Later king Dasaratha in the privacy of his palace heard the story narrated to him by his charioteer Sumantra. An ancient story told by the holy Sanath Kumara in the presence of seers. Sumantra said that this story related to Dasaratha who now desired a progeny; "The eminent Kasyapa had a son named Vibhandaka who was ordained to have a son, the famed Rshyasringa. This lord among brahmins raised in the forest, had no other avocation except to minister to the needs of his father. He knew no life other than that of tending the sacred fire and knew no other human other than his father. He practiced the life of the two-fold celibacy honoured by the Brahmins as Vratitva and Prajapatya. Long years passed by, as he worshipped the fire god and served his venerable father andmany more passed, in his practice of Vratitiva, a way of celibate life.
At this time, Romapada ruled the kingdom of Angada. As a result of a lapse in the conduct of its king, the country was going through a spell of dreadful drought, threatening all life and its creatures. The despondent king summoned and spoke to the Brahmins, "all of you are experienced and wise to the ways of the world. Specify some penance by which I can find deliverance by absolving myself of my sins". The masters of the Vedas, then told Romapada, that he should, by some means or the other bring Rshyasringa into Angada, receive him with due honor and ceremoniously offer him, his daughter Shanta, in marriage. At that, Romapada wondered aloud as to how he could bring a man of such stupendous brilliance, a colossus among men, master of all his senses and a born celibate into the country. After much deliberation and consultation with his counselors, it was decided to dispatch the priests and ministers for the purpose of bringing Rshyasringa into the land of Romapada. This news terrified the priests and ministers, as they were mortally afraid of mighty Vibhandaka. Fearing that they may incur his wrath, they cringed at the idea and approached the king with crestfallen faces begging him to relieve them of that task. Once more the administrators got together, thought long and hard and came to the conclusion that they would achieve the purpose with the help of courtesans! The strategy succeeded. Rshyasringa arrived in Angada. Shanta was given in marriage and parjanya opened up the sky to rain abundantly! Having heard and enjoyed Sumantra's narration, Dasaratha wished to know in detail, how exactly Rshyasringa was brought into the court of Romapada.