English Commentaries

Vinda 3.68.12-38

The time, when Ravana abducted sita, is called Vinda. Any wealth that is lost in such time will come back to the owner. Ravana did not know this because he was fascinated by Sita’s beauty. Vinda is the eleventh among the muhurtas: Raudra, sveta, maitra, sarabhata, savitra, vaisvadeva, gandharva, kutapa, rauhina, tilaka, vijaya, nairruta, sambara, varuna and bhaga. The eleventh one vijaya had another name vinda. Or, vinda means ghatika. He states that by the power of the muhurta, not only Rama will regain Sita, but there will also be the destruction of Ravana, which means the eradication of the undesirable element.

Jatayu had no delusions even at the moment of death. How is it possible that Jatayu was alive for so long after being hit by Ravana? It is said to be on account of Sita’s grace.It is said in Skandapurana: “O king, Sita told me that my life will persist until I had the conversation with you”. This bird had lived here for many years and had prospered for a long time. Jatayu was killed when he came forward to liberate Sita from Ravana’s clutches. The grief on account of Sita’s abduction is not like that caused by the death of this eagle. Why is that grief so deep? Because, Jatayu is worthy to be worshipped, honoured and praised.
This is stated in the Nrsimhapurana also “O best of the birds, you died for my cause, so you will reach the world of Visnu by my grace”. Jatayu has also been counted among the liberated souls in the enumeration such as “Sugriva, Hanuman, Jambavan the bear, Indradyumna, the elephant, Jatayu, the eagle and Vanikpatha”. Those that do not flee from the battleground obtain the world of those that perform Vedic sacrifices and then gradually go the Brahmaloka etc. which give the kramamukti (gradual liberation).

Those that say, “Lord Rama was shrouded in Maya because he granted the Brahmaloka to a bird who is not elegible to perform any karma and who has no necessary equipment” are wons.

This has been said also in the Padmapurana: Rama cremated Jatayu according to the Vedic procedure. He also granted him His place. Jatayu reached the supreme place in the ordinary form of Hari. This indicates that even the animals may obtain divine body due to the grace of the Lord. That they obtain liberation in which they possess the same form as the Lord is also confirmed.

Having killed a big, fat deer, Rama offered it symbolically to the bird Jatayu. It means that he spread darbha grass on the ground and offered the pindas to the departed soul of Jatayu. Rama took the flesh of the rohi deer and made it into balls and offered them to Jatayu on the green lawn where kusa grass was spread. Rama chanted the mantras called yamyasikra and narayanasukta, which are believed to be helpful in sending the dead to heaven.