Sloka & Translation

[ Arrangements at Ayodhya to receive Sri Rama. Bharata goes to receive him.]

श्रुत्वातुपरमानन्दंभरतस्सत्यविक्रमः ।

हृष्टमाज्ञापयामासशत्रुघ्नंपरवीरहा ।।6.130.1।।

सत्यविक्रमः truthful prowess, परवीरहा destroyer of enemies, भरतः Bharata, परमानन्दम् very happy, श्रुत्वा hearingतु you, हृष्टम् delightful, शत्रुघ्नम् Shatrughna, आज्ञापयामास ordered

Hearing the delightful news, Bharata of truthful prowess, the destroyer of enemies, was very happy and ordered Shatrughna.
दैवतानि च सर्वाणिचैत्यानिनगरस्य च ।

सुगन्धमाल्यैर्यादित्रैरर्चन्तु शुचयो नराः ।।6.130.2।।

सर्वाणि all, दैवतानि gods, नगरस्य in the capital, चैत्यानि च temples, शुचयः purifying, नराः people, सुगन्धमाल्यैः with fragrance and garlands, वादित्रैः musical instruments अर्चन्तु worship

"Let all gods in the temples of the capital be worshiped by people purifying themselves, duly adorned with fragrance and garlands."
सूतास्स्तुतिपुराणज्ञास्सर्वेवैतालिकास्तथा ।

सर्वेवादित्रकुशलागणिकाश्चैवसङ्घशः ।।6.130.3।।

राजदारास्तथामात्यास्सैन्यास्सेनाङ्गनागणाः ।

ब्राह्मणाश्चसराजन्याश्रेणिमुख्यास्तथागणाः ।।6.130.4।।

अभिनिर्यान्तुरामस्यद्रष्टुंशशिनिभंमुखम् ।

स्तुतिपुराणज्ञाः bards well versed in singing, सूताः charioteers, तथा so also, सर्वे all, वैताळिकाः courtesans, सर्वे all, वादित्रकुशलाः experts in playing musical instruments, सङ्घशः, in groups गणिकाः traders, राजदाराः royal, तथा similarly, अमात्याः ministers, सैन्याः army, सेवाङ्गनागणाः service providers, सराजन्याः kshatriyas, ब्राह्मणाश्च brahmins, श्रेणीमुख्याः top people, तथा so also, गणाः troops, रामस्य Rama's, शशिनिभम् moon like countenance, मुखम् face, द्रष्टुम् to see, अभिनिर्यान्तु will proceed

"Let the bards well versed in singing praises, charioteers, all courtesans, in groups, artists who can play musical instruments, similarly ministers, army men, traders, service providers, Kshatriyas, brahmins so also top people, troops proceed to see the moon like face of Rama."
भरतस्यवच्श्रुत्वाशत्रुघ्नःपरवीरहा ।।6.130.5।।

विष्टीरनेकसाहस्रीश्चोदयामानभागशः ।

परवीरहा destroyer of enemies, शत्रुघ्नः Shatrughna, भरतस्य Bharata's, वचः words, श्रुत्वा hearing, अनेकसाहस्रीः many courageous, विष्टीः labour, भागशः divisions, चोदयामास be also called

Shatrughna, a destroyer of enemies, hearing the words of Bharata, ordered for many divisions of labour and the courageous ones to come.
समीकुरुतनिम्नानिविषमानिसमानि च ।।6.130.6।।

स्थानानितुनिरस्यन्तांनन्दिग्रामादितःपरम् ।

इतः from here, नन्दिग्रामात् from Nandigrama, परम् very, निम्नानि low lying, समीकुरुत equal, विषमाणि uneven, समानि च level, स्थानानि areas, निरस्यन्ताम् remove them.

From here (Nandigrama to Ayodhya) low lying areas are to be made even and uneven areas to be levelled.
सिञ्चस्तुपृथिवींकृत्स्नांहिवशीतेववारिणा ।।6.130.7।।

ततोऽभ्यवकिरन्त्वन्येलाजैःपुष्पैश्चसर्वतः ।

कृत्स्नाम् in the ground, पृथिवीम् soil, हिमशीतेव with cold water, वारिणा water, सिञ्चस्तु sprinkle small drops, ततः then, अन्ये other, सर्वतः all over, लाजैः parched grain, पुष्पैश्च flowers, अभ्यवकिरन्तु strew

Let the ground be sprinkled with cold water and then parched grain and flowers to be sprinkled.
सुमुच्छ्रितपताकास्तुरथ्याःपुरवरोत्तमेः ।।6.130.8।।

शोभयन्तु च वेश्मानिसूर्यस्योदयनंप्रति ।

पुरवरोत्तमे best of the foremost cities, रथ्याः streets, समुच्छ्रितपताकाः with flags, सूर्यस्य sun's, उदयनंप्रति till the rise, वेश्मानि houses, शोभयन्तु decorate.

Let the streets of the foremost of the best cities (Ayodhya), be decorated with flags till the sun rises and houses be decorated.
स्रग्दाममुक्तपुष्पैश्चसुगन्धै: पञ्चवर्णकैः ।।6.130.9।।

राजमार्गमसम्बाधंकिरन्तुशतशोनराः ।

शतशः hundreds, नराः people, सुगन्धैः fragrant, पञ्चवर्णकैः five colours, स्रग्दाममुक्तपुष्पैश्च garlands of fragrant flowers, असम्बाधम् closely, राजमार्गम् royal paths, किरन्तु decorate.

Let hundreds of people decorate with fragrant garlands of five colours closely tied and decorate the royal paths.
तस्तच्छासनंश्रुत्वाशत्रुघ्नस्यमुदान्विताः ।।6.130.10।।

धृष्टिर्जयन्तोविजयस्सिद्धार्थश्चार्थसाधकः ।

अशोकोमन्त्रपालश्चसुमन्त्रश्चापिनिर्ययुः ।।6.130.11।।

ततः then, शत्रुघ्नस्य Shatrughna's, तत् that, शासनम् command, श्रुत्वा hearing, मुदा joy अन्विताः great, धृष्टिः Dhristi, जयन्तः Jayanta, विजयःVijaya, सिद्धार्थश्च Siddhartha, अर्थसाधकः Arthasadhaka, अशोकः Ashoka, मन्त्रपालश्च Mantrapala, समन्त्रश्चापि all over, निर्ययुः issued forth.

On hearing Shatrughna's command, all the eight ministers, Dhristi, Jayanta, Vijaya, Siddhartha, Arthasadhaka, Ashoka, and Mantrapala issued forth with great joy.
मत्तैर्नागसहस्रैश्चसध्वजैस्सुविभूषितैः ।

अपरेहेमकक्षाभिस्सगजाभिःकरेणुभिः ।।6.130.12।।

निर्ययुस्तुररथैश्चसुमहारथाः ।

मत्स्सैः elephants in rut, सध्वजैः best horses, सुविभूषितैः well decorated, नागसहस्रैः thousand elephants, अपरेतु on the top, हेमकक्षाभिः golden girths on waist, सगजाभिः those elephants, करेणुभिः female elephants also, सुमहारथाः best charioteers, रथैश्च chariots, निर्ययुः proceeded.

Seated on top of thousands of well decorated elephants in rut, and on the best of horses, people went (to receive Rama). Female elephants had golden girths on their waist. Best charioteers on best chariots proceeded.
शक्त्यृष्टिपाशहस्तानांसध्वजानांपताकिनाम् ।।6.130.13।।

तुरगाणांसहस्रैश्चमुख्यैर्मुख्यतरान्वितैः ।

पदातीनांसहस्रैश्चवीराःपरिवृताययुः ।।6.130.14।।

तुरगाणाम् horses, मुख्यैः chiefs, मुख्यतरान्वितैः champions, सहस्रैः in thousands, परिवृताः surrounded, वीराः heroes, ययुःwent, क्त्यृष्टिपाशहस्तानां with javelins, spears and nooses, सध्वजानां people, पताकिनाम् carrying flags, पदातीनां on foot, वीराः heroes,

Chiefs on horses, champions in thousands went surrounded by thousands of foot soldiers carrying javelins, spears, and nooses.
ततोयानान्युपारूढास्सर्वादशरथस्त्रियः ।

कौसल्यांप्रमुखेकृत्वासुमित्रांचापिनिर्ययुः ।।6.130.15।।

कैकेय्यासहिताःसर्वानन्दिग्राममुपागमन् ।

ततः then, सर्वाःall, दशरथस्त्रियः women of Dasharatha, यानानि palanquins, उपारूढाः seated, कौसल्याम् Kausalya, सुमित्रांचापि Sumitra, प्रमुखेकृत्वा keeping in front, निर्ययुः started, सर्वाः all, कैकेय्या Kaikeyi, सहिताः accompanied by, नन्दिग्रामम् Nandigrama, उपाययुः went

Then all the consorts of Dasharatha, keeping Kausalya and Sumitra in front, seated in palanquin accompanied by Kaikeyi, started from Nandigram.
द्विजातिमुख्यैर्धर्मात्माश्रेणीमुख्यैस्सनैगमैः ।।6.130.16।।

माल्यमोदकहस्तैश्चमन्त्रिभिर्भरतोवृतः ।

शङ्खभेरीनिनादैश्चवन्दिभिश्चाभिवनन्दितः ।।6.130.17।।

आर्यपादौगृहीत्वातौशिरसाधर्मकोविदः ।

पाण्डुरंछत्रमादायशुक्लमाल्योपशोभितम् ।।6.130.18।।

शुक्ले च वालव्यजनेराजार्हेहेमभूषिते ।

उपवासकृशोदीनश्चीरकृष्णाजिनाम्बरः ।।6.130.19।।

भ्रातुरागमनंश्रुत्वातत्पूर्वंहर्षमागतः ।

प्रत्युद्ययौतदारामंमहात्मासचिवैस्सह ।।6.130.20।।

द्विजातिमुख्यैः foremost of brahmins, सनैगमैः together, श्रेणीमुख्यैश्च foremost leaders, माल्यमोदकहस्तै: having garlands and Modakas (kind of sweet which is white in colour) in hand, मन्त्रिभिः ministers also, वृतः surrounded, धर्मात्मा righteous, शङ्खभेरीनिनादैश्च with sounds of conches and drums, वन्दिभिश्च with bards praising, अभिनन्तितः greeting, धर्मकोविदः knowledgeable of responsibilities, उपवासकृशः emaciated by fasting, दीनः desperate, चीरकृष्णाजिनाम्बरः wearing bark clothes and a skin of antelope, भ्रातुः brother, आगमनम् returning, श्रुत्वा hearing, तत्पूर्वम् before that, हर्षम् joy, आगतः experienced, महात्मा great soul, भरतः Bharata, आर्यपादौ sandals of noble Rama, शिरसा on head, गृहीत्वा taking, शुक्लमाल्योपशोभितम् decorated with white garlands, पाण्डुरम् yellow, छत्रम् umbrella, राजार्हे worthy of kings, हेमभूषिते adorned with gold, शुक्ले white, वालव्यजने whisks, आदाय taking, सचिवैःसह with friends, तदा then, प्रत्युद्ययौ went to receive

Then the foremost of brahmins, leaders with garlands and Modaka sweets in hand, surrounded by ministers went with righteous Bharata, accompanied by bards praising, accompanied by sounds of blowing conches and drums and greeting. Bharata was emaciated due to fastings, was desperate, wearing bark fabric and skin of antelope. The great soul Bharata, knower of righteous responsibilities, greeting, experienced great joy, on hearing about the returning of the brother. Decorated with white garlands, he carried Rama's sandals on his head. His friends accompanied him and took with him a yellow umbrella adorned with gold, worthy of kings and white whisks. Bharata went to receive Sri Rama.
अश्वानांखुरशब्दैश्चरथनेमिस्वनेन च ।

शङ्खदुन्दुभिनादेनसञ्चचालेवमेदिनी ।।6.130.21।।

अश्वानाम् of the horses, खुरशब्देन by the sounds hoofs, रथनेमिस्वनेनच rattling of the chariots, शङ्खदुन्दुभिघोषेण by the sounds of drums and conches, मेदिनी earth, सञ्चचालेव shook

The earth shook by the sounds of hooves of the horses, sounds of conches and drums, and the rattling of the chariot wheels.
कृत्स्नंतुनगरंतत्तुनन्दिग्राममुपागमत् ।

समीक्ष्यभरतोवाक्यमुवाचपवनात्मजम् ।।6.130.22।।

तत् then, कृत्स्नम् dark, नगरम् city, नन्दिग्रामम् Nandigramam, उपागमत् reached, भरतः Bharata, समीक्ष्य reviewed, पवनात्मजम् with wind god's son, वाक्यम् words, उवाच spoke

Reviewing the arrangements, Bharata spoke these words to wind god's son, Hanuman.
कच्चिन्नखलुकापेयीसेव्यतेचकचित्तता ।

न हिपश्यामिकाकुत्स्थंराममार्यंपरन्तपम् ।।6.130.23।।

कापेयी O monkey, चलचित्तता fickle minded, न सेव्यतेखलु not resorted, कच्चित् indeed, काकुत्स्थम् Kakuthsa, परन्तपम् tormentor of enemies, आर्यम् noble, रामम् Rama, न पश्यामिहि not see

"O monkey! Indeed, you monkey being fickle minded, hope you have not resorted to your nature. I am not seeing noble Rama, the tormentor of enemies."
अथैवमुक्तेवचनेहनूमानिदमब्रवीत् ।

अर्थ्यंविज्ञापयन्नेवभरतंसत्यविक्रमम् ।।6.130.24।।

अथ and then, एवम् in that way, वचने words, उक्ते spoken, हनूमान् by Hanuman, सत्यविक्रमम् righteous, भरतम् Bharata, विज्ञापयन्नेव knowing, अर्थ्यम् meaning, इदम् thus, अब्रवीत् spoke

And then Bharata having spoken that way, Hanuman understood the meaning of his words and spoke thus.
सदाफलान्कुसुमितान्वृक्षान् प्राप्यमधुस्रवान् ।

भरद्वाजप्रसादेनमत्तभ्रमरनादितान् ।।6.130.25।।

तस्यचैषवरोदत्तोवासवेनपरन्तप ।

ससैन्यस्यतवातिथ्यंकृतंसर्वगुणान्वितम् ।।6.130.26।।

निस्स्वन्श्रूयतेभीमःप्रहृष्टानांवनौकसाम् ।

मन्येवानरसेनासानदींतरतिगोमतीम् ।।6.130.27।।

भरद्वाजप्रसादेन grace of Bharadwaja, सदाफलान् fruits all through, कुसुमितान् flowers, मधुस्रवान् shedding sweet juice, मत्तभ्रमरनादितान् noisy by the noisy bees, वृक्षान् trees, प्राप्य seen, प्रहृष्टानाम् very delighted, वनौकसाम् forest rangers, भीमः terrific, निःस्वनः sounds, श्रूयते is heard, परन्तप tormentor of enemies, तस्य his, एषः in that way, वरः boon, वासवेन, दत्तः given by Indra, ससैन्यस्य that army, तव your, सर्वगुणान्वितम् endowed with all virtues, आतिथ्यम् hospitality, कृतम् done, सा they, वानरसेना Vanara army, गोमतींनदीम् Gomathi, तरति crossing, मन्ये I think

"By the grace of Bharadwaja, all the trees have fruits shedding sweet juice, and in bloom, the Vanaras are very delighted. The forest rangers are making terrific sounds. The tormentor of enemies, endowed with all virtues, by virtue of the boon given by Indra extended hospitality to the Vanara army. I think they are crossing the river Gomathi now."
रजोवर्षंसमुद्भूतंपश्यसालवनंप्रति ।

मन्येसालवनंरम्यंलोपयन्तिप्लवङ्गमाः ।।6.130.28।।

सालवनंप्रति Sala forest, समुद्भूतम् started, रजोवर्षम् rain of dust, पश्य see, प्लवङ्गमाः Vanaras, रम्यम् beautiful, सालवनम् Sala grove, लोलयन्ति shaking, मन्ये I think

"See the rain of dust started at Sala Forest. Vanaras are shaking the beautiful Sala grove, I think."
तदेतद्दृश्यतेदूराद्विमानंचन्द्रसन्निभम् ।

विमानंपुष्पकंदिव्यंमनसाब्रह्मनिर्मितम् ।।6.130.29।।

चन्द्रसन्निभम् resembling the moon, तत् that, एतत् this, विमानम् aerial car, दूरात् at a distance, दृश्यते is seen, दिव्यम् wonderful, पुष्पकंविमानम् Pushpaka, ब्रह्मणा by Brahma, मनसा by his mind, निर्मितम् created

Pushpaka is seen at a distance, resembling the moon. This wonderful Pushpaka has been created through Brahma's mind.
रावणंबान्धवैःसार्थंहत्वालब्धंमहात्मना ।

तरुणादित्यसङ्काशंविमानंरामवाहनम् ।।6.130.30।।

धनदस्यप्रसादेनदिव्यमेतन्मनोजवम् ।

रावणम् Ravana, बान्दवैःसार्थम् relatives, हत्वा killed, महात्मना great, लब्दम् got, तरुणादित्यसङ्काशम् shines like the rising sun brightly, रामवाहनम् Rama's vehicle, एतत् this, दिव्यम् amazing, मनोजवम् speeds at mind thought, विमानम् aerial car, प्रसादेन by the grace, धनदस्य to Kubera

"Rama's vehicle is amazing, and he got it by killing Ravana and his relatives. It shines brightly like the rising sun, and it speeds at the thought of mind. Kubera got this aerial car by Brahma's grace."
एतस्मिन् भ्रातरौवीरौवैदेह्यासहराघवौ ।।6.130.31।।

सुग्रीवश्चमहातेजाराक्षसश्चविभीषणः ।

वीरौ heroes, भ्रातरौ brothers, वैदेह्यासह with Vaidehi, राघवौ Raghavas, महातेजाः highly energetic, सुग्रीवश्च Sugriva, राक्षसः Rakshasa, विभीषणश्च Vibheeshana too, एतस्मिन् all in that

"Heroic Raghava brothers are there with Vaidehi, that highly energetic Sugriva and Rakshasa Vibheeshana also."
एतोहर्षसमुद्भूतोनिःस्वनोदिवमस्पृशत् ।।6.130.32।।

स्त्रीबालयुववृद्धानांरामोऽयमितिकीर्तिते ।

तः then, अयम् this, रामःSri Rama, इति there, कीर्तिते uttered, स्त्रीबालयुववृद्धानाम् women, young, youth and aged, हर्षसमुद्भूतः fantastic expression of joy, निःस्वनःsky, दिवम् sky, अस्पृशत् indistinct

Then when "Sri Rama is here" was uttered a fantastic expression of joy of the women, young, youth and aged was heard, which reached the heaven.
रथकुञ्जरवाजिभ्यस्तेऽवतीर्यमहींगताः ।।6.130.33।।

ददृशुस्तंविमानस्थंनरास्सोममिवाम्बरे ।

रथकुञ्जरवाजिभ्यः chariots, elephants and horses, अवतीर्य got down, महीम् on ground, गताः went, तेनराः those people, विमानस्थम् in the Pushpaka, तम् them, अम्बरे sky, सोममिव like moon, ददृशुः saw

Those people on the chariots, elephants and horses got down and saw them on the moon like Pushpaka.
प्राज्ञलिर्भरतोभूत्वाप्रसृष्टोराघवोन्मुखः ।।6.130.34।।

स्वागतेनयथार्हेणततोराममपूजयत् ।

प्राञ्जलिः salutations, प्रहृष्टः highly rejoiced, भरतः Bharata, राघवोन्मुखः Raghava's face, भूत्वा standing, यथार्हेण as he ought to, स्वागतेन in himself, रामम् Sri Rama, अपूजयत् worshipped

Highly rejoiced, Bharata offered salutations standing as he ought to within himself and worshiped Sri Rama from a distance.
मनसाब्रह्मणासृष्टेविमानेभरताग्रजः ।।6.130.35।।

रराजपृथुदीर्घाक्षोवज्रपाणिरिवापरः ।

मनसा in his mind, ब्रह्मणा Brahmana, सृष्टे created, विमाने aerial car, पृथुदीर्घाक्षः broad eyed, भरताग्रजः Bharata's elder brother, अपरः another, वज्रपाणिरिव like Indra, रराज shone

Sri Rama, elder brother of Bharata shone in the aerial car created by Brahma like another Indra.
ततोविमानाग्रगतंभरतोभ्रातरंतदा ।।6.130.36।।

ववन्देप्रणतोरामंमेरुस्थमिवभास्करम् ।

ततः then, भरतः Bharata, विमानाग्रगतम् peak of Pushpaka, मेरुस्थम् like Meru mountain, भास्करंयथा like the sun, रामम् Sri Rama, तदा then, प्रणतः salutations with joined palms, ववन्दे offered

Then Bharata offered salutations with joined palms to Sri Rama seated in the peak of Pushpaka like saluting Sun from the mountain Meru.
ततोरामाभ्यनुज्ञातंतद्विमानमनुत्तमम् ।।6.130.37।।

हंसयुक्तंमहावेगंनिपपातमहीतले ।

ततः then, अनुत्तमम् excellent, हंसयुक्तम् with pictures of swan, महावेगम् high speed, तत् that विमानम् aerial car, रामाभ्यनुज्ञातम् Rama's permission, महीतले on the ground, निपपात came down

Then that excellent Pushpaka which had pictures of swans on it came down to the ground with Rama's permission.
आपितोविमानंतद्भरतस्सत्यविक्रमः ।।6.130.38।।

राममासाद्यमुदितःपुनरेवाभ्यवादयत् ।

ततविमानम् that Pushpaka, आरोपितः lifted on, सत्यविक्रमः unfailing valour, भरतः Bharata, रामम् Rama, आसाद्य reached, पुनरेव once again, अभ्यवादयत् greeted

Bharata of unfailing valour duly permitted to ascend Pushpaka by Sri Rama, reached Rama and once again offered salutations to Rama.
तंसमुत्थाप्यकाकुत्स्थश्चिरस्याक्षिरथंगतम् ।।6.130.39।।

अङ्केभरतमारोप्यमुदितःपरिषस्वजे ।

काकुत्स्थः Kakuthsa, चिराय after long, अक्षिपथम् who came in his sight, गतम् arrived at, तम् him, भरतम् Bharata, समुत्थाप्य lifting up, अङ्कम् thigh, आरोप्य lifted to, मुदितःhappily, परिषस्वजे embraced

Kakuthsa Rama happily lifting up Bharata, who came into his sight after long, on to his thigh embraced him.
ततोलक्ष्मणमासाद्यवैदेहीं च परन्तपः ।।6.130.40।।

अथाभ्यवादयप्रतीतोभरतोनामचाब्रवीत् ।

ततः then, परन्तपः tormentor of enemies, भरतः Bharata, प्रीतः lovingly, लक्ष्मणम् Lakshmana, वैदेहीं च and Vaidehi, आसाद्य approached, अथ and then, अभ्यवादयत् greeted, नाम name, अब्रवीत् च announced

Then the tormentor of enemies, Bharata approached Lakshmana and then greeted Vaidehi and announced his name.
सुग्रीवंकेकयीपुत्रोजाम्बवन्तमथाङ्गदम् ।।6.130.41।।

मैन्दं च द्विविदंनीलमृषभंपरिषस्वजे ।

अथ and then, केकयीपुत्रः Kaikeyi's son, सुग्रीवम् Sugriva, जाम्बवन्तम् Jambavantha, अङ्गदम् Angada, मैन्दम् Mainda, द्विविदंचैव and Dwivivida, नीलम् Nila, ऋषभम् Rshaba, परषस्वजे embraced

Bharata, the son of Kaikeyi thereafter embraced Sugriva, Jambavantha, Angada, Mainda, Dwivivida, Nila and Rshaba.
सुषेणं च नलंचैवगवाक्षंगन्धमादनम् ।।6.130.42।।

शरभंपनसंचैवपरितःपरिषस्वजे ।

सुषेणं च Sushena, नलंचैव Nala, गवाक्षम् Gavaksha, गन्धमादनम् Gandhamadana, शरभम् Sarabha, पनसंचैव Panasa, परितः all around, परिषस्वजे embraced

He embraced Sushena, Nala, Gavaksha, Gandhamadana, Sarabha, Panasa who were around.
तेकृत्वामानुषंरूपंवानराःकामरूपिणः ।।6.130.43।।

कुशलंपर्यपृच्छंस्तेप्रहृष्टाभरतंतदा ।

तदा then, कामरूपिणः who can take any form at will, तेवानराः those Vanaras, मानुषंरूपम् in human form, कृत्वा doing, प्रहृष्टाः delighted, भरतम् Bharata, कुशलम् welfare, पर्यपृच्छन् inquired

Then he inquired about the welfare of those Vanaras who can take any form at will, who were in human form and was delighted.
अथाब्रवीद्राजपुत्रस्सुग्रीवंवानरर्षभम् ।।6.130.44।।

परिष्वज्यमहातेजाभरतोधर्मिणांवरः ।

अथ and then, महातेजाः highly brilliant, धर्मिणाम् among the righteous, वरः foremost, राजपुत्रः prince, भरतः Bharata, वानरर्षभम् bull among Vanaras, सुग्रीवम् Sugriva, परिष्वज्य, embraced, अब्रवीत् and spoke

And thereafter highly brilliant, foremost among the righteous, prince Bharata embraced Sugriva, the bull among Vanaras and spoke.
त्वम्स्माकंचतुर्णांवैभ्रातासुग्रीवपञ्चमः ।।6.130.45।।

सौहार्दाज्जायतेमित्रमपकारोऽरिलक्षणम् ।

सुग्रीव Sugriva, त्वम् you, अस्माकम् our, चतुर्णाम् fourth, पञ्चमः fifth, भ्राता brother, सौहार्दात् affectionately, मित्रम् friend, जायते born, अपकारः maleficence, अरिलक्षणम् sign of an enemy

"Sugriva, you are the fifth brother to four of us and should have been born like that" said Bharata. One who helps becomes friend and maleficence is a sign of an enemy.
विभीषणं च भरतःसान्त्ववाक्यमथाब्रवीत् ।।6.130.46।।

दिष्ट्यात्वयासहायेनकृतंकर्मसुदुष्करम् ।

अथ and then, भरतः Bharata, विभीषणं च Vibheeshana, सान्त्ववाक्यम् good word, अब्रवीत् spoke, दिष्ट्या luckily, सहायेन help, त्वया by you, सुदुष्करम् very difficult, कर्म task, कृतम् was done

And then Bharata spoke this good word. "Luckily with your help, the very difficult task was done."
शत्रुघ्नश्चतदाराममभिवाद्यसलक्ष्मणम् ।।6.130.47।।

सीतायाश्चरणौवीरोविनयादभ्यवादयत् ।

तदा then, वीरः hero, शत्रुघ्नश्च Shatrughna also, सलक्ष्मणम् Lakshmana also, रामम् Rama, अभिवाद्य greeted, सीतायाः and Sita, चरणौ feet, विनयात् obediently, अभ्यवादयत् worshipped

Then hero Shatrughna and Lakshmana also greeted Rama and then worshipped Sita also.
रामोमातरमासाद्यविवर्णांशोककर्शिताम् ।।6.130.48।।

जग्राहप्रणतःपादौमनोमातुःप्रहर्षयन् ।

रामः Rama, विवर्णाम् pale, शोककर्शिताम् emaciated by grief, मातरम् mother, आसाद्य reached, प्रणतः offered salutations, मातुः to mother, मनः in mind, प्रहर्षयन् delighted, पादौ feet, जग्राह clasped

Rama reached his mother who was pale and emaciated in grief and offered salutations clasping her feet in obedience and was delighted in his mind.
अभिवाद्यसुमित्रां च कैकेयीं च यशस्विनीम् ।।6.130.49।।

स मात्रूश्चततस्सर्वापुरोहितमुपागमत् ।

सः he, सुमित्रां च Sumitra also, यशस्विनीम् illustrious, कैकेयीं च Kaikeyi also, अभिवाद्य greeted, सर्वाः all, मात्रूश्च mothers, ततः then, पुरोहितम् priests, उपागमत् had come

Then he greeted Sumitra, and illustrious Kaikeyi also and then all the mothers and the priests who had come.
स्वागतंतेमहाबाहोकौसल्यानन्दवर्धना ।।6.130.50।।

इतिप्राञ्जलयःसर्वेनागराराममब्रुवन् ।

महाबाहो mightyarmed, कौसल्यानन्दवर्धन enhancer of Kausalya's joy, ते you, स्वागतम् welcome, सर्वे all, नागराः people of the city, प्राञ्जलयः with folded palms, अब्रुवन् spoke

"Welcome to you mighty armed Rama, enhancer of Kausalya's joy" saying so citizens of the city spoke with folded hand s greeting Rama.
तान्यञ्जलिसहस्राणिप्रगृहीतानिनागरैः ।।6.130.51।।

व्याकोचानीवपद्मानिददर्शभरताग्रजः ।

नागरैः citizens, प्रगृहीतानि taking up, तानि they, अञ्जलिसहस्राणि thousands greeting with folded palms, भरताग्रजः elder brother of Bharata, व्याकोचानि displayed, पद्मानीव like lotus buds, ददर्श seemed

The citizens in thousands greeting Rama, elder brother of Bharata lifting up their hand s with folded palms seemed like lotus buds.
पादुकेतेतुरामस्यगृहीत्वाभरतस्स्वयम् ।।6.130.52।।

चरणाभ्यांनरेन्द्रस्ययोजयामासधर्मवित् ।

धर्मवित् knower of dharma, भरतः Bharata, रामस्य Rama's, ते you, पादुके sandals, गृहीत्वा taking, स्वयम् himself, नरेन्द्रस्य king's, चरणाभ्याम् to both feet, योजयामास placed

Taking the sandals given to Bharata, the knower of dharma put on the sandals on Rama's feet by himself.
अब्रवीच्चतदारामंभरतः स कृताञ्जलिः ।।6.130.53।।

एतत्तेसकलंराज्यंन्यासंनिर्यातितंमया ।

सःभरतः he, Bharata, कृताञ्जलिः greeting with folded palms, तदा then, रामम् to Rama, अब्रवीच्च spoke, न्यासम् held in trust, ते to you, सकलम् everything, एतत् this, राज्यम् kingdom, मया by me, निर्यातितम् returned

Bharata then greeted Rama with folded palms, spoke saying, "this kingdom and everything held in trust by me is returned to you."
अद्यजन्मकृतार्थंमेसम्वृत्तश्चमनोरथः ।।6.130.54।।

यत्त्वांपश्यामिराजानमयोध्यांपुनरागतम् ।

अद्य today, मे I, जन्म life, कृतार्थम् fulfilled, मनोरथः च my wish, सम्वृत्तः completed, यत् that, अयोध्याम् Ayodhya, पुनः again, आगतम् have returned, त्वाम् you, राजानम् kingdom, पश्यामि seeing

Today my life is fulfilled, my wish is completed. I am seeing you returned to Ayodhya again as king of this kingdom.
अवेक्षतांभवान्शोकंकोष्ठागारंगृहंबलम् ।।6.130.55।।

भवतस्तेजसासर्वंकृतंदशगुणंमया ।

भवान् you, कोशम् treasury, कोष्ठागारम् granary, गृहम् palaces, बलम् army, अवेक्षताम् may see, भवतः by your, तेजसा brilliance, मया by me, सर्वम् all, दशगुणम् tenfold, कृतम् done

You may review your treasury, granary, palaces, army. Everything has increased tenfold by me by virtue of your brilliance.
तथाब्रुवाणंभरतंदृष्टवातंभ्रातृवत्सलम् ।।6.130.56।।

मुमुचुर्वानराबाष्पंराक्षसश्चविभीषणः ।

तथा so also, ब्रुवाणम् spoke, भ्रातृवत्सलम् lover of brother, तंभरतम् that Bharata, दृष्टवा seeing, वानराः Vanaras, बाष्पम् tears, मुमुचुः shed, राक्षसः Rakshasa, विभीषणं च Vibheeshana also

Seeing Bharata, the lover of his brother, who spoke like that, the Vanaras, Rakshasas, and Vibheeshana shed tears.
ततःप्रहर्षाद्भरतमङ्गमारोप्यराघवः ।।6.130.57।।

ययौतेनविमानेनससैन्योभरताश्रमम् ।

ततः then, राघवः Raghava, प्रहर्षात् rejoiced, भरतम् Bharata, अङ्कम् thigh, आरोप्य lifted up, ससैन्यः that army, भरताश्रमम् from Bharata's hermitage, ययौ flew

Then rejoiced Raghava took Bharata on his lap and flew to Bharata's hermitage with the army.
भरताश्रममासाद्यससैन्योराघवस्तदा ।।6.130.58।।

अवतीर्यविमानाग्रादवतस्थेमहीतले ।

तदा then, राघवः Raghava, भरताश्रमम् Bharata's hermitage, आसाद्य alighted, ससैन्यः that army, विमानाग्रात् top of Pushpaka, अवतीर्य landed, महीतले on ground, अवतस्थे stood

Raghava alighted from the top of the Pushpaka on reaching the hermitage of Bharata and stood on ground.
अब्रवीत्तुतदारामस्तद्विमानमनुत्तमम् ।।6.130.59।।

वहवैश्रवणंदेवमनुजानामिगम्यताम् ।

तदा then, रामः Rama, अनुत्तमम् best, तत् that, विमानम् Pushpaka, अब्रवीत् told, देवम् god, वैश्रवणम् Vysravana, वह there अनुजानामि permit, गम्यताम् to go

Then Rama told Pushpaka that he was permitted to go to God Vysravana.
ततोरामाभ्यनुज्ञातंतद्विमानमनुत्तमम् ।।6.130.60।।

उत्तरांदिशमुद्दिश्यजगामधनदालयम् ।

ततः that, रामाभ्यनुज्ञातम् Rama's permission, अनुत्तमम् the best, तत् विमानम् that aerial car, धनदालयम् उद्धिश्य rose up to Kubera, उत्तरांदिशम् in the northern direction, जगाम went

That aerial car duly permitted by Rama rose up to go to Kubera and set out in the northern direction and flew.
विमानंपुष्पकंदिव्यंसम्गृहीतंतुरक्षसा ।।6.130.61।।

अगमद्धनदंवेगाद्रामवाक्यप्रचोदितम् ।

रक्षसा Rakshasa, सम्गृहीतम् received, दिव्यम् wonderful, पुष्पकंविमानम् Pushpaka aerial car, रामवाक्यप्रचोदितम् impelled by Rama's order, वेगात् speedily, धनदम् to Kubera, आगमत् went

That wonderful Pushpaka received from Rakshasa impelled by Rama's order speedily went to Kubera.
पुरोहितस्यात्मसमस्यराघवोबृहस्पतेश्शक्रइवामराधिपः ।

निपीड्यपादौपृथगाननेशुभेसहैवतेनोपविवेशवीर्यवान् ।।6.130.62।।

वीर्यवान् valiant, राघवः Raghava, स्यात्मसमस्य his own form, पुरोहितस्य of the priest, पादौ feet, अमराधिपः Lord of heaven, शक्रः Indra, बृहस्पतेः Brhaspati, निपीड्य held, तेनसहैव accompanied by army, शुभे auspicious, पृथगासने splendid seat, उपविवेश by the side

Accompanied by his army, valiant Sri Rama greeted the family priest (Vasishta) who was his own form, sitting on the splendid seat by the side, by holding his feet, just as Lord of heaven Indra would hold the feet of Brhaspati.
।। इत्यार्षेवाल्मीकीयेश्रीमद्रामायणेआदिकाव्येयुद्धकाण्डेत्रिंशत्युत्तरशततमस्सर्गः ।।
This is the end of one hundred and thirtieth sarga of Yuddha Kanda of the first epic the holy Ramayana composed by sage Valmiki.