Sloka & Translation

[SriRama requests Vibheeshana for the aerial chart being anxious to depart and meet Bharata.]

तांरात्रिमुषितंरामंसुखोत्थिमरिन्दमम् ।

अब्रवीत्प्राञ्जलिर्वाक्यंजयंपृष्टवाविभीषणः ।।6.124.1।।

ताम् them, रात्रिम् night, उषितम् rising in the morning, सुखोत्थिम् comfortably, अरिन्दमम् subduer of enemies, रामम् Rama, विभीषणः Vibheeshana, जयम् victory, पृष्टवा asked, प्राज्ञलिः salutations, वाक्यम् words, अब्रवीत् spoke

Rising in the morning after comfortable rest that night, Vibheeshana saw Rama the subduer of enemies, offered salutations and asked him of the victory and spoke.
स्नानानिचाङ्गरागाणिवस्त्राण्याभरणानि च ।

चन्दनानि च दिव्यानिमाल्यानिविविधानि च ।।6.124.2।।

अलङ्कारविदश्चेमानार्यःपद्मनिभेक्षणाः ।

उपस्थितास्त्वांविधवत्स्नापयिष्यन्तिराघव ।।6.124.3।।

राघव Raghava, अलङ्कारविदः well versed in decoration, पद्मनिभेक्षणाः lotus petal eyed, मनार्यः at your service, स्नानानि for bath, अङ्गरागाणि cosmetics for anointing, वस्त्राणि clothes, आभरणानि च ornaments, चन्दनानि च sandal etc, दिव्यानि wonderful, विविधानि several types, माल्यानि च garlands, उपस्थिताः are here, त्वाम् you, विधिवत् as usual, स्नापयिष्यन्ति they will give you bath

These lotus petal eyed women well versed in decoration are at your service. They are willing to assist you in bath. There are cosmetics for anointing your body, and clothes as well as ornaments, sandal paste etc. for you. There are garlands of several types here.
एवमुक्तस्तुकाकुत्स्थ: प्रत्युवाचविभीषणम् ।

हरीन्सुग्रीवमुख्यांस्त्वंस्नानेनोपनिमन्त्रय ।।6.124.4।।

एवम् in that way, उक्तः spoken, काकुत्थ्सः Kakuthsa, विभीषणम् Vibheeshana, प्रत्युवाच replied, त्वम् you, सुग्रीवमुख्यान् Sugriva and other chiefs, हरीन् monkeys, स्नानेन for bath, उपनिमन्त्रय after bathe and anointing

When Vibheeshana had spoken like that, Kakuthsa Rama replied 'you and monkeys headed by Sugriva bathe and come.'
स तुताम्यतिधर्मात्माममहेतोस्सुखोचितः ।

सुकुमारोमहाबाहोकुमार: सत्यसंश्रयः ।।6.124.5।।

धर्मात्मा righteous, सुखोचितः giving up comforts, सुकुमारः delicate, महाबाहुः mighty armed, सत्यसंश्रयः resorting to truth, सःकुमार: he, ममहेतोः for my cause, ताम्यति distressed

"Mighty armed Bharata, righteous, giving up comforts of delicate body, resorting to truth is distressed for my cause."
तंविनाकैकयीपुत्रंभरतंधर्मचारिणम् ।

न मेस्नानंबहुमतंवस्त्राण्याभरणानि च ।।6.124.6।।

कैकयीपुत्रम् Kaikeyi's son, धर्मचारिणम् follower of virtues, तंभरतंविना without that Bharata, मे my, स्नानम् bath, न बहुमतम् why so many, स्त्राणि clothes, आभरणानि च ornaments also

"When the virtuous Bharata, son of Kaikeyi, is not here, why do I need bath, why so many clothes and ornaments?"
एतत्पश्ययथाक्षिप्रंप्रतिगच्छामतांपुरीम् ।

अयोध्यांगच्छतोह्येषपन्थाःपरमदुर्गमः ।।6.124.7।।

तांपुरीम् that city, यथा as, प्रतिगच्छाम to return, एतत् these, पश्य see, अयोध्याम् Ayodhya, गच्छतः depart, एषःपन्थाः this path, परमदुर्गमःहि very difficult also

" As it is very difficult to return to that city, think of the path to depart."
एवमुक्तस्तुकाकुत्स्थंप्रत्युवाचविभीषणः ।

अह्नात्वांप्रापयिष्यामितांपुरींपार्थिवात्मज ।।6.124.8।।

एवम् in that manner, उक्तः spoken, विभीषणः Vibheeshana, काकुत्स्थम् to Kakuthsa, प्रत्युवाच replied back, पार्थिवात्मज son of ruler of the earth, त्वाम् you, तांपुरीम् your city, अह्ना will, प्रापयिष्यामि make you reach

When Rama had spoken in the aforesaid manner, Vibheeshana replied" O son of the ruler of the earth! I will make you reach Ayodhya in a day."
पुष्पकंनामभद्रंतेविमानंसूर्यसन्निभम् ।

ममभ्रातुःकुबेरस्यरावणेनबलीयसा ।।6.124.9।।

हृतंनिर्जित्यसङ्ग्रामेकामगंदिव्यमुत्तमम् ।

त्वदर्थंपालितंचेदंतिष्ठत्यतुलविक्रम ।।6.124.10।।

अतुलविक्रम unequal prowess, सूर्यसन्निभम्, closely resembling sun कामगम् goes according to the will of the riders, दिव्यम् wonderful, उत्तमम् excellent, पुष्पकंनाम Pushpaka by name, मम my, भ्रातुः brother, कुबेरस्य Kubera's, विमानम् aerial car, बलीयसा by mighty, रावणेन Ravana, सङ्ग्रामे in combat, हृतम् earned, ते you, भद्रम् be auspicious, इदम् this, त्वदर्थम् for your cause, पालितम् ruled, तिष्ठति retained with me

" An aerial car called Pushpaka, a wonderful one, which closely resembles the sun, which goes according to the will of the rider has been retained with me. It was earned by Ravana from my brother Kubera in a combat. Be auspicious. O Rama, of unequal prowess, this is retained for your cause."
तदिदंमेघसङ्काशंविमानमिहतिष्ठति ।

तेनयास्यसियानेनत्वमयोध्यांगतज्वरः ।।6.124.11।।

मेघसङ्काशम् like cloud, तत् that, इदम् this, विमानम् aerial car, इह here, तिष्ठति waits, तेकनेन by this, त्वम् you, अयोध्याम् Ayodhya, विगतज्वरः fearless, यास्यसि will reach

"This aerial car which waits here which resembles a cloud, will take you to Ayodhya. Be fearless."
अहंतेयुद्यनुग्राह्योयदिस्मरसिमेगुणान् ।

वसतावदिहप्राज्ञ यद्यस्तिमयिसौहृदम् ।।6.124.12।।

प्राज्ञ wise, ते to you, अहम् I, अनुग्राह्यःयदि if you permit, मे me, गुणान् kindly, स्मरसियदि if you remember, मयि me, सौहृदम् affection, अस्तियदि if you have, इह here, वसतावत् stay for a while

"O Wise Rama! If you permit me, and think kindly of me and remember me, and if you have affection for me stay here for a while."
लक्ष्मणेनसहभ्रात्रावैदेह्याभार्ययासह ।

अर्चितस्सर्वकामैस्त्वंततोराम गमिष्यसि ।।6.124.13।।

राम Rama, भ्रात्रा brother, लक्ष्मणेनसह with Lakshmana, भार्यया wife, वैदेह्यासह with Vaidehi, त्वम् you, सर्वकामैः all requirements, अर्चितः satisfied, ततः then, गमिष्यसि shall start

"Rama, if all your requirements are met and you are satisfied, then you can start with your brother Lakshmana and wife Vaidehi."
प्रीतियुक्तस्यविहितांससैन्यःससुहृद्गणः ।

सक्रतियांराममेतावद्गृहेणत्वंमयोद्यताम् ।।6.124.14।।

राम Rama, ससैन्यः this army, ससुहृद्गणः host of friends, त्वम् you, मया by me, उद्यताम् prepared, विहिताम् arranged, प्रीतियुक्तस्य with affection, मे by me, सक्रतियाम् at this one occasion, गृहाणतावत् you should accept

"Rama, you should accept this hospitality from me at this one occasion, which has been arranged with affection to the army and host of friends."
प्रणयाद्भहुमानाच्चसौहार्देन च राघव ।

प्रसादायामिप्रेष्योऽहं न खल्वाज्ञापयामिते ।।6.124.15।।

राघव Raghava, प्रणयात् my request, बहुमानाच्छ high esteem, सौहार्देन च out of friendliness, प्रसादयामि I am requesting, अहम् I, प्रेष्यः a servant, ते you, नाज्ञापयामिखलु not to command you

"I request you out of my high esteem towards you and friendliness. I am your servant and not commanding you to do so."
एवमुक्तस्ततोरामःप्रत्युवाचविभीषणम् ।

रक्षसांवानराणां च सर्वेषामेवशृण्वताम् ।।6.124.16।।

एवम्, उक्तः spoken, रामः Rama, ततः then, विभीषणम् Vibheeshana, रक्षसाम् Rakshasas, वानराणां च and Vanaras, सर्वेषाम् all of them, शृण्वताम् listening, प्रत्युवाच replied

On hearing Vibheeshana spoken in the aforesaid manner, Rama replied to the hearing of Rakshasas, Vanaras and all of them there.
पूजितोऽस्मित्वयावीर साचिव्येनपरन्तप ।

सर्वात्मना च चेष्टाभिःसौहार्देनपरेण च ।।6.124.17।।

परन्तप tormentor of enemies, वीर hero, साचिव्येन friendship, चेष्टाभिः by your efforts, परेण, सौहार्देन च good heartedness, सर्वात्मना all, त्वया by you, पूजितः honoured, अस्मि I

"O tormentor of enemies! Hero, I am honoured by your friendship, by your efforts, and good heartedness of all of you."
न खल्वेतन्नकुर्यांतेवचनंराक्षसेश्वर ।

तंतुमेभ्रातरंद्रष्टुंभरतंत्वरतेमनः ।।6.124.18।।

राक्षसेश्वरते the ruler of Rakshasas, एतत् from whom, वचनम् words, न कुर्यामितिन not doing what you tell खलु surely, तु you, भ्रातरम् brother, तम् them, भरतम् Bharat, द्रष्टुम् to see, मनः my mind, त्वरते hastening

"Ruler of Rakshasas! Not accepting your request will surely not happen. (but) my mind is hastening to see my brother Bharata."
मांनिवर्तयितुंयोऽसौचित्रकूटमुपागतः ।

शिरसायाचतोयस्यवचनं न कृतंमया ।।6.124.19।।

कौसल्यां च सुमित्रां च कैकेयीं च यशस्विनीम् ।

गुहं च सुहृदंचैवपौरान्जनपदैस्सह ।।6.124.20।।

यःअसौ he who, माम् me, निवर्तयितुम् not turn down, चित्रकूटम् Chitrakuta, उपागतः reached, शिरसा head bent down in obedience, याचतः beg, यस्य his, वचनम् words, मया by me, न कृतम् not done, कौसल्यांच Kausalya's also, सुमित्रां च sumithra, यशस्विनीम् illustrious, कैकेयीं च Kaikeyi too, सुहृदम् good hearted, गुहंच Guha also, जानपदैःसह with people, पौरान् citizens

"He came to Chitrakuta and on reaching bent down obediently, begged me by his words to return which I did not do. Kausalya, Sumithra and Kaikeyi and Guha also requested and the request of the citizens has been turned down.
अनुजानीहमांसौम्य पूजितोऽस्मिविभीषण ।

मन्युर्नखलुकर्तव्यःसखेत्वांचानुमानये ।।6.124.21।।

सौम्य noble, विभीषण Vibheeshana, माम् to me, अनुजानीह permit me to go, पूजितः honoured अस्मि I am, सखे friend, मन्युः anger, न कर्तव्यःखलु let me do my duty, त्वाम् you, अनुमानयेच not feel sorry

Noble Vibheeshana! Please permit me to go. I am honoured by you, my friend. Do not be angry or feel sorry. Let me do my duty."
उपस्थापयमेशीघ्रंविमानंराक्षसेश्वर ।

कृतकार्यस्यमेवासःकथंस्यादिहसम्मतः ।।6.124.22।।

राक्षसेश्वर ruler of Rakshasas, शीघ्रम् quickly, मे my, विमानम् aerial car, उपस्थापय send for, कृतकार्यस्य completed the task, मे my, इह here, वासः staying, कथम् how, सम्मतः acceptable, स्यात् staying

"O Ruler of Rakshasas, send for my aerial car. My task has been completed here. How can I continue to stay here?"
एवमुक्तस्तुरामेणराक्षसेन्द्रोविभीषणः ।

विमानसूर्यसङ्काशमाजुहावत्वरान्वितः ।।6.124.23।।

ततःकाञ्चनचित्राङ्गंवैदूर्यमणिवेदिकम् ।

कूटागारैःपरिक्षिप्तंसर्वतोरजतप्रभम् ।।6.124.24।।

पाण्डुराभिःपताकाभिर्ध्वजैश्चसमलङ्कृतम् ।

शोभितंकाञ्चनैर्हर्म्यैर्हेमपद्मविभूषितैः ।।6.124.25।।

प्रकीर्णंकिङ्किणीजालैर्मुक्तामणिगवाक्षकम् ।

घण्टाजालैःपरिक्षिप्तंसर्वतोमधुरस्वनम् ।।6.124.26।।

यन्मेरुशिखराकारंनिर्मितंविश्वकर्मणा ।

बृहभिर्भूषितंहर्म्यैर्मुक्तारजतशोभितैः ।।6.124.27।।

तलैस्स्फटिकचित्राङ्गैदूर्यैश्चवरासनैः ।

महार्हास्तरणोपेतैरुपपन्नंमहाधनैः ।।6.124.28।।

रामेण by Rama, एवम् in that manner, उक्तः having spoken, राक्षसेन्द्रः king of Rakshasas, विभीषणः Vibheeshana, त्वरान्वितः hurriedly got, ततः then, काञ्चनचित्राङ्गम् golden pictures, वैडूर्यमणिवेदिकम् altars made with cat's eye gems, कूटागारैः squares fixed with pillars, परिक्षिप्तम् surrounded, सर्वतःall sides, रजतप्रभम् like silver, पाण्डुराभिः with yellow pennons, पताकाभिः flags also, ध्वजैश्च posts, समलङ्कृतम् decorated all over, काञ्चनम् golden, हेमपद्मविभूषितैः decorated with golden lotuses, काञ्चनैः golden, हर्म्यैः mansions, किङ्किणीजालैः tiny net work, प्रकीर्णम् scattered, मुक्तामणिगवाक्षकम् eyes holes set with pearls, घण्टाजालैः rows of bells, परिक्षिप्तम् surrounded, सर्वतः all sides, मधुरस्वनम् sweet sound, मेरुशिखराकारम् like mountain Meru peak in shape, विश्वकर्मणा by Viswakarma, निर्मितम् constructed, मुक्तारजतशोभितैः decorated with silver and pearls, बृहद्भिः many, हर्म्यैः pavements, शोभितम् shining, स्फटिकचित्राङ्गैःcrystals, तलैः, वैडूर्यैः cat's eye gems, महाधनैः rich coverings, महार्हास्तरणोपेतैः seats, वरासनैः excellent seats, उपेतम् ascending, तम् that, विमानम् aerial car, आजुहाव ordered

Rama having spoken that way, Vibheeshana the king of Rakshasas, hurriedly ordered for the aerial car. The aerial car Pushpaka's parts were decorated with golden pictures, its altars were made of cat's eye gems, its squares were fixed with pillars and shone like silver. It was surrounded on all sides with yellow pennons. It had posts and flags all over, decorated with golden lotuses. The mansions in Pushpak had networks scattered with eyeholes set with pearls like windows. It had rows of bells, surrounded on all sides which had sweet sound. The Pushpak constructed by Viswakarma was huge like mountain Meru's peak and decorated with silver and pearls. Its pavements were fixed with crystals and encrusted with cat's eye gems. The seats were excellent and had rich coverings.
उपस्थितमनाधृष्यंतद्विमानंमनोजवम् ।

निवेदयित्वारामायतस्थौतत्रविभीषणः ।।6.124.29।।

अनाधृष्यम् could not be assailed, मनोजवम् mind speed, तत् that, विमानम् aerial car, उपस्थितम् seated, रामाय Rama's, निवेदयित्वा presented to, विभीषणः Vibheeshana, तत्र there, तस्थौ stood

The Pushpak which could not be assailed was endowed with mind speed. Vibheeshana presented it to Rama and stood.
तत्पुष्पकंकामगमंविमानमुपस्थितंभूधरसन्निकाशम् ।

दृष्टवातदाविस्मयमाजगामरामस्ससौमित्रिरुदारसत्त्व: ।।6.124.30।।

तदा then, ससौमित्रिः Saumithri, उदारसत्त्वः lofty minded, रामः Rama, उपस्थितम् seated, कामगमम् rides at the will of the rider, भूधरसन्निकाशम् resembled a mountain, तत्, पुष्पकम् Pushpaka, विमानम् aerial car, दृष्टवा seeing, विस्मयम् astonished, आजगाम became

Then Saumithri, lofty minded Rama took seats in the aerial car Pushpaka which rides at the will of the rider. They were astonished at the size of Pushpak, which was huge like a mountain.
।। इत्यार्षेवाल्मीकीयेश्रीमद्रामायणेआदिकाव्येयुद्धकाण्डेचतुर्विंशत्युत्तरशततमस्सर्गः ।।
This is the end of one hundred and twenty fourth sarga of the Yuddha Kanda of the first epic the holy Ramayana composed by sage Valmiki.