Sloka & Translation

[Rama sets to depart with the vanara army to the seashore.]

श्रुत्वा हनुमतो वाक्यं यथावदनुपूर्वशः ।

ततोऽब्रवीन्महातेजा रामस्सत्यपराक्रमः ।।6.4.1।।

महातेजाः glorious, सत्यपराक्रमः one who has truthful valour, रामः Rama, हनुमतः Hanuman, यथावत् that way, वाक्यम् these words, अनुपूर्वशः in the aforesaid manner, श्रुत्वा having heard, ततः after that, अब्रवीत् spoke

Glorious Rama, of truthful valour, having heard Hanuman in the aforesaid manner, there after spoke (to Hanuman).
यां निवेदयसे लङ्कां पुरीं भीमस्य रक्षसः ।

क्षिप्रमेनां मथिष्यामि सत्यमेतद्ब्रवीमि ते ।।6.4.2।।

भीमस्य fierce, रक्षसः rakshasa, पुरीम् of the city, याम् you, लङ्काम् of Lanka, निवेदय से telling, एनाम् that one, क्षिप्रम् immediately, मथिष्यामि will destroy, एतत् this , सत्यम् true, ते to you, ब्रवीमि I am telling

I will destroy immediately that Lanka of fierce rakshasa, you are telling. I am telling you, this is the truth.
अस्मिन् मुहूर्ते सुग्रीव प्रयाणमभिरोचये ।

युक्तो मुहूर्तो विजयः प्राप्तो मध्यं दिवाकर ।।6.4.3।।

सुग्रीव Sugriva, अस्मिन् this , मुहूर्ते auspicious time, प्रयाणम् journey, अभिरोचय I desire, युक्तः opportune, विजयः victory, मुहूर्तः time, दिवाकर Sun, मध्यम् middle position, प्राप्तः reached

I desire to journey at this opportune time. The Sun has reached the mid position and so a good time for victory.
सीतां हृत्वा तु मे जातु क्वासौ यास्यति यास्यत: ।

सीता श्रुत्वाभियानं मे अशामेष्यति जीविते ।

जीवितान्तेऽ मृतं स्पृष्टवा पीत्वा विषमिवातुरः ।।6.4.4।।

मे I, सीताम् that Sita, हृत्वा abducted , यातु let that one, असौ he who, यास्यतः gains, क्व where, यास्यति can he go, सीता Sita,मे I, अभियानम् approaching, श्रुत्वा on hearing, विषम् poison, पीत्वा after drinking, जातु sometimes, जीवितान्ते at the end of life, (before death), अमृतम् nectar of immortality, इव as if, जीविते on life, आशाम् desire, यास्यत :attains

Where can the one who has abducted Sita go from here? Just as one who has drunk the poison gets some life sometimes on tasting the nectar of immortality, Sita will attain the desire to live on hearing about my approaching.
उत्तरा फल्गुनी ह्यद्य श्वस्तु हस्तेन योक्ष्यते ।

अभिप्रायाम सुग्रीव सर्वानीकसमावृताः ।।6.4.5।।

अद्य today, उत्तरा फल्गुनी हि Uttara Phalguni star is in ascent, श्यस्तु for me (born in Punarvasu star) हस्तेन Hasta, योक्ष्यते will be in conjunction with moon, सुग्रीव Sugriva, सर्वानीकसमावृता collecting all the army, अभिप्रयाम my desire

Today Uttaraphalguni constellation is on the ascent and for me born in Punarvasu star, Hasta, will be in conjunction with the moon. Sugriva You may assemble all the army as I desire to start the journey (as it is auspicious for me).
निमित्तानि च पश्यामि यानि प्रादुर्भवन्ति च ।

निहत्य रावणं सीतामानयिष्यामि जानकीम् ।।6.4.6।।

यानि to proceed, प्रादुर्भवन्ति manifesting, निमित्तानि omens, पश्यामि I see, रावणम् Ravana, निहत्य on killing, जानकीम् Janaka's daughter, सीताम् Sita, आनयिष्यामि I shall get

I also see manifestations of good omens to start (the journey). I shall get Janaka's daughter Sita on killing Ravana.
उपरिष्टाद्धि नयनं स्फुरमाणमिदं मम ।

विजयं समनुप्राप्तं शंसतीव मनोरथम् ।।6.4.7।।

उपरिष्टात् upper lid of eye is twitching, स्फुरमाणम् strikes me, मम my, इदम् this, नयनम् eyes, मनोरथम् my desire, विजयम् victory, समनुप्राप्तम् will be fulfilled, शंसतीव as if indicating

My upper eyelids are twitching thus indicating victory and it strikes me that my desire will be fulfilled.
ततो वानरराजेन लक्ष्मणेन सुपूजितः ।

उवाच रामो धर्मात्मा पुनरप्यर्धकोविदः ।।6.4.8।।

ततः thereafter,वारराजेन by the king of vanaras, लक्ष्मणेन by Lakshmana, सुपूजितः one who is respected, धर्मात्मा righteous one, अर्धकोविदः wellversed in polity, रामः Rama,पुनरपि once again,उवाच spoke

There after righteous Rama who is well respected by the king of vanaras and also by Lakshmana, who is wellversed in polity once again spoke.
अग्रे यातु बलस्यास्य नीलो मार्गमवेक्षितुम् ।

वृतश्शतसहस्रेण वानराणां तरस्विनाम् ।।6.4.9।।

नीलः Nila, तरस्विनाम् courageous, वानराणाम् vanaras, शतसहस्रेण a hundred thousand, वृतः with, मार्गम् at the way,अवेक्षितुम् looking, अस्य his बलस्य army,अग्रे forefront,यातु went

"Let Nila go leading in front with his courageous and hundred thousand army looking at the way (said Rama)".
फलमूलवता नील शीतकाननवारिणा ।

पथा मधुमता चाशु सेनां सेनापते नय ।।6.4.10।।

सेनापते O Chief of the army, नील Nila, फलमूलवता with abundance of fruits and roots, शीतकाननवारिणा shady forests with cool water, मधुमता with sweet smelling honey, पथा way, अशु you swiftly , सेनाम् army, नय leading

"O Nila, the chief of the army Go fast with the army along the way which has plenty of fruits and roots, shady forests and cool water and sweet smelling honey".
दूषयेयुर्दुरात्मनः पथि मूलफलोदकम् ।

राक्षसाः परिरक्षेथास्तेभ्यस्त्वं नित्यमुद्यतः ।।6.4.11।।

दुरात्मानः evil minded, राक्षसाः rakshasa, पथि lord, मूलफलोदकम् roots fruits and water, दूषयेयुः will spoil, त्वम् you, नित्यम् ever, उद्यतः be alert, तेभ्यः from them, परिरक्षेथाः protect

"Evilminded one, the lord of rakshasas will spoil the roots, fruits and water (on the way). Be ever alert and protect them".
निम्नेषु वनदुर्गेषु वनेषु च वनौकसः ।

अभिप्लुत्याभिपश्येयुः परेषां निहितं बलम् ।।6.4.12।।

वनौकसः inhabitants of woods, vanaras, निम्नेषु in low lying lands, वनदुर्गेषु in inaccessible water sources, वनेषु च and in forests, अभिप्लुत्य by leaping up to sky परेषाम् beyond sight, निहितम् placed, बलम् army, अभिपश्येयुः should even look for

"O Vanaras You should even look for (the rakshasas) in the low lying lands, in inaccessible water sources, in forests and also beyond sight leaping up to the sky".
यच्च फल्गु बलं किञ्चित्त दत्रैवोपपद्यताम् ।

एतद्धि कृत्यं घोरं नो विक्रमेण प्रयुज्यताम् ।।6.4.13।।

फल्गु weak, यच्च किञ्चित् little of that, बलम् strength, तत् that, अत्रैव here itself, उपपद्यताम् नः use it for the purpose here, एतत् our this,कृत्यम् task, घोरं हि is a terrific one, विक्रमेण by power, प्रयुज्यताम् prepared for

"If there are any weak ones in the army, they may be used here for this purpose (of looking for fruits etc.). Our task (ahead) is a terrific one and be prepared to overcome your power".
सागरौघनिभं भीममग्रानीकं महाबलाः ।

कपिसिंहाः प्रकर्षस्तु शतशोऽथ सहस्रशः ।।6.4.14।।

शतशः hundred, अथ this, सहस्रशः thousands, महाबलाः very powerful, कपिसिंहाः lions among vanaras, सागरौघनिभम् like the tides of the ocean भीमम् fierce, अग्रानीकम् leading, प्रकर्षन्तु would walk in groups.

"These hundreds and thousands of lionlike vanaras would walk in groups leading the army like the fierce tides of the ocean".
गजश्च गिरिसङ्काशो गवयश्च महाबलः ।

गवाक्षश्चाग्रतो यातु गवां दृप्तइवर्षभ: ।।6.4.15।।

गिरिसङ्काशः one in the form of a mountain,गजश्च Gaja, महाबलः mighty strong, गवयश्च Gavaya, गवाक्षश्च and Gavaksha, दृप्तः proud, ऋषभः bulls,गवाम् इव like the cows,अग्रतः that go in front, यातु would go

"Gaja who is like a mountain in form, Gavaya, the mighty strong and Gavaksha would go like proud bulls that lead the cows".
यातु वानरवाहिन्या वानरः प्लवतां वरः ।

पालयन्दक्षिणं पार्श्वमृषभो वानरर्षभः ।।6.4.16।।

प्लवतां वरः foremost among the leaping animals, वानरर्षभाः bull among the vanaras, ऋषभः वानरः vanara called Rshaba, वानरवाहिन्याः army of vanaras, दक्षिणम् right, पार्श्वम् side, पालयन् take charge, यातु may be

"Let the vanara called Rshaba the foremost among the leaping vanaras, take charge of the right side of the army".
गन्धहस्तीव दुर्धर्षस्तरस्वी गन्धमादनः ।

यातु वानरवाहिन्या स्सव्यं पार्श्वमधिष्ठितः ।।6.4.17।।

गन्धहस्तीव among the elephants in rut, दुर्धर्षः unassailable one, तरस्वी powerful, गन्धमादनः Gandhamadana, वानरवाहिन्याः the vanara army, वामम् left , पार्श्वम् portion, अधिष्ठितः rule, यातु would do

"Let Gandhamadana, the unassailable and powerful vanara resembling the elephant in rut take charge of the left portion of the army".
यास्यामि बलमध्येऽहं बलौघमभिहर्षयन् ।

अधिरुह्य हनूमन्त मैरावत मिवेश्वरः ।।6.4.18।।

अहम् I, ईश्वरः lord of gods, ऐरावतमिव like the Iravatam, हनूमन्तम् Hanuman, अधिरुह्य mounting on , बलौघम् for the army , अभिहर्षयन् encouraging, बलमध्ये in the centre of the army, यास्यामि would come

"Like the lord of gods riding on Iravatam I would mount on Hanuman and reach the centre of the army encouraging the army."
अङ्गदेनैष संयातु लक्ष्मणश्चान्त कोपमः ।

सार्वभौमेन भूतेशो द्रविणाधिपतिर्यथा ।।6.4.19।।

अन्तकोपमः like Anthaka, एषः in that way लक्ष्मणश्च Lakshmana also , भूतेशः lord of beings, द्रविणाधिपतिः lord of wealth, सार्वभौमेन यथा like Saarvabhauma(the elephant of Kubera), अङ्गदेन on Angada, संयातु follow

"Let Lakshmana who is like Anthaka (one who excels death) ride on Angada, like the lord of wealth (Kubera) rides on the elephant Saarvabhauma (the elephant that guards the four quarters)".
जाम्बवांश्च सुषेणश्च वेगदर्शी च वानरः ।

ऋक्षराजो महासत्त्वः कुक्षिं रक्षन्तु ते त्रयः ।।6.4.20।।

ऋक्षराजः Rksharaja, महासत्त्वः mighty strong, जाम्बवांश्च even Jambavan, सुषेणश्च and Sushena, वेगदर्शि Vegadarsi, वानरश्च ते those vanaras, त्रयः three, कुक्षिम् rear side, रक्षन्तु protect

"Let Rksharaja the mighty strong Jambavan and Sushena even Vegadarsi protect the rear side (of the army)".
राघवस्य वचश्श्रुत्वा सुग्रीवो वाहिनीपतिः ।

व्यादिदेश महावीर्यो वानरान्वानरर्षभ ः ।।6.4.21।।

राघवस्य Raghava's, वचः words, श्रुत्वा having heard, वाहिनीपतिः lord of vanaras, वानरर्षभः bull among vanaras, महावीर्यः highly heroic, सुग्रीवः Sugriva, वानरान् to vanaras, व्यादिदेश ordered

Sugriva the bull among vanaras having heard the words of Raghava ordered the heroic vanaras (to start).
ते वानरगणास्सर्वे समुत्पत्य युयुत्सवः ।

गुहाभ्यश्शिखरेभ्यश्च अशु पुप्लुविरे तदा ।।6.4.22।।

तदा then, युयुत्सवः who were eager to combat, सर्वे all,ते of them, वानरगणाः vanara groups, समुत्पत्य jumped down, गुहाभ्यः from the caves, शिखरेभ्यश्च from mountain peaks, आशु from trees, पुप्लुविरे heroic monkeys

Then all the heroic monkeys who were eager for combat jumped down from the caves, mountain peaks and trees.
ततो वानरराजेन लक्ष्मणेन च पूजितः ।

जगाम रामोधर्मात्मा ससैन्यो दक्षिणां दिशम् ।।6.4.23 ।।

ततः thereafter, वानरराजेन by the king of vanaras, लक्ष्मणेन च by Lakshmana, पूजितः one who is worshipped, धर्मात्मा righteous, रामः Rama, ससैन्यः along with the army, दक्षिणां दिशम् south direction, जगाम went

Thereafter righteous Rama who was worshipped by the king of vanaras and Lakshmana went towards the southern direction.
शतैः शतसहस्रैश्च कोटिभिश्चायुतैरपि ।

वारणाभैश्च हरिभिर्ययौ परिवृतस्तदा ।।6.4.24।।

तदा then, वारणाभै protected by, शतैः hundreds, शतसहस्रैः hundred thousands, कोटिभिश्च even crores, अयुतैरपि a myriad, हरिभिः vanaras, परिवृतः ययौ surrounded by.

Protected by hundreds and thousands, even crores of vanaras and surrounded by a myriad of vanaras Rama went.
तं यान्तमनुयान्ती सा महती हरिवाहिनी ।

दृप्ता: प्रमुदितास्सर्वे सुग्रीवेणाभिपालिताः ।।6.4.25।।

महती great, सा that Rama, हरिवाहिनी army of vanaras, यान्तम् while walking, तम् them, अनुयान्ती followed, सुग्रीवेण by Sugriva, अभिपालिताः controlled by, सर्वे, दृप्ता: all the vanaras, प्रमुदिताः highly delighted

While Rama was walking the great army of vanaras controlled by Sugriva followed him with great delight.
आप्लवन्तः प्लवन्तश्च गर्जन्तश्च प्लवङ्गमाः ।

क्षेवळन्तो निनदन्तस्ते जग्मुर्वै दक्षिणां दिशम् ।।6.4.26।।

ते those, प्लवङ्गमाः monkeys, प्लवन्तः leaping, अप्लवन्तः running, गर्जन्तश्च roaring like lions, क्ष्वेळन्तः playing, निनदन्त:screaming, दक्षिणां दिशम् southerly direction, जग्मुः वै they went

The monkeys went towards southern direction playing, leaping, running and roaring like lions.
भक्ष्यन्त स्सुगन्धीनि मधूनि च फलानि च ।

उद्वहन्तो महावृक्षान् मञ्जरीपुञ्जधारिणः ।।6.4.27।।

सुगन्धीनि sweet smelling, मधूनि that honey, फलानि च and fruits also भक्ष्यन्तः eating, मञ्जरीपुञ्जधारिणः having bunches of blossoms, महावृक्षान् huge trees, उद्वहन्तः carrying

The monkeys went eating sweet smelling honey and fruits and carrying branches of huge trees having bunches of blossoms.
अन्योन्यं सहसा दृप्ता निर्वहान्ति क्षिपन्ति च ।

पतन्तश्पोत्पत्नत्यन्ये पातयन्त्यपरे परान् ।।6.4.28।।

दृप्ताः wild ones, अन्योन्यम् one another, निर्वहन्ति carried, सहसा some, क्षिपन्ति knocked down, अन्ये others, पतन्तः च and fell down, उत्पतन्ति lifted, अपरे another, परान् turned the back, पातयन्ति pushed down

Some wild monkeys carried one another, while some fell, knocked down others, some lifted up and some turned their back and pushed down others.
रावणो नो निहन्तव्यस्सर्वे च रजनीचराः ।

इति गर्जन्ति हरयो राघवस्य समीपतः ।।6.4.29।।

नः we, रावण Ravana, निहन्तव्यः should kill, सर्वे all, रजनीचराश्च night roamers, rakshasas, इति thus , हारयः vanaras, राघवस्य to Raghava, समीपतः close by, गर्जन्ति roaring

'We should kill all the rakshasas and Ravana', saying so the vanaras close by Rama were roaring.
पुरस्तादृषभो वीरो नील: कुमुद एव च ।

पन्थानं शोधयन्तिस्म वानरैर्बहुभि स्सह ।।6.4.30।।

ऋषभः Rshaba, नील Nila, वीरः heroic, कुमुद एव च even Kumuda, बहुभिः many, वानरैः vanaras पुरस्तात् together, पन्थानम् on the way, शोधयन्ति searching

Heroic Rshaba, Nila and even Kumuda together with many vanaras were searching on the way.
मध्ये तु राजा सुग्रीवो रामो लक्ष्मण एव च ।

बलभिर्बहुभि र्भीमैर्वृताश्शत्रुनिबर्हणाः ।।6.4.31।।

मध्ये in the middle,राजा king, सुग्रीवः Sugriva,रामः Rama, लक्ष्मण एव च and also Lakshmana, बलिभिः powerful, भीमैः fierce, बहुभिः many vanaras, वृताः surrounded by, शत्रुनिबर्हणाः those who are capable of destroying the enemy

Sugriva, Rama and Lakshmana marched in the middle surrounded by powerful and fierce vanaras who can destroy the enemy.
हरिश्शतवलिर्वीरः कोटीभिर्दशभिर्वृतः ।

सर्वामेको ह्यावष्टभ्य ररक्ष हरिवाहिनीम् ।।6.4.32।।

दशभिः a hundred, कोटीभिः crores, वृतः encircled around, वीरः heroes, शतवकलिः Sathavali, हरिः vanara, एकः alone, सर्वाम् all, हरिवाहिनीम् army of vanaras, अवष्टभ्य ररक्ष was protecting

Sathavali alone encircled by hundred crore vanara heroes was protecting the army of vanaras.
कोटीशतपरीवारः केसरी पनसो गजः ।

अर्कश्चातिबल: पार्श्वमेकं तस्याभिरक्षति ।।6.4.33।।

कोटीशतपरीवार one hundred crores, केसरी Kesari, पनसः Panasa, गजः Gaja, अतिबल: Atibala, अर्कश्च Arka and, तस्य their army, एकम् one, पार्श्वम् side, अभिरक्षिति protecting.

Kesari, Panasa, Gaja, Atibala, Arka and their army of one hundred crores were protecting the army on one side.
सुषेणो जाम्बवांश्चैव ऋक्षैर्बहुभिरावृतौ ।

सुग्रीवं पुरतः कृत्वा जघनं सम्ररक्षतुः ।।6.4.34।।

सुषेणः Sushena, जाम्बवांश्चैव and also Jambavan, बहुभिः and many, ऋक्षैः Rsha's army, आवृताः surrounding, सुग्रीवम् Sugriva, पुरतः western side, कृत्वा placing, जघनम् the army of vanaras, सम्ररक्षतुः guarding

Sushena, and Jambavan surrounded by the army of Rshaba were guarding by placing on the western side.
तेषां सेनापतिर्वीरो नीलो वानरपुङ्गवः ।

सम्पतन्पततां श्रेष्ठस्तद्बलं पर्यपालयात् ।।6.4.35।।

तेषां their,सेनापतिः chief of the army, वीरः heroic, वानरपुङ्गवः leader of the army,सम्पतन् in flying, पतन् descending, श्रेष्ठ: foremost , नीलः Nila, तत् that, बलम् army, पर्यपालयत् controlled by going round

Nila, the heroic chief of the army who was foremost in the act of flying and descending was going around and controlling.
दरीमुखः प्रजङ्घश्च रम्भोऽथ रभसः कपिः ।

सर्वतश्च ययुर्वीरास्त्वरयन्तः प्लवङ्गमान् ।।6.4.36।।

वीराः valiant, दरीमुखः Darimukha, प्रजङ्घश्च and Prajhanga, रम्भः Rambha, अथ and, कपिः vanara, रभसः Rabhasa, प्लवङ्गमान् jumping त्वरयन्तः cheering, सर्वतः all, ययुः went

Valiant Darimukha, Prajhanga, Rambha and Rabhasa went about jumping cheering all vanaras.
एवं ते हरिशार्दूला गच्छन्तो बलदर्पिताः ।

अपश्यंस्ते गिरिश्रेष्ठं सह्यं द्रुमालतायुतम् ।।6.4.37।।

सरांसि च सुपुल्लानि तटाकानि वनानि च ।।6.4.38।।

ते those, एवम् in that way, गच्छन्तः going, बलदर्पिताः who are proud of their might, ते they, हरिशार्दूलाः tigers among vanaras, द्रुमालतायुतम् with trees and creepers, गिरिश्रेष्ठम् foremost among the mountains, सह्यम् Sahya, सुपुल्लानि fully blossomed lotuses, सरांसि lakes,वनानि च and forests, तटाकानि च and ponds, अपश्यन्त went seeing

Those vanaras who were tigers among vanaras, proud of their might went to see (on their way) the Sahya Mountains, the foremost of the mountains with trees and creepers, lakes and ponds with fully blossomed lotuses.
रामस्य शासनं ज्ञात्वा भीमकोपस्य भीतवत् ।

वर्जयन्नगराभ्याशां स्तथा जनपदानपि ।।6.4.39।।

सागरौघनिभं भीमं तद्वानरबलं महत् ।

उत्ससर्प महाघोषं भीमघोषमिवार्णव: ।।6.4.40।।

सागरौघनिभम् expansive as the ocean, भीमम् dreadful, महत् great, तत् that, वानरबलम् vanara strength, भीमकोपस्य one whose wrath creates fear, रामस्य Rama's, शासनम् command, ज्ञात्वा knowing, भीतवत् on account of fear, नगराभ्याशान् parts of the city, तथा so also, जनपद villages, वर्जयत् avoiding, महाघोषम् great sound, भीमघोषम् frightening sound, आर्णवम् इव like the ocean, उत्ससर्प went on.

The dreadful vanara army expansive as the ocean went knowing about the fear of Rama's wrath. They went avoiding parts of cities and villages making frightening sounds like the great sound of the waves of the ocean.
तस्यदाशरथे: पार्श्वे शूरास्ते कपिकुङजराः ।

तोर्णमापुप्लुवु स्सर्वे सदश्वा इव चोदिताः ।।6.4.41।।

शूरा: heroes, ते they are, सर्वे all, कपिकुङजराः best of monkeys, तस्य his, दाशरथेः Dasaratha's son, पार्श्वे like horses, चोदिताः that are driven सदश्वाः इव like steeds, तूर्णम् swiftly, अपुप्लुवुः galloped

The heroic and best of the monkeys galloped swiftly on the command of Dasaratha's son like horses that are driven like the steeds.
कपिभ्यामुह्यमानौ तौ शुशुभाते नरर्षभौ ।

महाद्भ्यामिव सम्स्पृष्टौ ग्रहाभ्यां चन्द्रभास्करौ ।।6.4.42।।

कपिभ्याम् both the monkeys, उह्यमानौ तौ borne by the two, Hanuman and Angada, नरर्षभौ best among men, Rama and Lakshmana, महाद्भ्याम् planet Jupiter, ग्रहाभ्याम् planet Venus, सम्स्पृष्टौ conjoined, चन्द्रभास्करौ Sun and Moon, इव like, शुशुभाते shining

When Rama and Lakshmana, the best among men were borne by Hanuman and Angada they were shining like the planets Jupiter and Venus conjoined with Sun and Moon.
ततो वानरराजेन लक्ष्मणेन सुपूजितः ।

जगाम रामो धर्मात्मा ससैन्यो दक्षिणां दिशम् ।।6.4.43।।

ततः then, वानरराजेन by the king of vanaras, लक्ष्मणेन च and by Lakshmana, पूजितः worshipped, धर्मात्मा righteous, रामः Rama, ससैन्यः that army, दक्षिणां दिशम् southern direction, जगाम went

Then righteous Rama who is worshipped by the king of vanaras and by Lakshmana went with the army towards the southern direction.
तमङ्गदगतो रामं लक्ष्मणश्शुभया गिरा ।

उवाच परिपूर्णार्थ: स्मृतिमान् प्रतिभानवान् ।।6.4.44।।

अङ्गदगतः who was on Angada, स्मृतिमान्प्रतिभानवान् who has good memory and intuition, लक्ष्मणः Lakshmana, शुभाया auspicious, गिरा spoke, तं राम् to Rama, परिपूर्णार्थम् fully set to accomplish, उवाच spoke.

Lakshmana, who was borne by Angada, has a good memory and sense of intuition. Set to accomplish his desire fully, he spoke to Rama these auspicious words.
हृतामवाप्य वैदेहीं क्षिप्रं हत्वा च रावणम् ।

समृद्धार्थस्समृद्धार्थमयोध्यां प्रतियास्यसि ।।6.4.45।।

रावणम् that Ravana, क्षिप्रम् soon, हत्वा on killing, हृताम् recovering, वैदेहीम् Vaidehi, अवाप्य च and attaining, समृद्धार्थः as an accomplished one, समृद्दार्थाम् having accomplished the objective , अयोध्याम् to Ayodhya, प्रतियास्यति would go

Rama After killing Ravana and attaining the desired object of recovering Vaidehi you would go to Ayodhya having accomplished your objective.
महान्ति च निमित्तानि दिवि भूमौ च राघव ।

शुभानि तव पश्यामि सर्वाण्येनार्थसिद्धये ।

अनुवाति शिवो वायु स्सेवां मृदुहित स्सुखः ।।6.4.46।।

राघव Raghava, दिवि sky, भूमौ च and also land, महान्ति great, निमित्तानि good signs, तव your, अर्थसिर्थये the accomplishment of your desire, सर्वाणि all, शुभान्येन those auspicious ones, पश्यामि I am seeing, शिवः auspicious,मृदुहित favourable, सुखः agreeable, वायुः wind, सेनाम्the army, अनुवाति is going

Raghava I am seeing good signs in the sky and also on land indicating auspicious signs of the accomplishment of your desire. The wind is also favourable and agreeable to the moving army.
पूर्णवल्गुस्वराश्चेमे प्रवदन्ति मृगद्विजाः ।

प्रसन्नाश्च दिश स्सर्वा विमलश्च दिवाकरः ।।6.4.47।।

एते these, मृगद्विजाः animals, पूर्णवल्गुस्वराः filled with sweet sounds, प्रवदन्ति making sounds, सर्वाः all, दिशश्च in all directions, प्रसन्नाः are pleasant, दिवाकरश्च and Sun, विमलः shining brightly

The sounds of these animals and birds are very sweet. The directions are pleasing, and the Sun is shining brightly.
उशना च प्रसन्नार्चिरनु त्वां भार्गवो गतः ।।6.4.48।।

ब्रह्मराशिर्विशुद्धश्च शुद्दाश्च परमर्षयः ।

अर्चिष्मन्तः प्रकाशन्ते ध्रुवं सर्वे प्रदक्षिणम् ।।6.4.49।।

भार्गवः Bhargava, उशनाच Sukra, the regent of planet venus , प्रसन्नार्चिः risen, त्वाम् your, अनुगतः back, ब्रह्मराशिः the one who is the master of all knowledge, विशुद्धाः one who is pure, सर्वे all, परमर्षयः seven sages, शुद्दाः who are pure, अर्छिष्मन्तः who are flaming like fire in brilliance, ध्रुवम् to Dhruva, प्रदक्षिणम् going round, प्रकाशन्ते shining

Bhargava who is the master of all knowledge and Sukra, the regent of planet Venus shines brightly behind you. The seven sages who are pure and glowing like fire in brilliance are going round Dhruva.
त्रिशङ्कुर्विमलो भाति राजर्षिस्सपुरोहितः ।

पितामहाः पुरोऽस्माकमिक्ष्वाकूणां महात्मनाम् ।।6.4.50।।

अस्माकम् among, पितामहः grandfather, महत्मनाम् highsouled, इक्ष्वाकूणाम् of the Ikshvaku family, राजर्षिः royal sage, त्रिशङ्कुः Trisanku, विमलः clear, पुरः earlier, सपुरोहितः was the foremost priest, भाति shines

Among the great kings of the Ikshvaku dynasty, the grandfather Trisanku who is a royal sage shines clearly along with Vasishta the foremost priest.
विमले च प्रकाशेते विशाखे निरुपप्लुवे ।

नक्षत्र वरमस्माकमिक्ष्वाकूणां महात्मनाम् ।।6.4.51।।

विमले brightly, विशाखे Visakha star, निरुपप्लुवे unconnected, प्रकाशेते shines, महात्मनाम् highsouled, अस्माकम् among, इक्ष्वाकूणाम्of Ikshvakus, वरम् best, नक्षत्रम् star

The best of stars, Visakha of the highsouled Ikshvakus which is unconnected shines brightly.
नैरृतं नैरृतानां च नक्षत्रमभिपीड्यते ।

मूलो मूलवता स्पृष्टो धूप्यते धूमकेतुना ।।6.4.52।।

नैरृतानाम् called Niruta, नक्षत्रम् star, नैरृतम् in the Southwest, अभिपीड्यते is highly tormented, मूलवता by Mula star, धूमकेतुना by Dhoomaketu, स्पृष्टः touched, मूलः Mula, धूप्यते oppressed

The star called Niruta (of rakshasas) in the southwest is highly tormented by the touch of the Mula star (close to it) and is oppressed.
सर्वं चैतद्विनाशाय राक्षसानामुप स्थितम् ।

काले कालगृहीतानां नक्षत्र ग्रहपीडितम् ।।6.4.53।।

एतत् all this, सर्वम् everything, राक्षसानाम् of rakshasas,विनाशाय for destruction, उपस्थितम् have sprung up, कालगृहीतानाम् caught up death, नक्षत्रम् these stars, काले death, ग्रहपीडितम् are oppressed by the stars

Everything has sprung up for the destruction of rakshasas. Those that are caught up by death will be oppressed at the time of death.
प्रसन्ना स्सुरसाश्चापो वनानि फलवन्ति च ।

प्रवान्त्यभ्य नाधिकं गन्धान्यथर्तुकुसुमा द्रुमाः ।।6.4.54।।

आपः water, प्रसन्नाः pure, सुरसाश्चof good taste , वनानि forests, फलवन्ति च filled with fruits, गन्धाः fragrance, अभ्यधिकम् excessively, न प्रवान्ति not blowing violently, द्रुमाः trees, न्यथर्तुकुसुमाः in bloom exceeding the season

The water is pure and of good taste. The forests are filled with fruits. The wind with fragrance is not blowing excessively or violently. The trees are in bloom beyond season.
व्यूढानि कपिसैन्यानि प्रकाशन्तेऽधिकं प्रभो ।।6.4.55।।

देवानामिव सैन्यानि सङ्ग्रामे तारकामये। एवमार्य ।

समीक्ष्यैतान्प्रीतो भवितुमर्हसि ।।6.4.56।।

प्रभो O King, व्यूढानि placed in order, कपिसैन्यानि the army of vanaras, ताराकामये in Taraka's, सङ्ग्रामे in the battle, देवानाम् of devatas, सैन्यानीव like the army, अधिकम् very much, प्रकाशन्ते shining, आर्य O king, एवम् in that way, एतान् these, समीक्ष्य reviewing, प्रीतः pleased, भवितुम् you be, अर्हसि ought to

O King This army of vanaras placed in order is like the forces of gods in their battle with Taraka (a rakshasa who was killed in a battle by Karthikeya) and shines very much. O king, reviewing these (arrangements of army) you ought to be pleased (said Lakshmana to Rama).
इति भ्रातरमाश्वास्य हृष्ट स्सौमित्रिरब्रवीत् ।

अथावृत्य महीं कृत्स्नां जगाम महती चमू: ।।6.4.57।।

ऋक्षवानरशर्दूलैर्न खदंष्ट्रायुधैर्वुता ।

र्वुता: surrounded, हृष्टः happy, सौमित्रि Saumithri, भ्रातरम् at brother, आश्वास्य reassured, इति thus, अब्रवीत् spoke, अध now, हरिवाहिनी vanara forces , नखदंष्ट्रायुधै who use their nails and teeth as weapons, ऋक्षवानरशार्दूलैः tigerlike bears, कृत्स्नाम् all over the land, महीम् expansive, आवृत्य spread, जगाम are proceeding.

Saumithri reassured his brother who was surrounded by the vanara force saying that those vanaras who use their nails and teeth as weapons and tigerlike bears spread all over the expansive land are proceeding.
काराग्रैश्चरणाग्रैश्च वानरै रुत्थितं रजः ।

भीममन्तर्दधे लोकं निवार्य सवितुः प्रभाम् ।।6.4.58।।

पर्वतवनाकाशां दक्षिणां हरिवाहिनी ।

छादयन्ती ययौ भीमा द्यामिवाम्बुदसन्ततिः ।।6.4.59।।

वानरैः vanaras, कराग्रैः with their hands, चरणाग्रैश्च and with their feet, उद्दतम् risen up, भीमम् terrible, रजः dust, सवितुः Sun's, प्रभाम् radiance, निवार्य keeping off, सपर्वतवनाकाशाम् with mountains and forests, लोकम् all over the world, अन्तर्दधे concealing, भीम हरिवाहिनी fierce flow of vanara troops, अम्बुदसन्ततीः as if spread upto sky, ज्यामिव like the cord of a bow, दक्षिणाम् southern, छादयन्ती, ययौ alas

The terrible dust risen up by the (stamping) legs and hands of the vanara troops spread all over is keeping off Sun's radiance as if creating fear.Alas, the frightening army of vanaras went spreading all over the mountains and forests like the spread of clouds over the sky.
उत्तरन्त्यां च सेनायां स्सततं बहुयोजनम् ।

नदीस्रोतांसि सर्वाणि सस्यन्दुर्विपरीतवत् ।।6.4.60।।

सततम् continuously, सेनायाम् all the army, उत्तरन्त्यम् latter, नदीस्रोतां सि the flow of water in the river, च बहुयोजनम् and several miles, विपरीतवत् as if excessive flood like, सस्यन्दुः flowed

When the army was continuously crossing the river, later (after they crossed) the water flowed excessively like flood.
सरांसि विमलाम्भांसि द्रुमाकीर्णांश्च पर्वता ।

समान् भूमिप्रदेशांश्च वनानि फलवन्ति च ।

मध्येन च समन्ताच्च तिर्यक्चाथश्च समाऽविशत् ।।6.4.61।।

विमलाम्बांसि pellucid water, सरांसि of the lakes, द्रुमाकीर्णान् of many trees, पर्वताम् mountains, समान् plain, भूमि land, प्रदेशांश्च and in locations, फलवन्ति filled with fruits, वनानि च and forests, सा that, मध्येन in the centre, समान्ता त् plain land, तिर्यक् obliquely, अथश्च underneath, स अविशत् plucking and eating

The vanaras went through the pellucid waters of the centre of the lakes. They went obliquely at the mountains, walked on plain lands and underneath trees filled with fruits, plucking them and eating.
समावृत्य महीं कृत्स्नां जगाम महती चमूः ।

तेहृष्टवदना स्सर्वे जग्मुर्मारुतरंहसः ।।6.4.62।।

महती great, चमूः army, कृत्स्नाम् all over the land, महीम् land, समावृत्य spreading, जगाम went, मारुतरंहसः with the swiftness of wind, ते सर्वे all of them, हृष्टवदनाः with cheerful face, जग्मु went

The great vanara army spread all over the land went with the swiftness of wind with cheerful faces.
हरयो राघवस्यार्थे समारोपितविक्रमाः ।।6.4.63।।

हर्षंवीर्य बलोद्रेकान्दर्शयन्तः परस्परम् ।

यौवनोत्सेकजान्दर्पाद्विविधांश्चक्रुरध्वनि ।।6.4.64।।

राघवस्वार्थे for the purpose of Rama,समारोपितविक्रमाः showing their valour to each other, हरयः happiness,बलोद्रेकात् their prowess charged with emotion, हर्षम् joy, वीर्यम् spirit, परस्परम् one to the other, दर्शयन्तः exhibiting, अध्वनि on the way, यौवनोत्सेकजावत् natural youthful enthusiasm, दर्पात् arrogance, विविधान् several( gestures), चक्रुः went

For the purpose of Rama, the vanaras went showing their valour, happiness and prowess charged with emotion towards one another on the way. They showed their joy and spirit to one another exhibiting their natural youthful enthusiasm, arrogance and several other gestures.
तत्र केचिद्द्रुतं जग्मुरुत्पेतुश्च तथापरे ।

केचित्किलकिलां चक्रुर्वानरा वनगोचराः ।।6.4.65।।

तत्र being so, वनगोचराः inhabitants of forests, vanaras, केचित् some, वानराः vanaras, द्रुतम् swiftly , जग्मु went, तथा so also, अपरे others, उत्पेतुश्च jumped, केचित् some, किलकिलाम् made sounds like 'kila kila', चक्रुः went

Being vanaras some went swiftly, some jumped, and some others made sound 'kila kila'(the usual sounds of monkeys) while they went.
प्रास्पोटयंश्च पुच्छानि सन्निजग्मु: पदान्यपि ।

भुजावनिक्षिप्य शैलांश्च द्रुमानन्ये बभञ्जिरे ।।6.4.66।।

पुच्छानि tails, प्रास्पोटयन् hit the ground, पदानि feet, सन्निजग्मु: stamped on the ground, अपि and, अन्ये others, भुजान् arms, विक्षिप्य crushed, शैलांश्च mountains, द्रुमान् trees, बभञ्जिरे broken

Some hit their tails on the ground, some stamped their feet on the ground, some crushed the mountains with their arms and some broke the trees.
आरोहन्तश्च शृङ्गाणि गिरीणां गिरिगोचराः ।

महानादान्प्रमुञ्चन्ति क्ष्वेळ्वामन्ये प्रचक्रिरे ।।6.4.67।।

गिरिगोचराः inhabitants of mountains, गिरीणाम् of the mountains, शृङ्गाणि on the peaks, आरोहन्तश्च climbing on top, महा नादान् loud noise, प्रमुञ्चन्ति snapping ,अन्ये others, क्ष्वेळ्वाम् roared like lion, प्रचक्रिरे went round and round

Vanaras, being the inhabitants of mountains, climbed on peaks of mountains and made loud noises like snapping and roaring like lions. Some went round and round.
ऊरुवेगैश्च ममृदुर्लताजालान्यनेकशः ।

जृम्भमाणाश्च विक्रान्ता विचिक्रीडुश्शिलाद्रुमै ः ।।6.4.68।।

ऊरुवेगैः with the speed of their thighs,अनेकशः several, लताजालानि meshes of creepers, ममृदुः broken, जृम्बमाणा while yawning , विक्रान्ता courageous, शिलाद्रुमैः stones and trees, विचिक्रीडुः whirled round and played

With the speed of their shaking thighs, the vanaras broke several meshes of creepers. While yawning also some showed their courage by whirling round and throwing stones and trees.
शतश्शतसहस्रैश्च कोटिभिश्च सहस्रशः ।

वानराणां सुघोराणां श्रीमत्परिवृता मही ।।6.4.69।।

शतः one hundred, मही land, सुघोराणाम् formidable, वानराणाम् vanaras, शतसहस्रैश्च hundred thousands, सहास्रशः lakhs, कोटिभिः and crores, श्रीमत् splendid, परिवृता spread around

Formidable vanaras in hundreds, thousands, lakhs and crores spread in a splendid manner around the land.
सा स्म याति दिवारात्रं महती हरिवाहिनी ।

प्रहृष्टमुदितास्सेना सुग्रीवेणाभिपालिताः ।।6.4.70।।

वानरास्त्वरितं यान्ति सर्वे युद्धाभिनन्दिनः ।

प्रमोक्षयिषव स्सीतां मुहूर्तं क्वापि नावसन् ।।6.4.71।।

महती mighty, सा हरिवाहिनी that vanara force, दिवारात्रम् day and night, यती स्म somehow we, सुग्रीवेण by Sugriva, अभिपालिताः protected by, सर्वे all sides, वानराः vanaras, प्रहृष्टमुदिताः delighted at heart, सर्वे युद्धाभिनन्दिनः happy about war , त्वरिताः speedily, यान्ति सीताम् somehow that Sita, प्रमोक्षयिष्वः to liberate, क्वापि nowhere, मुहूर्तम् a short while, वासन् not stood

The mighty vanara force protected by Sugriva from all sides cheerful at heart, walked day and night speedily. Being eager to somehow liberate Sita they were happy about war and stood nowhere for a while.
ततः पादपसम्भाधं नानामृगसमायुताम ।

सह्यपर्वतमासेदुर्मलयञ्च महीधरम् ।।6.4.72।।

ततः thereafter, ते महीधरम् that land, पादपसम्बाधम् dense with trees, नानामृगसमावृतम् inhabited by different kinds of animals, मलयञ्च Malaya and, सह्यपर्वतम् Sahaya mountain, सेदु:boundary , आसाद्य having reached, समायुताम् assembled

Thereafter having reached the dense forest filled with trees surrounded by the Malaya and Sahaya Mountain inhabited by different kinds of animals, the vanaras assembled.
काननानि विचित्राणि नदी: प्रस्रवणानि च ।

पश्यन्ननि ययौ रामस्सह्यस्य मलयस्य च ।।6.4.73।।

रामः नि Rama also,सह्यस्य Sahaya's,च and, विचित्राणि wonderful, काननानि woods, नदीप्रस्रवणानि च streams of rivers, पश्यन् to see, ययौ went

Rama too went to see the wonderful woods and streams of rivers of Sahaya mountain.
वकुळान्स्तिलकांश्चूतानसोकान् सिन्धुवारकान् ।

करवीरांश्च तिनिशान् भजन्ति स्म प्लवङ्गगमाः ।।6.4.74।।

प्लवङ्गमाः leaping animals(vanaras), वकुळान् Vakula trees, तिलकान् Tilaka , चूतान् असोकान् Mango and Asoka, सिन्धुवारकान् Sinduvara , तिनिशान् Tinisa, करवीरांश्च Karaveera and, भजन्ति स्म adoring them

The vanaras went adoring the Vakula, Tilaka, Mango, Asoka, Tinisa, Sinduvara and Karaveera trees.
अङ्कोलांश्च करञ्चांश्च प्लक्षन्यग्रोधतिन्दुकान् ।

जम्बुकामलकान्नापान्भजन्ति स्म प्लवङ्गमाः ।।6.4.75।।

प्लवङ्गमाः vanaras, अङ्कोलान् Ankola, करञ्चांश्च Karanja and , प्लक्षन्यग्रोधपादपान् Plaksa and Nyagrodha, जम्बुकामलकान् Jambu and Amla, नीपान् Neepa, भजन्ति स्म adoring them

Vanaras went adoring the Ankola, Karanja, Plaksa, Nyagrodha, Jambu,Amla and neepa trees.
प्रस्तरेषु च रम्येषु विविधाः काननद्रुमाः ।

वायुवेगप्रचलिताः पुष्पैरवकिरन्ति तान् ।।6.4.76।।

रम्येषु beautiful, प्रस्तरेषु on rocks, विविधाः many kinds, काननद्रुमाः forest trees, वायुवेगप्रचलिताः shaken by the fury of winds, तान् their, पुष्पैः flowers, अवकिरन्ति showered

Many kinds of trees standing on beautiful rocks and of the forest shaken by the fury of the wind showered their flowers on the vanaras.
मारुतस्सुखसंस्पर्शो वाति चन्दनशीतलः ।

षटपदैरनुकूजद्भिर्वनेषु मधुगन्धिषु ।।6.4.77।।

मधुगन्धिषु spreading sweet fragrance of honey,वनेषु of the forest, अनुकूजद्भि: humming in delight,षटपदैः bees, सुख संस्पर्शः by their cool touch,चन्दनशीतलः like the coolness of sandal, मारुतः breeze, वाति blowed

As the bees humming in delight were spreading the sweet fragrance of honey accompanied the breeze that blew, it was cool like the cool touch of sandal (to the vanaras).
अधिकं शैलराजस्तु धातुभिस्सुविभूषितः ।

धातुभ्यःप्रसृतो रेणुर्वायुवेग विघट्टितः ।

सुमहद्वानरानीकं छादयामास सर्वतः ।।6.4.78।।

शैलराजस्तु lord of mountains, धातु: minerals, अधिकम् richly, सुविभूषितः shone brightly, वायुवेग speed of the wind, विघट्टितः by the stamping(crushing), रेणुः particles, धातुभ्य: of minerals, प्रसृतः raised, सुमहत् huge, वानरानीकम् vanara troops, सर्वतः all over, छादयामास covered

That lord of mountains richly adorned with minerals shone very brightly. The mineral particles raised by the stamping of the vanara troops covered the huge vanaras all over.
गिरिप्रस्थेषु रम्येषु सर्वत सम्प्र पुष्पिताः ।

केतकस्सिन्दुवाराश्च वासन्त्यश्च मनोरमाः ।।6.4.79।।

माधव्यो गन्धपूर्णाश्च कुन्दगुल्माश्च पुष्पिताः ।

चिरिबिल्वा मधूकाश्च वञ्जुला प्रियकास्तथा ।।6.4.80।।

सुफूर्जकास्तिलकाश्चैव नागवृक्षाश्च पुष्पिताः ।

चूताः पाटलयकाश्चैव कोविदाराश्च पुष्पिताः ।।6.4.81।।

मुचुलिन्दार्जुनाश्चैव शिंशुपाः कुटजास्तथा ।

धवा श्शाल्मलयश्चैव रक्ता: कुरवकास्तथा ।।6.4.82।।

हिन्तालास्तिनिशाश्चैव चूर्णका नीपकास्तथा ।

नीलाशोकाश्च वरणा अङ्कोलाः पद्मकास्तथा ।।6.4.83।।

प्लवमानै: प्लवंगैस्तु सर्वे पर्याकुलीकृतां ।।6.4.84।।

रम्येषु beautiful, गिरिप्रस्तेषु in the mountain ranges, सर्वतः all over, सम्प्रपुष्पिताः well blossomed, केतन्यः Kethaka, सिन्धुवाराश्च Sinduvaara,मनोरमाः Manorama, वासन्त्यः Vaasantha(mango),माधव्य: Madhavi( a kind of jasmine),पुष्पिताः blossoms,गन्धपूर्णाः filled with fragrance,कुन्दगुल्माश्च Kunda and Gulma( fragrant creepers),चिरिबिल्वाः Chiribilva( a kind of wild tree), मधुकाश्च Madhuka( a kind of tree whose flowers are used for making liquor) also, वञ्जुलाः Vajula(cane), तथा so also, वकुलाः Vakula, रञ्जकाः Ranjaka( red sandal ), तिलकाश्चैव and Tilaka( a kind of tree with beautiful flowers), कुरवका: Kuruvaka, नागवृक्षाश्च Naga trees, चूताः Chuta, पाटलिकाश्चैव Patalaya, रक्ता: of red flowers, मुचुलिन्दार्जुनाश्चैव Muchulinda and Arjuna( a tree with white flowers), शिंशुपाः Simsupa, तथा in the same way, कुटजाः Kutaja?B, धवाः Dhava, शाल्मलश्चैव Salmala, तथा so also, रक्त कुरनाः red Kurana, हिंतालाः Hinthala, तिनिशाश्चैव Tinisa, चूर्णकाः Churnaka, तथा similarly, नीपकाः Neepa, नीलाशोकाः dark flowered Asoka,सरलाः Sarala( a kind of pine), आङ्कोलाः Ankola, पद्मकाः Padamaka, सर्वे all, प्लवमानै: vanaras, प्लवङ्गैः for shaking and jumping about, पर्याकुलीकृताः were convenient

In the mountain ranges were well blossomed trees such as Kethaka, Sinduvaara and Mango trees Manorama, Madhavi, Kunda, Gulma creepers filled with blossoms of fragrance Chiribilva, Madhuka like wild trees,Vajula,Vakula ,Ranjaka, Tilaka,Kuruvaka, Naga trees Patalaya trees trees with red flowers Arjuna, Simsupa trees with white flowers Kutaja, Dhava and Salmala, Red Kurana, Hinthala,Tinisa,and Churanaka trees, so also dark flowered Asoka trees, Pine trees, Ankola and Padmaka trees were convenient for the monkeys to shake and jump.
वाप्यस्तस्मिन् गिरौ शिता: पल्वलानि तथैव च ।

चक्रवाकानुचरिताः कारण्डवनिषेविताः ।।6.4.85।।

प्लवैः क्रौञ्चेश्च सङ्कीर्णा वराहमृग सेविताः ।

ऋक्षैस्तरक्षुभिस्सिम्हैश्शार्दूलैश्च भयावहैः ।।6.4.86।।

व्यालैश्च बहुभिर्भीमै स्सेव्यमाना स्समन्ततः ।

पद्मैस्सौगन्दिकैः पुल्लैः कुमुदैश्चोत्पलैस्तथा ।।6.4.87।।

वारिजैर्विविधैः पुष्पै रम्यास्तत्र जलाशयाः ।

तस्मिन् in those, गिरौ mountains, शीता: cool, वाप्यः reservoirs, तथैव च in the same way, पल्वलानि च and ponds, तत्र there, चक्रवाकानुचरिताः inhabited by Chakravaka birds, कारण्डवनिषेविताः frequented by ravens, प्लवैः birds, क्रौञ्चेश्च and Krauncha birds, सङ्कीर्णाः flocks of birds dwelling, वराहमृगसेविताः occupied by boars etc, ऋक्षैः bears, तरक्षुभिः hyenas, सिंहैः lions, भयावहैः frightening, शार्दूलैश्च tigers too, भीमैः terrific, बहुभिः of many kinds, व्यालैः wild elephants, समन्ततः all over, सेव्यमानाः frequented, पद्मैः woodlands, पुल्लैः flowers in full bloom, सौगन्दिकैः fragrant ones, कुमुदैः lotuses, तथा like that, उत्पलैः blue lotus, वारिजैः red lotus, विविधैः many kinds, पुष्पैः blossoms, रम्या delightful, जलाशयाः lakes

In the mountains were reservoirs of water and ponds with cool water inhabited by flocks of Chakravaka birds, water birds like ravens and Krauncha birds. The woodlands were terrific, frequented by boars, bears, hyenas, lions and frightening tigers and many kinds of wild elephants. With flowers in full bloom, the white, blue and red lotuses in the lakes were delightful.
तस्य सानुषु कूजन्ति नानाद्विजगणास्तथा ।।6.4.88।।

स्नात्वा पीत्वोदकान्यत्र जले क्रीडन्ति वानराः ।

अन्योन्यं प्लावयन्ति स्म शैलमारुह्य वानराः ।।6.4.89।।

तथा that way, तस्य its, सानुषु in the mountain ranges, नानाद्विजगणाः different kinds of flocks of birds, कूजन्ति singing , वानराः vanaras, जले in water, स्नात्वा after taking a bath, उदकानि the water, पीत्वा drinking, क्रीडन्ति sporting, शैलम् mountain, अरुह्य climbing up, अन्योन्यम् one over the other, प्लावयन्ति स्म jumping

At that time different kinds of flocks of birds were singing in the mountain ranges. The vanaras after having taken their bath were drinking and sporting with water with each other (pouring water over another) climbing up the mountain.
फलान्य मृतगन्धीनि मूलानि कुसुमानि च ।

बभञ्जुर्वास्तत्र पादपानं मदोत्कटाः ।।6.4.90।।

तत्र then, मदोत्कटाः one deluded with pride, वानराः vanaras, पादपानाम् climbing trees, अमृतगन्धीनि of nectar like aroma, फलानि fruits, मूलानि roots, कुसुमानि च and flowers, बभञ्जुः ate

Then the vanaras who were deluded with pride climbed the trees and ate the fruits with nectar like aroma, roots and flowers.
द्रोणमात्रप्रमाणानि लम्बमानानि वानराः ।

ययुः पिबन्त हृष्टास्ते मधूनि मधुपिङ्गलाः ।।6.4.91।।

मधुपिङ्गलाः tawnyeyed, ते वानराः those vanras, लम्बमानानि hanging, द्रोणमात्रप्रमाणानि honey coombs of ten litres size, मधूनि the honey of, पिबन्तः drinking, हृष्टा: joyfully, ययुः went

The tawnyeyed monkeys went joyfully drinking the honey from the large honeycombs hanging there.
पादपानवभञ्जन्तो विकर्षन्त स्तथा लताः ।

विधमन्तो गिरिवरान्प्रययुः प्लवगर्षभाः ।।6.4.92।।

प्ल वगर्षभाः the best among the leaping ones, पादपान् trees, अवभञ्जन्तः smashing, तथा that way, लताः creepers, विकर्षन्तः pulling out, गिरिवरान् best of mountains, विधिमन्तः purposefully destroying, प्रययुः went

The vanaras (who are best among leaping animals) went smashing the trees, pulling out the creepers and purposefully destroying the mountains (on their way).
वृक्षेभ्योऽन्ये तु कपयो नदन्तो मधुदर्पिताः ।

अन्ये वृक्षान्प्रपद्यन्ते प्रपिबन्त्यपि चापरे ।।6.4.93।।

अन्ये others, कपयः monkeys, मधुदर्पिताः intoxicated by drinking excessive honey, वृक्षेभ्यः where the trees, नदन्तः walking, अन्ये others, वृक्षान् the trees, प्रपद्यन्ते climbed, अपरे top, प्रपिबन्ति jumped

While some monkeys that were intoxicated by drinking excessive honey walked where there were no trees, others climbed the tree tops and jumped.
बभूव वसुधा तैस्तु सम्पूर्णा हरियूथपै: ।

यथा कलमकेदारैः पक्वैरिव वसुन्दरा ।।6.4.94।।

तैः those, हरियूथपै: vanara heroes, सम्पूर्ण filled completely, वसुन्धरा the land, पक्वैः fully ripe, कलमकेदारै like paddy field, वसुन्धरा यथेव the land seemed, बभूव was seen

That land filled completely with the vanara heroes seemed like a fully ripe paddy field.
महेन्द्रमथ सम्प्राप्य रामो राजीवलोचनः ।

अध्यारोहन्महाबाहुश्शिखरं द्रुमभूषितम् ।।6.4.95।।

अथ and then, राजीवलोचनः lotuseyed , महाबाहुः of mighty shoulders, रामः Rama, महेन्द्रम् Mahendra mountain, सम्प्राप्य arriving at, द्रुमभूषितम् adorned with beautiful trees, शिखरम् top, अध्यारोह climbed up

At that time Lotuseyed Rama of mighty shoulders climbed up the the top of mountain Mahendra adorned with beautiful trees.
ततश्शिखरमारुह्य रामो दशरथात्मजः ।

कूर्ममीनसमाकीर्णमपश्यत्सलिलाकुलम् ।।6.4.96।।

ततः then, दशरथात्मजः Dasaratha's son, रामः Rama, शिखरम् top , आरुह्या on climbing, कूर्मामीनसमाकीर्णम् inhabited by tortoises and fish, सलिलाकुलम् ocean, अपश्यत् observed

Then Rama the son of Dasaratha on climbing to the top (of Mahendra mountain) observed the ocean inhabited by tortoises and fish.
ते सह्यं समतिक्रम्य मलयं च महागिरिम् ।

आसेदुरानुपूर्व्येण समुद्रं भमनिस्स्वनम् ।।6.4.97।।

ते they, सह्याम् Sahya mountain, महागिरिम् great mountain, मलयं च and Malaya mountain, समतिक्रम्य likewise, आनुपूर्व्येण crossing one after the other, भीमनिस्वनम् of frightening size, समुद्रम् ocean, आसेदुः reached

The vanaras crossing over the great Sahya and Malaya mountains one after another reached near the frightening ocean.
अवरुह्य जगामाशु वेलावनमनुत्तमम् ।

रामो रमयतां श्रेष्ट स्ससुग्रीव स्सलक्ष्मणः ।।6.4.98।।

ससुग्रीव along with Sugriva, सलक्ष्मणः with Lakshmana, रमयताम् among those who cause delight, श्रेष्टः best, रामः Rama, अवरुह्य got down, आशु soon, अनुत्तमम् best, वेलावनम् wood on the sea coast, जगाम went

Rama, who causes delight to others, got down (the mountain) along with Lakshmana and Sugriva and soon reached the wood on the sea coast.
अथ धौतोपलतलां तोयौघै स्सहसोत्थितैः ।

वेलामासाद्य विपुलान्रामो वचनमब्रवीत् ।।6.4.99।।

अथ and from there, रामः Rama, सहसा atonce, उत्थितैः sprung up, तोयौघैः by waves, धौतो पलतलाम् polished surface of the earth, विपुलाम् extensive, वेलाम् soon, आसाद्य reaching, वचनम् these words, अब्रवीत् spoke

Atonce Rama sprung from there (top of mountain) on to an extensive surface of the earth polished by the waves of the ocean spoke these words on reaching there.
एते वयमनुप्राप्ता स्सुग्रीव वरुणालयम् ।

इहेदानीं विचिन्ता साया नः पूर्वसमुत्थिता ।।6.4.100।।

सुग्रीव Sugriva, एते वयम् that which we, वरुणालयम् abode of Varuna, sea, समनुप्राप्ताः have reached, या that which, पूर्वम् earlier, सा that, विचिन्ता idea, इह here, इदानीम् now, नः we, समुत्थिता have to think of

Sugriva We have reached the ocean and now we have to think of that idea now, which we thought of earlier.
अतः परमतीरोऽयं सागर स्सरितां पतिः ।

न चायमनुपायेन शक्यस्तरितुमर्णवः ।।6.4.101।।

सरितां पतिः lord of the rivers,ocean, आयुं सागरः all ocean , अतः परम् and the shore, अतीरः beyond this, आयम् we, अर्णवः ocean, अनुपायेन without any mode, तरितुम् to cross, न शक्यः not possible.

There is only the ocean, the lord of rivers, and the shore is beyond this. We cannot cross the ocean without any mode.
तदिहैव निवेशोऽस्तु मन्त्रः प्रस्तूयतामिह ।

यथेदं वानरबलं परं पारमवाप्नुयात् ।।6.4.102।।

तत् there, इहैव here itself,निवेशः land, अस्तु will have to, इदम् this, वानरबलम् army of vanaras, यथा that way, पारम् other shore, अवाप्नुयात् getting there, मन्त्रः deliberation, इह प्रस्तूयताम् camp here

We will have to leave the army of vanaras here itself. We have to deliberate how to get the vanaras to the other shore.
इतीव स महाबाहुस्सीताहरणकर्शितः ।

रामस्सागरमासाद्य वासमाज्ञापयत्तदा ।।6.4.103।।

महाबाहुः mightyarmed, सीताहरणकर्शितः tormented by abduction of Sita, सः रामः that Rama, तदा this way, सागरम् at ocean, आसाद्य seeing, इतीव in this way, वासम् quartering of, आज्ञापयत् ordered

On seeing the ocean, the mightyarmed Rama, tormented by the abduction of Sita in that way, ordered about the quartering of the vanaras.
सर्वा स्सेना निवेश्यन्तां वेलायां हरिपुङ्गव ।

सम्प्राप्तो मन्त्रकालो नस्सागरस्येह लङ्घने ।।6.4.104।।

हरिपुङ्गवः O Best among monkeys, सर्वाः for all, सेनाः the army, वेलायाम् at the sea coast, निवेश्यन्ताम् for arranging to reside, इह now, सागरस्य ocean's, लङ्घने to cross, नः for us, मन्त्रकालः time for deliberation, सम्प्राप्तः has set in

"O Best of monkeys Now make preparation for all the army to reside at the sea coast. The time to deliberate about crossing the ocean has set in."
स्वां स्वां सेनां समुत्सृज्य मा च कश्चित्कुतो व्रजेत् ।

गच्छन्तु वानराश्शूराज्ञेयं छन्नं भयं च नः ।।6.4.105।।

कश्चित् none, स्वां स्वाम् their respective, सेनाम् army, समुत्सृज्य leaving, कुतः what so ever, मा व्रजेत् not to go, नः us, छन्नम् a parasol,भयम् dangerous, ज्ञेयं च should be known, शूराः warriors, वानराः vanaras, गच्छन्तु should keep guarding

"None of the army should go wherever leaving the parasol. The vanara warriors should keep guarding and you may know that it is dangerous".
रामस्य वचनं श्रुत्वा सुग्रीव स्सहलक्ष्मणः ।

सेनां निवेशयततीरे सागरस्य द्रुमायुते ।।6.4.106।।

सहलक्ष्मणः with Lakshmana, सुग्रीवः Sugriva, रामस्य Rama's, वचनम् words, श्रुत्वा having heard,सागरस्य of the ocean, द्रुमायुते filled with trees, तीरे shore, सेनाम् the army, निवेशयत् to reside

Having heard Rama's words, Sugriva and Lakshmana made the army to reside on the sea shore filled with trees.
विरराज समीपस्थं सागरस्य तु तद्बलम् ।

मधुपाण्डुजल श्रशीमान् द्वितीय इव सागरः ।।6.4.107।।

सागरस्य of the sea, समीपस्थम् proximity, तत् that, बलम् vast army, मधुपाण्डुजलः like tawny coloured water, श्रीमान् prosperous, द्वितीयः second, सागरः इव like sea, विरराज shone

That vast (sea of) army of monkeys in tawny colour (settled) at the proximity of the sea (that was white) seemed like a prosperous second sea in bright colour.
वेलावनमुपागम्य ततस्ते हरिपुङ्गवाः ।

निविष्टाश्च परं पारं काङ्क्षमाणा महोदधेः ।।6.4.108।।

ततः then, ते they, हरिपुङ्गवाः best of monkeys, वेलावनम्forest close to the sea , उपागम्य having arrived, महोदधेः mighty ocean , परं पारम् the other side , काङ्क्षमाणाः desiring to reach, निविष्टाश्च stood here and there

Then the heroic monkeys having arrived at the forest close to the ocean stood there desiring to reach the other shore.
तेषां निविशमानानां सैन्यसन्नाहनिस्स्वनः ।

अन्तर्धाय महानादमर्णवस्य प्रशुश्रुवे ।।6.4.109।।

तेषाम् by their, निविशमानानाम् quartering there, सैन्यसन्नाहनिस्स्वनः by the assembly of the army, अर्णवस्य of the ocean, महानादम् great noise, अन्तर्धाय drowning, प्रशुश्रुवे that which was produced

The noise of the ocean was drowned by the great sound produced by the assembly of the army quartered there.
सा वानराणां ध्वजिनी सुग्रीवेणाभिपालिता ।

त्रिधा निविष्टा महती रामस्यार्थपराऽभवत् ।।6.4.110।।

त्रिथा the three( army groups), निविष्टा encamped, सुग्रीवेण by Sugriva, अभिपालिता protected by, सा that, वानराणाम् army of vanaras, ध्वजिनी enthusiastic, रामस्य of Rama, अर्थपरा purpose, अभवत् appeared

The three army groups of vanaras protected by Sugriva encamped for the purpose of Rama appeared enthusiastic.
सा महार्णवमासाद्य हृष्टा वानरवाहिनी ।

वायुवेगसमाधूतं पश्यमाना महार्णवम् ।।6.4.111।।

सा those, हरिवाहिनी mass of vanaras, महार्णवम् great ocean, आसाद्य having arrived at, वायवेगसमाधूतम् the ocean lashed by the fury of the wind, महार्णवम् great ocean, पश्यमाना seeing, हृष्टा felt rejoiced.

Having arrived at the great ocean and seeing the ocean lashed by the fury of the wind the vanaras felt rejoiced.
दूरपारमसम्बाधं रक्षोगणनिषेवितम् ।

पश्यन्तो वरुणावासं निषेदुर्हरियूथपाः ।।6.4.112।।

दूरपारम् shores far away, असम्बाधम् not connected, रक्षोगणनिषेवितम् protected by rakshasa army, वरुणावासम् abode of rain god, पश्यन्तः on seeing,हरियूथपाः vanara army, निषेदुः not obstructed (expansive)

On seeing the expansive ocean, the vanara army thought 'how to cross the abode of rain god whose shores are far away and not connected and is protected by rakshasas'?
चण्डनक्रग्राहं घोरं क्षपादौ दिवसक्ष्ये ।

हसन्तमिव फेनौघैर्नृत्यन्तमिव चोर्मिभिः ।।6.4.113।।

चण्डनक्रग्रहम् crocodiles which can catch any animal, घोरम् terrific, दिवसक्ष्ये during at the end of the day, क्षपादौ when night sets in , फेनौघैः foamy waters, हसन्तमिव as if laughing, ऊर्मिभिः waves, नृत्यन्तमिव as if dancing

As the day was ending and night was setting in, the ocean filled with crocodiles which could catch any animal looked terrific and its waves seemed as if it were laughing and dancing.
चन्द्रोदये समुद्भूतं प्रतिचन्द्रसमाकुलम् ।

चण्डानिलमहाग्राहैः कीर्णं तिमितिमिङ्गिलैः ।।6.4.114।।

चन्द्रोदये at the time of moon rise, समुद्भूतम् lofty rising, प्रति चन्द्रसमाकुलम् with reflections of several images of moon, चण्डानिलमहाग्राहैः huge dark swift crocodiles, तिमितिमिङ्गिलैः huge fish called Timingalam which swallows small fish(Timi), कीर्णम् scattering

At the time of the moon rise, the lofty ocean inhabited by dark swift crocodiles, huge Timingala fish scattered in it was rising up with several images of moon reflected in its water.
दीप्तभोगैरिवाकीर्णं भुजङ्गैर्वरुणालयम् ।

अवगाढं महासत्त्वैर्नानाशैलसमाकुलम् ।

सुदुर्गं दुर्गमार्गं तमगाध मसुरालयम् ।।6.4.115।।

दीप्तभोगैरिव adored with the glowing hoods,भुजङ्गेः serpents, आकीर्णम् filled with hordes, वरुणालयम् abode of Varuna, महासत्त्वै: huge snakes, अवगाढम् under water, नानाशैलसमाकुलम् different kinds mountains, सुदुर्गम् very difficult, दुर्गमार्गम् difficult path, अगाधम् deep, मसुरालयम् fathomless abode of rakshasas

Filled with serpents glowing with flaming gems on hoods, the abode of Varuna (was like underworld) with huge snakes and different mountains under water is a difficult path inaccessible and a fathomless abode of rakshasas (vanaras thought).
मकरैर्नागभोगैश्च विगाढा वातलोलिताः ।

उत्पेतुश्च निपेतुश्च प्रवृद्धा जलराशयः ।।6.4.116।।

मकरैः sea animals (like sharks and crocodiles), नागभोगैश्च swarmed with serpents, विगाढाः with force, वातलोलिताः stormy,प्रवृद्धाः rising, जलराशयः huge volumes of water, उत्पेतुश्च jumping, निपेतुश्च throwing up and down

Swarmed with sea animals like sharks and crocodiles and serpents were jumping with huge volumes of water rising and down with force by the stormy wind.
अग्निचूर्णमिवाविद्धं भास्वराम्बुमहोरगम् ।

सुरारिविषयं घोरं पाताळविषमं सदा ।।6.4.117।।

अविद्धम् penetrated, अग्निचूर्णमिव like sparks of fire, भास्वराम्बुमहोरगम्the drops of water in the sea, सदा as though, सुरारिविषयं the domain of snakes, घोरम् terrific, पाताळविषमं like the pataala (underworld)

The sea that was the domain of snakes was shining as though sparks of fire from the sky penetrated the drops of sea water.
सागरं चाम्बरप्रख्यमम्बरं सागरोपमम् ।

सागरं चाम्बरं चेति निर्विशेष मदृश्यत ।।6.4.118।।

सागरम् the ocean, अम्बरप्रख्यम् resembling the sky, अम्बरम् sky, सागरोपमम् like the ocean, सागरं च and the ocean, अम्बरं चेति like the sky identical, निर्विशेषम् not at all, अदृश्यत not appeared

The ocean resembled the sky and the sky like the ocean were identical as no difference appeared.
सम्पृक्तं नभसाप्यम्भस्सम्पृक्तं च नभोऽम्भसा ।

तादृग्रूपेच दृश्यते तारारत्नसमाकुले ।।6.4.119।।

अम्भः water, नभसा of the sky, सम्पृक्तम् close to each other, तारारत्नसमाकुले covered with stars and gems, तादृग्रूपे those two, दृश्येते appeared

The ocean and the sky filled with gems and stars respectively appeared alike.
समुत्पतितमेघस्य वीचिमालाकुलस्य च ।

विशेषो न द्वयोरासीत्सागरस्याम्बरस्य च ।।6.4.120।।

समुत्पतितमेघस्य the rising clouds, सागरस्य of the ocean, वीचिमालाकुलस्य the moving waves, अम्बरस्य and that of sky, द्वयोः both, विशेषः distinguishing between,नासीत् was not there

There was no distinction between the sky with rising clouds and the ocean with moving waves.
अन्योन्यैराहता स्सक्ता स्सस्वनुर्भीमनिस्स्वनाः ।

ऊर्मयस्सिन्धुराजस्य महाभेर्य इवाहवे ।।6.4.121।।

अन्योन्यैः one to the other, सक्ताः striking each other, आहताः beaten, भीमनिस्सनाः frightening sound, सिन्धुराजस्य the ocean's, ऊर्मयः waves, हवे challenging each other , महाभेर्य इव like the blowing of horns of war, सस्वनुः made noise

The waves of the ocean striking each other making frightening sounds like the blowing of war horns seemed as if challenging each other.
रत्नौघ जलसन्नादं विषक्तमिव वायुना ।

उत्पतन्तमिव क्रुद्धं यादोगणसमाकुलम् ।।6.4.122।।

ददृशुस्ते महोत्साह वाताहतजलाशयम् ।

अनिलोद्धूतमाकाशे प्रवल्गन्त ममिवोर्मिभिः ।।6.4.123।।

महोत्साह with great enthusiasm, ते they, रत्नौघजलसन्नादम् the sound of gems and water, वायुना by the cause of the wind , विषक्तमिव concentrated, क्रुद्धमिव as if infuriated , उत्पतन्तम् rising up, यादोगणसमाकुलम् the abode of animals filled with water, वाताहतजलाशयम् the ocean, आकाशे of the sky, अनिलोद्धूतम् the vanaras, ऊर्मिभिः even the waves, प्रवल्गन्तम् talking, इव like, ददृशुः appeared

The enthusiastic vanaras saw the sea inhabited by animals filled with gems and water concentrated in one place rising to the sky, as though infuriated. The rising of the waves (the noise) of the ocean by the cause of wind seemed as if they were talking about.
ततो विस्मयमापन्ना हरयो ददृशुर्हरयस्तदा ।

भ्रान्तोर्मिजालसन्नादं प्रलोलमिव सागरम् ।।6.4.124।।

तदा then, तत्र there, हरयः vanaras, भ्रान्तोर्मिजालसन्नादम् the noise of the rolling waves, प्रलोलमिव as if highly agitated, सागरम् ocean, विस्मयम् wonderstruck, आपन्नाः distressed, ददृशुः saw

The vanaras were wonder struck when they saw the ocean that was noisy with rolling waves as if it was highly agitated and distressed.
।।इत्यार्षे वाल्मीकीये श्रीमद्रामायणे आदिकाव्ये युद्धकाण्डे चतुर्थस्सर्गः।।
This is the end of the fourth Sarga of Yuddha Kanda of the first epic the holy Ramayana composed by sage Valmiki.