Sloka & Translation

[ Vibheeshana begins to advise the Rakshasas and Ravana. ]

ततोनिकुम्भोरभसस्सूर्यशत्रुर्महाबलः ।

सुप्तघ्नोयज्ञहारक्षोमहापार्श्वमहोदरौ ।।6.9.1।।

अग्निकेतुश्चदुर्धर्षोरश्मिकेतुश्चराक्षस: ।

इन्द्रजिच्चमहातेजाबलवान्रावणात्मजः ।।6.9.2।।

प्रहस्तोऽथविरूपाक्षोवज्रदंष्ट्रोमहाबलः ।

धूम्राक्षश्चातिकायश्चदुर्मुखश्चैवराक्षसः ।।6.9.3।।

परिघान्पट्टिशान्प्रासान्शक्तिशूलपरश्वधान् ।

चापानिचसबाणानिखङ्गांश्चविपुलान्शितान् ।।6.9.4।।

प्रगृह्यपरमक्रुद्धास्समुत्पत्यचराक्षसाः ।

अब्रुवन्रावणंसर्वेप्रदीप्ताइवतेजसा ।।6.9.5।।

ततः then, निकुम्भः Nikumbha, रभसः Rshaba, महाबलः mighty strong, सूर्यशत्रुः Suryasatru, सुप्तघ्नः Supthagna, यज्ञहरक्षो: Yagna raksha, महापार्शो: Mahaparsva, महोदरौ: Mahodara, दुर्धर्षः Durdarsha, अग्निकेतुश्च: Agnikethu, रश्मिकेतुश्च: Rasmikethu, राक्षसाः Rakshasa, ततः Further, बलवन् powerful, रावणात्मजः Ravana's own son, महाबलः powerful, इन्द्रजिच्च: and Indrajith, प्रहस्तोऽथ: Prahastha, विरूपाक्षो: Virupaksha, वज्रदंष्ट्रः Vajradamshtra, धूम्राक्षः Dhumraaksha, अथ: and also, दुर्मुखश्चैव: Durmukha also, राक्षसः Rakshasas, पट्टिशान् iron bars, शूलान् tridents, प्रासान् battle axes, शक्ति: power, परश्वथान् and axes, सुबाणानि: good arrows, चापानि: bows, विपुलान्शितान् very sharp, खङ्गांश्च: swords, प्रगृह्य: wielding, परमक्रुद्धा: highly enraged, तेजसा: bright, प्रदीप्ताः glowing like fire, व: those, सर्वे: all, राक्षसाः Rakshasas, समुत्पत्य: rising up, रावणम् at Ravana, अब्रुवन् said.

Then Nikumbha, Rshabha, mighty Suryasatru, Supthagna, Yagnaha raksha, Mahaparva, Mahodaro, Durdarsha, Agnikethu, Rasmikethu Rakshasas, Further Ravana's own son powerful Indrajith, Virupaksha and Prahasta, and mighty Rakshasas Vajradamshtra, Dumraaksha and also Durmukha of huge body holding iron bars, tridents, battle axes, bows and sharp arrows, very sharp swords, got up, highly enraged and all Rakshasas glowing like fire addressed Ravana.
अद्यरामंवधिष्यामस्सुग्रीवंसचलक्ष्मणम् ।

कृपणंचहनूमन्तंलङ्कायेनप्रधर्षिता ।।6.9.6।।

रामम् Rama, सहलक्ष्मणम् along with Lakshmana, सुग्रीवंच: and Sugriva, येन: on which account, लङ्का: Lanka, प्रधर्षिता: was attacked, कृपणम् vile, हनूमन्तम् Hanuman, अद्य: now, वधिष्यामः will kill.

"Right now, we will kill Rama along with Lakshmana, Sugriva and vile Hanuman, on whose account Lanka was attacked."
तान्गृहीतायुधान् सर्वान्वारयित्वाविभीषणः ।

अब्रवीत्प्राञ्जलिर्वाक्यंपुनःप्रत्युपवेश्यतान् ।।6.9.7।।

विभीषणः Vibheeshana, गृहीतायुधान् wielding arms, तान् सर्वान् all those, वारयित्वा: stopping, तान् those, प्रत्युपवेश्य: and making them sit, प्राञ्जलिः with folded palms, वाक्यम् these words, अब्रवीत् addressed.

With folded hands, Vibheeshana made all the (Rakshasas) wielding arms to stop and sit and addressed these words to Ravana.
अप्युपायैस्त्रिभिस्तातयोऽर्थःप्राप्तुंनशक्यते ।

तस्यविक्रमकालांस्तान्युक्तानाहुर्मनीषिणः ।।6.9.8।।

तात: father, यः one who takes, अर्थः I ask, त्रिभिः of the three (Sama, Dana and Bheda), उपायैरपि: means also, प्राप्तम् attained, नशक्यते: not possible, तस्य: his, विक्रमकालान् heroic deed, युक्तान् diligently, मनीषिणः intelligent, आहुः yes.

"Dear father, intelligent people say that an act which cannot be accomplished by the three means (Sama Conciliation, Dana Gift, Bheda Sowing dissension), should only be accomplished diligently by one's heroic deed. Therefore, we should think of war only after the above three means are employed."
प्रमत्तेष्यभियुक्तेषुदैवेनप्रहतेषुच ।

विक्रमास्तातसिध्यन्तिपरीक्ष्यविधिनाकृताः ।।6.9.9।।

तात: father, प्रमत्तेषु: at those who are not alert, अभियुक्तेषु: at those who are attacked, दैवेन: by fate, प्रहतेषुच: those who are struck, परीक्ष्य: examine, विधिना: according to prescribed method, कृताः one who performed deeds, विक्रमाः of heroic valour, सिध्यन्ति: will succeed.

"O Dear at those who are not alert, who are attacked by the enemy, and who are struck by fate, if you examine diligently according to prescribed method and perform deeds of heroic valour you will succeed."
अप्रमत्तंकथंतंतुविजिगीषुंबलेस्थितम् ।

जितरोषंदुराधर्षतंप्रधर्षयितुमिच्छथ ।।6.9.10।।

अप्रमत्तम् very attentive, विजिगीषुम् bent on victory, बले: mighty, स्थितम् steadfast,
जितरोषम् subdued anger, दुराधर्षम् unassailable, तम् him, कथम् how, प्रधर्षयितुम् to overpower, इच्छथ: desire.

"How do you wish to overpower, him who is very attentive, bent on victory, mighty, steadfast, has subdued anger and unassailable?"
समुद्रंलङ्घयित्वातुघोरंनदनदीपतिम् ।

गतिंहनूमतोलोकेकोविद्यात्तर्कयेतवा ।।6.9.11।।

नदनदीपतिम् Lord of streams and rivers, घोरम् terrific, समुद्रम् ocean, लङ्घयित्वा: crossed over, हनुमतः Hanuman, गतिम् arrived at, लोके: in the world, कः who can ever, विद्यात् can know, तर्कयेतवा: or think of.

"Hanuman has crossed over the ocean, a Lord of streams and rivers and arrived. Who can ever know or think of such a task in this world?"
बलान्यपरिमेयानिवीर्याणिचनिशाचराः ।

परेषांसहसाऽवज्ञानकर्तव्याकथञ्चन ।।6.9.12।।

निशाचराः night ranger, परेषाम् enemy's, बलानि: strength, वीर्याणिच: and valour, अपरिमेयानि: inestimable, कथञ्चन: to relate, सहसा: rashly, अवज्ञा: to disregard, नकर्तव्या: not do.

"Enemy's strength and valour is inestimable to relate. Do not disregard rashly, O Night ranger"
किंचराक्षसराजस्यरामेणापकृतंपुरा ।

आजहारजनस्थानाद्यस्यभार्यांयशस्विनः ।।6.9.13।।

यशस्विनः glorious, यस्य: his, भार्याम् wife, जनस्थानात् from Janasthana, आजहार: abducted, रामेण: Rama's, पुरा: earlier, राक्षसराजस्य: to the Rakshasa king, किम् why, अपकृतम् offence.

"What offence did Rama do earlier to the Rakshasa king that he abducted the glorious wife of Rama from Janasthana?"
खरोयद्यतिवृत्तस्तुरामेणनिहतोरणे ।

अवश्यंप्राणिनांप्राणारक्षितव्यायथाबलम् ।।6.9.14।।

अतिवृत्तः acted beyond his limit, खरः Khara, रणे: in war, रामेण: by Rama, हतःयदि has been killed also, प्राणिना: by living beings, यथाबलम् their own strength, प्राणाः life, अवश्यम् certainly, रक्षितव्याः will have to protect.

"(It is true) Khara was killed by Rama in war as he acted beyond his limit. Certainly, living beings will have to protect their life with their own strength."
एतन्निमित्तंवैदेहीभयंनस्सुमहद्भवेत् ।

आहृतासापरित्याज्याकलहार्थेकृतेनकिम् ।।6.9.15।।

एतन्निमित्तम् on account of this reason, नः to us, सुमहत् great, वैदेहीभयम् fear from Vaidehi, भवेत् will have, आहृता: brought, सा: that, परित्याज्या: given away, कलहार्थे: cause of strife, कृतेन: by doing so, किम् why.

"On account of this, we have a great fear of Vaidehi. She, who was brought here, is to be given away. What is the use of doing anything, which may be the cause of strife?"
नतुक्षमंवीर्यवतातेनधर्मानुवर्तिना ।

वैरंनिरर्थकंकर्तुंदीयतामस्यमैथिली ।।6.9.16।।

वीर्यवता: valorous one, धर्मानुवर्तिना: follower of dharma, तेन: his, निरर्थकम् useless, वैरम् enmity, कर्तुम् to have, नतुक्षमम् not good for us, मैथिली: Mythili, अस्य: to him, दीयताम् give away.

"To have enmity with a valorous one, a follower of dharma, is useless and not good for us. Give away Mythili to him (Rama)."
यावन्नसगजांसाश्वांबहुरत्नसमाकुलाम् ।

पुरींदारयतेबाणैर्दीयतामस्यमैथिली ।।6.9.17।।

सगजाम् with elephants, साश्वम् horses, बहुरत्नसमाकुलाम् filled with many gems, पुरीम् city, बाणैः arrows, यावत् all over, नदारयते: before tearing, अस्य: his, मैथिली: Mythili, दीयताम् will give.

"Before Rama comes with elephants and horses and tears with his arrows, this Lanka filled with abundance of gems, give away Mythili."
यावत्सुघोरामहतीदुर्धर्षाहरिवाहिनी ।

नावस्कन्दतिनोलङ्कांतावत्सीताप्रदीयताम् ।।6.9.18।।

सुघोरा: highly dreadful, दुर्धर्षा: formidable, महती: huge, हरिवाहिनी: Vanara troops, यावत् total, नः lest, लङ्काम् Lanka, नावस्कन्दति: surrounds, तावत् before doing anything, सीता: Sita, प्रदीयताम् give away.

"Lest the highly dreadful, formidable and huge Vanara troops surround all over Lanka. Give away Sita."
विनश्येद्धिपुरीलङ्काशूरास्सर्वेचराक्षसाः ।

रामस्यदयितापत्नीनस्वयंनयदिदीयते ।।6.9.19।।

रामस्य: Rama's, दयिता: dear, स्वयम् his own, पत्नी: wife, नदीयतेयदि: if not given, चलङ्कापुरी: and this Lanka, विनश्येत् हि: will be destroyed, सर्वे: all, राक्षसाश्च: Rakshasas also.

"If Rama's dear wife is not given, this Lanka will be destroyed and also all Rakshasas."
प्रसादयेत्वांबन्धुत्वात्कुरुष्यवचनंमम ।

हितंतथ्यमहंब्रूमिदीयतामस्यमैथिली ।।6.9.20।।

बन्धुत्वात् relation, त्वाम् your, प्रसादये: requesting you, मम: my, वचनम् words, कुरुष्य: do as I say, अहम् I, हितम् welfare, तथ्यंतु: for your, ब्रूमि: telling, अस्य: his, मैथिली: Mythili, दीयताम् give away.

"I am requesting you because you are my relation (brother). Do as I said, as I am telling you for your welfare. Give away Sita."
पुराशरत्सूर्यमरीचिसन्निभान्नवाग्रपुङ्खान् सुदृढान्नृपात्मजः ।

सृजत्यमोघान्विशिखान्वधायतेप्रदीयतांदशरधायमैथिली ।।6.9.21।।

नृपात्मजः son of emperor, शरत्सूर्यमरीचिसन्निभान् shining like the autumnal Sun, नवाग्रपुङ्खान् provided with fresh heads and shafts, सुदृढान् solid, आमोघान् unfailing, विशिखान् arrows, ते for your, वधाय: killing, पुरा: before, सृजति: sends forth, मैथिली: Mythili, दाशरथाय: son of Dasaratha, प्रदीयताम् you may restore.

"You may restore Rama's Mythili, before the emperor Dasaratha's son sends forth solid unfailing arrows shining like autumnal Sun provided with fresh heads and shafts for killing you."
त्वजस्वकोपंसुखधर्मनाशनंभजस्वधर्मंरतिकीर्तिवर्धनम् ।

प्रसीदजीवेमसपुत्रबान्धवाःप्रदीयतांदाशरथायमैथिली ।।6.9.22।।

सुखधर्मनाशनम् happiness will destroy virtues, कोपम् anger, आशु: that, त्यज: give up, रतिकीर्तिवर्धनम् pleasures that enhance fame, धर्मम् righteousness, भजस्व: seek, प्रसीद: pacified, सपुत्रबान्धवाः with sons and relatives, जीवेम: live, मैथिली: Mythili, दाशरथाय: Dasaratha's son Rama's, प्रदीयताम् restore.

"Give up that happiness and anger which destroys virtues. Seek pleasures that enhance fame. Be pacified. Live happily with sons and relatives restoring Mythili to Rama, the son of Dasaratha."
विभीषणवच्शुत्वारावणोराक्षसेश्वराः ।

विसर्जयित्वातान्सर्वान्प्रविवेशस्वकंगृहम् ।।6.9.23।।

राक्षसेश्वरः Lord of Rakshasas, रावणः Ravana, विभीषणवचः Vibheeshana's words, श्रुत्वा: having heard, तान् those, सर्वान् everything, विसर्जयित्वा: sending away स्वकम् he too, गृहम् home, प्रविवेश: entered.

Having heard everything that was told by Vibheeshana, the Lord of Rakshasas sent away all and entered his palace.
।। इत्यार्षेवाल्मीकीयेश्रीमद्रामायणेआदिकाव्येयुद्धकाण्डेनवमस्सर्गः ।।
This is the end of the ninth sarga of Yuddha Kanda of the first epic the holy Ramayana composed by sage Valmiki.