: Lord of Rakshasa's, विमलम् pure, पाण्डुरम् white canopy, प्रगृहीतम् taking hold, आतपत्राणाम् spread like lines, पूर्णः full, ताराथिपो: like the Lord of stars (moon), यथा: like that, अशोभत: was shining.

The pure white canopy of Ravana held by the Rakshasas spread like lines shone like the Lord of stars (the full moon).
हेममञ्जरिगर्भेचशुद्धस्फटिकविग्रहे ।

चामरव्यजनेतस्यरेजतुस्सव्यदक्षिणे ।।6.11.12।।

हेममञ्जरिगर्भे: with golden bouquet in the middle, शुद्धस्फटिकविग्रहे: pure crystal like handles, चामरव्यजने: a pair of fans, तस्य: its, सव्यदक्षिणे: on left and right side, रेजतुः glowed.

A pair of fans with pure crystal like handles with a golden bouquet in the middle glowed.
तेकृताञ्जलयस्सर्वेरथस्थंपृथिवीस्थिताः ।

राक्षसाराक्षसश्रेष्ठंशिरोभिस्तंववन्दिरे ।।6.11.13।।

पृथिवीस्थिताः standing on the ground, सर्वे: all, सतेराक्षसाः those Rakshasas, कृताञ्जलयः with folded palms, रथस्थम् seated in the chariot, राक्षसश्रेष्ठम् foremost of Rakshasas, तम् him, शिरोभिस्तं: bowing their heads, ववन्दिरे: offered salutations.

Standing on the ground, all the Rakshasas bowing their heads down and with folded palms offered their salutations to the foremost of the Rakshasas seated in the chariot.
राक्षसैस्त्सूयमानस्सञ्जयाशीर्भिररिन्दमः ।

आससादमहातेजास्सभांविरचितांतदा ।।6.11.14।।

तदा: then, अरिन्दमः conqueror of foes, महातेजाः exceptionally splendid, राक्षसैः by Rakshasas, जयाशीर्भि: victory to you, prosperity to you', स्तूयमानः having praised, विरचिताम् well built, सभाम् royal court, आससाद: reached.

Then as the conqueror of foes, an exceptionally splendid one, Ravana was praised by the Rakshasas saying, "Victory to you, Prosperity to you", Ravana entered the wellbuilt royal court.
सुवर्णरजतास्तीर्णांविशुद्धस्फटिकान्तराम् ।

विराजमानोवपुषारुक्मपट्टोत्तरच्छदाम् ।।6.11.15।।

तांपिशाचशतै: षङ्भिरभिगुप्तांसदाप्रभाम् ।

प्रविवेशमहातेजास्सुकृतांविश्वकर्मणा ।।6.11.16।।

वपुषा: whose body was embodied with, विराजमानः glowing, महातेजा: exceptionally splendid, सुवर्णरजतास्तीर्णाम् pillars made of gold and silver, विशुद्धस्फटिकान्तराम् inside of which is pure like crystal, रुक्मपट्टोत्तरच्छदाम् carpeted with shining bright golden silk, षडिभः six, पिशाचशतैः hundred devils, अभिगुस्ताम् very beautiful, सदाप्रभाम् ever shining, विश्वकर्मणा: by Vishwakarma, सुकृताम् wellconstructed, ताम् that, प्रविवेश: entered.

Exceptionally splendid one, (Ravana) embodied with glowing body entered the royal court constructed by Vishwakarma, with pillars of gold and silver. Inside of the court was pure like crystal and carpeted with shining golden silk. It was very beautiful and ever shining and guarded by six hundred devils.
तस्यांसवैडूर्यमयंप्रियकाजिनसम्वृतम् ।

महत्सोपाश्रयंभेजेरावणःपरमासनम् ।।6.11.17।।

सः he, रावणः Ravana, तस्याम् his, वैडूर्यमयम् encrusted with Vaidurya gems,प्रियकाजिनसम्वृतम् covered with deer skin, सोपाश्रयम् which had a pillow, महत् huge, परमासनम् excellent seat, भेजे: sat.

Ravana sat on a huge excellent seat encrusted with Vydurya gems and covered with deer skin and which had a pillow.
तत: शशासेश्वरवद्दूतान्लघुपराक्रमान् ।

समानयतमेक्षिप्रमिहैतान्राक्षसानिति ।।

कृत्यमस्तिमहज्जानेकर्तव्यमितिशत्रुभिः ।।6.11.18।।

ततः then, लघुपराक्रमान् quick footed, दूतान् messengers, ईश्वरवत् like Lord, महत् great, कृत्याम् task, अस्ति: for us, शत्रुभिः against enemies, कर्तव्यम् इति: this has to be performed, जाने: you may know, एतान् that way, राक्षसान् Rakshasas, क्षिप्रम् at once, मे: to me, इह: here, समानयत: with you, इति: thus, शशास: commanded.

Then that Lord like Ravana said "We have to do a great task against the enemies now. It has to be performed." He commanded quick footed messengers to get the Rakshasas to him at once.
राक्षसास्तद्वचश्श्रुत्वालङ्कायांपरिचक्रमुः ।।6.11.19।।

अनुगेहमवस्थायविहारशयनेषुच ।

उद्यानेषुचरक्षांसिचोदयन्तोह्यभीतवत् ।।6.11.20।।

राक्षसाः those Rakshasas, तद्वचः that which was spoken, श्रुत्वा: having heard, विहारशयनेषु: places of recreation and bedrooms, उद्यानेषुच: also into recreational gardens, अवस्थाय: residing, रक्षांसि: Rakshasas, चोदयन्तः directing, अभीतवत् without fear, लङ्कायाम् in Lanka, अनुगेहम् every house, परिचक्रमुः went round.

Those Rakshasas having heard the words spoken by Ravana went to places of recreation, bedrooms and gardens and went round without fear into every house directing the Rakshasas.
तेरथान् रुचिरानेकेदृप्तानेकेपृथग्घयान् ।

नागानेकेऽधिरुरुहुर्जग्मुश्चैकेपदातयः ।।6.11.21।।

ते: of these, एके: some, रुचिरान् on exquisite, रथान् chariots, एके: some, दृप्तान् proud, दृढान् sturdy, हयान् on horses, एके: some, नागान् elephants, अधिरुरुहुः ascended, एके: some, पदातयः on foot.

Of those (Rakshasas) some went on exquisite chariots, some on proud sturdy horses some ascended elephants and some by foot.
सापुरीपरमाकीर्णारथकुञ्जरवाजिभिः ।

सम्पतद्भिर्विरुरुचेगरुत्मद्भिरिवाम्बरम् ।।6.11.22।।

सम्पतद्भिः that prosperous capital, रथकुञ्जरवाजिभिः chariots elephants and horses, परमाकीर्णा: in groups, सापुरी: that capital, गरुत्मद्भिः filled with birds, अम्बरमिव: like the sky, विरुरुचे: was shining.

With chariots, elephants and horses advancing in groups the prosperous capital was shining resembling the flocks of birds in the sky.
तेवाहनाव्यवस्थाप्ययानानिविविधानिच ।

सभांपद्भिःप्रविविशुस्सिंहागिरिगुहामिव ।।6.11.23।।

ते: those, वाहनानि: vehicles, विविधानि: of several kinds, यानानिच: at the entrance and, अवस्थाप्य: parking, सिंहाः lions, गिरिगुहामिव: like a cave of a mountain, सभाम् royal court, पद्भिः on foot, प्रविविशुः entered.

Parking those vehicles of several kinds at the entrance they entered the royal court by foot like the lions entering the cave of a mountain.
राज्ञःपादौगृहीत्वातुराज्ञातेप्रतिपूजिताः ।

पीठेष्वन्येबृसीष्वन्येभूमौकेचिदुपाविशन् ।।6.11.24।।

ते: they राज्ञः king's, पादौ: feet, गृहीत्वा: clasping, राज्ञा: to king, प्रतिपूजिताः offering salutations, अन्येय: some, पीठेषु: on golden seats, अन्ये: some, बृसीषु: on kusa grass mats, केचित् while some, भूमौ: on the floor, उपाविशन् took seat.

They held the feet of the king and on offering salutations to the king took their seat. While some took golden seats, some sat on a kusa grass mat, and some took a se at on the floor.
तेसमेत्यसभायांवैराक्षसाराजशासनात् ।

यथार्हमुपतस्थुस्तेरावणंराक्षसाधिपम् ।।6.11.25।।

तेराक्षसाः those Rakshasas, राजशासनात् by the king's command, सभायाम् in the royal court, समेत्य: settled in appropriate seats, ते: they, राक्षसाधिपम् leaders of Rakshasas, रावणम् at Ravana, यथार्हम् close by, उपतस्थुः sat.

Those Rakshasas (who arrived) at the royal court settled down in appropriate seats on the king's command. The leaders of Rakshasas s at close by Ravana.
मन्त्रिणश्चयथामुख्यानिश्चयार्थेषुपण्डिताः ।

अमात्याश्चगुणोपेतास्सर्वज्ञाबुद्धिदर्शनाः ।।6.11.26।।

समीयुस्तत्रशतशशूराश्चबहवस्तदा ।

सभायांहेमवर्णायांसर्वार्थस्यसुखायवै ।।6.11.27।।

निश्चयार्थे: in deciding matters, पण्डिताः learned, मन्त्रिणश्च: and also ministers, गुणोपेताः virtuous, सर्वज्ञाः knowledgeable, बुद्धिदर्शनाः who can visualise things with their intellect, अमात्याश्च: army men, तथा: likewise, शतशः in hundreds, बहवः many, शूराः heroes, तत्र: there, हेमवर्णायाम् shining with golden colour, सभायाम् in the royal assembly, सर्वार्थस्य: to deliberate on all matters, सुखायवै: for a happy conclusion, यथामुख्याः important people, समीयुः collected.

Those who were learned in decision making, ministers, virtuous and knowledgeable ones, those who can visualise things with their intellect, army men, like wise many heroes and important people collected at the royal assembly shining in golden colour to deliberate on matters for a happy conclusion.
ततोमहात्माविपुलंसुयुग्यंरथम्वरंहेमविचित्रिताङ्गम् ।

शुभंसमास्थायययौयशस्वीविभीषणस्संसदमग्रजस्य ।।6.11.28।।

ततः thereafter, महात्मा: great, यशस्वी: illustrious, विभीषणः Vibheeshana, विपुलम् broad, सुयुग्यं: yoked with good horses, हेमविचित्रिताङ्गम् decked with gold, शुभम् auspicious, वरम् choicest, रथम् chariot, आस्थाय: having ascended, अग्रजस्य: of the elder brother, संसदम् assembly, ययौ: went.

Thereafter illustrious and great Vibheeshana having ascended auspicious and choicest chariot decked with gold and yoked to good horses went to the assembly of his elder brother.
सपूर्वजायावरजश्शशंसनामाथपश्चाश्चरणौववन्दे ।

शुकःप्रहस्तश्चतथैवतेभ्योददौयथार्हंपृथगासनानि ।।6.11.29।।

अथ: and then, सः that Vibheeshana, अवरजः younger brother, पूर्वजाय: elder brother's, नाम: name, श्शशंस: repeated, पश्चात् after that, चरणौ: to the feet, ववन्दे: offered salutations, शुकः Suka, प्रहस्तश्च: Prahastha also, तथैव: likewise, तेभ्यः both, यथार्हम् in accordance with their position, असनानि: seats, पृथक् different, ददौ: offered.

There after Vibheeshana the younger brother, repeated his name (by way of courtesy ). A fter that he offered salutations to his elder brother's feet. B oth Sukha and Prahastha likewise followed Vibheeshana and took their seats offered according to their position.
सुवर्णनानामणिभूषणानांसुवाससांसंसदिराक्षसानाम् ।

तेषांपरार्घ्यागुरुचन्दनानांस्रजाश्चगन्धाःप्रववुस्समन्तात् ।।6.11.30।।

संसदि: in that court, सुवर्णनानामणिभूषणानाम् decorated with different kinds of golden and gem colours, सुवाससाम् beautiful clothes, राक्षसानाम् Rakshasa's, परार्घ्यागुरुचन्दनानाम् best of fragrances like incense and sandal paste, स्रजाश्च: floral garlands, गन्धा: fragrance of sandal, समन्तात् everywhere, प्रववुः spread all round.

In that royal court decorated with different kinds of golden and gem colours, the Rakshasas attired in beautiful clothes with their body smeared with fragrance of incense and sandal paste and wearing floral garland s whose fragrance had spread all over.
नचुक्रुशुर्नानृतमाहकश्चित्सभापदोनापिजजल्पुरुच्चैः ।

संसिद्धार्थास्सर्वएवोग्रवीर्याभर्तुस्सर्वेददृशुश्चाननंते ।।6.11.31।।

सभासदः those who assembled, नचुक्रुशुः not make noise, कश्चित् even a little,अनृतम् untruth, नाह: not, उच्चैः uttered, नजजल्पुः not speak, अपिसर्वेसंसिद्धार्धा: and all were fully accomplished, उग्रवीर्याः very heroic, तेसर्वे: all of them, भर्तुः Lord, आननम् face, ददृशुः looked at.

Those who assembled at the royal court neither made a little noise, nor uttered untruth, nor spoke. All of them were fully accomplished, very heroic and looked at their Lord's face.
सरावणश्शस्त्रभृतांमनस्विनांमहाबलानांसमितौमनस्वी ।

तस्यांसभायांप्रभयाचकाशेमध्येवसूनामिववज्रहस्तेः ।।6.11.32।।

तस्याम् in that सभायाम्: assembly, मनस्वी: heroic, सरावणः that Ravana, शस्त्रभृताम् those who held arms, मनस्विनां: heroes, महाबलानाम् of great prowess, समितौ: in battle, वसूनाम् among Vasus (gods ), मध्ये: in the midst, वज्रहस्तः Indra who holds a diamond bolt, इव: like, प्रभया: with glow, चकाशे: shone.

In that assembly, amid those heroes of great prowess, who held arms, Ravana glowed like Indra, who wields a diamond bolt in battle among the Vasus.
।।इत्यार्षेवाल्मीकीयेश्रीमद्रामायणेआदिकाव्येयुद्धकाण्डेएकादशस्सर्गः ।।
This is the end of the eleventh sarga of Yuddha Kanda of the first epic the holy Ramayana composed by sage Valmiki.