Sloka & Translation

[Ravana asks Prahastha to decide for the safety of Lanka and also inform Kumbhakarna of the situation.]

सतांपरिषदंकृत्स्नांसमीक्ष्यसमितिञ्जयः ।

प्रचोदयामासतदाप्रहस्तंवाहिनीपतिम् ।।6.12.1।।

तदा: then, समितिञ्जयः one who is victorious in wars, सः he, कृत्स्नाम् vast, तांपरिषदम् that assembly, दृष्टवा: on seeing, तदा: then, वाहिनीपतिम् chief of the army, प्रहस्तम् to Prahastha, प्रचोदयामास: ordered.

Then Ravana who is victorious in wars, looking at the vast assembly (of Rakshasas) ordered Prahastha, the chief of the army.
सेनापतेयथातेस्युःकृतविद्याश्चतुर्विधाः ।

योधानगररक्षायांतथाव्यादेष्टुमर्हसि ।।6.12.2।।

सेनापते: O chief of the army चतुर्विधाः warriors of four divisions of army, कृतविद्याः those who are well versed in the knowledge of all kinds of wars, ते: you, योधाः war, नगररक्षायाम् to safeguarding the city, यथा: likewise, स्युः you entrust, तथा: so also, व्यादेष्टुम् you order to be more alert, अर्हसि: you ought.

"O Chief of the army You order those who are well versed in the knowledge of all kinds of war and entrust those warriors of four divisions of the army to safeguard the city. Likewise, you ought to order them to be more alert."
सप्रहस्तःप्रणीतात्माचिकीर्षन् राजशासनम् ।

विनिक्षिपद्बलंसर्वंबहिरन्तश्चमन्दिरे ।।6.12.3।।

प्रणीतात्मा: celebrated, सःप्रहस्तः that Prahastha, राजशासनम् by king's order, चिकीर्षन् desiring to do, मन्दिरे: city, बहिः outside, अन्तश्च: inside, सर्वम् all, बलम् army, विनिक्षिपत् assigned.

Celebrated Prahastha desiring to carry out the king's order assigned the army inside and outside the city.
ततोविनिक्षिप्यबलंसर्वनगरगुप्तये ।

प्रहस्तःप्रमुखेराज्ञोनिषसादजगादच ।।6.12.4।।

ततः thereafter, प्रहस्तः Prahastha, सर्वम् all, बलम् army, नगरगुप्तये: for guarding the city, विनिक्षिप्य: having assigned, राज्ञः of the king, प्रमुखे: in front, निषसाद: sat down, जगादच: and appealed.

There after Prahastha, having assigned the army for guarding the city, sat down in front of the king, and appealed.
विहितंबहिरन्तश्चबलंबलवतस्तव ।

कुरुष्याविमनाःक्षिप्रंयदभिप्रेतमस्तुते ।।6.12.5।।

बलवतः one who is powerful, तव: your, बलम् strength, बहिः outside, अन्तश्च: and inside, विहितम् kept, अविमनाः with undistracted mind, ते: to you, यत् that which, अभिप्रेतम् you intend to do, अस्तु: you will, क्षिप्रम् at once, कुरुष्व: you may tell.

"You are a powerful one. Your army has been posted outside as well as inside. You may tell me at once without any distraction what you intend to do."
प्रहस्तस्यवचश्श्रुत्वाराजाराज्यहितैषिणः ।

सुखेप्सुस्सुहृदांमध्येव्याजहारसरावणः ।।6.12.6।।

राजा: king, सः that, रावणः Ravana, राज्यहितैषिणः keen on doing good to the kingdom, प्रहस्तस्य: Prahastha's, वचः words, श्रुत्वा: having heard, सुखेप्सुः desiring happiness, सुहृदाम् dear ones, मध्ये: in the midst, व्याजहार: said this.

Ravana who was keen on doing good to the kingdom desiring happiness and having heard Prahastha's word, said this in the midst of his dear ones.
प्रियाप्रियेसुखंदुःखंलाभालाभेहिताहिते ।

धर्मकामार्थकृच्छ्रेषुयूयमर्हथवेदितुम् ।।6.12.7।।

यूयम् you all, धर्मकामार्थकृच्छ्रेषु: among dharma (righteous code of conduct), artha (material wealth) and kama (desire), प्रियाप्रिये: that which is desirable and undesirable, सुखम् happiness, दुःखम् sorrow, लाभालाभे: gain and loss, हिताहिते: good and bad, वेदितुम् to know, अर्हथ: you are capable.

"When there is doubt about dharma, artha and kama, you are capable of deciphering between desirable and undesirable, happiness and sorrow, gain and loss."
सर्वकृत्यानियुष्माभिस्समारब्धानिसर्वथा ।

मन्त्रकर्मनियुक्तानिनजातुविफलानिमे ।।6.12.8।।

सर्वथा: always, युष्माभिः all of you, समारब्धानि: started, मन्त्रकर्मनियुक्तानि: that which has been well thought out and decided, मे: by me, सर्वकृत्यानि: actions carried out, जातु: that I know, नविफलानि: never futile.

"The actions carried out by me are always after it is well thought out and decided by all of you. I know that those actions have not failed."
ससोमग्रहनक्षत्रैर्मरुद्भिरिववासवः ।

भवद्भिरहमत्यर्थंवृतश्रियमवाप्नुयाम् ।।6.12.9।।

ससोमग्रहनक्षत्रैः ruling over the moon, sun and stars, मरुद्भि: even gods, वासवःइव: just as Indra भवद्भिः with you also, वृतः accompanied, अहम् I, अत्यर्थम् exceedingly, श्रियम् at once, अवाप्नुयाम् attain fortune.

"Just as Indra who rules over the moon, sun, stars, and gods attains fortune, accompanied by you I will attain fortune exceedingly at once."
अहंतुखलुसर्वान्वस्समर्थयितुमुद्यतः ।

कुम्भकर्णस्यतुस्वप्नान्नेममर्थमचोदयम् ।।6.12.10।।

अहम् I, वः earlier, सर्वान् all, खलु: indeed, समर्थयितुम् right, उद्यतः told you, कुम्भकर्णस्यतु: to Kumbhakarna, स्वप्नात् was sleeping, मम् I, इमम् this, अर्थं: matter, नअचोदयम् not informed.

"Indeed, rightly I told all of you earlier. Since Kumbhakarna was sleeping I had not informed him about this matter."
अयंहिसुप्तःषण्मासान्कुम्भकर्णोमहाबलः ।

सर्वशस्त्रभृतांमुख्यस्सइदानींसमुत्थितः ।।6.12.11।।

सर्वशस्त्रभृताम् among the wielders of weapons, मुख्यः foremost, अयम् this, महाबलः very strong, कुम्भकर्णः Kumbhakarna, षट् मासान् six months, सुप्तःहि: was sleeping, सः he, इदानीम् here, समुत्थितः has arrived now.

"Kumbhakarna, the foremost among the wielders of weapons, is very strong. He was sleeping these six months and has arrived now."
इयंचदण्डकारण्याद्रामस्यमहिषीमया ।

रक्षोभिश्चरितोद्देशादानीताजनकात्मजा ।।6.12.12।।

रामस्य: Rama's, मया: by me, महिषी: consort, इयम् this, जनकात्मजा: Sita, रक्षोभिः Rakshasas, चरितोद्देशात् wandering place, दण्डकारण्यात् from Dandakaranya, आनीता: brought.

"This Sita, the consort of Rama was brought from D and akaranya, a place where rakshasas wander."
सामेवशय्यामारोढुमिच्छत्यलसगामिनी ।

त्रिषुलोकेषुचान्यामेनसीतासदृशीमता ।।6.12.13।।

अलसगामिनी: one whose pace of walk is modest, सा: she, मे: my, शय्याम् bed, आरोढुम् to lay her feet (to love), नइच्छति: not like, त्रिषु: in the three, लोकेषु: in the world, अन्या: others, सीतासदृशी: one who has the looks like Sita, मे: to me, नमता: not think.

"Sita who walks modestly did not like to enter into my bed (love me ) however much I prayed. I do not think there is anyone who looks like her in the three worlds."
तनुमध्यापृथुश्रोणीशरदिन्दुनिभानना ।

हेमबिम्बनिभासौम्यामायेवमयनिर्मिता ।।6.12.14।।

तनुमध्या: one of slender waist, पृथुश्रोणी: plump hips, शरदिन्दुनिभानना: of autumnal full moon like face, हेमबिम्बनिभा: like golden image, सौम्या: gentle lady, मयनिर्मिता: constructed by Maya (Rakshasa), मायेव: like a magical one.

"She is a woman of slender waist, plump hips, whose face is like an autumnal full moon. She is gentle and like a golden image. She is like a magical one constructed by Maya."
सुलोहिततलौश्लक्ष् णौचरणौसुप्रतिष्ठितौ ।

दृष्ट्वाताम्रनखौतस्यादीप्यतेमेशरीरजः ।।6.12.15।।

सुलोहिततलौ: red coloured soles of feet, श्लक्ष् णौ: smooth, सुप्रतिष्ठितौ: evenly shaped, ताम्रनखौ: pinkish nails, तस्याः of her, चरणौ: feet, दृष्ट्वा: on beholding, मे: my, शरीरजः born in me, दीप्यते: kindled.

"Beholding her smooth red soles and evenly shaped pinkish nails of feet, love is kindled in me."
हुताग्निरर्चिस्सङ्काशामेनांसौरीमिवप्रभाम् ।

उन्नसंविमलंवल्गुविपुलांचारुलोचनम् ।।6.12.16।।

पश्यंस्तदवशस्तस्याःकामस्यवशमेयिवान् ।

हुताग्निरर्चिः like the sacrificial fire, सङ्काशाम् like the radiance, सौरीम् of Sun, प्रभामिव: like the glow, एनाम् her, उन्नसम् prominent nose, विपुलम् large, वल्गु: attractive, चारुलोचनम् beautiful eyes, तस्याः of her, तत् those, पश्यन् seeing, अवशः surely, कामस्य: by love, वशम् overtaken, एयिवान् slave to her.

"On beholding the sacrificial firelike face of Sita glowing like the radiance of the Sun, seeing her prominent nose, her large attractive countenance with beautiful eyes surely, I am overtaken by love and have become a slave to her."
क्रोधहर्षसमानेनदुर्वर्णकरणेनच ।।6.12.17।।

शोकसन्तापनित्येनकामेनकलुषीकृतः ।

क्रोधहर्षसमानेन: is equal in anger and happiness, दुर्वर्णकरणेनच: makes one pale, शोकसन्तापनित्येन: either in grief or agony, कामेन: by passion, कलुषीकृतः disturbed.

"I have been disturbed by passion, which is equal in anger or happiness and makes one pale in grief or agony."
सातुसंवत्सरंकालंमामयाचतभामिनी ।।6.12.18।।

प्रतीक्षमाणाभर्तारंराममायतलोचना ।

तन्मयाचारुनेत्रायःप्रतिज्ञातंवचश्शुभम् ।।6.12.19।।

श्रान्तोऽहंसततंकामाद्यातोहयइवाध्वनि ।

भर्तारम् husband, रामम् Rama, प्रतीक्षमाणा: expecting to come, आयतलोचना: broadeyed Sita, सा: that, भामिनी: beautiful woman, माम् me, संवत्सरंकालम् one year time, आयाचत: had requested, मया: by me, चारुनेत्रायाः lady with beautiful eyes, शुभम् auspicious, तत् that, वचः word, प्रतिज्ञातम् promised in turn, सततम् ever, अध्वनि: feel exhausted, यातः one that has marched, हयःइव: like the horse, अहम् I, कामात् on account of passion, श्रान्त: tired.

"Broadeyed Sita requested me one year time expecting her husband Rama to come (this is a false statement made by Ravana here) and I promised in turn to Sita of beautiful eyes. Just like an exhausted horse that marched I am tired on account of my passion."
कथंसागरमक्षोभ्यंतरिष्यन्तिवनौकसः ।।6.12.20।।

बहुसत्त्वसमाकीर्णंतौवादशरथात्मजौ ।

अक्षोभ्यम् unassailable, बहुसत्त्वसमाकीर्णम् inhabited by many crocodiles, सागरम् the ocean, वनौकसः Vanaras, तौ: both the, दशरथात्मजौवा: even the sons of Dasaratha, कथम् how, तरिष्यन्ति: will they cross.

"How will the Vanaras and even both the sons of Dasaratha be able to cross the unassailable ocean inhabited by huge crocodiles?"
अथवाकपिनैकेनकृतंनःकदनंमहत् ।।6.12.21।।

दुर् ज्ञेयाःकार्यगतयोब्रूतयस्ययथामति ।

अथवा: Even so, एकेन: singly, कपिना: monkey, नः let us think, महत् great, कदनम् most difficult, कृतम् after having done, कार्यगतयः did and went, दुर् ज्ञेयाः is difficult to ascertain, यस्य: his, यथामति: whatever you feel, ब्रूत: you may tell.

"Even so, a huge destruction was done to us, by a single monkey. The consequences of their acts are unpredictable. Tell me what is there in your mind, according to your own understanding."
मानुष्यान्नोभयंनास्तितथापितुविमृश्यताम् ।।6.12.22।।

तदादेवासुरेयुद्धेयुष्माभिस्सहितोऽजयम् ।

तेमेभवन्तश्चतथासुग्रीवप्रमुखान्हरीन् ।।6.12.23।।

परेपारेसमुद्रस्यपुरस्कृत्यनृपात्मजौ ।

सीतायाःपदवींप्राप्यसम्प्राप्तौवरुणालयाम् ।।6.12.24।।

मानुषात् of human beings, नः to me, भयम् fear, नास्ति: not there, तथापि: in the same way, विमृश्यताम् let it be deliberated, तदा: then, देवासुरेयुद्धे: in the battle of Devas and asuras, युष्माभिः you also, सहितः along with, अजयम् victory, मे: to me, ते: by you, भवन्तश्च: as it is all of you, तथा: be like that, नृपात्मजौ: sons of King (Rama and Lakshmana), सीतायाः Sita's, पदवीम् a way out, प्राप्या: gain, सुग्रीवप्रमुखान् Sugriva and other leaders, हरीन् Vanaras, पुरस्कृत्य: placed in front, समुद्रस्य: ocean's, परे: shore, पारे: collected, वरुणालयम् abode of Varuna, the ocean, सम्प्राप्तौ: arrived.

"There is no fear of human beings for me. I won the war between Devas and asuras along with you. As it is, all of you are there. There at the shore of the ocean Rama and Lakshmana have collected with Sugriva and other leaders placing Vanaras in front to get back Sita. You may suggest a way out to gain."
अदेयाचयथासीतावध्यौदशरथात्मजौ ।

भवद्भिर्मन्त्र्यतांमन्त्रस्सुनीतंचाभिधीयताम् ।।6.12.25।।

यथा: that way, सीता: Sita, आदेया: without giving, दशरथात्मजौ: Dasaratha's sons,वध्यौच: to kill, भवद्भिः you may also, मन्त्रः suggestion, मन्त्र्यताम् thinking over, सुनीतम् good scheme, अभिधीयतांच: and suggest me.

"You may also think over and suggest to me a plan to kill Rama and Lakshmana without giving Sita."
नहिशक्तिंप्रपश्यामिजगत्यन्यस्यकस्यचित् ।

सागरंवानरैस्तीर्वानिश्चयेनजयोमम ।।6.12.26।।

वानरैः Vanaras, सागरम् ocean, तीर्त्वा: to cross, अन्यस्य: no one, कस्यचित् as such, शक्तिम् capacity, नप्रपश्यामि: I do not find in any one, मम: to me, जयः will be victorious, निश्चयेन: surely.

"No one can cross the ocean with Vanaras (help). As such I do not find anyone has the capacity. I am certain of victory."
तस्यकामपरीतस्यनिशम्यपरिदेवितम् ।

कुम्भकर्णःप्रचुक्रोधवचनंचेदमब्रवीत् ।।6.12.27।।

कामपरीतस्य: seized with passion, तस्य: his, परिदेवितम् lamentation, निशम्य: hearing, कुम्भकर्णः Kumbhakarna, प्रचुक्रोध: enraged, इदम् these, वचनम् words, अब्रवीत् च: uttered.

On hearing the lamentation of Ravana seized with passion, enraged Kumbhakarna uttered these words.
यदातुरामस्यसलक्ष्मणस्यप्रसह्यसीताखलुसाइहाऽहृता ।

सकृत्समीक्ष्यैवसुनिश्चितंतदाभजेतचित्तंयमुनेवयामुनम् ।।6.12.28।।

सलक्ष्मणस्य: accompanied by Lakshmana, रामस्य: Rama's, सीता: Sita, प्रसह्य: by force, यदा: at that time, इह: here, अहृता: brought, तदा: then, सकृत् formerly, समीक्ष्यैव: should have discussed, चित्तम् mind, यमुना: Yamuna, यामुनमिव: like it fills Yamuna mountain, सुनिश्चितम् decided, भजेत: would be.

"If you had at that time, that is before bringing Sita by force, which was accompanied by Rama and Lakshmana, discussed, and thought of, then you would be sure in your mind like the Yamuna River filling the Yamuna (mountain )."
सर्वमेतन्महाराजकृतमप्रतिमंतव ।

विधीयेतसहास्माभिरादावेवास्यकर्मणः ।।6.12.29।।

महाराज: great king, अस्य: about, कर्मण: the action, आदावेव: earlier, एतत् this, सर्वम् all, कृतम् done, तव: your, अस्माभिःसह: along with us, विधीयेतयदि: if you had, अप्रतिमम् it would have been very good.

"Great king If you had discussed with us about all this action earlier, it would have been very good."
न्यायेनराजकार्याणियःकरोतिदशानन: ।

नससन्तप्यतेपश्चान्निश्चितार्थमतिर्नृपः ।।6.12.30।।

दशानन: Ravana, यः whosoever, नृपः is the king, न्यायेन: justifiably, निश्चितार्थमतिः having sense of determination, राजकार्याणि: princely duties, करोति: does, सः he, पश्चात् later, नसन्तप्यते: will not regret.

"O Ravana Whoever is the king, having a sense of determination, thinks justifiably and carries out princely duties will not regret."
अनुपायेनकर्माणिविपरीतानियानिच ।

क्रियमाणानिदुष्यन्तिहवींष्यप्रयतेष्विव ।।6.12.31।।

अनुपायेन: without proper plan, क्रियमाणानि: tasks carried out, विपरीतानि: contrary to the principle, कर्माणि: tasks, अप्रयते: not auspicious, हवींषीव: like anything fit for oblation, दुष्यन्ति: spoilt.

"Tasks carried out without proper plan and contrary to the right principles are spoilt like inauspicious oblations offered into sacrificial fire."
यःपश्चात्पूर्वकार्याणिकर्माण्यभिचिकीर्षति ।

पूर्वंचापरकार्याणिनसवेदनयानयौ ।।6.12.32।।

यः whoever, पूर्वकार्याणि: that which has to be performed earlier, कर्माणि: acts, पश्चात् afterwards, अपरकार्याणि: that which has to be done later, पूर्वंच: does earlier, चिकीर्षतिसः seeks to perform, नयानयौ: right and wrong, नवेद: does not know.

"He who seeks to perform earlier what has to be done later and does later what have to be done earlier is not a knower of right and wrong."
चपलस्यतुकृत्येषुप्रसमीक्ष्याधिकंबलम् ।

क्षिप्रमन्येप्रपद्यन्तेक्रौञ्चस्यखमिवद्विजाः ।।6.12.33।।

अधिकम् superior, बलम् strength, प्रसमीक्ष्य: without thinking, कृत्येषु: one who acts, चपलस्य: a hasty one, क्षिप्रम् at once, क्रौञ्चस्य: Krauncha's, खम् digs, द्विजाःइव: like the swans, प्रपद्यन्ते: penetrates and goes.

A hasty one who acts without thinking of the superior strength (of enemy) gets out at once like the swan penetrates into the crevice of Krauncha (mountain).
त्वयेदंमहादारब्धंकार्यमप्रतिचिन्तितम् ।

दिष्ट्यात्वांनावधीद्रामोविषमिश्रमिवामिषम् ।।6.12.34।।

त्वया: by you, अप्रतिचिन्तितम् without thinking, इदम् thus, महत् great, कार्यम् action, आरब्धम् beginning, विषमिश्रम् mixed with poison, अमिषम् इव: like the flesh, रामः Rama, त्वाम् you, दिष्ट्या: fortunately, नावधीत् not killed.

"Without prior thought this great act has been done by you. Rama has not killed you, fortunately like poison mixed flesh would kill."
तस्मात्त्वयासमारब्धंकर्मह्यप्रतिमंपरैः ।

अहंसमीकरिष्यामिहत्वाशत्रूंस्तवानघ ।।6.12.35।।

आनघ: sinless one, तस्मात् therefore, त्वया: by you, परैः other than me, समारब्दम् undertaking, अप्रतिमम् which is not possible, कर्म: act अहम् I, तव: your, शत्रून् enemy, हत्वा: killing, समीकरिष्यामि: accomplish your goal.

"O Sinless Ravana Therefore, that which you have done is not possible for none other than me. I will kill your enemy and accomplish your goal for you."
अहमुत्सादयिष्यामिशत्रूंस्तवनिशाचर ।

यदिशक्रविवस्वन्तौयदिपावकमारुतौ ।।6.12.36।।

तावहंयोधयिष्यामिकुबेरवरुणावपि ।

निशाचर: Rakshasa, अहम् I, तव: your, शत्रून् enemy, उत्सादयिष्यामि: will ruin them, शक्रविवस्वन्तौ: even Indra and Sun,, पावकमारुतौ: fire and wind god, कुबेरवरुणावपि: even if Kubera and Varuna, तौ: both, अहम् I, योधयिष्यामि: will fight in war.

"O Rakshasa I will ruin the enemy. I will fight with both of them (Rama and Lakshmana) even if they are Indra and sun, fire god and wind god or Kubera and Varuna."
गिरिमात्रशरीरस्यमहापरिघयोधिनः ।

नर्दतस्तीक्ष्णदंष्ट्रस्यबिभीयाद्वैपुरन्दरः ।।6.12.37।।

गिरिमात्रशरीरस्य: one with mountain like body, महापरिघयोधिनः holding huge iron bar, तीक्ष्णदंष्ट्रस्य: with sharp teeth, नर्दतः roaring like a lion, पुरन्दरः Indra, बिभीयात् वै: will run out of fear.

"If I go with a mountain like body and sharp teeth, holding a huge iron bar roaring like a lion, even Indra will run away out of fear."
पुनर्मांसद्वितीयेनशरेणनिहनिष्यति ।

ततोऽहंतस्यपास्यामिरुधिरंकाममाश्वस ।।6.12.38।।

सः he, द्वितीयेन: second, शरेण: arrow, माम् on me, पुनः again, निहनिष्यति: by the time he releases ततः immediately, तस्य: his, रुधिरम् blood, पास्यामि: will drink, कामम् stay quiet, आश्वस: confidently.

"By the time he releases a second arrow again, I will immediately drink his blood. Stay quiet with confidence."
वधेनवैदाशरथेस्सुखावहंजयंतवाहर्तुमहंयतिष्ये ।

हत्वाचरामंसहलक्ष्मणेनखादामिसर्वान्हरियूथमुख्यान् ।।6.12.39।।

दाशरथेः Dasaratha's son, वधेन: by killing, तव: your, सुखावहम् I will make you happy, जयम् victorious, आहर्तुम् will do, अहम् I, यतिष्ये: attempt, लक्ष्मणेनसह: with Lakshmana, रामम् Rama also, हत्वा: on killing, सर्वान् all, हरियूथमुख्यान् Vanara leaders, खादामि: will consume.

"By killing Rama, I will try to make you happy and victorious. On killing Rama and Lakshmana like that I will consume the Vanara leaders."
रमस्वकामम् पिबचाग्य्रवारुणींकुरष्वकार्याणिहितानिविज्वरः ।

मयातुरामेगमितेयमक्षयंचिरायसीतावशगाभविष्यति ।।6.12.40।।

कामम् freely, रमस्व: sport, अग्य्रवारुणीम् best of wines, पिब: drinking, विज्वरः free from fear, हितानि: that which you like, कार्याणि: action, कुरष्व: you may do, रामे: Rama, मया: by me, यमक्षयं: to the god of death, गमिते: on reaching, सीता: Sita,चिराय: for a long time, वशगा: under your control, भविष्यति: will be.

"You be free from fear, sporting and drinking the best of wines and doing actions that you like. Rama will be sent to the abode of the god of death. On reaching their Sita will be under your control for long."
This is the end of twelfth sarga of Yuddha Kanda of the first epic the holy Ramayana composed by sage Valmiki.