Sloka & Translation

[Lord Maheswara brings Dasharatha to Rama, Sita and Lakshmana. Dasharatha blesses the three.]

एतच्छ्रुत्वाशुभंवाक्यंराघवेणानुभाषितम् ।

ततश्शुभतरंवाक्यंव्याजहारमहेश्वरः ।।6.122.1।।

राघवेण by Raghava, अनुभाषितम् sweet reply, एतत् this, शुभम् auspicious, वाक्यम् reply, श्रुत्वा hearing, महेश्वरः Lord Maheswara, ततः then, शुभतरम् auspicious, वाक्यम् words, व्याजहार delivered

On hearing the sweet reply of Raghava, Lord Maheswara delivered an auspicious message.
पुष्कराक्ष महाबाहो महावक्ष परन्तप ।

दिष्ट्याकृतमिदंकर्मत्वयाधर्मभृतांवर ।।6.122.2।।

पुष्कराक्ष lotus eyed, महाबाहो mighty armed, महावक्षः broadchested, परन्तपम् subduer of enemies, वर choicest, दिष्ट्या by good luck, इदंकर्म this deed, त्वया by you, कृतम् performed

"O Lotuseyed, mighty armed, broadchested, a subduer of enemies, by good luck you have performed this action."
दिष्ट्यासर्वस्यलोकस्यप्रवृद्धंदारुणंतमः ।

अपावृत्तंत्वयासङ्ख्येरामरावणजंभयम् ।।6.122.3।।

राम Rama, सर्वस्य all, लोकस्य worlds, रावणजम् dread born of Ravana, भयम् fear, प्रवृद्धम् gloom, दारुणम् fierce, तमःhim, दिष्ट्या fortunately, त्वया by you, सङ्ख्ये in the war, अपावृत्तम् covered

"The dread of Ravana in all the worlds which caused gloom and fear has been fortunately removed by you in the war."
आश्वास्यभरतंदीनंकौसल्यां च यशस्विनीम् ।

कैकेयीं च सुमित्रां च दृष्टवालक्ष्मणमातरम् ।।6.122.4।।

प्राप्यराज्यमयोध्यायांनन्दयित्वासुहृज्जनम् ।

इक्ष्वाकूणांकुलेवंशंस्थापयित्वामहाबल ।।6.122.5।।

इष्टवातुरगमेधेनप्राप्यचानुत्तमंयशः ।

ब्राह्मणेभ्योधनंदत्त्वात्रिदिवंगन्तुमर्हसि ।।6.122.6।।

महाबल endowed with mighty prowess, दीनम् piteous, भरतम् Bharata, यशस्विनीम् illustrious, कौसल्यां च Kausalya also, आश्वास्य comforting, कैकेयीं च Kaikeyi also, लक्ष्मणमातरम् Lakshmana's mother, सुमित्रां च Sumithra too, दृष्टवा seeing, अयोध्यायाम् at Ayodhya, राज्यम् sovereignty, प्राप्यhaving got, सुहृज्जनम् relatives, नन्दयित्वा making happy, इक्ष्वाकूणाम् Ikshvaku clan कुले race, वंशम् side, स्थापयित्वा establishing, तुरगमेधेन horse sacrifice, इष्टवा satisfying, अनुत्तमम् highest, यश: renown, प्राप्त्य attain, ब्राह्मणेभ्यः brahmins, धनम् wealth, दत्त्वा giving, त्रिदिवम् in all the three, गन्तुम् to go to heaven, अर्हसि deserve to

"Comforting piteous Bharata, illustrious Kausalya and Kaikeyi too, seeing Lakshmana's mother Sumithra, and attaining sovereignty, make relatives happy. Establishing Ikshvaku race, conducting horse sacrifice and satisfying the Lord attain highest renown by giving wealth in charity to brahmins. You, who are endowed with mighty prowess, deserve to go to heaven", said Lord Maheswara.
एषराजादशरथोविमानस्थःपितातव ।

काकुत्स्थमानुषेलोकेगुरुस्तवमहायशाः ।।6.122.7।।

काकुत्स्थ Kakuthsa, मानुषेलोके in this mortal world, तव your, गुरुः teacher, तव your, पिता father, महायशाः renowned, एषःthis, राजा king, दशरथः Dasharatha, विमानस्थः in the aerial car

"O Kakuthsa! Here is your father, teacher in the mortal world, king Dasharatha seated in the aerial car."
इन्द्रलोकंगतःश्रीमांस्त्वयापुत्रेणतारितः ।

लक्ष्मणेनसहभ्रात्रात्वमेममभिवादय ।।6.122.8।।

पुत्रेण by his son, त्वया by you, तारितः liberated, श्रीमान् glorious, इन्द्रलोकम् world of Indra, गतः reached, भ्रात्रा brother, लक्ष्मणेनसह with Lakshmana, त्वम् you, एनम् in this way, अभिवादय offer your salutations

"Liberated by you, his son, the glorious emperor has reached Indra's world. You with your brother Lakshmana offer your salutations to him."
महदेववच्श्रुत्वाराघवःसहलक्ष्मणः ।

लक्ष्मणेनसहभ्रात्राददर्शपितरंप्रभुः ।।6.122.9।।

सहलक्ष्मणः along with Lakshmana, राघवः Raghava, महादेववचः Lord MahaDeva's words, श्रुत्वा listening, विमानशिखरस्थस्य seated on top of the aerial car, पितुः father, प्रणामम् salutations, चकार offered

Raghava along with Lakshmana offered salutations to his father seated on top of the aerial chariot after listening to Lord MahaDeva.
दीप्यमानंस्वयालक्ष्मविरजोऽम्भरधारिणम् ।

लक्ष्मणेनसहभ्रात्राददर्शपितरंप्रभुः ।।6.122.10।।

प्रभुः Lord, भ्रात्रा brother, लक्ष्मणेन with Lakshmana, स्वया you, लक्ष्म effulgent, दीप्यमानम् blazing, विरजोऽम्बरधारिणम् adorned in white clothes, पितरम् father, ददर्श saw

Raghava with his younger brother Lakshmana saw his father who was effulgent, blazing and adorned in white clothes.
हर्षेणमहताविष्टोविमनस्थोमहीपतिः ।

प्राणैःप्रियतरंदृष्टवापुत्रंदशरथस्तदा ।।6.122.11।।

आरोप्याङ्केमहबाहुर्वरासनगतःप्रभुः ।

बाहुभ्यांसम्परिष्वज्यततोवाक्यंसमाददे ।।6.122.12।।

तदा then, विमानस्थः aerial car's, महीपतिः ruler of the world, प्रभुः Lord, वरासनगतः elevated seat, दशरथः Dasharatha, प्राणैः life, प्रियतरम् dearer, पुत्रम् son, दृष्टवा seeing, महता extremely, हर्षेण rejoiced, आविष्टः making him sit, अङ्के on his lap, आरोप्य seated, बाहुभ्याम् many, सम्परिष्वज्य embracing, ततः these, वाक्यम् words, समाददे started

Then Dasaratha, the ruler of the world, seated in an elevated seat in the aerial car, seeing his son who was dearer than life to him, extremely rejoiced and made Raghava sit on his lap, embraced him, and started speaking as follows.
न मेस्वर्गोबहुमतस्सम्मानश्चसुरर्षभैः ।

त्वयारामविहीनस्यसत्यंप्रतिशृणोमिते ।।6.122.13।।

राम Rama, त्वया by you, विहीनस्य having got separated, मे me, स्वर्गः heaven, न बहुमतः by several, सुरर्षभैः suras, सम्मानश्च honouring, ते you, सत्यम् true, प्रतिशृणोमि promise

"Rama separated from you, even the suras and sages honouring me in heaven does not give me happiness. It is true and I promise."
अद्यत्वांनिहतामित्रंदृष्टवासम्पूर्णमानसम् ।

निस्तीर्णवनवासं च प्रीतिरासीत्परामम ।।6.122.14।।

अद्य today, निहतामित्रम् enemies killed, सम्पूर्णमानसम् fully satisfied in mind, निस्तीर्णवनवासंच completed the exile, त्वाम् you, दृष्टवा on seeing, मम to me, परा very, प्रीतिः joyful, आसीत् experiencing

"Today the enemies are killed, and you have completed the exile. I am fully satisfied and experiencing joyfulness on seeing you."
कैकेय्यायानिचोक्तानिवाक्यानिवदतांवर ।

तवप्रव्राजनार्थानिस्थितानिहृदयेमम ।।6.122.15।।

वदताम् speaking, वर best, तव your, प्रव्राजनार्थानि send you with a motive, यानि those, वाक्यानि utterances, कैकेय्या of Kaikeyi, उक्तानि spoken, तानि those, मम my, हृदये heart, स्थितानि still hurt

"Those utterances of Kaikeyi with a motive to send you on exile are still hurting my heart, O Best among speakers!"
त्वांतुदृष्टवाकुशलिनंपरिष्वज्यसलक्ष्मणम् ।

अद्यदुःखाद्विमुक्तोऽस्मिनीहारादिवभास्करः ।।6.122.16।।

सलक्ष्मणम् with Lakshmana, त्वाम् you, कुशलिनम् happily, दृष्टवा seeing, परिष्वज्य embracing, अद्य now, भास्करः sun, नीहारादिव freed from mist, दुःखात् from grief, विमुक्तः freed अस्मि I am

"Seeing you with Lakshmana and embracing you makes me happy freed from grief just as the sun freed from mist."
तारितोऽहंत्वयापुत्र सुपुत्रेणमहात्मना ।

अष्टावक्रेणधर्मात्माकहोलोब्राह्मणोयथा ।।6.122.17।।

पुत्र son, महात्मना great self, सुपुत्रेण by his son, त्वया by you, अष्टावक्रेण Ashatvakra, धर्मात्मा righteous, कहोलः Kahola, ब्राह्मणोयथा like the brahmin, अहम् I, तारितः liberated

"Son! I am liberated by you today, my great son, just as Kahola who was set on righteousness was liberated by Ashtavakra."
इदानीं च विजानामियथासौम्य सुरेश्वरैः ।

वधार्थंरावणस्येहविहितंपुरुषोत्तम ।।6.122.18।।

सौम्य gentle, पुरुषोत्तम excellent, इह here, रावणस्य Ravana's, वधार्थम् to kill him, सुरेश्वरैः by ruler of gods, यथा so, विहितम् for destruction, इदानीं च in this form, विजानामि I did not know

"O gentle son! I did not know that the ruler of gods had sent you for the destruction of Ravana, O excellent one."
सिद्धार्थाखलुकौसल्यायात्वांराम गृहंगतम् ।

वनान्निवृत्तंसंहृष्टाद्रक्ष्यतेशत्रुसूदनम् ।।6.122.19।।

राम Rama, वनात् in the forest, निवृत्तम् returned, शत्रुसूदनम् destroyer of enemy, गृहम् house, गतम् returned, त्वाम् you, या she, संहृष्टा highly rejoiced, द्रक्ष्यते will see you, कौसल्या Kausalya, सिद्धार्थाखलु accomplished as you are

"Rama! Kausalya will see you, as an accomplished one, as a destroyer of enemies, on returning home from the forest and will be highly rejoiced."
सिद्धार्थाःखलुतेराम नरायेत्वांपुरींगतम् ।

राज्येचावाभिषिक्तं च द्रक्ष्यन्तेवसुधाधिपम् ।।6.122.20।।

राम Rama, पुरीम् in the city, गतम् on reaching, राज्ये kingdom, अभिषिक्तं च consecration, त्वाम् your, वसुधाधिपम् as ruler of the world, येनराः these people, द्रक्ष्यन्ते will be seeing you, ते to you, सिद्धार्था: खलु accomplished

"On reaching the city and consecrated in the kingdom as ruler of the world, people will see you as an accomplished person."
अनुरक्तेनबलिनाशुचिनाधर्मचारिणा ।

इच्छेयंत्वामहंद्रष्टुंभरतेनसमागतम् ।।6.122.21।।

अनुरक्तेन reunited, बलिना mighty, शुचिना pure, धर्मचारिणा follower of dharma, भरतेन by Bharata, समागतम् returned, त्वाम् you, द्रष्टुम् seeing, अहम् I, इच्छेयम् desire to

"I desire to see you reunited with mighty Bharata who is pure and follower of dharma."
चतुर्दशसमास्सौम्यवनेनिर्यातितास्त्वया ।

वसतासीतयासार्धंलक्ष्मणेन च धीमता ।।6.122.22।।

सौम्य gentle, सीतयासार्धम् along with Sita also, धीमता wise, लक्ष्मणेन च and Lakshmana, वसता living, त्वया you, चतुर्धश fourteen, समाः years, वने in the forest, निर्यातिताः after my departure from life

"O Gentle Rama! Fourteen years have been spent in the forest with Sita and Lakshmana after my departure from life."
निवृत्तवनवासोऽसिप्रतिज्ञापूरितात्वया ।

रावणं च रणेहत्वादेवताःपरितोषिताः ।।6.122.23।।

निवृत्तवनवासः period of exile completed, असि even though, त्वया you, प्रतिज्ञा promise, पूरिता fully, रणे in the battlefield, रावणम् Ravana, हत्वा death, देवताः च gods also, परितोषिताः gratified

"The period of your exile has been completed, my promise has been fulfilled in the battlefield and the gods have also gratified you."
कृतंकर्मयशश्श्लाघ्यंप्राप्तंतेशत्रुसूदन ।

भ्रातृभिःसहराज्यस्थोदीर्घमायुरवाप्नुहि ।।6.122.24।।

शत्रुसूदन overthrower of enemy, कर्म action, कृतम् done, ते you, श्लाघ्यम् praise worthy, यशः fame, प्राप्तम् attained, भ्रातृभिःसह with brother, राज्यस्थः kingdom too, दीर्घम् long, आयुः life, अवाप्नुहि enjoy

इतिब्रुवाणंराजानंरामःप्राञ्जलिरब्रवीत् ।

कुरुप्रसादंधर्मज्ञकैकेय्याभरतस्य च ।।6.122.25।।

इति thus, ब्रुवाणम् having spoken, राजानम् by king Dasharatha, रामः Rama, प्राञ्जलिः salutations with joined palms, अब्रवीत् said, धर्मज्ञ righteous, कैकेय्याः Kaikeyi, भरतस्य च and brother too, प्रसादम् grace, कुरु do

Dasaratha having spoken to Rama, offered salutations with joined palms and said," You are righteous. Be gracious to Bharata and Kaikeyi also."
सपुत्रांत्वांत्यजामीतियदुक्ताकेकयीत्वया ।

स शापःकेकयींघोरस्सपुत्रां न स्पृशेत्प्रभो ।।6.122.26।।

प्रभोO Lord, सपुत्राम् good son, त्वाम् you, त्यजामीति 'I disown', त्वया by you, केकयी Kaikeyi, यत् such a way, उक्ता spoken, सः he, घोरः dreadful, शापः curse, सपुत्राम् to the good son, केकयीम् and Kaikeyi, न स्स्पृशेत् not touch

"O Lord! You had spoken in such a way saying 'I disown a good son and Kaikeyi' and cursed. May that dreadful curse not touch your son and Kaikeyi," said Rama.
तथेति स महाराजोराममुक्त्वाकृताञ्जलिम् ।

लक्ष्मणं च परिष्वज्यपुनर्वाक्यमुवाच ह ।।6.122.27।।

सःमहाराजः that king, तथेति so be it, कृताञ्जलिम् saluting, रामम् Rama, उक्त्वा said, लक्ष्मणं च and Lakshmana, परिष्वज्य embracing, पुनः again, वाक्यम् words, उवाच ह spoke

The king (Dasharatha) saying 'so be it' and embracing Lakshmana again and saluting Rama spoke to Lakshmana as follows.
रामंशुश्रूषताभक्त्यावैदेह्यासहसीतया ।

कृतमममहाप्रीतिःप्राप्तंधर्मफलं च ते ।।6.122.28।।

वैदेह्या Vaidehi, सीतयासह along with Sita, रामम् Rama, भक्त्या devotion, शुश्रूषता, मम me, महाप्रीतिः very happy, कृता did, ते to you, धर्मफलं च merit of righteous task, प्राप्तम् attained

"You have served with devotion to Rama and Sita and made me very happy. By this task you have earned the merit of righteousness."
धर्मंप्राप्स्यसिधर्मज्ञ यशश्चविपुलंभुवि ।

रामेप्रसन्नेस्वर्गं च महिमानंतथोत्तमाम् ।।6.122.29।।

धर्मज्ञ knower of dharma, धर्मम् dharma, भुवि on this earth, विपुलम् extensive, यशश्च fame, प्राप्स्यसि will attain, रामे by Rama, प्रसन्ने pleased, स्वर्गं च heaven, उत्तमम् best, महिमानम् supreme glory

"O knower of dharma! If Rama is pleased, extensive fame as well as heaven and supreme glory will be attained on this earth."
रामंशुश्रूषभद्रंतेसुमित्रानन्दवर्धन ।

रामस्सर्वस्यलोकस्यसुभेष्वभिरतःसदा ।।6.122.30।।

सुमित्रानन्दवर्धन enhancer of Sumithra's joy, ते you, भद्रम् be auspicious, रामम् to Rama, शुश्रूष service, रामः Rama, सदा always, सर्वलोकस्य in all the worlds, सुभेषु good, अभिरतः will ever remain

"O Lakshmana, the enhancer of Sumithra's joy, 'Be auspicious. Rama will always remain good in the service of the three worlds."
एतेसेन्द्रास्त्रयोलोकास्सिद्धाश्चपरमर्षयः ।

अभिगम्यमहात्मानमर्चन्तिपुरुषोत्तमम् ।।6.122.31।।

सेन्द्राः Indra, एते this, लोकाः world, सिद्धाश्च Siddhas also, परमर्षयः supreme sages, महात्मानम् great souls, पुरुषोत्तमम् supreme, अभिगम्य pay respects, अर्चन्ति worship

"This Indra and also Siddhas, supreme sages who are great souls pay respects to Rama and worship him."
एतत्तदुक्तमव्यक्तमक्षरंब्रह्मनिर्मितम् ।

देवानांहृदयंसौम्य गुह्यंरामःपरन्तप ।।6.122.32।।

सौम्य gentle, परन्तप tormentor of enemies, अव्यक्तम् unmanifest, अक्षरम् imperishable, देवानाम् gods, हृदयम् heart, गुह्यम् secret, तत् that alone, एतत् this, ब्रह्म Brahma, रामः Rama, निर्मितम् created, उक्तम् spoke

"O Gentle! Rama, the tormentor of enemies is the unmanifest and imperishable secret, is Brahma alone. This is created by Brahma. It is the secret in the heart of gods."
अवाप्तंधर्मचरणंयशश्चविपुलंत्वया ।

एनंशुश्रूषताभक्त्यावैदेह्यासहसीतया ।।6.122.33।।

वैदेह्या Videha's, सीतयासह Sita also, एनम् in this manner, भक्त्या with devotion, शुश्रूषता serving, त्वया your, धर्माचरणम् righteous path, अवाप्तम् earned, विपुलम् great, यशश्च fame

"Videha's Sita, you have also earned fame by serving Rama with devotion and following the righteous path."
इत्युक्त्वालक्ष्मणंराजास्नुषांबद्धाञ्जलिंस्थिताम् ।

पुत्रीत्याभाष्यमधुरंशनैरेनामुवाच ह ।।6.122.34।।

राजा king, लक्ष्मणम् Lakshmana, इति this, उक्त्वा spoken, बद्धाञ्जलिम् joined palms, स्थिताम् stood, स्नुषाम् daughter in law, पुत्रि daughter, इति this, अभाष्य addressed, एनाम् in this way, शनैः gently, मधुरम् sweetly, उवाच said

Having spoken like that to Lakshmana, looking at the daughter in law standing there with folded palms, Dasaratha addressed her saying," Daughter", gently and sweetly and said.
कर्तव्यो न तुवैदेहीमन्युस्त्यागमिमंप्रति ।

रामेणेत्वद्विशुध्यर्थंकृतमेतद्धितैषिणा ।।6.122.35।।

वैदेही Vaidehi, इमम् this manner, त्यागंप्रति in the event of leaving, मन्युः resentment, न तु not you, कर्तव्यः duty, एतद्धिकतैषिणा enduring this way, रामेय by Rama itself, इदम् thus, विशुध्यर्थम् to prove your purity, कृतम् has done

"In the event of Rama abandoning you, resentment should not be shown in this way. It is your duty to endure. Rama himself has done this to prove your purity."
सुदुष्करमिदंपुत्रितवचारित्रलक्षणम् ।

कृतंयत्तेऽन्यनारीणांयशोह्यभिभविष्यति ।।6.122.36।।

पुत्रि daughter, तव your, चारित्रलक्षणम् sign of your character, यत् that which, सुदुष्करम् कृतम् done is highly difficult, ते you, इदम् this, अन्यनारीणाम् other women, यशः fame, अभिभविष्यति in future

"Daughter! that which you have done is a sign of your character. It is highly difficult to do. You will overshadow the future of other women."
न त्वंकामंसमाधेयाभर्तृशुश्रूषणंप्रति ।

अवश्यंतुमयावाच्यमेषतेदैवतंपरम् ।।6.122.37।।

त्वम् you, भर्तृशुश्रूषणंप्रति about the service to your husband, न समाधेयाकामम् not to told, तु you, मया by me, अवश्यम् surely, वाच्यम् instructed, एषः like this, ते you, परम् supreme, दैवतम् god

"You need not be told about the service to your husband. Nevertheless, I am giving instruction. This Rama is supreme god for you."
इतिप्रतिसमादिश्यपुत्रौसीतां च राघवः ।

इन्द्रलोकंविमानेनययौदशरथोज्वलन् ।।6.122.38।।

राघवः Raghava, दशरथः Dasharatha's, ज्वलन् glowing, पुत्रौ sons, सीतां च and Sita, इति thus, प्रतिसमादिश्य admonished, विमानेन by the aerial car, इन्द्रलोकम् world of Indra, ययौ went

Having admonished the two glowing sons, and Sita, Dasaratha went by aerial car to the world of Indra.
विमानमास्थायमहानुभावःश्रिया च सम्हृष्टतन्नुर्नृपोत्तमः ।

आमन्त्यपुत्रौसहसीतया च जगामदेवप्रवरस्यलोकम् ।।6.122.39।।

महानुभावः majestic king, नृपोत्तमः best of kings, श्रिया prosperous, सम्हृष्टतनुः delighted, सीतया Sita सह accompanied by, पुत्रौ both sons, आम्नत्य taking seat, विमानम् aerial car, आस्थाय ascended, देवप्रवरस्य, abode of gods लोकम् world, जगाम went

The best of kings, majestic and prosperous Dasharatha was delighted, bidding farewell to the sons and Sita ascended the aerial car and went to the abode of gods.
।। इत्यार्षेवाल्मीकीयेश्रीमद्रामायणेआदिकाव्येयुद्धकाण्डेद्वाविंशत्युत्तरशततमस्सर्गः ।।
This is the end of one hundred twenty second sarga of Yuddha Kanda of the first epic the holy Ramayana composed by sage Valmiki.